HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-27, Page 9IAN HETHERINOTON IS
P.O.. R. Ian Hetherington, was a
'graduate as an Observef (long
range) from No, 2 Observer School,
R,C,A.F.: Station' Winnipeg on' No-
vehl'ber lfith, His wings were pre-
sented to him- at the wings' parade
:by Air Cernmodore J. G, Seephen-
A.F.C., C,T)., Chief 'of
Peeponnel Services,, A,P,H,Q. Ot-
Ian; who , is a son of ,Mr. ,and
Mrs. R, S. 'Hetherington of Wing-
ham, attended high school here
until no joined the Air Force in,
Octeber of last year. -He went to
Mel Keating, well-known resi-
dent of Wingharn, will leave at the
first of' January to become fore- . s • man of the Exeter Publie
Commission, He i5 at present em-
ployed by CKNX-TV.
A native of Morris Township,
Mel has spent. most of ills adult life
in Wingham, with the exception
of his years of service with ihe
RCAF during World War II. lie
was employed by the local Public
Utilities- for twelve years, until be
joined the CK.IsIX staff a little
more than a year ago.
B id Mrs, Keating, Charles and ay
will 'remain he Wingliam until the
closing of school in Julie. Lions Hope
libjnoff , to
The news that the great Rubin-
ieff, internationally known Violinist,
may be heard in Wingham within
the next few weeks,'was the high-
light of' the meeting of the Lions
Club held at the Hotel Brunswick
. .
1'ViN 0104 41(..VNTAKIP(. WriDISIESDAtsIOVESI1494., 4.71 )90.1
I -"":".r. •
ithout Ne
re Filled
No election this year wee the
sum anti ettbetnnee Of the nomi-
nation reetills in town. Nornirta-
tighs, reeeived at the town hall
from 7,30 to 8,30 on Friday even
lug 'included the names of the 1957
Mayor, reeve and deputy reeve, the
Merit-Isere of this year'e council, as
'Well as four new proposals for
Council, Three of .the new*, nomi-
nees stated at the Meeting that
liheY would not be ayetieble and
the royals, Harold Pocoek, decilded
not to qualify, though he would
e been prepared to run if an
ion had been in the making.
ester R, EL McKinney, Reeve
oy Adair and Deputy Reeve
sloe Kerte were all acclaimed: R. H,
Lloyd was acclaimed to tile, P,11.0„
and again :by acclamation, 1)r,
M., MacLennan, Harold Wild, Here
Fuller 'and Roy. Bennett, es true-
tees to the public: school hoard,.
They represent respectively ,Warde
1, 2, ;3 and 4. ' , •
Friday nights nomination meet=
big was presided over by Gordon
Leggett, who first (sailed on Mayor
R, E, lefeKinney.to address a gath-
ering ,o( about A men,
The mayor expressed his apprec-
iation' of the ,council members:and
paid tiebuo `to the work they
had done during thd PleSt YeareHe
outlined the indust'riee of the town
and detailed' ledustry's role in. the
town's developinent, Mr. McKinney
Irileps it shoWe they 'don't
care very much," he said, epoke
abeet the large Barrie -or mon0y
being, spent on county roar' iMs
Preyamenta and said that ae the
town's 'rePreeentative he , would
always do his ',best fot Wingham.
For Comeciher. Earl ,Hamilton
the fact that the- audience was
larger than the year before indis
Cited, he .that the council
must have caueed little more in-
terest' and he thought that'. this
Was a good ,sign. Speaking ;about
industry, he said. he was in laver
of •huilding up what industries are
new situated in town,*
He mentioned that an inclustrial
representative from, 'the Ufiltbil
Kingdom bed ..visited Winghairr
during "the year. and had :left with
a: good impresSion of= the town, A
letter received 'eons thie repre-
sentative ,aboue a week, ages stated
that he: considered Wingham had
just ee much to .offer ' to neW Pee
ditstries as any other town in trrie
pari of tne eountry. On reereatitn•
evis8 stated by Mr, Hamiltonethat
the, council had .contributed nearly
83,6tee.00 to the arena lait year, velopmeote in connection With. the •
provincial and eionlittion,`otgeniza-s Street •VVOile
Councillor 'Eimer Wilkinson , lions whieh are dealings:with pro- , • the gathering,: said that Pareelness for disaster .of gny esine, dressing
the following disaster ,progeam was •it was his job on the' council to;
'outlineel to the members of the Lae:, ldeils' after the streets' of the town.
