HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-06, Page 7rvi'lr'7,7.7.1rs .1 1 a. IF; r 1."IrePrilarlrls7 '11`1"6"1"47riallir.77171friP7 -7110717'•; RUBBER, . BOOTS.. MEN'S $445 BOYS' WOMEN'S $3.45, - - , WII;IG,HAM 1 W. R.•HAMILTOK • ,OPTOMETRIST Thoroughness — Ability — Time tested e i Phone 37 for appeintment Photo of heart ilperationhy cootie* of The Hospital for Sick Children, Toront0 • New hope for prevention •of fleart Pisease In spite of accurate diagnosis, advanced medical science and surgery, heart djsea,se is still the greatest killer ltrday. What causes it? Can it be preyented7 The National Heart Foundation of Canada, recently \ formed, will intensify the search for the answers to these questions. The Life Insurance Companies in Canada are supporting this • • Foundation because it is so important to the future health of Cana- dians. They •have made substantial grants to cover the cost- of launching the organization. The Foundation Will encourage intensive research into the causes o heart. disease by every.peasible means -It -will :seek to,stimu1ate., professional and lay education and help family doctors to keep abreast of the newest developments in diagnosis and treatment. Support of the National Ilectrt Foundation is just one.of many ways in which the life itzsitrance companies in Canada are helping to create g healthier, happier life for Canadians, THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA 1457D t 'Ern In!* Voligoon111111•111111111M Get It On! ') Get 'Em Out! ION Feeding testeat the SHUR-GAIN Demonstra- tion Farm have proven , that you can build MORE BEEF, FASTER and :at LESS COST • with " • Your cattle are, or soon will be, in the barn. Now your objective is lo get on the greatest possible gain'in the shortest, posiiible time at the lowest possible cost. There is a prOven SHUR-GAAN Feeding program for every kind of beef feeding ,operation. There's one suited to your requirements, Drop into •the mill and let ,us help you plan your winter feeding program. , • , CANAP.A. PACK RS LTCla • • wiNGBAK • • • 40' ...^11,1•T raient * 101811801 4401111410.130)(ka, WeCfneliitstn 11,(4,91 YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE GROUPS ARRANGED FOR HOCKEY SEASON A large number of hoekeY en- tlitislasts from intermediate Pintas in the district were in Winghant Town Hall on Friday night •kt help arrange. club groupings foe the coming htickey season. JPhn Bell, .of Listowel, new president of the *W.O.A:A„ presid- ed at the meeting and opened the Meeting by .introducing the newly appointed executive, Ed Wells, of Desborough; Jim Inglis, Atwood;, George Croft, Hantiver; Glenn Johnson, Fordwich; Alf • Lock - ridge, 'Wingham, and Doug Thorn - dyke, of Clinton. It was stated that the Associal- tion had recently ;met with the Ontario Hockey, Referees' Associa:. tion and an agreement had been reached and signed for this winter.. The rate of payment for referees, will be 39 for ,scheduled • games With a maximum allowance of $5. One of the evening's highlights was •the presentation of a .grand champion 'series trophy to mem- berg of the Wingham softball team. The presentation was,Inad'e by the lst vice-chairman of the WOAA, Norm Hill,, of New Hamburg, to Ivan Gardner, of Wingham. Crests were presented .to Mr. Gardner, for distribution to his team m4m- bers, by executive member Jim Inglis. The new groupings for the in- termediate clubs—all but three, in- cidently, home-brew teams—took up a large part of the proceedings. When this arrangement had r been completed, conveners for the groups were .appointed. During the grouping Of the clubs a questioner asked the presi- dent if he would give an interpre- tation of the Thome brew system" and hive the • population of , the town. affected the home brew plac- ings. • Mr. 13ell said that the system was worked on a population basis and he explained that with a PoPU- lation of up to 500 the club would be elastified-arlr-horne brew."'D" team' up to the 1,000 population figure, the team would be in the "C" clap, and the home brew "B" • teams were drawn from towns with a population of up to 4,000. The three teams not in the home • brew •class, but includedin the intermediate club groupings, are New Dundee, Clinton and St. Clements. Teams were placed in the fol- lowing groups: Group 1, New Dun- dee, Philipsburg, Mitchell, St. Clements, Milverton 'and Elora, with Bill Banner as convener. Group, 2; Hensall, Exeter, Lucan, Forest, Ilderton (some doubt was expressed at the meeting as to whether a team • from ilderton would be .coming into the group) Zurich, Clinton and Parkhill, with Douglas Thorntlyke . as convener. Group 3, lestowel, Palmerston, and Harriston, Wingham and Elora, both originally placed in this group, were switched, Winghazn Moving into group 4, and Elora going into group 1. In group 4, the. teams are, Han- over, Port Elgin, Kincardine, Wingham and Wiarton, Herman Young is the convener. One other group, 