The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-12-04, Page 1IN LONDON HOSPITAL
Eight-year-old Ruth McLennan
was reported to be hi a fair con-
dition in the War Memorial Child-
ren's Hospital, London, after she
had betn transferred from the
*Ingham General Hospital on
Monday' after emergency treat-
ment, following. a tragic., accident
in which the child received a frac-
tured skull and fractured loft
The girl is the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Stewart McLennan, R.R.
4, Wingharn, and police say she
was crossing a Morris Township
road after she had left her grand-
father's car when she was struck
by a car being driven by Miss
Sheila Black, of R.R. 5, Brussels.
Provincial Pollee. Constable Carl
Monk of the Wingham Detach-
ment is investigating the accident.
Swirling snow, the sound of
Christmae music and the happy
chatter of expectancy from several
hundred youngsters, mingled with
the more familiar sights and
sounds of Wingham's main street
on Saturday afternoon as Santa
and •his retinue of helpers rode'
into tivien,'Arom the,„raliread sta.%
tion just before two o'itloek.-
The rnain ,ritreet at the.tAn
was crowded with parents, and
children waiting to catch sight of
the annual Christmas parade as 'it
made its' 'way from the CNA, sta-
tion down to the lower end of
town and -back along Josephine
Street, to, the town hail.
A jolly bantiti accompanied by
four helpers shouted. greetings
from osleigh mounted on 'a trailer,
and followed up by a "rearguard"
of delighted children,
An 'estimated crowd of 2,000 saw
the procession and mare than 1200
children received presorts ef•moldy
and :treats,, provided :'!by the Wing-
ham 'businessmen. About 190 gifts
were distributed at the Wingham
General Hospital, 'which Santa vis-
ited after coinpleting his mission
at the town hall.
Hundreds of, youngsters' took in
the free show at the Lyceum
Theatre. to complete the afternoon's
sewer syste.m"..
After hearing• this'report, the ,
council at; the November meeting
decided, to write 'to industries iii
town ;about this Matter, the' United
Co-operative was among, the in-
dustries' contacted, •
In his letter to the council, the '.
manager' of the creamery suggeit=
ed that the town advise the Water
Resources 'Cominiesion to , make
any tests ' they need at the point
where the Cooperative drain enters.
the' Sefvei',aii.ettiiinliii'-ffirifetrq.:'-'"I':'
operative would assist in any way
necessary to get the Matter settled.
A letter from the ,Berry Door
Company asking" for a purchase
price on land. Close to the factory
and owned by the .town was read.
The council, after -consideration,
decided to submit a, purchase •fii-
ure to the company.
Declare Holiday'
Thursday,* December 26,. Boxing
Day, was declared a public holiday
by the council and the town cleric
was asked to make the •anuotinee,
merit public.
Mayor R. E, McKinney said that
he was pleased to see the council
would stay as it is for the coming
Year. He stated-that with the ex-
ception of Couireillor Callan the
council had remained unchanged
for three years and that they had ,
worked in harmony and for the •
good bI the town during that time.
The mayor told the council that
Reeve J. Roy Adair had Met with
an accident and would not be Irre-
sent at, the meeting that night. He
told the council that as far as he'
was aware the accident was not
too serious anti that fortunately
the reeve would no doubt be out
and about again shortly.
Mr. Adair wag admitted to the
Wingham General Hospital * on
Monday morning suffering from a
lacerated hand,
"' Mr, and IVIrs./,Toseph Finelon of
R.R. 2, Lucknow .wish to announce
the •engagement of their daughter,
Mary Agnes to Mr. Eldon Eugene
4ustiii, son of Mn Frank Austin
and the late 1Vfrs.•Austin on Satur-
day, December 28th. F4"
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Albert
Foxton, Wingham,; oveneunce the
erigagernent of their daughter,
Shirley Anne, to' Mr, David Mel-
Donahue, eort"of Mr, and Mrs,
Melvi le Andersen Donahue, of
Teeswater.The. wedding to take
place December 28th in Wingham
United Church, • • F4'''
A Christheas concert and dance
will be held at Gilenannan Senciol,
Wednesday, December 11th, at
r 8.15 'pre, Ladies please bring lunch.
