The Signal, 1926-9-9, Page 84-
Rau ,•itit.s4:Le
8--Thuraday, September 9, 196.
Protection(?) for the Farmer..
By R. J. Deachman
TES 1111034.41,
I I Sae. sad akins surselvee the trnesSon
-What la tNuelider doing? Lal a beau.
tiful poem of ilmoki's upoa eelf-rell-
ant*, we On" there words iit regard to
the Mars:
"Mindful of themselves and uaregard-
Au '
In what state God'• other worts
may be,
in their own tastes all their powers
-Thew, perform the mighty works
you see"
That is the (Detailed position for the
Domiulon of Canada to take. It ls
ridiculous to think that • naties auct
as Canada ehould"copy. with parrot-
like fidelity. every move by the flaked
A Crushing Fact
Our would itriegine, to read the Tory
I i tersture, that they were master
artists lu handling our trade with Ow
United Suttee I remember all too
The Tories have published a pant-
phlet entitled "Protection for the
110armer." The name 14 • mianomer.
It should bare been caned "Bunk for
the Farmer." It starts off with a
quotation from Mr. Meigheu'e speech.
in which be asserts that If returned
to power he will *lo what be can to es-
tablkh au efficient marketing system
for the Dominion. iThat does he
wean by this 'statement? He bas not
elaborated h14 program. Fundament-
ally hie punters are diaMetrically op-
posed to aesieting the farmer In any
way whatever. 1,Ji, conceptioo 1 ld
t.. the former Is to increase the home
market. The Western wheat crop
this year willerun 300 000.IWW1 bushels
leave out of tht• count. for a minute.
the production of wheat In Eastern
Canada, and we have thirty bushels
for every man. woman and child in
the Dominiou. The average eonsomp-
tion is about six bushels per capita.
Mow happy we will all feel when
every mats swallows thirty briehele of
wheat In a year. Is this the beet that
Mr. Molehill has to offer : so far he
has offered nothing else.
We killed Our Care
Thkeountry was offered In 1911 thee
market ce the United States for its
rgrlcultural product's That market
would have been wortb inliliong and
millions to the Canadian farmer. Ar -
*mil real to it would have filled our Weet-
,V4i, _ern land.. It would have provided a
market for our manufecturers, bat the
Tories' told the people of this ronntry
that we dare not sell steers to the peo-
ple of the United Statist. for fear we
would lose our virtue and our patriot-
ism. and sink Into the lowest depths of
degradation. New they tell its that
the United States dealt a terrific blow
at Canada when it closed. that market
Once more I gay. go beet to the
facts. The rutted State. proposed
reciprocity In 1911. We refneed it.
For over ten years the United States
kept that offer on its statute hooks.
Until 1922 the Amerlean tariff on all
agrlenitnral products ewe ranch lower
than nure tt wee a elanding offer to
its that If we wanted to get Into the
United State* market we could do so
providing we brought our tariff nn
agricultural products reasonably clow
to their level. We dld not do an he -
mune the Tories were In power. The
/Tories were opposed to wider markets.
. ,1 New Silliness
•14o* they- have poblished-ii pam-
phlet telling ns what we lost. They
were reeponeible for the loss. hut they
4d to nila a story of enppoaed gaina
which might fellow from relsing our
tariff much higher than It PA The
fact le that on a large lioreof Item. the
American tariff Is lower than the Olin-
dller. The trick of the Tory cam-
paign literattire is to dinettes the tariff
&gainer the United Statest then shift
to the Adirallan tariff end leave the
Irepreettlos that our tariff against the
United States to lower than the
American tariff ',admit na. The
American tariff on 'agricultural pro-
----dueta is lower than onre: the trick of
-Abe Tory rampaien writers in this con-
nection Is crooked. typically crooked.
becanse it represents the desperate ef-
fort tn %mild ep • eine by men who are
without facie in eteppert Meal.
