HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-13, Page 1EUCHRE WIRONETER, The WroXeter WI. will Sponsor a progressive euchre in 'the Corn- munity on November 14th,' at 8,35. Admission. 25e. Ladies please brag lunch, Proceeds for Hall„ Flab tv6Tutu A' euchre party Will be held the SaOred Heart Parish Hall, join tuesdaY. NoVetriber 10th, at 8.80 P.M. Good prizes. Lunch Served. ,Everybody welcome. yiab Nogekr. cunttio Minted' curling will sta Sat., Nev,, 16. . All ladies are Urged to Coble and :enjoy this • grand sport. Flab / anialgOnated fictorrie Vidette and Wroxete; OR MICE AND MEN—Says the DurhaM Chronicle: Editor Barry Wenger of The - AVarice-Times writes about Peculiar 'Street names '.' in bis town, suggesting that a more "euphonious title than 'Minnie' could be found: for a local street. We don't :like, to: interfere in the problems of a neighboring town but we recall an article in The Ad-, .,.' vane-'Times a few menths ,ago, (erring to the fact that Walt 1 0, . ., OneY'S• father • Was a former' Fe- eirient of the legality, Walt Dis ;ley Went to Mallywood, created' Mickey and Minnie Moase and they 'became famous. Wingharn shorild be proud to have Ivlinnje :as • a 'Street :name. Not every corn- nraity'llas an "oppOrtunity for 4 tie up 'with . a fanippo movie ,and television' queen, If the name is to be. changed it, should, only be to the extent of adding the sur- -name:'Ivforise'. ' ' ' ' • ' : 0 - 0 ..-9 ,igoirr MEETING—Members of the local -Lions Club go, to Blyth tor- dinner, tomorrow (Thursday) ,evening,, ,',.The occasion is a, joint meeting with the Blyth Lions, when they;will be addreaped-,J:iythe District Governor on' his Official Visit: ALONG. THE MAIN DRAG .BY The Pedestrilin .The scene on Monday at• the Wingham .cenotaph as town: officials, ,service club members, and veterans place wreaths in; memory of the men who died in two world wars. The picture showo Norm •Welwood The Canadian 'Legion Marked. taph; When a large: nuMber of 11,e gionfigire'a;' ', members of ;:::the Members of the armed :forces, and `civic officials gathered at 'the war :membrial, where „an .'address was given by Capt, John Irvine,. of the RCAPC; , ' On Sunday morning the Legion members assembled et• the Legion luirrie and marched 'to the United Church as snow fell steadily from an overcast sky. They were led, by the Galt Citadel Salvation Ar- mY Band. The services at the emembrance Services at Church ,nd CenotaFhTribute to Fallen placing a wreath on behalf Of' the!Wingharn Businessmen Association. *Advance-Times photo: Jaques Honor ar Dead and emory Officials 0. . , TOLD YOU ,80--Remeuther.that • witty little remark: of mire' iast week about the big , black' , clouds gathering with every appearance .or snow in the offing.' Since ' we, managed' :to' be so, ,accurate last week we will henceforth. keep' our predictions ,out ,print3,--unleSS they are :for ,fine: weather.: • ALL'MIXED,UP--With . hunters. out treking.around the country- side' in pursuit of deer this week; a pal dropped in to• saig:6si : that. we V pup to' Georgian. Bay, for a try ,:at•,,rofiboyr 0out...•,0•Oggosing .0 - LASTED •vvyibr., ,A-.4.yviogbum • couple, visiting. ..friendO in ' Galt, exclaimed over the •delicious molasses ' cookies served; by their hostees,' who then explained that theY were the „last , of" a lcing line. The • _molasses with which .the cookies Were Parcha.sed frein 'the Graham Grocery .in Wing- ham helora the • couple,: moved to Galt fourteen years trato.f., 0:`, 0 : 6 ALL QUIET7We• liked- nrizrk bf, Legionnaire Oda,: week who , took. a. critic ;on; Monday's ReMembrance,service to task; It seenna':a. townsman Was criticising 'the ;number of.: small children, shOuting: and jUmpitig around by' the cenotaph' While. the speakers. were ,making therriselves 'heard,. "That,, my friend, is one of the things I; and , thousands of, other guys fought for," Said: the veteran. MELLO MOON — If recently you've heard a "beep" sound; over' your telephone you an rest as- , eared Yott 'were not connected.. to any man-Made Moen, The "beep" in 'Your telephone directory issued' this Week, can be heard every 15 peconds if the peroon With whom: you are ;talking is recording year conversation, The irse'bta recorder :for telephone conversations Is riot ,pettnitted without the' beep-signal.. 