HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-04, Page 10.Chickens have long been an in'. 11)000 item on Canadian . dinner tables and there 14 no indication of frl, decrease in their popularity. Canadian shoppers, however, are showing a definite preference fur mall, tender, young birds, The Poultry division of the department of agriculture recently announced that the large roaster chicken was being replaced by the so-called broiler chicken which could be produced in less time and ivith greater feed efficiency, thanks to modern broiler rations, Behind the chicken a busy housewife buys at her favorite, meat counter is a major industry offering employment to thousands of Canadians, It begins in a chic- ken hatchery and ends With 'the Marketing of the finished bird, neatly packaged in a Polythene hag or L' averwrapped with cello- phane cellulose film on a card- board tray, Amongst the business men who cater to the Canadian appetite for chicken is Edouard Robert, owner of Sunny Eroplc Farm near Ste. Adele, Quo, ' Located in the heart of the Laurentians, Sunny Brook Farm looks more like a luxury tourist resort than a broiler factory, And a luxury resort it is, at least for the 35,000 broilers which occupy* the five modern chicken houses, Here for 10 to 1.1 weeks the broil- ers live a pampered existence carefully guarded by Mr. Robert and a staff of three men. They arrive at the farm as chicks and are immediately placed in a thoroughly clean and well- disinfected room in 'one of the de- luxe poultry houses. As many as 1,600 broilers occupy one room, enjoying the ultimate in chicken comfort. Instead of old-fashioned brooders, they have infra-red heat lamps to keep them warm, Four time,e a hay an automatic feeder places carefully prepared feed. he- fore them with a minimum of dis- turbance, They have nothing' to do except eat and relax. . For the first six weeks, the birds 'are fed chick ;tarter in' small pellets. They are then gradu- ated to larger pellets Of 'Mere_ con- centrated feed. In 10 to 11 .weeks , Need extra cash for your farm? Then solve your • finanei41prohlein with a loan from Trans Canada Credir. Right now Trans Canada, Credit is offering special terms on all farm loans above $1,500. Payments can be spread over as long as two-and- • a-half years, and can be made in any one of these , , three ways: • 1 QUARTERLY 2 . HALF-YEARLY • 3 ANNUALLY REGULAR LOANS ,.' Loans of 40.,,060 and less are available on Trans. Canada Credit's monthly payment terms. Don't let 'the lack 'of ready money prevent you Worn buying seed, stock, or any other (arm requirement.• Get the cash you need at reads Canada, Credit. 341 THE ALL-CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY 411. ' TRANS CANADA CREDIT CORPORATION LIMITED '5" FORUM 'TO DISCUSS IMPORT CONTROLS Pad, and Grandad never talked. about import controls, They used to argue on free trade and tariffs. What are import controls and what do-they mean to the present, day farmer?. Economists say im- port controls appear on the hori- zon whenever our prices are con- trolled or supported in any way. What do ,farmers know about import controls? What, do they, think? You will find ...out Monday night, Decerriber 9th on„National Farm Radio Forum. The topic is "Impoft ContrOls.-4Are They Nee-. essary?" „ The broadest will include a factual presentation of how import controls affect farm products and prices, and a cross' section of opinion from. individual fanners from coast to coast, GIVE US A CALL... Whenever You're Ready To STOP WASTING FUEL DOLLARS. Let us give you a FREE HEATING SURVEY today and report on the condition of your present healing System. Remember the only man who can afford a filthy tw- o:ode is the man who has money to burn! We Reconunend & install vtir QUALITY HEATING Whether it be a low-cost Grav- ity rutnace or an ultra-mod- ern Mates Winter Air Condi- •tioning Unit, we guarantee it will cost you /ea to install and foe less, to operate' than any other heating unit of the same capileityl PERCY' t I( /qtirtilhin g A Illeathrig Mr Con (I ti In I nig Witioluou Phone 2$5 • ' ' 11. 0 0 0 that hicken iKe Ten itt4 Wfuettam Advance-Times, Wednesdan '.)eat'. 4th, 1951 ''.