HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-27, Page 14An important announcement made regarding the town hockey league for Children between' "the ages of 8 to 16.- Anyone interested in this project .is to register atthe arena oh Thursday and Friday, November 28 and 29, between ,the hours of four and five, o'cloCk. One dollar will 'be needed tor' regis-. tration, which will actually' be used to pay for a year's insurance covering all recreation council ac- tivities, Those registering will also be required to take their' birth certificates, Among the, other activities plEip- ned by the council for the Winter season and discussed at the" annual meeting were figure skating; which this year will be held under the instruction of Arthur Burke,' the operation of the Second Mile 'Club; a, .social meeting place for the town's older citizens; and, , if enough ,interest is shoWn, the est- ablishing of a Ibroomball :league early in the new yeart. Receipts Eat, Jan. 1/57, Bank $141.78 Petty Cash $1.57 '143:35 Grants from )VItileipalities ' Provincial Grant 1309.46 Receipts from ACtivities Operation of-Lights • 133.00 Organizations:, Wingharn Softball Assoc. Lions Club Kinette Chi') Kinsmen Club '$ 'Figure' Skating .$ $35.20 150.00 25,00 327.64 661.50 1199.31 Walt ---47 fly ItILISTCRAFT- ltIVERY 510.5111Elt OP Tilt PAMILV McKibbons HQ pato iract PHONE 53 WINGHAM 444-10.10V-Vtikr: .2001.1 mo'"or '*" Moir 's ho $1.25 C.coates $2.25 l SUEAFFER'S - NEW . 0 *i .• Snorkel 'Pens from $7.95 t Ronson Lighters Pipes Toiletries for Men, Electric Razors Stationery Billfolds and other leather goods for Men and Ladies Premier dutlery • CHRISTMA44, GIFTS FOR amera fans By KODAK CAMERAS and ACCESSORIES Color and' Black & White Films VIE,WMASTER viewers and cora- l:4ot stOtIt of Reels , GOSPEL SOnilor Seridees Renieffilierieg the -LOKI 1(i akin. Sunday Sthool 11.13 Gospel meeting at 1.30 p.10. keel) Thursday diatottig, at 8 Pali rrelyer Meeting itiicl Bible Shinty to Your at/Timas) .94074 Ea,* f., ppliance Store wit] e Stock Radio and Electric • OUR :PHONE 'NUMBER IS .171-J 0-12000-2VeN-2000P.Or-Ni-M.Pkivia.NZI-1V"' ',70'0,70-70-2A 40,-A-0-51z-AK-04--041-04-sikAglAgizi4m-A04 atta OaL ..4,PPOL pti Take ,afrom Sauta the Best/Gilta:uuder,. the tree come froM P4GHOfFER- and we have some smart suggeptions from your. Friendli ChTistma§:;'S,h6Oping,,Store. . V LOELY LACY , SOPS 'irMi the nast luxeriku.seleetiOn% anywher A very lovely assortmbut of Jewellery consist- COSTUME JEWELLERY Mg of Earrings, Necklaces, $1, 00 , , Pins or Sets. Priced froth * up • • A 04400,,„44ajaurx$4,14.r4,04.e,‘,,t.4444,10.4,4,,,A*1 •• • r ." ' " .' ., ? , SCARVES tnaS • .. -- ' . , ,,, , rl - 0 ittrinitiVe flew designs in squareS cm. long Scarve 69r $3 95 ,' Front ,... .. , .. ,..... , ..,... ID • . ., . - iii .14,1,40,agricorAmaloigft.tuAtt,,,,-K uu***,,*a, ileautiful 'slicer Nylons in' strele. i or fepthir NYLON HOSE . !Loge fr.,. Ihe season'S , 89c -SI. 95 - top shades. From ,„ . , ....... 7„ , . to , A . SOX Ohl' taw 'stock is (me .the bt4,t, titer, bi plain ier fitneitS., Cheese tram all liyleiii,,• wool With IfYlOif or all, wool in stratifies or reatlers $1 0' :Preen t.„ ........ ....... '1446,11.014W0,1100011110- : if if '61"$3 95 $4 9 ridded 5 $5.95 SPORT SHflTS root .rind iL Welfilaint sellittien of Sport Shirts in IVY League, Novelty Styles Or piipetiar k>rtids in ottoiltsi rayons Or Wools frena.. .. ............. .......... NECKWEAR Smart hew patterns in flannelette be peppier, interlock Cotton ;jersey in .thstif Itt4AM-VA*0 ,#417,l=4147/041***vonio70,00, liandsoMe' Gifts for the Man on your Christmas list - SHIRTS Always to favonrite with any innate ' and mar seleetion 'Is simply terrific. He'll be Pleased with a seamy White Shirt from, our stoek of :line broadcloths, or, you ere sure ,to score a ;hit with the nevy pircromer No "Stardust" 'also in Whites or popular shades of GreY Rine SWIM Agbal6 or Sand, Famous Arrow or • Forsyth brands ii),AJAMAS $4 95 hellions for mitten. S . ittiktrtlied mer-: EDIG (Wmgham) Limited 91liedsonie" (bite, ibex, tiiir'selOtion. of 'defy teeth-, wren priced at , $1, $1•50, "'SZ fpitlat-toteit*,0044044**t. „. , Vesi the Ilea Gifts under the tree come from EdigholItit tithe Store that IS chatId se. ..,*********** on Ennitsans suntig4 00,„ $5 :00,..p • W111102111 A411144441111efly Wod,1110111daTt NP44 Vlf 1951 Town Nomination (Continued from page oriel son, by McKinney and 'Burginan; I'71a.r1 HaMilten, .4.0air and Cal- lan; W. F, Bergman . Callan' and MeKinney; 'Warren Callan, by Bergman and Hamilton; deck, Gerbat by McKinney and Handl- Lon; William 00nren, by McKinney, and. Namilton; ,Gordon Buehanail, by H. Poccleit and P. 13alfour; Har- old Pocock by F. Tucker and F. Balfettr; Barry Wenger by 'Herb Fuller and G. Buchanan; S. Copeland, by 0, Buchanan and H. Fuller. FOR COMMISSION H-I-i.loyd,'by V, McKinney and DeWitt Miller, FOR. PI/PLIO ,SCHOQL HOARD Harold Wild, by ft, 4. MeKinney and Scott' Reid; B. A, Fidler by B, IVIcKinney and Scott Reid; Dr. X( M. MacLennan, by' R, McKinney and Scott Reid; Roy Hennett, by It, E, MelcinneY and Scott Reid. • '14.'=4"".."',4f4"10.4.14."e‘it$&14*"154.3.1ialaiii. TIME our RETWEEN ;BRIDGES Rec. Council • Rport$ On .dear's Activities 4if oimitsomi lostrzoimeitotisogooscroroo4mAz .119,0 to make her dream pf a While Christmas cian: inie! Theatre Vta shows each Wahl of 7,15 , Sat, NOV. 28-29-31) as i ' AUrinan Wisdom,, Maureen, Swanson 'in `OP IN THE WORLD' Too eomle adventures of tin, Mae Dian who starts big treidide for gangsters who close in on the Son Qf a .millionaira, Motilay, Tuesday, Wednesday Deeinnher - 4 • TMEATIIK CLOS.ED iteWeilefge"4.4=11,401..W‘Utret.%4Wst \`‘ J • " 4)k a 11- the Wonderful- selection of LP. Albums and the PI Come in and See. A. popular Extended Plays, children's Records' and 14 Best loved Clas,sicals. a ce tt a li i.f,mwtri,•.-,4040-,:mozvimog,,,,,,w.,,vv„` WARREN HOUSE1 Diagonal Road, Wingliam. PHONE 475 rei.10,t;1717,V21rt-7071;n710027,07A2'li.V.iA2it'20'1"7,0.7;40 ti17034774.7,14 'F. :emasimAS W01114111 WILlIts onue. cosineLie,s ler Christmas. • „)• • Faberge and Elizabeth Arden tl Famous PERFUME and COLOGNES from $1.25 and others I FANCY SOAPS, and POWDER MITTS BATH MITTS OUSTING POWDER by Yardley & BATH. SALTS of London MUSICAL JEWEL BOXES and POWDER .,BOXES from $3.95 PLAYING CARDS Singles and Doubles * $1.39 and $2.39 WOODEN TOYS and EDUCATIONAL TOYS for the children Digaster Program (Continued from Page One) the elevator ready for transporta- tion , of operating room patients only, A team of surgeon, assistant doe- tor, anaesthetist and scrub nurse would take charge of the operat- ing