HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-06, Page 5or
Spea4rUies.All to Wprk'
For., Salvation .of the World
Che /id an fl. Oh 6610 .efie 501-00'
r in odd!
O Elfin {AreFri'
fd Bel-By-Night
Prite $179.00
Less Trade=in
11O-ff. SUITE skiar
• pylon Brown.
• Airroana lushiOit
Less Trade=in - •
Price $244.00
, .ofi}t“ ......... t ... ........... .. .... ..... i ...... ...... trio w ltsttlit.'mtolt ....... tap...... Motit.1111121111.t ...... ..... ..... mickomm ..... ..... nomul
Not too late
to ord.,
Storm Windows
The Wi,ntbaot Adva400141ei, 'Weduesclitfi Novo. 00,1967),. Arena Commission
Issues Statement one.•••••11..“.•00*.bfeill..,11•••,s(leligirSim.e,r10*.01+tass.o,e101.901,
Price $156.00
Less TradeAn
.Jean Ruto.u) • • .
Married in London.
In a candlelight service in 'lit'
chapel of 'Wesley United China,
London, on Friday ^evening, •J'ear'
Isabel Milton] became the bride of
John Robert Campbell, . The. livid ,
is the daughter of Mr. and. .1Ars_,-
Albert Rintoni of Wingham .104
the groom is the son of Mr, and
Mrs. John 3, Campbell, of London
Rev, J. W, Stinson officiated.
The bride,, given in Marriage by
her father, was gowned in's, rose
shot taffeta, waltz-length dress
-with fitted bodice, full skirt ,and •
featuring a Portrait meeklirle am
threequarter length sleeves. Her
finger-tip veil was caught to .0
scalloped headpiece brocaded wits •
sequins. She carried a bouquet
pink roses acrd fern,
On Saturday, Bert King,, of R.R.
2, Teeswater, was admitted to the
Wingham General Hospital with a
fractured, left wrist, suffered when
the ,tongue of a heavy farm 'mach-
ine struck his arm. A east was corsage of pink carnations. She applied at the hospital and Mr, was assisted by the groom's
King .was allowed to return to his mother wearing a turquoise woo`
home. 3 suit with black accessories arid s Last Wednesday, 70-year-old corsage ;of pink carnations, Mrs. Elsie M, Isbister, of Patrick I The bride chose for her honey-
Street, Wingham, was admitted to moon in Northern 'Ontario, a ,black
the Wingham General Hospital for velvet dress with pink feather. bat
treatment of a fractured left ankle. and matching accessories and ,a
Although still in the hospital, it corsage of pink roses, 'The couple
'was stated yesterday that her con= will live at 19 MeDiarmid Ave.,
dition is satisfactory, , London. . .
The bridesmaid was Mrs, David
Westman, of London, wearing s
waltz-length gown of green figur ,
ed shot taffeta styled shailat to
that of the bride's. She carried
bouquet of white and yellow mans
and fern.
The groomsman was David,
Westman, of London.
For the reception at the Knotty:,
Pine, the bride's mother 'received'
the guests in a navy bengalino
dress with pink accessories and a.
44444 .6 • 0.43. jatttlettouw- .
q.it,t,Agoloo ... „.i.1, 0-2k4w • •,••••••A ' •S' 4, ,,,,,,,, ,,,.,,,,,,,,,,a*WoWf119....
.....0agagA:•...$S7 :.$:
wim7,1, ,i,,:,,,,,,,-..• T''''*
••• .... W„,.30.134.,te • -•
•Ford and Edsel . Ford Trucks
- Telephone' 137 " ,hiac.wiliiato • .
We will measure and install windu*s ,lf •desired,
Wingham • Phone 1J
,11.10,4.1).”..M.01q110,.,ofmommiloOR..00nu iiiiii i .W.011.,110.0MOilomemittoomtmOuul.o.,.
Now in stock for got& Christmas Baking
hoicest quality - Raisins, Dates, Currants.