**0160104.140aosuwoofioVt4mg*ogroonAmocitgirmlomisoogs.k • bane „F.ront, zti rf. tf\ Phone; Our Prices Are Lower Free 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Delivery VISITING .OVER THE 'HOLIDAYS? A 12c OFF 63c Giant Size . , MAXWELL, HOUSE COFFEE 85c SAVE 10c - Reg, 950 lb . 'Go CNR —the sure, the comfort4ble way. No matter where you're going,. Whether you're travelling , solo or with your family—you can make your plans now! Snow-fulled skies 4:1tr icy roads will make no difference—yon'll, get where you want to go, and you'll enjoy every relaxing minute pf your trip. , //mere your holiday fun plans--by making . your CNit‘ reservation now! Check too, the moneysaving features Of our. family Fare Plan, Ask allout c,NR: Gift Certificates, ideal • for holidargiving! • . . . ' "'fot tickets and infdrination contact your local Canadian National representatire. • A Every Year, more and more people who , are going visiting over the Christmas ' Season go SALADA TEA BAGS . 73c SAVE 6c -,tree, 79c - 60's 1 Redpath GRANULATED SUGAR 9.99 100 lbs. A i ItObill Hood FRUIT CAKE MIX 69c '1111' 30 Oz. 1.', "rill .Y1A 14 If one day 35,00Q broilers at:,modern Sunny Brook Farm, owned by Edouard Robert of Ste Adele, ,C211e,, consume two or three torlS of concentrated broiler feed, High efficiency hroilei rations have made it possible to produce three to five-pound chickens in 35 per cent less time and on 30 'per dent less feed 'than was Possible 20 years ago. ... ."" n'. r...• • •:• • • :•• . :r.r.,47.4.••••••, .... r•.! they weigh 3'c to Your pounhs-r- the weight at which they, ate killed. Before concentrated broiler, rations were used the time requir- ed for the same gain' in weight wits usually 15 weeks. . , Mr. Robert keeps his farm operating at capacity, Every 10 days, 3,000 broilers are ready for sale and 3,000 new chicks arrive, to take their place. Althotigh some are sold locally, most are shipped to Montreal where they are killed, dressed and packaged for 'the retail trade. 110:0$E...YOUt flint TERMS French CREAMS ... lb. • i1.1 33c 1, lb. . 45c Christmas Candy chocolate lb. jumbo DROPS 39c GUMS ON ANY RM LOAN over x1500 at TRANS CANADA CRmli commut 130N BONS 59c BOX CHOCOLATES 85, Assorted - 1 lb. ........ ...... GREEN PASCAL CELERY Florida 4's BANANAS Golden Ripe GRAPEFRUIT Florida - Seedless ICE CREAM RisseVs 1/2-gallon i‘fice,',M7i1MV-7=FPcn,Mre,011V rikV!*0- ..voimnromv..vP,A. 2 for 23c No, 2,„, 29c 10,o1.49c t Packaged in polythene bags, chickens are easily prepared for retail.trade. The transparent film helps preserve the quality of the meat, protects the chicken from excessive handling on self-service counter and alldws the customer .to' inspects before buying. 89c PENSION PAYMENTS RAISED IN NOVEMBER gives E ALL WINTER 1i ik - ";••••,. - 148 THE SQUARE GODERIC11, ONTARIO PHONE 797 When they appear on refriger ator counters they are usually packa&ed in transparent film, which helps preserye- the • quality; of the meat, protects the birci'from handling and at the same time al- lows the customer to see ,and ex- amine what, she is , buying:. For convenience and ease of packag- ing, the chickens are usually in- serted in polythene bags. Often, however, they are placed on ,card- board trays and overwrappecl with cellophane. They can also s be cut into pieces before they are over- wrapped. Those sold locally are killed at the farm which has its own killing plant with a, capacity of 1,0,00 birds a day, After the birds are, 'killed they are plucked by'machine and• hung on racks. The racks a,r.e wheeled to a cold storage roam where they remain overnight at a temperature of 35 degrees. The fol- lowing day the birds are cleaned and packed for delivery., Not even the • offal is wasted at Sunny' Brook Farm: It is frozen and' stored in a deep-freeze until sold to district minis farmers'. The temperature in both, cold storage rooms is regUlated by a'compressor and the refrigerant used is 'Freon" fluorinated hyrdocarbon. The farm has an emergency power unit of its own in ease of power. failures, s John' W. Hanna, .M.P.P., has received word •from Hon. Louis P. Cecile, minister of Welfare for the Province of 'Ontario, that the pro- vincial government has '-accepted the proposalS of the federal gov- ernment to increase 'monthly al- lowances from $46.00 to $55.00, as of November 1st this year. The in- crease will affect . all those who receive benefits under The Old Age Assistance Act, The Blind Persons' Allowances Act and The Disabled. Persons, Allowances Act; The higher payment, which is in- cluded In the Noyernber cheques, will be received by about 30,000 pdrsons in the province. Under the .legislative changes proPosea by tyie • government of Canada applicants for Old . Age Asaistanee may now receive as- sistance if• resident in Canada" dur-. ing the ;last ten years.