HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-06, Page 6Rai and the Starring delightful Debbie Reynolds, Leslie Nielsen and Walter Brennan VISITING. LADIES SEE SLIDES ON JAPAN. GORRIE—Thd Wotnait's Atudi, iary of St. Stephen's Anglican Church were hostesses on Monday to over 50 ladies, `members of the W.A. at Brussels and at Fordwich, also W.M.S, members ,- from the Gorrie United church and • the Presbyterian Church, when inter- esting slides cai Japan were shown by the Rev. E, C. Atti,vell. Japan is the subject of mission study this year. Mrs. Crosby Sothern, Fordwich, gave a talk on the-StUdy book and a skit was presented by Mrs. Em- erson Ferguson, Mrs, Lloyd Jac- ques, Mrs. Emerson Hargrave and 2.VIrs. S. Forester. Mrs, Gordon Underwood, president of the Gor- rie W.A., welcomed the guests. A- social time was enjoyed over a cup of tea. Officers Elected For Sewing Course GORRIE—The first meeting of the 4-H Sewing Course was •held at the, home of Mrs. E, Dinsmore, on Monday of last week at 7.30: The purpose of the club is to make a wool skirt or jumper. There are 22 members. Mrs. E. Dinsmore, Mrs: Glen Johnston, Mrs. C. Snar- ling are the leaders. The new officers are: Pres., Faye Edgar; vice-pres., Jean Greer; sec.-treas., Yvonne Sperling; press reporter, Ruth Edgar and Evelyn Ann Stephens. The second' meeting was held at Mrs. C. Sparling's on Saturday, when patterns were altered and girls were shown how to shrink the material. WMS Thankoffering Sunday Evening W.M.S. ThS..nkof- fering service of the Fordwich Un- ited Church was held on Sunday night in the church auditorium. Mrs. Ken Graham and Mrs. Stan- ley Bride were in charge. Mr. Austin Stinson opened the meeting with a sing-song. The guest speaker, Miss Laura Collar, formerly of Ingham and now a missionary in Nigeria, was intro- duced by Mrs. Harold Doig. "Mis- sions and Missionaries" was the theme of her talk. She showed slides of 'the girls' school at Kwpi, where they are given Christian training and taught different crafts. The slides of the boys' med- ical school were also very interest- ing, Mrs. Ken Graham thanked the speaker and the meeting closed with a hymn. GORR1E The WM.S, of the Gorrie United Church has 'beep. Postpened one week, owing to preparation for the turkey dinner to be held this week, Miss Mary Thornton, Kitchenai, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. A. Thornton. - Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Doig, Wroxeter and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gowdy, Mr, and Mrs, Andy Edgar,. Mr, and Mrs. Bower Parrish, Mr. and Mrs, Don Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Irwin, Mr. and Mrs, Belt Edgar, Mr, Burns Stewart, Mr, Ed, Stew- art, Mr. and Mrs, John Koch' at- tended the Huron County Road -WOrkmen's banquet in Blyth Hall on Tuesday evening. Mrs, C, Hobbs, Monkton and Mr. Spence Ashton, Toronto, called on Mr% and Mrs, Hilt Ashton on Sun- •.day, Mr, and Mrs, Roy GoWdy and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Louttit, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Petrie visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Har- old Grant Tnrnberry Township. Flyndman's Buy New Machine GORRIEAllan , 1--.1yndnian and Bill Taylor returned on Wednes- day from Benton, Mich., with a Saranac driving machine, for the. manufacture of basket bottoms. This machine• will staple ',at the rate of one every second, and Will greatly assist in production at the Hyndinan -BroS., factory. C.G.I.T. and Tyro Groups at Party GORRIE—The 0.0,1,T. Hallow- e'en party was held on Wednesday- evening in the church' hall, The Tyro Boys arid C,G.I.T. Girls were initiated