HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-04, Page 200mtni Ad: awes-1m.0th W Disaster Program Spells Reality Those who have read the outline a the disaster program at the 'Whigliam General :Hospital may feel a ctrtain sense of shocked sur- prise that planning has actually been carried out in detail, with the thought' fif war and its horrible con- sequences in mind, Yes„, it is shocking, on first con - Sideration. just read the plans which' have already been formed — the thought which has been given to the treatment of burns, the relayed op- erating room teams• and the hand- ling Of emergency traffic and in- , INTERESTING POSSIBILITY • Word last week that the Lioils CM has some reasonablehope of b:ritiging the famous 'Rubino:If to . , foWn was interesting indeed. We 'don't know exactly' how many people here would 'attend •such . coneert, .but we do know that lovers of go o do Music wot id aP preciat e the opportunitSr., : • The great' violinist wesuld also play* concerts. at the town's two schools, _and heaven knows our youngsters could well stan.d. to" be exposed to.something worthwhile in the field of music after a, steady diet of Presley and his type for the past two or three years.. Unfortunately, • Canadians don't get too enthusiastie,en masSe, over really worth -14+11e Presentations of this kind, but wecertainly dO hope that•Wirigham has a chance to hear one of the 'greatest artists of our slay. C*OMPULSORY CAR INSURANCE • When you go, to purchase your 1958 car lieense you wilt be Asked for „ a certificate, from your insurance agent- to thet,effect that you carry' a minimum bf $10 000 and. $20 000 public . . liability and property' damage Ofatleast $5,000,, Qtherwise,you will recoired. fpay an–extra' $5,00 iegistration fee. • The • Motor Vehicles Branch of the Department • of .Transport has affgatinced that as of January 1, 1058, ii owners ..of •rtiotOt! vehicles Who d6 not have:thisIniiihnurn re- qUirenierit Of ,ipsnianee', _Must, pay the elltra fee. . • The. Ontario -government has sent out 8..supp1y of theSe`certificat' es to all inSurance agents so that it is advisable to seCtire"one' before the Wile cant es „to purchase,noct, y e a, s ]icensePlateg! * The government has ars°i an- nounced that an, owner ofal Motor vehicle who cannot pay a. judgement for damages 'arising :from a' triofoi accident to at least the.-ttlinimutri" Mentioned above, will be prohibited from owning or operating a Motor vehicle. If a judgment is registered against him, all personal property such as home or other assets may be seized 'and sold to cover damages and coStg. • If assets are not available the .thimant can ask :for reimbursement from the Unsatisfied jUdgrbent Fund and tb e Motor Vehicles Branch wili prohibit the jud,grnent debtor from operating a motor vehicle until such time as the Unsatisfied Fund has been 'reimbursed. Tilt way matters stand no*, it is simply tot safe to take a car onto. Ole road :without aderittate insurance coverage and the government's gt- iion in demanding proof of coverage is the proper course of action, There have been -far too many instances of heavy Io SS itt which the person. re,sponsible simply tould Pot meet the judgment assessed, against tbm The liVitighatttAtivanceirlittes pributhod ,t4t Wtngham,etAltlifict Wenger BrOthera, BOO Wenger, tdithir *anther Attdit threats Of drentiriti Atitherhied is *COM title Mak Peat Office OePt, , lint *We One teat $S,00, Men 10 -11:ett let lieVotee O. St A, $4,0* iiiett **Met lute tto oft ottruibit Rates Ott ItOnciti01 formation, Complacency is inclined toevaporate in the face of these stark facts. Uninformed civilians will find it difficult to grasp the fael that any war which might break out POW would not be foreshadowed by warnings and time for last-minute preparations. It would tome upon' us