Definite Items
The American tariff no wheat Is
higher than ours; an. too. is the Ample-
'ean tariff on flour. but we import very
little wheat or Sour from the United
States. Carrying coal. to Newcastle
would he a profitable enterprise cos -
pared with selling wheat In the DO -
minion of Canada To mention It is
They point to hey as an example
We Imported last year 8.510 bine of
hay from the Felted State.. We sold
to the United States 314.2115 tons. We
sold this bay to the Americans beeanae
we got a higher pries for It than we
ronid got in iNtnadaend that, too, de-
spite the duty. 1 sak any mine farm-
er fhb question: 1f the Amerlean mer-
ket 19 an goad for the Canadian
farmer that we 'ship over 314.000 tons
them and the import from the United
Staten amounts to practieally nothing.
what differenee wnnld It mak. if we
put the duty at 5, 10. 15 nr !",0 dollars
a ton nn hay coining from the United
States? ()f couree-WK Melabon does
not understand Wise thine; he ia not
• farinee.--11*- is not -la toneb wiltagrieniture but yon fanners who read
this statement -know It to be truce and
you know that tbe Tory eampeige
literature is. false.
,kft, 0.
li lower thau the Catutitian. Then
what beeossee of the Tory campaign
pamphlet entitled "Protectiou for the
Farmer?" There li onty one thing
that can be dope with it. It *Could
remailed to Ilia Allasiitiii who sent It
40 yoU.
On Platt
We are al•u told that a vruel blow
was dealt the Caupdian fruit -growers
when the duty was lowered on fruit
pulp sestating from Autstralia. OTUPI,
intleetil Tho total import of fruit
pulp ita the year ending March Stet
last, from Australia. was $72.011. That
does not look very much like a !Joit.
..loet it? Then eat are asked to believe wet) the campaign In 1911. 1 emu
that if we import Aniericaa fruit out novel. forget the remark of to peumi:
of season we hale the to•te fur our meta Conservative. his iirst eptesch
own fruit in season. The exact optst- in that campaign. In reference to im-
slte true -very plainly and obviously- rove from the l'nited States he maid:
true. We develop a taste for a thIng 1 -They Wane like a torrential torrent,
by coetinuelly using it. Confine a tteiring down the mountain aide." In
man for ten months' of the year to the 1911 we Imperfect $ from the
uee of a strictly 'neat &et. and he may United Settee. Two years later, under
want to elle eating meai. but let I Tory rule, imports had increased over
!OW hate aeeess to fruit every month Siii1.1.100.000. They didn't Seem very
in the year and he may develop a tame effective in checking the torrent, did
for fruit. Itellef to the fridt-growers they? That war the greatest increase
ten be given more directly by lowering ever tirade In any two years of our
tbe tariffs they now pay on their raw history.
materiate than by milling the tariff ou lu 1022. the last year of Ttery rule.
fruit. and carrying with that increase our imports of agrieultural and ant -
the implied fact that the tariff upon mal protimin from the United States
other articles. muse 11110 be raised, and totalled close to $121,000,000. In 10311.
t entire east of living increased from under Liheral rule. they had reached
iolle end of the country to Ow other. sintioo,oce. But of that amount
'We are fold In this pamphlet. wilque over $22.000,000 was composted of raw
in its sillinens. that we looe our self- rubber and rubber goods, wkteh, under
respect feature our tariff is not the the classification, are clisiesed as agri-
statue as the Aim -dean tariff. Do we cultegel_prixitucts. If we deduct this
abott our self-reliance by increasing 'tent. theee was an actual decrease in
our taxes !empty hisause the Ameri- the import of agricultural products
cane Increase theirs? Must we turn meter the Liberal rule. But what
up our trousero °newt; bee/Dist- it tibout exports? Our exports of agri-
rains in %Vaehlbgton? Must we vulture! produrts to the L'nited States
gnome breams. every Audy tiunip in I have gout. up from 296.000.000 in 1922
the United Statee hes a cold in the to $129.500.000 In 1W2d. There Is an
head? We have our own work- to do; 'expending market In the United
we cannot be continually lifting onr States.- It is bound. In the next few
eyes from the took. gazing &crone the yearo. to be WIP of the best markets
Good Health fn
,• .• II 41
_ • 1 Jo • -.4,,
•.41. P.• s't-1;`: • •
V.44' l."1"frilick:141.44,
Mrs. Waroa's Experience a
Guide to Wetness Passing
thrpugh dee Change of Life
Ontario. e- "I have taken
of Lydlat. Pinkbam's
Vegetable Com-
pound and 1 can-
not speak too
highly of it as 1
*mat the Change
of Life and was
all run-down and '
DO appetite.