Peels, Crushed Fruits, Pineapple,
Cherries, Nuts, ,etc.
PEEK FREANS English Biscuits loyely
gift tins . 99c to '.$1:79
Order your, requirements flora. We: W;(1,111.1411 bo to set them -aside ,
Niblets Whole Kernel CORN, 14 ot. tin . , 17c
Campliell'OpMATO SOUP, 10 oz. tin-2 .for 23c
Allen's APPLE JUICE, 20 oz. tin , , , . 2 for 27c,
Heinz cooked SPAGHETTI, 15 oz. tin 2 for 3,3c
Aylmer clicacE PEAS, 20 tin 2' for 35c
NeVer before in automotive history has a
mew car faced such a gruelling test before
its announcement a 2'6,000nite trip
around the world! The '58 Ford con-
quered the steep winding passes of the
Swiss Alps ! took Parig.by storm ..
breezed through the Great Salt Desert
• At a, _meeting held on Monday'
evening he arena, commission PO,
leased the fel:lowing, statement of
finances to cover' the period, from
May 1st, 1959 to Oetaber 31st, 1957,
Balance, May 1, 1059 .. .. $360.13
i+ ram SiOiting .... ...... 4, 3:002,09•
Hockey 400,27
Lions Club, 7950 150:00
Figure $kating . 400.00
Town or'Wingliant' - • 8.200:00
Bruce Miran Grey ,PalleA 100.00
Recreation Connell ,..... .. ; ... 800.00
Township of Turnberry 125.00
Accounts . recc)"vable
Labour 1122.90
In terestl 317.70
utilities Corn, 1151,06
Repair Ice 1355.25
041,80 ' Furnace
Fuel • J74-131
Telephone 41,70'
Lumber ....... ........ ; , ...... 20.20
Hardware 720.38
Eleotrical Sueply 83.60
Selling TicketS
Hockey 08.85
Skating 56.52
Miscellaneous • , 3.10.22
Balance Bank 41,71
Accounts Payable Lock Ice 250.00
Others 88,26
$ 288.26
Accident Victims
Treated Here
of Iran . . a'rid swept up and through
fabled Khyber Pass without even breath-,
ing bard, It was the most rugged test ever
devised for any automobile, -And now
this same Ford beauty and`performarice
can be 'ours in every Pad for '58. Truly, ,
there is nothing newer in the worldl
On Sunday the Y.1-3.1.1, tool,
'charge of the evening service a'
the•Wingham United Church. rriv
guest speaker was Ken Ashton oz
Blyth. After church service the
Young People's-meeting was held
in the Sunday School with sdvera
visitors attending; A sing song
was led by President Margaret
'Machem, after which• Keith Finni
gar: led recreation- in the church .
gym. Lunch was later served by
the girls. All ,young People are in-
vited to - attend the meeting every-
Sunday evening at 8 p.m.
• -Hy Bill Crawford
ducted the anniversary serwiees
Rev. John Greig, Toronto, con
Atwood chureh on Sunday and
called on Mr. and Mrs. Corder
Gveig, Mrs. Greig returned to To•
tonto with him and will remain
for a few (lays.
iMr. and Mrs.. Rutherford Reavie
Wingham, were visitors at the
home of Mr,. and Mrs. Verne Clark
oh 'Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Allister Green and
daughters spent Sunday with Mrs.
W. E. Weir and Miss Gertie Bush
(r. and Mrs. William Hart, ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Lyl,
Hart gad Patti, Listowel, visited
the former's brother, Mr. PI, W. Hart- and Mrs. Hart in Preston al
The Huron County employee:
and their wives 'attended the an-
nual fowl supper in Blyth on Tues-
day of last week, for which the
ladies of myth W A catered,
Mr, and Mrs. Carl. New of
Harriston, were Sunday visitor:.
at the home of Mrs`, R. Newton.