like a bolt from the proverbial blue, The weapons which would do the ',post damage might be launchect. from the other side of the world, We do not venture into these grim imaginings With the idea of alarming the commnnity — but we would be fools did we fail to realize the possibility of such a critical situ- ation, Preparation is our only wea- Pon .of defense, ARE YOU INTERESTED? For the past two weeks' this newspaper has been appealing- foi7 little support for the: intermediate hoCk-ey tearn. ,1A7e have the makings of a good hockey. team, here, but ,it is hardly fair to expect the •players themselves to cough lip the funds for sticks and the many other items needed to start the season. • There are hits of hockey fans in this town who are normally 'willing to back the team to the extent of a few' dollars, What has happened to them this' year? No. doubt if someone. could find the time to make the rounds andask for donations trey would be forth- coming, This time' it. has been sug- gested that those t711.o are\vi11ingto lend a hand leave their diniations at The Advance -Times office. To date the contributors total exactly two, .• More than likel:y the reason is • plain neglect. NO1 doubt there , are many• -Who intend to .help. the teain a,long, but have forgottento, do something aborif it: If 'that's: the case, do try to remeniber sdon;•for the first game comes tip shortly and the .boxs are ..venturing..:..Oiak nothing. inOre ;than. faith. • . • DON'T: ‘FIGET •Y SEALS , • Not long.a,go an envelope arrived with the -test of 'your, mail contain- ing Christmas' Seals.- It just in,ay be that, you. haveset • it aside .and have forgotten all about . That is something that:shotildn't • happen, for thos'e seals are •impor- . tant in our scheme of things in this - part of the world. It is hardly neces- sary to go into the aetails'of Aviv your part in the.Christmas Seal pro- gram is important, They are famil- iar. to almost everyone. The money .raised from the 'sale • of seal S is used, of course, tO'eg.rry on th,e fight against tuberculosis within our own county a battle Which, has, over the years, made a marked reduction in the death rate from a disease whickwas, until A ' :few years ago, the scofirge Of hu- manity. - It would he a good idea to look ttp your ‘Christmas seals right now and send in your 'contribution be- fore it is entirely forgot:ten.. 6 • FOR MEN ONLY Things, are a tittle hot in Claren- Ville, Newfoundland, where the tra- dition of superiority of the mak pr- Sists itCsome minds, Mrs. Hari -y Drover ran Cot local council and polled the highest num- ber a votes: It appearsthat in previous years the candidate polling the most voteS was named mayor by cooncil — but not so this time, Council voted 6-3 to elect a man mayor instead of Mrs, Drover. When the council was presented with a petition fromthe cititens, asking that Mrs, Drover* he named chief magistrate the mayor 'and live councillors resigned. Ao things. stand now, it is likely. 'that the pro. vincial government will intervett Settle the matter. Women have tome a long way in the last so. years in most parts a the World, Maybe they.flaven't heatd about that in Clarenville, POSIT YEARS MIO The entertainment given in the School on Of the Method* Oburch On FridaY el/ening was on of the largest end beat eVer at- tendecL Ure, Dingman qoetiPled the chair, Readinga were given by ktheivr,ieBy /Intl aarors. 