The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-11, Page 1r. i'ORDYCE CONCERT AND DANCE 'Fordyce School will present a Christmas concert and dance in Whitechurch Community Hall, on Friday, December 13, at 8.3(r int, Admission, adults 50d: Ladies with lunch, 25c. PUblic school children, 1.5c, Music by Carruthers orchestra. Pith BELGRAVE DRAW,. EUCHRE AND DANCE The Belgrave L.O.L. Christmas draw, euchre 'and 'dance Will be held in the F'orester's Hall, Dec- ember 20th. Bruce's orchestra. Everyone welcome, , F11:18b EUCHRE IN WI4OXETER The Wroxeter W. I. will sponsor a progressive euchre in the Corn- Munity Hall on December 12th, at 8.30, Admission 25c, Ladles please bring lunch; Proceeds for hall. NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS OVernight parking on' all streets ept EdWard Street is now pro-, lted frOm.1.00 am, to 8.00 a.m. Cars found an these `streets inter- fering With snow plowing will' be, tagged by the police.—by order 'The Town Council. F4:11:18b NOTICE All property owners are hereby notified that lc is unlaWful ,to re- trieve snow fronts their property ante the street, Anyone' Violating this law will be proSeented.—by order The Town Council, F4:11:18b °SANTA WILL WROXgalnit 11111Y KIDS! Santa, 'Claus is core- •Ilag' to' Wroitetet on Saturday, Decoribor 21st. Be at the Town Hail at 2 o'clock in the afternoon for pictures and treats, All the stores in W'rerteter will be 'open evenings front becenaber 18th to 24th inclusive, 17te Merchants of Wroxeter are giving prises of $10, $8 and $4 for ,the beet • decorated residential PrensiatS Visible from .the street. judging will be done Uririday evens ing, beeeniber 23rd, 4i11:18b or PROCLAMATION At the re quest of a number of citizens I hereby PROCLAIM' HURSDAY, DCEMBR 26, 1957 Boxirtg -Pay AS A" PUBLIC CIVIC HOLIDAY 'for the (own of WI" bat and i hereby call upon all good Citizens to observe the SAME* "Cod Save the Queen" Motot • 11,18,,24 Se. Therd W8.8 a large turnout of mothers at the annual meeting of the Wingham Sportmen`s Assoeia- lion, Which Was held on `Thursday evening in the Whig/nun Legion home. President of the aSaoeiatioe, Slid:, Boucher was in the chair, The tioildnatiori and election• of offleera for the coming year Was held, and Ernie Xing, of Ellieval, was clotted'president for 1850, Other offieera elected were: James Turvey, of Bluevale, vicepresl 4 dent; Brian' Metcalf, secretary, and Joe Clark, treasurer. Mr, lloucher was chair- man of the entertainment ChM* Inittee with Percy Willie heading the ways and Means committee, A $50 cash prim was won by HarrY rooster, of Hatriston, who won the monthly draw. plat,8 to build a clubhouse, :Mill farililyr pionie grounds nearby, wer e discussed and it was stated that, during the corning year these plans would be coinpleted. • kl trie Vidette and Wroxeter New* nandk-r omgmeat ALONG THE MAIN DRAG B$ The reaustria. 'CHRISTMAS The, Winghain branch of. the Canadian' Legion, in conjunction •With the Ladies' Auxiliary •to the Legion, Will be' acting, trbstii on Sarairday to several hundred children at the annual Christmas party which be held in the town 'hall. 0.0-Q These top award winners, were photographed On Friday at the Wingham District High School after they had, received special aWaraiS at the ,Presentation ceremony, Those• in the picture are;-.• Gerald ' Wallis, Robert Fotheringham, Doh 111111g %.inston 'Powell, Donald ;:arter,•Kenneth Fannie,: Bill Sirong, Leroy Aintetil, NOrnaan • Cartwright, Ron Smith and Cameron Robinson,. • ' photo: Open at Nights Until „Christmas Even. though *ha Wingham Business Association has made publiC the'nights ,.,on which Stores are open l'Or shopping during December we are still • getting seine telephone irons, teem Shoppers who are not clear on the 'subject. , The'stores in Wingham will be open, each Friday and Sat- urday evening- from now until Christmas, as well as the Mons day and Tuesday evening has mediately before