The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-13, Page 11f. •• ."• • ....... iii Welcome at igure Skating Clu REGISTRATION, and SKATING' a • WINGHAIVI ARENA - NOV: 16th frona ,9:00 a.m. till. noon BRING YOUR LUNCH. FREE .HOT CHOCOLATE * If no ice, will announce it Friday on :Radio, 'at .6.30 or on Focus ." Regular Clasies Tuesdays 4.30', to ..6.00 and 7.00. 1 to 10.30 • Practice on :Saturdays .9.00 'to ..noOn FEES: 00.00 foe Pre- Iind public School z• 42.99 -for Ole% School and over $25.00 for 3 Members of One family!" Sil(1 00, for 4 members of one 'family ¶ ,4.00 Associate and. .Voting members: .;4.'100'.fer"1k hour private lessons , • • ' Private lessons Plieuld be hooked ahead With MrS., Burrell, Half of- feca", due nOW. :Balance .hy Iannitii -15th. ;' ' BOURKE of; Stratford. aid . • • -HAROLD BROOKS of Wingbrim ' • ".• 4 NEW BREED. OF HORSES FOR CANADA it I Horses that have "everything that's needed to win medals in'world horse shows have been*brought to. Canada by a German immigrant - woman wbo sold h,er, mink coat to pay for their transportation. The horses are the Trakehnen breed, which have been „developed in Germany since. 1759, and lVirs. Gerda Fried- riehs says- they held most of the medals• and cups handed out ' in European horse slows.'. Here is Mrs. Friedrichs, left, and Ute Ledtje caving for one of the new arrivals, at a farm in East , minercial"League The fiLt 4;ine Of the second series Was played ,. Tuesday night, -Result s follOws:: ,lesters;v7;, Spitfirs, 5; •Sizzlerst 5, Drivers, 2; Jets .2; Hooligans 0, High scores for the ,riight: Lad fez' high 's1nOle, Mrs. E. Walker, 242, Mrs, H, Wild, 242' tied; men's high ,sin le E, Walker,:289;„ ladles' high triple, • Mrs. M. TOMPleman 537; men's' high triple, E. Walker 080. ; SHARPSHOOTER WINS EXPERT Suomi) Schaub Of Hanoy,er, and a member of the Hanover Pistol and, Revolver •Clitbs among the" 33 sharp-shooters from' OntariO and Quebec who.qpalified" for the lo- minion Marksnien EiPert Shield. - Officials of this erganizatiOn -...kyoq that to -'win this: ,award ex= .Ceptionally high jscorea''muit be made in the, prone, sitting or • kriPeling and,' standing', positiena Mr Schaub ,made a seore of. 5,924 'out', of a .pesPible ,6,060.:L—BanoVer Post., !:1111110 iiiiiiii 20910 OFF i re= Christmas SA LE Iiiran USED ME ut trt your 'or'der now or pick one from our Stock for, the happiest' present of them , SEE OR CALL ' OSS:.MANN hone 735J4 Wingham 1957 Ni*, Ford 8. cyl. Custom 300 Sedan, big reduction =L-" 1955 D'odge Two' Door Coach, a real 6auty ---:4955' Plymouth Sedan, a good buy —194,Ford 'Sedan, spotless in best of shap6 1-1953 Monabch Sedan, like new 1-1953 Ford Tud4r, low mileage, one ow nex' Many other older models', all thoroughly over-. 4:aided, winterized and guaranteed. HURON MOTORS Lt MacWILLIAM Tour FORD and EASEL DEALER .Wingham Phone 237 t., Front Grocery Phone: Our Prices Are Lower 590 We Keep Down, the Upkeep Free Delivery '4911141,T, FRESHNESS GUARANTEED SAVE IIe- Green Giant 'SAVE- Me • - Holiday , MARGARINE Regular 29e 4 lbs. $1.00 SAVE 7e r Reg, -811;a9e; JELLO. Powder ana Puddings . 11 for $-1.00 SHORTENING 30c Kellogg's 914 oz. RICE KRISPIES 29c Bulk ‘2 lbs. WHITE BEANS, 29c tiula POT BARLEY - 11c 2 pkgs. KRAFT Dinner -31c Sliced or in piece lb. BOLOGNA . . 