HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-13, Page 47:7--"'"•Trir"' The Wiiighain AilvanCe-Tiines, Wednesday, Nov, 13, 1951 !. e a „ . "44 : • .7.4EE'S USED FUR.NITURb. BuY and sell. Agent fer Kiacardine ' Laandry: PirOne 185, Orrb FRESH OVEN-READY thicitena fOr sale. Delivered. Phone 402J3. 13* MEAT FOR SALE -Good beef by the quarter, Killed under license from Dept, of Health. Yearling • heifer.% T°P. finality, Lowest ‘' Prices Raynarcl Ackert, Ripley »e243,O •3.7rrb ,TWO-PTEM Wite velour cheater? ". field •for sale. Good condition. • Phone 481 'after 6 p.m, • 13,2013 • 'MIX FILTERS for sale --"Rapid •6qncii. 79a; 6y]... -Inch, 85c. Alexander's Hardware. irrb f•-uRNACE BLOWER with a. 1411..p. Motor ler sale; also one pair of 1 'ft. skiis. Phone 202 evenings. 131.3 BOY'S SUBURBAN ,oat or sole, Sited 14, light blue wool Almost Pone 23; .• 1313 FOR THE BEST PRICES on new and used musical instruments, aceessorieVand repairs, see Ross 1Viann, Wingharn, phone 73514. 3Orrdl8b " TABLE'AND CHAIRS for sale. Site, of table 44 x 48.and can be extended. Phone 300, 1313 TWO-PIECE wine chesterfield for sale. Good condition. Reason- ; able. Phone 738w •after 6 P.m- • 1.3b FURNACE BLOWER with a 1,4 'HP. Motor for sale. One pair of 7 ft skis, Phone 202 in the 'evenings, , 13b BOX'S BLUE " station w.agon coat for 14 -Year-old for safe. Good as - new: Phone 413w* :L8 -18* APPROXIMATELY eight ton, of choice 'clever hay for sale. .Also 'Viking separator, nearly new. Apply to 'John Noble RR .2 ' Auburn. 13* CLEARING- Linoleum iemnarits all at reduced prices, Each pat- tern a bargain. See them while the choler! is best -THE WALL- PAPER SHOP 1313 • HAVE YOU PROBLEMS WITH your packaging? Magic lvtarker • is the answer for all larger • Addresses and general lettering • • Available. at. The, Advance -Timer in several colors. No pen to fill, : Ink dries instantly. Felt point permits Variety , of lettering styles. $1.10, SYLV.A:N/AN I-IUSKY • DOG for . , sale, Phone 567w. , HOMELIGHT chain saw for sale. Geed,,condition. Apply to CraW- . fOrd.Mbtora, 13,2013 • WHITE FIGUREskates, size 2 for sale. Good as new, worn One year, Vhon e 7141, 13* Ait‘ 'Ilnipt tons of. best qual- ha,rd 'stove coal for sale. Buyer would have 'to remove this front ba,senieht Of store which has changed. to oil heating. Ideal •Ne „so/nee-fie with means of trantpOrt Will adOept much lesa 'than cost to get this Out of the Way, WELWOOD"S VARI- -, tTr STORE, WINOVAM. 136 FURNACE FILTERS "Mist - stop" fiberglass air-filterS, 16x20, 16x25, 2020,x20X25, $1.1.0. • Check your filter size now, w wilt de- rhone r all in at •STAINTOI•ot'S HARDWARE, 1.31)' iblIOOSE nOW trent. dyer 50 high • quality' Bedroorn and] Chester- ] field rtittiteil itt saViriga from $60' to. $96. Free MOM I:lel:Ivory. SitittY'S offer tititattinclieg values du to Maas 'purehasin,g oand . • • large turn iher.• COMpare to- day at iStitittY'S Shopping t entre,' • 7004th AVe,k HandVer, ' 13;20 ; 27b APPIAS VOIt SALE , end Cortland, $1.15. tip JO $3.60pet bushel for 'choice. °wit 60rita1litra, Sides arid 1`./ei1eitrits iaVailable titter O'dtd, her 10, Blake Pres, Orehardg, 2 ' et/theta 'Smith. ef Brugaels, drie Mile etret. t torage at reaciaide. •Phone 4211ittufieela, rtZtli-* I&OW 'that: -DaVid -]titfirlIttift, Certified Watehinaker, , tilitehnteeel to keep Vint Wateki • , order ler bire Ydarl free -Sett/1dd gtrarantad new VIM:their, trISO that blatte been dean- • ftiedidttidhea, bring. WOok to44ay Iktici take *ntq of ou Jaat gUararitedil .551 thiti LIVESTOCK VOA SLE n PIGS ler sale, just weaned, APPIY to, Wlifred Walker, 630, grave, phene 72134, 131 21 PIGES for sale, eight weeks old. Apply to Ed Powell, phone Wroxeter 18r14. 