5, holds 'only one team, St Colurnban, a "D" class. team, RECEPTION HELO FOR BALL TEAM 'Mayor R. E: McKinney, backed by a thlloveing of the supporters of the Jriterniediate softball team Were waiting at the toWn hall at one o'clock on Wednesday xnorn- frig when the team arrived home from Markdale sifter defeatieg that thWit's WOAA entry to win the grand chturipienships They took the series ki two straight wins. t extending ongratulations to. the team; the Mayor ;lid that a more formal acknowledgment Of. their success Wcalld be arranged at a later date, Gerd Welwooct team 'captain and Ivan Gardner, the &Mello expressed appreciation for the reeeptiell and for the ItIneh, supplied by the ladies and soft drinks brought bY the Lee hrothera. The boys whd Organized the teak this year are truly deAVirig of eollgratulatiOns, for they Started tile season Without funds Or eqUipti ritent And &Spite spotty support throughout the Sumter, :Managed to einerge With the WOAA grand •eharripienthip. One supporter -in »atticij1tr has been Mentioned for her loyalty to the tentil. Mra. Ivan Gardner, Wife of the coach, was out Or etzery genie and handled Moat of the tieket salos. The bOYe are in h�» e that if the team. cat be re.orgiallited for next )freir the Wingham balI fanti tiith OM to boot their *Mkt,. HIGH SCHOOL Highlights FOOTBALL On Tuesday, October 29, Wing - ham Mustangs emerged as group champions when they demolished the Goderich squad by a score of 28 to nothing, on the latter's .horne gridiron. With a brisk wind • on their backs the Wingham boys took an ea,rly„lead by sending a kick out of bounds in the end zone with Freudeman doing the booting. When Winghames attack seemed to get nowhere, they gambled on a field goal from the thirty-five line, and Freudeman' s magic toe sent the -ball between the uprights in spite of a cross wind. Thus at the end of the first quarter, it was Wingham 4 Goderich 0. In the second quarter, Wingharn backed the Goderich eontingent into their own end, and the defence for Wingham, under the leadership of Ken Coultes figured the play exactly, Hodgkinson knew • just where to go to interectp a Gode- rich pitchout and • romped the twenty yards forthe .first touchdown and last for the first touchdown and last for the first half. Wingham's strange dis- ease of "no convertitis" displayed itself and the ball went far wide of the posts. When the whistle blew for half-time, it Was Wing - ham ahead bY 10-0. ' •In the third quarter Wingham by Ken. Coultes set, Wingham-. anenvlable position of first down" REcEivEs TROPHY on the enemy's twelve -yard line." Quarterback Kennedy handed off twice and on the second try Hodg- kinson "racked" up. his second un- converted touchdown of the game. To prove it wasn't all luck, Wing - ham drove deep into the Goderich end and on a third downHodgkin- son took a pitch out • and then heaved the pill to Nesmith in the end , zone, five* yards from any opposition members, Need I say? No convert. Hetherington was too much for the Goderich defence and made large gains down field and then wrapped up the scoring in the game by getting the touchdown with ease. • On one occasion in this quarter Wingham was removed from trouble by a 60 yard kiclt by Freudernan. Hat'd tackling by such defensive •stalwarts as Ritchie, Howard, -• Higgins and Hotchkiss Caused the Goderich team to fumble on many occasions. A brief Literary 'Executive meet.. ing was held 'in roorn 16 on October 28 with the preaident, Torn Bry- ciges in charge. The main purpose for this' meetirik was to select a programcommittee for the next two Literary meetings, The firet of :these 'meetings is to be held on November 15 and the second one after the examinations., The fol- lowing students were chosen as the • committee for the November 15th meeting, Grade IX—Greer Dunlop, nominated by Ruth Hodgins and Seconded by Elayne Wood; •Grade X—Ron Robinson, nominated by Walton McKibton and seconded by John lvferkley; Grade X1.—Bruce :ranger nominated by Sylvia Alexander and seconded by Vera Sharpe; Grade XII—Nfaryitae New- rntin, nominated by Ian Mundell and seconded by Marianne Arc- Kibbon; Grade XIII—Ken Gilkin- son of XIIC, nominated by Vera Sharpe and seconded by Mary Lou Dunlop. The'committee was also chosen for the second meeting. Grade. IX—Sue Nesmith, nominated • by Greer Dunlop seconded by Ruth Hodgins; Grade X—John Merkley, nominated by Ron Robinson, sec- onded by Walton McKibben; Grade • XI—Wayne Brown, nominated by John Xerkley and seconded by Walton McKibben; Grade XII—Ian • Mundell, nominated by Marianne McKibben seconded by • Maryltae Newman and Grade XIII Barry McQuillin. It was moved by Marianne Me- Kibbon and seconded by • John Merkley that the meeting be ad- journed. --by Marianne McKibben FOOTBALL TEAM.' showed more power and ecovery a rH.S. In the last quarter Wingham re - laked with. their „large lead and only succeeded in arousing Gode- rich tempers to the point where the game was