HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-27, Page 71141., Wingham 'congregation of Jeho- vah's Witnesses are making final arrangements to attend the three- day • Circuit Assembly being held. this coming week-end in the town The Wingham firemen held their hall, Owen 'Sound. It' will include annual banqUet in the'. Legion, 12 other congregations of thisHorne. Envoy and Mrs. Newman, of . 'district. • ' * the Salvation Army were guests. Ernest Falconer, presiding mini- After th8 turkey supper, Mrs, ster, stated, "The PurpoSe of this assembly is to help equip all of Jehovah'S Witnesses to be fully qualified in using and understand- ing the Bible. Conditions being so 'unsettled in, world affairs today, there is a great comfort to be gained in the study of God's Word as a regular phase of our. daily lives." The highlight of the assembly will he a widely advertised Bible discourse dealing with the ques- tion, "What Are the Prospects for Lasting Peace " on Sunday after• noon, at 3 p.m. '1 This new. three-span $100,000,00 bridge, the largest of three bridges built, this year by the highway depart- ! merit crosses the Maitland River at concessions 9 and 10 Turnberry Township, The new bridge, known Witnesses Attend as Fitch's Bridge, was officially opened yesterday afternoon. The bridge ,measures 200 feet •by 34 feet and Dist. Assembly Morris Swanson entertained ` at the piano, when some of the boys from bass to soprano burst forth in (song?) or did• the fire siren blast off? An enjoyable evening 'of cards followed. The ' winners at euchre were, high for ladies, Mrs. Wm. Bain; high for men, Lorne Gardner; low for ladies, Mrs,,,, N. Cronkwright; low for men, Harvey Aitchison, The lucky draw. Was won by Roy de Groot. lima THE FIRE HALL is constructed of reinforced concret& ' —Advance-Times photo. Congratulations were in order for 'Mr. and Mrs. Alvin 'Soli, who 0 - 0 0 their celebrated their 14th wedding an- BOARD APPROVES 0.0.0 • Toni Wade, fireman, left the, NEW brigade to' join 'the ranks Of pre The, whw...01 wook4004,3.„ Y k Modern and Traditional n Buy Something for .the Horne You Will Enjoy the Whole Year 'Round CHESTERFIELD SUITES • MATTRESSES BEDROOM SUITES KITCHEN SUITES i Attention's'. Foot Suffereis „ . • j. A. VICKERS • Foot Comctionist, from 'Hanover Maker of Featherweight, Arab SupPorts, fitted, to the individual impression of your I feet, wishes to announCe that he will be at if THE QUEEN'S HOTEL, WINGHAM Each Monday afternoon for your convenience. way come in under no obligailon and 'talk over a your foot problem? , FOR THREE NIGHTS—nightly at 8.30" ThliPS., l rl., Sat., Dec. 5 6-7 EDWIN MASTER HYPNOTIST 1S.IT THE EYES, THE VOICE' or the ,PERSONAtITY ? - Come and judge for yourselves Recognized in Canada, England, Nustralia, U.S.A. and the • . continent as the Greatest Master of this mysterious art. SCIENTIFIC! FASCINATING! AMUSING! LAUGHS! SCREAMS! YELLS'!- 4 1 :ADMISSION 60c ....--...-..... ...........--,.....—..........-0—.....--,---,..-1. CHILDREN 30c . . 0.P.P; Wish: you 'the! best in yoUr new venture, Tom. 0 - 0 - 0 ' Robert Hickey was ,',-taken on the brigade to fill a vacancy. won't have to worry abeut Norm C, calling at 3 ,a.m. now, they should both be there if the siren goes, 0 - 0 - 0 Michael Willie is another new recruit to join the brigade. He was always a willing'guy at fires before joining, and 'very active ''in Dept. activities now. , • 0 -.0._0.'- . The "bug" caught ,up ,to many of the firemen during this Month. One would get up 'and report on the job, then another would report out of action; NoW that it's pos- sible during the, winter that we get a few cold rides,: it's' to. be hOped all are .in good.health. ' 0 - 0 - 0 H A medal should ge -to: the person persons responsible., for the parking sign at the Legion Hall • "col 'John 'Street. Can you visualize the 'fire truck going up between those cars on both sides of the street? Also doctors and ambulance serViee, to the hospital could have been snarled in a traffic jam. Have a meeting at the Legion. Hall, also at the Masonic Hall and.some-.