13* 20 PIGS, eight -weeks old for sale .Apply to Arehie Purdon, Wingham, phone' 61433. 13)) - POULTRIr FOR SALE 25 COLUMBIA x Rock phlleta 7 months 1d, laying for sale, Phone Joe Walker 642w4. 13* 250 SUS'SEX x Red ,pullets for sale, starting to lay. Apply to Fred Doubledee, phone 7r12, Wroxeter, 13b FOR RENT STORE and apartment on Jos- ephine Street for rent. posses- sion immediately. Apply to C. Bondi,. phone .668. 6:1313 FURNISHED 'apartment for rent, for winter months, Available im- mediately. Centrally located. Phon,e 314. 13* We offer sembaletached Brick, 3 Bed RoOms, 13ath, Living Room, Dining & Kitchen, Oil Heat, Modern. For Particulars, APPLY H. 0, IVIact,EAN, Realtor, .Wing: ham, phone 115. • 1313 THREE-BEDR001Vt house on Jo:, sephine Street for rent. Posses:, sion immediately. Phope 5931 1313 • SALESMEN WANTED MAN' WANTED. Continue Raw- leigh-Service to Consumers ie Huron Co. Get into, a profitable • business of your own. No prev- ious experience or capital invest: • merit needed. For information write Rawleigh's Dept, K-453: -916, 4005 Richelieu; 'Montreal,' Quebec, , WANTED • Roomers wanted, Phone 738w. 13* WINTER CATTLE wanted; gOod stabling. Klaas de Yen,g, phent 13r7 Brussels. / 13* FARMER will winter ckttle, good stabling, •• truck available to move cattle, Phone 101r4„ 1Vtild- 6,1.3 20* ' PERSONAL SKINNY MEN', WOMEN! GAIN 5, 10; 16 lbs. New pep too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. Ostrex also im- proves poor appetite due to lack of iron. "Get -acquainted" site only 60e, *At all druggists,. . • 13:27b DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK rerhoved pronintlyo for sanitary disposal. FREE Pick up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingliam 378; Palmerston 123W, or Dur- ham 898, Gordon Young Limited, • iirrh DEAD STOCK: Picked uP, proMpt- ly in sanitary truelts. charge made for arlintAls Wider • 500 Ibs, total, Merle collet. Wingharn. 5611, '84erl1/4111 MISCELLANEOUS - it;ThtliA1111500El) in your, borne. Phone 640.11„ (Irrb YOUR TELEV/SION properly iftstired for all risk coverage!? Ver. infornIalien arena 293, Stet- . Art A., Scott Wingham, 21•1•13 STEWART A. SCOTT can no* ]gaVe you 16% oti YOur" 'ear or • track Inseranee, Yearly or six • triOntful POlieies are •S/Iedial, rates for farrilerk, Pot furthet hiforitiatitel pherie t•98, Wirigham. .29rtb HAII/TARY 8EWAGE DISPOSAL septie tanks, cesspools, eellara, ete,,.purriped arid eleaned, quick •serivce, All Work guaranteed, Apply Louis Hitike, pliOne 4r6, brussels, 15'10 WATERLOO C./1..11141i breeding 'ASSOolatitin 41,4/heto better INN Are USW, ."Ser In- semination infOrfriatibri or ef,'' Itoin ail breeds •Of Cattle, Phone The Waterloo. 'Cattle. Breeding A.Otieclatton Milton • 'He 143441 or Mildiney 13010 be, , twitch 1,30 and 0.0 a.m. We Sve all'Ivteede olaisty lit lot otkit..0 '20th a • COMING EVENT,S. . YOU'VE TRIED THE REST: now. try th* best for spareribs and satierkraat on WednesdaY, day and SatardaY, eveninga, on mercial Hotel, Formosa, cd12/01 CASH 13INGO every Wednesday, 9.00 P.m., Sacred Heart Church Hall, Mildmay, 1a regular games for $10,00; • 3 special games fee • $35.00. Admission 50c, rrb" THE WI wi1 meet n the C,ounell Cbaniber on 'Thursday, Novern.v ber 21, at g.36 pan. The prograin • cony6ners; Mrs. T. Hower and Mrs:W;Ringrose: Motto, Do yeti , • know .by Bower, the' roll a Memorial Verse.. Ilostesa convener, Mzs H BUrrell. • 13b WANTED TO RENT " TWO OR THREE room apartment • wanted to rent immediately• , Phone 975M, 134' . HELP WANTED A WOMAN from 40 - 60 yrs, of age, to help take' care of ,part invalid women, also light house- - keeping, Will give 3 room apart- ment with bath and fairly welt heated, board as well. Apply • L. S. Griffin, Brownlee St', Tees13b- • water, , • NOTICE' TO MEDITORS All person a having claims against the-, eatate • o'f7ARTHU,11 L. , STE-, .1-IENS; lite of the .Village ef. GO:ride, in .the County•,- of Hurop, oMerchant, deceased, who died on •or 'about the twenty-fifth , day of September, AD. 1057, • are acitified to sen,c1 to the undersigned, on or before the 30th day. of November, 1957, full purtidulars of their claims ,in , Immediately after the'. said. ]30th day Of .NoVem- her, the assets, of the said 'Testater will, be distribated amongst,. ,the parties entitled. thereto, , • hairieg regard only to claims of which. "the executors shall .theri have notice. DATED•thia 8th day• of Novenl- ber, AD..1957. . . • . CR4WFORD & I-IETIIERINGTON • WINGFIAM, brifseCici Solicitors for the Exeeutors - • . 13,20,27 ' NOTICE- TO CREDITORS. IN THE ESTATE OF ' WILLTifm R013E1T- OASEMORE ALL PERSONS haying chfinia against 'the'lestate of the alioVe mentioned late of ,the Village of Wroxeter, .County of ' Huron, Gentleman, -who died on the 23r5 day of October, 1951, are required to file proof of sone with the un- dersigned on• or before the twenty- third day Of November, 1957, After that date the executor will proceed,•to, diatribirte the, 'estate ha•ving of which he shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 1gt day of •NoYember„ 1957, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON' Wingham; Ontario. Solicitors or the Executor ,6:1320b NOTICE TCi,•cREOPPoRS. , All persons having Claims :against the estate of JENNIE SMITH, late of the Village of Wroxeter, in the County of Hurozi, 'Wide*: who died On' or about the 26th day of Oeteber, A b 1957, aid• hetified to send to the .uticiersigned. On or iefiite the 23td day'af Nevetriber, 1951, frill partletilarg' of their dialing in Writing,' .1minediate1y after' the said 23rd day of Noveni, bet, 195/, the Reads , of the said Testator will be distributed alongs th parties entitled there- to, haVing regard. Only to :elating Of Willett the EXedutor .shall then hate notide • ttATED this •2tid day Of ,Novem- ber, AIX, 1957: - CRAWFORD &HETHERINGTON Wirigliam,. Ontario, policitor foe Exeeutor 0:13,:20b FINANCING. A .CAR? 'Before yott bay atk about our LoW Cost Pirtaileitt g SerViee With tempiete Insurer104 Coverage, STEWART A, SCOTT Phinie 2101 Wyikhant •• . 25reb j ttoi Holders' Names l' ., 41 ' I Not Given Out t. iit IS MOW, kgitAtit her , *Weal fe illeiitte the *lithe Of iitiotrom 'a ; 1 4 Ah'f] enliVeirtinet tieing filt.i. ...; AdVittice-Tiiitetil AO* Number. .7 Plesi0 ii6i• het isik if* fee titili I, i : ' Istiffiffillithilk t I immoilomPhommesoioit0000yhoriliooitison • •••41'rs, WM, Sones aad sen, Mirk, of Hamilton, spent last • week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Charlton. -Mrs. DeWitt 1VIiller and Mr Robt, Casernore have been in Lee. don visiting their Mother, Mrs. A. Arrostrovig, and attended the fen• eral of 1Vir, Armstrong on Wechiea- day, , • -Mrs. F. Fuller visited for a few .days last )Veek with Mr.. and