Adinission 50e, 25e, 'F'1
Overnight parking on all, streets
except, EciWard Street is noW,pro-
hibited from 1.00 a,n. to,6.00 a,m.
Cites foiled on these otreets inter-
, feting with snow• plowing will be
tagged by the pollee.-by order
The' Town Council, F4:11:18b
Gorrie Vidette and Ihfroxe
Ncsoor, mamma, 40*, 4057
By The Pedestrian
'clear or not 'to efear was the,
elteetiell 4 the meeting of tea%
Outwit on Monday evening, The
guestioned centred, more or less,
n the elearing.of snow from, the
lanes behind private business pro
Pertiee on, the main street
After ,disetiseing snow plowing
PrObleres at eensicierabIe length ,
the 'council decided that noininel;
Charges would be made for clearing i
snow from the, baek terms If the!
be used by •townspeople. By Ma-
chinery, the mayor explained, the
order meant that no MeelianiCal
snow plowing apparatus could iti
future be used, if the snow is
being deposited on town streets,
A grant of '$1,300 was made to
tile Wingham Recreation Council
after 'a letter had been reEid,
time' requested the town ,cierk to queSting the grant and pointing out
it(sue a public order that, malhinerY that the council bad Vrefillaed the
for removing snow can no longer grant for summer recreation ex-
A letter from M. N. MeCarter,
manager of the 'United Co-opefav,
Live Creamery, waS• read .by the
town clerk, regarding • the question,}'
of river pollution which had •been
brought up at the last meeting of
the council, The letter hated 614
the dratri from the creamery which
enters the Maitland River has Imp
been in use for some ten years or
more and that all bettermilk solids
have been sold ,eaninerefally for-
several years,' The only drainage
frinn the plant, the letter stated, is,
hot 'water .f em can. Washers, and
since tiller Water 'Was. used for steri-
lizing it was stated there could-be,
no pollution caused from this
A report on river pollution, triad
by the 'Ontario Water Resources
Commission' last summer, *as' eub-
initted at the last monthly meet-
ing of the council, In the report it
was stated that considerable polm
lution was entering the Maitland
River from the town and refereiree
was madd' to the industrial •'wastes
being discharged to• the town's
who wilt be the speaker at a mis-
sionary •rally in the Wingham
United Church next Tuesday even-
Dag.' .Story on page seven.
Thank Ypur
.The--Winghain Business ,As..
in/elation *mild like to express
hearty, thanks to the many,
people who assiele,i1 -hi the
annual 'Siuita Clans, 'visit, these
who helped to hag the candy so
efficiently; the; girls winAeteit
as Sauta`5 helpers, ." plebe wing
contributed financially and par-
ViattlarlY the town workmen Who
assisted so Materially with the
The death , occurred' on Saturda.y,
Nbv'ember 30th of Herbert
highly respected' menrher.:02
the community, for Many atea:1;S,
Who for the past seven • raisnths
had, been in`failing,health. X..q,ath
took place in the Wirighamr„Gn-
era Hospital, '
Mr, Campbell has lived'In g-
hain aince 'coming here In 109 as
position held, with the exception
'of the years during the'first;world
24 22 30 191 war, until the time of his retire-
ment in 1943, During the first war
: '
78• 65 • 317
3e- 37 292
-16 . 14 15$
P, J. King
W. Mulvey
Herb Poston
Glenn Appleby I
Alex MacTavish
A. D. Smith ,,,,, ... ... ...........
Harold. Elliott
Cletus leettinger
James Hardie 80 91
Kenneth ' 170 54
IA H. Reynolds 107 • 21
137 33 * 41: 262
0'1; 63 214
'115 • .
