HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-04, Page 7Last Wednesday evening was the occasion of the annual banquet of .the,,Wingliam Sportsmen's Asst,,niation. 'Head table guests from the loft are Mrs. A. Nethery, Ab Nethery, Mrs Boucher Slim 13oucher, • .. Santa, Claus, accompanied by his 'elves, EtVaile$ Cunrilligliarn, Esther keit, Brenda IviaeLellean trends..Conroe,;rode into, 'town last Saturday in a flurry of snow. Pittiire.alteWs the sleigh moving to- wartho,'the, town hall, where', Afore 'than, 1,600 youngsters awaited his arrivel.—AdVatibeAlihies photo, and passed to donate .$15.00 to the Children's War Memorial Hospital in London. Treasurer, Mrs, L. Dawson gave a report for Novem- ber, Vfrs. T. Englieh 'gave a detailed regort on the "sports meeting that vas held ill 'Walkerton, stat- ing the first tournament will be held in Lueknov,r January 15th. Mrs, 8, .Vorsythe took the chair for, the, nomination of officers 'for 1958: T„he Christmas meeting will be held on December '191:11 'and gifts will be exchanged, Mrs, A, Sell Will . be in- charge of the entertain- ment. The meeting closed with God Save the Queen and lueeh was served. . Local Dealer at Toronto. Meetini Automobile dealers representing the ChrySlei' '6C Canada Toronto dealers advisory council met last week in Toronto, in preparation for the national• dealers advisory council meeting. is,T latter meeting will take place in Windsor, next January 14, 1.5 and 16, between. the dealer repro- sentativ'es to the national council and senior' corporation executives. Attending the Toronto meeting as a regional dealer representative 'was J. L. Crawford, of Wingham, Ont.' Mr. and Mrs. Horton Married 30 Years .BLUEVALE—Me, and Mrs. Jos. Horton celebrated their 30th wed- clind‘anniversary at the week-end. Their daughter, Mrs. Allan White, and Mr. White entertained them 'at their'home at Clifford. A number of ' BlueVale friends helve them'' a surprise party and preilented Donation Sent to Henderson, followed, with Scrip- the minutes roll call and eorre- T. spiendenee, A motion was made turn and meditatione,. "lake ea ONTAlig); .VVEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1951 thought, for the morrow, Build an invisible fenee• and stay within the enclosure, He will supply to-mor- row's •, strength when that day comes." Mrs, Palmer led in ,prayer which was followed by a, very pleasing' duet by Ruth and Gail Henderson. Mrs. T. English gave us a report of the W.M.S. Training Centre, conducted 'at Albert 'College, Belle- ville, where more than 100 dele- gates were led by Miss: Maragret Webster. Amongst 45,000 W.M.S. members there are 400 C.G.I.T. leaders, More leaders are nodded. Other head office leaders taking part were Miss Louise Reith, auth or of some of the study books; Miss Ruby Walker, regional secretary; and 'Mrs. Herron (Helen Bricker), The Chinese , came to Canada during the, early gold rush, There are 7,009 Chineie in Toronto, and, most 'of them do net go to church. Work is very necessary among the immigrants coming into Canada. There . are MX9 cetAng ._.to: Canada, " '80,000 ' to " 'Toronto. Their health and education must he looked after. In closing, Mrs. English gave much praise to Mrs. K. Smart,, an' inspired leader and speaker,. Mrs. Perrott read a, poem, "Odd's Presence". The businees part 'of the meeting" was shorter 'than, usual, It was agreed to purChase some of the books Which were on display, for use at Junior Congregation, A donation was, given for • linen to he bought 'for" the Penmarvian Home, It was decided to contri- bute for a Christmas project the amount to be collected by Mrs, Ddnaldson. A collection was taken up• for fruit cake ingredients for the 'bazaar and tea. The study book chapter was given 'by Mrs. Lloyd and Mrs, Currie,- They spoke about Formosa and the many missionary agencies there. The Dutch Reform Church sent •some of the first missionaries to this country, During World War II the missionaries were sent home, although some began work presiclert of the, association, Mrs, Cruickshank, !Om Cruickshank and Mrs, Don Hildebrand. —Advanee,'Times