Mrs G4don Currie of Acton.. , 7. --Mr. and Mrs. Mliler Davi' spent the holiday week -end in Tor:, AM./MANCE SERVICE 1URRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing, hart. See, courteous SeArice Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or 636 , 13rrb Onto With the latter's slater, Mrs, Ed. Ryan. Miss An Geddes, who ,had been visiting with Mr. and ]Mrs, Nortnari Geddes, retureed home with thern. -Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stainton attended the Student and Parents Weekedat the UnivergitY, of 'Western °Marie 1asta"Or40:. and ,Saturday, Their son, Neil "is:taking :the Business of AdMiCliatration coerSe there. -Mr. Goidon IVIcGee has: been . ,• a. patient in the Wirignam General Hospital, suffering from Roy McGee of Kitchener sPent the week-eed here, • -Mr. and Mrs, George E, Har- ron,• of Kitchener, were week,:end. guests at the home or Mr: and Mrs, 0, O. Casemore, Carling Ter - :race. 1 MORRIS COUNCIL HOLDS NOV MEETINO The Morris Cmineil inet in the township Ilan .on November 4, with all the members present.The minute a of the last naeeting 'Were read and adopted on xnotien of 0, Wilkinson and R. Duncan. Procter - Wilkinson -That 'road hecouets as 'presented by the 'rood, superintendent be pald.Car- ried. Wilkinson - Shortreed--That the, Court. of Revisiott4on the Grasby Drain be elosed ,and that By Law NO, 19, 1957 be finally passed. Car lied, • • • Shortreed - Duncan -That thc m meeting adjourn to meet again on December ; 1957 at I p,m. or at the call of the reeve, Carried. • The ••• following aceounts were paid:and piAindtvianngeeleThienici7e,s, ad$v3;,r6t7is; jg " Watson fox bourity. $2.00; G. VOTERS' LISTS 11957 TOWN OF WINGHAM' • Mrs. Leslie Loughran and' twn /iiPq for Wh° • FORDWICII Martin, express on pipe for Wheeler. • Dram, $4.00; Johns Manville Co, 1 COUNTY OF er Dramn $64014, . dren spent the week with . her Municipal World, supplies, $17,32; Notice is hereby given that I Parents at :Moorefield. , ' , R. Michie,' wed Inspector, $9.40; • oo Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons and B. Parrott.' selecting jurors., 34.00; have complied with section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act 1951, and Aedne visited on Sunday with Mr. A. Fraser, selecting jurors, $4.00; that I have posted up at mY ofHee and Mrs Wilidniq'anidn CG'ouMntayrtoini lastielreeenti,ngInjdaiigdernst' $4 00, at VVingham, Ontario on the 9th• IVIaster Gartysh.e.mLaYtfhtebrtihrnsi;ernedithirnead day of Novernber, 1957 the list of home with' $4.00; 0. CamPbell, cow injured .g. by . dogs, $40.00; M. Pipe, for all. persons entitled to vote. In the couple of days there, . bounty, $2.09; R, Duncan, Nx said Municipality at • municipal Master John and Stephen' Har: elections'and that such list 'remains ris of Brownsville visited over the bounty„ $2.00; Harry Rhin; fox there for inspection. ' bounty ; 32.00; L Elreekenridge, calf week -end with their grandmother, ,Mrs, Nellie. Gamble. . . ' ] • . : Wiled' by dogs, $70.00; a Garniss, 'And 1 herdby, call upon :all Mrs. Sam Robinson spenttoeveral livestock valuator, 35.35; County of voters to take immediate proceed-. ' Mgt to have any errors or omis- sions corrected aceordina. to la .. , .,,, , w, Brighton Jim. days last week. with' relatiyes ,in Huron; Indigent fees. 311.00; Vil- Patt rson f Tor- ,05.33;-- County of : ' - ' • • lege. of'• Brussels, Division Court the last day* of appeal being the ]onto Ian. Pitt7fdriltr .of,loadon,' Huron, Barberry 23rd day of , November, 1957. ' • Ijonafd- D.:51g I an „ Jack and...Buckthorn, $94.00; G. Miehie, Dated this 9th day of November,' Fester of Woodstock ...spent. the insPetiP° fees tile drain, $5.00; Jas.. A. Howes, • superintendence HURON chil 1957. W, A. Galbraith, Clerk, „Wingharn; Ont. 1313• - week -end , at their respective homes. s' Mr. ,and Earl Baker and 'family, of London 'spent the week- . • • , ,end at '.'the: 'home 'oof the forrner's CARD,OF THANKS . • ' anM other rs 'Gee Baker. •• Me,wish_ to publicly thavne,,alt, ,;, , ' • ] • relativei and neighbOrs 1." Mr and A'n••• -}1101'01 'Bride °f ,,f781)•,.00; . of cobtradi 1VIcMureir3' and members or p,iviortvlintoiLp,resntlitapreoktiveDeitoi-:genct ' WarWick- Drain, 4560,60;,... Black bulance and hospital • staffs tor Bros. damage Nichol .Drain, $20,0d': Rev A R and Mrs Graham an • their timely and efficient , help at • • • . • _ . d• E. MdArter, .darnagd Nichol daughter, Gwen spent one day last, , the time of our near tragedy: We ] week in Hamilton.Dram, $17.00; W.- ShOldice, dainage are sincerely grateful. ---Ella and - • • • ' . Mrs. ,Jas: MeGoffin is snendine Nichol Drain' $18.00• L E Cardiff Gavin Muir, Wroseter. ; 13b „ ' • • this week in Woodstock at 'the' damage , Nichol. DraM, .1. ;Davis, damage Nichol Drain, $9.00; C. McLeaa, damage Nichol Drain, $14.00;. H. Pearson, 'clarna,ge Nichol brain,1$14.00; Wm. Pecker & Son. . . claniage. Nichol Drain, $3.00; I, Mc- Donald, daniugt Nichol Drain, 34.00; 'J., Pipe, damage Nichol Dram, $10.00; .13ryans, damage Nichol Drain, $27.00; T. Miller, damage Nichol Drain, .$33.00; G. Martin, Clerk's fees Nichol 'Drain, $60.00; Mrs. E.. , Cardiff-brey Clerk's fees and By -Laws Nichol Drain. $40.00;- H. Fischer, Prusseis Clerk'sfees aatio.,BY-LaWso,•:Niehol Dram,. 3•40.06;,-B,,. Parrott, Cenirrlig: • , • - ;••• ,, -", siorier's fees Niehol;:brain, $1.d.003 Wheeler Drain, 350.00; Ken Md. Kenzie, cont 'Wheeler Drain, $480; . , Jas. A. „ Howes, 'Superintand'en'ee' Nichol Drain, $275.00; Geo. Rad- fordol , balance of contract Nich " 4ierird of M. Campbell Mcdoffiti: • CARD 'OF THANKS Miss Letitia Matthews; who has I wish to express my sincere spent the past three months in the thanks and appreciation -lo all my Western Provinces, -returned home friends, relatives and all those who •last Nyeelt atcompanied by Mr, Mel remembered me while I was ' a Patters of Eatonia, Sask., who, will, patient in the Wingham Hospital, spend the winter months here Special thanks to Mrs . Mrs,' Norris Cnaliners• returned . Fox- , ton, Dr, W. home last week from Creemore Morrey and her staffThese kind McKibben; and Mrs. where she visited the past three . /3* deeds were all appreciated. weeks with friends. Mr. and Mrs, William.' McCann aceonaparded Mr. and Mrs. Jim IN MEMORIAM McCann of Palmerston for a few ,WELLS -In .. memory- of Harry :cla,ys' Visit with relatives in MOnt- Wells, a deer brother, who died T,real: " liia:41ireet;a1OteiSr.'' hnr Nov. 13' 1958"-'Evei.' re7,,e7::•"11'71re3tocl'' '.hr it Monday night .; .attended ,, bY • " ; and Mra";• 'S, 'PrdetgrComvnissioner;s fees, family moved on ''S'atard'i&••In•-tii imckedekljiain,•;;.