The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-13, Page 7BEIIRAVE
Seeks Likenetses of Early Beauties rt Caller
WM 0114111, 6NTA.1(1),(), Wit'ONV$M)4,Y, NOVOMBER 1if, 1901
Neu) Study Book, MRS. CECIL WILSON For Mission 41ared —
I W I P LAK SER W40,XErPg11-7,The regality meet-" 1$ lug of the Buds of Prolnise Nils
Brown-.Gibson, Betty Collar Wed
Vows at Gorrie In.Brantford
Joanna Leigh
PNLC4BAYK---The fegal4 meet-
ing of the Wisman's Missionary
Society and the Woman'ti Aasoola-
tion of. Knox United Church was' ,
held in the church. on Wednesday
afternoon,. Mrs. Walte'r Seat ,Was
in charge of the, WM.S, meeting
and opened it with a hymn, follOvv,-
ed, by the, Lord's prayer, Minutes
were read by Mrs. Earl AnderSen,
treasurer's report by Mrs.' George
Martin,„ gift fund report by SIVIrs,\
Jesse Wheeler, An invitation was
reeeived„and accepted from the
Westfield W.M,S. to Meet with
them on November 8th, An inir ita;
thin was received fromthelli,Ssion
Band to attend 'their graduatien
exercises on November 11 and to
supply the lunch.
Williard Armstrong and
Mrs, decirge Martin were appoint-
ed' as the nominating' committee.
The birthday's were remembered
and, the visits to the sick and shut
in were reported;-and the offering
was received and dedicated, Mrs.
Jesse Wheeler and Xrs, Kenneth
Wheeler , each gave a report of the
sectional meeting held at Bluevale
recently, '
Mrs. Jesse Wheeler' was in
charge of the worship service,
opening with the call to,wership
followed by prayer and a hymn.
The Scripture reading • was from
Phillipians 2 and ,,was , read by
Mrs. Fred Caok.
The ''study period bn,japan was
summarized by, Mrs. Walter. Scott;
'qrs. Stanley Cook, Mrs. Albert
Vincent, Mrs. Carl Pi:peter and
Mrs. Williard Armstrong reviewed
the second chapter. Mrs. Cecil,
Chafnney and Mrs.. Kenneth
Wheeler' told a story of the role of
the 3a.panesc woman.
i This meeting closed with a hymn
and prayer by Mrs. jease Wheeler.
Mra. Kenneth Wheeler. president
of the W.A. was in charge
their meeting. The minutes , Were,
read, by Mrs. Cecil Chamney;
the‘treasurer's report read ,by Mts.
J. M. Coultes, %snowed there Was
$315:2$ in the' treasury.
11Irs. Jesse' Wheeler and, Mrs.
Fred Cook were named the nomi-'
glad. period which, greatly influen-
ced North American life. Manners
and custom& Were transplanted to
Canada," says . Martin Baldwin,
Gallery director. "We want to see
if the period also gave us lasting
concents, of womanly beauty.
Would these six romantic Georgian
beauties be considered so today?
Perhaps' the subjecks of these
paintings have deseendents living
in this province who have retained
the delicate features of their • an-
cestors. If we can find' them—or
any who bear a cloSe likeness--
we will .certainly hewn: them- as
our guests at the Georgian Show."
The subjects' include three
women and three adolescent girls
who captured 'the imagination of
lath century' masters. The three
Women were; Mary Gainshorough,
as painted by her father Thomas
Gainshorough 'in 17,7;. Mrs. Brute
of Ainet, wife of an Edinburgh
surghon; portrayed by` Allan Ram-
say in the 1760's; Joanna Leigh, • in
the guise of a Shakespeailian hero-
ine painted' by Sir Joshua Rey-
nolds about 1776. The three young
girls 'were: Princess Mary, fourth
daughter of Icing George III, as
paintdd by john Hoppnee whop the
Masquerade Held will reside in Brantford,
Knox Ladies Mgt ,
41 Pur Ion Horne
Blia.413.41TID Th'e' Noyenaber
Meeting of the KnOxi P4'00504411
W,jvf,ft was held. at the' imine of
API), Clifford Purclon on Tuesday,
NoVellabee 5, M. Jos, Malabar,
the president, nondented the Meet-
ing, whiela Opened by 'singing the.
