The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-13, Page 5•
Stunning new two-tone sweep accents the new brand of beauty you find in Dodge for 19581' New twin-pyramid %tail-lights lend another touch of distinction, :Pushbutton Torque-
Flite puts new driving fun and ease •at -your-finger. tip!
SHOWER - OF STARS, 'Thurs0a 4, 8.30 p, over Channel 8
I. Your Terms. Accepted
• Free Dieliver,3',
.• Free Storage $t 2 050
• Priced from .
BLUEVALE—The WaYI.S. met in ,
the United Church on Thursday,
for its regular autumn Thank-
Mrs. Melville Derinis,.of Brussels,
was .the guest speaker. .She
ed memories of former days when
she taught at S.S. NO. 8 Morris,
and the kindness of Many ,friends.'
Her remarks' illustrated the t'ext,:
"My cup runneth over" as she
cited the many bleSiings we L enjoy.
She warned that "to whorn,much is
given, much will be'required". The
Cenhluisrtembenbteloont gm' t9ol, the W.M.4„ The ViliS NEEDS rfiREATER women in this
, .„.
This municipality will,
be host to
officers of 'the","•Preith County
Municipal, ;Associatien :Meeting on
Thursday, Novenib6r•14th. Elected
and appointed offreialS4frorn muni-
cipalities throughout ....the county
will hear commen:;problems dis-
cussed, A • banquet' slated for
Knox Church. sehoel.; auditorium
when Rev, N. V.•Pgronn will be
women members of the United guest speaker:—.ListoWel Banner.
important work of ,.the church is
needed, Indifference .• is ,caused by
a lack ,of knowledge of existing
.conditions„ • ,
Mrs. Melville, Craig 'led in, the
SeriptUre reading', Mrs, ,Alex Cop-
rigare and. MA, W. J. ,Peacock
Sang a duet and Mrs, Bert Garniss
gave a 'reading. -Refresionents were
served by the..second,'anethird line
group of the.Womaks'tASsoeiation,
ELUEVALE--"Family Nigh V'
observed by Bluevale Women's
Institute on November 8th, was a
great success, in spite of inclem-
ent weather, when families of the
neighborhood enjoyed a "pot luck'
supper in the newly decorated
basement' of the community hall,
A prOgram followed„ the presi
4ent, Miss R0bY Duff, presiding,
ThOlinain feature was a lively de-
bate, 'the subject being, "Resolved
that women can do men's work
better than men , can do women'';
work." Miss Joan Voigt and Mrs.
Geo.• Hetherington took 'the affir-
mative and Mesirs, Newton Gal-
braith and Iiugh Sirinamon sup-
Ported the negative. The judges,
Gordon Muedell,, Mrs. Jas. John-
ston and Miss Berva Gallagher de-
clared 'the negative side the win-
ner in a close contest,
Conimunity singing was led by
-• Mrs, C. B. Hoffman, with Mrs.
Carl' Johnston at the piano. There
were choruses, beautifully sung•
by Bluevale school pupils, and by
the kathers fainily of five child-
ren. Recitations were given by
Marilyn and Bob Taylor, .of Tier
grave, Terry Johnston, Margaret
and Patsy Craig, who ,Were all
prize winners at Beigrave School
Mrs. Nero, Moffatt was accomp
anist fora very enjoyable pro-
gram.. Mrs. Harry ,Elliott gave a report
of the work done by members of
the 'Women's Institute and other
women in the community-28 in
all, who agave' much time and ef-
fort to the beautifying of the cora-
rnunitk hall. The Women's Insti-
tute spent $120 in paint and other
supplies and the labor was given
ag offerieg meeting, The president, The treasurer Mrs. Alex Me- Mrs, Neil 1VIacEachren and Sons,Mrs, Alex MeCraeldn, was in 'Gilbert'rind Nell, of Tetente spent Cr ski gave a 'SatiSfactory finan-
OW statement showing a. good bal. the week-end at the bonia of Mrs, once in the treasury.- • '' ' R, r, Garrliss and Mac Scott. •A nominating committee,. ,ap=
- •Mr. and IVIrs, Carl Johnstan and pointed to choose Officers for ,the
MiS. Edward jOhnston motored to Woman's ASsociation. and also• fee
arnheth on, Saturday, Mrs. Ed- the W.M.S. included: Mrs.'M. j.-,.
