HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-27, Page 5, BAN K THE Look ahead with to next Christmas! • By joining our Christmas club now, at any Toronto-Dominion .Bank, you can have . enough to 'lave a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Look ahead to next Christmas nr.nt? . . with The Bank that looks ahead! COME IN AND ASK ABOUT JOINING OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB? -Deposit this Much money eaeh week 50 $ 1.00 $ 2.60 $ 5.00 $ 10.00 Receive this much in 50 weeks $35.00 $50.00 $100.00 $250.00 $500.00 Join our Christmas Club now . . . it's a happy soiutiorti. • THE BANK TORONTO-DOMINI9N, THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD N RUNSTEDLER, Manager A. E. GRAHAM, Manager • Wingham Branch ' Gorrie Branch • . STOOLS and HASSOCKS 10pbelstered in „assorted' $6 95 ,00rs Ogly ... .. • , •,_ • !CV c4411's A variety selection iight, Only With $8.95 .4 • armichael s "Tilt PAMPA' STOMP PhOne 1.* Nylon Dresses SLEEPERS for the baby the famous two-piece ig.t. 'Sleepers, V) vin all .sizek to 4 at Lial if $1.98 $3.98 „...,.. " .:6010.70:04 • ....-N1010.10-20'.40'.04-1. in attractive quitted ..nylon Or satin - PYJAMAS $4.95 , GOWNS • • $3.95 the amazing new ainigglipdown material, all sizes and colours ,,-;• at Carmieliaer.s you will find White Dress SHIRTS $3,95 ea.' PYJAMAS , priced at styled Balfour $4.50 a pair - in the popular yama clbth in the beautiful stripes - all sizes A to E ,Sflower Held Fdr:Newlyweds WROXETER -A shOwer was held in the commUnity ,hall here on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs: Jack Brown, Mrs, Brown was the, foimer Gwynne Gibson of Wroxetat% Ian, Howes read the address and Nancy Newton and Shirley Reidt presented the gifts. jack made a suitable reply and thanked their many friends for the gifts. Dancing was enjoyed to the mu- sic of Sangsters' Orchestra and lunch was served. MrstM. Cantelon Y.W.M.C. Hostess The regular monthly meeting of the Young Women's Mission Circle of the Wingham Baptist *Church was held' at the home of Mrs, M. Cantelon on :Thursday evening. The meeting opened with the hymii "I Am the Child dif a King",, after which Mrs.,P, Collar led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and the 'business dis- cussed. MrS. Cantelon read the de- votion, "Glory in the Cross," writ- ten by Mrs, G., .Schiefle. Mrs, P. Collar read a poem followed by a season of prayer led by MrS. B. MacLean and Miss Laura Collar, The offering was received and Mrs, B. Collar read an article en- titled, "Mission or Omission Band", The hymn, "I Will Sing of My Re- deemer" was sung. The mission study for the month WaS tentred around India. The firat article, "World's Tragedy Of. Religion"; was read by Mrs. Collar and Mrs, A, Proctor read an artield entitled, "11,tirade", s seory which took place on the River Ganges, Mrs, 1,t Cantelon faVored with a sole, "Is, Your All on the Altar?" Miss Mary Stapleton continued the study by reading ah article, "Just an Outcast", after Which Mrs. G., .1.1otchkiSS ,Fead "Ono Thrilling Day", The hymn, "Our God Is Able to Deliver . Us", was sung and two letters were read 'by Miss Laura Mar and grs, r. Collar, from Mt. and Mrs, Cairns, missionaries a'dtigeria, Africa. 111is, a Young dosed the meet- ing with prayer and lunch was 'MerVeri and rd geleiM time: enjOed, •1 Puts„e o.i Money i at 'vor . Yowl() Cogpie • N DER' S WRONNTNR-Vrienda of Mr. ALEXA and 14Fs. Ronald Higgins gathpr- HARDWARE ed in the Wrtnteter .community Imp on November 15th, for a social evening and to present the meg couple vv. ith gifts, WS. Higg ins Is the former, Shirley McNeill of Wal- Ian Howes read the address anti David Sanderson presented them with a, purse of money; Nancy Newton and Shirley Reldt present- ed other gifts, Ronald expressed their appreciation and dancing was enjoyed to the music, of. Sangsters' Orchestra, Waal was served. Mrs. Harry Adams, ,of Wrexeter,, Mr, and Mrs. James Mama and Mr. Mae Dlacit, Binevale, attend., ecl the .Royal Winter Fair , in TO.