dies' Auxiliary to the —Whittle-fit 'a•good,priee has been, Obtained on
General Hospital by, Mts..Morrey,'. hot-MiX and certain; sections -'of
administratrix of tete.' hospital, • at: the streets had been pasVed and.enit
an emergency meeting held: ih the 'like's g' o'oet condition" during the muses' residence ' tin ViedrieStlay.. • ' iciollS for the event do as sue- evening last: , „ , year. ,
The -Auxilia6r •in ene;:ekess'e' Teurgmen, said; that he
sow he eould See tee tax '"relief; if
the town la to keep hi rites? with
progress, '
He Paid tribute to the work done
by the `town staff, emphasising the
Work of the Pollee department' end
the town clerk.
Reeve speaks
Reeve .1, Roy Adair followed Mr.
McKinney on the platform. He said
he would like' to have seen More
toweepeople: taking •an 'interest in
the ,nomination meeting and re-
gretted the fact that did not
know for sure whether it was a
Pod thing or g bad thing that so
few were preeent. •
"Perhape it , indicates. dvetelpine
is happy about what we have' dcsne
Disaster Plans utline
TO :IfOipittlAuxili4r
keep abreast of .the 'IateStI (fa,
Santa Claus
.Needs Help!
Activities of the Ladies' Curling Club got under way for the season
with;a luneheOn last Wednesday afternoon et the heMe of the retiring
preeitlente Mrs. H. Crawford, The new executive will •consist of
Mrs„ eV, G, Hein e ores.; Mrs.; W. II. Edwards, vice-pres.; and Mrs.
Murray'Raa, see,-treat, Above, left to right are: 'Back row, Mrs. A. B.
Mitchell, Mrs.' Wm. J.'Elliott', Mrs, a P. Carmichael; Mrs. 3', H.
CraWford Mrs. W. W. Gurney, Mr's, R, 5, Hethetington, Mrs, Thos.
MacDonald, Brussels; Mrs. F. E. Second row, Z/frs. it. A. Currie, Mrs. j. A. MacIntyre, Mrs, F. C. Hopper, Mrs; Me Rao, Mrs. W. 0, Bain, Mrs, W, H, 4dwards, Mts. Joe Kerr, Mrs. D. C. Nasieith,
Mre. McLaughlin, Wrogeter. Front row, Mrs, T, S, Beattie Mrs.
W. H. McArthur, Mrs. Wylie, Mrs. J. W, Callan; Mr8. R, Lloyd,
Mrs, J. A, Currie, Mrs. H. 0, Fisher, Mre, Ripley; Mrs. A. Pal- coner and Mrs. H. Gerrie, Santa Chute requires a Mae
help for his Annual visit to
town. As a result, triembers of
the, Wineham l3usiness Associae
tion and other:, who are anx- SATORDAY VOTING
IN' TilliNBERRY TWP, future, • 'let up;. committees , and ' ,, • . . • : of •
make plans tO, be ready, on a mo- workg committee, .the property,
merit's, notice, ,,,.to. .do what .is, re- welfare and cemetery committees
quired of them le, case of aey:am-: ,of the town council during the'year
ergency. :" and he could only say that' he had , • „
Although the' printery purpose of great cooperaticin' in ;each of the
the program is ,to -prepare for 1"1 departments' and thanked Robert
cessful as in previous Years, will' c .
meet at the, Council, chamber on
1.3rtusday night at 7A5 for the
,hig joke( bagging the candy in ,
preparation for „Saturday ,after-
noon.. .