into their new groups. Games and hutch were • enjoyed by all, Don Whitfield thanked the C.G.I.T, girls and Gwen Hyndman replied, PAUL EllfifilNS WILL Colorer, Gary and Donna of Toronto spent HE AD YOUNG PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. Percy the week-end with relatives' here. MON PERSO CHEQUING 1 Your new, low service charge of 10 cents a cheque is prepaid when yob get yotir book of 20 cheques. No passbook—quicker service, 3 Deposit slips' are in your cheque book—for banking by mail or speedier service t at the bank. A quarterly statement is mailed to your home. ' . 5 Your cheques are held for you at the bank as a permanent record. and ------77 with a • ' ,Por further "tans Inquire at our nearest branch THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE,„ 750 HUNCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU NW-227 WINGHAM BRANCH, W. 0. STRUTHERS - Manager '•• ..... iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiii 11111111 iiiiiiii i il,111111111111011011a11,101,11.1.111 iiiii "MI iiii i i Iti iiiiiiiiiiiiiii al llllll iiiii Phone: Our Prices Are. Lower 590 We Keep Down the Upkeep Free Delivery Euchre Party First Of Winter Series FRESHNESS GUARANTEED For limited time Only 4-pt. LUGGAGE Set Reg. $10.95 $2 .99 ONLY --- Wit& a, $5.00 Grocery Order also Large Pullman Doll OVir.98 $2.49 Your best dishwashing'but Wild a $5.00 Grocery Order 89c Offer expires November. 10 Special Price . . not$1+1,T WASIt OUT-- PtRMA STARCH i e i 79c Ili Oz. liOS1b.SIVEBT 10 0% MIXED PICKLES . 33c maLLIAM 24 OZ. tArmoitE ta,Atain RASPBERRY JAM .•.. r ii r iiii 49c WHEAT BERRIES .. 5 lbs. 39c I Red Mated 8 oz. Mimed * 4 ta, I! CHERRIES 35o PINEAPPLE 19c oreettuostm 8 oz. 8 60., CHERRIES r „.. 37e Walnut Pieces .. 39c eat biked 04 , , 2od stt.04 8 O. „ . iliti '96oN leSS GRAPEFRUIT — 10 iron 4'k .1 • u0 0s 0a °a o 0 4-, C.) C.) 0 Oa 6 o 0 e0 RlYttrcllrsYl ALMONbS „ PECANS FORDWICH— Nine tables of progressive euchre were in play for the first of a series for the win- ter months at the Fordwich com- munity hall. Prize winners were: High lady, Mrs. George Bartman, Kurtzville; high gent, A. PitPendreigh; low lady, Mrs. Ivan Haskins; low gent, Clarence Deitz; special prize, Ro- bert bride. CY ColOGY Sti: , . — / L--"T—""-----::------------ . '' — -T, o\', k # Don't trust to feeding stock. teed that and healthy. Super Pig Booster Calf Starter SOMETIMES A HAIRCUT LARGER 0 WA I IT'S" 'STEAD HAT SIZE klEEDED./ to luck when your poultry See vs for the will make Lay Mash Mash Grover iroitili, them . , JUST THAT'S .. tii. OF. A ft comes and live- mash arid strong Cwt. . •$3.75 $4.20 $4.05 VVI NG!" "PHI SHUR-GAIN FEED......,,.. MILLS a w" ""*".11 , ,,,,._„.„.& 274 W,41,111 —1-q ,, 1417' Win/C./ (A AI - - - : •' ' Sizes 2 ; Ox • $2,98 $4.95 ', , i, .1st — CHILDREN'" Sizes. 7 74 SP.5 :111 i . - ...: . I WI 3rd — LADIES' $5.95 $8,95 t i yi,o,nto ,: . 1.1 ip S., l‘T„ L. i Tiseselionse Coats are ideal for lounging and are real cozy v-•-- i mill warm, T)iey come in plain , Shades and 'checks, and ay 7.-_-_-- III washable. A wonderful gift. , . ' _ IN a 2nd — GIRLS' .t.' See these and ', other items includ- ti • - - •-• • - - • - - I inglovely' quilted nylon House Coats 'at : - i ' ' ' 'Carnlictigel's i , . i . The Store For All The „Family — i . 41111111111111r111Kninimiononsifliamilionimintilitt4itizifiltilivinuitilimailig Aoiiiiillillimisimmilinerminaixillimpiii:mirisimovHilittioniiiiimouniitijiiiiiirt a : , 1...,i, ',.