HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-27, Page 401 A. H. IrTAVISH BARRISTER soCtorkon and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 33 TetirWater WrOketetaatvary Wednesday •afternoton, 2-4 p.m;0 Or y appointment. BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Frederick. F. i-lorrnith Phm.B., R.O. Garol• E. Homitth,'R.O. Mrs, Viola H. Homuth, ortoatemtusts Pi-torm 118 ilarriaton, Ontario To the Electors of .Turnberry Township More efficient government is needed. $1 value for each $1 spent": Your vote on Saturday, November 30 would be appreciated. If elected I will do my best to see that this is tarried out, Anyone wishing a ride , to the polls' phone 703w21 Wiugharn. 'G. T. APPLEBY 'SW" Vaa liflea!hafill A Vinea*Tialael, WaRnfaidaY, Nor, $7i, 1901 OH BOyI bmasTmAs TREES HELPFUL.11INTS — . ON NOG TOYS, Our pnotograpner took time out to. watch the town workmen, George Carter, Ted Whitby and Stuart Holloway, putting up the Christmas trees on the lamp standaids along Josephine Street. Last Wednes- day afternoon the men put up 35 trees and 'decorated them with colored lights. The trees are provided by the Wingham Business Men's Association and have becerne a' feature of the Christmas decorations in, town during the past few years: ' —Advance-Tiines photo.. Perth is ' withio $600.00 of its '$3,800.00. St. Thomas and Elgin -County"contribute' through their .• United Welfare Services. Of the $12,800.00 required, $10,- 60.00 has been received. Portions of C.N.I.B.'s annual operating funds are received from the 'Provincial Government, muni- cipal .councils in several cities and counties, 'and from United Appeal funds in London, Stratford and ,Elgin County. When shoot log for toys as Christmas gifts, keep in mind the age, sex and interests of the child you are buying for, If you do not 'know, ask the man or woman who has children. Before you start off on your shopping spree read the ads in this special shopping edition for ideas, ,anda jOt down- a few for each child on your list. You will be more apt, to find something suit- able and save time. Some toys have quick, short-lived appeal., Others like books, records, 'building blocks, have long-time value and a child's Christmas should have one or two of each 'tax.- • • Dont feel .you have to spend the same amount of money on each .child in one family, If your gifts are well chosen and successful, the children will not stop the fun to add up the score. Christmas shopping is most fun when done in, pairs, :Your hilsband will have excellent ideas and 'help 'With the bundles. Take shopping bags to 'hold the small packages. Yoh 'have a better chance of a good selection if you shop early, , FOR SALE LEE'S' USED FURNITURE, Buy and`-sell, Agent for Kincardine Latradry, Phone 185. 9rrb MEAT FOR SALE—Good beef by, the quarter, Killed under licenae from Dept, of Health. Yearling heifers, Top quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, Ripley, phone 24r30. 17rrti CO] CORN for tale. $25.00 ton at 'the barn, All good corn. -Con- tact Bill Watson, RR, 3, Zurich, phone Dashwood 37r19. 27.4:1115 WALNUT BED with matching dressing -table• and mattress for sale. Good condition. Phone 986 after 5.30. 27* COLEMAN medium size oil heater for sale, Good condition. Priced for quick sale. Apply to H. Ternpleman, phone Gorrie 23r1, 27:4* — — SEE the CEDAR CHESTS by Lane and Red Seal for Christmas at R. A. Currie & Sons Furniture, Priced from $53.50. 27b THIS. WEEK'S' SPECIAL—One only 8 mm Editor-viewer-splicer. Regular $55.00, special $39.95. Hammertoe Sutdio, phone 199. 27b GIRL'S WHITE tube skates, size 13, boy's hockey skates, size 2 for sale. Both in excellent con: dition, Phone 292M. ?:Tb DRY HARDWOOD,, beech and maple Body wood, $5,00 a cord fer sale;°Limb wood $4.00 a, cord at the farm or a dollar a cord extra, delivered. Apply George Kennedy, phone 43r11, Lucknow. ' 27* MILK FILTERS for sale—"Rapid` Lolo", 6-inch, 79e; 6Va-incha 85c. Alexanderts Hardware. lrrb FOR: THE BEST PRICES on new and used' musical instruments, accessories and repairs, see Ross Mann, Wingham, phone 73534. 