Psalm "Within ,Thy Tabernacle
Lord", ,ffelloWed- hy , the ,i 0lad TM-
ings prayer, by Ml's: "`J,. .1,VIcBar-
ney. ,
Reports and cot respondence were'
dealt with and Mrs. G. Ander-
son gave a report of the Huron
Presbyterial executive arinci alSo
summary of the !address that 'Mrs.
Stephen Bow of Formosa gave at
the Presbyterial Rally in Auburn.
/ Mrs, Edgar Wightmart read,
44 and Mrs. Jos, Dunbar
ye the topic from the study book
,.on "Churches, Missions -and 1V1'ls.,
Rlonarles hi South East Asia", Thu'
stress Is on unity, edikatign In
Christian principles, local church
responsibility ,and leadership, and
education in schools and medical
Work. Malaria and tuberculosis
are major problems,
Mrs. I, Bieman, led in prayer for.
these churches and their workers.
The hymn "0 'For a .Faitii" was
sung and the meeting: closed by
repeating the Lord's .prayer in uni-
song The hostess served luneh and
a social time was enjoyed. Mrs,
Dunbar ,expressed words, of thanks
to the hostess,
The PUbli9 relations meeting of
the -Belgrave Institute,
with Mrs. J. G,• Andersen as con=
vener, will be .held November 21.
The roll call is "Your Favourite
Magazine". Motto by Mrs. Edgar
Wiglitman. The address will be
giVen by 1VIrs. Wesley Bradnock
Of Auburn, the district President.
A, report,of the area convention by.
the delegate. Music and 'a quiz by
Mrs. L,.Vannan, and. Mrs, J, Whee-
. ler. Lunch will, be'served by Mrs.
Herb Wheeler, Mrs, C. A. .Krug
.and Mrs. G. Nichol:len. -Members
please note the chiange in date.
Has the public 'concept of femi-
nine beautY changed 'much in 200
years? To find, out, The -"Art dalt-
lery Of Toronto.' is seeking live
likenesses of , Si)e Georgian period
beauties painted ,by the great 18th
Century English mastery,. Their, or-
iginal portraits are anion .86 mas-
terpieces that make lip the •Geor-
gian Show, coming to Toronto,
Jahuary 11 to February 16.
„ Anyone in Ofitarie when bears a
close resemblance to one of 'the
six selected pertraitaL-or knows of
someone wno doei:7-Should send a
Ihead nand slionldera photograph 'to'
The Art Gallery of • Toronto,
Grange Park, Toroato .213. A, com-
mittee Of judges, to be named by
the Gallery, will 'select the six
photos bearing the -closest resem-
akance to the 18th century subjects.
the modern day Ontario 'beauties*
.Will be invited to the .6kiiibition at
Toronto as guests of the Gallery..
Art students Will be given the
opportunity to sketch or paint
these present day subjects to de-
termine whether they can catch
the traditional :English beauty pdr-
tra,yed by the 18th century masters.
""This exhibition, arranged by the
British Council, covers the Geer-
.sign Band was held on. Wednesday
afternoon in the United Oliva
school „room with, twenty,.,-one pre,-
sent, •
The president, Brian Saecierson,
was in charge .and the meetinf
opened. with the sinallt of the
Mission Band hymn, followed by
the repeating of the Miiision Band
Pfirpose, -
The Scripture lesson, taken from
Acts, chapter 8, was tread' by Lynne
Wright. The searetary, Carol Lout
tit, read the Minutes •and the roll
bail was responded te, by "some
thing you know about Japan",
Carol Leuttit favered - With a
musicale selection, and the first
htor3; from the new study book
"liana's New Home", thin, story of
a Japanese fend* was given by
Mrs, Rae Louttit.