Don't leave the 'whole task to
the members of the committee. emergency. An 'case of attack •bY. There is far; more work than an enemy action, the•aet-up is also. Deyeti and his workers for the
to hitedle alone. ;Every extra type es, disaster,
-fOnetion ers e e:.of..an y,,1161113- they had given at the come- they can reasonably be expected designed
Pair of hands will be appresci. 'Since , the, informatieiteis vita! , * The ;chairman then called on the
ate& . • . interest,- The AdVance-TiMes 'Isl. four new nominees tot thelcouncil,
Voters la Turnberry should note
that the election will be held on
Saturday of this week, November ,
East Witsvanosh
• .
There was an acclamation in M 11
0 el
Santa Comes to Town
On Saturday Afterimon
Two =Others of the Turnberry
School Area Board are to be
elected from the three candidates
who have qualified: James M.
Hardie, L. H. Reynolds and Ken-
neth' Zinn. Norninatitins were helcl'in several
nearby nuthicipalities on Friday
of last week, with the following
" • . Tureberry Township
There will be an election for
council and school board in Turn-
berry Township. The reeve, how-
ever, was elected by acclamation.
Former reeve and county warden,
V, 'Fischer this year stepped out
of the municipal picture and hie
Successor, will be , W. Jack Willits
former .• councillor, who was
selected s by 'ae el ainatioie -es
Candidates for the' four 'Council
pdsitions will'be Glenh T. Appleby;
Hareld Elliott, kerbort ii'oxton;
Perey J. King, Alex MacTavish; W.
East Wawanosh Township right,
across the board, Returned were
veteran Reeve Orval 'Taylor and
all the members of the council,
John Buchanan, Clarence Han-
na, Orval McGowan and Aldln
arid cars, ,station Wagone and, Might be a good way of getting
Contract Let
For' Highway 86
for 'tru its could, also 'used for, the. more people out on nomination. John W. Hanna, s
There. Was an acclamation
reeve and eouncil in West Wawa-
twele Township,' Those being re-
turned to, office were Reeve John
11,f ulvey, Cletus Rettinger and, S. Dernin; Councillors Orville Mc-
A., D, Smith. , Edward ,Powell was Pheel Lorne Dirnin, Harvey Cal-
ais° nominated, •but didenot qualify, bort arid Eldon Miller.
chamber at 7.45 On
Rememb6;_thays tho council . carrying full details seteIthe 'plain poedery ,Thenhanan, Barry %Wenger,
Thursday • paper. , intwo, s the , Harold'Pocock and E. S. Copeland. successive "issue '' 'of -'' S
, t All 'but Mg Pocock , said they were
Among the possible emerigeribies
'. ; .. . which or,e,ave, h . tt ..unEiblp'..to accept because on; u •
NEMINI.O.M•p.11.1101.,(11111111•110.••01M1.01141•,01101111/011411111110411111. could °Pe - ' .-I" a l''' nest'pressures.,'Se • , dents, air' disaet§r; inthistrial, auto-: 1.,.covela:n " ',',14.segted that;,v t
: ,t:.
mobile, farm, hureicene e or Water
tragedies or Jaeger" Outbreak:seas•seredtrettlYeesm -..tew.h ""Qr.01:4 4(telp
cominurucable "diseaSeg: . There 'are telephone'campaign a few 'nigh s,
eight ambulances- 'hi ,the district before 'a enornination 'meeting it
HeronsBruce, has.received 'word traMportatlon Or patients. I. i night. "
from Hon., J. N. 'Allan that the 1 ' " TwosTyPes ',- . ' * Mr. Buchanan said he was ap-
'contract fOr grading and granular 1 Tentative Oahe' of action would palled at the number of empty
base on Highway 86', 7.7 miles east be employed, the first • for a limit- seats in the hall and said that it
froM I *Ingham, has been let to ed disaster, in which• 10 to 50 per. was, obvious that the People of