0,- 0 - 0 DEAR DEER* Aecerding 'Wigs WorntWOrth; 1.t;ial, wild life overseer, the hotteat soot so < far rePOrted for deer (the four day open season began on Tuesday) Was in the Saratoga "swamp area, u near Aubtirn, Uuntere do not seem to be as ,numerous as expected this year, BAZAAR AND TEA The Ladies' Aid of Kilok Church, Bluevale are holding a Wear and tea in the Church hall on Friday, November 15th, at 3 pan, F13b CHRISTMAS TEA Wednesday, November 13th iS'tlie date to remember tor.the Christ- MO Tea and Sale at the Winghitni.• United :Church. There Will be an ROOM: display at rXelock. Map Oakes and a hake table also Ietitatert, nursery far entail ehild, 11"6„:13b 111./RNBERRY TOWNSHIP ' • EEO. OE ADICIDMIALE 'The' nmeting,ot the 'township of Tirriabeity Vederation :of Agricut tare Will be held in drilmithit's School, oh 'Wednesday, Novoniber 13th, at '8.80 p.m. Ilttrold Elliott, 1Yresideitit, ' R6:1,3b ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hays of Wrexeter wish` to 'announce the engagement of their daughter Margaret Nirenb to -Charles Lean. Fraser, son of Mr. and Mitls. Addison Fraser; of Wingham, The wedding Will take place' in Novem- ber, , • F1.3* RECEPTtON A ,.reception and dance will be held at the Royal T Wingham on Friday, November 15th for 1Vir. and Mrs. Ronald 1VicKinnon, I heWlyuieds. Music by Eddie Young and his Ramblers of HarroVer, -Everyone is welcome, F13,13 CARL) PAOTY Bluevale, Wonign's Institute will hold their first euchre in the Cornmunity Hall on 'Friday, No:" Vernber 22nd, Lunch provided, Prizes?, Everyone welcorrie, Ad- mission 50 cents, F13" NEEDED FOR ROADS EMMEN REPORTS A warning of -higher taxes in the making was" the .outstanding fea- ture of the opening meeting of•Hri- ron County Colincil's November session this Week. County Engin- cei W. Britnell informed the council that if the present high- way program of 20 ranee of new road 'each year is to be maintain- ed, the mill rate for that purp',%se will have to be increased. The pie- eta rate is 5.15 mills. The engin- eer said that 8 mills Will be need- ed for the next year, - The: new rate would raise ap- proximately $1,000,000 for road pur- poses. The engineer alOo said that the county will have to Make definite plans for the spending of , more than the present $100,00o a year on new bridges if the highways are to be kept- in operating Vondition. Opening the session, Warden Harry Gowdy, of Howick, said that costs of county" administered go*- SALvATitols1 AlttMir UAZAA1t, The bazaar and.'hake, sale Will be held in the dettnell chambers 00 SiturclaY, Novernher 22,,at 3 eeleelt, cenotaph 'on tire. 'following however,.. , we'rt held. in''brigl~t?'si1 . tered the ilags, and 'banners'rcar.- ried by. the various organizations taking part; Wreaths were placed at ,the foot •of 'the memorial by civic officials; service club officers, representa- tives of women's organizations and school children, Captain Irvine, addressing the ,gathering at the' cenotaph, remind-. ed them of , the high price paid in w two world ars in the sacrifice of so many of the nation's manhood. "It is to ,be hoped," he said, "that this high price for peace was' not spent in vain,' that we' remember the fallen not, only today but on every day of the. Year." Assisting in the service . were John Pattison, president of Branch 180 Canadian Legion; the Rev. A. Nimmo. D.D., of \St-Andrew's Pres- byterian Church and the Rev. D. J. MacRae, Wingham United Church. The parade was led down the main street by the Lions Club Boys' and Girls' Band, under the leadership of A. C. Robinson, the bandmaster. He also sounded the Last Post and Reveille. .„ Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary members who formed the color party Were David 'crothers and V, Ducharrne, Barbara Dawson and. Mrs, S„ Forsyth. • " The Girl Guide world flag, bear- ing the world emblem of Guides, the trefoil. In gold on a blue ground, Was used for the first time by 'the Wingham Guide company at the Remembrariee service On Monday.. The flag was carried by patrol leader- Myrna Robinson, who was escorted by Sue Nesmith and Gail Henderson, both 'patrol seconds. Two plaques, one honoring the memcty of Mauls Township men who were killed in both world wars and the other in recognition of former Morris Township officials, were unveiled and dedicated at an impressive ceremony held on Mon- day afternoon at Morris Township hall, Pictures of' the Queen and Prince Philip were also dedicated at the service, which was conduct- ed by ?ev, Bren de Vries, of Trin- ity Anglican Church, Blyth, and Rev. D. J. Lane of St. 