The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-27, Page 11• W. R. HAMILTO ; 'T. • OPTOMETRIST - Thoroughness Time ;tested Phone 37 for appointment o.....14..,*;24tagoirozowqtrAgerg,u44.14fivspamiox-riimIrogigrioi,A <04riztirtaz, • I. tit ttggetition0 or COME ANT° WALLPAPFA SHOP A Ofiry FOIC. EVBRYON16 Many new items in Crystal, Pottery, Hamm'ered Aluminum and Small Gift Items, • . UU.114,1=141414Wilv.4 For a gift that lasts, give Floor' Covering Newest designs in Lolaid and Printed Linoleum for 59c per sq. yd. and up ki I'or a Aright Christmas enjoy a Bright New Floor from tl The, Wallpaper Sho a,,etawat:.! T""Wo" • 'f-••77.".'"'"' • ,:7;••ii4; 7,00.1,010*nt 441v***-Thvms,, W „ '•; • A!!14,4"• SHOE S'T'ORE SOOPPINO HOURS datesthe afiollowai~ng .Wi'l g -4 in Oweicn: 64:t4)711)4171:63:k 1411 Oth, 21st, 23rd, and 24th. Stores will be closed Wednesday afternoons 4tiring the month, of December, WI&GHAM YOUR l'AMILY MOCCMIN .SUPPER3 The Ideal Gift for Her COSY, COMFORTABLE SUPPERS • $2.98 '.:110101141141 11111"11.11.1"1".11111.11111" • Win TEcHuRcii Mrs, Oortinn 110- 1.illeney visited on Thuraday with Mr, and Mrs, John Mell4e4 at the Whitechurch Farm Forum 'met racaide Nursing alno,, on Monday evening at the home of M. Menzies has .been IC patient. Mr. and mks, dames Pak:oiler with there for the past ,two years, acid 18 present. After the discussioe Mrs, lYferezleS, for the past' few euchre was played with Mrs. Angus Weeks. Falconer and Wililain Pardon Mr, and .Mrs; Perry Hoimea and winning high points, qlw , next baby son Wingham Visited on meeting will be held at the home, Sunday' at the home of Mr, and of xr, and Mrs, Win, A, Pardon. MO, gdiyin 13,010notti, Mr, and Mrs, John Jamieson and Miss Marilyn Morriaorr spent the sons visited on Sunday at the home Past' Week at the borne of Mr, and of her sister, Mrs, Anson Ratan Mrs.; 'Vernon Stoeitill powaSsan. at Fordwich, Mr„ and Mrs, William Rintool and family visited on Sunday with Mr, and, Mrs. Albert Camerae of Ludknow visited on Thursday ai Mr. 4114 Ralph C41.4er°11 of the home of their daughter, Mrs.Ash fi eld ' • Mason Robinson,. gr. and MrC,Jes. 'Taterson -eft gitehener visited on Sunday at„tbe Vise Sandra Chamney "spent th'i home of his brother, Mr. Albert Week-end at the home of Mr. rind Paterson. Mrs, Jack Perdue of Toronto. Mr, Gordon Rintoill and. Leroy Mr, Adam Robertson, Mrs. 1W. J. attended the Winter Fair last NEWS 1,41%.0404e4IZT..c14'4=irzerlaf,„mr,,,,,e,r week, Mr, Andrew Gaunt and Mur- Nevem%lel'6eir18,Awelet:, League 0; Burke's 0; Co-Op, 7; /lockets, 2; Lees, 7; Sput- snptiix,tn01;: 0. o date, MOS, IA; Burke'S 7; Co-Op, 19; Rockets, 4; Lees, 10; November IS, high singles, C. White, (286); D, Thompson (269); T. Jardin,• (20); high triples, C. White (736); D, Thompson, (702); Jarclin, (690). .0 - 0 - 6 Commercial League; The third game of the 'second series was played on Tuesday, night, Standing as follows: Jesters, 14; Drivers, 12; Jets, 11; Sizzlers, 10;. Hooligans, 9; Spitfires, 7. High scores for the night: Lad- ies' high single, Mrs. H, Taylor, 222; men's high single, K. Cerson, 233, J, Brophy, 233, tie; ladies, high triple, Mrs. C. -Lott 607; men's high triple, J. Alexander, 619, 1 ray and Crawford McNeil, all of, SINGER SPECIAL W. Whwnesh, also attended the ai fair, - WHITECHURCH-The regular meeting of the W,M.S, of the United Church was held on Tues- day last at the home of Mrs, Jas. Falconer, with ,18 ladies present; and with Mrs,' E. S. Groskorth presiding,' giving the call to wor- ship and leading in prayer, The theme of the meeting was "Unto Him, Every Knee Shall- Bow", Mrs. Johrr Purdon read, the Scripture lesSon