The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-04, Page 4The Wednetiday, lt/00, 4t . REAL ESTAIIVI COMING EVEN'7$ IN FEED MILLS 4-z- Ay/N(2,m IIUM1111 111111 sow lammamoommiaila EASY TO WIN AN ARGUMENT IF YOU CAN GET THE LAST WORD IN FIRS/ To the Electors of TURN BERRY TOWNSHIP Many thanks to t those who voted for me on Saturday. Your trust in me is 'deeply appreciat-, ed. Wishing you all a , Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year PERCY J KING THANKS THANK YOU May I extend toy sin- cere" appreciation to those who supported my acclamation as Reeve of Turnberry Township. Very best wishes 1 foy' ''',, 111 HAPPY . YULETI „. ' SEASON. JACK WILLITS Thank Yon My sincere thanks to all who voted for me on November 30th. Your interest -on my ; behalf is sincerely appreciated. HARE ELLIOTT saLB POE'S USED FURNITURE, BUY and sell, Agent for Kincardine Laundry, Phone 185. 9rrb SEAT SALE--Good beef by the quarter. Killed under license from Dept. of Health. Yearling beifera Top quality, ',west prices. Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30, t7rrb gOla CORN for sale, $25,00 a ton 4 tkiq „Varti...All geed corn. Con- tftet 'Wetaon,,-1R,R. 3, Zurich, phone ,DaaliWood 37r19. 27,4:11:13 MILK ,FILMER§ for sale--"Rapid • i4'14-1", left; 79c; 61/2 ,inch, 85c. ,Alexander's Hardware, lrrb FOR THE BEST PRICES on new itrld used musical instruments, aeeeSsories and repairs, see Roas Mann Winghem . phone 735.14, 3Orrdl8b SINGER electric portable sewing machine: and case for sale. Zig- 7.4g attachment, like 'new, $45, Phone 599.» 4b ' BROWN - MT. -TSKRAT COAT for Sale. Pull length, full back, Size 88, goed ponclition. Very reason- able. Phone' 197. 4-'1` SAVE $2Q,00—This week's special --Revere 3-way radio in case. Reg. price $69.95, sale $49.95. Hammer- . ton Studio, 4b CHRISTMAS TREES for dale: Or- derS taken now. Apply Bill Lockridge, or phone 458. 4:11;a8b AUTOMATIC HI-FI in modern cabinet -fer sale; Multiple speak- o• era variable speed, beift-in radio. Excellebt 'condition. $95. Phone 599. • * 4b MAN'S WINTER OVERCOAT for sale. Size 40, :dark colour, good -condition. Phone 502.11. 4b NEW , INTERNATIONAL Harves- ter, horizontal home freezer for .sale; i6 cu.",ft, Reduced price. Phone .774.:, -„.„ 4* 050 CHEVROLET SEDAN. for ;ale. Reconditioned motor and :brakes, new battery, very good, tires, etc. Phone 599. 4b BROWNIE-8 mm Movie Camera and projector for sale; complet. With F 1.9 lens, filters, spot- lights, "focus fOr indoors and out- doors, Regular $185,20 for $125.00. 0 Cameron's 4b BLOWER and THERMOSTAT for sawdust burner for sale. Used only- one •.-. winter. Phone 500 Wingharn,' 4* iltLA7CIC & DECKER 3 inch drill press stand; 14 inch sanding and grinding stand for sale, Like new. Work bench and vice. All fpr $40.00, Phone .599. 4b ILAMmERMILL arid 'dhop brik for sale ` nearly- new, Apply to Mrs. D. S. MaeNaughton, phone 104W. 4b DID YOU ;KNOW that David Cionipion, Certified Watchmaker, guarantees to keep your watch in good running order for one year? This free service guarantee 6.pplies to all new watches, also to watches that have heen clean- ed and -reconditioned. Bring in your watch to-day and take ad- vantage of our fast guaranteed service. 23rrb FOR RENT RED BRICK HOUSE for rent, Modern •Coilvezilences, good loca- tion. Possession January :1st. Phone, 1.36M, 4b SALESMEN WANTED YOUNG MAN wanted to work in Body Shop. Experience preferred but not necessary. Apply in Per- ' son at the Wingham Body Shop. ' 4b MAN WANTED—Are you dissat- isfied with your work? Would you like Q, business of your own? If so, write Rawleigh's -Dept. L- 453-0G, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, Quebec. 4b LIKE TO SELL? We require two aggressive men to enroll new members in this area. Experience an asset but not essen- tial. We are Ontario's foremost Motor Club and we offer an op- portunity for better than average earnings and real future security. Area supervisor to be appointed in the near future. Inquiries invited also for part-time -salesmen and women. Write to Box 817, London, Ontario. 