3Orrd18b afflARIS stylist for Wingham and surrounding district. Two spec- ials:in garments for the average, and; larger figures for two Weeks. Contact Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, phone 509w. 20,27* COD.a.and kilndried corn for sale. Apply to Harold Finlay, Delmore,: 'phone 15r2 Belmore, 20,27* GIRL'S WINTER gray coat for sale, size 12-14. Phone 646W. 27b COAL and wood circulator heater for' sale, in A-1 condition; 'also 6 lengths of stove„ pipes used 1 month. Phone' 43R21, Fordwieh. 27b MAN'S heavy knit sweater for sale, Apply Mrs. Homuth, John Street. 27 LADY'S white tube skates, size 8 fer sale. Reasonable. Phone 666. 2715 NEW two-piece living room suite, bed by night, for sale. Only 591,50, R.• A. Currie & Sons, Arniture. 27h BLACK SEAL COAT for sale. Good' as new. Reasonable.• Phone 499, 27* NEARLY NEW coal and wood heater, also coal and wood cook stove. Phone 987. 27* BOY'S FIGURE SKATES, size 8 for sale. Good as new. Guitar in case, Phone Douglas Hamilton, 436M.• 27b CHOOSE now from over 50 high quality Bedroom and Chester- field suites at savings from $60 to $95. Free Home Delivery. Smitty's offer outstanding values due to mass purchasing and large turn over. So compare to- day at Smitty's Shopping Centre, 700.7th Ave., Hanover. 13:20:27b APPLES FOR SALE MeINTOSH and. Cortland, $1,75 up to $3,00 per bushel for choice, Bring own containers, Spies and. Delicious available after 'Otto tier 10. Blake Bros. Orchards, a corners south of friissels, one mile east, Storage at roadside, Phone 42r8 freasels. rrarIN* 'YOU KNOW that ThtVid CM-tate/I, Certified Watchinaker, guarantees to keel) your Watch in good running order for one year?. Tina free service guarantee applies to all new watches, OW to 'watches that have been clean-, ed and reconditioned. Bring in your Watch ,ttaalaY and take ad- Vantage of Oar fast gartrariteed service. alert. GU rtes AAMLANCE, Wihg- h Safe. votittows &tyke, Phone Dity',, hi; Might, 1.14 Or Oh. Ilfth REAL ESTATE Several hOmes in different pries ranges for sale' in the town el Wingham. Three of these homes are 'practically new, For lamina oration WILIAAM S. REED, Real Estate Broker Wingham, phone 292M 117b NEW two-bedroom house on Boland Street for sale. Oil furn- ace, four-piece bath, hardwood Bears, Priced low for quick sale. Phone 576. 27b PROPERTY for sale, lot 23, con, 8 in Turnberry, with frame house consisting of five rooms and bath, built-in cupboards, oil furnace, Possession immediately. Can be bought with mortgage. Apply to George McMillan, Her- riston, phone 314J or Clare Hut- chison, Harriston, 27;4:11* FARM FOR SALE To close the estate of the laic Harold David; the executors offq for sale a, farm on lot 4, con. 8 Howick, part lot 24 in village of Gorrie. ThiS farm is well situate(' on the south edge of Gorrie. Con,- tains 200 acres more or less. On the property is a new one and r half storey-house with all modern conveniences, frame barn, straw shed and hen house. For further particulars apply to Chester Ben, nett or Frank. David R.R. 1 Gorrie executors. 20:27b a- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 7 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 'due it December and January for sale Also orders taken for No. 1 kiln dried corn or cob corn. Lowes available prices. Jas. Struthers Belmore, phone 180r2. 27b FOR RENT THREE BEDROOM apartment on , Centre Street for rend Three- piece bath, forced, air furnace Availahle December 1st. Phone 658w4 evenings, ' 261 SALESMEN WANTED HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY., Good Rawleigh . business now available in-Huron Co, Write for information. Rawleigh's Dept. K-453-922, 4005, Richelieu, Mont- real, Que. 271$ LARGE. UNITED States and Ca. nadian Manufacturing Company requires Field Representative it Howick ,aed Kinloss townships, Exceptionally high earnings Guaranteed repeat business Automobile essential. Agricul- tural or farming background most important. Sales training 'giVen, Reply to Box 84 London. Ont. 20;2713 • . DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pich aup on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palinerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited 6rrb DEAD STOCK: Picked up prompt- ly in sanitary trucks. Shwa' charge made for animals under 500. lbs. total. Phone collect Wingham 5613, ' S4rrN27 MISCELLANEOUS RUGS SHAMPOOED in your home. Phone 64031. IS YOUR 'TELEVISION properly insured fee all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A. Scott, Wingham. arrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now save you 15% on your tar or truck Insurance. Yearly or Six months policies are available. Special rates for farmers. - For further information ,phone 293, Wingham. 