Louise Edgar led Prayer and
MO. Durst 'presided at the organ.
A Japanese genie was enjoyed by
the phildren, as was a special treat
of 'candy ProVided by Mrs, Durst.
The meeting closed by repeating.
the Mizne benediction.
Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Watson of
Forest called on Mr. and Mrs.
James 'Lamont and Dale on Mein
'day. „
Mr, 'and Mrs, Les Shaw Lon-
don spent the week-end with her
patents, Mr, and' Mrs. John, An-
''Miss 'Annie Baker visited with
Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon, Wilkinson 'at
Smithville for a few days;
Mr, Norman Schack and Mr, and
Mrs. Elgin Schack all of Seaforth
visited on. Sunday with• Mr. and,
Mrs, DaVid Armstrong.
mating conemittee to prepare a
slate of officers for next year, It
was decided' that the. C.G.I.T„
Mission "Band and the Baby Band
are topave .bonths at the bazaar
to be ; held on Noveinber 29. Mrs.
Jack,, Anderson and Mrs. Herb
Wheeler were appointed a buying
committee to purchaSe an electric
tea kettle, and a boiler before the
bazaar. • The meeting closed with
the Mizpah benediction.'
princess was about nine, years of
age; Margaret Gainsborougb,
younger. daughter of the' painter,
portrayed by her, father' about 1760
doing farm work; the eldest of
)four Morton children, Frances
,Morton, painted bY Hoppner about
• Reproductions of., these six por
traits of Georgian period woman-
hood are included in the "British
Painting in the 18th Century" cata-
logue. Copies of• this official cata-
logue of the Georgian exhibition
have been sent to public libraries
in Ontario. TheSe who sea-beet a"
'likeness of themSelves or someone
they know ate invited to look up
the reproductions in the catalogue
at their local public library. Photo-
graphs forwarded to the Art Gal-
lery of Toronto Mast be accomp-
anied by, the full name, age, ad-
dress and phone number of the
person pictured, and the name and
address, of the sender, The photos
graph must have been taken 'with-
in the past year.,iIt must be mailed
to The Art Gallety of Toronto by
December 1st io qualify for con-
sideration N? the judges Commit-
WRQXDTER--The regUlar
monthly meeting of the Wroxeter
W:I. Way held in the library Of the
cOrrirlannitY hail nn WedneadaYi
November 6th, Mrs, Gilbert TroveS,
president, welcomed all thOsSe pre-
sent; The meeting opened by 'sing-
ing the Institute. Ode and repeat-
ing the Mary Stewart Collect
Mrs. jas. Doig gave •a very ha.
terestine talk on the motto, "Where
there is an open mind there will
always be a frontier", ,
The minutes of the two previous
meetings were read and approved.
The Institute .will sponsor
euchre party in aid of the corn-
nraunity hall oris ,November 14th,
Correspondence containing a
thank-you note was read and busi-
ness dealt with.
' The committee to help the rug-
making committee is to be Mrs•
Howard Wylie 'and Mrs, Wm, Hart,
The roll call, "A Current Event",
brought an excellent response.
Mrs Cecil Wilson,. Fordwich, Was
guest speaker for the s afternoon
and gave -an educational talk on
"Civil Defence". '
Mrs. Howes thanked all who
helped make the meeting a • suc-
cess and ,the meeting closed with
singing "God Save the Queen".
Hostesses were Miss Kate Hazel-
wood and Mrs. Jas, Dolg,
Ladies' Guild Met
At ;McCrea Home
BELGRAVE=--=The meeting of, the
Ladies' Guild'of Trinity Angli3Ohn
Church was held at the home "Of
Mrs. C. G. McCrea on Thiirsday af-
ternoon. The president, Mrs. Alec
Nethery was in charge and opened
the meeting with prayer and the
Lord's'. prayer in unison. The
Scripture lesson was read :by Mrs.
Mel. Bradburn; minutes by' Mrs.
