HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-13, Page 2pense in providing,. additional - ac- commodation for the patients and comfortable quarters 'for the nurses in training. Miss Edna James of the Wing- ham High School has been ' suc- cessful in securing the first Cafter Scholarship in Huron. County. The value is $100, The rounding up of young' men has begun and the military and civil police will have the right to stop any likely looking man and ask him for his credentials, Men .who have clainied exemption on re- ported for service should carry. the post office receipt for their papers. Neglect of the law means `serious trouble. 0 - 0 - 0 TWENTy-FITE YEARS AGO The Inman News which was started six years ago last April and 'during that time has never missed an issue, has suspeeded publication. Should .times improve the News may again he' published. Mayor W. B. Willis annminced at the council meeting on Monday that his hat was in the ring as eandidate for mayor next year. Be also Invited the present council to stand with bith for reelection, stating that he appreciated their co-operation during the year. About 90 veterans of the, Great War, including veterans from Brussels and Teeswater, were on parade at the Wingham arrnomies last-Sunday,.and, headed by the Wingliam Citizen? Band', paraded to the United Church to attend the 'Remembrance Service. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Robinson have moved to Wingham and will oc- cupy the apartment over the Rush Millinery store. Air. Robinson is -an engineer in charge -of bridge con- sttnetion on the road 'from Wing- ham to Clinton. At a meeting of Knox Presby- terian Church, Teeswater, held on Monday evening, a unanimous call- was extended to Rev. Francis B. Allan, of Arkena, Ont, The con- gregation hope to have a settle- ment before the winter. 0 - 0 - 0 PIVIEEN YEARS AGO The Radio Farm Forum met at the home of •Mrs. Taylor, ,on 'Monday evening and organized a group. The next meeting will lie held at the home "of Mr. Simon .Ballahan. At a. meeting of thin Wingham Retail Merchants Association held on Tuesday evening, the following were sleeted officers of the assoc- iation: Pres., G. L. bunion; vice- pres., Harry Fryfogle; treasurer, B. E. Isard; see, Ed. Williams, It as deckled to blase en Wednesday afternoon, regardless ,,ef a holiday in the week, exeept for the month of beeember. The first session of the High School Literary Society for the tall term• was held in the assembly room of the school on Friday evening..fames Coultes, the presi- dent, was in the Chair; The pro, gramme consisted of a piano solo by Lois Bateson; solo by „ Craig Atuistrong; vocal duet, Grace Hot- elmen arid jean Stewart. The principal, W. Stahl Rall gave the critic't remarks. ll llllll minalsrirtffiihrimi, the Bible Todag By Rev. P. Parson, B.A. 's See. COPer Canada Bade Moiety Prior to 11"`Liberation"' of China by the tommtmists, a young Christian Chinese was asked, "If communists take over, and the freedom of worship, is denied the Church, what will you do? 'The Church will ko underground" re plied the young Chinese, "Are have the Bible in our language and we will carry anti the Chinese Church has carried magnificent- ly. the Britiah and Fordo Bible Seeiety turned over alb its print. lag equipment in i-thriaghi to the China 1311)10 I-louse and theft aehleVements since 1949 have, been Most gratifying and encouraging. even Bible douses are Maintained and 3,294,954 Scriptures have 'been distributed. There is fall liberty granted 'the Bible Society to Maintain its work Of fellowship and integration with the Churches in China. There not, however, the saint liberty to engage telportenrs who will proffer Scriptures for sale in the market phres and on the streets. Suggested. Bible Reeding Wednesday, 2 Corinthians 4: I. Thursday, 2 Corinthians. 611-21; day, 2 Corlett:Irma 9: 1.19; Sat. day, 2 Corinthians, 12: .121.; Matthew 28: 26-46,; Monday, thew 26: 47-79; Ttlesday, I Thessalortioret 4:11419. marridrroiroasitermilai erreemovimuie.,ilemaiweimeerai"eismilareeWP PauCei ebtirtb Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th, Rector W. M. 'Connell - Organist Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity 8.30 a.m.---TToly Communion 11.00 a.m.....Morning Prayer 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School ":7.00 p.m.---tveuing Prayer * 110.) Nov. 1.9,,i—Evening 'Guild in the arish at S p.m. Miss 'Laura. Collar is the pedal fi tpok4r• (ANGLICAN) lid Atli DI./BARRY AlUONuT TABU-REVLON VETER/NARY2LVP1.L ffm,'S' kez-o.E.