$4,Q9,1,,Xei lref STARTLING EVIDENCE 1("fotorforarna, a Swedish Insur- ance Company, writes "traffic in- suranee': solely for abstainers. Goderich, where the former- is on count, $15.00; T. Miller, is-lc4O1 the staff of the Bank of Commerce. Drain, $8.00; C,' McLellan, Nichol Mr. and Mrs. Hoffer will be missed Drain, $2.00. • Bailie Parrott, ReeVe Startling evidence of the role in the community, but, every goed liquer plays in traffic accidents is ]wish goes 'with them to their new furnished by their records.. ;•11°Mnite.. and: Mrs, Prank Graham of After 14 years in ]hushress they had to pay in losses per Vehicle 38% less+ than. the average of 30 other companies. And the num- ber of claims pe 100 vehicles' was, 37% less. Since by n� meats all; of the policy holders in,theSe other companies 'Were drinking driver, alcohol had to play a tremendous He was taken to Palmerston Hos role to create the difference be. Pdtal and the leg Placed in a east, tweet' the two gtoups. Fie Will. be ,confined there for some "e Ml:. and Mrs, /aelt Witif;i1 end How does alcohol do that? 1. It Mews down reattitins. family and Mr. Chas, Pierce moved It., creates false confidence. on Satutday tO 'the home just a. It itripalts tOncentration and , eated Mt, and Mrs, Joe Hefter. ." dulls judgement IVir,, and Mrs, Eimer Millet anti 4. It affects vision, &Milk of Elora will be 1110Viag din , Monday to the Wilsen hem. St Marys spent the Week:end with , „ Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lehr, Friends of Mr. Alex Reid will be sorry to hear that while trying to turn a horse biek on Saturday night at the Lorna, Of his ,brother, Mr. Jack Reid, he fell, The restilt Was a severe break above the knee, ANTE Cash paid for dead, Si& "Or taged horsey or • itoWit8 Vree »h#ujonsnialler • Prompt iterSicti With *intik, Cipiiptied"tnk Phooi. LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153 collect or GEORGE HISLOP Wroxeter 2145 'Isfeek-end visitots with Mr, and •Mrs, tat t teats vvete Misses ;lean aria *Mari Brea& and Mrtob • nth Ititchenet and' MK Heti ,Htears of Stratford, •• Mr. and. Mrs, TOM Hutehison, Mr. end Mrs, bill Hutchison and talelly, Mit, Isobel HutChidOn and, • 'MO. Ida Oiillaghet Visited on Sur, - day with Mr, and Mrs, Ross 'Hahn 00WeinotoWn, . StiodaY visitors with Mr, and Mi* flotinan Harding:Were, Mr, and, MrS, JIM .M8A111ster arid faa. ily and:Miss Rata Harding of Lon,' don, MIAs Sperling Of LYda bailout, of ,ttrid tJse Either end •'Mita Harc1ng of TOliOnttt, Mr'. and Mrs, Art Mitchell, MC Albin Atitchell and Miss Elizahetti Shannon attended' the S6tith.4al,i, t *WIT Wedding en litatatrirty itt c*�iTStia, • Gee, Martin, Clerk Auicittary Studies South Ea( -Asia Mrs, Alexander Nitrite() :presided for the regular meeting of St, Andrew's Auxiliary ,of the Wortierea 'Missionary Society held on Tuesday' afteriitain, November 5th, • and Opened the meeting with a tall to .76r shig Theicripttite lessen and a very ' interesting meditation on the rills- siorierY Work of St, Paul, Were pre: • sented bMrs. W, MeKague: Mrs, E. It. Harrison led itt prayer. The •Minutes and. 'correapoirderiee Were read by the; aecretary, Mrs. Hor;, ac Mtchfs�n,rand WS, N, L. Pry ,gaVe the treaStirerl report Pol,, 'lowing the -offering, Mrs. t. bur - 'chill led •In the deelleatoty- Prayer. A"Dear LOrd, Forgive", by olArS: WM. Peril, wao 'very hutch .enjoyed The tObic, "NOW pattetris, fat an tInfinisited, Tole was given in the form of., a panel discussion by Miss tote 'bilkinson, reptesenting • att oVersetr„4 stodgy and. Mrs. aif 41, reflreSelitative 'of • East Asia, .atiat a small potcontage of the population of South gast Asia is "Christian but theXhutebes • ate now 'becoming self.suppottitigi YOUtlir people Are tidies educated to tarty On MISSIOnitry wet* end te