The Signal, 1926-9-9, Page 741
ya •
lilderich, Out.
Sin is my blindness. 1cord, ale wy
111 wit se,
Min rein. uty heart, stn- robs u). soul
of prate,
41n kiwis: me hack from loving sight
of 'Pare.
Have mercy. [sad. from slu l) set me
--John Jenkins.
We pray Thee for Thine own Pi"
t•uliar i.eople, tIm .new. It,•veal Thyself
to thew moil they n.-kuuwlialle Thy
great mercy and realise that Christ
their Passover Is •a. ritieed for them.
Y.utt.•r,*l as sheep without a shepherd
may they tied Ill. true Shepherd In
Jesus rhri•t. whom 'thou hast sent.
We ask it u. H.. ,.:uu.•. who fellate to
th.• .Iew Ill -i and utl,rwardr to the
tient II.. .4....•n.
---'rhe Hour .f Prayer..
14. S. 1.L$4oti FOR SEPT. 19th
los- xi Tllle1)bMirncr to law.
Lee. mu 1'11114age-Leviticus 26.
Golden Trit-14.%. 10:9.
'r1.l. .halter is cls, idea 11110 four
•Is•rtions. In verses 1 and '.4 la Lound
a summary of the vow 111111th. ylts .•.u•
renting uaiu's duty 10 G.d. From
verses 3-111 we hu ve the promis% made
hp tiu.t If the children .f Israel should
keep 144..1. 41uoua41d.. 111 verses 14 -
:at are stated the threats Cosi made
..41.er11i;tt Thorn sboukl they fail to do
all Hi' .onuuluoii.4l1 , la venire 40-
411 we rerun or reol,ielliatio11 (44441 the
restoration- of the children of Intact
tuts it'rof'God.
Verse. 1.2 -Idolatry• had lawn tor
bidden 1.1.4 the hew was here repeated
with referen..• to souse particular
forms of it prevalent among the Egyp-
tians and the Canaanite': and of these
they were warted to beware, .4.s an
rid to ill...keeping of this command -
went ihe•p- were enjoined to observe
the iahlwith and reverence the sanc-
tuary which was a atoll:de sign of
(fuel's llr.••en.e with them. They were
to be It separate poi.le In the midst
,d 1114. n.ighlaariug 41a11.11S. who were
to be made 10_ese that God wet lead-
ing them. •
Verses :1 -1:1 -'rhe promises of the
covenant are herein stated and are t0
lb. effect that If i r,u•I would he
obedient 1:.111 *0111,1 give thew rain
*ha fruitful wssa.r. The harvests
should he w. unfailing and so abun-
dant that there woul.t to no Idle time
__belwtrn 144.• barley harvest In April,
--Oe harvest the beginning of
Jux.•. anti the fruit gathering the end
of Jaly. "Thre.bi11g *hall reach 111111
the vintage find ahe vlutage shall reach
to the springtime" Then, they were
promise' security from the ravages of
wild b•aale and from utgl.ks from
heightsrring tribes and Actions. ant
they, themselves wauld-fie endowed
with such power abet courage that no
enemy would he able to stand before
them. /:.111 renewed the promise
given loaf tw(ore to AbsaLIS tn shut
they w.1/I.1 brome a 1111110•r,.us people.
and tl.a even so. the har,ewrs would
be se abundant that not only would
-1111160 be sufficient t•'' fee tLetq-bat' -
that- the old grain M'oulor not 1'ie coo-.
pumed. but that 11 would hive to be re-
moved from tier pan. ries to sake
room for the succeeding harvest. This
seRlon ends with liodrs as4ltrell, 0 that
in addition 14. these tempting., blean-
a imp. the .spiritual he of His lacing in
their midst would be as.urr.t. "1 will
walk among you and will be God.
Sud ye shall he fly people."
Vernet 14.311 --The threat.•linga of
(held. {Vigo Mneea told the people all
the word. of the Lordall the ',setae
answered with one vole*, and said.
"A11 the words which the Lord hped
said will we do." In the u,. verses .ve
reed the thing that myoid befall th.•m
should they break that covenant whirh
they had made. They were, threaten-
ed with sorb Judgment. ns wool,'
ovec'tors. and blot out all the peem1e'd
bkwlldng,- d 4eaw• vwonld to pr'tient
aosgf them. their enemies would oTer
tun their landand ltuetead of ye of
thew chasing n hundred or a h adyed
petting ten thousand to
t. fight. "ye
01111 flee when 141)4' 0pt' teeth you."
If, after one sprint ,f judgments
they were still a cost necked people
Ood maid, "i wilt punish you wren
tdaega more for yMlr sins."
ee tilt- aid irwltfut araenma the h.'a•
TMs would be as iron and the earth
aw bras" a. elf their labor would ie
hs ya • our ttise. le It stated that
141 not repent 1e1,ea dmea
r ' Its t metheel for their gins.
t world their want and mfr
111. Rolf. they weak, eat ftp*
f their own gene nlid denghters.
land would become a sn'ne of
_lou and the remnant of the rot -
would, be scattered among the
on and their land would enjoy a
(4eason of rest.