- Previously a persOn was required to have lived in Canada during the last 20 years, WHITECHURCH Owner tdouar& Robert empties broiler ration into automatic feed- er at Sunny. Brook Farm. Feed travels along, conveyors to birds lodged in the six separate rooms of this 270" foot long building. Automatic feeding operation per, mits one man to feed 35,d00 ers in two hours. Machinery Satisfies Drifting snow is, or will soon, cover those pastures that were lush and green only a few weeks ago. Dairymen across Ontario are confronted with the prob- lem of maintaining milk production through long winter months. NOW MILK PRODUCTION CAN BE,MAIN- TAI,NED THROUGHOUT THE WINTER BY PROPERLY SUPPLEMENTING THE BASIC RATION. Complete and balance, your milking herd rations this winter with Shur-Gain 32% Dairy Concentrate Sweetened With SHUR-GA1N Dairy Concentrate you can not only maintain milk flow, YOU can maintain body weight and condition of your milking herd. Make sure YOU have SHUR-GAIN Dairy Con- centrate to balance Up your own grain by pro- viding the necessary protein, minerals .and vita- mins in your winter dairy feeding programme, You won't have nearly sufficient of ALL these nutrients in grain alone. Drop in to see. us — soon — And talk your winter feeding problems over. We'll be glad to help you anCi live can. Quarter of Vorums Give all your engines year round protection with... One-qu;.rter of the forums who reported to the National Farm ,• Radio Forum office Ion the topic "A New Look in Farm Machinery", were satisfied with the machinery presently available to them. Thir- teen per cent of. the forums want more moderately priced machinery. A wide Variety of new types or changes in old types of machinery were suggested by the forums. One of the most common suggestions was for a combine and baler in one ,unit. Forty-one percent 'of the forums want more standardization , of Machinery parts so that. tires and such may he used on more than one machine. One-third of the forums thought that 'machinery should be of better quality and that repairs shoUld be less expen- sive. Several groups suggested that there should he more testing of Machinery done similar to thb new set-Up In Saskatchewan. Christmas concerts are coming up: 'Fordyce on December 33, SS, No, 9 'on December 12, United Church Sunday School December Robert,. Coultes, John Taylor, El- mer Ireland, .Alex Robertson and J. p. Beecroft attended the ban- quet 'and meeting of the Huron Crop and Soil Improvement AS- sociatiOn, held at Lorideaboro last Thursday evening. The special speaker from the OAC compared grassland Improvement by slides taken on a .recent trip to Britain and other European countries, with that in, our own country, showing the effects in growth where there is so milch snore moisture, el-H Girl Wins Queen's Guineas Heim Anderson, 20-year-old member of thb Glen Cross, Ont., 4-H Club is this year's winner of the, prised dlueon's 'Guineas in the Royal Winter Fair judging. Her pure white Steer, Blanco, in addl. Hon to winning for, her the trophy embioniatie of the ehampionship, also wins for her '3250, the up-dat- ed value of the ancient 60 Outflows originally donated by ,Xing Ed- ward Vit. Her east •remuneration will come to Mita more than this Since she gets the proceeds of the auction- ing of her 040 pound steer which was bought by Delinititen StoVefi ptd,,, -tog 445 * Pood. • , elgra*re,,,:.•Co0Operative • • PbOtle:Etitiggds' 14140 • LG1rtAVt Forum Meets, at Pardon Home WHITECHtitCH-oThe White- thUreh Farm Fortrin Met on Mon- dtt'Y at the home of IVO, and Mrs, Wm, A, Pardon with 23 present. After the ;broadeast two groups, discussed farm 'loans and Sales of produce. The ne5tt meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, ,lehn Purikm, Etithre WAS played : and 01-6' high togio went to toitt .04,0441 . '41.44 Vvoitet Entott, ' PACKERS LTD* • Witightork 1065w • .Soo.yoisir .C.*i00:111) firsitt WINGHAM