29c SOhnehler's Breakfast 8 ot, BACON i 45c California Sweet and Tender large bunch, ,CELERY 29c Fresh 20 oz, cella CARROTS .2 for 19c Florida Seedless • 00's • Gbapefruit 10 for. 49c .. ii iiii Vat iii i i,aiuuwuu,uuuu,lliiiiii I iiiii i ill iti it iiiii ge wl ii ' ii ill itt..II p ill i iii ii trl 5.1 i iiri1,Il "SATURDAY EXCURSIONS. te TORONTO EVERY SATURDAY (TO AND INCL, DEC, 14thl good doing and retutnino tam& Saturday only., V3ZotOtstoisi itPARES Allenford Itratitnitiot Itrttssels 0hetileY ' Clinton ElOrsi Fertrint GOOrget6Wit GOderlellt nGtoteoth 95 ver 4.00 Ifarriston ,5.03 Ingersoll '5,05 Rineartline, i:820 MrLiSlistt511w:eenif t 5.30 Owen Sound Paisley • $2.05 Palmerston $5.55 4.60 Sarnia 16.115 4.00 Southampton 6.25 3.011 Stratford 3.05 5.50 4.811 0,,t2,00 Swilaltotcheir'noyit ,,i,go 'Watford GM 4,20 Wingintin 5.05 5.05 Wyoming 11.50 5.50 Corresponding Faros trimn"•-Intermediate Points Zeitir• • IN10014t br elute 4100k110110111 -*0M :AUNTS Coleman's. Bulk . JP. WIENERS .., 39c rr, • • gi-'410111$ 14 oz. Reg. '2 for 370 6 1 f or •00 NOTTS e Illoaftem. Advialee-Times,„111. PHONE 12 Come in and see our fine 'selection of WLNTER FOOTWEAR and PLASTIC OVEItSHOES at the most reasonable prices." roma FAMIL*, , SHOE STORE FIOVIM $KATINQ CLUB Registration and Skating at thee . Wingham Arena, November 16, from .9 a.m., until •noon. w1N6HAM 65 Holstein heifers aid from $4 to. $1.33. Siockers brought from i4A.A.: cents: to 1734 cents a pound.-- Listowol i Banner,. ance given to the Church during the year. Miss Kathleen and Miss Mars' Fisher spent the • week-end at Lucknow at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. John Carroth- ers. Miss Mary Fisher has been , the organiSt 'at the Presbyterian Church there for the past five weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Chamney and daughters visited on .Sunday with Mr, and Mrs; Lawrencbc•Van- nan, of Belgrave,, and with Mr., and Mrs. Jack 'Perdue and family of TorOnto, where were'spending the week-end at the, Vannan home. Mr and Mrs: Tobi Jantzi and family of Milverton visited on Sunday at the home of her brOther, Mr. Georg,e • Fisher. ; BIRTHS H SCHOLTt—In Victoria osPital. London, on Friday, November' 8, 1957, to Mr; i and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz, London; a daughter. ,MASON—In Kincardine Hospital, on Saturday, November 2, 1957, fci Mn and Mrs. Harold Mason, formerly of East Wawanosh, a datighter, FARMER FINDS 4-LEGGED CHICK IN 15,000 FLOCK Jim Elliott, LiStowel farmer agrees monsters may haunt the lakes. and flying fish soar through He is saving to help his sin and daughter' get a good education, Jim air;sjuAsst a about matterre ready fact to believe to ay, numbers presented, a n d corn- „, •••• mended "lheilaclies• .en• assist- anything, It all came about, as he was in specting a flock Of 15,000 chickS. He thought he saw a bird bowie- frig around on four legs. He wiped his eyes and looked again. 'Yep, thei:e it was. 'Jim nestled the six-day old out- cast: of the feathered kingdoni in his pocket and headed ' for ,The Banner, "Seeing is believing," he says, Apart froni* its ' extra; pair of stilts, the chick appears to be quite normal,--Listowel Banner, 771 Mr. „Harris Purdon spent the week=end;at,the„home of his sister, Mrs.'CalVin Robinson, but'returned to his": worlf Elliot Lake on Monday', via Parry .Sonnd,, as the boat' from Tobermory has stopped running' for this' fall, Whiteelinrch Farm Forum met on MOnday evening at the home :of Mr and Mrs. J. D, Beecroft With eleven . present. After the broadcast all ,enjoyed the discus•• aion..periad...the next. Meeting will be held ..at the home of Mr. and Mrs. •RUssell .Purdon, Mn Elroy Laidlaw .has been laid up during the past week with flu.' A reception,. was held on, Satur- day., Oyeninglin thd Memorial Hill iFe*,' in 11,9Wour 4Of the newlyweds, Mr.