Ward -Johnston will sPend..the Will - Aitken, Mrs. 'Gordon Hall, Mrs.
ter with her daughter, Mrs, Mabel'Alex ' 1Vrecrackin, 1VErS, Snarling
Harris .in Aarobetli, Johnston, Mrs. John Fischer..• -
Mrs. R' F, Garniss is a patient' . .
in,Wingham General Hospital. ,the.spine, 'She is in the hospital in
Sharon brubb,e,.. daughter of Mr. Wingham. W.M.S. is supplying great needs-
and Mrs. Arthur Grubbe, fell frorri Mrs., yoUng of Wingham, spent in Canada and other parts of the
a horse she Was riding end recoil,- Sunday at the home of Mr, and world, •bnt only one-quarter of the
ed serious injuries to the,head and Mrs. Charles l3osman,
Walkertfin Ontario
,Bust, in time for,the COLD weather and pa aced to'nlYIARE
your sboppieg,DOLLAR
Kiddies' SNOW SUITS - ‘Vnrinly lined„ nue pieee .garment,
kulttei6tuffs. awl 'water ,reicellnut` finish, Sizes 3 to 5 - $4.98 an.
1 Boys' and DUIFELF„ COATES, an ideal parka film garment
with attached hood, kasha lining under zipper, Sizes 8 to 14.$5.95
Boys' LINED.JEANS; G to 10 year sizes, in good heavy denim
with tt'sanforized plaid lining, Specially priced at $3,75 ea. or
• TWo• pairs for JUST $7.90
,Rithliesl2LitNED JEANS, laded blue, • elastie waist just the
tbing,:for TOts ' $1.98 ea,
siumu,$,. a nice. wo'ol„ plaid la real tartan plaids,,.
Size : .:14o.,12, years ,,,,, .. ...... $3.49 ea. '
Fine xipt.-. and SAUCER . .
an shipment of "this. 1
• lovely )i,g110:,cleSign•-• ..... , ...... ..... $1,09
. . , yes, on. display now is the best.
seleetioia for'- every age' gvmp, .at, popular' vouierk
SiroiutAgtifcli*. mop, in this week, ask' bout our LAY
A,WAY;IPLAN which'enables you to select now, and 'pay when
, - • convenient. '
,The sermon by Rev, Brook,
in the United Obureh on 841140p
and the singing by the choir, were,
in honor of Remembrance Dfiy,
Rev. Mr. Williams, of Brussels,
has' been preaching In Knox pros-
byterlan Church Anriei the Vac-
ancy. An November 24th, Decena,
ber let and 'December Mini-
sters preaching for a, call will be
heard, t
The W.M,S, of the PreseYterian
Church will hold a meeting at the
home of Mrs. :Harry Elliott on
Wednesday evening, when Mr,
Williams of Broaseis, will spl;alt
and a life MenlberairiP Will be Pm.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Chureh,
will h o td,a baiaar and tea on 14'ri.
day at 3 p.m.
Mr&. George German and so'n,
Bill, of Clinton,.visited 'Mr. and
Mrs, Chas, Coultes week,
To Choose Successor
To Rev, R. A. Brook...
131.4.1NVALV-Tii8 ottleial boards
Qt Bluevale anti Whiteehareb
United. Churches have appointed a
Pastoral ReNtions Committee as
follows; Bert ,Garniss, *Mn
araig arid Cori Johnston, from
inuevale epngregation, ,and 4/.. D.
Beectett and Alwood Groakortil,
from Whitechureh , congregations,
(alternates,, )10$g Smith 'and Garr
net Fart'ler.) •
In view' of Rev, Rrooka
retirement at July 1st, "190, to the
regret of the members a the eon-
gregations, this committee will
make plans to choeSe a successor;
To Choose Officers,
BLIJEVALE.-The Woman's
sociation met in the United. Church'
on November 7th, Mrs. R, A, B!;00it
Presiding. 1'IUJRS'. - FRT. NOV. H -
Oii Stage Perfarilreinee
11 the
Music Students c;f
Mr. •Bruce Nuhn
All .Seats 25G
2 hour program startM
at 8.00 p.m.
"Gun For A Coward"
Fred Mull/fumy and
jefferey Hunter
111.0NpAX And: TUESDAY
November 1.8 and '19
"Doctor At ;Large"
Another Ariemendoway F
Picture rfroth the Well Known
-Doctor Series':
Vu'vernber '20 and 21.