was very weak
end sick, affd the
pairui in my back
were so bad 1
1 got very sad at
times and thought 1 had net a friend
on earth. 1 did not cam if 1 lived or
died. I wee very nervous, toe, and
did not go oat very much. A friend
advised me te try ',bottle of Lydia E
!inkhorn's Vegetable Compound, so
1 did. 1 am • farmer's wife, and al-
ways worked hard until lately, and
was in bed for two months. 1 began
to feel like a new W01111411 after the
first bottie and 1 recominend it with
great mama, also Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Liver 'Pills. 1 am willing to
answer letters from women asking
about your medicines, as I cannot
too highly of them." -Mrs.
Wu.son. 471 Wilson Street,
Hannibal, Ontario.
Sold by druggista everywhere. C
for tlesadian produsts, and nothing m-
erit the stnpelity of 'roryhtill Dia
keep use from gaining tweets% to that
reareet. rims Is the mow vital guts
tion before the Canadiau farmer to-
The Anstralian Case
A treaty wise made with Australia.
It provides! a broad mariMt for many
Canadian products. The Toriea tell
us that 11 ruined the butter market of
Canada. The fact is that the butter
market of Canada, in relation to other
r -All countries, was never so 'trona as it has
-been during the past year. For a
-12 the Family vaikel In the Old Country. and Can-
adian exporters overshIpped, with the
Wise there was an exceptional condi-
tion in the market. nigh prices pm-
eilr9S--, . result that downing happened iu the
1 batter market which never lisrppetust
are told that potatoes from the
Vatted States are replacing the home -
Volvo prodatt oh the Canadian mar-
ket. We Imported last year from the
United States 26,000,000 pounds of mi-
. tatoes. lint we exported to that
country 222,000,000 pounds, or over
eight pound' exported for every
pound Imported. Does oaf not prove
that so far as the prime trend le con-
cerned the market for potatoes Pilate
on thg Arnerlerit. not on the Canadian
side of the line?
Finally, we have a etatentent In re-
gard to cheese and butter. We De-
ported from the United Steffy e956,0110
worth of eh.,... and *29.000 worth a
better. Rnt We exported of butter
alone to the 'United Statism mote than
dOtthie the tntal amount of butter and
- ebeese we imported from the United
Shah* tinder these eonditIone the
("mime absurdity of the Tory cam-
paign literupire Is en evidence that
hie Tory party eimplt dome not know
. what It te talking shmit. That state-
ment ! propel* to prove. OW THE
Among tie articles to whteh thin ap-
strawberries. fresh
sad pent and baeoe. 1
the Aleutian tart" up-
proilbehi its a *twin, It
The newest idea in medicine
is to prevent serious disease by
looking after the "minor ills."
Shire about ninety percent
of serious diseases develop
fmm constipation and torpid
action of the liver and kidneys
Mrs. Mary F before. We -actually bought beck btu
Larry's Riverf47: ter wblela we bad sold in the* Old
writes-- - °weary market. We Atmore -di from
"I was troubled Omit Britain 2.062,893 pougds of hut -
with constipation for ter. This Wei Canadian limner ex -
years." At lest a ported • and then re -Imported. The
friend suggested that Tory pamphlet acklit those fissures to
1 try Dr. Chase's the total, and by that Dianna it gives
Kidney - Liver Pills. you a somewhat abnormal view of the
I did so and must vitiation. As a matter of fact. the
say that they have Import* of butter are practicality the
given me more relief
same as. they were in 1922. the only
than all the medicine
differeace being that we •re now im-
tlhhealvaesttateknen during
porting 'from Australia and New Zea
l laud. a part of the Hriti•h Empire. awl
not from the United..nates. This
must be what la alarming the Tories.
