HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-20, Page 311, It, , .' l
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Give all your engines
year round protection
..,.....,.ars' •v,.v,
e rave Co-operativehone Brussels 14r10Wiri.
harn 106.5w
first 3
• 111111!1111111111/111111IIIIIIIIIIII, III111,111, 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1111111,11 IIII,1111111, 111I11111,III111111111111..1,Ytllllltl1111111111,IIIIII IIIIIIIIIiII1
RPS Il$>lii
Inflation, ilea ,hit the Vulietide,
activities :of the local Girl Atlide§
abd i3 pwnies; l l''ach 'year tbey have
Sold holly to raise fund§ for their
Organization, Now cOM.es: the •ail
rtouncement that they will not be
selling holly this year 'ldtie :tar the
increased cost and the .higher cost
of transportation,,,—Goderiell
nal -Star, ' •
�Thcatre'- Narriston
November 20 and 2).
Starring J Ii1?G CROSBY
-A New First In Ilia Exciting.
November 22 and 22
Cram.] 411 Technicolor Show
— pius —
Randolph Scott in
MON. - Z'UES. 1. WED.
November 25 - 25 -. 27
"Something Of. Value"
Rock Hudson and Dana Wynter
From the Best Selling' Novel of
the same name.'
Japanese Tea Table
Prepared by
Ill l,GRAV-The regular Meet,
ins of the Ct+rnitdian Glris 1,0.
Training was held .on Friday even
lug,, (yelling with the 0G.T,T, Pur-
pose •anal the Children's., ;Song.
borne, Boit read the minutes and
gave the roll call. It was announ-
ced that the girls would make.
mints ,and chocolates for the irk.
zeas on November 29th,
Karen, Anderson, Loreena Army
strong and, Barbara Krug are to
be in charge of the wershipl ser-
vice at the next :meeting.
The leader, Mrs. Ted Fear was
in charge of the worship service,
opening with a hymn. Lorna Bolt;
read the .Scripture from Acts I7,'
Mr's, Fear read a story and a hymn;
and prayer closed this period.
The jingle boxes were given out'
al this meeting and the girls spent
some time making lotus blossoms
and a cherry tree for their Japan
esc tea table. ,
Mrs. Milton Taylor of Meaford
is a visitor with her aunt, Mrs.
Wm, MacPherson 'Sr., and other
The Worrlan's Association of 'the
United Church held. a 'very .sue-
cessful tea and bazaar in the
Auxiliary Room, Lucknow, on1,Sat-
Miss Violet Saunders,- a mission-
ary •on furlough from •Japan,will
be the guest speaker at the autumn
Thankoffering of the W.M.S. on
Friday afternoon at 2.30.. Members
from the Ashfield circuit, White
churel} and, Erick United Churches
will be guests, Miss Saunders will
also speak next Sundaymorning at
the regular service., Everyone is
about it pays
I T''S
Here's a brand-new kind of motoring
magic—De Soto for 1958! .
This'new De Soto is the last word in
quality craftsmanship and advanced`,
engineering! For 1958, 'the biggest
Y-8 engines in De Soto history team
up with the modern convenience of
. push-button Torque -Elite automatic
drive. You "tune in" the power with
a finger tip, gently nudge the throttle,'
and smooth, silent Torque-Flite
instantly answers your command!
You'll find De' Soto's r':` a --just as
spectacular, as its response, too! It's
a satin-smootho.sure-footed,road-
holding ride, thank'to revolutionary ,
Torsion-AIRE suspension.
Come try a new De Soto Firedome
pr Fireflite—two great new series for
1958 in your choice of ten models!
ry��. . L .?..:tii-0�::.•.:•:.'.? ' :,%t\ �•Pr,Pr ' ^fi '+'•+in•`—�L')
a•M1„ 4° <w �Se iri` 'O8v"� a', ay �Ay„ w a � 4.
A ♦,,.::•.:M1M1W.M1k. �'•;�p>}y;i`...a„ vCrvr\.acv:+,; }:t:n5,ytw
• x.