• 04 ave Money Worldwide 11.eizi5 liana; Phone 101 Wingham Ishe Wiugltant Myatt Vedne-s-dm -Nov, 1051 STARTS 'TONIGHT through SATURDAY _ t thvCrown Tb eatre, Harriston • 2 SHOWS .NIGHTLY. '7,15 and ,915 REGULAR ..PRICESI Waterloo Baby Won Masquerade Prize FOR.DWICH-- The masquerade dance 'sponsored, by the Ladies' Auxiliary to Ilisn.vicic Legion and, held in the Fordwieh hell VMS 4 success. Prize winners were as follows: Best Comic, Jack Dinsmore: best Hallowe'en costume, Mrs. Bruce Ament: best (down, Norman Wil- son; youngest- person in costume, Randy Keith, thirteen months old, of Waterloo. ed Front rocery Skinnymenywomen gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pop, Vim, Vigor What a thrall Prink limbs .611 out; ugly hol-lows fill up; neck no longer scrawny; body loses ,half-starved, sickly "bean-pole" look. Thousands who never could gain before aro now proud of shapely, healthy-looking fig-ures. They thank Ostrex Tonic Tablets, lIelps lmild up body skinny because of poor appe-li/to duo to lack of iron, improves digestion, nourishment; puts flesh on bare bones. In-creases pep, "Get-acquainted" Si7O only GOO. Try famous Ostrex for new pounds, pep, vim, ytgpr, this very day. At all druggists. Babies Baptized At United Service GORRIE—On Sunday rnernizig in the Gorrie United Church Rev, W. J. V. Buchanan received the following infants into the church by baptism: George Keith, son or Mr.. and Mrs. Kenneth Galbraith; Richard Melvin' John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nay; Deborah Lynne, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Step- hens; Lynne Mildred,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Edgar; Mary Judith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bridge. Attend Meeting of Woodham Lodge FORDWICH—Messrs, Allan Wat- son, John Dinsmore, Tom McGin- nis and Robert Hibberd. were at . Woodham on Friday, night .and at- tended an R.B.P. meeting, when the Rev. J. R, Skinner of Louggie- vine, N.B,, KW. Grand Master of the Grand Black Chapter of Brit- ish America, visited the lodge there. . R.W, John Morrison, of Sarnia, Grand Master of the Grand Black Chapter of Ontario West was also in attendance. The latter will pay a visit to Fordwich Lodge No, 335 on November 10th. FORDWICH Mr. and Mrs. Irwin McDoWell and Gary of Galt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Mark Arm- strong. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wade and family of Wingham visited on Sun- day with Mrs. William Wade and Miss Beatrice. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. EdWard Matthews were Mr: and Mrs. Fred •Stride and family, Mrs.-Ina Stride of Guelph, Miss Annie Cunningham, Violet Cunningham and Miss Tilly Man- ser of Harriston. Mrs, William Wilson and Mrs, Ken Graham visited in. Owen Sound on Friday. The latter's fa- ther, Mr. Torn Dunnington, return- ed with her for a visit. Dr. J, Forde, assisted by two, nurses, innoculated over 100 child- ren at the Fordwich Public School last week. The many friends of Mr. Clifford Budd will be sorry to learn that he is confined to St. Mary's Hos- pital in Kitchener, where he under-, went surgery last week. A speedy return to health is wished for him. Mr. and 'Mrs. Anson Dernerling spent the week-end in London, Mrs. Clarence Carswell suffered a nasty cut to her thumb last week which required four stitches. Mr, 'Albert McDermitt and son, Morgan, of Travers City, Mich., and son Kenneth. McDermitt of Arizona, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Me- Dermitt, Mrs. Ken Graham, Mrs, George Baker, Mrs, Emma Williamson and Mrs, Herb Rogers spent one day' last week in Stratford. Mr. Harold Gibson, who has spent the past six months in the Western provinces, returned home last week. Mrs. Edith Wilson of Elva, Man., and Mrs. Bessie Shan- non of Estevan; Sask., accom- panied him here and