1 Their literature speak' of the‘bome
!Meekest, of the neceseity for,develop-
ling- our own prodnets our OW11
'country. but the startling fact is that
while they were in power our export
of raw materials Increased. and. not
until Liberal rule of the lam few yearn
did our experte of manufactured
the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Liver Pills to arouse the action
of these organs is the moat
effective uf preventives.
Backaches, headaches, in-
digestion, constipation, etc.,
soon disappear when this great
regulating medicine is used.
die. ab.., all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Medicine Co., Limited,
Toronto 2, Canada.
exceed onr import otuannefec-"
tureil goods.
I PViple witliput people who
t never otop to think. can maks a big
tour about pmhibiting the export of
our raw materiale but they forget
twiny thltias Smut, ..f the higgeat Imitate
Hie. In the taftnillion 44 catoida are
Wait tuna Itiepvrt of row noterial.
Oar *ma(t* mai) import preetlealle sal
their row eutteu from rhe ['tate"
Statist Our trim ore I* Imported from
the Unit,d. diatteaud front Newfound -
Wail Their is a tremendous Industry
uow beteg develeped oa the Saguenay.
with au investoment 14 ,$.100.4.00,400,
rtahGurnee. 'Nu man lireth unto
it the raw reaMrial male. from 8;1 -
himself and new maw dleth unto hleasell.
and uo nation edit .9nAlfIer Sy making
6 alouoix)ly Hi own products. mud
saying than. TIME* Wall thAt'be meld
to any- ether nation.' •
The Hers. Demi
The asstounditeg 'thins is that ally
campaign literature of the Torii*
.diould ruentiou lomat deal. One
4.1,44141 hate %Lomita they could not
write the word for bluehee. Dui they
tell a tele of certain horses that were
.o14 by the Liberals in Europe, 6114
'tate that mosey was Ithet on the
itatiseetion. '1111e b. true. but the ouly
"large that can be made against Ilie
1.1bel•Lo that they have uot &Kw
wort: enoueli of this kind for the
farmers, and that more espeetpei.ifial
•IiipmeAts were not made. The only
way yop cau really Atoues!. o market is
by testing it out. The Libor -els !node
on experimental shiptnvilt and loot
-sane money on It. dui; to unexpected
adverse conditions. hot Canada'• q.
tat !sports in a year are $1.33e,tatio
outi. The Tory literature elyn that
$20.000 syn4 lest on this Beal. That is
to sny. their eharge 14(144? wt. spent 1 le
.•eute ie. YIA•ry thousand dollar* of oar
!lath ual business in 1111 effort. to ee-
tiii..11,41 a wider market. 41r. In other
oiirds. if 7(14) dilit $5.000 worth of
busialle, ill a yeor and spent 71) rents
in trying to go -t Ettore buslneos. Tory
[NI till,1111114,rhwould any you were
reckless in your wart* of our nottonal
wealth. Such la the tiepins of Tory -
19131 for tlw development of liuminese.
No season pf the year is (tenter- .
mut lo Ilf.• !Ale ones mete the ..
autturner. The exc....sive beat thrtiws
the little stomatek, out a order. 'so
ettickly that unless prompt ald is •t
hand. the baby iusy beyond all
ht11111111 h•h1 baton. tio• mother realises
Y. 14 ill. Summer Ihe aet1feln when
die rrhoea. cholera infanttitn. 113seti•
tery and eolie ars 'most Preotienl•
Any of tbese fmubles may prove dead-
ly if promptly treated. Luring
enmmer the mothers heat friend ia
Baby's Own Tablete They regulate
the bonds. IsWeeten the stinsiocli and
keep baby healthy The 'rebels ere ;
sold by medicine dialler,' or by malt at
2r. Cent* a box train The 'Dr. William.' '
Iledieitte Co.. Brockville. Ont.