0 nA; auCoolvise:slierlrmas Allen. Solos by M. Snell, MOS M. Walker arkt 1Vir, Weir illitiett, A meeting of the Winghein ladies faVourabie to the Unien OOVern- MOO was held recentlY and the folleWing elected offieeral Mia$ Whyte, president; Miss Reynold, vice-president; Miss Heatriee An - Ilene*); secretary, and Mrs. T, A.' A,nderson, treasurer. A great manY from this vicinity wept to Brussels on Suoday night to the memorial service held there for Members of . the Presbyterian Church who had lost their live'sin the Warn ' unicipal nein TheInatien. this Year will be held on Monday, Dee- ehiber 31st, With the election one week later. This is the latest pos- hsihleeldd.ate that the nomination can eh J. R, Martin, former member of The 'Advance staff who has been in the Navy, and who was wounded on June .27th when the. British at- tetriPted to capture Ostend, paid a shed visit ; -to the town this week. Be; isspending a ftirlough at hig borne in Ripley. • 0 - 0 - 0 TWENTY-IIIIVE YEARS AGO About.,,60 members 0 the Y.P,S. 0 Huron Presbytery attended the convention held, last Thursday in the United Church. Harry Sturdy, pre'sident of the Presbytery occup- ied the, chair. • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gamble' and theit daughter, Evelyn, of wing -7 • ham,' attended the golden wedding anniversary 0 Mrs. gamble's .par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thee, White, 0 Eciiyroed, On Tuesday. . , . One Thursday evening of last Week the Lucknow Band ,held their aneual meeting. The :.following vvete elected officers, Mr. George Sinitif, president; Mr. Robinson, • vice-president; Mr. M. Orr, secrel tary-treaSuier;• 11/fr; a A. Senate, local bandniaster, ;has been leader • of this.banci for the past tWo years and it. is expected he will continue as such, after the new .year.,, , 'George ,; Henderson, Bluevale Road, arrived.' back frorn,,,;- the Royal Whiter • Fair on Monday eVenilig. George was the. represen- tative 0 the local' Calf Club at i'air and Was a guest 0 the. Ont:4;, ario,GoVereinetit while in Terontd R,G. Moore, of the DoMinion Hank' staft has been .transferred to the, Sarnia Branch.. Mr,., Norman BrOdie, of Sarnia will fill the posi- tion left vacant by Mr. Moore, 'Plie Heir. Father George, of Cor - mac, near Ottawa, visited at the borne of Mr. and Mrs: Petrick Gib.' bons last. Week. ' • • , Ott Wednesday of .this week Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Ceawthrd and Ken- neth left for Bt. PeterAburg, Fled- dit,,,;,vhere they will Spend the win - 4 ter months.• 0 - 0 ViirtrallN %YkiliRS AGO. , . '• The exeeutive and beard of •eCiors Of the East Wawanosh unit of the Vederatfow 0 Agrloultute met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, an YOU 2,,,winneeareeumlemolon$•woo.ii,linainemarketieemmoilioneteeosamm,4,,,,,,•emme.Heiw 1414 r, Paireegi, BA• I lilt Ii,eeda $014 VPPer CPU** Blble 0100104/ Por the 44(401E04 of hlind qeti to print 1ii BaiiI hiblos, people in this ountry tho Braille and this special Paper teatS the Bible is Made aVailabie at -frgtp sopiety abgut $00 a ton. . tiou of Al oat iyther Brit* and The printing 0 the Foreign 'Bible Society in Oanadri, Ut is done Alma 15,854 muster The Praille alphahet .and SIglas %Plates impressed on .the heavy are coMPOsed. 0el* deta arranged paper, and tbese plates take one In 64 cenahinatiops, and the cern- Man eight years•to prepare, pee Bible IS ,prochieed in 39 T41thie -le languages other than English ;IS Also printer) Iv the 'Seciety. There are orily two persona 'in the Britieb CoMnienWealth. who volutnes. Tins is It chelf 0 hooks, seven feet 'long, weighing 100' pounds. One ten of paper Is re, Marvin 'Howe, M.P., Favors Broadening Advance Poll peaking in the Huse of COM, mons, Ottawa, on. NeVeniher 20th, during the debate On estimates, Rem 60, Office Of the Chief oral Officer, Marvin. Howe, M.P. .