Christmas. Stocks of ,merchandise and general shopping "condifions in Wingham were never better, so you ean plan on, doing all of your gift buying right in town. Better do •it now 'before that last mad rush sets. NINETIES' VOTE AID Injured HOCKEY CLUB In Collision ew W• WE KNOW—For the past months or , so, the cerress nce eolazins of the national magazine of the Canadian Legion ;has teetered a /little battle" on just what kind of gun we have outside the WIngharn armouries. This month the question has been finally answered, and we pass •the information' on to anyone whd may be; interested. It h4 been es- tablished conclusively, that the gun is a Gerana,n one. 0 -„0 NUTS TO YOU—Members of the Winghatia Lions ,Club .csanpleted house-to; house sale of Planters peanuts and peanut better on Monday evening, to raise funds for their program for welfare work in the community: Following the driVe 'the members gathered' at the Hotel. Brunswick_ for a -delic- ious luncheon.. 0 - 0 -.0 BUDfj&G ARTISTS If your house is anytltIng like ours, you are getting yonr • fill of poetry these daYa, as the coming gener- ation of stage stars recites Its lines In preparation for the Chriat- . mas concerts, Board Reviews Year's Expenseg T,here. was „a full attendance, of board . members at the regular meeting' of the Wingham Publie School BoUrd which was . held in the School on IVIonclay evening, ' Dr. A. McKibben 'was re- appointed as the public school's representative to the Wingha.ni District High School Board, • Chairman Scott Reicl,, who pre- sided at the meeting; after review- ing the expense's,' for the year, stated that financially things were in Very good shape and that the past year had seen certain large expenditures which had been met without putting, too much Strain on the ratePayers' pocketbooks, In 'the old school 'building sev- eral new cupboards are 'to 'be in- Stalled soon Shelves, . for books and other school items are also to be built in some of the class- rooms at an early date, FOWL BINGO TONIGHT Doil it forget the Canadian Leg- ion's annual rowil Bingo and Tur- key Draw at the Wingham Arm- oUries tonight. See adVertisernent on Page Eleven. P11.13 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tinicon of A.R, 2, Lucknow Wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Agnes to Mr« Eldon Eugene Austin, ,Son of 'Mr. Prank Austin and the late Mrs. Austin on, Saturn day, December 28th, ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, Joseph SlinnienS« 'of Wroxeter, wish to announce the engagement Of their daughter, Thelma to Robert Peel, son of Mr, and Mrs, Willard Peel, a Gottle, The wedding will take place, the latter part Of stiecernil6r, F11' ,ENOAGEMENT The engageriient is announced Of MarjOrte Grace IVIae1 cnsie, eldeat daughter or .1Vir, Robert J/, Mae- Xertzle, :of Wlifgharn, Ontario, and the late Mrs, MacKenzie, to Robert C, Hill, stut et'Mr, and Mrs. lion A, till, of London. The mar-, riago 'will take place 'on Satnrclay, December 28th, J at 42,0 tidon Wirighttrif' United 'Church, 'Wings ham,: Gritarlid, sided,„ said 'that detailk of the schedule would 'probanly, be dis- cussed at the annual, general meet- Mg,• which will be held:pii the; first Friday in February,,; 1q5& The administratriat's, report for November showed . that attiring that month there 'had 'been ;141 actin's.: sloes; 19 'births; 470-disc'h'arges; 9 deaths,' In. the"north'Wing • of the hospital '10' were 'admitted; there were no discharges and six patients .died, ra4pris ;dUring Novenibernumberedc-i8;025 patients .had -reeplyed . :treatment; 243 x-rays'. had been taken,. and'the number of blood tranifirhitins was 7. Seventy-three patients attended the cancer clinic. Chairman of, the , management committee, R. B. Cousins; read a new wage and work agreement which had been' prepared to avoid any misunderstanding between, the hospital and nursing staff. The new agreement completely outlines the rights and privileges extended by the board to nurses at the hos- pital, gives starting. salaries and ertplains when wagb increases come into effect. R. H. Lloyd, reporting for R. E. Armitage,. chairman of the proper- ty committee, who, was absent from the meeting :becauSe of ill- ness, stated 'that the hospital 'had a large kitchen .stove .