Verses 4/40 -The Promlaed Rae
torntlnn. icere we have It noverted
that no matter how Inn., and stub-
bornly isrnel sl.enl.I is r,•' In walk-
ing contrary t0 1:.1.4.4 law yet the aa-
tlon shoal,. not he rejected of (kd 1f
-111)f.5. coleus their iniquity and the
Iniquity of their fathers.- Pmnis)1-
a►enta repeated and l,.ngs litmed
trunk{ hp Peet npoo them to bring
them to huulble repentan . Then
would follow the reconelli "if
then their uneir.•umeites1 rt Is
hnmble1" and they then are( of the
pfnishra,nt of their tnlqu , then
will I remember My corona with
Jacob. and nim My seen.* with
Deal, and, alum y'.ovenant Wilt
Abraham wlH 1 reMember an. will
remember the land."
Tido prophecy was fulfill
the people ems -4 to rememl,
Maenerll and were earned
Hee Into hahvlon. whore I
was hrokeo and tJelr
pltfaM0 one; and all the
earn 111141 rema 111ga nn'
lace. Since (1)4 lista
pr).phery has been continually illus•
t Meted In the history of tb.' Jew a.
4'eoturles of suffering have redacu,l
them lu uutulx•rs. 'Vet they live.
thongp "'offered among other Iwllony.
uU over the world, and retain their
peculiar metal and lwIluual charm --
11.11.111'a. •l'rotosaor (1hrbutleib says:
"\1'11'rapt to the people or lamer as a
Ix•rennlal historical tulrarle. 'rhe con-
tinued ('1141e•nee of thio potion up to
the pr.ra,•41t. day, the preaervatlon of
Its national peculiarities tirouthout 1{ roars, 111 spite of all .tis -
pension atwt.ppHstvwsluu. 01/6.11111* 414! tut. -J
ps•rall.l..l a I.1Ie11ola.Ylal.. that *with-
out the sp•4•I111 provl.MmlLai prtypara-
:lou of G.d. and Ills c.uslanl later-
fetetuw 1141(1 protectitim It would he 1w-
Iviwlhle for us 14. estrluht It.. k'or
where 14 1 here a l4o1.1.• ovao w'hk•b
stn•11 Judgments have •loa•se•d and yet
not coded hl dertructiwn':" -4. 41. Kel-
logg. DJ).
American Church In Jertrl*lem
The .11ntwi.uu I•:piteolbl Church 1s
to be pa ruuulsully repr.e.0tld ill
Jeruw.leul. The ltew. Charles T.
11t4,Imeulao who for four Seat's )w**
been the assirtatll secretary Of the
Fsrc1101•41oru .4.w,•rt4.a1i Llviskn of
the 1tepartwent of Mlsaluus. has been
appolatesl 114 1441• National Collard fur
Iwgluning this task. and sailed 111 11af.
fife will trash -fat Her rrtuivarkw of 4he
4:reek and .4.ruue.ian. r44nrrbes ill
Jerusalem. cud he 1p tl'nhl up spiritual
leaders for these great Eastern Thur•
elle*. 1141w so terribly stricken by the
war and its r4sutt1. "Stw•h a work.'
,riles 14, V. '1.1 s Ilurg.*.. "will Is•
assistance 441 the Inside, DOI 411i,si411•
elrs.i et
from (he outside. 1t ts helping the
Eastern ('hurrhwa to help thctns•tves
in their own w'ay 4111t144 their own ati-
tl.rlties. out the imposition upon abe
least of 1Veflr(rrn ways by luetUla of 111e
evtubllshueut of Western Institution,"
--4pir•it of M1s,4oa .
Ill Pre6ty 60.41 Shape -
1Winnipeg Free 1•resal
The official editorial attitude of '1111.•
Mall and Empire stl4l 1.4 that
Canada Is in a deplorable .•01.1111.11
Akita lit;cly to tile it large 411..1~ of Or.
31.•Igheu's high tariff dope Aro 1140 at
"toe albninistertrl; but the tluau.•ial
t-.lit4r 4r (hr 11411.r knows bettor.
Healing with the condition of the
country in the 1*e1w• .f .1nGust 16. lit.
".tu,.rican Investor- ar,• 41111 "L..4k
lag Iownrd the 1'11undfau 11.144 *S* de-
sirable H.•!d fur 141-0,.4111.111. The till'
aWtrs or Ib,• 1luluiulun arc• ill" •t 11111th
it%r0 fuvorahle posijiou than is itits1
ewe w'Ith 111e other Stations. save Ilei•
111111 alone, which participated in the
:treat war. .4.1141 11:6. 41lttath.0 ha.
heti) x11114111,1 1'.ithullt thel't•it•tnent Ut
lutrdslydp. 4111.11 ha. 1.911` 1St prt4'ytu Stf
i t .11tr'1u4Wputil ..f .1441'!; teliWir4 *,tu
rehlil►Rllate• ,telt 1uae. The ratl
udlati lUuveruWwl! has 1444441 Bully
l'cell4441 hi louraui•Ing its hu.hrt. and n
tl.atlpg dela has Ixe•u Iak.Ai care of
in addition., the )te•41,•raI b.u.hi4 .6'4
has litorrYlU1,i.d- torr a period
).urs. Coin. idem will. :un inapt....
