HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-11, Page 5't? !J TIWnspAr December H. and 12 . "THIS pout)) BE THE NIGHT" (CS.) jean Simmons, Paul Douglas IfigIDAT and SATURDAY Deecnilher 13 and 14 "GUN GLORY" (es. Stewart Grainger, Rhinada Fleming FREE Matinee,, satunblY at 2.00 p,m. for all Public School. Children. MONDAY' and TUESDAY December. 10 and 17' "FUNNY 'FACE"' (TECH.) lidrey Hepburn, 'Fred Astaire WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY December and "Fear Strikes Out" . Anthony Perkins, Karl Malden The Great and Courageous Story of the Boston Red Soxs'' Jimmy Peitsall. ftentoituettomi of Oits by gohert Woods with assorted fir4uneti a 4 7$ lasting gift from .., PLATFORM ROCKERS: High 'Wick, Ideal• for Dad or $39.50 Aft. - train KINDERGARTEN SET: Table and 2 chairs ter the kiddies,: $7.25 ONLY EXTRA CHAIRS - !6 ,2G BON HASSOCKS 1C TV STOOLS: Storage compartment $.1 2 +7 fold root stool - ONLY - • . 4 .. limitill%mit4.01.1,1,01111.10111.0t10111.1.01111111)110.1401,1 1, 1 1040iio11,111s 014411en 4 n 4wo1 011114 011111,111011011114twilimilkonr,. ,WHITECHURCH 5, And aqm Aellsort Falconer, and lakolly, of Sarnia., spent the weelt,end with Mr. ,and Mrs, ciceil Falconer and with Wingbanalele- tives,, Mrs,, Irene Patorann, Toronto, spent, the week-end with, her mother, WA. Wni. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomlpson 4114 ta1 al4r of Fever/10M fert: the week-end at the home of 'Igor parents,. Rp,r, and, Mrs, 'W, NW,„140/Iimdlow who, has beep In Ootierich the pest. feiir natinthc, is spoiling a IOW ,W00154 at the home of her son, 14r, gl!rOY.' 1404' 141410.. ' Mr, enti,,Mrs, PeY14 liOnatert baby 'moved, ofethe faint last week into Mr. Waltet Janlea' /IOW in the village. Wingibw w0000aafifiwoogiataaawaaaataaampmuomta'ar000.*toaoris4 N41441444444441444,4414144111444,440.14,444144414141414,41144440144,144411,114411410104441114144414.14(111144.41414414144141411144144444141141044414444444444444444411,4444444440444444444,1 ' SO:fet4 Yon can have a newer, fuller, outdrew life with a real future , in the Canadian Army. If you want steady job ...a career with a future . s and can, meet the high standards set by the' Canadian Army, there is a world 'of opportunities open to you. Here is a Ohaldenging weer wiltit 41 Pureose • • - rood companions, . , . opportunities for advancement and adventure good pay, The years when you are young are THE GREATEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE Matte the most of them as a proud, member Of. the Canadian Army, GET FACTS FOR YOURSELF TO11 4Y Phone, or send this coupon, to: ARMY RECKUTING STATJOIN" ° O1:0 10ST OFFICE BUILDING KITCHENER, ONT, TELEPHONE $113-06(i1 .1 Please seml me, Without iddigation, details'on career oppor a - tunnies in the . Canadian , Artny., • ; . r Plains 44ge . , .. 