HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-20, Page 9iA OtO MAN WINTER IS 14ERE FOR A. LONG STAY, GETTER VISIT ,Z • I VANCE'S DRUG STORE TODAY FOR. ALL YOUR. OLD WEATHER ' REQUIREMENTS/ In the third quarter the Mustang line .tightened' up' and allowed no large gains for ListoweI. Then too, by giving the backfield a little more time, the fUmbling was al- most eliminated. Hetherington .f ounel a big hole off tackle and :ran through that spot for several good gains. Then tension .began to mount as Wingham moved downfield on these running plays and finally Hodgkinson ran the pigskin over the line for, a touch- down. Wingham moved into kick- ing position for the Convert, abut rather than gamble. on a kick .Kennedy, who was supposed. to BOWLING . Commercial League The second game of the second series was played on Tuesday night, Standing as follows: , Jesters, 12; Sizzlers, 10; Spit- fires, 7; Drivers, 7; Jets, 4; Hooli- ganS, High scores for the night: Ladies' high single, Mrs, .1', Mac- Intyre, 242; men's high single, J. Walker, 321; ladies' high triple, L, Crawford, 574; men's high triple, Walker, 665, tW. HAMILTON OPTOMETRIST ThOiroughilOss. Ability Time'"tested • . . • . it' • . Phone 37' for-- appointment '.• • WIWIMSWilliaMOMWMIWIMPOIOwnwWWWIMWMIWOMOMOWOmmiiii . . iLiliniilimiliWiliwilii1111111*41141141111.111111111011111WolowiRlilnly111111t • GIGANTIC ankrupt Sale at J. Schnurr Store: Walkerton until November 30th • U n Purchased by . A. Noland, Mildmay IS BEING SOLD AT SALE PRICES t! 30% to 70% off . • 0 This is your Big Chance to Save R Money-. . le on Christmas shopping., . i . COME EARLY!:. -., ,. mi . = _ U ., . • .-.., r.: .-21131111111111111iiiiiitiwiwwwininnuilliwimnirliiiiiiwiln111111112111111011011V CHOOSE YOUR OWN TERMS ON ANY FARM LOAN over $1500 at TRANS CANADA CREDIT Need extra cash for your farm ? Then solve your financial problem with a loan from Trans Canada 'Credit. Right now Trans Canada Credit is offering special terms on all farm loans above $1,500. Payments can be spread over as long as two-and. a-half years, and can be made in any one of these three ways: 1, QUARTERLY 2 HALF-YEARLY 3 ANNUALLY REGULAR LOANS - - Loans of $1,000 and less ate available on Thai Canada Credit's monthly payment terms. Don't let the lack of ready money prevent you from buying seed, stock, or any other fart"' requirement. Get the cash you need at Trani Canada Credit. THE ALL-CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY TRANS CANADA CREDIT , CORPORATION :LIMITED 117.14 148 TIM SQICIAIM 0011tlintelic ONTAltiO ,t11010.1 /97 2. $12,000 STOCK U • " • -"" - " " " BUY YOUR CHIUSTIVIAS OlFT' SLIPPERS EARLY WE HAV A COMPLETE STOCK AT REASONABLE PRICES. YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE WINGHAM PHONE IZ locr Sanders for rent . • . at..' ALEXANDER'S HARDWARE qwwwwr FAMILY INCOME An excellent nrietliod,"ot haVing an adequate 111Sn:twice estate For the matt with a young family. Consult— FRANK C. HOPPER cawacla,.1Life . WINGHAM, ,ONT, AVrLLER AiINTOSH & WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS • BELL TELEPHONE BUILDING • Walkerton Ontario 41. Red Front Grocery Phone; Our Prices Are Lower ,# Fiee 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep. Delivery Keg. 2 for' 37e • . 6 for $1.00 . .Campbelrs .13 oz. KETCHUP 25c Allan's 48 oz. APPLE JUICE '31c • Fresh, firm -,St Green - each CABBAGE 15c No. 1 10 lbs. POTATOES . 29c Florida - large size 176's doz. ORANGES . , 39c 011211.11011111111111111111(1111111611111111Willintliwilifilwititi ,1111 •111 W1 itilr l• ' , . 1 i _ , ' ' ,...... N 0 I 1 C. ' --iii . . , , . , i Town ham ---,1 , of Wing. ..-. .,...