Richard Procter and the treas-
urer's • report by Mrs. ,Cooper
Nethery. It was announced ,that
the hale was packed and ready 'to
send •to High Prairie in Northern.
Alberta, The annual bazaar is to
be held on Wednesday afternoon,
Novenlber 13. Christmas, cards
were distributed, lunch was served
by tne hostess assisted by Mrs:
Bradburn. ss
Cou.ncil PrOpaia
By414w to Clqse
Wroxeter :Streets.
A meeting o4tthe OS)W,;
lair Township Council was held
the elerit's office on Noi,r;tither •
MI members were present and the,
reeve, .H. GoWdy was in the chi ir,
The minutes of the last regular
and special meetings Were read:
and oll motion of Allan .and Has-
kins were. adopted read*. ,Oar-
Allan Gibson—That we instruct
•the clerk to prepare a bylaw for
setting up a recreation committee
for Howl* Township. Carried, t
McMichael • .01b4911,--7That By-
law No. 19-57 of the Township of
Howick `for the year 1957, a by-law
to appoint pelting places and .offia
eel's, as read the third' time, be
finally passed. Carried,
Haskins - Allan—That we auth-
orize the tax eollector to refund
Mrs, Ridley's dog tax for the year
2557, Carried.
Gibson - Allan—That we refund
Noah, Reis $5.46 On warble fly
spraying, Carried,
Gibson - Melvtichael--That we re-
new the Fidelity Bond and Robbery
:insurance with N, Wade for 1957-
58. Carried.
Allan - Haskins—That we ap-
point Art Gibson as commissioner
on the Ira Schaefer drain. Carried,
Haskins - McMichael--That
give the Fordwich Cemetery Board
a grant of $300,00, Carried.
Gibson - Allan—That we appoint
Clarence Carswell' to the Fordwich
Cemetery Board. Carried,
Haskins - Allan—That we give
the Wroxeter Cemetery Board a
grant of $125.00, Carried.
Haskins - Gibson—That we in-
struct the clerk to prepare a by-
law to close that portion of 'Ann
Street in the village of Wroxeter
as requested by the trustees of the
said village. carried.
Allan - McMichael—That we in-
struct the clerk to. prepare a by-
law to close a portion of 'Colton
Street in the Village of Wroxeter
as requested by the Department of
Highways, Carried.
McMichael - Gibson—Thal the
road accounts as approVed be paid
Allan - McMichael—That ' the
following accounts be paid. Car-
County of Huron, hospitalization
$57.00; Village of Clifford, fire
truck services, $300100; office sup
plies, $89.72; N. Wade, bond prem-
ium, $45.00; Reg, Hobbs, supple-
mentary assistance, $17.75; Wm'
Marriner, relief, $31.84; fox bounty,
-$14.O0; Wm. D. Colby, survey,
port, etc., re Bolton drain, and re-
atalcirig of drains, $243.00; Drain
assistance; re B. 'Branch No, 10
iiik;Schaefer,..elrain;-,and- reatake- of,
drains, $87.00; W. E, Whitfield, pt.
salary,• $50.00.; J. H, Pollock, part
salary and postage, $98.60; road
account, transfer, $1349.60.
'Haskins - Gibson—That we do
now adjourn to meet again on
December 5th or at the call of the
reeve. Carried.
-3. Harold Pollock, clerk
H.' GoWdy, reeve.
Friends Attend
Toronto Funeral .
WROXETER--MrS. H,arry Dane,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Brarnhill, Palmerston and Mrs,
Verna Laos, Harriston, WnS in To-
ronte on November 1st attending
the ihneral of Jos. Rigby, 35 years
and visited with Mr. and Mrs, Geo.
Triggs, formerly Vera Steinmiller
of Gorrie.
, Mr, Rigby and Mr. Ron Triggs,
27, yeara, of Toronto, accompanied
by a friend from North Bay, were
returning home from a moose hunt
north of rthessalon the previous
Sunday evening when they drew
off the road for a sleep with the
motor of the car running for
warmth. When a passing truelc
driver investigated on Tuesday he
!found 'the two men dead and Mr.