• 71 41 87 30 4 9 4,
The Sportsmen s Association
banquet was held last Wednesday
evening in the Legion home with' a
good attendance. .The ladies of the
Legion Auxiliary served a splendid
Tex Hodgins, formerly a resi-
dent of New Jersey but now resid-
ing in Wingham, was master of
ceremonies. He gave a splendid
talk on fishing conditions in the
John Cruickshank, a well 'known
`sportsman in *Ingham, stressed
the difficulties of sport in con-
nection with the destruction of
gates, fences, etc. He also pointed
out' the difficulties of the Depart,
merit of Lands & Fcirests in trying
to keep the streams filled with
Fishing awards were given cut
to the winners, For. Speckled trout
the winner was Davie Gwynn, of
Auburn; brown 'trout was won by'
Frank rCaskanette; black bass by
Bill Henderson,' Sr., 'and pike, Don-
ald Cook. The latter three are
*Ingham fishermen.
Friends 'in Wingham were . very
pleesed to learn that Carman C.
Coutts, ,a former *Ingham boy,
has,-been appointed chief of
property rand` finance for the fed-
eraleDepartment of 'Agriceiture
Carman, who Is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. R, A. Coutts, Wingham, arid
who attended both Wingham
schools, holds a 'bachelor of science
degree in agriculture from the
University of Toronto, After
graduation he was on the staff of
the field husbandry division of the
Central Experimental Farm at
Ottawa for six years,
In 1946 he was named super-
vidor of , penitentiary farms
by the Justice department and
was warden of the venitelitiarY act
Prince Albert, Seek., from 1.053 to
1956, when he returned to Ottawa,
where 'he has since been the,
property, buildings and equipment
Wider in the science division.
Gerrie L.O.B,A, are serving a
hot supper from 5 to 7, p,m. on
Saturday, December 7th, in' the
Como-minty Hall. Admission $1,00,
children 50 cents, Christmas
Bazaar-arid Bake'Sale at $.30 p,m.
The Wingharo • District High
School cp,clet• Corps' was placed
first in the Cadet Corps group with
121,,to 199 cadets was was announced
by Western Ontario Area Head-
quarters last Week.• Corps are rated
on their training program, inspec-
tion, summer camp participation,
rifle cOmpetition, general admini-
stration and on stores and equip-
The Wingham which is in
the Central Collegiate Cadet Corps,
headed alist which in school
unite frcan pigersoll, Walkerton,
Sarnia, Chatham, Xorwell, St.
Marys,, St. 1101en$, Ridgetown,
Clinton; Recintfotd, Glencoe, Wal-
laeeburg, Simete, Eesex, Wood-
stock, London and Lietowel.
The 'Ladies' Auxiliary to the
Wingham General Hospital Will
hold' theik regular meeting :in the
Council Chainber on Friday sifter-
noon, December etih, at three
o'clock. The officers for 1938 will
be elected,' . • Feb
All property owners at hereby
notified that It i$ unlawful to re-
nioVe enow, from their property
Unto the street. Anyone violating
this laer will be proseeuted.-by
order The TOWn
A reception will be held in
W'hitechtireh. Memorial Hull on
Thersday, December 5th, fm Mr.
and Mrs, Ernmersbn Simmons (nee
Maran Tiffiree orchestra.
Ladies _please. bring lunch, Every-
one welcome. 1r4b
HEY KIDS! Santa Claus Is corn-
ing to Wroxeter on Saturday,
Deer:11100 21st, Be at the 'Town
Hall at 2 b' clock iti the afternoon
for pictures and treats,
,All the' dome in W'roxeter will
be open- evenings (rent December
18th to 24th inciusive,
The merchants of Wroketer axe
giving prises $10, $6 and $4 for
the best decorated residential
premises visible from the. Street,
Judging will tin delre Monday even,.
ing, December 23rd:
Officers for the 1958 Season were
appointed at the •regular meeting
of Branch 180 of the Canadian
,Legion, which was held in' the
Legion Home on Tuesday evening
The new president is Lloyd Car=
ter. Othera,elected were, 1st vice
president, George Tervit; 2nd. vice-
president, Jack Orvis; Sgt.-at-
Arms, George Brooks; treasures,
Robert Chettleburg; financial see,-
rotary, Jack 'Sturdy; recording
secretary, L, Armstrong; executive
committee, John Pattison, Scott
Reid, T. Gauley and D. Adamson,
A Canadian Legion member, who
wishes to remain anonymous,
offers to donate 100 ice hockey
sticks for the town's youngsters
once the new hockey league is or-
gatilied. Two months ago the
Wingham branch of the Legion
promised to assist 'with manpower
in the 'form of managers and
'coaches, when Legion member,
William Conicir, first announced
Plane for the proposed new hockey
set-up foit town children between
the ages of 8. and let
John Pattison announced that.
the members of the Ladlee Auxii,
iety td the Legion are to hold a
Christmas party in the Wirignam,
WWII. hall again. this year for
children of Legionmembers, It
was 'decided that the brarteli
Would litoVide the: Candy for the
he si_rved as a major with the Can-
adian Expeditionary Force in the
161st Battalion.