- • Ciet/Loi-01-4- l 8 0 ),A46149411- P.013ea. I 0, 1046kThalafillt, • 0 'MC 1(. B , ANthet t• p.o. Bk. 5Z On (111. mail, always,include 0 Yam name and return address in upper left corner. Name or person to whom you are writing. Street address, rural route num. her, or port office box number. Name of post office (city, town or Province, "elate, (or equivalent) and country: 57•PO4R gslianalmionilliimmilamoninsultiallionifintimiiaminnimmorL:. -111iiLiciDEN INSULATED OUSE JUST whves AT ALL OF' WEAMEMS QUIRkS4 AND ICINKS4: U U U a U U 40. ,▪ €) VOCAL, TRADEMARKS, Inc. U ----- -T1111111111 /1111/61111191•1119111111110tioinawitilmittinimifillistiiiii toill111111111111110 HEALTH PLAN OFFERS Though V'e` are not yet fully con- versant with all the details of the tion al 'health plan which is to Comb into effect about °fourteen raonths from now, it is evident that it. offer a lleW measure of secur- ity for most families, and Nvill be most appreciated in the lower in- come brackets to xvhich most of us belong, hospitalization insurance has become fairly comunm. with the av,,„ erage wage earner and has proved a great boon to many families when treatment. became necessary. The great weakness with most hospital- ization plans, however, has been the. time:liunt placed upon benefits.'As. long as an illness did not exceed the thirty. or perhaps even ninety days -set out in the policy all was well, but there are many cases in whiCh serious accident or illness confines person to hospital for months pn The new health plan . Will provide forInch emergencies and there -rill not be a time limit on the benefits. payable. It does seem apparent that hos- pitals will be required ..to be fairly - careful about the ."chronic" 'patients maintained - in their care. The authorities: in charge of the plan will insist that only thoSe who are. need of treatment .'atte. kept in hospitals:, This more critical selection of _patients, is 'likely to weed out .good .many.. older pa-. e11ts -who are not - only in pOor . alth bitt haVe'nd other place to go where they can be looked after.. Thus we are brought face to face with a problem which has long plagued public welfare people — the need for a new type of home where. aging folks,: who are not -well enough to live alone, but who are not sick enough for hospital treat- ment, can be accommodated. Even INFORMATION NEEDED A despatch in The Clinton News- Record last week states that the chief technical officer at RCAF Sta-. titan Clinton has confirmed the re- port that natural gas will be Piped to that establishment from fields in Stanley Township. near :Bay field`'. • Another story from Toronto sources tells of oil wells in the 'Grand Bend area producing regularly, Perhaps we are not up-to-date on such matters but • it would appear that the pUblic is entitled to a little more information on the extent and value of the natural resources which Ray lie beneath our feet. For sev- erai years the major oil companies have been drilling test wells at' points over N1,7estern 'Ontario; and then capping them off after leasing the oil an.7d gas rights from farmers who own the land. ii our capacity as repOrterS of Whatever may lie in the public inter- est we have tried many times to secure information as to the discov- eries — whether or not they are of significant value,. Information was simply not forthcoming, presumably to prevent an increase in lease rates. TaXpayers in most of the towns iii this part of Ontario are contrib- ing' to the costs of a development association, prime purpose of which ig to interest industry in locating _here. The association has enumerat- ed every known adYantage Athith is ta be found in this area including our better-than-average water 're- sOitrees. Surely if natural gas ,is available the fact should be an- nounced so that iltTlnstry could be offered that added i ducement. The Wingham AdvanceATimes Pnblislie ;lit Winghar; Ontario Wenger Brother; Publisher; W. tarry Wenger, Bditor VeMber Audit thlreau Of Cirbalitien Autherlsed Setend data )4111, Pod °filet belt Wen -Rate -..- One tear $3.90, Six Menthol fet ndittUlde ti, S. A,„ $4,,W per year Foreign plait flaxi Per wit' Ad,rtlaint tatei tiltlitotAketleig ,THE LESSON WAS OVERDUE Soviet-leaders must be all Aglow with the• pride of accomplishment these clays — that sweet -sensation of having left the other Fellow flat- footed,'Not only have they Manag- ed to get the first artificial satelite into space, they have two f them up there and easily might hate it a. baker's dozen before the western powers get irp the race. It is, of course, quite • passible that a year from now the Russian scientists will be bested at their own game, for a satelite has been under construction in the United .States for irony months and its launching date was• previously pre- dicted for next year. American ex- perts were no doubt making meth- odical progress on the instruments which it would ,airy to provide:the earth people wjth detailed informa- tion about outer space. Again it is possible that the Soviets preferred