Ron Triggs outside the ear in
a semi-conscious condition. An
I autopsy revealed the twit) men had
died of carbon ,monoxide poisoning
but ' Mr. Triggs is recovering
though still suffering from loss of
Wroxeter and Gorrie residents
will remember Mrs, Triggs, whose
father had a mill in Gorrie and
‘he attended the upper grades of
WrOXeter Continuation School, She
is how an invalid, confined s to a
wheel chair for the past nunaber
of years and kon is her only child.
antique luneh cloths and old fash-
ioned coal oil Janips. the entrances
to the tables were setetiOned off by
spinning Wheels and, thryartrithe-
MOMS for floral docerallen,
The mystery and bake sale tables
Were well patronized. The proceeds
amounted to $70,00. 'Vie Palk
Was the first "of its kind- held
around''these' parts.
ty 'wedding was solemnized at the
Gorrie United ChUrCh manse when
Rev.„W, J, V. bi,ichari.ari
marriage •Gwynne Ellen • :Gibaori,
only daughter of Mr.,and Mrs..lack
Gipson, and John: Wesley' Beown,•
YoUngest Son of Mr. and,Mia,
fred Brown. '
The : attendants• were ',Mr.' an d
Mrs: Robert 'Brown, brother; And •
sister-in-law of the grooM.
The . bride' was *daintily govined,
in a pastel green dress made 'ore
PrinceSi lines' with' prettily' tucked
bodice, wide band bVeithe sholiki;
ers •'and a length seff-bbW,
caught at, the neckline in. book:
'Brown' was ' gowned ,in :a .
rose "dressy; similar in' style .to that'
of the bride; ' 7 ”,
The reception was 'held tat' the:
home of *Mr, „and Mrs.'s 'I'hemas'
Burke, aunt and uncle of thiabri'clei
with the 'immediate' farailies- Pre-
sent. • ' • ' • • ", -
Due to' the aerial:1i ihness:ofthel
bride's father, they ,will .tiot go' On
a' liorieYineion; but' did ."S'Peti*,:a,
co'nPle of '.daYS 'in 'London, Adaltirf
her tathea'who M' a patient 4ri 'hoP
vital' there:, 'Their.: will' :reside
Wf&efer: '
Officers Elected
For 1958 By LiO.B.A.
FORDWICH—The L.G.B.A, lodge
met in the Orange Hall /an: Wed:
nesday night with the. W,M, Mrs,
Freida Freida MArdey, in the chair. After
the business Was -taken pare, of
Mrs. Nellie Gamble cenducted the
election of officers for 1958 'as fol- .. lows; '
W,M., Mrs. Freida D'Arcey; D.
M.,' Miss EMI Foster; Jr. , Dep„
MI*. Jennie Mosure; Chaplain;
Mrs. Nellie ' Garnble;
Susan Gibson; Fin.-Sec., Alt
varetta Wallace; ,,Treas., Mrs,
Martha Baker; Guardian, Mrs.
Margaret Horsburgh; D. of C.,
Mrs, Edna Hargrave; Lecturers,
Mrs. Ruby Foster, Mrs. Jack Holt;
Inner Guard, Mrs. Jim Strong;
Outer Guard, Mrs. Ethel Forester;
Sick Committee, Mrs. Ruby Foster,
Mrs. Suban Gibson; Auditors, Mrs.
Jim Strong, Mrs. Earl Moore.