1, I Address,..!::.t p City/Town ......... , . , ... „. . ..... .... . .. . E57/33 r MI fa Mr, and Mrs. Glenn E9X1Blef. Huron County librarians, Were at the public library on Thursday to make the regular exchange of books. They reported that Bluevale public Library has the largest circulation of any rural lihrary, an the county. Little Ruth McLennan, dalighter of Mr. and Stewart McLen- nan is in the, Children's War Mein.Ll orial Hospital, 'London, having,,urit dergone an operation to relieve 'the pressure from a skull fracture..:Ch, her way home from School '.she was struck by a car„Shels making, a good tegovery. , Miss Joyee Hoffman, of Barrie, was home for 'the week-end. '` Mr, Thomas Shearer • and MiSS Shearer, Of Wroxeter, visited with Mrs., Andrew Lamont, onl$unday, Mr, and Ms, Jack Gamble and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: Murray Wilson, of. Galt. 4'...4r..Tifornson of CranbrOok,"kon 41 - ducted the service in the PresbY- teilan Chlireli on SuridaY. On Wednesday, December 11th, the •annual meeting of. the W.M.S. of the• Presbyterian Church will be, held 'at tWo o'clock, MAGAZINE END TABLE':• Wa nut measures 24" x 13" 24" CI 1 I high, also" a welcome, gift J t TABU LAMP: Brass and Wood, stands 25" jiNgh, shade depth 11" fibreglass ONLY $8.75 ADULT WOODEN ROCKERS:' SON Birch for real • $8 95 coinfort • By joining our Christmas Cluh now, at any Toronto-Dominion Bank, you can have enough to have a Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Yeari Look ahead-to next Christmai now ... with The Bank that looks ahead! / BRIDGE SETS: 4 chairs and table, of tiabular steel. Chairs built for coin- CLOTHES 44 AM PEES: in nicker, STEP ,TAELE: In Walnut, Arborite fortahle posture. ir 9.et, $7 50 -- Top .. measuring 1.8" x ft Q ONLY J .4 'V very useful gift ,...., .. ..... . ....... • for the, home ..... ..... ,„„,„ A small deposit will store your Gift selections FREE until Christmas , Open Fri4ay and Saturday Evenings Until Christmas COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, .HOME . and; 'ARM IRING • PHONE 474 MOTOR REWIND and REPAIR WINGHAM /tPA!,-VIUIVlftIP',40-1VOikt-VOA--ft-Mglbl6," TOrtONTO."11)01VIINION THE BANK THAT J. B. RUNSTEDLER,,Manager WinghaM ,B lf ranc • A small down payment will hold any item until Christmas eve. Terms available. No payments required until Febkuary!g8. urke Electric offers. you A Great Selection 0/ ELECTRIC RANGES and REFRIGERATORS DRYERS and ALL 'TYPES 'OF SMALL APPLIANCES Guaranteed and Seriiiced 4t-f-zezAprez-erz Join our.Christmas• Club now : it's a happy solution! L 6:K :S E A D A. 'E. GRAHAM, Manager Deposit this much money each week 500 $1.00 $2.00, $5.00 .$10.00 Receive this much in 50 Weeks, • $25.00 $50.00' $100.00 $250.00 $500.00‘ 100 0000 TO UST BLUEVALE—The closing meet- Jim' of, the Wornen's Association for the year 1957 was held in the church on' December 5th, the presi- dent, Mrs, Elmer Sellers, presid- ing,. The treasurer, Mrs. Alex Mc- Crackin• reported a large balance for the year. A donation to the Children's Wari Memorial Hospital, in London, was' voted, and also one to the W,M.S. of thd 'church, The election of officers for 1958 resUlted as ,follows: President, Mrs. John Wickstead; ' first vice-presi- dent, Mis's Ruby Duff; second vice- president, Mrs, Sparling 'Johnston; treasurer, Mrs. AleX McCrackia; seeretary, Mrs, M. L. Aitken; pianist, Mrs, W. J. Johnston; as=' siatant pianist, Mrs. Carl John- ton; parsonage committee, Mrs. Carl Johnston; Mrs. Alex Carrigan, Mrs, Charles mathers, Mrs. Henry Wheeler. A pleasing feature of the meet- ,. ing was the presentation to Rev, R, A. Brook and Mrs, Brook with a decorative tray. The presenta- tion was' made by Mrs. Carl Sohn- ston, on behalf of the Woman's Association and an appreciative address was read by Mrs. Jos. 