111.h.4 in the railway 444unll.i the• F.. -
rr:.l e:yt. l'Itmtalt hat been 0111111/111 i„ .. -_ .
"Ia.. Ill. r0111,1r) 0414.1. 111....• of. q 4. 1.1 ,
L:••is. Eipurty ei,egl Nupsert4 Anil 0 44o•u ie
c4a.1 ra! t:r.,luctii,n Is uu all cip:u;.G? , a h.. cal' sit
..,.1,.''-I...I- `Pi ,li
Thnrwla%. September 9. 1926.-T
Ili ..:I1 114.4 _ eri'aturtt When you 41.1 a 1114t41 a favor do It
still and,1' diel- lits way .if yin' would piens*. him. --
Star. 4'hlcrl a Malty News.
r their
Sy esp-
nlr spirit
.P a Moet
hale Mreir
and demo -
Pet days thls
1 4.4. 1711'1' 1141: 4.11'
11.1 :'1: 1151:4.11 ••'1
1 .4.1)VRItTIy1:4.11:NT1
lure Roads to
Farming Pros
Protect the Home Market
For Canada, more especially for Ontario and Quebec, the stage ie all
set for a tremendous cievelopment.
The fabulous wealth of our North Country -now established beyond
question -needs only the assurance of honest and stable government to
attract capital and immigration on a scale that will inaugurate a period
of unprecedented prosperity. A few years hence in Ontario there may
easily be a population of 1,000,000 north of the Great Lakes and the
Ottawa River.
All of which means a big and -profitable market for farm product&
That market should be reserved exclusively for Canadian farmers.
Elect a Conservative Government, and it will be so reserved. For the
Conservative Party stands pledged to see that the Canadian farmer is as
adequately protected in this market as the United States farmer is in his.
As Mr. Meighen- -stated-at Midland -on -August 3rd, "We will make it
as hard for the American farmers to get their surplus shipments into
Canada, as they are now making it difficult for the Canadian , farmer
to get his surplus into the United States."
What Others Have Done -
You Too Can Do !
The farmers of Canada have shown that they can
march abreast of the whole world in quality pro-
duction. Also they Dave made giant strides in
increasing the quantity of their production.
But in the business -like, efficient marketing of
their products they have failed to keep pace.
Little Denmark has developed a system of co-
operative marketing that has made her one of the
most efficient and prospatous agricultural countries
in the world. Australia and New Zealand have
both made the orderly marketing of their products
amatter of national policy.
Don't let Canada lag behind any longer!
Promises are Good -=
but Actions are Better
For the United States farmer, the season for
"seasonable" produce - all kinds cf fruits and
vegetables -opens much earlier than it does for
When your cherries, or your tomatoes, are first
ready to pick, his production of cherries or tomatoes
is at its peak.
Heretofore, in order to avoid breaking prices in
his own market, he has been accustomed to dump
his surplus production on yours.
In less than three weeks from the time it took
office, 'the Conservative administration effectually
stopped this practice by rigid enforcement of_ the
dumping regulations!
---Co-Operative Marketing
gvery+farmer who knows his business hopes to
-produce in larger quantity, and still be- able to sell the increase
without breaking the market ;
-produce in a better quality, and obtain the premium to which
he should thereby be entitled.
Both hopes can be realized- quickly and in full measuse - through
co-operative marketing
The proper procedure as regards organization, the proper technique as
regards standards. grading, etc., and the proper methods of financing,
are now an open book that all who will may read and profit by.
In the five years he was in office, Mr. King did -absolutely nothing to
bring the blessings of co-operative marketing within reach of Catlad'an
farmers. ,But -
Mr. Meighlen stands pledged, if returned to power -to quote his own
words frorr an address delivered in Ottawa on July 20th -"to put into
force such a policy as will enable the farmers of Canada to build up a
marketing system which will compare in efficiency with that of any
agricultural! country in the world."
And this pliedge will be carried out, even as Mr. Mcighen's pledge to
stop the dumping on the Canadian market of United- States fruitsand
vogetab)es has already been carricd out
Yours is the choice- yours the responsibility--onSeptember 14th: If you would
unlock the double door to prosperity, the key,for ,which Mr. Meighen offers you -
E: for '. J. A. MacEwaix NOHRrH
For Bigger and Better Markets!
Liboo l•Ce nerwtist Wreery Cesdttes, s6 Mau Street Saes. Taranto 1