By CGIT and Guests
FORDWICH—The C.G.I.T. 'net,
in the -Sunday School rooms of the
church and enjoyed a Hallowe'en
masquerade party . with guests
'from Winghiana and Corrie joining
Aith them. About 60 girls, all
masked, ,marched around and fin-
ally the judgeA decided on the fol-
lowing as prize Winners,:
First and second for the Most
grUesome, Were Nadine Cook and
Joanne Strong, of Gorrie; most
original, 1st, Sharon Pollock, 2nd,
Nancy Sothern; funniest' teatime,
1st, Dianne Hand .of Wingham;
2nd, Doris Carswell,
The girls were given a few min-
utes to change, after which con-
tests, games and a sing song Wore
,enjoyed With Mrs, H. Pollock, Mrs,
C. Carswell and Miss. Ruth' Bib-
bard, itadera, iri charge. "
A delicious lunch was served and
the Fordwieh group was thanked
for the lovely evening and the
meeting Was brought to it close
with TalA
tteturtis from -the Perth bounty
ChiidreWs .0:;Id campaign conduct,
etb by the XinsMan'a , Club haVe
passed the $1,060 math. Chairman
Hernie 'Hammond said donations
froin" 'Several 'to Ages and institutes
are tO toit6 in and Vitae along'
with soiYie indiVidual pledkes tprOrre.
lac -to MO Viet Yeat',1
in Other .•Yearit Rinariten alsoi.dana
vested AtWOtid but this year the
Alb* dash"' Is sponsored • hy."the
LiOris d1tib.-.114St-owo, gto*rt:
Local Showmen
Win at Walkerton
WHITECHURCH N o r m'a n'
Coultes showed a Shorthorn. steer
'calf at the Walkerton fair last
week; and at the sale; it brmight
23 3./4.0„Tim Coultes's calf won first
prize in the Shorthorn heifer class,
and sold for 2014e; Gary Rintoul:s
Hereford steer placed third in the
first prize group ,and sold for
21e; Crawford McNeil's Short-
horn steer alsa placed in the first
prize group and sold for 23c. Quite
a number 'from this district 'were
in Walkerten . for the fair. Many
considered these sale prices as
very low, in consideration of. the
expensive feeds and extensive care,
given to bring these' animals . to
the show ring.
Leroy Rintoul shows his Here-
ford steer next week in the guineas
class, at the Royal Whiter Fair, •
Fortner Resident
WHITECHURCH--Many in this
district, will be interested in the
flying visit on Tuesday "Of-Mr. and
Mrs. Iyor HohneS of Saskatoon.
They came by plane to Toronto,
where they Visited' with fornier
Saskatoon friends, Mrs. Reg. Lash-
brook and her .claughter, wlao
also accompanied them here..
Mr. Holmes 45 years ago, "ins
a small, boy left with his •
parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Holmes
who made their home in Saska-
toon. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes former .-
ly farmed in Kinross, where Mr.
Edward McClenaglian now lives,
and later kept a hardware store
across frop the chopper, which he
also built.•
Mr. and 'Mrs. Holmes visited
with their cousin, Mr. Robert Laid-
law, and with Mr. V. MK. Pat-
erson, and called at several homes
in the village, where folks remem-
bered his parents, They returned
to Toronto, where he was attend-
ing a convention and will leave
this week-end for his home.
gbant ..21:10autg;:41.5:1.*S.
The second of two 'plaques .unveiled on Monday is shown here. Looking at the names are Bev. D, J. La-tie,,
of St, Andrew's Presbyterian' Church, Blyth, arid the Rev, Brea de Vries, of Trinity Anglican Church,
Blyth, both. of whom took part in the service and dedication. —AdvaneerTimeis photo-
' —
RiVerdale Baptist. Church, Brant-,
Icrikiwas the scene of an interest-
ing. .avedding on Saturday at two
:o'clock, when •Elizabeth (Betty) L.
:Collar becanie the bride of Rev. El-
More ,N. Young, of Brantford. The
bride, 'is the. daughter .of Mr. Her-
bert A. Collar, of Wingham and
the late Mrs. Collar and the groom
is the ,sOn of Mrs. M. Young of
Brantford and the late Mr, Young.
Rev. Helmer, of St, George, of-
fiCiated; assisted by Rev. E. Von-
.o,f Brantford.