Born in East Wawanosh 76 years
ago, a son- of the late Charles and
Ann Campbell, he received his ed-
ucation at the Godericki Collegiate
and the Chatham Business Coll'ege.
1010 he ffiarried Miss' Edna
Stratton, of Goderieh, who survives,
A man of keen mind and firm,
decision, Mr. Campbell was always
a reader in community affairs, He
was the first president of Branch
180, Canadian Legion and was pre-
sident of the Wingham Board of
Trade, .A forMer president of the
Alps Golf Club, he was largely res-
ponsible for its organization, and
The work involved in developing
the course. When the present golf
course wits,nndor construction his
advice was frequently sought. He
was Also a Member of the Canad-
ian Order Of Poreaters and of St,
Andrew's Presbyterian Church,
' Cerribbell is survived by his
Widow, one brother, John Camp-
bell, Aylmer; two sisters, Mrs.
jaities (Viola) Wightman, Listow-
el and Mr's, 11; (Josephine) Mc-
Dowell, Milibroptc.
The funeral was held from the
Currie funeral home on Toresday
with Rev: A. Nuotim, D.D., the
Minister ,ct st, Andrew's Presby-
terian ChUrch, officiating. The
Pallbearers ,Were A, B. IV/Rohe%
A„. tuft/0, A: S. WilOri; Retr,
A. X teekridge Craw-
teal, '
The annual Meeting of the Wing-
ham pportst4icO's Association will .
,be held In the Legion Hall on
Thursday, Deetnibee 5 for the el-
ection Of officers for 108. yearly
reports will be given. V413
The Instructional cadre No, 543'
of the Wingham District High
School is made up :as follows: Capt.
W. S, Hall, chief instructor; Lieut,
F. E. Madill, quartermaster; Major
X A, Jackson, instructor; Cape
R, Ritter instructor; Lieut. K,
P. Vogan, signals; Lieut. G. J.
Woolfrey, instructor; Limit, R. A.
Campbell, boee' physical education;
G, A. O'Brien; shooting,
The Wingham ;.District High
School Cadet Corps Is affiliated
With tho'21st,' Fd, Regt,
(M); The battery ' Commander of
the corps is Major It. Murray,
son; of -town, who has been. you
know who for the past six years,
vialted tee Winghem General Hos-
pital again this year, where he
spent come time, on Saturday with
the old folks, Bill Vold us this
. week that his vista to the hooPital
. gives Win the greatest Welt of all
the duties to Performs daring the
etalliae seaean. One charming
lade at the hospital •had avvait-
4(.1 hie arrival from nine o'cleek in
the mornings ?4e, arrived tit the
hecipittil fairly late 'la the after-
neon, bat the delighted look in her
eyes when he did get there showed
ht,le hadn't minded In the least,
0 , 0 -o
eral stores in the tewn will soon
have on (Replay copteet cards with
a wonderful prize for 'the best.
hand-painted top section. The
contest will be open to children up
to the, age of, eight. and the apecial
PriZe Will be 4 real telephone,con-
versation with Santa Claile himself.,
' ,
• POST HASTE-Yoe can assist
the ,local poet office in' their 'tre-
mends:Me task of gettirig'rthe,„rnall'
out in time if you will only rementt
her to addrees all letters, cards'
'and parcels Clearly, and get' them
posted in plenty of tirrie.,,X.emern-'•
her, • if you're' sending 'anything
creerseas get it poseed right, now.
You'll *be, doing yourself, .your
friends and the post office 'a big
,favour and in'ti'Way *ishing them
A' merry Christmas at the came
time. ,
0 •- - 0
SEE YOU UNDER-One delight-
ful sige 'Of the )season we'ye .