will visit with relatives for several weeks. - Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heise, Wel- land, visited in the community for- two days last week. Mr. Ron Hube, principid of the Fordwich Public School, was con- fined to bed last week with flu, Mrs. Harold Pollock took over his teaching duties for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clarkson at- tended the wedding on. Saturday of Miss Anne Vetzal and Mr, Robert Watson in King City United Church. Friends of Mr. Ken Ashton will be glad to 'know he was able to leave the hospital in London last Week and is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs, George Ashton. Mrs. Ruby Forester of Toronto spent the week-end at her home here, ' Mr, and Mrs, Frank Graham of St, Marys visited in the community over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Chiomey of Port Colborne and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and Randy of Water- loo, visited over the week-end With Mr, and Mrs. Alot Keith. Miss Elva Hupfer Wroxeter visited on Sunday with Miss Bea- trice Wade, Mrs. TOM MeClenient and Betty and Mrs, William Sothern 'and Nancy spent Saturday in Kitch- ener. Miss Sean Sanderson of Kitch- ener spent the week-old with her Mother, Mrs, Mary SanderSon. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil •Lynn and Karen Of brangeVille Visited over the week-end with Mrs, Dora Rid- ley, Mr, and Mrs. Ron Reed, Mr. arid Mrs. tart Hallman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Orth family, ail of Listowel, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Welling. ton HargraVe. Members of the VIIvA, Of Trinity Ariglitari Church Wiled with the W,A, of St, Stephen's Church, Ger. tic, Oh MOtulaY, when films Were Shown after'which * 0444 halt' hour *al. ow*, PARENTS BANQUETED BY HURON JUNIORS The North Huron Junior Farm- ers and Junior Institute entertain- ed their parents at a turkey ban- quet in the United Church in Bel- grave on October 30th. Bill Coul-' tes acted 'as the master of cere- monies for the dinner. A, sing- Song was led by Boyd Taylor and Claire Chamney sang a solo. Jim Bowman, president of the Junior Farmers, proposed a toast to the parents and visitors, which Was very appropriately replied to by. Mrs. Nesbitt, who- in turn pro- posed a toast to the Junior Farm- ers and Junior Institute. Jean Smith, president of the junior In- stitute, responded to this toast. After the ladies of 'the Belgrave Women's Institute were thanked 'by Ross Smith, the group adjourn- ed to the auditorium, Lawrence Nesbitt introduced the guest speaker, Bob Steckle, a wrestler arid Canadian flag bear- or at the Olympic games in Aus- tralia in .1.958. Mr. SAteckle gave a. Very interesting and informative 'travelogue on his trip by use of Slides and movies, niertnor Walsh' thanked the speaker on behalf of the Junior Farmers and parents, The meeting closed with the sing= ing of "0 Canada", BELGRAVE Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, and family of Sarnia visited over the Week-end with. Mr. and Mrs. Or- val Taylor and other relatives in the district, Richard Procter, who was a Pa- tient in the Wingham General Hos- pital, has been removed to Victoria HoSpital, LendOn. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Greiraott: of Toronto, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Smith, Miss •b, Ong° of Guelph, and Mr, James Anderson, of Toronto spent the Week-end with his par- enta, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Anderson. Miss Edith Procter IS rt 'patient in the Wingliain General Hospital, Mrs. COO, McGill visited an Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Mains at Blyth, Mrs, Richard Procter spent few. days last week with her bro. 