°.which was no tenger needed 'and,. he suggested that it should be reit up for sale. • WOMEN'S' /NM-TM ' . , 51i.UtTS IMUASDAY ' The regular meeting, of the Wingham Woreen's,Institirte meets on Thursday , of this week .in the Council, Chamber: at'ag pan, The programme conveners Sre Mta. N. McLaughlin, litt•:" 0, -Hopper, Mrs: BurnStead and lk/fra,.G.,Dayl Roll call, Speaker Is Envoy Newman of the Salvation Aritty: Hosteis convener, Mrs. jak"Herity. Please note change of date.. nib 6ANTA, CLAUS IS COMING tro Cortie husluesafnen „have un- noune'ed that Santa'i. Claus will' be in Gorrld ;next Siitirrday, Deeerriber, litir at 2p,m arrive at the petits of the Vilfiree ant) *III pro' geed down the Main headed by ak,RN, .8Aten to the Cerritrainfty hail Where `treats will be' distributed, Shown, EVeriforin Weiderne, Tractor DtiVer SUfferS Injury Robert James Reid, R.R. 3, Luck- how, was Said to be in .Oely a fair condition yesterday • by OM's= ials at the Winghp.m Generahllos,. pitla. Mr, Reid while driYing hill ;A, newly-compiled .:• salary,. oche- 'evening of • this 3A.'ecit,::..71.1.1.e new . , . 1 Bateson . presided and open ed the , LEGION TO HOLD SPECIAL IIINfi0 Tonight, Wednesday, the' Wing- hare Branch of:the Canadia:n Leg- ion, holds annual, fowl bingo in the,arin;uries: The event is .one of the most important ,Money-raising. exults: of the year- -ler the local veterans, an -„out,; of , the, proceeds they', will carry:Jon -many of their public welfare projeCts Ter the 'conning ,-year. .Prizes for the regular games will be chickens and turkeys will be offered as priSes for the a special draws. An innovation this year is free chances in a draw for a turkey for each person who presents a coupon clipped from} 'The Advance Times when they purchase their bingo -cards. The advertisement containing •the coupon appears on page eleven' of this paper, so you would be well advised to run for the scissors and pencil right now before yell forget all about it. If you are one of the hundreds of people who enjoy a game of bingo, remember not to make any other dates for this evening. You're' heading. ink the armouries at 8,36: Guide Reaches Secorid Class • The Guides are rapidly advanc- ing these, last feW Weeks and the new recruits are nearing the end of their tenderfoot tests and hope to be enrolled in miri-January. Progress has been. made, with first aid. and Morse Code, effieleneY iii both being• ,needed for Secolici Class badges, ''Ithoently Site NrIS MI tb, J can Jones, Judith 11.11,0Kibbon and Jane° Hetherlagton, passed their signal- ling tab. Last •night Judith Mettibbon, of the Canary Patrol, passed her nature all itltdhye st(eLtszt,ti tIollae:mehiy,o4t:trint: naents and 'becoming the fir,st. second class Guide in the shot histOry of the Gado Movement in Wieghtina, The regular meeting of the,Kies ate. Club was held at the home 'of 'Mrs. •James _Currie, Mrs. 'John Vatter;'Army 'Christmas Fund and also a donation of $25.00 to the Intermediate hockey club. Dr, E, .S, Shaunessy'showed slides he •had taken duiing his stay on the Continent, which were'much enjoyed by all,',Mrs. Alan Williams thanked Dr. Shaunessy on behalf of the club and presented hini with a small gift. • The usual exchange of Christmas gifts among the members took place' and a deli8ious lunch 'was served by the hostess and - the preaident adjourned .the Meeting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Len Crawford. Donations Received For Hockey ,Fund The ...following ;donations have been received at The Advance- Times office for the fund to assist the Intermediate "C" Hockey Club: Wingham. Kinette