• : MUDICIPal Election ' .1. I Nomignt atio Mee ing i-i-' . , Miss Evelyn Simpson, dalightet of Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Simpson, R,R, 1, LiatoWel fa the proud win- ner of the Ouron Oonnty Ontario Women's Institute, Scholarship for 1957, This is the second year for presentation ‘Of the scholarship to a Miran County 4-H Homemaking Club Member ." who during her club experience has 'shown put- standing' progress and develop- ment, given leadership and. carried out club' mark gf a high calibre. As well aa•art outstanding record of `completing 13 4-H Homemakieg Club projects with the Wiles:Worth Club Evelyn has taken, an , aetive interest' in the Young People's work, Sunday Schoel and choir of her ,church; 'she has played on Listowel High .School basketball team for four years` and •was on the Students' Council ExecutiVe 'for one your, After graduating from Listowel District High ,School 1957, Evelyn entered the Atkinson School of Nursing, Toionto Wes- tern Hospital" in September, The announcement of the Schol- arship was made at, the , guron County Women's Instittite Rally held ,on November 12th in Londes- bora Commimity There was a very good, crowd' in attendanCe and, the guest speaker was Ken Betzner of Waterloo CountY, who spoke• on • marketing and stressed the need for farmers to he organized and to 'be able, to speak with a single vbice for agri- culture. Elmer Ireland introduced the 'speaker ,ancr Clarence Cham- ney thanked him,. ' Carl Hemingway, Huron County fieldman for the 'Federation of Agriculture, also gave a review of the activities' for the. past. year. John Buchanan preeided 'during the • election of officers and Wm, Qow was elected president for the coming year with Elmer Ireland as vice-president. The, present di- rectors, were appointed for another year and 'Edgar Gaunt and Lloyd Walden were the new directors appointed. Doug McNeil, president of •the Huron County Federation, of Agri- culture, brought greetings from the county and extended an invitation to 'farmers to attend the annual meeting at Londesboro on Decem- ber -11th. The •Hon. W, A. Good- Replace with . `DE1LCO Dry Charge is bait, Lit because it's fresh--freshed battery powet you can 13.0,1 litter, teng-life war°1 ht)# .1 ,.61,_ gad 12-volt tizclialiji Wingham Motors Phone 1304 Witigham marowftwwwwwwwwwmai— Altering Patterns LearnedatClub BELMOBE--The seeond Meeting of the. Bellmore 4-1ti heilleM0Xing club met in the Club room of the Behnore eoranaunity arena on No- vember 11th, at 1,00 and 9.00 p,tp. The business part of the • meeting. Was held at nine, The meeting opened with every. ono repeating the Pledge, The min, utes of the last meeting were read py the assistant secretary, 'Mary Elliott and were approved as read; The roll call, which was "A Name for the Club" and "A Piece of Wool and Why I Think It Is Wool" was answered by sixteen members: It Was ,decicled to have the 'next meeting op. Monday, November 18 at 9 p.m. The kind of cover to be used for the notebooks was chosen, The leader, gave instruction on how to alter patterns and how to take measurements. The girls divided into pairs and „took .each other's' measurements. The members were given the home assignment and' roll call for the next meeting and the remain- der of the time was spent pinning on and cutting out patterns.• The National Arithern Was sung; with Mae Doubledee as pianist. president, also spoke briefly. The ladies of the Blyth United Church catered for the banquet and J, Taylor moved a. vote of thanks to the ladies. Orval Mc- Gowan introduced the guests at the head table, Mrs. Campbell of Blyth sang two solos.' Music was supplied by Tiffins Orchestra for the dance which followed. Federation Warns Of Pipeline Damage By J. Carl Hemingway I have just noticed in the last issue of 'the Seaforth News that Union Gas Company is, going to meet with the town council to ar- range for the supplying of natural gas to Seaforth. To the farmers of that area this means a pipeline may cross your property in the near future, Some gas companies Seek to obtain the right of way , by, questionable methods and little compensation for damages. Some farmers have been induced cir threatened into „signing hope- lessly inadequate contracts. Your Federation of Agriculture can give you an outline of .many pf the things •that will proteet you .from loss. Your•fa.rm sale 'value is lower- ed, There have been. three cases in .Lambton County Where Jr, Farmer loans were refused because of pipelines 'crossing the farms in question, There is crop damage at time of laying pipe and if it is a large pipe a considerable area may not produce normally for several years. Pipelines can be most in- convenient if you should want to sell building lots at a future date. Tile drainage may be affected and the trouble •net apparent for a year 'or more after the line has been laid. These are, a feW of the things you