(Wollington-Huron) said' the eligi- bility to vote at .advance Polls is tee restricted, ' • •IVfr. Howe said: 'Th ' e act . was • amended in 1901 but 1 notlee that the peeple who are allowed to vote at adVarice poll are still covered by a very narrow list which takes in ecnntnercial travellers, fishermen, those employees employed upon the railroad; airships and other inodes of, transtiortation. To this. day and age when therg. are people, working on constroctiOn, who leaVe their homes early MendaY-rnbrn- ing,andtdo not get baCk until late Friday night, ,/ do feel they should co:1.nm under the same jurisdiction as commercial travellers., There are also people who work many miles away from their homes who leave in the early morning and are hot abie to 'get back 0 night in suf- ficlent time to vote d on election day. I am just wondering whether the minister and officials are giv- ing any consideration to amend -leg this act so that the • categories of those who are entitled to vote en election day may be broadened." The Wellington-Hurtin member is on the following standing com- mittees: 1. Railways; Canals and Telegraph. Lines;, 2, Agricultere ,and ColOniiation; g, Mines, Forests ,and Waters. John BuCharian' on "FridaY. evening, . „ . 'Harry Sturdy • Was in the .chair. ,Douglas• Caninbeli, the .'sberetiiry • readthe rhinuteW, I TuesdaY eVening at the ho- 'pital the luiSpitat Staff „entertained one of. their.M.enthersi Mies•Lattr- ine Miller at a presentation and shower. , On 'Wanda* .a rink .,frorn. Wing-. 'ham •attendeCthKlionSpiel. at 1:it-- A:Pier: Was H. Sher- ;13Ondy, „T". H.;Cravvford;'0. Hase17, grove and Art- Wilson They lbst their fiist game hut, Won two gainea• in second: event: • Mr. Bruce Vogan, who has been employed by the Ontario Hydro Electric' ,Cormission . for the past ,several 'years, has- • accepted a ;position ,With ...an electrieal corn-• ipany at ShaWingan Valls, Quebec. Mrs. Vegan is the former Miss A. lVfactionald Of town. On' display in Art :Adam's win- dOW is a puniphin that on account of its size kg attraefirig consider- able attention,Rweihs• 78 pounds and is well shaped foe such a large pumpkin. . • , • Among the, recent enlistnients at the Windadr Depot Was J, P. Carr, of *bighorn This is the third en- listment in this - U re able to Mahe foreign /anguage Braille pates, ltihd these are both emploYed hy the British and FM., eign Bible Society, 4 Suggested Bible Reading , WedrieSdaY, PreVerbs 13:1-35; Thursday, ProVerha 8:1-36; FridaY, X Timothy 11x,,20; Saturday, I Tim- othy ,:1.-115; Sunday, X Timothy 2:- 1-164 Monday, 1Timothy 41-111; Tuesday, 1 Timothy 0:140. • ...Sugar . Spite. By Bill Smiley don't know how it Is arotind your town, but around here.,'this is a had time 0 year, An epidemic is loose, and everybodyshifters, wives children, old people and all nOr-deerlitintera. Inne1. see the hunters, before the ,season opens standing around in little Ousters, muttering myster- lously, when they should be at work. 'Novices, going for their first sheet, are out scouring the farms around, trying to borrow a • rifle, Women read Wend 0 •• meal times all the hunting casualties from the papers.• • What is this strange fascination that deer hunting holds for other- wiSe normal men? Reliahle,plumb- ers Will g�. off and lea,ve an old Widow with her bathroom half in- stalled, when the season opens'. Solicithus hnsbands who normally won't let their wives lift anything heavier than a cup of tea, will run gaily off to the woods and let themwrestle for two weeks with the furnace, the kids, the snow shovelling and the bill collectors. Shrewd businessmen who would stay open' all day Sunday if they thought they could make a sale, suddenly' get philosophical at deer hunting time, say: "yon only live once",, lock the deers and take off, regardless of cost. Misers who sweat when:they have to. buy tv new pair of shoelttees will go.Out and blow a hundred dollars on a new rifle,• because they missed a deer last year witb. the perfectly gocaroid.one. Lazy , devils who wouldn't Walk Town to thg corner to watch Mar- ilyn •Monroe do a itriP-tease, will 'trudge a hundred miles through the bush, under the worst •conditions, if they so much as see one set of deer tracks. • Expectant fathera ;Who are 'deer hunters have been knOwn to have their wives jumping off the kitch- en table, in an effort to speed the process,' se they can get away hunting with a elear conscience Elderly gaffer s whose place is nodding by the fire, With pipe and slippers, can he found staggering along a snow-covered trail in the bush, finder the weight ef a 14. pound rifle, determined to get in just one more,hunt." Is deer hunting really as thrill- ing as all that, or is it Simply a $$$ llllll .11)111 tt t o oo t 11 t v.4 0.0 These.'.:Safe',H• Driving Rules? During this week,-Stife Driving (b.)' 'SloW deWit, then, if way Is behind? Week, beeeinber 1,7, is a good clear prtieted(c) Give way to right and, do • time t� check up on,yoUtscif to see • (c) Stop, watt Until Way is lear, ninogt vienhcireeiaeseh4ssppeeadssetidn?til overtalt- rules for Safe' driving. Head and What is the maximuni Speed, if you knew and adhere to all the then, Proceedt• 11 What are the !penaltiesfor answer the feilOWing questions, limit be the highway Outaidethe, trr(tvrgfr.w4fotnn whileintoxicated? ors icfaed:voi ,dos. alid then look up the ansWers to limits .0 CMOS, toWnS or VillFa iges?' get your • score; Keep theSe rules Co 40 miles per hour? and vehicle impounded ter three In 'Mind at all 0101 arid make (10,50,,miles per hour. illa(bnr Lsree„e perinit Sus, and• eVery.•Weeir•Safe Driving Week (e) 60 nines per hour? . required t� dint headlights?' when you OVertake a."School Bus° • 1., After dark., when is a thiVer 7. Outside a city, town or village, d P6(110cledAlr:fsxtih'e,m:bilot? vh:phi§ 4:: ;her M boot ag an approaching Vehicle *Web has signals Peln2,alnies:v6reaking and pasting Vehicle eotrfes. 10 sight? and is 'taking eh or discharging • r' (bY Within 11)00 teet appreacti- POeSenger% Whia do You do?' anotheOttr,).how far Must you be ing Vehicle? (a) Iteddee Apeed and peas With beyoed it .before turning back into ( the lane hi Which it Is traVellingl e) 600 feet 0 approach. care? ' ed/ (a ing Vehicle? .,, ib) Sound. horo and pasS M l linmediately You have peas - 2„ tt there,is /no Safety tOne, yeti dredueed Speed• ? Must atop in What position behind (e) .Step nail. the hes proceed s (b) 300•feet after PasSing? a street 'ear .taking on or dis,• on bus: driver -signala you to pass? (c) 'When net Interfering With . eliarging passengers?' • &Whet( a right turn against a the Safe progress 0 the vehiele (a)Ilettintt the rear deer? • ... V !ol signal -light Is perinitted, What oVertaken? • 'lb) behind the front door?. MOM Yoti do titer driv13. How soon' after ehanging ,Ing • into' a (c) Six eet behind' the- dear the right-hand Tarte? Your residence ddress are you 'required to „ .3 Paerierigers are getting On -or oroadway ff? (A) %Ow dirWil, algae, turn? notify the It/refer ; In tow o . 6) stop, then edge )dte the Vehicles. branch, Toronto? n d -naust.you; be before Making a left traffic? • , (a) Within 40 ays?' (b) •W'ithin slit days? Antra- 11) (e) Step,. signals, Make the turn (10 dogo to the rtght MO of ;00 as not to interfere With Other 14, when, the ehennwight 1,neing • e (c) Within 60 day? thread? ,traffie and pedeStrianii? • IN red and youintend to go , • On Close to left Side a thefoittiv kktept os otherwise' posted,. yoU attijght 04,606 the inteteeeetien, •'Ca Moo to centre -fine 0 toad- 'what '11 the Speed llittit in ditieS, What Mug Yen do? way? tbwria or village? (a) SLOW tloWit, „„predeed. when 4. Whit the Meaning a a (a) 20 MIMS: tier hour? ha:Stang reit signal4ight dat ail ht. ,Y' SO 'Alike -Pee hhtlet the WAY Is clear? tert4titt ;before entering/ •zite. What *Wit you. iltk When a *r hotter • Mold theft green arid When WtLy (bY Step, Proeted Only when the (b) MOW ildWit before entering? &WO -of another thole gNee, e,1*(6e1)6,4sttti, love dostrtathe • 01 toti3 Walter green lightf aikoal that hi-Osttes to pais? 