Mrs. R, 14ewton, Wroxeter post-
mistress, Miss Betty Newton and
Mr. Harvey Bradshaw were guests
at a dinner and dance at the Ven-
dome Hotel, Teeswater, given by
the Brune Postmasters' Associa-
tion on Saturday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross COrar% V j8jt•
ed Mrs, M. Wey at the Inglis Nur-
sing Home, Atwood, on. Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs, Ted Giese, St.
Thomas, spent a couple of days
'ast week at the homes of Mr.
Tohn Hupfer and ,Mrs, Alonzo
'Iparliag and called on Mrs. Wm.
Hart on Friday afternoon.
Friends of Mr. Lloyd Elliott. are
happy to know he is home from
the hospital end ham:ovine', Re-
cent visitors at the Elliott home
Were: Mr. and Mrs, Cameron El-
liott, Mr, arid Mrs. Henry Weber.
Mr. Earl Hicks, Mr. Ski Davidson,
Harriston, Mr. Jas, Boyd, Monk-
tori and Mr. Archie smith, Ethel.
The W.I, will hold its meeting in
the library at 2.30 p,m, on, Novem-
ber' 6th.
The following %were Sunday
guests with Mrs. 3. F. McLean:
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart CroSs, Wal-
kerton; Mr, and Waldo Gib
son, Jimmy and Rely, of Dundas:
Mr. and Mrs, Donald cithSoii, flea-
they and Ha.rlene, of Port Dal-
hotisio; kr, and Mrs: Dick Slade
Debby and Laurie, Port Dal-
bangle: Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Par-
ker, Barbara and Breada,,Cargill;
Mr. and Mrs, Ira Mclean and Mut-
ray, of Wroxoter; Mr; Earl Mc-
Lean and Charlie, of St. Cathat-
LabolsA:izd Miss Donna McLean, of
The stores hi Wroxeter will ob-
serve Remembrance Day by being
closed till day Monday, No
(Intended for last week)
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Ira. McLean on Sunday wore
Mr,. arid Mrs. Howard Heath, St.
Thornasl Mr, and Mrs. llob Gold-
Listowel: And Miss Donna Mc-
Lek», Leaden,
Mta, .T, McLean, who has been
at her brother's in Cuelph for the
pist, Month, has returned home,
iiigham Motors
Phone 139 Wingham
Due to the fact that next Mon-
day, November 11, has been de-
clared a full holiday in most Of
the municipalities in this area, the
deer season in the„ counties of
Huron, Perth, Brute and Grey Will
open, the' following day, Tuesday,
November 12th. Friday, November
15th will be the eiosing day of the
According to the Departintint of
Lands and Forests, deer are
plentiful in Many sections of the
four counties and there,. IS actnal
danger of over-poptilation 'unless
nil open season is permitted.
U Indny Brown ,
G Airiolun Cushion
Price 2.79.00
Less Trade,--in
.3 43,
S,Oonsoked by. Wingham.Branch
Canadian Legion.
Pox an exciting gift ...
one that is truly
personal and
practical .
select a, box of
Perison4lizI Soaipl Siatioi ert
a. rr
tralLring , •
/0( PouraiwoOlimoNoti.h.1 _
1, See •aza .gageoetetedivm otoz ea. „
:tog atrt Abbao-te*Titric-•
See the NEW STYLING that created an international sensation-lines that flow, sleek and low, in cars to capture yotit
liMagination. • Drive Ford's ALL-NEW INTERCEPTOR V-U's with Precision Fuel Induction-they set licit) standards
of V-8 performance, • fad introduces NEW CRUISE-0-MATIC DRif96E, ki•eatest advance yet in automatic driving,..
it's .parl o:f a whole new "power-train" that, coupled with the new V-8 etigines and a low rear axle ratio, gives you builtqn
Overdrivd‘ ECONOMY-UP TO 15% ,MORE GAS MILEAGE! • Try Fords NEW AIR SUSPENSION, (FORD-HIRE , '---it's like Titling 6n the wind! • You 'discover' P`ord's'NEW MAGIC-CIRCLE STEERING makes steering as easy as
pointing-guides you' smoothly through city •traffic, giyes superb control on super-highways. o See all the NEW AND
EXCITING ADVANCES in Ford for '58. The features of the future are yours today in Ford. • Chase from 19 glamoriius
:NEW MODELS in 4 great series, SIX OR V-B1 it's a great year tp Mange to Ford!