A New First. In His Exciting
• Career,
4,......0.04,Folii.411041•1•1*.q.,..ormtmimskrkf•mrelemponammiiswii spiTge.I.N.1).4.1,1.1ouojrelj
„ 41/2'
-• x•••••-
You dorCt have to
be 'rich to share..•in
Canada's growth and
prosperity. Today,
through 4ivestc%rs
Mutual, you can profit -
by the wide diverti5ea-
tion formerly available
only to the larg,e•
investor. For full
details See your
Investors Syndicate
ThoS: A. Jaldin
rhono .14'r
John W. Waines
Phone 1042
Big -1 verythin' g about this glamourous new
Dodge says here's the BIG new car in the low-price
field for '58! Outside, from dashing front to flash-
ing fins, you'll thrill to its big-car beauty! Inside,
you'll find new luxury and "living” room to spare,
nth rich, new fabrics and new colour harmony.
!Bold —You'11- find, Dodge torsion-A/RE
Ride the most revolutionary "of all snspension
systems. New 1958 Dodge engines include the
most powerful V=8's yet, as well as a great fuel-
thrifty Six. Ultrarnodern push-button Torque-Flits ,
drive proves a perfect getaway partner, tool
Beautiful --This year Dodge brings you
a bright new fashion show on wheels —fresh-full
of styling advances that are a dream away for
ordinarypars! New "safety-mate" dual headlamps
on every model! New glamotir grille with a
!`go-ahead" look! New dashinrcolour sweep!
)...and low-rriced,t6o! Come .in!
Get your first look at the most stunning
quality-engineered 'car that ever stirred up excite-
ment on a showroom floor! Then take a second
look at that low price tag! You'll be quick to
agree—Dodge oilers you the best value in, its field!
The regular meeting of council
was held on Saturday, November
2, at 4,30 p.m. All•Members; present
W. jack Willits - Herb Foxton----'
That the minutes of the last meet-
ing he adopted,as read.
Foxton - Smith—That the' resig-
nation of George Thomson, as
clerk of the township he accepted
with regret, effective December 31
and that we advertise for applica-
'flops for the position, to he in the
hands of the"„elerk by 7. p.m, on
December 13th.
Smith Mulvey—That the follow-
ing general and road accounts be
General Accounts
W. M. Sewers, fox founty, $2,00;
Barry Breckenridge, fox bounty,
$2.00; Jack Hall, fox bounty, $2.00:
Ross Willits, compensation, $47.25;
Geo. Thomson, part salary $40.00
telephone $1.90;, $41.90; Municipal
World, $19.38; E. H. Martyn, fox
bounty, $2,00; relief, $20.00; A.
Peebles, unemployment insurance,
Tervit Drain
County of Huron, corrugated
pipe, ' $281.00; A, M. Bauman
gravel, $5.00; John Inglis, con"
tract, $106.00.
Grant Drain, Dick De Boer,
labour, $15.00.
Baird Drain, John V. Fischer
Court of Revision, $5.00; A. D.
Smith, Court of Revision, $5.00;
W.-Jaelt Willits, Court of Revision
$5.00; Herb Foxton, Court of Re-
vision $5.00; W, H. •Mulvey, Court
of Revision, $5,00; Geo, Thomson,
By-Laws, $30.00.
Freihurger Drain, Township of
Tureberry, trucking gravel, $16.00;
John Inglis, contract, $10.00.
-Mendell Drain, John Inglis, re,-
pairs, $50.00.
Pay Roll—Norman Rosa, $22,50;
Geo, Lambert, $30.00; Geo, Green-
away $63.75; W. A. Hogg, $34.26;
Bruce Montgomery, ,$17223: Geo
GaileWay, $262.10; Wm. Mundell
Road Accounts, ;9215:21,
Foxton - Mulvey—That we do
new adjourn to meet at 11 o'dloelt,
on December 14th, 1857.
Reeve, John V. Pischer
Clerk, Geo, T, ThornSbn
INLItat%.1uStiitter FAR1WiIIt
A blow from a falling tree proved
fatal to Raymond HOWes, ?Maier.,
ston district man,
Howes was working hi the
bush on big farm when the MIA=
hap '1:;1 dt.1 te The 'Hither struck
him On the chest. also suffereri
slinitider Injuries.
The victim was rushed to relni-,1
erstOrt Itooitat but died tt few
hoe" Istet
Vetere Iliviskyis omnYsLitt cOarortATIoN or CANADA, LiMitisfik
Phone 139' WinI
Of C-A NN Ab-A L. T D.
id 3i 1
Cliorot It !Air
I tetaine freih--40shest
t battety power' you cart buy,
1Wilftert iong4ife wortonlyt
116 d,...1 qad 1.2-v4 Jatialli