- times the Anglican , Church all on the same night and there will be a goodly number, of 'cars parked, 0 - 0 - 0 To date .for the month, of. Nov- erriber only one fire call, that to the village of FordWich on Nevem- eniber 1st, at 2.15. a.m.: The fire was in a car seat, owned' Orval Knapp. 0-0-0 Christmas bonuses are to be paid to members of the Wingham. Hos- pital Staff on a time-of-service and salary basis again this year, it was decided 'by the board at the regular monthly meeting,- which was held on Thursday, evening. Regular cash bonuses. have been paid to staff members of Wing- ham General 'Hospital for severd.l years to Workers who have been employed there for more than a year. The practice., although an ex- pensive' one, is considered by the board to be well worthwhile. The management committee's proposed salary increases for reg- istered nurses, an -increase in the administratix's salary -and wage hikes for two other members of the hoSpital staff, were approved. The maximum of $230 for register- ed nurses 'who have been on the hospital staff for a ,certain period of time, will' =be into effect ...at an early date. At present the basic rate stands at $200.. The new 'pay schedule. fo'r ' graduate nurses is based, on a six-month -"sliding scale", starting at $200 a month and moving up every • six, months by $10.00, with the maximum being reached after 18 Months, when the rate of pay will be $230. ... ' .. H. C. MacLean, chairman of the board, said that, the `.'cigar-box" system for money, in use by the office 'at the hospital, was not good enough and he suggested to- the board mer,nbets that a cash regi- ster should be installed which would enable a, more. accurate cheek on cash sales and aecounta, At present, he oxplaPeCit a reeord is :kept in a book, '§nt this, In his °Pinion, was not a vary Bend moth- od, 'He said that in sew Cases considerable sums of money have to be dealt with, This teas no re- flection on the prcaent operation, but a qUeSti911 of hotter ,business methods. Mra. IWOrreY, agniirlistratrixi said that there is more than $7,900 owing in outstanding accounts, An reply to a question about accounts by Xeard Member Ivan Flaeltins If was decided to leave the ques- tion of buying a cash register until the next meeting. The board will hold its meetings on the Seetand Monday of 'the month in future, the &lenge in the meeting night Was, aeceloted as, being a more suitable time. Mr. MacLean announced that $2,217 had been spent in surcharges by Ashfield Township- shift the new wing. was built in 1955, In a break-.down • of the figures it "was shown that in 1955, 83 patientl from the township had meant a total of $930 'to the hospital; it 1956, 61 Patients had brought in a total of $894; and in 1937, up until August 31st, 57 patients from Ash• field added $393 to the hospita coffer,s, The charges were 'base( on a daily charge of $1:30. R. B, Cousins, vice-chairman ig the board and chairman of the management committee, ,stated that Howard Sherboncly of Wing- ham, had been hired by the, hos- pital as an office clerk. He had been chosen from three applicantS for the position. It was reported that certain sections of the , new X-ray equip- ment had arrived and ,that it, would fie .assembled this' week. Mr, MacLean told. the members that their first 'application for a change in the hospital's name had been refused, hut that since they had a full board meeting he would ask that a resolution be made en- abling them to apply far a change of name again. . ' A resolution that the name of the. Wingham General Hospital he changed to the Whigham and. Dis- trict General Hospital was made by J.