HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-06, Page 4rear "I-11eW giti,u Advience-Times, Veedpiereliese Nov, ethe 1951 ".• V.P....1WW.g..."' s". NT40V11,7.1, rr 0 0, *11ZWV.441414iiir„lakir FOR SALE LEE'S USED FURNITURE. Buy and sell. Agent for Kincardine Laundry. Phone 3.85. ertb MEAT FOR SALE—Good beef by the quarter. Killed under license from Dept. of Health. Yearling heifers, Top quality. Lowest prices. Raynard Ackert, ItIpleY, phone 24r30. 1.7sgb• SPACESAVERS —Aseorted colors and materials at Curries Furnie ture:Wingham, 6b MILK FILTERS for sele--"Rapid elo", 6 -inch, 79e; 6 -inch, 85e. Alexander's Hardware. arrb PINING ROOM SUITE for sate, Phone 329, SING -FILLED Crib :Mattresses, far sale. Bright Plastic Covers. Special, 04.50. Curries Furnie ture. 6b. PREF. PANTS until Nov. 9th, you. eau have a pair of pants FREE with every xnade-to-mea.sure suit bought at Armitagen. '* 23,3Q,6b. FOR THE BEST PRICES, on new and used musical instruments, aecesSories and repairs, Zee Ross Mann; Winghani, phone 1e5.11: 30erdI813- GOOD leeieVER-TIPPeeD three. - quarter -length racoon coat fpr •sale. Size 15-16, Ideal for rcollege. • Priee $30.00. Apply to Box 70, Advance -Times. „ 6b TWO WALNUT living -room rock- . ers for sate. Only e.5.00 eaele Curried Furniture. 6b ATHENAL TV .4E:RIM. and Crown rotator complete v.;ith plpe infor sale. Cheap for quick sale Also two storm window. Phone 4.22J. ateCLARY OIL SPACE HEATER for sale, also 2 truck tires, 700x16, Phone Wroxeter 36, 6* :MONOGRAM oil. wall furnace for sale (very inexpensive to oper- Ate). Call at IGA. Store in Wiag- , ham or phone 467. 6b eanee s, _ FEMS—If you planto buy tura— r, • a coat, jacket, stole or fur acces- sory of any type of fur; see new fashions now in stock. Save by ' consulting Du Val Furs (Mrs, Du Vail at the ranch, North Street, plume Wingham 660. 30:6b HAVE YOU PROBLIS lief. your packaging? Magic Marker Ahe, answer for all larger arldresses and general lettering. Available at The Advanceellmen in several colors. No pen to fill, Ink dries inetantly. Felt point permits variety of lettering eties. ;Ink COMPLETE, SET of hockey equiP- meet and skatese"size 8 for sale.. Good condition., Apply at Gamer- en"s Billiards. • 1953 CHEN'. Station Wagon for sal; 4 doors. custom equipment, extel- I lent condition, Phone Sebring- ville 130. 6b SYLVANIAN HUSKY DOG for sale. Phone 467w. 6,13* '30-30 WEnCHESTER RIME for sale. Exeellent exnulition. Phone Slim Boucher 726. 6* DRY HARDWOOD for sale.. Apply to, Geo. Kennedy, plione43r11 Leeknow. Se PLaTIC NYLON pram suit with White fur trine and detachable It netts and booties for sale. Phone 456, 6b BBAGE for sale. Apply to Geo. GlOasher„ Wingham. 6* APPLES for sale different varie- tire. Contact "Wallace :Miller Latkmove phone 42E11. 6b THIS 01.e.ca good for the next two weeks. Yes sir, for the next two weeks you ,eari get a pair of • trousers FREE, With every made- to-xneasure suit otdered at Aetna, tame. 23,30,6b FURNACE FS—.0 u st- tip'* fiberglass air -filters, 16x* 16e25, 23x20. at $1,19. Extre large Mali, $1.29. Check your filter site ram, e• will deliver. Phone or eall in at STAINTON't HARDWARE. 30:6:131) APPLES POIt mLE Mt tssITOS/I mid Cortland, $1.75 up to $.1.00 per bushel tot choice.' ' Bring own cotitaitiers. Side* and 1 bnch:ma available niter Octo- • ber 10., Blake Bros, Ortharda, teetzterS eolith or tits:tett, one Mile enet„ SUM& et inadaide. Phone ;42rS Brussel& tr27N* :EVERT BliALVESS need it aec- ' ond typewriter. The Smith., (Won* 'portable is the easy-ttP eve Otiichine Which flits a vital 'tat are rushed fee' . . pi*Stsed fair sosoe. s4te ew Sraithortaia toda' tt' Advande a TIrites Office. tn, DID YOI,I KNOW that David Creeripton, Certified Watchmaker, guarantees to keep your watch in good running order for one year' This eree service guarantee applies to all new watches, also to watches that have been elven- eand •reconditioned. Bring in Your watch to -day and take ad- vantage of our fast guaranteed service, 23rrb SAVE $1,000 '57 Ford Fairlane 500, Tudor Hard- top, gleaming Alaska White, auto- matic, radio, reai. seat speaker, power brakes, tinted glass, window washers, whitewalls, grill guard, 15,000 miles, one owner. 