• and Mrs,. Stewart Coupland of Toronto...'who were at the twine of her, parents,- Mr and IVIrs; Chas. Robinson lir' the: week-end. Dur- ing the: elehing they' were'present- ed with a Parse of Money. Music was proVided by loOal talent for dancing:, • .. Abont..niriety of,•the :congrega- tion. of `"the Presbyterian A Church here sate down' on Friday evening to a Supper served. in the Sunday Schobridom of the' church, under the ausptees of tO,L;• A. Rev. R. T. A:. Marshall was :chairman for the pregrain of: vcical and. musical. WROXETER, 125 "Gs' s"P A Food, demand, Or pig's wa0 evidont. at the biStawel• Livestock Mr, Earl. McLean ^"and son, Sales with 925 passing over the Charlie, of St, Catharines, bave ,re-auction block, Prices held firm, turned home after spending the"' Abeut ,810 load of cattle were sold past week With the former's moth- with calves finding a :ready mar- er, Mrs. J. F McLean. • Itet• • my. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers and I Te the pig ring, 28 pounders daughters visited Mrs, V. Brothera hroh ot $14,, 50 pounders $10.50; ever the week-end, ' Lynne Mr, and '14Mero'sn.e Pl,roanntikon,Barles, ors $P27.6cle:, "704'1,4/18;10n v;. earnadg eld00b etit°w14enedt; spent $66 and $103. the Week-end .with Mrs. Wm. Poig and Hugh and.pthar'relatiVes.,' Stock calves drew 15j4 from Mr:,aho ste.arho„ of g54 :f89;50, heef calves $2 4 to $43, Elmira visited:; at the •tiiiM-e•-'0(the 11°Iate4"): heifer cOlves ,$15 to $25.'5(4 latter's parents,'• and,••••11/fili. orilv•eg $8 to '$27,50 anal Geo. Westlake an Friends. of Mr. lack! Gibson Will be sorry...Co learn he Was: • rushed back to Victoria'llospitat j]oiidOn, on Thursday morning, but ; hope for a speedy recovery. Mr, and Mrs, Clarenee,blement and sons, Toronto, Spent the end at 'their summer home `here: • Mr, and Mrs. Henry Boltz, Dray- ton, were guests ;of Mr, •and Mrs, Jas. pow, on Sunday.: • Mr. and. Mrs. ,Lyle,' Ifars(+ and Patti, Listowel, 'spent' the week=end at the home of Mrs. R, ,.Newton, Me, and Mrs, Wni.:Nevvton'avere 'Saturday guests at the same borne. Mr. and Mrs. Billy kart, 'St. Catharines; Mr, and . Mt's. Lyle Hart and Patti, .Listowel, Were Sunday dinner guests of ' Mr; and Mrs, Wm.-Hart. Congratulations. to ,the newly- weds, 'kr. `and. Mra. Jack Brown (nee Gwyrine Gibson) , Who „were married on Saturda3r:. The bazaar, sponsored :by the WiA. on , Saturday' was 'a..suceess, despite inclement „ weatherY.,,The members- wish to,extenda .sincere thank-S/ou' to.' all who, donated helped in any way. • • Week-end visitpra,with Mn Al- bert Gallagher were. Mr. ,and Mrs. Elmer' Gallagher, Toininy, • ;Rickey and. Brian,: of Toronto; ' • Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Michenee and daUghter Mary. of St. Clah':syille.Ohio,:Mrs, Michener and Mary. are 'sp,ending this week with._ the forindr's father, M Roht. Hayes ls a. sold` ' his residence on the oiltklrts,:of town to ,Mr,',IlarveY..B.'rhiliihiVir.• Mr.' and. Mrs. Ralph,,Fiildes .:and Port".Billy of ''Credit ...anent', the week-end with Mr,' and Mfr.. Wil- fred Brown, -., She is saving to buy nevi watch for her husband's next birthdby. Former Tinie$,4, Employee Passes Alfred Jamea Airristrong,::66, a former resident of Windmill and employee 9f The Wingliani Times, died in Victoria Hospital, Landon, on Sunday. He is survived by his wife, ..two sons, Staff,' Sergeant William 'H. -Armstrong, Ottavv,a and Gordon Armstrong, :'Leindon;twcilstehil- dren, Mrs; DeWitt ?ijrti.a) and Robert Oaserriore, Wingham and tour sisters, Mrs. Harriett Wilson, .Lueknow; kri. Beatrice Armstrong, 'Mrs, `Ethel Buck and Mrs, J. W, Matthews, all of Lon- don. • Funeral was held in' London. on Wednesday afternoon, with inter- ment in Greenhill Cemetery, at. Lueknow. • ROOKIE PASSES NHL TEST GE0RF Eri.t WcIlaLsi-s IAM. WATCH REPAIRS n 110 of s,t of$0:140wro to Watcher and very Omit tilocks, only. 'seal Cars --RECREATIONS • • was snitable to their needs there. sent being praetised" Goderlch that he felt that the system pro% flewever, tie,,added they would be OISCUSSES to g9 along -with tbe-couri- ell's play-off arrangements. • • HOCKEY PROGRAM Ken 1VieLeod, Of. Liatowel in the course of the discussion, eXPI4ined ,, • the sincere idea of ,the propersed ..