413 WANTED .AN ELECTRIC TRAIN in A 1 condition -Wanted, Apply to Box 71, Advance-Times. 4b SMALL CUTTER WANTED; suit- able for pony. Cameron Bill- iards. 4b MORTGAGE WANTED $2,00Q.00 required for a first Mort- gage on a 100 acre farm value $4,000.00; will ." pay bonus and good interest. Apply Box No, 73 Advance-Times. 4:11:18b WANTED TO BUY" FIVE OR SIX good stocker steers, about 700 lbs. Phone Wroxeter 12r9. 4b WANTED TO RENT MODERN TWO-BEDROOM apart- ment wanted to rent, preferable heated, for family of three. Apply Box No. 72 Advance-Times. 4b - APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications will be received by the undersigned until 7 p.m, Fri- day December 13, for the position of Clerk- of the Township of Turn- berry. Duties to commence on January '1, 1958. Geo. T. Thomson, Clerk. 4:11b CARETAKING TENDERS Tenders will be received until December 12 by the undersigned for, caretakers in the following schools in Turnberry Township, No's, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed, . Alex Corrigan, Sec.4reas, 4:11b AMBULANCE SERVICE :"',URRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing- ham. Safe, courteous Service. Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or 636. 13trb DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmer:1ton 123w, or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited. arrb MISCELLANEOUS RUGS SHAMPOOED in your home, Phone 640.71. rrb IS YOUR TELEVISION properly friatired for all risk coverage? Vor information phone 293, Stew- art +. Scott, VVingham, 2rrb STE-WART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your car or truck insurance: Yearly or six months• policies are available. Special rates for farmers. For farther information phone 298, Wingham. 29r-rb SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, etc., pumped and cleaned, quick Serviee, All Work guaranteed, Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, 115trb Brussels. WATERLOO CATTLE', Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are' Used", 'For artificial'in. Sentinatian reformation' Or' ser- vice frotti all breeds of cattlo, phone The' Waterloo Cottle Breeding Association at: Clinton Ilk .24441 of Mil aria 130r12 be- twee* "7.80 and. 0.30 a,tri, We have all breeds available—TO, cart' YOU'VE TRIED .TBE "REST, now try the best for ,spareribs .and sauerkraut on Wednesday,' Fri- day and Saturday evenings, Com-• mercial Hotel, Formosa, 012/57 SUSSEX-ROCK PULLETS. for sale, Five and a half months old, Also oven-ready ehickens. Apply to Ben McClenaghan, phone 40231, .4 4t FOUND • WRIST WATCH found in Wing-- ham, Owner may have same by proving identity and paying fpr the advertisement. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Andrew DoUglaS and family wish to thank all friends, relatives and neighbours for the floral tri- butes, cards and sympathy extend- ed to them in .their recent sad bereavement, These kind deeds shall never be forgotten. 4b , CARA) Off THANKS, I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends, neighbors and relatives for their cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Wingham Gen- eral Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. B. N, Corrin, Mrs. I. Morrey and staff of nurses.—Mrs. Ken Sirinamon. 4° CARD OF THANKS •• The family of the late Knowlson Hueston wish to thank all their friend's, relatives and neighbors for the floral tributes, cards of 'syrn-' pathy and kindnesses extended to them, at the time of their -bereave- ment. Special thanks to the staff of the Wingham general Hospital and Dr. W. A, Crawford. . CARD OF THANKS ' • The , family of • the late 'Stephen Taylor wish to thank all their rela- tives, neighbors and friends - for floral tributes, cards of sympathy and kindnesses, shown them du"ring their recent bereavement in the loss of their father. Special thanks to Rev. E. C. Attwell, Dr. W. A, McMurchy, Mrs, Morrey and the nursing staff.af Wingham General Hospital. 