Should consider before signing an easement grant, n is advisable for the farmers of each 'township to meet and discuss the contract offered before signing it, There is also advice available from the Pipelines Committee of the Ontario Iroderation of Agriculture. Hunter up North Deer in Rack Yard Lorne Hepburn of Colpoys Bay took a day off 'Tuesday and went up ninth deer hunting, on the Pen- Ile didn't get' a deer. But one well shot Just across the way Min his fatiltea place, Which is :WA up the load, and his mother had to retreat into the house When a deer ran through their yard, with about &teen trinitere After it. Until: take a loot' around the backyard before yotl,head for the tsifl thribilir1.-4-Whirton 44% hold, tossed the ball ,to lioclghinsen who in turn heaved tO Nasmith all alone in the end gone. The game then became a 'duel to the death with both teams trying for a single point which could •win the game, The Mustangs, gave coach Campbell many anxious moments When thek..fumbled, but then held the opposition for no gains. The duel continued into the, fourth quarter with 'both teams giving everything they had, :In the' dying Seconds Wingharres -punt kicker, Hetherington, sent the ball into the end zone front where Lis- towel quickly kicked it out and Wingharn ran the return to the ten yard line, It looked like an easy point, but the kick was blocked. Hodgkinson picked up the loose ball and was stopped inches from the ger:h line 'on the last play of regulation time. A ten minute overtime period was agreed upon by both teams during which Wingham • got into serious trouble with Listewel. A penalty, and a large loss caused by Barry Gibson's "fingertip" tackle moved the ball outside of Wingharh's fifty yard line. The. Mustangs took over, and by throw- ing long passes and by ground plays the line got into position to kick, This point was gained by Hetherington. •Wingham then in- tercepted a pass, and time ran out. Thus,' bruises and scratches were forgotten as the jubilant Wingham players mobbed their outstanding comrades, rreudeman, Hodgkin- son, Hetherington, Howard and many more. Everyone left the field leaving only the score board which read Wingham 8, Listowel 7. —by Tom Brydges XIII 0-0 .-0 On Tuesday, November 12, the Mustangs returned from London without..-a,.Victory, but with -the honour of Tieing the greatest foot- ball team in Wingham's . history. The squad was eliminated by Sim- coe but Put forth an excellent showing. Winghayn received the opening kick-off and on the first play, Brown ' heaved the ball thirty yards to Freudeman who outran the Simcoe safety men And went for the first touchdown. Simcoe then received a kick and proved two could play the game and on an almost identical pass went for a touchdown, neither team effecting a convert. Simcoe took , over the ball in. Wingham territory and on a reverse play scored a second touchdown, no convert. Thus with less than three minutes elapied the score was twelve to six for Simcoe. Both teams tightened their de- fence and -no scoring occurred until the second quarter when Hodgkinson rushed and knocked down 'the Simcoe quarter-back as he attempted to pass, jarred the ball loose, and ran ten yards for a touchdown. He then put his toe well into the ball and made sure of getting it between the uprights for the extra point, Simcoe scored a single on the last play of the half, thus making a tie score, 13-13. In the third quarter Wingham took control having tmeporarily stopped the powerful Simcoe air, attack and kicked two singles, Hodgkinson one, Hetherington the other, An aerial attack, with Brown •throwing, moved Wingham into touchdown position and Heth- erington drove through the middle for an unconverted touehdoWn. Again play became ragged, but in. the last 'five minutes of the game. Simeoe drove for two touch- downs to wrap 'up the scoring and the game, Wingham, did get the ball, but time ran out and the game ended '25-21 for Sirneoe, a heartbreaker for all Wingham players and fans. Even though coming short , of winning any titles beyond our gkottp, the VVirighain squad. did go farther than any other previous Wingham team by Winning ',the first round of play-offs over Lis- towel. The Majority of last year's players had gone oh to greater things and this year's teeth was completely rebuilt with almost en- tirely a new backfield. 