E. & E. Seegmillar, of .Kitchener'.
sons had to be handled, in which 'VVingham, do not value the work
case all could be accommodated , of the men in public office. "Wing-This stretch • of road will com-
plete the last ,link in the neW • at the hospital. , . I ham is :considered very highly all
In the event of Major disaSfer, !Oster the province by people in all
highway from Wingham to 'Lis- howevenplans have been made •to ' walks of life. I hear compliments
towel. • : : ' - • use, the basethent 'oft: the hospital; paid to the town ahnost every-
and the nurses: residence' for the ,:where I go:" ; "' • ,
• A message 'raving tieeh "received opipion that a town .;With a wide-
less critically injurede A graduate Barry Wenger also said that he p.U. Commissioner
nurse, C.N.A, and helpers would be' had ,encountered many, references
assigned to tliese,aTeasWitis beds,' in the cities to the admirable town
Still on the Job supplied by local etores and hotels.1 The ,makt, which we live, and expressed the'
at the ,hospital of a :disaster or; spread reputation such as this
id rat theVcitiatit id' Should be able to produce some-
to Bring
. ,
London, and on being` accepted for
lair, -crew, was transferred to Cen-
tralia. He was nested , to 'Winnipdg
in.January, where '-he has been
since that time,
He was recommended for a com-
eniasion and graduated .with the
tank -of Flying Officer. Ian has
been posted to 111 Communications
and Rescue Squadron' in Winnipeg,
.On November 8th hd was mars
ried. at the Protestant Chapel set
the RCAF station to 11°161 Martha
'Green, daughter. of Mrs. E. Greet'
and, the late Richard C. Green. '
be notified 'at once and soon:as
the .magnitude of thq: disaster had'
been ascertained,. theephen would
go into frinnediate effect
i Organizafibn *Of the transpoeta- on Monday evening. The celebrated particularly interested in seeing tion of victims to the hospital new houses being 'built to keep artist is at present working with
'would be handled •by the provincial Lions Clubs in Ontario in a 'pro-
police, and only the necessary nom- pace With industrial development.
her 'of doctors would" go to the The .following is the list of nomi- gram designed to broaden the
nations: ,1 knowledge and enjoyment 'of good Scene of the disaster; since there
' t h medical t FOR MAYOR—R, He McKinney, Music.
,-.....,_11,11 ____ .
something much better in the way
of 'nomination meetings.
Mr. Pocock said that he was in-
terested in helping his town, and
Last week The "Advance-Times
misled a number of local people
by stating 'that Theistic Utilities
Commissioner DeWitt Miller would
"step dowel'',
Since he was elected to the com-
mission last year for a two-year
term, there was no question of
nomination this,; year, but our
phrasing was misleading, In case
anyone e is still of 'the opinion that
Dee is'abeet to take life easy, rest
assured, he's right on the job—as
Lion, President Jack Reavie pre-
sided Oise'. the meeting; Lion Floyd
Blakely was the pianist and Lion
Harry McArthur led the singing.
Tail Twister 'DeWitt Miller was in
charge of legal extractions froin
the club members.
Treasurer ' Norman Welwood
gaVe a report of the financial posi-
tion of 'the organizelioe and+ there
was a discussion on money-raising
activities and prospects,
The next meeting will be held on
Monday evening, December 9,
when the club members are to
gather at the hotel at six o'clock
and immediately proceed with the
annual sale Of peanuts to homes
in the community., Supper and
Lions meeting will follow the sale.
spare -for a widespread operation, moved by J. F. Adair, seconded by
As goon as the most critically had'W. F. turgman,
been ettended to 'at the scene, the FOR REEVE—J. Roy Adair, by
doctors would return to the hos- R. E. McKinney and W. Callan.
IN ACCID ENTs the remainder'of the victims with
OrganiSt Receives
Gifts from Choirs
The senior and junior choirs. of
St, Paul's Anglican Church gather-
ed in the parish room on Sunday
evening after the service. After a
social half 'hour during which Rev.