meet the !changing •OtiritlitiOnit, Leslie Fortuna :gave an lip twitting report of obodical, and prayer, by Mrs, G. abdkiii brought the Meeting to eldte, BIRTHS MeAkTHUR-,-In winghant Gen- eral ,Hospital, on, Wednesday,. November 6, 1057, to' Mr, and Mrs. Archie McArthur, R,t 1, Wroxeter, a dalighker. WHITE -In •Winkham • General Hospital, ori Tlitirsday, November 7, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Raymond • White, lgrave, a daughter. HELLINGA-4n laringham Gen- eral .HosiltAl,.on Satyrday, Nov- - eniner..9,: 1957, to Mr. and ,Mrs. R,R. 3, Walton, a' driughter.,,, MaeKAY-In Wingham • General • Hospital, an. Tuesday, November 18, 1957. to Mr, and Mrs. Alan • MacKay, Wingham, a on, ], t/ELP the student in your family • to better marks ,and more effi- eient notes. The new • Smith - Corona pqrtable typewriters pro- vide the very finest In compaet, accurate typing eq0ipment Priced from 375.00 up. Ask for •a free trial at The Advance- • Times office. Pbone 34,. •• a-- I bASIir IF You Ltym. 'CASH IF, YOU DM, - ., PrOtectien for the family' a Comfort for Your retirement', - • i All tii one policy. •• 00116114,-*•• FRANK.CI. HOPPER .7--Representative7- • Canada :Life VVINGHAM,- ONT. WANTED A. limited rturciber c; . 'farmers to growa:mini-. mum of onehalf acre. or More of raspberries or strawberries• . imorrrs ur TO $700.00 PER ACRE • Wholesale outlets -fee berries ghantriteed. • Write hnmediately for full particulars to P.O. Box 785, • London, Ont. TUJINl3ERRY TOWNSHIP; MUNICIPAIL ONIINATIONS' Notice, is hereby gfven that the Animal Meeting for the Nomina- tion of Candidates' to filkthe offices of Reeve, Four Counciliors and Members of the School Board of, the TinvaishiO Seitool Area for the Township of Turnberry for the Yeitr 1957 ,will be held at , • . , • • • 5 ••• • • • 5 The Community* Hill in the: - VILLAGE OF BLUEVALE - In the Township of TUrnberryf from ,1" to 2 o'clOcic in the afternoon„' on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER .22, 1957 , That in case there should be more than the 'necessary number of candidates proposed:and it poll demanded, polls will be open from 'nine , o'clock a.m. until five o'clock p.m., on, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER. 30, 1957 AT THE . FOLLOWING prActs, MAT is To SAY: • , • , Pollrng Sub -Division No. 1—at Lower Winghitm School: Don Cleghorn,, DR 0, Mrs, Lea Mc-, Dougall, Poll Clerk. • Polling Sub -Division NO.. 4—at the Community'' Hall,' BlueVale: Alex Corrigan Alex McCriCkin, PoHing Sub;bivisibriNo. 34=itt Powell ,chnok -Gordon Wray, "D`.11,.O;.'Irlarold:GrantilPoll „ Polling Sub -Division No. 4—At Muir's Schonl, Glenannan; Sant Marshall, D.R.O.; Clifford Heffer, Poll Cleric. - ' GEO. T. THOMSON, Clerk - oli,ries Office, TUrnberryi November' 8, 1957. , ' • . a'nct • • FROFE$SIONAC, , A. \Ilo hicTAVISII • • and NOTARY i!unuO TRESWATER oNtAito Titttpbooie 2 TeetiWitter • Wroxeter-alCvatiY Wednesday •afternOnn, p.M., or by appeintirient, • • Frederick F; Hoinuth PhmB. RA Carol E. Horouth, RO tsiri Viola II. Hotaatio RA. optO1011tISTS PRONE' '110 • Ohtitriet! • • HETHERINGTON' •Ete, • Whigitant, Phofl 48 ClitA,WPORI), (be, It,s ilifiltIIERINGTON, BUSHFIELO ' 11305littery S0licItor, NOW% Etelf • Money to Ikein • I Of6e-Meyer Block Wine** • .WELLINGTON- 'FIRE Company • Est, Aft tit 'Ontifitilitti CAMPiiity MACK hits faithfully nerved its galley holders frir .OVM, 1i• t6ntilty, liilead &Mee Toronto • IL CI. litatilt:tati latorsatt Ammo 44 ;]•`]!