29rrh SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL septic tanks, cesspools, cellars, ate„ pumped and cleaned, quick Service, AII Work guaranteed, Apply Louis flake, phone 42r6, frussela. 15rrb WATERLOO CA,TTLE Breeding Aaseciatiori "Where Better Bulls Are Used", "Fer artificial lit- saininatlen information or set- cite fioril all breeds of cattle, phone The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton II(1.2-8441 or Mildinay 130r12 be- tween 7,30 and 9.30 natl. We have all breeds avallablia—Top quality at low cost," 25rrb FINANCING' A CAR? tklote you buy •aSh About our t:4# Cog Financing &Mee, With doMPlete Threlirrinee Coverage, STEWART A. SCOTT :Sumo 2*3 Whigharti 26rib COMING EVENTS YOU'VE TRIED TWO REST, .no'; try the best for spareribs ant sauerkraut On, Wednesday, Fri day and Saturday evenings. Corn , marcial Hotel, Formosa. cd.12,11'. SHOWTIME • Howlek Lions Club Variety Night in Wroxeter Com- munity Hall on Friday, Novem- ber 29th, at 3 p,m. Admission, adults, .50e; children 25.e. CE 20:27b hIn141.111 IIELP WANTED WOMAN wanted between the ages of 40-55 for two adults. $60.00 a month and hoard, Apply to J. S. Griffen, Browning Avenue, Tees,- water. 27b WANTED 1.4" SAWDEIZT BURNER wanted Apply to jas-, Struthers, phon( 180r2 Behnore. 27t CATTLE WANTED for feeding by the month, Lorne McGlone, phone 142r4 Teeswater. 27* ROOM WANTED in which to store furniture. Call 317W, Wing- ham. 27 WANTED TO RENT THREE-,BEDROOM HOUSE wanted to rent. Immediate pos- session. Phone 317W. 27b LOST CHILD'S SLEIGH with, red run- ners missing from back porch, Anyone finding it phone Mrs' , Jack Walker, 189., 27b PERSONAL 3KINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5,, 10, 15 lbs. New pep too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. Ostrex also im- •proves poor appetite due to tact' of iron. "Get-acquainted" site onlY 60c. At all, Ilifl'agists. 1.3a27b NOTICE - TO CREDITORS All persons having • claims against the estate of Margaret Nicholson, late of the Village of Belgrave, in the County' of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of October a.D. 1957, -are 'notified to send to the undersigned, on ,or before the 14th clay of December, 1957, ful . particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the sair' 14th day of December, the assets of the said Testatrix will be dis- tributed amongst the' parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to Aims of which the executoat shall .then have notice. DATED this 19th day of, Nevem-. ber, A.D., -1957. • CRAWFORD &HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. • Solicitors for the Administrators a d4:11h NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against. the estate of HAZEL STAMPER, late of the Township of West Wa- wenosh, in the County of Huron Spinster, deceased, who 'died on or about the 9th day of October, A.D. 1957, are notified to send to ,the undersigned, on or before the 7th clay of December, 1957, full particulars of their claims in writ- ing, Immediately after the said 7th clay of December, 1957, the as- sets of the said Testator will he distributed 'amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this 18th day of „Novem- her, A.D. 1957. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 20 :27 :4b . . NOVO!: TO CREDITORS All' persons having claims against the estate of ARTHUR I. STE- P late of the Village ef Gorrie, in the County ,of Huron, Merchant, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-fifth day of September, AD. 1957, are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 30th day of November, 1957, full purticulars of their. claims in writing. , ImrnediAtely., after the Said •30th day 'of Novena- her, the assets of the said Testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard Only to cialnis of which the executors shall then have noticta DATED this Sib day of Nalverri- her, A.D, 1957, CRAWFORD Se 11101-41,:RINGT ON WINGITAM, Ontario' SOlieltors for the Iilarteritora 130,2 NOTICE • All .interested in hockey between the. ages of 8-16 are to register 6.t. the Wingham arena on November 28th and 29th from 4 p.m. until 5 p.m. Bring $1,00 'tregistration in- surance to cover all activities under Recreation Cott:MID also birth certificate. F27b MUNICIPAL NOTICE A nomination for a Reeve, lour Councillors and three School. Trti- tees to serve the Tpwnship of Mor- .ris during the year 1958 will . he held in the Morris Township Hall on Friday, Novemb'er 20, 1957, from . 1 p.m. to r p.m. ' if necessary an election will be held on Monday, December 9, 1957, Geo, 0, Martin, Clerk, 20:27h CARD OF THANKS We would like to take" this op- portunity to thank our friends and neighbors and the Boys and girls of Grade 1113 of Whigham District High School for the gift of money and lovely gifts we received at our shower.---Gweri and Jack Brown, Wroxeter. 27h CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Walter Welsh wish to thank all their friends, relatives and neighbors for floral tributes, Cards of sympathy and kindnesses extended to them. at the time of their bereavement,. Special thanks to the staff of the Wingham General Hospital, Dr. W, A. Crawford. ate CARD OF THANKS • - Mr. Alfred McCreight and his sister, Mary 'wish to sincerely thank their friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of syma pathy and acts of kindness shown them during their recent sad ber- eavement in the loss of their brother, Thomas, Special thanks to Rev. C, F, Johnson, Dr. W. A, Mc- Kibbon and Mrs. .I. MorreY and the nursing stay , of, Wingham General Hospital. 27* CARD Or 'THANKS The family of the 'late Alfred M. Carr Wish to. express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the floral tributes, cards and kind- ness extended to them during their recent bereavement. Special thanks 'to Dr. W, A. Mcl'iibbon, Mrs. Morroy and her staff of'nurs- es, especially those in the chronic "wing who gave no much of their time and care, These kind deeds will never be forgotten, 27* 11,? LOTT In loving memory 'of Walt, er Lott, who Passed away on Xovonaber 27th, 1054. • , Ever rerrietobered by *tie and family.2711 , • BIRTHS COOK—In Wingliam General Hos- pital, on, Saturday, NoveMber 23,,;1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cook, Wingham, a. daughter, ROBERTSON In' Wingham Gen- eral 'Hospital, on Sunday, November 24, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robertson, Vine- moufit, Ontario, a daughter. HAVENS—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, November 25, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy HavenS, Lucknow, a daughter. LENNOX-,--In Wingham. General Hospital, on Monday, November 25,, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lennox, Gorrie, a son. ' DIED 'LAROCQUE--Pagsed away Nov- ember 7, a957, Lillian Elizabeth ` tarot-gine, in her 73rd year, 'at her late'residence, 760 W., 64th Ave. Survived by one daughtdr, Mrs, M. Foulkes, 'Vancouver; two nephews in Wirighak a Ont- tario; two nieces, Chicago, Ill. Funeral services were held on Tuesday, November 12th at 1 o'clock, in the Chapel of Chimes, Herron Bros. Ltd., 10th Ave. & Ontario Street, Rev. J. B. Craig Officiating. Interment in Forest 'Lawn Memorial Park_ WALgli—gerbert Walsh of 37 Horne St„ Stratford, and former- ly of Winghani, passed away in' Stratford General Hospital, on Sunday, November 17. He was the husband of the late Maude Netterfielci, Ftfneral serVice was held at the Heirribeek funeral home, Albert" St., Stratford, on Tuesday, November 19, with in- terment in Mount ,Pleasant Cemetery, London. Friends Were present from Toronto,, Welland, Motherwell, Wingliatt, /Myth, Belgrave, London and Stratford. Funeral'Wednesday