Cs F. Johnson spoke,. William Con-
nell was presented with a smoker
set by. Mel Keating' and Miller
Davis and a wallet by Janet Saint
and Patsy Hall. Mr. Coenell has
been organist at the church for
the past several years, With a few
well chosen words he thanked the
choirs for the gifts and wished for
them coetinued success.
Mr, Connell, who has resigned
from the post, will be succeeded
by Mr$. Gordon Davidsim, a •form-
er erganist of the ehnrch.
If he eomes to!Wingham, Rubin-
off will play recitals at both the
public and high schools during the
day and would then present a con-
cert for the general public in' the
evereing, An attempt will be made
to arrange for a date in January
if possible:
Santa udli arrive in Wingham 3zt
two o'clock Saturday aftertOon,
acCording 'to word received by ..th,e
Wingharn Business. Asset:101mi.
Every child in. Winginem and the
surrounding district is invited! to
be on hand, The old gentletrian
atrive on the C.N., trairs 'end
from the Station. wilI proceed newt,
town by eleigh to! the corar,'
John Stteets where 'lie , 'will *. dis-
tribute treats le the youngsters.
After the meeting with el./le:eta
Cre.uSse the 'ehild`ren
a, free, ehow estpeeially for . iltesn at
the ;Theatre: 'If all Can-
not be acorns/Iodated -.At.. one
sifting there will -be, ;repeat per-
formances, All the youngsters will
be the gueste• of the Wingham
Bitsiness Association and other
Merchants who have contributed
toward the entertainment as, well
as the treats.
It was previously announeed by
the Business Association that the.
entertainment *for the afternoon
would he in the form of eree
leg aL the arena. However, irhas
since been found possible to pro-
vide the free theatre party instead
of the skating, which it, is felt will
appeal to more of the youngsters
who are in town for the afternoon.
All the local stores have their
Christmas stocks on display and
the merchants will be happy to
welcome parents while the children
are enjoying the show. We: hope
that everyone, young and old, has
a good time.
Continued on Page Fourteen
The 'sound 'of the fiddle and the
beat of the square dance, may be
heard along the, mach drag' this
winter if.,the recreation council
begins square dancing lessons, At
the council's aertual Meeting, talk
got around to square dancing end'.
If • enough interest is shown, and
caller, and teacher' can be obtained,'
then chances are there'll' be a hot'
Sete in the old town sonic night
niter where help ean be given to FOR DEPUTY REEVE—Joe
Kerr, by McKinney and Callan. greatest efficiency. „ , COUNCIL—Elmer Wilkin- The hoshitai switchlmard would
first notify the chiefcfrrs, then con-
tact t e radio an TV sta fOn o
call , ite all Married • registered
nUrsee in the dietrict. The presi-
dent of the Ladies' Auxiliatsr would
be notified anti members of that
org,anization w,ould take up duties
as outlined in their own disaster
program, • The local police weeld
take charge of an information
,Ite-airrangeinetit, at „Hospital
The adminietratrix would ordee
all patients from the first, nerth-
east floor transferred to the third
float of •the Math building. Pri-
vate rotuts wtnild beeoine seini-
private, semi-private would bedome
four-bed Wards add wards would
contain six beds, The rentaining
patients would be placed in the
halls., All ifirriline personnel would
be en 12-fieur sihitt and time off
Would 'be stespehded Until the situ-
taken is back td
In the inein building eaCh of the
three flbore WoUld .be in charge of
the eupetvi$Or Ote ditty, with their
ememorient Of C.N.A, ahd sttielents,
The 8crifor graduate nurse oh the
abetted flo,or itilisist lathe op-
erating 'MOM reeerved/ tor the
Most 86HottelY irtjetreds A student
huree wottid he geslieried he keep
Continned on Page Feurteen
Last week we mentioned in the
colUM71S of The Advance-Times
that plans had been made le ice an
Intermediate • hockey team In
Winglutm, for white' a schedule
has already been drawn. The news-
PaPer also pointed out the fact
that funds for the team are non-
existent. If the , boys aye tie get
into action there will have to be
some rontributione on the part of
those who are intereeted in the Obtl-
tintionce of good hockey here. So
far tbere haven't been too many
offers of support.