'ther, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Render. soh, at London and visited With her husband,who a patient in Viettria Hospital there, have.• a special meaning -beyond words When grief .strikes someone Close to you, it is not easy to put, into' words. the sympa• thy you feel. But the flowers • you send carry a message far, far beyond •words. Their beauty is a source of com- fort and strength. 1.4 i1 We can show you how to grow . money Of course money doesn't grow oh trees—but a few dollari set aside.tach day can amount, to $10,00,0 in twenty years. Talk • it over soon with an - Investors representative — "your best friend financially," CO oft write; Thos. A. Jardin Phone 147 John W. \Values mt. A, 1087'01)0EL Phone ifin Inyestors syndicate a' t A qe: 6 Ai CYi*YW ie, out itroliowo, ii ,ouso Coat ..Week at =-4. . , ,..• p ia • „. -..,. „...• ....!: ormic....el s: ...._.. ,... ; :CHENILLE HOUSE COATS ;' a . • on your coal this winter. m ( . Lower prices on top-quality coal mean 'a worth- S i • while saving on your heating bill. , ri 1 _.... F. ,We are able. to, offer you prompt service from IN iii * our Wingharn warehouse. su Call collect: Wroxeter 35r9 1 .4.- for .orders in Winghain and district *- a , Ili R. J. Hueston Son i • 8t 1 GORRIE — . ' WINGFIA14 . 7.itsiimitsawilicimiliamonimuinnirgaiiimilmililtumansilainifiiiiiimillill- Robbie, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Merk- linger, all of Kitchener, Mr: and Mrs. Earl Cudmore and Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler of Brussels Were Sunday guests, of Mr, and' Mrs, Bill Nay. Mrs. Geo. Beattie left last Tues- day morning for Torontd. She in- tendedto spend a few days before going on to Montreal, where she will snake her home. Mr. Courtney Gilpin returned on Monday, October 28th, after spend- ing the summer months at Viking, Alberta. The Guild of Cl-, Martha will hold Mr, Knowlson Hueston suffered GORRIE—The Gorrie-Wroxeter a heart attack on Wednesday and Y.P.U. met in Gorrie United is in Wingham General Hospital. Church hall on Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nay and with the president Ian Frowes In the chair. Pa91 Higgins read. the Scripture lesson and Faye Edgar led in prayer. The Rev. ' W. J, V. Buchanan conducted the election of officers which are as follews: President, Paul Higgins; vice president, Catharine McDonald; secretary, Ann Douglas; treasurer, Nancy Newton; pianist, Sandra Edgar; assistant pianist, Kelvin Buchanan; citizenship and corn. service, Tan Howes, Bruce Grainger; steward- ship; Daisy Gibson arid • Shirley Reidt; missions and world outlook, Faye Edgar, Ruth Grainger; faith work meeting at the home of and evangelism, Dorothy ,Toner Mrs, Harry King at 8.15 Thursday and Jamie Sanderson. evening. This will be in prepara- tion for their bazaar. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moir and ham, spent the week-end in' Chat,. Mrs. Lorne Laird and Mrs. Roy Clegg 'of Toronto'visited with Mrs. Tessie Zimmerman and 'Mrs. Min- nie Irwin on Saturday and Sunday. The Brotherhood of Anglican- laymen will meet in Wroxeter at St. James' Church on Tuesday evening, November 12th, at 8.45. Mrs, Jack Bennett hds been a patient in the Wingham General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Geoi.ge Sneider, of Elmira, visited on Sunday with the nlaetttte.es mother, Mrs. Richard Ben:, The program consisted of a very, lively debate on the subject "Girls Are Better Drivers than Boys". The meeting closed with Taps. Ask your YORK, DEALER for the NOVEMBER SPECIAL ork Chocolate Nut IceCream