'r *.Whert On sideroad end ,(1) Speed Hp to Maintain late ight Of way then prodeed with • 04 40Y ehiel litetWaY, *hit must' yvik 'iiikeextY • °I" betw6611 '4'n •6a;ietlilt to Page fiVe for The Rhea to tinter or crest a throtigh driving I , SlOW illotirk then ?firmed? 0) Sittial the :driver to remain etieWern, Iroviorsouoioiontomiatooaronootoosignioneoroti oak, conspirav to alialte the old • hall-and*ehain for a couple 0 weeks and exchange' theliabble little voices for the belling, Of a hound giving tongue? X asked a couple of deer hunt - era about this one night, and half an hour later, to my horror, I 410 - covered that X was going deer ),Poting with them. Now, 'don't worry, lady, X promise you X won't StIQAt a deer, 'I've been shooting at things all rtly life, trom cows with a catapult to 00r)Oan tarIlta with 00-poiirid rockets, and I've never hit a thing, Any deer with-, ih rineshot of me is as safe as be WoUlcl be in a 7,0o, ,beauty 0 a deer hunting excur- sion, these birds „inform me, is that it's so eheap, Ne iipPing,no night clubs, no taxis, MI it: costs Yell ta your grab, 90 the rookie Starts getting his things together. It seams that none 0 the things yop liave, Hite your golf outfit or your fishing ecuipmCnt, is much lise on a, deer bunt. Yoh make a list of the' things yon need, and you haven't any 0 them, It's cheap .411 rigpt,,,Iliyoi. it you've been ferttinate enengn.10 borrow a .r.hae, you hays to ron'iw !up seeh items as a hunting knife-, I• cOmpasa, long woolies, sleeping hag, bunting .isoiret, ea p and pants god a whistle, When you ante Up tor these odds and sods, then add in your bunting license, trensper, tation, grub, and snakebite remedy, it ceMea to about the Same as a month in Iierrniida. 1 ' however, I'm going to. -have a wheek 0 it this 'year. It there's no velum nod Week, you'li know I'm drowned, AO, or sitting up irl c,..tree waiting for that groat brute i0 a deer te g-0 .0altarikildkid pie get hack to the bosent of•my faint , There are Scandinavian, Vreileh and ancient Egyptian legends which claim to have given ,tne christmas tree to the world„ The tirst authentic Mention "sf • a Christmas •tree is ,of one in Stras- .bough, Germany, 18015,s ' •*•••••e•••••••;.4***•AA.**010Ammo*A-•*.eomer**•••***!rue“eragnekie.9 Now is the TIME to protect your livestock against all hazards of. Winter' Diseases. At VANCE'S you will find a complete supply of all Veterinary Supplies'. —Mantes to immunize against diseased conditions. —Serums for ireatinent. A run line of Antibiotieds, nett. Strepteneyeins, eeniyeifils, and Terramyeins, —Vitamins for quick piek-up and , preventimi. • 70-1,Zo•/.....,..""nesnAo,:•..e... $7' ARRIVED — 11• New 'INJECTABLE Iron' fof Piglets One single injection gives full protection against ... PIGLET ANEMIA. . REMEMBER! • NEW and if it's good—you can always, • find it at 1 Anktiameismapoll•I/00410.•11.0.00410•41.10011011•Wistbstall1141111.1400..1MY046•1•641• VAN PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST ---- DUSARRY 4/1.11)MIT•••TAIITI/..REVLON Co.ect.t- VETERWARY 41e/PPL/E:r ...-._-- %Ate 701-t. ker.-Art— • 18 imoiltaionlijoilimoup111111111111111111111Hohavialthommionitmonsucuiriiii- 0,._, - a 11 1LAPir 4546494117711 - Gropm DocRs AND SASH, THE KIND ro SEAT - 71-/E Li/MITER'S' COLD AA/C) SAIOW ,AAID SLEET 11,"4e:Ael) Pcs7c0C - imminemmomammulmsmimmummolicwimmummiummommol i a tra. f‘ i q a ." i I • a ow • q aria 4.1.4 Or dobalibai. 0.100. 1 4..0 114 wig ali* ami****d *ma #t, aut'o eburt tANctroAN) ITtabain Reva r.,Johnsonf LTti, Recta Mrs, Gordon Davidson' - Organist Sedond Sunday in Advent 11,00 a,m,---Morning Prayer 2,30 p.m.—Sunday School. 7,00 p.m.—Threning Prayer • * * Thursday, Dec. meeting at the at 3, o'clock