Club, $25,00; Harry • Merkley, $10.00; Barry Wenger, $5.00; Clarence Borbo, $1,00. ' Lucknow Boy Breaks Leg James Humphrey, the eight-year- eld too of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Humphrey, of Lucknow, was ad- mitted to the Wingham General Hospital last Tuesday after he had fractured his upper right leg while nlaYing with a friend. TWo persona were injured when two cars came into collision,: near the McKenzie Bridge on'Saturday. Mrs,. Mari Austin of R,R, 1, to her forehead to close a wound. Seven-year-old Edith was allowed home after treatment, but Mrs. Austin was retained at the hos- pital. Yesterday her condition was said to be satisfactory. FAMILY ARRIVES FROM GERMANY Cpl, and Mrs. Raymond Bell and family, 'who have spent the past two years in Germany, .arrived in Toronto 'on Tuesday morning. Cpl, Bell" has been serving with the • Canadian forces there. He proceeds to Petawawa military camp, where he will, spend a few days before coming on to his home here. He is a son of Mrs Matthew Bell, of Wingham, and his wife is the former Peggie MacDonald, daughter. of Mrs. Roy MacDonald, Edward Street. They have four children, Roy, Jerri-lynn, Debbie and Ray Jr. the latter seeing Can- ada for the first time. They were met in Toronto on Tuesday by Mrs• MacDonald and Mr. Alex MacDonald. On December 27 they will move into living quarters at Petawawa, where Sgt. Bell will be stationed, —Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Rintoul in Carlow Western Goderich, the Huron County 4-II Club As- sociation,* Robert Allen, During a fear-hour long pro- gram some 470 441 Club Members were presented with Speelar and each awards, The Elston Cardiff CitizenShip Trophy, donated by Elston, Cardiff, M.P„, to. the 44.1 member in Huron County judged Official announcement was made, on Sunday that. Rev, MacRae, who has served as minister of the Wingham United Church. ter the past four and: a half years, will leave in March 'to assume the pas- torate of the :United Church, Ikeri- creVv. The: tenfrew, chureh,has a mem- bership of over 1200, and though friend's throughout the 'community sincerely regret Rev, MacHae'S impending departure, they are pleased that he has been Selected for such an important congrega- tion. During his pastorate in Wing- ham Rev, MacRae has been ex- tremely active, in both his own church and the community at large. Organizations within the church have been steadily progres- sive and the work of the United. Church here has thrived under' his guidance. He is at present the president of the Huron 'Presby- tery. A member of the Wingham .Lions Club, he will be missed by associates in all walks of ,life, Lynda Reavie Wins Contest Lynda 'Reavie, eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reavie, Wingham, is the winner of a $10.00 prize in 'the Little People's Coloring contest, sponsored by Th e London Free Press. The first prize went to a boy in Wiarton: The two winning entries will be entered in an international con- test at Cleveland, which offers a first prize of $500.00 and •many other awards as well. The contest was open to children ten years of age and under, and Ontario, the 'beat alt.-rounder, went to Bert Pepper, RA, ,.,Seaforth. Other aneelel award winners were: Ger- ald Wants, Of. Grantor; winner of the T; Pryde Trophy; „Sandy Koik. man, R.R, 2, Kippen, Winner of the Warden'a Novice Trophy; Don ,}TemingwaY, winner:of the WM, A. SOnnici.,TroPhY, Which was pre- sented for the firSt time and which will' be awarded annually to the 441 member with, the .highest score according to the basis of awards in Huron County Grain' Clubs; Winston Powell, of R.R. 2, Seaforth was presented with the Marvin Howe Trophy; The Say- auge Trophy was won 'by Donald. Carter, of R.R. 2, Seaforth, The agricultural representatives special cash award, donated by D. H. Miles, to the • Grand . Champion Swine ShownSan In 4-11. Clubs dur- ing 1957, was won by, Kenneth Peppier ItIt. 