60 day un- conditional guarantee, $2,700. Teems Arranged, Phone 129, ..,• 30,6b . , REAL ESTATE ' SEC -ROOM INSUL BRICK Cot- tage for sale. In new condition, • insulated, complete modern kit- • chen, tile bath, nicely landscap- ed; Phone 452R. •fila • LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 21.,,PIGS for sale, Contact Leslie Bryce phone 739W12. • 6* . . • 20 CHUNKS OF PIGS for sale. Apply to Vernon Hupfer Wrox- eeeee phohe 10r5. , . 6b STORE and apartment on Jos- • ephine Street for rent. Posses - "mole immediately. Apply to C. ° Bondi, phone 668. 6:13b OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY to earn $2 to $3 hourly, available to lady who can spend ,5 or 6 hours daily servic- ing AVON customers in large established rural territory. Write to Mrs. I.ourien Green, Avon • manager, Box 281, Hanover. 6rrb GET THE. FACTS. Let us show 'you bow we have helped others ttebecorne financially independent • selling Rawleigh Products. Good locality now evanalale in Huron County. Write Rawleigh's Dept. K-453-911, 4005 Richelieu, Mont - •real, Quebec. 6b • WANTED ROOT PIMPER wanted in good _ condition, Apply to Jaeob de Vries, R.R. 5 Brussels, phone . 16r18. 6* FARMER will winter cattle, good . stabling, truck available to alneeecattle. Phone 101r4, Auld- lliy. 6,13,20° LOST STRAI:enT from Lot 6, Concession 2 Turnberry a Hereford steer weighing, about 1000 ibs. Any- one knowing the whereabouts of this steer please call collect John Ie. MpEwen, phone 4r10 Wrox- eter. • 6b A3EBULANCE SERVICE ZURRIVS.A..atBULANCE, Wing - ham. Safe, courteous Service. Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or 636. . 13rrb , DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for can -nary disposal. FREE pick "up on larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w. or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited. errb DEAD STOCK: Picked up prompt- ly in sanitary trucks,. Small charge made for animals 'under 500 lbs. total. Penne collect, WIngliam. 5611. •S4rra127 • MISCELLANEOUS —.- RUGS SHA7sfPOOED in your home. Pbone 640.11. firth IS 0TI1t TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? Vor information Phone 293, SteW- , Att A. Stott, Wiegiaate. 2rrh Vet:WART" ..A. SCOTT ean • save you 15% on your ear or ' truck intUratten. Yearly or six Months policies are avellable, Speelal Mitt fer far -alert. For further inforrnatien shone Val Winghana 29rib SAlaITARr SEWAGE DISPOSAL1 sept ie basks, •cesspools, cella:M.1 etc, purnped arid cleaned, quick •tervi'et, All % guaratiteed., Apple' Lreuis Blake, phone 42r6,4 Brtitselie • 15rtle marritar-00 CATTLE Breeding Asseciation *Where Better Balls Are Hades *Filar attifieial in- ' areetteetien InfOrnietitin •Or sees Vice feet' ail breeds of eattte., Phone Tlie Waterkio Cattle .' Bteeding Assotittion at: Clinton 'It/ 24441 ter afiblinay 13(41.2 be- : tart•hea f.*) Void 2.20 tau. We have In kettle aliallable--To oat, at itint toset that COMING EVENTS • YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, now try the best for spareribs ant Sauerkraut on Wednesday, Fri day and Saturday evenings. Com Inertial Hotel, Formosa. ed12 CASH BINGO every Wednesday, 9.00 pan_ Saered Heart Church Hall, Mildmay, 15 regular games for $10.00; 3 special games for $25.00. Admission 50c. rrb marcs The Council of the Township of Howiek proclaims the 11th of Nov- ember (Remembrance Day l as a holiday in the Township of How- lek, and respectfully requests all citizens to observe it as such. Signed, en dowdy, Reeve Township of Howick 30:6b Tenders• for Furnace Oil and Stove Oil Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to November 20 far the supplying of furnace oil and stove oil for Turnberry 'School Area, from December 31, 1957 to December 31, 1958. The -bellowing schools for furnace oil: No. 3, Glenannan; No. 5, Gilmour's; No - 11, Lower Town. For stove oil: No. 9, Powell's, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Alex Corrigan, see.-treas. R.R. 1, Bluevale. 