:The bride, given in marriage by,
her'father; looked lovely in, a Ca-
thedial+length gown of ivory Swiss
`eMbroidered taffeta with' a picture
neekline ,in square design, bordered
with;,taffeta pleating and lily-point,
sleeves.: The full skirt was ephanc-
ed.cvi;ith a sash of pleated taffeta.
I-Ieifinger-tip veil, bordered with
riiknestone rings, was held in place
'byta'etiara of seed pearls and opal-
escent sequins. She cdrried a white
130!le: encrusted with pink rosettes
and Pinochle, mums.
Miis Laura Collar, 'sister of the
bride, was-bridesmaid, wearing, an
orchid -taffeta own with net
overskirt. and -heavy net., orchid
t'efit Sequins• and white gloves... She
and orchid
of r t.,yellowan
Tile "soloist
brother of the bride, who sang "A
Wedding Prayer" at the beginning
of, ;tie .ceremony' and "Oh Perfect
during the signing of the
regliter. The groomsman was
Rev: Alf Whitcombe of Brantford,
''For the reception, which was
held in the church parlors, the
guests were received by the groom's
mother, 'dressed in navy taffeta
'flecked with, Silver and light blue
threads,.with black accessories and
ti:•eorsage of pink roses.
'Far a honeymoon in Niagara
Falls, the Eastern. States and Que-
bec, the bride wore a two-piece
dress of midnight blue orlon flan-
nel, white hat and gloves with
black accessories, a gray fur top
coat and a corsage of pink roses,
Guests were present from Toronto,
New Dundee, Hanover, Mt. Plea-
•sant and' Wingham, The couple
)PranetSS Prineusa Mori,
.Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane were:
Mr, and Mrs,
Earl Sproal Exeter;
Mr. and Mrs. 'Bruce Harkness and,
family, McIntosh; Mr, and Mrs, M.
G. Seegmiller, Windsor: Monday
Visitors at the sae home were:
Mr. and Mrs. Darol Seegmiller,
Seaforth and Mrs.,• R. Christie and
Tommy of Teeswitter. ,
Mr, Harry Dane, who has been
confined to bed for the past month
with a heart condition k somewhat
improved and we hope: for e. con-
tinued and speedy recovery,
Miss Sally Duke, Burlington,
spent part of, last week with Mr.
and Mrs., Don McLaughlin. Mr. and
Mrs. McLaughlin visited friends at
Huntsville over the week-end,
Mrs. R. G. Gibson, Daisy and
Billy and Catherine McDonald
spent the week-end in Detroit,
Mrs. Ruth McDonald and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy. Hunter Visited over
the holiday. week-end with Mr, and
Mrs. Scbtt Hunter 'Windsor.
Mt. and Mrs. Gordon Robinson,
Russell and Ray Were ,dinner
guest's on Saturday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Clark, Mrs.
Bud Stewart and family, Harriston,
were Monday visitors at the same
Mr. and MrS. Lloyd Mapletoft
and family, Millbrook, spoilt the
Week-end with Mr, and' Mrs. Ross
Coates.-Mr.. and Mrs. 'Coates were
Monday, visitors of Mr, and Mrs.
Jack Litica.s and Mr, and Mrs.
Heath, Listovvel.
Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Wylie and in-
fant soil moved into their new•
home on Monday.
FORDW/Cif—The Weeneli's In-
stitute held a very successful Quilt
'Fait in the, community hall last
Week: There were One hundred and
fifteen quilts 'on display; several
over one hundred years, old and
right up- to the Moderd day, Bean-,
tiful inata, spreads and antillile
shawls were also' shown.
The tea tables were unigite
nips over 100. Years Old
oviit at the W.I. Quilt nit •
' Married in London
Mt Viand; Mrs, John Robert Campbell were married In a .eandielight
service An Wesley United Church, London, nit. bride is the rormet
ttea,n label hintoul, daughter of Mr. Alta Mrs. Albert 11,1ittOul., of
Wingharri and the groom is ,son of Mr, and Mrs. •John 3. Campbell, of