'Andrew's Two Are Hurt In Accidents S Two accidents were reported' from the Wingham General ilospi- Cal this week. Both happened„ on Thursday, November 7th, Neither was serious. - Sharon Ann Grubb, 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Artbilr Grubb, of )3luevale, was admitted after 'she had fallen from a horse,. The girl suffered head and back injuries and fractured 'a finger, Yesterday hospital officials report- ed that she was 'in a satisfactory condition. The victim of the second: acci- dent was ;virs.'W. A. Heughan, of Wingham, .who fractured her right wrist when she fell on a, slippery. ,siaravalke, Was,aa.pplied -at the Wingham General Hospital, where Mrs, Heughan is still .a pat- ient, She was reported to be in a satisfactory condition yesterday.• • Mrs. John Mason Ninety Years Old BELGRAVE—congratulations to Mrs.'John W. Mason, of concession 7, East Wawanosh, who celebrated het 90th birthday on November 6. Presbyterian Church,. Blyth, as well as the Clinton and' Auburn church* es, The -unveiling of the soldiers' plaque was performed by Mrs, John Spier, William Isbister, former reeve of the township, un- veiled the second plaque, on which there are the names of 82 reeves,. 12 deputy reeves, seven clerks and five treasurers. Stewart Procter, representing the township, accepted the Sacred trust,' and promised to' guard the At an executive meeting of the Wingham Business Association last week plans wree . completed for the visit of Santa Claus to town on Saturday, November 30th. Santa will arrive at the C.N.R. Station 'at two o'clock, and from there will make his way by sleigh down the 'main street to the five Corners where ,he will 'distribute candy to the youngsters, To fill out a great afternobn for the kid- dies there will be skating at the arena for all children :of nubile school age and under, as the guests of the• Wingham Business Association. The Business Association would like to point out to •businessmen and citizens of the town in, general that a current shortage of funds will' make silk possible contribu- tions most welcome to assist in -defraying,,the.'-'-expenser.--of.'-the Christmas function. Membership .feep in the -association are only $10.00 per year,, of which $8.00 is spent :to entertain the children on the occasion of 'Santa's visit and for the decoration of the main street.. Those who have not paid their fees are asked to do so at once and those non-Members who would like to help along are asked to contact either' Warren Callan or Jim Currie. plaques in honor of the faithful and devoted lives In whose mem- ory the tahlets are erected, The hall was crowdedite eaPitcr ity by people from the, towashid wire had come to Witness the cere- mony. Among those present Was R. B. McKinney, Wingham mayor, the name of whose brother, Leslie Me- . Kinney, is among those on the 1914-18 section of the ,soldiers' plaque. Other names engraved on the bronze tablet are:. Henry' (Hank) Anderson, Robert Lawion, George Davis; James IVIeCallion, Richard Fay, William. Forbes, Charles, For- rest, Daniel O'Toole, Joha 'Pass: more, William Hall and Manson Taylor, who fell in the first World' War, Those named, who died in the 'second conflict are: RusOel Barnard, Charles Benda,11, Harry Cummings, King Hastings, Arthur McLean, Donald Murray, Joseph Nicholson,' Gordon Nichol, ROY Pierce, Jack Spier and Archie Young. In paying tribute to the soldiers who had fought and died for their country and to the pioneers of the township Rev.. Lane said: We have gathered ourselveshere this November afternoon for :a very definite and worthy purpose, namely, to unveil and dedicate a memorial to those who have' liv; ed in the Township of Morris in (Please turn to Page Twelve) VISITING SPEAKER FOR LEGION BANQUET A large gathering .of lecal. vet- erans and their wives, members of rite Ladies' Auxiliary to the Wing; ham Branch a the Canadian Leg,- ion, civic' officials and Canadian Legionnaires, attended the branch's first mixed banquet, which was held in the Anglican Church base- ment on :Monday evening. • Officials present included John W. Hanna, M,P.P. and Mrs. Hanna; Mayor R. E. McKinney, of Wing- • ham; Rev,. Carl Krug; Captain John Irvine. RC.A.P.C.; Dr',. Alex-, ander Nimmo, the Legion branch chaplain; Envoy 'and. Mrs. New- ' man, of the Salvation Army -Cita- del, Wingham, and Mr. and..krs. . John Bateson. In charge of the proceedings was president of the Wingham Branch of the Legion, John Pattison, who was acconipart- led at the head table by Mrs, Patti- son. Mayor McKinney welcomed those present and paid a tribute to the work of the branch in Wingham. The principal speaker for the eveaing was Captain John Irvine, who was introduced by Envoy Newman. Captain Irvine delivered an address in which he stressed the importance of preparedness' for the future in religion and in defence, He said that today this country seems to be awakening to the re, sponsibility owed to the nation and to God, After the banquet a social and dance was held in the Legion home, PriZe-winners during the evening were Mrs, Barbara Daw- son arid Mr, Stewart Forsyth, NOMINATIONS SET FOR LAST FRIDAY POLICE ALERTED BY AUTO THEFTS Police Chief Bert Platt issued a warning to car-owners in town this week to keep' their cars locked after an attempted car theft late On49UndaY--evehing:i-The-'-Wingliarn Pollee Department and members of the 'Ontario 'Provincial Police have been alerted with the recent increase in car thefts in this area and are at present conducting a careful Check' on vehicles, ' This week the Ontario Provin- cial Traffic Squad under Sgt. Rutherford. of Kitchener, stopped and checked 85 cars on the out- skirts of -Wingham. The check r.esulted in 44 warnings and, two charges to careless. motorists. Remenibrance with twO;Cere7 ,•tft 64 -;•VPelt4hil,* Oa Sunday Veterans paraded ;1.0 the Wingham'' United .:Churich to hon- er the •fallen in prayer and hymns. Among ,.'the gongregation were many mothers and fathers, Widows and .childrenof, men who had loSt their. ivea :in• two world wars. The service was conducted, by Rel.'. D. J. MacRae, who based his sermon on the words, „."Lest, We Forget", On"Mohday an impressive Inem7 orielservice Was held at. the ceno ENGAGEMENT Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Shiell: of MILLION DOLLARS Whigharn announce the 3 engage, ' • meat.'of. ,their younger daughter, Marilyn 'Isabel to Mr. Eminerson Clarence Simmons, son '.of Mrs: Bertha Simmons, of Wingharn, The wedding to take' place the middle of November, 1-11134. etnntent had risen daring the year St. Helens Couple and that it :was eVident that the • * f.j Years Aviarrtea present budget Would het meet - next year's demands: 'Specifically ' WHITRCHURCH---Mr. and Mrs. Mentioned was the increasing ost George' Walker and Clarence visit- of indigent Are, The county Spent ed on Saturday With her parents, $86,846.00 for the bare of indigents Mr, and IVIrs. Wi i. Humphrey of frerri the fhtst of this year to the $t, Helens, who, Were celebrating end of October, the sixty-fifth anniversary of their The annual .warden's bEiravet marriage, Their family, with 11 was held in the attditeriuM of knOx grandchildren and 25 great grand.- Presbyterian:- Churell it Gederldh ohildren, 'were all present 'for the Tuesday evening,- occasion, as were Many neighbors Who dropped in to visit their friends of trimly years, , Herb Nilo spent a NW days in Chicago attending the Nat- tinder the iiiipiceS of the Salva- tion Army Ho". League,' vbr.s,„ lenal, Metal Congress ,,and Expos!. eire *clothe, 513:20h Von, • Free Skating: for hen :Santa Pays: Vs# COMMITTEE MEMBERS ADMIRE PLAQUE MeMOrlal committee members Walter Rhertreed mid IttalPh ShaW adinire the bronzelalaclue showing the Ji it of Moitig Townphip officials who served through the years., The platlue Was unveiled at a ceremony held in the Morris Township en Monday. A thi.rd riternber Of the' nierflOtittl COMMIttee, Richard PrOtteri Was unable, because httella the L-Advanee-Tivies photo, Nomination and election ,dates have been announced by the Town of Wingham and the. Townahip of • Turnberry. Roth munktipalitleO haVe set their nomination days 'on November 22. In Turnberry :the nominations Will be received front to '2 p.m. and lit Wingham 'the hour is from 1:3() to 8.30 Election, if necessary, will be held, in Turnberry on Saturday, NoveMber 80. If a vote is requir,i, ed it Whigham it will be beta On' Monday ,beteelnber 2. The Township of 'rurnherry quires nertihiatiOna for -the offices of reeve,. four councillors and t,WO rrienibera of the nehool area board. In Witighttin nominations Will be. received for mayors 'reeve, 'tilaimte reeve, enntieillots, font Scheel titiateeS arid one. utilities.