... .. •.
Toi'itioxt -AIRE ,-tido tapes Ilio bounce out of
butnps, brings you tiraunrl•turns without sideswsty,
lets you stop watheut''noseydive", Oulpl Torsion-A/ES
suspeasioat sysirim does as three!
Pushbutton driving: lN'odorn, all-
meelrltnirlril Tri4-bult,n controls Make.
lever -Shitting oirsolete! Just press a
'button clic away you gal
sxK:RC` s 100411 w Irl liLNilllilillllllMl IellRlil �:
k:@f''u'�•>S_.`'. �. _. .. ...:.. {.?. n`+ rfi ,... ,PYX..
�i..�1.-.?�':`.'•:;',,",,Tiso';��:\'�.'i-:;;:.u`�;�?:�{'r.'..�. •^4;c. ''`i•`�'. a""''�", r..d.
See the 1958 Do Soto and drive it!
De Si►to 15 designed to SOW news to
keep its new -esti: style and spirit!
• Smart, aororiyrtaniic tall flits in -
crowd stability at highway'apoetls •
Now dual lioadliglits spread more
light over mote road/area for safer;
You're always a stop ahead in
E 1,
bight driving .• Nov optional Sure-'
Orip differential proventrl spiinning
the rear wheels in sand, nixed, snow,
or on ices New, Itixtxrious interiors
ere roomier, give you more coihfor;t'
thali ever before:
Cara' of The "Forward Look 0
SHOWER OF,STAR% Thursdays, 8eal'P.M,- over Chain,' 8
• .. � , I I1�111�IiI�III�IU it i it Alwiq lel. . ,_r�
I t11�►llRill�l►I�►ll�illArl►� in■ 1 � � � � � • ".
!TS Ir•SikarIl .44•111l0.4181100, VOledll' ANY, 140
Mr; and Mrs, Leslie Bolt. Ind
Lorna land Mr, and Mrs,ghn
Ni?can .an4 family visited on •Ann-,
day with Mr, ,sod Mrs. William
Bolt at Wroateter.
Mr, and Mrs, George Jones and,
family of Londen spent the week'
end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs
John E; McCallum,
Mr, Len :COYne of Windsor,
'spent a few .days with Mr,. and
Mrs. Ross Robinson and Keith', and
enjoyed a fen' days' hunting,.
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Hopkins
and family of Hanover and Mr,
and Mrs. Bev. Wallace of f.ondes-
boro visited`'on Sunday with. Mr,
and Mrs, Roland Marks,
Mr. and Mrs, Norman fribson of
Listowel visited en Sunday with
Mr: and ,Mrs, David Armstrong.
The ladies of Trinity Anglican
Guild held a very successful baz-
aar and afternoon tea last Wed
nesday afternoon, when about $135
was realizedfrom the sale of hand
,sewing, homemade baking and
vegetables, and from the afternoon
lunch and tea served.
Foot Correct lorlist, from Hanover
• Maker of Featherweiglht Arch Supports,
fitted to the individual impression of yaw"
. feet, , W:>1;hes to announce :that he will be at
Each Monday afternoon for your ,convenience.
Why not come in .=-+ under no ebligatioa# -- and talk over
P • • year foot problem
ail10111.11•1111.111 111■IU11I1!110.11•ll■111 1.11 1 111 11111111111111IA1I1A111111ialla ll
LELGRAVE—T h .e ' November
meeting of the Belgrave Evening.
Auxiliary of the Woman's Mis-
sionary Society of Knox United
Church was; held at the home of
Mrs. Jack Taylor on Tuesday even-
ing, with an attendance of twenty.,
The :'president, Mrs. Ross Ander,
son, was ,in charge and opened the
meeting with a hymn followed by
the Lord's prayer in unison. '
The minutes were rekd by Mrs.