ntiotee The halance• of the evening was donated to working on ,the slort7. The home •assignment of -Marking patterns was, given and this closed •the meeting, in British Guiana, where there ;would be no langdage barrier. No Japanese were ever in the Mountain districts of Formosa dur- ing the 'early days, for the moun- tain people were head hunters. However, thd Japanese brought many benefits to Formosa, peace, 'good schools and strict ,rule. The members appreciated having the use of the. Crawford living- room for their meeting, held the , library for the book display, Family .Gathering t' Darling' Mine. BLUEVALE—Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Darling had a ,family gathering on Sunday, following the christening of their two grand- children, Daniel Thomas Campbell and Robert 'Stanley Darling. ,Those•present were Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, 'Charles Campbell and family, Mr., and Mrs. 'George Darling and family, Harry Darling, of Toronto, and Miss Betty Fran- cis, of Wingham. The next meeting will be held on December 9th at' the home of the assistant leader at 7 o'clock, 'The ladies arty regnind0 ,the chriattnes Anentin$: .the Women's institute to: be held At, the hOhlif of Mrs,!' Andrew • - {lant this (Timrsday)„afternomi• 41 !There be ..egebange .. of Ichriotre.4 It* • g4411,. GOFORTH MEETS AT 4-H Sewing Circle CRAWFORD HOME- . Regalar Meeting , ' 'The Happy /Sewin Circle's Hostess, Mrs, Jack Lloyd wei. fourth meeting was held at • '.the corned. Goforth members to the home of the, leadbr on November theme' of her - mother, Mrs. .1. 1,1.' 25th alt 7 p,m. Eight members ans- Crawford, for the November meet- wered' the roll call with the.preei- e„ Ing, I dent In 'the chair. The' meeting , guest speaker at a miesiOnarY ' the usual ceremonies, followed by 1 M Arbuckle Mrs, opened the meet- • '' opened with the 4-H pledge, The minutes of the last meeting 'weee Knight, M.Sc., PhD. will be the Crothere opened the meeting. with , Mg with the cell to worship, Secretary Mrs. T. Gainey reading rally:. Mrs, ',adopted as read. . , y La ales' .auxiliary The regular meeting of the Lad- les' Auxiliary to the Legion, Blanch 180, was held in the Leg- ion Herne, President Mrs, D. BIIEVALE—The ceremony of baptism 'was cond\ected by Rev, R. A. Brook. in the United Church on Sunday.' Those baptized were: Gail Eileen, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Gaston, of Toronto, arid granddaughter of Rev, Mr, and Mrs. Brook; Daniel Thomas, 'son of Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Campbell and Robert Stanley, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Dalling. AAerviee.nif 'special eignificancei will be held in the.,Wingliana Un' lied Church on Tuesday ,evening of next' week When ,Allen Themes W114;4014 Vtdieid Clinrell Men's Chita held, a ladies' night rui l'nesday evening of lag week, which proved •to be one of the Most stiecessfin.events ever held by the elute, The euellent dinner of rolled roast turkey with "all the triln- Illinge was propared and served: by „Allister Green and his cornmit tee, to agathering of about 80 people, The men also took coMplete: charge of clearing up after thP, banquet, Favors' for the ladies Were ()Dilated by Lee Vance, Bob Carbert, CKNX-farm edito,r was the guest s,pealcer,and was hi trodUeed by DeWitt Miller, HIS• address, based on his .trip Verte4, %Livia, was highlighted by pictures- which he had„,taken in that coun- try, Mr. Carbert was, thanked by Stewart Beattie, Miss Sandra 1VracLennan provid- ed a demonstration of Highland The president of the club, George Guest, received the travelling gavel from President Mervin Cudmore of Exeter. Other guests from Ex- eter included Mrs, Cudmore and. Rev. and Mrs. Snell. Mr. and. Mrs. A, D, Smith were Listowel visitors on Sunday. The W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church will hold it,s next meeting on December 10th instead of the 3rd. Mr. McKague, of Teeswater, who is a student at Waterloo College, conducted the service in the Pres- byterian Church , on Sunday. On the evening of Sunday, Dec- ember 22nd., a Christmas service will be held in the United Church in which members of the Sunday School will take part, led by the junior choir. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Strachan, of Brussels, were recent visitors with Dougald Strachan, Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas, Gaston of Toronto, grandparents of baby Gail Eileen, attended her' christen- ing on Sunday and visited with Rev. R. A. and Mrs. Brook, also the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaston, of Toronto, were week-end visitors at the parsonage. Mr. a.nd„IVIrs. Donald Street _and children-, 'Linda, Julie and Stephen, Listowel, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. L. Aitken. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hertfelder, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Horton at the week-end. The Bluevale Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry Elliott on Thursday, Dedem- bet: 12th, Miss Margaret Curits will give, a Christmas story and the motto will he given by Mrs. Spar- ling Johnston, Christmas carols will he sung under the leadership of Mrs. Carl Johnston and Mrs. Alex Corrigan. Gifts for the Cheer boxes and the Children's Shelter will be received, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hall and Will Hall visited James Master in Vitcoria • Hospital, London, and Mrs. John Hall at Parkhill on Sun- day. Turnberry SChool Board Meeting The regular meeting of the Thrnberry Township School Area Bo‘easte'dw ha held at Kirton's School on November 22 with all members pt nt, The minutes' of the previous meeting were' read and adopted on motion of Zinn and'Hardie. The tenders for furnace, oil• and stove oil were read and the tender of Imperial Oil was accepted. Cor- responderece was rdad from Mrs. Eclueler, J, H, Kinkead and the Department of Education, Motion by Powell and Kirton that the following' 'aecounts be paid: ,Teachers' salaries, 'caretak- ers, transportation, Louis Blake, Dumping tanks, No, 3, $40.00; Al- exander's Hardware, $12.87; BA. Oil, $27.81; Wingham Advanee- Times, $3,90; Imperial Oil, $67.55; Pattieon Radio and Electric, $11.64; Fred Lewis Jr., $2.610; Howard Ful- ler, $57,55,, labor and material, Motion by Powell and Hardie that meeting "adjourn, The next Meeting will be held at No. 9 schOol on •Deceinber 12 at 8.80 pan. , Alex Corrigan; Sec.-.treas, Ten Tables at euchre Party VORDWICH--Ten tables of pro- gressive euchre were in play o at the VerdWich cernmunity hall last week, Prize winners were: High lady, Mrs, Cieorge Pittendreigh; high man, Ernest Dinsmore; low .Witthers, Mien. Emfent and Mr, Robt, Connell, The stlecial prize 'Was Wen by Hatokl Doig, United Ladies Hold Bazaar • - FORDWICH—A• pre-Christmas bazaar, tea and baking sale, spon- sored by the W,A. of Fordvvich United Church, was held on Satur- day, November 30th in the church basement, Den:orations emphasized the Christmas theme, with poinset- tas on the tea tables. Mrs. Harold Doig and Mrs, Wray Cooper were in charge of the tables, The aprons and fancy work were in great demand and the baking disappeared quickly.. The ladies were, well pleased with the proceeds, Mr. Bernald King is at present confined to, Palmerston Hospital having undergone major surgery last week. His many friends wish him a speedy return to health, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Honeyford of Palmerston were recent visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Sothern, Miss. Lenore Beswitherick spent a couple of 'days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil • Cooper of Atwood Visited in: the community one day last Week. 'Master',IGnaLrY istOwtehiewrnith Mr, and the week-end Mrs. Carl ,Stewart.. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Harry BaSt (nee Edith Witmer) who were married oh November 19. Mrs. John Tudan and two child- ren visited last week with relatives in Port Colborne and also attended Earl Baker and n 34Wre.cldirig. and wits, family of London spent the week- end with Mrs, Geo. Baker. Mr. and 'Mrs. Cameron Stewart and Jack, Mrs. Jean McClement of Molesworth, Miss Marian Denny of Listowel and Mr. Beverley Plume of Hanover, .visited•on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom MeClement, Miss Barbara Park of Listowel spent the week-end at the same home. • • Mr. and 'Mr. William McCann and Miss Margaret McCann visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hutchison and Mr. and 'Mrs. Tom Hutchison. Messrs. Carman and Morley Mc- Bride of Elora spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bride, Th8 December meeting of the Fordwieh W. I. will be held one week earlier, Tuesday, December 10th, at the home of Mrs, Angel. Demerling, Members are reminded to bringa gift for the Salvation Any Miss Carol Bartlett of California is spending 'a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs, Tom McClem- ent. \ ' Mr. and Mrs. George Bolander and Johnny of, London spent the week-end With Mrs, Dora Ridley. Mr, and Mrs, Peter Chiomey of Port Colboene and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith arid Randy of Water- loo visited over the week-end with Mr, Alex Keith and with Mrs, Keith in Ligowel Hospital. Mr. Gary MeClement returned home last week after Spending the past five Months in B.C. He also spent three Weeks With relatives in California. Miss Elizabeth Patterson of Kitchener spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Pearl Patterson, Mrs, Earl Moore is spending a felv days this week with Mr, and Mrs, Jack Brickdr and Mr. and 'Mrs, Prank, Benin hi Kitchelier. Mrs. Peter Browne, Teddy and Peter are .spending this Week With relatives In WilloWdele, Mieses fans .and Connie and Master parry Pollock of Ripley visited last week, with Mt. and Mrs, }fart& Mr. and ,Mrs. Harvey Bride of Toronto visited Oyer the week,end with Mr, and ,Mrs, Harold beig. Mr. Donald Doig of Cali visited Over the Week-end With his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. ItosS Dole. Mr. and Mrs, Grant Eraser of 'Toronto Visited On Sunday with Mr, and' MrS, 'Rowell. Fraser, Canada will need several thoue, and additional qualified planners over the next 10 years, says the. Imperial Oil Review in a Cross- country survey of community planning activittes,sThe article in the December issue places the urg- ent need for enore planners at the head of a list of problems made urgent 'by Canada's rapid growth, Of today's proressional town planners, the magazine reports:. "Many of them feel that we are being 'Carried along willy-nilly by the tide of growth without . ade- quate .planning and , preparation for the future; They 'feel that the community and town .planning. that is 'being done in. Canada .i.e..apotty- and too narrow in scope; that our 'planning should he on a longer term and cover much wider areas.. They say that sonic communities, indelstries and planners are beirig stifled and frustrated by aetiquat- ed zoning regulations and by-laws :that have apt kept, pace with Mod- ern deVelopMents." artieleepoiritee'•ont, that - the trend to the suburbs during tile past 12 years ha's 'brought. with it a host of problems revolving around,' transportation. For ex-. ample, the. new suburbs could' not exist, without the automobile, and unless proper provision is made for it in the form of good roads, proper spaces for ;private parking and adequate service statioie fecili- tieS, the suburb system breaks down.. Modern planners agree that archaic community laws, which are often unduly restrictive to service station building, are fatal to proper town planning, The professional planners feel that part of the general solution lies in the education of more plan- ners. Four Canadian universities' - McGill, • Toronto, Manitoba and British • Columbia—graduate plan- ners, and the 'University of 'Wes- tern Ontario's \geography course is one of the most popular on the continent for future planners. "A student interested in plait- ning" says Dr, E. C. Pleva, head of Western's geography depart- illent„ "should start • with funda- mental training in Science quid engineering, and do post-graduate ,At'udies In the social sciences, such as economies, sociology, or busi- ness administration." Native of Howick Passes at Hospital WROXETER—The death of well-known resident of Howlek Township occurrent at the Wing- ham General Hospital on Tuesday of last Week, with the passing of Stephen David Taylor, in his 81st year, after a brief illness. Deceased was born on the 0th of Howiek, near Gerrie, on Decernber 23rd, 1876, a sort of 'the late Mr. and Mrs, David Taylor, He later moved to Lot 32, Con. A., the farm now owned by his Sons, Archie and William, He was married on April 8th, 1903 to Mabel Griffith Who predeceased him on August Oth, 1954. 