Oertatit !ratans illastrated or 'mullioned an "Slandpni" on nom anarls, ovlanat at extra art 05 others,)
e Kimberly Gobi
S Airfourn Cushion
Price $269.00
Less TradeAn
' The sectional meeting of the on it,--stressing the power cal' 'char-
eastern division of Maitland:Brea- ity in life and in the world. • 7
'byterial was held in Knog, Presh,Y. Prayer was offered by Miss Jane
terian Church, 13luevale, with Mrs. McLennan, lahcl, Mrs. B. J. Me-
Leslie Fortune, Wingharn, first Murray„ president of the 1314evale
vice^:PreSident, in charge .of the W.IVI,S.tugtended a hearty welcome
program, She opened with the call' to • the visitors and 'invited them
to worship, Mrs. 0, :paeker,, to tea At the elOse, 'of the Meeting,
Brussels; read .the lesson front I Mrs, Ted English, Wingham and
Cor, 13, and gave the meditation Mrs. Deward Therinas, • Hltievaie,
delegates to the. Belleville confer-
ence in. 'July; -gave an interesting'
aceounl: of their activities at this
training eentrp at Albert College.
Representatives from 24 out pf 28
presbyterial 8, synodical officers,
responsible for youth groups, met
and discussed their work" • and
drafted plans for- new work,
Forturte,,,In thadlting them
for their reports, acicil!cl suggestions
from the synodical
Mrs. Glen Appleby, 'Belmar°,
contributed a solo, Mrs. Young,
Langside, offered the dedidatory
prayer,following the offering.
Mrs. Robert Arbuckle, Wingliam,
introduced the guest speaker, Misu
Laura Cellar, missionary-on-fur-
lough from Nigeria, A former
Wingham r'eside'nt : Miss .collar le
a teacher in a girls' college in tht
Sudan Interior Mission which was
established in 1803, 'Speaking with
infectious enthusiasm and interest
of her work with the girls -of Ni-
geria, she begged her listeners to
work wherever .they are, to accom-
plish the salvation of the world
She illustrated the story of her
'school and thec(naitrY of,Nigeria
with two films of coloured motion
pictures. •
Miss Cora •Gilkinson, Wingham,
closed the meeting with 'prayer
Members of the Bluevale Society
served lunch. Representatives were
present from Ethel, •Cranl»:ook
Molcsworth, Carrie, Wingham, Bel.
more, Bluevalo, Langsicle and
• /Flint Green
• Bed-HY-Night
a F'
Replace with . . .
RELCO Dry Charge is best
because it's fresh-froshest i
battery power you can buy.,
\griffon long-life .warranty,
to 6. and I2-volt
Less Trade-in
litonte .13,dge
• Hef-By-Night
Price' $169.00
:mitultemstietisttitt ............. ..... .. 1 ........ ... 111,11,, .H3.3. ..... mutif .... ...... 03.13 .... ...... ... I ..... . 1.
mtwoom;.....m.tme tormoo .....amanemel oatoqpt*
Friday Evg., Nov. 8th
and Satt/rday, ov. 9th
Sale of poppies in -Wingham will be
handled by the Pubiic School. Children
on Saturday of this week.
Revenue from the annual sale of poppies is used
to aid disabled veterans of both World Wars.
Citizens of this community are urged to be
generous with their assistance.
; 1
-0,4*LwilVtagittb, Art *eithatrAcii;