Med i$, that the local floriets ,arc
carrying a. good stock of that fa-
mous Christmas sprig , known as
mialefoe. Like most of the ancient
herbs, lotions and whatnots .from
Die- alehemik'S inagleal
trade, it's pretty good for what
ails yeu, no Matter what wour .eger
eeeee.en F
The annual Christmas concert of
the Bluevale Public School will be
held in the Community -Hall on'
Tuesday,' December 10th, at MO
p.m.' Admission 4.0e and 20c, Ladies
lease, bring lunch, Everyone wel-
come,' 17413
urnberty oters,
r Perey Ring headed the polls for eoltheiller in voting' in Turnberry.
Toweihip on Saturday, ke received 262 votes, Othera'eledted to court,.
cil were W..1-1. Melvey (214), Kerb Fext6n (191) and Glenn Appleby
Defeated for council posts were Alex MaeTavish (164), "A.-1). Smith.
652), klaroid 'Elliott (130) and Cletus Hettinger (130)."
James Hardie headed thp polls for' school" trustee with .317, AlsO
elected was Kenneth 'Zinn with-208. Les Fr; Reynolds was the defeated
candidate 'with 108 votes, • ,
The reeve, W. :lack WillitS,' was elected by acclamation.
" :i 2. . 'Tf.itat
Two-Year old Mary Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mr's. Ted Webb; who 'recentlY arilveci from'Singapere
findS a cosy spot on Santa's knee to tell the old .fellow .just what• she wants far Christmas.'. Mary was ,
one, of many children Who whispered, sweet words in Father Christmas' ear on Saturday when he',.vii4ed
the Wingham town hall for his annul distribution of ,eandy •and Christmas proMiseS.-AN. photae::,„
"AND A rtDD.Yr -se:4R AN0'.•
msteesFOR --...MANY YEA
An event which always proves
inteedetieg to, the, people of this
community is 'slateCkto take, place.
on Tuesday evening, 'when the,
Kinsmen willpreeent their annual
The broadcast starts at p!rn•
A fullpage of this paper is devot-
ed to the list of items which will
be sold during the auction, so don't
throw away your copy of The
Advance-Times. You will need 'it
to follow the sale as it progresses
cairing the evening. The radio
auction will, of course be carried
over •station OKNX.-
Youpg*rs: tur4 - :Oot in
Gobs #o Greet St. Nick
ollution from
owners of the propCrties request.•
ed snow removal, This wet*, 4t
was made clear, would only he
done after the more -urgent street
clearing had been done.
A one-side parking plan on all
the Main, streets :of the town. is to
come into effect shortly and will
be continued during the Winter
morithe. The plan "is being intro
duced'to make the snow plowing
easier; The •einincil at the same
i •
The Ladles' Aid of St, Ahdreei'a
Presbyterian Church at& lidttlittg
a; Christmas tea and ,bazitat in the
church. 01 %ttOdEty, beedriber 7th
at 3 o'clock. •Articles Suitable for
, Chriattirias gifts wilt be featured.
' Everyone `welociina, ' 144n
110400 . •
Oddtellowa annual toWi bingo to.
he held In the 'btidfelloWs,
becember 4th, 8,30 0,ts,:t liteitcha
for regular .garnea. Turkaya for
specials. ,VVeryOne weletine.
None Htirt as
Car dio Pole
Font visitors from'Toronto, on
their way to Lheltnew. escaped
jury When their tar ,stticitici apd
crashed ihte a hydro pole on the
corner of pitigotil.1,totta and Vie
toria Street •abtint 6 o'clock en
Saturday evening. the driver _of
the car . Was George ]Bailer of 1104
rente, Nd persOn was hurt and
the car was rinly slightly' &triage& 4.11.1'SIY.
'Cadet Oifineta R. iletlidington,,,ttay UtitertY.:4. John Wild ,e,rid Peter Naar/nthlook Pleated. 'with, therriA,
Mies lid rightly so. the Witighatei Co44 last *,olt received the honest. of being plaCed first in tile
section,„for 'corps' hailing strength between 121 'and 114,
, V .