'Surviving are four Wine, John and Clarence,' CCM. C., I-lowlek, Archie and William 'at borne,Ciiie sister, Miss Nora Taylor, of Oorrio also surviVeS. Service was hold at the Moir funeral home at 2 p.m. on TharS- deee, NeVerilbeer 28th, with. Rev. M. C. Attwell officiating, The pan- bearers were George Gibson, Ver- non itupfer, john MoCutcheori, Arnold Ball, George :Sanderson and Motley MeMichael, interment was hi Wroxetor Cemetery, De. 'Knight is an Ontario:bOrn miseionary, who, after teaching for three years, took a four-year course at the Ontario Agricultural College and graduated with the degree of B.S.A. , Yellowing his graduation he ' pursued further studies for two• and 'a half years at the •Michigan State College, emerging with degrees as master of science and doctor philoso,- ..phY; • In 1944 he Was appointed a mis- sionary. to Angola, West Africa, and after studying language in Liebon he was assigned to Dona Angola, 'where ,his work has beea conspicuous, • Being a specialist In the ehem- ' istry Of soils, Dr. Knight has been able .to make , a great coritribution in a 'land vvhere much of the cult tivated 'land is worn out. from lack et proper maintenance, He also preen:hes on ,Sundfiy, an cL shares o at - times in the "coin:triunity' better- ment, • program", which has as its goal • the • ineprevement of village life, health and' sanitation. Dr. Knight returned to Canada on furlough -at the. end of June this year, The members of 4-H Clitbs and Junior Farmer groups. in North Huron 'have been invited to the rally on Tuesday evening because of the. special interest the ,speaker holds for them. Ile will address the, student body hi ' the Wingtiam District High School at 3 .p.m, on . TUesday and e wilt appear oh the Almanac' Pro- gram at 10.30 Tuesday evening over CgNX TV, Lodges Elect Officers for 1958, C. A. Brooks mete elected as worshipful master of Wingham' '• LOL Lodge 794 for the corning year at a meeting of Loclgd mem, hers held in town Oil Wednesday evening. Other &fibers appointed" Were, Deputy master, Harold. Mof- fatt; recording eon:intent,' W. A. Hogg; 'financial secretary, Sid Adams; treasurer, Ivan Gardners first leeturer, Stan Campbell; sec- ond' lecturer', Willinuri Henderson Jr.; • marshal„Tacie Tiffin; tylele, Oe•Mof:fatt, John ' Ward; Audi- ors, T. W, Platt and Loael• Henan- 'On; ' committees, Mark Gardner, M. Casemore, • Thomas Wharton, Berrien 'Jenkins, Merrie District LOL, elected` George Halley, Myth, as distrlet Master 1958. Others elected were, deputy master; B Scott, of Belgra,ve'; chaplain, Henry Patti, Wingham; recording seere- tary, C. Falconer, Bly,th,; treasurer,• Edward Quinn, Hlyth; marshal, E. Londeshoro; first lecturer, 'William Taylor Belgrave; second lettitrer, Stewart Apnea, 'Auburn, The borough of 1•161born, Lon' don, Englend starts off safety • in- steuetion with the very young. 'A Toddlers" Club meets in tv * local meWs Where a model road section bas,• been laid mit, "Voting "motorists" on tricycles "Mothers" tingling doll carriages learn the meaning of various traf- fie signs and signals. Pelieerilen and Women teach the ebildren, The purpose of the club is net • only to teach road safety to child- , Inn below school age, but Perhaps more important, to teach parents 'MEM responsibility, 1 Christmas,verse. The. teaclyrs aad paPila are busily pfeparing for tb‘lr christ,, snug concerts, 'That of Sa .Nee, .8 'With Mr. Itosa Nrrington ail' teentr,, or and that of St, NeiClis School , , with: lo rM141:1xa$ t: w evening, eMarko et h ,0 Johnson,formctre:wohn. Wednesday