„.L, VI, B. Coriron, of Wingbarn, rim- new hockey structure under the sided over a meeting of sports or. Zone cOuncil in these words. ganizei's whlah was held in the "It seems to Me that we have town hall on Saturday afternoon to been., trying to long to hav,e our discuss. the Lake ;Huron one •Re, kids-.go out to Win--alwaVs wink • creation% CorMeil*ProPOSed minor and we've ' been failing to teach'. hoOte3r arrangements for; the: eorn- i winter seasori,:rmo bad weather our teams sportsmanship,. Too often, it scorns to me :We kale Sight" r Clans that afternoen, cut down of the most important • reason fo,r dance.at the meeting from the th e gton e, the pr?ppi development 28 communities in'tha•Zone 'plaii- of the youngsters' bodies: and thqir„ ning tb licnd reprepentatiVes to ,,,„,,,,,ii , ,' about ri.dogen frdni nearby towns "*".''' . Mr. McLeod said, that- the .coun mong the points raised at the ' cil's plan was to give, more boys meeting ,were how 'the "'council than ever before'. the • wonderful could assist in . tbe organization .of chance df PlaYing the game for the a new hockey 'set up "on a loeal cohmuhitica' sake of the• game : and not simply• basis; \„bhpw• many , what the for the slice of bringing "victories wcaild e taking part; feeling was . regarding the 'Zone to t ir jr simile :town'- , / • 'Recreation Ceuncil organiOng in- The Spo4sinen present at the ,ter,-community schedules for•MinOr meeting `agreed that theaims •••" f• hlk t • ' • : ' - o ey cams, and whether or not the council in 'this 'respect:: were' there ,Were any suggestions to he perhaps '.1ofty'' but,•• neVerehelesi • made' ,to the W.O.A,A. relative to well worth, while." " the groppings for playclowns. -An .texecutive committee was ap- ilepreaentatives from i Handver pointed to further- dxnlore the RinCardine Durham." Mitehell, Lis.: poasibliities of ti-&'iohtrition and towel, ..Dieter-,and' Pori*, Elgin, to gp over what had been discuss voiced agreeinent - With the idea ed at the meeting. W, A Conran .of getting more toys on the ice Was elected as chairman of this • through the councirs new, heekey coMmittee. The othei members of system; .,,ttlie. ,representative . from this group: are Ken, McLeod,'. Lis Gdderieh, ,altheug-h, agreding. with towel, secretary ; Keh Wilson, •• the .Council's ,suggestions, stated Bruce Small and Bud Baton. , . 51FIDTAW 40:014 4 Or 7. S' 47 A!"rossykili.t*,. Both have: a ta6k.accoof ur use foitsOng IllitiC.0141.1104110 ij I*1 Fij i t'a r • An NI-IL rookie in the records but it seasoned performer in a ppearance, goalie Moved raffle IS currently the pride of Phil Watson,w coach of the second-place NnW look Rangers. The 244 Yearold no mill mode a spectacular debut! last Saturday when. he blanked .Poston, 5.0. Subbing again the next 'day for .the Injured Gun* Worsto, Pattie 4110*dd two goals as itanget* deflated Chleago, Paine 1%066-allied it, shatuatetsst season when he led the Anietican league die that department with seven While tilting the nets for Cleveland, l'hia year he was plaso* atne Rangers'' farm oink litlividente Itch, before 'being embed, sa to roulade H. WOtileY. ja shown in his ittalOr days ot goals et Qtlibte Citadel& Plans really start to take shape when: savings start to'grow.; One way to make sure have money when you'need it is to make regular deposits in your bank account At first it may not be easy to,stick faithfully to your savings program. But as your &flats build up you'll find yOurself facing the iuture 'With greater confidence, making 'plaits with neW assurance that you'll be able to carry them out, the a charteted bank 'to keep your aaVings safe anil grairti.Yott will ,always si4(1,You Save.at a bank dol 11.141(111,..t0.1111.tatiONT