room with the 033.'s (second floor), -supervisor • and one central supply Q.N.A. Two graduate nurses and two C,N.A,'s Would assist the doctor in the burn area; two graduate nurs- es and two d.N.A.'s would he as- signed to the first aid area, Traffic Control. There would be a police road block at John and Patrick Streets. Only ambulances and other ve- hicles transporting injured 'would be permitted to enter Carling Ter- race: There they would proceed Co the ramp at the north section of the hospital and exit at the rear of the building to Catharine Street and Patrick Street. Information, The infromation centre would he located in the 'armouries and the officers in charge would be as- sisted by members of the Ladies' Auxiliary. The hospital switchboard would have lines open only for outgoing calls. Information about the con- dition of casualties would be re- leased only in the form. of a bul•-. lain from the administratrix. Pa- tients placed on the critical list by the doctors would be permitted to see their immediate families, min- isters or priests.. Permission in writing would be given at the in- formation centre to visit the hos- pital and pass the road block. (This article will be continued next week). ""0,441•11. Aet Cho Calling all callers :might well be Wingham Recreation Council's cry if: enough Interest is shown in square dancing by the townspeople this winter. At the annual meeting of the recreation council held last . Wed= nesday evening, William Conron, who presided, said there was' a chance of organizing square danc- ing and the possibility of. teaching the art of square dance calling if enough people could be interested in the idea, • A Square dance festival has been organized for 1958, which will take place in Owen Sound, Mr. Con- ran explained.' The festival, $P1P- sored by the Lake Huron Zone Recreation Council, has been de- signed to increase the interest in old-tithe dancing. If we, could 'get about twenty people from ,town, I don't see why we couldn't get. a start, made 'to organize -a local club," ,he said. Mr. Conron acted ,as chairman at the meeting 'because of the ab- sence of the presiden:„ Jack Gor- butt, through illness. , The MinuteS' of • the' previous meeting were adopted on a motion -by Earl Hamilton, seconded by Mrs. H. Burrell. The treasurer's report ,showed a balance 'of $334.65, for the year. It was decided, at the meeting' that last year's officers Mould con': tinue for another 'year. They are, acsident, Jack ,Gorbutt; secretary- treasurer, C. Porrott; Willfam Con- ron and Earl ^Hamilton both town PERSONALS -Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hammond and Billie and MrS, W. E. Ham- mond spent the week-end in Wood- stock with Mr. Wand Mrs. T. bent, --Miss Cora H, I.,,. Fisher has re- turned to Paisley after visiting with her cousin, Mrs. G. C. Hanna. -Mrs. R, R, Hobcien, of Hamil- ton spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs, Wally Haselgrove, Mr. Haselgroye and baby. -Mr. Earl Ste Magid, of Kitchen.," it er and Mr, JacHolen, of Ham; iltion,. spent the week-end at the home of the loriter's tnothe'r, Mrs: L. Ste -Marie,' -Mr, and Mrs, R. G. Gannett spent the week-end with Mr, and, Mrs. H. M, Justason, of Kitchener. They also visited with Mr. John Raby and Mrs. Mabel Hare Of Waterloo, -Miss Mabel Walsh spent