to -use their knowledge of space exT ploration largely for its propagan- da value, rather than waiting to perfect the MOM: useful data-gather- . niginstruments. . Alt those things are possible — but on the other hand it IS eq u ally possible that they are many jumps ahead of us in the development of both the instrutne:ntS carried in the half-ton sphere and in the all-impar- tam rocket technique which per- mitted them to project it into. its orbit. Certainly there are many in- formed people in the Western world who believe the latter theory, Whatever may be true, even the run-of-the-mill citizen of. our half of the globe is now fully aware that the Russians are something More than a dumb collection of braggarts and bluffers. The last fragment's of isolationism should have been lost in. the United States right after Pearl Harbor, but in recent months there has been ample evidence that fairly influential thinking in the U.S. was veering back to the self-assur- ance of pre-war years. President Eisenhower put a sharp end to that state of mind last week when• he named-a new' mastermind fo-r the American scientific development program. The new man imMediate- lv warned that he would brook ao inter-service rivalfy which might de- lay the development of scientific weapons and instruments and gave notice that l'a.urn teams had better get ready for action. There is one note of hope in the whole situation, X)fdinary folks would be perfectly happy if the boundless energy of rival nations were directed into a race Thr the moon, rather than b_ race toward ;an- nihilation. Surely with the endless spate of the outer universe beckon- ing the sodden fields of Europe will not seem so 7desirable iii the eyes of ambitious dictators, 4, Mushrooms by the million filled the front lawn on the °Charlie Cooke estate in -gingham a few weeks age and made a rather unusual sight. We werd un able to discover if they were of the edible type or, if they were considered weeds by the property owner. We do know, however, that. they do not come up annually but have mde irregular appearances in the past, By now snow has taken over and it may be geveral years before Such a. large-'quantity covers the estate again, ___,kd,vance-Times photo. IMMO .111111! llllll I ii i I iii 1“9111111 ll l 111111010, l .. ..... . lllllll tugar and Spice By Bill Smiley FORTY YEARS AGO What happens to Canadians when wants somebody climbing all over But turnthe same group into, the cave-like-confines of a railway car, and they undergo a startling and rather :horrible change, You stag. ger through that vicious door that either won't open or does, then swings and hits you a nasty slap when you're off balance. You don't want to bother anybody. You just want to find a seat and get rid of that suitcase. You're even ready to be a, bit apologetic. if you disturb , someone who has a seat all-to hitn- selfi But the minute you set through that door, every eye in the placuis oh you. cold, callous eyes, They crouch in their little cubbyholes, eyeing you with hatred and* calcu-. lation. The young ones put their feet, insolently on the spare seat you i appioach, close their eyes and pretend to he asleep. The old ladies thatch up their coats from hangers and drape them over the spirt seat, The fat businessmen stop, snoozing and -immediately scatter briefcases and cigar ashes all over th'eir spare seat, Finally, aflame with rage and embarra.ssreent, you get into a Seat only because the young mother who is occupying half, of it has .to make' ,lunge for the brat she'S travelling with, and hasn't a phance to cover your side of it with diap- ers and orange peels as she intend- ed to. Hattng every sOul in the car- riage, you go on for miles without' a word, smoking furiously because you notice It's a "No Smoking', car and you hope' somebody will complain so .you 'can tell them off. After yon simmer down a bit, you look around with a slightly less° biliut eye,- and decide to be friendly. Just across the aisle is a dignified looking old boy. You -ask him what river that is that you're crossing. 14e stares at you as though you'd made an indecent suggestion, grunts "Dunno" and snatches up his newspaper giving You indig- nant looks out of the corner of his eye, Undaunted, you tarn to the yoUng mother, She can't be So crusty. When yob observe that travelling With Children is quite, a problem, isn't it, she glares at you as though you were trying to seduce,her, Then her features soften and a Crafty look comes into her eye.' She agrees that they are a care aren't they, and you both smile and Shake your heads foolishly. *Three minutes later you find yUursolt holding a kid while his Mother slipped off to "freshen up." About 20 minutes later, after he has wet through his diaper, has Soiled your snit With his chocolaty