called several min- utes early becauSe of fighting on Goderich's part, However, it. made no difference, and Wingham won the group chaznPionship with a spirit lifting' score of 28-0, —Torn Brydges XIII • A pleasant ceremony was enact- ed at the Wingham District High School on Friday evening, when A D. MacVVilliam, a member of the school board, made .a presenta- tion of the Hanna-NI/limo Cup to the school/football team. The cup was first presented four years ago in memory of two of the sellout's athletic „ champion; who were killed in arl automobile accident and. has been up for annual com- petition since that time as the top award for the district football championship. • Bob Campbell the coach of the school team, made the introduc- tory remarks at the presentation ceremony, which took place in the school auditorium prior to a "vic- tory" dance held in honor of the team. . • • A FRACTION OF AN INCFI Make's All The Difference-, ... when Tip Top experts take your measurements °end hand cut and tailor ybur suit, Subtle differences in narrower lapels, slightly higher lapel notches, slightly narrower • inore natural shoulders will give you a suit that is right for put. 65 Cominettizzl Leucite The final game of the • first series Was played on Tuesday night, The Jester s /tented front third place to the top and have won the first series, Three teams are tied for second plaee, jesters, 21; SitzlerS, 19; Drivers, 19; Jets, 19;. Spitfires,, 14; Moll, gans, 13. High mires ,.for ,,the night: Ladies' high Single, Mrs, C, Lott, 282; men's high single; T, jardin, 311; ladle& high triple, Mrs, C. Lett, .644; Men a high triple, fr. jardiri, /28, Seorea for the Series*: Ladles high single, yrs a Lott, 282; .high single, Jatdln, 311'; ladies' high triple, lvtts, d. Lott, 644; Men's high triple; G. Oftmercill, 750f • EBIGHOFFERS (Wingham) Limited 1 1 101' 1 \0R • PHONE 12 Harold Cantelon Parks Supervisor W. H, Cantelon, former Wing - ham boy, has been named to the post of snperviSor of parks in the Tweed district, Eastern Ontario. He has been employed by fine Department of Lands and Forest% Ontario Government, since leaving Wingham, For a time he was a game overseer in the Huron Die trict, stationed at Hespeler. He is a son of Mr, and Mrs,,Roy Cantelon, of Winglaam, DONNYBROOK The W.M.S. and W.A. will meet tm Tuesday, November 12th at the home of Mrs, H, Jefferson. Messrs. WO Jefferson, George Naylor, Roy and Keith Hardy have. returned ;rem the West, •1VIrs, Anson Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. John Thorkton and family of Gerrie, were Sunday visitors at the home of IVIr. and Mrs. H, Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs, El- liott Sandy, Ashfield, Mr. Sam Thompson and Mrs, Cecil Chamney were visitors on Sunday with Mr, Chaniney. at Vic- toria Hospital, London. Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. John R. Thompson and Howard included Mr, and • Mrs. Mark Armstrong at Belgrave, Mr. and' Mrs. Joe Thompson and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Barker and Teddy of Goderich. _,„„ CROWN Theatre - Harristoll WED, THURS., FRL, SAT., November 6-7 - 8 - 9 "TAMMY AND THE BACHELOR" Debbie Reynolds, Leslie Nielsen Walter Brennan Drop that broorn and come to the theatre: Enjoy fascinating Debbie Reynolds in the sweet- est - funniest lenience ever filmed. MON TuEs. - WED. • November 11 - 13 - 13 "GUNFIGFIT AT THE 0.K.'CORRAL" Starring Burt Lancaster And Kirk Douglas Bigger and Better than Shane. Keeping faith with the heroic dead a two4 • s wars has a greater significance than ever. Tqi day •many veterans are still feeling the Png.P4 of suffering of mind all body 'they need - your help Please buy ,a Poppy, wear it with pride, Remembrance Day, Monday, Nov, 11t6 There is No Substitute For, Experience Experience makes us your best bet for speedy repairs with top quality workmanship at low prices, With us,, there are no 'second guesi". expenses. ,SEE US FOR SURE Specialists in Collision Repairs and Re -painting ASMIAM GIV1DN WO/ghat/0 'Body Shop Phone 746' • Sid Adams Prop. Winghani We Instal!AIR ',•••v4.4..Rm GAS, OIL OR iye.,,Als'FIRED GRAVITY OR WINTER AIR CONDITIONING MODELS PERCY CLARK Plumbing - Heating Air Conditioning Winghani Phone 255 1 / VZ. lat'N /64 AV The Huron County Council ' Will meet at the COURT HOUSE, GODERICI-I TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, 1957 at 2.00 P.M. All'accounts, notices of deputations,letc., should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 9th, 1957 . . . A. H. ERSKINE, 'Clerk, County of Huron. Free! Marie Fraser's • new .Butter recipes. Write today • • DAIRVIFARNIENS OP CANADA 409 Huron Street. Toronto on DEBENTURES • and • GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES 1,2 or 3 Years)) , THE HURON & ERIE MD I 'EFD"riNAM CANADA TRUST MOWN:A CF CORPORATION Dlstrkt Repteggn atives ORAWIPOlin & FIETHEItINGT014,, WINOtiltist .4, W. At SHIJIttri, Wirt0HAM 0, N. WVE1E, WM:WWII%