last. Week in Stratferd, the guest of her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Neon Earnegic. On Tuesday, November 19, she attended the funeral, of her brother, Herbert Walsh, formerly of W'ingliain, --Mrs. Lloyd gingston, who ' spent the past. Week in Victoria Hospital, London, was able to re turn to her beetle ih Wiagham 'thig week. -Mrs, David Chamney visited With her sister-1'n-/aw, Mrs, Albert Perdue 'at 13elgrave oh Sunday, The activities for the year ,were outlined and they showed thilt1400 boys had played minor hoolto(laid Winter and that about 60 perseris had taken figure' skating instruc- tion, During the sumnier 'Month's softball and hardball. had „ played and 160 boys and girls, had. received swimming instruction .„ 'at. Teeswater, Those elected to playground fices were. Judy Callan, Beverley Cunningham, Michael -Forsyth, Lynn Hickey, Tommy Deyell 'Oen- nie Foxton, Brian Carr, Noreen Nicol, Julie Cruikshank. and Thetf .- ma Ste. Marie. A special event. this year was a hike and picnic far those between the ages of 8 and while the younger children• had picnic at the town park, A tour of CKNX television sta.:. tion had proved interesting for the youngsters. The boys from 8 .to met. et the park 'every Wednesday afternoon to play ball: Under direction of Parry Fry, $ 2785,15 Expenditures Leadership: Summer Programme: Irene Saint ..... . 150.00 S. Foxton ..,„„ ......... . ..... ;... 150,00 Figure Skating Instruction $ 76240 Ilife Guards; etc. ,,,,,,...„$ 16.00. Operation & ivlaintetiance ▪ Liability Insurance „,...$ 3100 Interest on Overdraft c ,70 Salaries 50.00 Office expchae ,90 88,10 Operation of lights in town Park .„.., ,,, ,,,,,,,$ 146.48 PrOgrarnme Expenses Hockey .......... ..... ..,„ .... $ 452,61 , ..... „, .......... 410,76 rigure: Skating (ICC tiinti 200.00 29145 Slinliner Programme OKA and Zone 15,00 membership ORA bk./30180a 25,00 1440,0 $ 1,448,03 $ 834,65 ,785,1,5 It was almost a matter Qf crossing their bridges b' fore they came to them when ,members of the Hiire,n County Road committee got together at a dinner held in the „Brunswick Hotel yesterday. The dinner was held after the $50,000 Morris 'bridge had, been o'ficially opened and before the, official opening of ,the $100,000 Fitch's Bridge, on the ninth of Turnberry, which was 'held during the afternoon, In the' picture, from left. to right are Wm, Merritt, chairman of the road committee; Harry Gowdy, wardqn of Huron County; Cecil Blake, Harvey Coleman, and James Britnell, engineer for the county.. -,A,Z PhOto, Vavreet qoade WINGHAM dla • council representatives; Mrs. H, Burrell, Mrs, F. Saint and Mrs. H, Wild, 4P2,40 N • tAnk Petty 'Oath Put extra hours of leisure under •the tree for MOM . n Electric Appliance Py to 'save her time and, lighten •her tasks. It's the present with the 'happiest future of all its00 ,040itWC4W4W.45-4isZgo, A inivv,and gorg'eotis assortment of; Ousts din' pajamas frpni those lati delicate sheers to cosy, snug- ti„I;ltdown or flannelettes. Mf11. If ,10:the ,liatst, Of fabrics, beautifully -' 1:$1 deep lestrouS hi.cO;.. Priced, 4'1'1° fkom . .. , . $2.98 and ,up • Gowns 8c Paja.mas.- oiroc rcxtAcz..-44-maiimtic*-triaugcokoii*g-AAa, Smart .- NeW Handh, '1.~qutrtitir Villa bags in Plastic teif or top grade : leather by DuVal. priced from ' • $2.98 to $ 1 0 '9 5 fi