• V. Fischer and seconded 'by William Elston. The treasurer's report, submit- ted by A. D. MacWilliam, showed that during the month of October the hospital had carried more. than $19,000.00 and* had spent $11,799.82. During October there were 204 admissions; 23 births; 169 dis- charges; 75 operations; '237 X-rays arid four blood transfusions. See Niagara Overrun Little hope of saving the lands of the famed Niagara Peninaula, for fruit growing is seen by the economists who did the special report on Cvadian agriculture for the. Gordon CommissiOn. However, i 's;1;143 tTlatoepoVP11,00 am soliciting y v7tethfeort iceco`tujokneilrlor iSr:irceeMy teo,,Noviwe rOill'he,sr 0er3ve.1 the ratepayers, to the best of ,o1Y- ability. Your support will be: tkppreciated. CLETUS RETTIMER To the Electors of Turnberry Your vote will be ap- preciated on Saturday,!, November 30, when I will be running as candi- date for councillor. A. If elected I will do my iitinost to serve you, to the very .hese• of my ability, as have in the,;; past. • PERCY KINO: OieVitoGYSEi; ONE HALF OF THE FEW NNE WORLD SPENDS MOST OF IT'S TIME TRYI NG: To FIND Our WHAT THE "," OTHER HALF'S, WEARING!, Farmers interested in buying their winter ' requireinents should call on' us now, We have a cant Vete line of feeds for ;cattle, and poultry. #y Ilrchasing, yont feed. by 'the !ton 'yen can substantial amount. of money. Come in and let as haven W I "Gil". -SHUR GAIN FEED 1k,i1N M I L LS I to* ,itAtitali 1-7*- 11004 eEit /1/41. N.q SonkOk...• 1-1 fz=za terested parties contact S. Cowan There is, also a .'.;..vacancy on the or Fire •Chinf Jim Carr for par- ments have extended our wheat , brigade for another fireman, 'In-' "titulars. and tobacco belts. 1111111111111111I this loss of some of the most Beef Supplement, A $4.45' valuable agricultural land in - Canada to industrial and residen- Concentrate $4.25' tial construction, points out. The 20% -Super lay Mash $3.7 Financial Post, won't mean that we are going to starve for fruit and vegetables. Other and less suitable land, will be used for this purpose, further along Lake Ont- ario, along Lake Erie and in shel- tered areas on Georgian Bay and new earlier and hardier varieties of these fruits should help in this extension just as similar develop- eciarzFX-Zi44ltd .14agge404-7,41:44.'W,r4tIA04041410O Itltr,r6K%-tiMIct#LT4144==4-.1AM=07044WAROMOK=infinzei&F.4giam,"4M%=iroming CrifikS and Joys 4reVer! Table Lamps .... $5.95 Sewing Boixes ... $2.95 Dresser Lamps $9.95 Coffee Tables $8,95 Mirrors • . , .... $6.95 Hassocks .... . $2.95 Floor 'Lamps . $12.95 TV Lamps . . $3.95 • Card Tahles .. , .. . $4.69 Smokers ... .. $1.49 End Tables • .. $4.95 Clothes Hampers $7.95 Magazine Racks $2.95 Chairs of all types $10.95 Cushions ...', . $1.39 3 PANTIES • • The :newest in style from 49c lip HANKIES Gifts that will Light Up the Children's Eues on Christnias Morning High Chairs Rocking Chairs Baby, Walkers Commode Chairs Doll Carriages Doll Strollers Baby Jumpers froosto&o,itoo.,&A tforaielvozAtmv OIcr,glice4 iva Walker Home Furnishings Phone 106 S. .I..WALKER. modem and frachhimai. Aare value honehli for every home ohi your gift fist and your own TOOIMWMi41lltOIWWwWW64i441404Ol111iifOMEOth1Y 104411MIOMMW111WW4410i1•IMIO404i *OtotOwso*,tototot*****000000000010,4,0iiirtiA .1004010,00.4WVOZVOSIOPeti*Mt."°: AVA'r*NrIVVLreA.VYAVN4.tkVISafWttol't' CRUBS 1,2 PLAY PENS Table & Chair Sets N dui s !ft j WI IN 1 (411414 14114 414 4 (pi 4114144 11111114 111111On l't41011.411111 44 it 41411141in 4144 Jill %Ingham 0011% 14AIVDB4 $4:446i° • Yes, iticleea, she'll appreciate the gift of a fine handbag. And are have the very finest ... hand- bags in quality leathers and fabrics, in fasbioe,wise Myles. SO, and select! HANNA'S LADIES' WEAR,. Josephine St, Winghath Phone .7h* *004000000.00060")****00000.00000.004.00oo Aragoasrmoovatta*****to gc **mos SLIPS $1.99 up SWEATERS $3.98 tiP GLOVES $1.79 up PURSES $2.98 up NYLONS $1.00 tiP A wenderfai selection of beautiful thindlterelliefs front 5 0 le up