For Welsh The. death of a well-known resi- dent of Turnberry Township took place at the Wingham General Hoipital on Monday of last week with the passing of Walter Welsh, in his 76th' year. Mr. Welsh 'had suffered a long illness. Deceased was born in Turnberry on May 31st, 1883, a son of the late David Welsh and Ianthia Ackerman. He Was educated in Wingham and married Bertha Maud Dennis, of Turnberry. wife 'predeceased him on Septem- ber -10, 1950. Mr. Welsh learned the' stoyemaking trade and was employed in that capacity. He was a member of the Wingham United Church. Surviving are one son and two daughters, Orval, Wingham; Mrs.„ Norman”'(Elva) Kieffer, 'Fairport Beach, Ont.; and Mrs. 3, (Gladys) Wingfelder, Stratfard. Three of his children predeceased him, El- don, Lauraine and. Lavalle. A sis- ter, Mrs. Susan .Kicks, of London, survives, as well as six grand- children, , Service was held at the Currie funeral home at 2 p.m. oh Wed- hesday, with Dr. A. Nimmo °Mei- *a.tingt The pallbearers were Har- old, tMelville and Stan Dennis, Thomas Wharton, George Finlay and Herman Casemore, The floral tributes Were carried by Earl Hart and 'Hilton Dickson, Interment was in the Wingham Cemetery. About $1,500 Needed For CNIB Campaign In Huron County - As more blind residents move into this area's Home for the Blind in London C.N.I.B. campaign throughout Huron, Perth and Mid- dlesex Counties are receiving last- minute donations to the annual operating fund -campaign. The campaign has abopt $2,200 to go. 'E. F. Wheeler,. Field. Secretary for Canadian National Institute for the Blind, said latest admission to the blind centre was a deaf- unite with very poOr vision. Our visiting teacher has been giving her weekly lessons in her home for the' past five Months and she has come in to improve her reading ability and to learn typing, she is also learning to use a Spetial machine for blind deaf- Mutes which has a keyboard sin]- lair to a typewriter and raises a 'character in Braille when keyboard perinits deaf-motes •to "talk" to ether blind persons. Mr, Wheeler Said the 26-yettr-old woman follows the blind fund darn- paign With iiiteresh "talking" in Braille. So far half ft dozen cern- reunifies, Atlas, Craig, Appin, Tl derton, kerweed, Parkhill, Strait- roy, thOrndale Mal St, Marys have roadbed their objectives. l4uron County has 0,330.00 of its $5,006.00 "objective; Middlesex 43,040314 Of its $4,000 target: and befote the stocks have started .to dwindle, get a lot of toys, If the children pet setae away in your family fora rainy day. • Having been 110114.111141ell 118 a candidate for the Turilberry Selrool Area Board fur another taral YOUR. VOTE WILL BE SINCERELY APPRECIATED. • • If elected I can promise the same conscientious service I have , given in' the past:" JAMES HARK VOTE FOR AARE ELLIOTT AS COUNCILLOR 'Vote as you like, I will inot canvass for •votes, I would like t& express my deep appreciation of the support I have re- ceived in the. past as a trustee on- the Turn- berry TownshiP. School Area Board. Your vote is solicited for that office ' in the :1 election on November • 30th KENNETH FINN A • 97 CRAWFORD'& HETHERINEFON Barrister's, Solicitors, Etc. Witighani, Flame 48 J. II. CRAWFORD, Q.C. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C., J. W. BUSHRLD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary', Eta. Money to Loan 01[16a-140er Whighrun I WELLIMITON FIRE Inerittineo Calrilpairy Est, 1840 An all Canadian tiOncipany which hat( faithfully served Its policy iiniders for over a century. • :Wad Office Toronto tli Ci.Maeteiia litsantaatts Agate* Whighatilt. TURN BERRY VOTERS , Though'k my -name will be a new 'one on your ballot for trustee of the Turnberry School Area Board, I am deeply in- terested in the welfare of our educational sys- tem and would solicit your vote in the election on Saturday, Nov. 30. LES REYNOLDS AMBOLANCE SERVICE WANTED Clash paid 'for dead, sick or diNaliderit horses or cows. Free bide-rip streiller animals, PrOnipt service with which- ': &Pipped truths. Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153 collect or GEORGE HISLOP Wroxeter 205 • 27