- Tonto On Friday, • Miss Gladys Musgove, Trenton, spelit the weeltdend at her home here, d The Huron County bridge crew has comeleteti the new bridge on Gorrie South rend, two and a half miles fvrii Gout°, and it is now open to traffic, It is a dOelcled Jul- preVerrient over the old structure, Mr. and Mrs, .borne Dolg and family of Drayton spent Sunday d (Intended. ler Just VVROXETM7-A very iitigeeti011i, ebre111.41.11psarWtYithwatesniletlatl90: rnQvi71Z, The prize winners were; Ladies, 1 1444 Ivan Haskins Mrs, Geo. Day gndl men's, Charlie' Cathers Harvey *Nichol 2nd. sIne OW bingo, prize Was won by Mrs, john Simmons. with Mr. and Mrs. Doig. Mr. and Mrs, Mel Pogo visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs: Win Hart,' Little Patti Hart, LiAttnvel, also spent a few. days 144 week With, her grandparent's. Mr. „and Mrs, Ted McLean of, Sarnia visited over thew, eek,eral With Mr., and Mrs. William Wright. Mr; and Mrs, Ira McLean were London visitors on Thursday, Miss Derma McLean spent the week- end at her; home here,. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs,. Scott Hunter on the ;birth of their son on ,NoVeinber 24th, at Grace Hospitali Windsor. „ Friends of Mr. lohn, Fraser were sorry to learn he is a a patient in. List'owel Hospital following a heart attack early Friday morning, We all wish him a speedy return to health, • Mn',and Mrs, Clayton Coates'. and Joy of 'Sarnia, were week-end vial tors of Mr. and'Mrs, Ross Coates, Mr. and Mrs,' Clarence Clein- ents and sons spent the week-end at their home here, Mr. Steve Taylor was removed to• the Wingham General Hospital on Saturday, where he is serious,• ly ill. TWO CRIB QUILTS MADE AT W.A. ' WROXETER - The monthly meeting, of the ; W.A, was held In' the 'church parlors on Tuesday of last week, with Mrs. Win. Cathers and Miss Margaret Jardine in charge. Miss Jardine took the devotion- al period and the meeting opened with the hymn, "Lead on, 0 King , Eternal". Mrs. Ken Bennett read the 14th chapter of 'John and Mrs. Cathers gave a paper, "Leadership Isi Ther Costly"o1"1, call was answered by' 18 members with a Bible verse containing the word "lead" and the' closing..hymn was "Lead, Kindly Light". . The December, meeting will ;be, held one week earlier, on Deem- her 10th rather than the 17th ;and", will take the forme of a Christ- mas program 'with the committee being Mrs. W. J. V."Buchanas, MrS. Chas. McCutcheon, Mrs, William Hart and George ;;Gibson., It was decided that a fowl sup- per would' be held on December 3 toentertain the members' lausj bands. The committee for this is Mrs. HarVey McMichael, Mrs. Wm. Hart and Mrs. Ken Bennett. The afternoon was spent quilting two crib quilts and a pot-luck sup- per was enjoyed by all. h.ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist • Patrick St., VVingharn Phone YIROXETER Euchre Party „ .. . s. Th. %USW* AilkineeMPSIO W44004Y8 NO4Y4 04C0104&440441406.0 04,44 40444 4‘011 444044: A4;4;4 " • , Migr100441010444 0444100100010640i XliC*4040*(4riailifir404WWWWW104116000411404104414. letr 4043Egigig ,ggfrigt tiriStnitas. .:511.1 CARD TAME TRAY •, - Ideal for your bridge " t9.7 ed,ehre orties, only !wog! s..or .„14,. CEDAR CHESTS walnut; Lane $53 50 and See .... . • OCCASIONAL CHARS Assorted covers & colors , The Ideal Gift; $26.50 FREE' STORAGE and , DELIVERY • '-'4.4tradiduakek-a.Lp',. all ....... MI1111111111 ........................ t ............ I ..... ...... ttttttt 1 ttt I ttttttt I tttttttttt I ttttt I tttttt ttttt tttttt 111$11111t111111111 tttt t stion4 ................... ....... .4 'Ion., itotoloi PHONE 51 HIGH CHAIR Chrome and plastic • AfilintoCi4: LAMPS See them' for your FURNITURE WINGHAM $9.00 pair $14.95 044 CRIB MATTRESSES Spring-filled, plastic $10 50 coVer,, bright celars Only COFFEE' TAI3LES . Arborite,. walnut $12 95 for Christmas - Only , • _ OPEN • FRIDAY 'and SATURDAY' EVENINGS , i.'1";4;01.0*. r- r r t_. re44-X • .r4P7.7. r- rPr- nOrz .