Frankly, a contribution to the
hockey fund is likely to eave 'you
money on your tax bill, for the in-
termediate team is one of the few
real money-makeee hit the local
arena, With a snceessful Leers) hi
action there wilt be some poesibi-
litly rediteieg thr amoent tutn-
rid over by the town to eoVet arena:.
this contehotity who are intetteted
Tinqr nil kinds of people in
in good hot-ester—and-1f we tettS to
have good hockey tine winter their
suppok is essential, It is hoped
that an official carivese for fen&
(tan be avoided this year, 80 Pkass
—either drop your voettibetion
to The AdVaneesTiniee office, or
malt it to P,O, tex Winghern.
All donetione will be acknowledged
in the newspaper.
The first hernetty Practiee will he
held on Wednesday eVertillg at 1.30.
! 'players who are intoested Irk
interMediate hockey ate elSked to 810* Newthatie o the Winghisen _Ci_tadelS _Mte. iteehLtl,gs, pars: he on hafid So that the tear4 Newman, Petey Certleiserry Ann Claris; Nancy. viark, elm-, J. csaark Ana be thawri up 14 ti t," tot titst
Mes:Cf. Currie, —4dvfifice-ThY0A Pholfi• game nest week,
street is all Set to weleorne a very-
important visitor to, town, on Sat;
today' when Father Christmas
makes his annual pre-Ohrist.mas
Visit, 'Leeks by the way the, settee
lee beginning to fall that the old
gentleman-Will foul right at home
again this year', • I
0 0
Christmas with all its Present day
tweak:aliens still :begins and ends
at borne. This edition Of our entper
00.6.0111y ,shows that there le tee
need' to ' go out of twit • for gift
,buying, Right here alorig the main
drag any Santa wild fill a bag I
With a coneptete lino Of gifts, for
every Member of any family, After 1
Olt home is the place to be '
Christinas and hometown folks
deserve your spending saPPort.
John Ward, of Wingham, was
injured on Monday when a monu-
ment fell on his leg causing a
fracture. Mr, Ward is receiving
treatment in the Wingham General
Hospital where his conclitien yes-
terday was $gid to be satisfactory.
Twenty-five-year-old Donald'
Murray, of .11,,R, 2, Lucknow, was
seriously injured on Tuesday when
hie 'dlOthing WELLS caught by the I
Mechanism of a. corn picking.
machine, Tio accident happened -
When the machine became jammed
and a$ he Wes treeing the equip-
Merit his hand was pulled into the
machinery. He was admitted to the"'
Wingham General Hospital atiffer-i
ing from severe shock and a badly I
ditnieged right hand arid many
small laneratione to his body, Yes-
terday hospital officials stated „
that Mr; Murray Wonitlehave to be
transferred to a Condon hospital
When his condition allows:
The pirplis Of Oilittotirt8 School
win present their Christmas
bed Oh' 'Friday, NOVenelf& e9 at
8.15 p.m Adrillesiori 855. 21*
OddfelloW8 atinnatifeWl Willi) to
bo held in the bddfellOW-8 en
bettenbet 4th„ 8,86 P.M. Oltickees
tot' regular ganiet. tarkeys foe,
Specials, rilveryotio We)dorna
ANNUAL' MEETINO I "'the Wroiceter W. 8ptinsor
The Ceuertty Curlirtg Chill an- a progressive euchre 41i the Cone-
Mid meeting, will be held; at Cur» tiMnity tin'NOVember, 28th at
flee School on WedneedaY,, Novena- 8.20, Adletissieh te,, Ladies pleitee
bee 21tii. Eachte, pledSC bring Ittneh, Terobeed$ for
bring lunch. - 111/10 littb
A very stieeesefill bake sale was "-held by the Salvation Army th
Hill on 800610. Plettito shOwa preparationa
'being Made just before the show opeited, FrOrn loft to right are,