little hands, and ye n roaring blue Murder because yen gave him a Surreptitious slap when nobody was looking, you grab him and set off to look for his Mother, positive the has fallen off the train. Yon find her in the smoker, gaily smoking end chatting With some Air Force beers, At the nett stop, some people get off, and you frantically rush for tt. Whole empty gent, all to your- self. `Yon just get nicely' settled when tone oaf, Ingeng d great Suitcase* cables staggering in the' -clear, looking for a seat. With snake , Into SPeed, you scatter paper; Mitgatittes and cigarettes nit over the enipty half, earl up in tine SECURITY it our county homes- _for the aged the same problem arises,. Some type „of supervised hom e or housing is defenitely a part of a Properly developed plan for the old- er people in our midst. in the Scan- dinavian countries, where national wealth and resources are only ,a !fraction of those We enjoy, such problems have long since been faced and met. There is no doubt ;that they will be in Ontario,. too, within a „reasonable length of time. The past ten years have -seen some ire- mendous advances in the field of public welfare, and there are many earnest and thoughtful people en- gaged right at the .present time in the formulating of plans for the proper discharge of our responsibili- ties to those who are no longer able to fend for themselves. raga TWO The, Wins-ham AdralleeMot WeillineednY. AL DISPLAY OF M ed and new heating and lighting systems have 'been installed, aboard a railway , train and seein g' the whole queer business again The adjourned regular meeting was rather a shock. of the Wingham Town Council was held on Wednesday evening in Take .a normal group • of Cana- the, town hall. On the motiOn'Tif diaus in any other public Place, a councillors Spotton and Mit chell- yestaurant, on the' street, at a hoc- . the Ladies' Patriotic Seciety you, occasionally was' ,key game, a concert, and they ap7 14 granted,„$200 and the Women's In-J,VORT:,- reasonably :human.. They'll ;AO with which .to buy ;hake edam 4. yarn to assist in the making of sthtle, aP oleglze if they step on socks for the soldiers. yotif foot, and sometimes will even The new addition to the Wing- strike up a. conversation. They''re ham General Hospital is now al- hot p"tieularly effusive, but I like most ,completed. The hospital them all the better for that, Who board has gone to considerable ex- Palmerston, DI3G.M of this ,district paid his official visit to Wingham Lodge on 'Tuesday evening of laat week, Like all of the Kent block, the Masonic Hall has been rencivat-. Rt, Visor. Bro. Hugh Byndrnan, of him and telling-him his life story? they get on trains? That question `has been bothering me since I took a long train ride over ,the week- end,. the first in years, I'd ,forgotten the way my fellow countrymen, and women, act-when they' climb cornet pretend you are asleep, You hear 'big- teett elbmp Up tO, your plate, hesitate, and fo On, and a leer of triumph erosseseloar face, So you sit 4rp, still sinirititig, and the little old lady, who ,followed the big lout in and hid behind hirn steps, up alltrsaYs Snroct)y: "la that teat taken, young Man?" ---- SAFETY PARTIES 'Hanover Kinsmen: Club, with Mr, newa?d, Stehle 41,5 chairman' of the committee in charge, are Ar- ranging a series of ten Safety Parties at theParamount Theatre Opening early in December, in co- operation with, the management of tho theatre, Each child will receive an iden- tification card, and after he or she has attended five meetings and knows the ElMer the Safety Efe- phant rules, will receive an Elmer 4 the 0444, Mephant 'Amt., which can be- worn on, a J40'4. Conti:tie, ing his or her attendance until.the end of the series, cards will be turned in, and students having at- tended the ten Meetings will be eligible to enter, their c ards M a/ lucky draw for a bieycle. New cards will, then be Issued, whicih, must be ,<arried as a 'Means of identification at all times. Weekly lueitY seats will also IA given. ), $gt, Pearsall'of the PrOvin'etal " Safety Connell will guide informs- " tie; property safety equipment, etc. s The program will he in addition to the usual :matinee film .allowing and is sponsored jointly by, the Kinsmen 'Club, the Paramount Theatre ,and the Hanover Pollee Pepartment,--flanover .Post. CscpiuChs? cleanses, beautifier ref, 490 90, COD- LIVER OIL CAPSULES 89 Convenient way to take Cod flyer oil, reg, in3.0 Cold Cream SOAP 2 '23c 1.2 foi $120 Bath •size With Lanolin; for DEEP MAGIC LOTION 2., 99c SAVE .510. Regular 7i5C size Hinds Homey & Almond CREAM SAVE Sidi - Regular Oe., size for Fludnut Egg Creme SHAMPOO $1 • 29 Regular §2:00 size for only ..... ,,...,...•....... ........ Regular 79c, $L29,(t . ract of ...... anti boa LC iv!,?, Oil) $11 69 ,IDAMALT 63