• . . We have a big, wide, Wonderful 4 world of gala gifts for every member of the family . . . gifts you can be . , " proud to give because everyone is) ... sure to please! A-Mie.44:-gde -ifiM:4X-AK-0.4g144•4104114C-at-'7:04KPZ• 444%.40404er• • • • 1.44/aig' : • - • Shop .at, Carmichael 's The Family Store' g while in bwrt on Saturday at the :Santa Claus parade Its traditional to hang up 'tit e eld tags at Christmas, . hut don't forget Chat other .• tradition • FOR HER othr selection of nylons is More, than * unusually complete. SPECIAL AT $1 .25 per ' OR .89 pair 4 ,0t Err ;BOXED" GIFT STOCKINGS ,DRESS SOX . priced' at $1.00 to $1.50 a pair DRESSING DRESS GLOVES . piked at $3,50 a pair - a Gift any Dad loves - . . we haVe School Shirts, Py- jamas, Nylon Pullover Sweaters, 'Bath Robes, Clicker Coat Jack- ets and many other suitable gifts. Pullovers $2.98 Cardigans - $3.98 BLQCSESe SLACKS and CAR ,COATS ,• Rolm „, . ,,,, „ ,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,, „ ,,,, $8.95 ',rums - wild-44* type itikd regular 2'.98 to'$3.95 SWEATERS in High bulk Orlon that Magic word in yarn . . . Last but net least, fo; the boss of the family the BABY: Nightgown, Sets Esmond Blankets SitoliNIER 5 IIPS . .or Aly1011 - in gist ,p p VI (0 In '$2.98 -$4 priced at & .95 Gift hexed at 'Carmichael's. .•=.- in wool and nylon etretehy‘atull pur, wool - GOWNS t..ovely hoXed e9 nQ wide satin bind- tA prieidd at r1,941oUle ing, .... 4r•r•uko Reversible Plaid $7.95 up toTi MISS V. SAUNDERS TALKS ON JAPAN • ST. HELENS-Miss Violet Satin- wdlehros, ialascosuliseinntOf26Myresa. rBs. a•Fs;, raGrineeins.: sionary in Japan, except during the war years, whfch she spent as a refugee in Trinidad and Canada, was the guest speaker at the Autunin Thankoffering of the W,M.S. held on Friday afternoon. Miss Saunders delighted her large audience with her informa- tive talk on, Japan and. her world there. She showed souvedirs and manY beautiful coloured slides of Japan. Miss Saunders was intro- duced' by Miss W. D. Rutherford and thanked by Mrs. W. A, Miller. Mrs. W. I. Miller; the president, welcomed guests from White- church United Church, Brick church and the Ashfield circuit and presided for the prayer, which included a reading, "I Want a Home", by' krs. J. D. Beccroit of Whitechurch; a piano solo by, Mrs. J. Gardner of Zien; a reading "The Finding of Wiadism" by Mrs. Geo, Alton of Hackett's; readings by Mrs. C. Cook of Blakes' and by Mps, McBurney of Brick Church. At the conclusion a social hour With' lunth concluded a very pleas- ant afternoon. Miss Saunders also spoke at the service in the United Church on Sunday morning choosing as her subject, "The Making of a Mir- acle", she traced the spread of Christianity in japan, Beeause of• illness with flu of Mrs. B, F. Green, Miss Saunders was the guest of Miss W. D. Rutherford for part of her visit here; ST. HELENS Misa Donna Woods, student nurse at the Xitchener-Waterloo HoSpital and Mr. and Mrs. Mei broWn. of Ititcherier, were week- end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Lorne. Woods. Miss Margaret Millers neg. N., wa$ home froth Stratford for the weelt-end. The Cheistnuta meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the community hall on Thersday, December 5, at g o'eloek, Roll eall, a ChristfOs verse; motto, God gave us memories that ,We Might have roses In Deceinber. by Mrs, C, McDonald; guest speaker, Rev. B, I% Green, There will be an ftchange, Of ChrialtaS, 'gift% GAVILLER, McINTOSH & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BELL TELEPHONE WILDING • Walkerton Ontario 1 ' i your grain If zr de si" •romf.1, ! plus .... CONCENT . That d full granary of yours ran heip you eut feeding costs I 111 this year. Mix Co-bp ConeehtrateS With Yotdr grain and you - I I :win nave an economical and iugh-aowercd fora. Lot ,Cia-bid i Dairy concentrates help your tows give, you an extra 1,00 lbs. u on milk , , use Co-ou nett concentrates with sulbestrol i sine Aimeoinyein M give 'you the /host aain pet lb, Of feed d. . . . ii 'yes, tot a testilt-getting and eost.tatting feeding om.grain. use i II 00.0 PED8 ' Hurry ! ! Gel yotirs how , Cash Discount of $5i00 a ' ton iitilit Nov. 30: Belgrave Co-Operatiyem , • - BELGRAvg • •I'tn Phut,* Brussels 14140 • .• 1,065* •