'Horton to which Mrs., Brook re- 'plied, Regret was expressed that Rev. Mr. Brook and Mrs, Brook Will be leaving the charge at the Prat of July mkt year, PRESENTATION TOIOFFICIALS NAMED BY DO Your Christmas Shopping in Winghan• REV, MRS: BROOK SUNDAY SCHOOL , BLIIZVALB—The W.321,8. of the United Church Meeting on Dec-' ember Otli, Was to charge of Mrs, John Wickstead who led in rano*. slue reading, 'illustrating the 'Christmas theme, Christmas carols were ming, Mrs, Henry Wheeler read the Christmas "story from MitttheW4 The treasurer, Mrs. Sparling Vephrted the allocation trieflatid ektteeded; the tolloWing • Superintendents, Ross Smith, W. J, 'Peacock; assistant superin- tenderS; Mrs, George Hethering ton; secretary, Lloyd Wheeler; assistant secretary, Kenneth John- ston; treasurer, Miss Margaret Curtis; assistant treasurer, Miss Kay Johnston;' pianist, Mrs, Alex. Corrigan; assistant pianists, Kath- leen Craig, Marie Johnston; librar- ians, Nancy and Patsy Taylor; Cradle Roll supt., Mrs. W. J, Pea- cock; missionary secretary, Mel Craig; teraperanee secretary, Bert Garniss; auditors, Mrs. Gordon Hall, Mrs. Jos. Horton. Teachers, Rev, R, A, Brook, Mrs. John Wickstead, Mrs, Spading Johnston; Mrs.. Bert Garnish Mrs. U. L. Aitken, Mrs, Mel Craig, Mrs. W. J. Peacock, Mrs. .Jas. Johnston; Mrs. S. V. Fischer, Mrs. George Pischer; assistant teachers, ,Cordon Holt, Mrs. Coo, Hethering- ton, Mrs. C. B. Hoffman, Mts. Ross' Turvey, Mrs, Carl Johnston, Mrs. AleX Corrigan. BLUEVALE—At the annual meeting; of the United Church Sunday School the following ap- pointments ''ere made: officers were elected: President, Mrs, Alex IVIcataeltin; first vice-president, Mxs, R, A, Brook; second vice-president, Mrs. M, L. Aitken; secretary, Mrs. J", Fischer; assistant secretary, Mrs, Alex Corrigan; treasurer, Mrs. Sparling Johnston; corresponding' secretary, Mrs, George Hethering. ton; Christian ;stewardship Sec„ Mrs, Milton Irraser; Associate Members see., Mrs. J, Wickstead; supply secretary, Mrs. Roy Sander- son; citizenship see., Mrs. Mel Craig; literature see,, Mrs, W. J, Peadock; Missionary monthly god., Mrs, Gordon Hall; Baby Band superintendent, Mrs. Bert Ciarniss; Mission Band lenders, Mrs. Geo. richer, Mrs. Mel Craig; pianist, Mrs, W, 3, Johnston; assistant pianist, Mrs, Cart Johnston., ' GAVILLER, McINTOSH & .WARD CHARTERED' ACCOUNTANTS BELL, TELEPHONE BUILDING Walkerton Ontario ,1411....., 1111i11111111111111111111411.1 .............. 011.... ...... x11114.1,.1.......... ............ ...... II1{ ...... 4110.P, '14000. • i CONCENTRATE r I I . That tall granary of, yours can help you cut teedtaveolits I ig nos, year. mix co-op Concentrates with your grain Oa limit ' "will have an economical and high.peweied deed. Let "Co-Op I natty concentrates ben your coves give yeti an extra 1,101 lbs. • of intik . , . Me Co-op Beef Concentrates with Stillogitrall 1 and Atireoknyein to, give yoti the moat gain per lb. of feed ,. . ii Yes, for A remit-getting 'an tost.Mitting feeding ismAAr11114.*00 C 0 ...0t PEED'S 111 , 1 Bel rave Co-Operative BELGRAVE• Phone Brussels .1400 • Winghan' 10651: .. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l rhirtialiiiiraMOOWOMMiniindoln44' • • , :,„ tour grain