6, Seaforth„The J. A. Anstett Award, an automatic wrist watch :was won by,Gersld Wallis, of Qranton, The Senator , Golding Junior Showmanship 'Trophy, donated by Senator W. H, Golding, to "the Gratid Champion ;Showman in beef calf club was, won' by Bill Strong, R.R, 2, Dublin, a member of 'the Seaforth Beef Calf Club. The Huron Hereford 'Association Trophy was won by Leroy Rintoul, of Whitechurch, a 'member of the Lucknow 4-I-I Calf Club, The. A. Y. McLean Trophy, donated by A, Y. McLean to the Grand Champion Showman 'in the Dairy Calf Clubs in Huron County was won by Patsy Marshall, R.R. 1, Kirk- ton, who is a, Member of the Exeter 4-H Dairy Calf Club. Patsy ayso on the Bank' of ComMerce Award for the member obtaining the higli- eat: standing in 44-1 Dairy Calf • The Seaforth fkgrigultural Sire- 1...e4rss'.TF°P4Sr iAr. • . .11P;411.231.7.0i. sample of oats exhihit 4 ed , by a Huron 4-H Grain Club' member was won for the second year in succession 'by Norma Cartwright, of Londesboris , a, member of the Clinton 4-H drain Club. The Stratford ,District Yorkshire Club presented showrnans canes to Ron Smith, Arussels; Murray Lobb, Clinton; Cameron RobinSert, Bel- grave, and Winston Powell, of Sea- forth. More than $2,800 was presented to members in cash awards dur- ing the presentation ceremony , which was presided over' by John Strong, president of the Huron County 4-H Clitb Leaders' Associa- tion. A weldeme, on behalf 'of the Wingliarn District High School Boarcl was extended to the gath- liring by Dr. Walton McKibben, chairman of the school board. Dr. McKibben, in his welcorne address, • said the 4-H Club movement was a wonderful thing and he urged the members to continue with their work and to get to know each other better. The top award winner, 20-year- old Bert Pepper, of Seaforth, was unable to return from Chicago in time for the presentations, and'his father, William Pepper, received the Elston Cardiff Citizenship Trophy for« him, Bert IS attendirig the, National 4-H Club Congress in the "windy city", as Ontario's sole delegate. SPORTSMEN 110111 ANNUAL MEETING - 0 - 0 WORLD OF MUSIC -- Slim Rouchek has been named as an executive 'officer of Local 418, American Federation of Musicians at 'Stratford. Dan. Steele,' a famil- iar member of Slim's Golden Prairio.„Cowboys. has left fer Tor-, onto to join a band 'in the city : and' -ePiltinne-hfs' studies.: in ',:music: JohenY Day, drummer for the G.P.C. hand will 'zip longer be seen in that capacity,,, having joined„the CKNX, staff. New face will be that of Tex Hoclgins,, Canadian- born vocalist dule, for Ontario regiatered:•nursem schecinlei : *hien:: • irs,seipected , to tractor on:, . the '.1sliekeses , leNts4. ., . „.. , , , , . Wingtia,n1A ,.-Wa-5.... admitted ,,to the . . was' egainIrte2C''.iiy ""'.11i'a.''.'VeitifietfiT: :oath intei""fo)0:'%:iniofig,'166g;•;,fliii'. •-cane::.intli'. tOilaidii Witice.. -6,e ail: ti tT P. 't:,:ir.114 ;ill. Aciu4Y-b.1--t-vh ti-041:',$1::570-e(-)tftt,o'-`,sth9:g-a'al: .aweehliglyli-afilak.,06,...-aitio:rd4i.riligohtiiitkant.owe ishio, it's .,. Genera,' Hospital ;board at the, suf fered •• chest and ipinal injurieS, ' regular meeting; held on' Monday He` was admitted ,to hospital on Wednesday of last- week. :not, however, discussed ii ;detail• at the" meeting. :Chairman of the board, , C. 'MacLean, who :pre= lowing the,accident. Mrs. Austin's daughter, Edith, required sutures' ' friends and More than 709 people' attended introduced by the' past president of the tentti annual 4-H Club Aehieve- Ment. Night which -Was held in the ” Wingham District High School auditorium , on Eriday evening of last Week. Willlatn Moritcalrn, Stir- ecter .of field 'services, Hxtension Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto, was the guest speaker, Mr, Mentcahri was u-Agoorarfoxis-iwou'Aromf."4" Rev. J. MacRae called to Renfrew and sons, spent the week-end with drew entries from 158 centres in Work; in the county.