30;6b COUNTY OF HURON TENDER For le Ton Pickup Truck Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 12 Noon, ',Novem- ber 20, 1957: Specification sheet and tender form maybe obtained from the County,Engineer's Office, Court House, Goderich. An tenders to be submitted on official tender form. J. W. Britnell, • County Engineer. 6b • CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Gladys Machan and family wish to sincerely thank their friends, neighbours and relatives for their kind expressions of sym- pathy and acts of kindness shown then" during their recent sad berea.veznent in the loss of a belov- ed daughter and sister; also for the beautiful floral tributes and cards. Special thanks to the doc- tors, nurses and staff of Victoria. Hospital. 6b CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Thos. C. Dunkin wishto sincerely thank their friends, neighbours and rela- tives for the sympathy cards, kind deeds, thoughtfulness and floral' tributes, during their recent ber- eavement. Special thanks to Rev. D. 3. MacRae and Rev, John Hut- ton. CARD OF THANKS We wOuld like to express our sincere appreciation to friends and neighbors for cards, flowers and treats; to Dr. W. A. • MeIelbhore Mrs, I. Morrey and the bospital staff for thoughtful attentiod and to the Kinsmen, Club of Wingham for the use of a hospital bed during Mr_ Hinges illness.—Mr. and Mrs. William Xing. • 6b CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank Dr. Stephens. nurses and staff of Wingham Gen- eral Hospital for their kindness and care while I was a patient in teentb day of October, 1957. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Winghane Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix 23.30,6b NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1.al THE ESTATE OF Josephine Cameron ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the, above mentioned late of the Township of Morris, County of Huron, Widow, who died on the twenty-eighth day of -July, 1957, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the ninth (le, • of 'November, 1957. After that date the eXecutor • will proceed to distribute the estate having regard .only to the claims which he shall then have I had notice. • !DATED at Weigh= this 22nd • day of October, 1957, CRAWFORD & HETETERINGTON Wingharn, Ontario • Solicitors for the Executor 23,30,6b NOTICE TO CREDITORS !IN THE ESTATE OF MINA. KING ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Winghane County of Huron. Widow, who died on the 1st day of October, 1957, are required to file proof of ;awe with the under- signed on or before the 9th day of November, 1957. After that date the Executrix will proceed te distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingbam. this Seven- teenth day of October, 1957. CRAWFORD & HETHERIGTON W-LeTGHAM, ONTARIO Solicitors for the Executrix 23,30,611 NOTICE TO CREDiTORS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE • STEPHEN SAMUEL BAKER • ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned late "of the Village 'of Fordwich in the County of Iluron, Gentlenaa.n, who died on the 25th day of September, 1957, are requir- ed to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 9th day of November, 1957. After that date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate. having regard only to the •claims of which they shall then have bad notice. DATED at Wingham this Seven- teithet day of October. 1957. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executers 23,30,6b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MAGGIE MU j ER ALL PERSONS having -claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the \Tillage of Belgrave in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 14th day • of September, 195e, are required to file proof of same with the under- • signed on or before the ath day of November, 1957. After that date the executrix • will proceed to distribute the • estate, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this Seven - the hospital and special thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for the visits, cards and treats. Everything was deeply appreciat- ed.