and Miss Olive Terriff gave a reading, "Sermons We See". ,Mrs. Ezra Schotlz and Mrs, G, E. Far- rier sang, "How Great Thou Art", Mrs. Jas. Falconer gave a short introduction to the study book and Mrs, J. A Beecroft led in the dis- cussion period, The ladles accepted an 'invitation to attend a special meeting at St,' Helens on Friday to hear Miss Saunders, a returned missionary from Japan, and al1,- pointed Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Mrs. Kenneth Dowling and ,Mrs, Ben McClenaglian to bring in a slate of officers at the next meeting on December U. Mrs. Farrier reported that the hale had been packed-Mrs. Groskorth closed the meeting with the benediction. Lunch was served and all en- joyed the social time together. CHICKENS FOR REGULAR GAMES TURKEYS FOR SPECIAL DRAW PRIZES A Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz visited Mr,afcenneth Laidlaw, Joyce and Diane, of London, Visited on Sun- 1.40 Christmas Prices A A day with his 'mother, Mrs. jas. on • ; Laidlaw,at Ooderich, ,and with Mr. it New Portables 0 anc/ Mrs`, Elroy LaIdlaW' and Admission: - 16 GAMES 'FOR $1.00 4 SPECIALS 25c EACH A on Sunday at the . home of, his it Cabinet Models .A brother, Mr, Reg. Schotlz of Au- Mr. and Mrs. Myles Ste, Marie ,Akio I burn, Demonstrators visited last week with his parent, and A Mr. and Mrs. Jas; Ste, Marie of Kitcheapr. U d NI h . se ac ines A 'MEDIATE HOCKEY SCHEDULE ISM SET This Coupon, presented at imrehase bingo card entitles holder to One Chance w FREE isrrirkey OraW. ATAXIA • N Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Weirand A baby, Lorrel of Welland visited on i We h. HENDERSON g Sunday at the home of his aunt g Mrs. Alfred MeCreight: ' Phone 665. Wingham Mr. Will Elsley of Clifton spent R the week-end' with Mr, and Mrs. q.-4',Anro/rAnzoomsok..2%%,mo.,,,$: George Walker, .• • Dec. 2-4-Durham vs Pt, ,Elgin Dec. 3-Kincardine vs 'Paisley Dec. 6-Pt. Elgin vs Durham „ Dec. 6-Paisley vs Kincardine Dec. 10-Hanover vs Walkerton Dec. 10-Durham vs. Paisley Dec. 'A--:-Wiarton vs Wingham Dec. 11-Pt, Elgin vs Kincardine Dec. 13-Chesley vs. Pt. Elgin Dec. 13-Hanover vs, Wiarton Dec. 13-Kincardine vs. Durham Dec. 13-Paisley vs, Walkerton Dec. 14-Paisley vs. Chesley Dec. 16-Walkerton vs. Pt, Elgin Dec. 17-Wiarton vS. Paisley Dec. 17-Kincardine vs. Wingham Dec. Y7--Hanover vs Durham. Dec. 20-Chesley vs. Durham Dec. 20-Hanover vs, Kincardine Dec. 20-Paisley vs Wiarton Dee. 21-Wingham vs Walkerton Dec. 21-Durham 'vs. Chesley Dec. 23-Walkerton vs Paisley Dec, 23-Chesley vs Wiarton Dec. 26-Hanover vs Wingham Dec. 27-Hanover vs Paisley Dee. 27-'Wiarton vs 'Walkerton Dec. 27-Durham vs Kincardine Dec. 27-Chesley vs Port Elgin Dec. 28-Port Elgin vs Chesley. Dec, 30-Hanover vs Chesley Dec. 30-Walkerton vs Wiarton Dec. 30-Kincardine vs Port Elgin Jan. 3-Chesley vs Hanover Jan. 3.-Wingham vs Durham Jan. 3-Port Elgin vs Paisley Jan. 3-Wiarton vs Kincardine Jan. 4-Walkerton vs' Chesley Jan. 6-Wiarton vs Hanover Jan. 6-Wingham vs 'Port Elgin Jan. 7-Paisley vs Durham Jan. 8-Hanover vs Kincardine Jan. 8-Chesley vs Walkerton Jan. 10-Kincardine vs 'Hanover Jan. 10-Walkerton vs Wingham Jan, 10Paisley vs Port Eight Jan, 10-Chesley vs Wiarton Jan. 11-Wingham vs Chesley Jan. 13-Port Elgin vs Walkerton Jan. 13-Kincardine vs Wiarton Jan. 15-Hanover vs Wingham Jan. 15-Kincardine vs Chesley Jan. 15-Wiarton vs Port Elgin Jan. 17-Wingham vs Hanover Jan. 17 -`-Walkerton vs Durham Jan. 17-Chesley vs Paisley Jan. 17-Port Elgin vs Kincardine Jan. 18-4Derham vs Walkerton Jan. 18-Wiarton vs Chesley Jan, 20-Wingham vs Wiarton Jan. 20-Hanover vs Port Elgin Jan. 22-Kincardine vs Walkerton Jan, 22Paisley. vs Wingham Jan. 22-Part Elgin vs Chesley Jan. 24-Walkerton vs Hanover Jan. 24-Pert Elgin vs Wingham Jan. 24-Durham vs Wiarton ,Jan, 24-Chesley vs Kincardine Jan. 25-,Kineardine vs Chesley, Jan. 27-Hanover vs Wiarton Jan. 27-Wirighani. vs Port Elgin Jan. 29-Walkerton vs Kincardine Jan, 29-Hanever vs Wingham Jan, 29-Wia,rton vs Chesley Jan. 31-Port Elgin vs Hanover Jan, 31---Wingham Vs Paisley Jan, 31-Wiarton vs Durham Jan, 31-Chesiey vs 'Kincardine Feb, 8.