4b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Margaret Nicholson, late of the Village of Belp„,Tave, in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of October, AD. 1957, are notified to send to the .undersigned, on or before the 14th day\ of December, 1957, full ar partieuls of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said 14th day of December, the assets of the said Testatrix will be dis- tributed amongst the parties 'en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the. executors shall then have notice, DATED this 19th day of Novem- ber, AD., 1957. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors far' the Administrators n27: d4.:11.1) NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of HAZEL STAMPER, late of the ToWnShip of West Ws,- warmth, in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceased, Who died on or about the 9th day of October, A.D, 1957, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 7th day of December, 1957, full particulars of their claims in •writ- ing, Immediately after the said 7th day of December, 1957, the as- sets of the said Testator Will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only' to claims of which the executor Shall then have notice. DATED this 18th day of Novem- ber, A,D, 1957, CRAWFORD BETHEPINOTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors Or the Executor 20'2V4b FINANCING A CAR1 1160146 Yoa btiy ask about our Low Coat Financing Service with complete Insurance "Coverage;, STEWART A. SCOTT yowl« zoo urtootoot kkk iiittt Ili Box Hofer e .Names Not Given. Out ;It strictly against our, rules to 'divulge the bowie oir addreSS of any advertiser using an 'ittiVittleettiliteS. BO* Ntititilet. Please do net ask Us for this - information, anninsnounotonsionlatosionitinitonain o nun • C.G.I.T. Prepares For Christnias,' )3ELGRAVE 7- The', La‘Lo-Li group of the C.G.I.T. Met on Eri- day evening with „their leader, Mrs. Ted Fear in charge.. The meeting, opened with the 'Purpose and the hymn, followed by the group repeating several verses of the children's song. The parts for the vesper service were given out and practice started.. The !lames ..tfor ,the, ,..Christmas) party are to be drawn next 'week, " The meeting closed with games and Taps. The next meeting ,will be held on Friday eVening, Dec- ember 6, "at 7:30 when' it is hoped 'there will be a :full ,attendance.- Post Office Gives Mailing .Deadlines For anyone planning to mail Christmas parcels Overseas, or to other provinces within the Dom- inion, the local post office has re- leased the following )1st of dead- lines: For Christmas ,,cards and par- eels going to the 'United States, mail before December 7th: Decemher 11 is the deadline for those going to q‘TewfOundland and Britiih Columbia. For: Alberta, inail'before "December 12, and for SaSktitchewan and Manitoba, the date ,is December 13, For other Maritime Provinces, Ontario and Queb6c, mail before December 14: Local delivery deadline is by December 17. After that the Post Office can only ,do its best, If you plan to use airmail, then December 10 is the deadliA for parcels and December 12 for letters to Europe, and December 12 for parcels and December 14 for letters to Great Britain, Christmas cards in 'unsealed en- veloPes may be sent to all coun- tries at the rate of 2 cents each. Thee post office points out the ad-, vantage of using first class mail for Chriatmas greetings, is that they may be sealed; contain writ- ten messages and are eligible for air transportation' if for delivery in Canada, k Former Residents Are Fire Victims' The residence of Arnold Craig, eat Auburn, was completely