Ralph McCrea, treasurer's report,
by Mrs. Robert Grasby, gift fund
by Mrs. ,-toss Robinson and the
birthdays ' were remembered: Mrs.
George Michie, Mrs: Floyd Carnp-
bell and Mrs. Robert Grasby were
named the nominating :committee
to prepare a slate of officers for
the corning year. There were •one
home and eleven hospital visitsto
the sick and shut-in eeported. The
December meeting will be held at.
the home of Mrs. Ralph McCrea
with Mrs. Cameron Walshs group„
in charge.
Mrs. Floyd' Campbell opened the
worship, servicewith the . call to
worship, followed by prayer by
Mrs. Jas. Lamont? :and a hymn.'
The Scripture lesson from Philip-
pian's 2:5 to 11, was read by Mrs,
Thomas `Smith followed by prayer,,
by Mrs, James Lamont.
Mrs. Harold Vincentsummarized
the second chapter of the study of
I Japan, which was about the men
of that country. .Chapter three of •
the study ,was about the women of
Japan, with Mrs. George Michie
and Mrs. Floyd Campbell reading
these parts.
The meeting' closed with .a hymn
and prayer by Mrs. Floyd Camp-
bell. Mrs. Thomas Smith and Mrs.
James Lamont led in recreation
and lunch was served.
Underwriters Meet
At 'Owen Sound
Compared to the life insurance
company, the goldfish lives asa
modest, retiring creature enjoying
utmost privacy. So much was indi-
cated by Miss Nazla L. Dane, of
Toronto, who is in charge of the
women's and educational divisions
of the Canadian Life Insurance Of
fivers Association,
Miss Dane spoke before a dinner
meeting arranged jointly by the
Owen Sound and the Saugeen Life
Underwriters Associations last
Tuesday evening in Owen Sound.
The life underwriters had as their
guests a number of teachers from
the Owen Sound and Saugeen
district, which 'included several
from Wingham:
Pointing to the close scrutiny
of insuranee . companIes /by the
government, Miss Dane Said: "The
millions of individuals who rely on
the Safety of the companies and
the competence of their manage-
ments have the co-operation of
permanent government officials in
guarding their interests. Strict in-
surance laws have been in force
in Canada Since before Confeder-
ation. As a result of this and good
company ,management, • no policy-
holder of a Canadian legal reserve
life Insurance company has ever
lost a' dollar through :hon -payment
of the amount guaranteed under
his policy at death or at maturity."
Life Underwriters Role
Turning to the role of the life
underwriter M the life insurance
were many experts present. She
"They tali, and will it you let
thein, 'give you service which no
ene else' can give so well, Sale t
your life underwriter as Carefully
as you would selcct your doctor or
lawyer. Yotir life underwriter is
trained to resiieet your confidence
—he wouldn't last longer:: the Mist.
neSS if he didn''t':" ,,
Ttobert i3urns, son 01 M. W. D,
Burns and graduate of the /AI).
Rt., has jollied the .staff of radio
station CFRS Slitteee, In the, es:-
paoity of an; 'antriouficer. Mi'. '$urns
has :aiso boon aSSaelatlyd .with.
Wingham and tendon radio butt..
)otls1._. 'f.11Stowi?1 Raflni'r,
Not tvo tate
to order
Storm i�d�r'
We will measure and install windows if 'desire+
Wingham Phone :1J
they'd be
cheaper ,_by. the gallon
It costs plenty to raise a fancily.
these days. But if youngsters, like
your car, ran On gasoline you'd
be better off.
iiiritn.t to know why? Today everything
costs more, including the scores of
things a growing family needs..
Gasoline costs more, too.
But government figures show that
since 1939 the cost of living has gone
up more than 120 percent while
wholesale gasoline prices have risen
about 40 percent -.less than a
third as much.
And what's no>re tocl.ay's'lraguita;t
gaSolines are fsal' sttperiorr to
°i the premium ,grades 'cold 0n13
telt ,VOaret agr
l lsi !!iAC`oIL- UMMT**•