eVening , and the latter er; Wilt he held in the community Miss W, D. Rutherford Is spend- ing a holiday as .the guest of Mize Florence Stewart, Evanston, Ill, • patients, 34rO.DianvethGeibwkri:;nhdarn,1 e I hro Hospital. i are Mrs. Gibb is suffering with pleur., icy and pneumonia and Johnny with pneumonia. Their many piano efrrlyengdo s ho Donald Murray, who ope for a ,speedy recovery. Best wishes for a speedy recoV- "stioaInnwgilicq'ill' Ia'Wlaastegrreagtlyveell"' i°YeCi. was 'badly injured on Tuesday, The toast to the ladies was Pro- when hishand and clothing caught posed by Ermine Copeland and in a corn picking machine. Donald Mrs, Jack Reavie responded. Rev. is a patient in, Victoria Hospital, MacRae read short passages of London. # Sc ritre (hieing a, brief devotional period, Beverley Cunningham, one of :Santa's four helpers Son..Saturdey 1001c3 busy as she helps distribute candy for the children, More than le00 youngsters said hello to Santa and received their Christmas treats. Mrs. J. Rutherford Leads. WMS Meeting BELMORE — The November meeting of the W,M,S, of the United. Church was held , at, the home of .Mrs. Norman leTewans on Wednesday afternoon of lust 'week with a ,good attendance. Mrs. John Rutherford was the leader, using the theme "Unto Him. every knee ,shall bow", Dis- cussion followed the worship ser- vice. Mrs, W. Merkley 'gave the read- ing from the IVIissionaly Monthly, • "Her Works Praise Her", the story of a courageous .Korean widow . with only primary education, who not only ran her own little farm and raised six children, but also Managed the only medical unit in her village.' Short temperanee readings were given by Mrs. Roy Rutherford arid Mrs, W. Johann. The third chapter of the study book "Cross and Crisis in Japan", ably reviewed by Mrs. Torn Abra- ham, told of the 'rebuilding of -church life in Japan after World War It The roll call was 'a verse.. on Peace and was well 'responded to,. A duet by Mrs. Newa,ne and 'Peter- Newaes, `IHow Great= Thou Art", was greatly appreciated.; Mrs. West presided direr the businese session, Plans ,were made for the 'Sunday School and. congre-:• gational supper. on Friday, Deccan: • her 6th, Mrs, R. Ballagla reported excellent results of the Christmas card sale, ,Mrs. Metcalf, treasurer, reported the allocation already reached and passed. Election of 1958 officers was held. The meeting was closed with, Prayer by the Rev. Harold West, Hrs.. Gordon Greig Is Guest Speaker_ WROXETER—T 11 e November meeting of the Tuesday' 'Starlight Group was held at the home' of - Mrs, Lloyd Townsend with Ken McMichael and Mrs. ..Wes.. Heimpel as conveners, There were •. 23' members and five visitors in attendance. Mrs, Gordon Greig Was the' guest. epeakee and gave an interesting. discouree entitled "Love Caine Down at Christrinas".• The group will arrange a Christmas party to be held tire church hall on the evening of December 19th. • WROXETER. Hey Kids! Santa Claus is 'coin- ing to Wroxeter on Saturday, December 21st, Be at the Town. Hall at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.' for pictures and treats,. All the stores in Wroxeler will. be open evenings from December 18th to 24th inclusive. I The merchants of Wroxoter are giving prizes of $10, $6 and $1 for the best decorated reeidential premises visible from the street, ' Judging will be done Monday even. ing, DeeeMber 23rd. 4:11 AO Mrs, Alonzo Sperling alid 1418e Hazel Snarling spent a fe,w days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jag. Robertson and Virg. Ethel Oar. ' michael, Goderich. While there they called on Dr, and Mrs, G. Willis; who Wish to he remembered th their friends in• and around i'Wroxotor, I Mr, .and Mrs. Henry Sage, Lis,, towel, are visiting at the Home of Mr, Ross Toman, The sympathy of the community is extended to.the Taylor family iri the loss of their father, lift, and' Mrs. Blair sharp, John and Tommy of Detroit spent :WAN dayS last week with Mr. Johu Hoofer, ` Friends of Mrs. Wahl:11)mm wilt be 'so'rry to loath of her 111., ness and also Mr. anti Mts. Alvin 'Oakley who 'ate hospitalized,