gutted by a fire which broke out about 8 a.m. Mende:Y. M. and. Mrs. Craig are former residents Of Wingham. The Kate was first noticed around a chimney on the house and three fire brigades answered the call ter assistance frOM Att. Urn, Blyth doderich. The house IS the 4roperty of Edward Davies. Neighbours succeeded hi rernoV- jag all the furniture in the build- ing before 'the fire spread downw tt,,traat Ow root, „ Mrs. J. W. Irwin Dies After Fong Illness 'A well-known resident of St. Catharines, Mrs. Jean Luella Ir- win, wife of J, William Irwin, 9 Carleton Street West, died early Sunday morning, November 24th, following a prolonged illneSS. Born in Blyth, she was a daugh- ter of the late Mr, and Mrs, John Armour and previous to her mar- riage was on the• staff of the St Catharines Board of .Edrieation, She resided with her husband in Wingham for several years, when he was the town's chief of police, She was a member of the United Church and also of Unitas Rebek- ah Lodge No, 16, I.0.0,E, Mrs. Irwin is survived by her husband, a daughter" Mrs, John (Mary) Murphy 'of Merritton and, a son, William W, Irwin of St. Catharines, Four sisters, Mrs. Thomas W. Huntley, Mrs. George McKay, Mrs. John Thompson, sill of Toronto and Mrs. Bert Lowery of Glendale, California, and eight granddhildren also survive. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, November 26th, from the Butler funeral home, with Rev. Kenneth I. Cleator officiating. WROXETER Mrs. Lloyd McGee spent a few days lait week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bick of Bayfield. Mrs. Glen McMichael, Mrs. Ken .McMichael, Miss Shirley McMic- hael and Miss Ruth Toner spent Saturday in LOnclOn. Mrs. ton and Miss Nancy Newton ac- companied them to London and spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. "Newton, Byron. BIRTHS PETTEPLACE—In Wingharn Gen- eral Hospital, on Wednesday, November 27th, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Petteplace;. Tees- Water, a daughter. MacEWEN—In Wingliam General Hospital, on 'Thursday,. Novem- ber ,28th, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacEwen, ER, 2, Gor- rie, a son. To the Electors of TURNBERRII Many ' thanks to those who voted for me on' Saturday, as a trustee for the school board. I will Strive to do my W.A. Season's • • GreOtings 'We are giving you 410 $4.00 a ton discount on ton lots of eoneentrat- es. We have a Complete line* of concentrates for hogs, cattle and Panitry. Doil't pay More for, your feeds than necessary take ad- vantage of this offer we are giving you through the ',month of •- teinber. Milk Producer, $3.85 Pig Booster Mash , $4.15 17% Lay Mash $3A0 My - sincere thanks' to those - who voted for me, as a member of the commit for. the Township • of Turnherry,' Your *confidence in --me unpreciated., • Merry Christmas and . Happy New Year to all. Herb. Foxton To The Electors of Turnberry Thank you --- and I will try to justify your trust in me. you Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New-Year. Glenn T. Appleby prom:figeauteozoorer4egmttr4axwoe,ce,ge.,29ze.ex4raz CHRISTMAS SALE Huron Motors are slashing tractor prices 4 'on models in stock. , 2-1957 Ford Model 860, complete with 5-speed transmission, live power take-off, live hy- draulic —.Reduced $400.00. 1957 Fordson Diesel, complete with multiple speed transmission, live hydraulic, live pow- , take-Off. Reduce 4400,00. 0 All above .tractors are brand 'new - never been used Factory Guaranteed. fF. HURON MOTORS Ltd.l. A. D. /ViacWILLIAM "! Your FORD and Enos, nnAvrat Wingha-m- : • Phone 237 :BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL ru DIRECTORY A. H.IFTAVISH f,134,RRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER ONTARIO Telephoto 23 Tce3writOr WrOxeter,-,-Etery Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or try appointment," Frederick Fa Homuth' fihm134 R.O. Carol E. Homuth, Mrs. Viola if, flotoutit, R.O. 