'Coach Campbell Is to be congratulated on doing such 'great things with a first year. team, Through the eyes of this observer every member of the team was wonderful and every. One , may be Justly proud of this year's edition, of the 'UV higharn Distriet High 8ehool Mustang's football team. The lineup wits as follows,qUar- ' terbacks: lave Xennedy, rvan Walsh; halfbacks; Logan, Prong:lc.. man, ffoward, Sanderson, Brown; fullbaCks:,Betberington, Hodgidn- son, Hemingway; ends.. C4lbson, Nasmitb, Jardin„. 1Vfahood, McKib- ben. Oenes, 'Higgins; middles: ,Tef.. ferson, Ritchie, Dster, Higgins, Metcalf; sinsides; Eudnark, ,Ste Marie, Hotchkiss, Carr; centres: Coultes and Locltridge, —by Torn Brydges 6,, ik meeting of the Electors of the Town of ° iingham for the nomination of candidates for ".. ii _ the Offices of bi- i MAYOR, PUBLIC ' UTILITIES COMMIS- — ti SIONER, REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE, SIX E-1 i COUNCILLORS and FOUR PUBLIC i . ii i SCHOOL TRUSTEES si= will be held on . i i i FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1957 i = at 7.30 o'clock in the evening and until 8.30. I I ii Immediately after the close'-of Nominations at : 8.30 o'clock Candidates will address the electors. — Should a poll be demanded or required, the same i I will be held on I si a-- • MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1957 i i between tilile o'clock in the morning and five I I . o'clock in the afternoon. .... i i W. A. Galbraith, , i 111 , Town Clerk. —111 IiiittiammictliliniiimilliatimimiliiiiiitittAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii b i SAVE, lte Stokely's Fancy,PEAS . Astner, Grocind Fresh lb. COFFEE 85c Kellogg's' 16 oz.- CORN FLAKES 35c 2 lbs. ICING SUGAR - 27c Clark's 20 oz. Pork & Beans - 2/39c Checker, phoice 20 oz. Tomatoes .. 2 for 39c York, Fancy 20 Os. CORN .....2 for 37c ON' A 'DIET? TRY Save 21c Interlake' White Cross' TOILET TISSUE . Reg, Z for 27e 9 for $1 •00. Save 17c KLEENEX Reg. 2 for 39e, reg. or chub* 6 for $1.00 Hollywood Bread FR'ESHNESS GUARANTEED CIORRIE—The homemaking chit?, with "Working with Wool" as the project, held the sixth meet- mg at the home of the leader, grs. E. Dinsmore, on Saturday, There Were thirteen members present, The club decided to , be called, 'The Woollen Satellite SU- zies". The girls ate •expected to have the zippers in the garments for the next meeting on December 4,, at the home of Faye and Ruth Edgar. The roll call will be' "Why I Chose My Material, It's Name and Weave". "Satellite Su. zies" 1Listowel did Wins old Meeting 1 WA . Scholarshi H p The annual meeting, and banquet fellow, Minister of Agriculture, of 'the East Wavianosh Federation will be guest speakqr. at that meet- of Agriculture was held in the ing. Mr. Shapton, of Exeter, vice Blyth hall last Wednesday evening. The President VVillam Cow• was chairman. E. Wawanosh Federation Holds Annual Banquet in Blyth Hall Football The Wingham "Wonderfuls", more commonly known as the "Mustangs", won the first game of the play-offs in Listowel, on. Thursday, NOvember 7, in the most nerve-racking gaine in the Watery of the squad. • The first quarter gave Listowel a slight edge in. play, They capital- ized on a 'recovered Winghain fumble and a' Wingharn penalty gained by attempting a' field goal which missed 'the post, However, thia was, good fora single point. In the' second quarter Wingham fumbled continually, • and in . the first half. gave up the ball on fumbles no less than seven times. Wingham's defence played except- ional football and on three occas- ions stopped the Listowel twelve when they had, a first down inside the Wingham, fifteen ya.rd line, On the last play of the half, the Lis- towel backfield faked nicely pull- ing the Wingham secondaries out of position, then pitched out to a fullback who squeezed down the sideline for a touchdown, The convert was expertly- blocked. Thus, at the end of the half the Winghana team did seem in a deli- cate position since it was behind by seven points and , showed very little offensive strength. GH SQHOOL- Highlights GEORGE WILLiA, flirst class WATCH REPAIRS LOCated in I11Ea4na's Store Owing to hick of $pace Watehes and -very Ruffin CLOCIa4 Daly,.