--4,,ort Elgin vs Wiartoti ireh, 3-Kincardine vs Wingham Feb. 4-Paisley vs Hanover 'Feb, 5--Chesley vs Wingham Feb. &-Wiarton vs Kincardine Feb, 1-Kinettedine vs Whitton Feb. 7-1/anover vS Port Eight Feb, s--.Wingham vs MOO' Feb, 10WinghAnt vs 'Marton Feb, 10-Ittneardine vs Port Hight Feb. 11-4DUtharn vs Hanover Feb. Y2--bbesley vs Winghain Feb, 14.-Pork Bight vs Wiarton ;Feb,14-ManoVer vs Chesley Feb, 14--.Wingham vs Itineardino Feb, 17-Wiarton vs Wingham PO'. 10-Port Elgin vs Wingham TeesWater, returned home On Fri-' Feb, 21 Wingham Milea.rdine tray, Febi, 21-Wiarton vg Port lgia Bring this Coupon 7 you must he present to Win. Brick United WMS Hears Reports WHITECHURCH- The 'regular meeting of the W.M.S. of Brick United Church. was held on Wed- nesday' last at the home of Mrs. Cordon iVfcBurney with la ladies and seven,,childreh • present. Mrs. John Jamieson presided, gave the call to worship and led in the'me- ditation period. The Scripture lesson was read, followed 'by pray- er. Mrs. Lawrence Taylor and MrS. Ronald Coultes had charge 'of the, second chapter of the study book and led in the discussion that fol- lowed,. Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft was in charge of the business period. Mrs. Gordon' MeBurney told of the invi- tation from the St. Helens W.M.S. to attend a meeting there on Fri- day., Mrs. McBurney was asked to give a reading for the program. The ladies decided to hold the next meeting on December 11, and give a special gift collection to send to Miss Agatha Coultes, to use in her work at Edmonton, rather than have a Christmas exchange' of gifts, Mrs. Mason Robinson, Mrs, Roy Pattison and Mrs. John L. Currie were appointed to bring in a slate of officers at the next meeting. Mrs. Gordon lVfel3urney spoke on the Presbyterial reports on citi- zenship, Mrs. Dow gave the report on stewardship and, Mrs, Robinson the secretary's report. YI'S. Ron- ald Coultes gave an encouraging report of the financial standing of the W.M.S. and all joined in re- peating, the benediction in unison. - Mrs. Alan Pattison's group was in charge of the birthday tea lunch that followed, tt Funeral Flowers - Wedding Bouquets 'WI Special arrangements HOLLAND GARDENS' FLOWERSHOP, '5- Phone 887 or 735.112 Wingharn &,•vio.or;alzo ,•nozmzr,20,4=0,7,...,APP.razolanzAzInzil•vmkz,--.40.4104. We will measure and install windows if clotlire4. Wingham Phone 1J WHITECHURCH . SATURDAY EXC U RSIONS to TOR EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL. DEC.14114 ood going and rofuminj Soturclay only. Mr, and Mrs. Calvert Falconer of Blyth visited on Sunday at the heme. of Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Falcon- er. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barker and children of Geelerich visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. John MeHuraey. Mr, and Mrs, Archie Purdon and baby, Kathy and her mother, Mrs. Webster Jacklin, a Listowel, were In London on Friday, where they visited with Mr. Jacklin, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital during the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Majury and Vvenne and Mrs, Thos, Kerry of Paisley visited 011,, Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Albert Coupe's, and Miss Marjorie Coul- tes of OttelPh spent the wcek..end at her home here. Mt, and Mrs. Mules Moore and ehildren. Me/veld on Saturday ter the village to Mr. ttroy Laidlaw's house, ' The Ladies' Aid Meetieg at the Presbyterian Church was held oh Wednesday at the home of Mrs, Meinnis, • Mrs, Will Conn,4who spent the past twh weeks at the borne of her datighter, Mrs, Hardie Siranson, of EXCURS ION 1rAIZE8 OhI $605' :Guelph $2,0 Palmerston alti-,•Ranover Allerifurd Brimmton B rtItt:801S Oh(sley Clinten ' Blare Verges Georgetown Clialetich .1.09 , i,'otilhamptou 3.05 Stratford , (i.t0 Ikroy 2.50 W11.1(411•1011 4.40 diarriston 5.03 ,Ingershii 5.05 neardi no 2.00' Kitchener 2:00 Listnirvel 3.80 Wel ford 1.30 .11110.1(1, 440 Wint Maui ,5.31) Owen Sound 5.05 Wyoming Paisley 5.50 Cerrespanding Fares from uterinediele Points PHONE 12 Curlers at 'Kitchener A rink from the Wingiunn Curl- jag Club, skipped by Jack 13ow-• Man, attended the annual bonspiel held in (Kitchener' en, Monday ,asd held in Hit:choler on Monday and Friday of 144 week, The boys wore fortunate enough to come borne with a, consolation prize in the second event. The other members of the rink wore, H, Carmichael, Tom McDonald and Sam Swoenoy, United W.M.S. Met Tuesday. wikr 4444 vfik4AP*1g-o44-4x- ;-Ai'.r4ww,4K-#44tm f -- ' Remote Control HELICOPTER $L98 each '4 (Actually Flies) ',, Family Games - CROKINOLE , .. : $4A9 ea. I.,,.t ,. : MONOPOLY - SCRABBLE.-CLUE i'l ' TABLE TENNIS - HOCKEY GAMES • and MANY others GAMES and BOOKS . a large selection for every , age gronp. Nicely bound CHILDREN'S CLASSICS SERIES . 690 each ..Sleighs, ,Toboggans, Hockey Sticks ..4.'•.•••••""•'••••••••,••••••"4•••••••••,^ Gifts for everyone at VVELWOOD'S USE OUR LAY--,A ,WAY=PLAN, Select now, pay a small deposit and the balance when convenient. Avoid the disappointment of last minute shopping. Can be usecl.for any item in,the store. Complete display (if all gift wrapping supplies,. Christmas Cards, Tree Lights and.Decorations. • BOXED CARDS -- SPECIAL SO cards for 98c , Family shopping made easy - there's something for everyone in eleven different departments. . Lingerie, Sweaters, Slips, Chinaware, Men's Shirts, Socks, Ties, Lighters, Pictures, Stationery, Towels, Lamps, Watches, Tools, E tc:illorw Slips and Bed Spreads V WELWOO D'S Variety Store e•r-Z06,11);ikNV2%.00N,Vrroor illittNIZYMV00#'02011regAto-WO.AW4tt-0,' .fiw:-•-,;,wj'••••''A,0•IgAii•-,•••••ww.,•, • '• • • ;•• - • iFSIC0‘4=3‘0004.Wkr°,4=10114/40141413etre4.4.%kUrAIMUllitra4.14.11‘.Vi eacoeu• ARE YOUR PERSONAL MESSENGER Big city arrangement in a small town - that's 4 what you find in our store • GIVE FLOWERS ' 4.00 15.04 0.50 fUL INFORMATION FROM AO[NTS *Yes Sir Toy Land is open at Welwood's.and on • display now, are hundreds and ,hundreds of Toys for Girls and . Boys of all ages. You'll find fascinating new Toys, popular old, favourites and .toys from distant lands, a 'big array,' at its best right now for your selection. • Best -of all you will like the popular Variety Store Prices. BE SURE TO SEE THEM THIS WEEK Bright enamel with springs, ,some jug like Moin's priced at , • Neal life-like beirritieS with soft Vinyl limbs and rooted Saran , „hair. Betel with lovely dress or costume. $3.'95 to• $9.50 $5.49 $8.95 '.. $19.95 and. ' Others from $1.98 $14.95. each DOLL BEDS, FURNITURE, CLOTHES. Children's TABLE and CHAIR SETS, $7.95 each' (two chairs)' FOR BOYS. Clever ELECTRIC TOYS, 'remote ' control Trucks, Trains and • others, • roivered by $1' 98 $3.95 flaShliOht cells to Construction Sets Blocks Modelling Kits Tractors Big Steel Road Graders , Earth Movers