'OPTOOIETRISIS PHONE rib Harrioton, Ontario `LARGE UNITED States and Ca- nadian Manufacturing Company requires Field Representative in HoWidk atcl, Kinloss townships, EkeePtionally high earningC, Ctiaranteed,. repeat business. Atttornobile essential, Agtieul- Carat or farming background IttOst linportant. Sales training giVert.. Reply to Box 84 London, 'Ontario. 29:21:4b RE ItE.A.15Y for 1958! Start with -4t permanent year-round busi, bees, Ambitions representative needed in CLINTON, DASH- WOOD, EXETER, GODERICH, GRAND . BEND, SEAP ORTH, WINGBIAM and surroundings, 'You can earn VW) to 475 a Week, Nelltng our woriderftil line of dilly het esisitioat gift. boxes; COS. *glee, Wherever yOu iritty live 'betel ati Opening for you, t~d rite for f ree Catalogue and de- Oarciner, Dept, F., 1600 Pitiorinifetv Statiett d, Montreal, 10:14*7.41tX Pnonttora tact. • 10,,Wmtrittlo Oluipbo. 41.i:4$0 • PROPERTY for sale„ lot 23, eon. 8. in Turnberry, with frame house consisting of five rooms. and bath, built-in 'cupboards, oil furnace. Possession immediately. Can bek bought with mortgage, WHY NOT tune in to Chatham Apply to George McMillan, Harr- MVO, Sunday at 3;90 p,m. 830. riston, phone 314.1 or Clare Hut- on your dial, 4;110S:24° ?bison., Harriston. 4 MALE HELP WANTED ROUL'rRY FOR SAIX Hetherington-Greer? Vows at Winnipeg A double-ring ceremony was solemnized on November 8th, at. 7.30 p.m, in the Protestant Chapel, RCAF Station, Winnipeg, when Helen Martha, daughter of` Mrs.0 R. C. Green am:1 the late Richard C. Green was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr, D. P. Green to. F/0, Robert Ian Hetherington,. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hethering-' ton, Wingham,' Ontario, The Rev. Jack Matheson officiated: The soloist was Mrs. Donna-Ritchie, • The bride, carrying a cascade of red roses and white feathered car- nations, chose a full-length gown of embossed embroidered faille, with long lily-point sleeves. The dress was worn over a hoop petti- coat and fell in a slight train. Her coronet, decorated with pearls held her fingertip veil of pure silk brid- al illusion.. Mrs: pan Scott of 'Toronto, was matron of honour and Miss Beth Thompson, cousin of the bride, was' junior bridesmaid,. Both wore turquoise gOwns and carried- tur- quoise and white carnations. The best man was F/0 Gordon Shaver of Cornwall. P10 Dale Newton and P/O Andre Roux of Flin Flon, Manitoba and Menrteal, P.Q., respectively, ushered • the guests, The reception was held in Offic- ers' Mess "B" RCAF Station, Win- nipeg. NOTED MUSICIAN WINhHAM NATIVE Mrs. Lama Homuth Marshall, widow of Dr, Russell W, Marshall, well known in church tend musical circles, died at her home in Tor- onto .on Wednesday • of last week following a heart attach, A native of Wingham, Mrs. Marshall •was a daughter Of the late. Mr. and Mrs. fJ. Homuth, -Her father was In 'business here for many years, a partner in the firm, of Homuth and Bowles, She was a frequent visitor to Wingham. She received her musical train- ing in New 'York and later moved to Toronto, where she 'Was married. A lyric soprano, she was at one time the soloist in Yorkminster Baptist Church, She had also taught 'voice and was n member of the Heliconian Club and the Home Musical Club, of which she Was a former president. She was predeceased by a brother and two sisters,. Milton,, Mrs, Bowles and Mrs. Gifford, Mrs, 3. Kolb', Minnie Street, Is a cousin. CRAWFORD It HETHERINOTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingtain, Phone 48 01, IL CRAWFORD, Q.C. R. 5, IIETHEBINGTON, Q.O, J.W. BUSHFIELD Q.C. Barrister, Solicitor, 'Notary,- Moaey , to Loan Office Meyer Blot*, Wingham WELINTON FIRE Insurance Cc npany Est, I1140' An all Canadian Corripany Whieh . has faithfully sawed its polio holders; for over a eellitiry. Item) Office Toronte II. O. Atneuan tastiranee Ageney Win Otani