Valuable Clover Cup
(Exeter Times-Adroetitei
lir Frank Taylor MI 4 the proupeet
tilidt an ornitchorreward 300 hgrom ur'bclmat letentiancfne,
thst after the seed is._cleaned It Will
threetutd and Mr Taylor enlmates
all smetner. The elover was eut Owed _
three weeks ago and lost Week it was .
only field ef Ito kind in Ontario rind
hog attracted eonsiderable attention
2nd itoneession of Stephen. It le the
farm et Mr Wilton Anderenn. a the
field of sweet elorer grown on the
teen %allele to the acre. He has al-
ready misdeed as offer of $6.060 far
the crop, but- he -rnjedding it at taint
dollars a Arnaud *ad has aiready,re-
retired a -number of orders. On Satur-
day he took eut an ineurance_pol
fa; -S-446- for -14.0a. The clover le
(tailed the.Thwex Crystal Dwarf greet
elorer. 1ft. Taylor atenred the seed
from his brother In Ylehigan. who fret
proeured the seed In California. The
clover ham ri growth of Trots font so
five feet and alter being cut make* a
splendid fall nurture
t "t"tt;',"••",ter.
4,4L:a••4•••••••, .4g4a4 iY4Ota
44 74
Flavin. makes Kellogg's
the universal favorite
0)AENCRISP..Golden and
cranchy. Kellogg's are
daily demanded by more
tbsus, 10,000,000 people.
Kellogg's are the orig-
inill earn flakes. Light and
easily digested. Never
tough -thick or leathery.
,' Servi them with milk or
cream. Fresh or preserved
fruit. Have them for
lunch. For after school
or at camps.
Sold by all grocers.
Served at all hotels and
Ovso • ireisto ALW4T44
liadi•alea 1110•111111.
boater - seals/ onoollait, •
Imitations cannot bring you
sock wonder. eavor-sack
crisp. crunchy flakes. Tito
gisnuin* corn flakes have
this signature of des orig-
inator on this package.
You Don't Need to Wait Any Loney
We have Goodyear Tires at prices ,that will suit
your pocket book.
More people ride on Goodyear Trees than en any
other make. Why not you)
Service Statile.'
Cat. Elgin Avails asii Victoria St.
Mir 11AV4111I11 11
e Noes Fastelst
- g
speedy shave requires a super -keen blade. It takei* a specially
prOcessed cutting edge.
With a Valet AutoStrop Razor you get the professional shave
of an expert -speedy, smooth, scientific. . •
Aalk your Dealer
to show you the
new De Luxe
By this faster shave men have found that for the first time
theY are shaving properly --they are treating their aVistintetlx-Osty
have stopped irritating it, stopped scraping it.
Only .a super -keen blade gives this correct shave. A dull blade
Otis the face, aunts eruptions, embedded hair roots and a rough flaky skin.
9'kWith this super -keen edge once over is enpugh..- No scraping,
no nft•!r-smart, ho after -treatment to smooth irluted raA; sn, hut
a velvet shave as &fly a Valet AutoStrop Ran*cige foe.
The first time you experience this new delight, you will agree
with millions that we have introduced a new and distint•era in shaving.
Buy More
Than Onf
Have one in your
Keep another in your
travelling kit.
Leave a third at the
club or in the °Rice.
Provide a spare one
for your guest.
/*at 94. ./ taw
78 Seconds
Prom Lather to Towel
ISO N CaNaDtrop
Sef-stropping is a patented Valet AutoStrop
feature. It gives • man an opportunity to take
his choice of either stropping or using fresh
blades. Whichever you prefer you attain the
world s fastest share -78 seem& from lather to towel.
We invite you to make the test. Aad to
make corparisons. Pick up a Valet Autallitrop
Razor to -day at ally dealer's.
4 6°432522
afee4int to Alalak• eme arid
member .f1444.
/ay set
Meese IW rive that
Mescal sham.
We441;•-•,v4er43a itest
4. , .
-.21,c • .....