—Dawn White. •6* CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Percy Coupland wiSh to thank all neighbours and friends for the many lovely gifts, cards and best wishes received on their 513th wedding anniversary_ . 6b CARD or THANKS 'The family of the late James Forest Wilson Wish to thank all the friends, relativee for the lovely floral tributes, cards of sympathy and many acts of kindness eat,tend- ed to them during -their recent bereavement. It was deeply apprec- iated.. 6* a 9,EEMORIA31 neenDERWOOD—In loving memory of George- Nelson Underwood, wbo passed away November 5th, 1951. —Ever retnerabered by wife Lillian, daughter, Aileen, Jean and son, George. 6* NOTICE TO cmEnrrons '.1.4r; ESTATE OF WILLLVAI R013ERT CASEMORE ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate" of the above mentioned late of the Village of JUNIOR DIVISION. paPENDAlai.g *ERV$C IIAVEYettell, eageeelPTIPMS Flete9 A1 ANCE'S DK* STORE David Langridge as a scarecrow isbelng admired by Lennie Lou Sinis and her brother Jim after David had been. placed third in his section ae the Hallowe'en party sponsored by the Lions Club, —A. -T. photo. • IN MEMORIAM, THOMPSON—In oving memory of Mrs. Ida May Thompson who passed away November 6, 1955, and Floyd Thompson who passed away October 29, 2939. They wished none a last farewell, Nor even said goodbye, They had gone before I knew", And only God knew why, Asleep in God's beautiful garden, Away from all sorrow and pain, Somedayende,dwhen life's journey is We snail be together again. —Lovingly' remembered by a lone- some husband and father, R. H. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Ifrs.'kRoy Brock and family of Toronto visited on Sun- day at the home of her aunt, Mrs. James McIlraith. The folks of Brick 'United Church are holding, their congregational supper: this Friday evening in the S.S.. room of , the United Church,' Belgrave, They ask far a special contribution to the special fund of the church. ,Nelson and Donald Dow were very ill lastWeek with flu, Mr. and Mrs, pa.r1 Weber and Thompson. . 6b children visited on Sunday at the • home of his sister, Mrs. Robert Charithers, at Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Rieman and family visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Mac- Kay, Of Walkerton. Mr, and Mrs. Bieman on Tuesday attended the funeral of her brother-ineaw, the late Lloyd Self, of Walkerton, Who died, shortly after a head-on collision of •ears south of 'Walker- ton last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Self is still a patient in Walkerton Hospitalease is a 17 -year-old daugh- ter with a broken leg, and a 14 - year -old boy with a broken ankle and other injuries. Pupils of Fordyce and St. Helens Schools had a vacation last week wilen the schools were closed to let. the Pupils recover fronestheir siege of -flu. Mr. and Mrs, John McGee visited on Sunday, at the home of his sis- ter, Mrs. D. Simpson, of London. Mr. and Airs. John Harr and baby Janet of ,Kinletighe visited on Suri - day with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Buckton. Mrs. Musgrove Sr.; and Mr. and airs. Stewart Musgrove of Wrox- eter, visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. D. Willis. ear. and errs, Kenneth Carter and baby Janet, moved on Saturday • to their new home et Blyth, Mrand elm Gorge Winker and Clarence visited ort Sunday With her parents, Mr, and Mr, Wm. Humphrey of St. Helens. Mr, George Ross of Owen Sound visited over the week -end with his Mother, Mrs. Robert Ross mid oth- er relatives here. MM. Frank Coulter Mrs. Earl )Caslick„ Mrs. alarm's, lira, Mar- shall, • Mrs, Johnston , Conn and Mrs. bawsoit Craig attended the Sessional Meeting of the West 011ivislon of the Maitland Presby- Jerial, held oh 'Thursday last at South Kinloss Church. Atlas Laura I Collar, „missionary frdre Nigeria, Afriea. was the special speaker, while atm. Thomas of Bluevale, and Mrs. English of Winghain, gave the report of the Synodical and Pte.sbytenal Meetings. , Mr. John Congrani of WingliaM will have eharge*of the services in the Presbyterian Church here on SO nday. gr. and Ma, Cecil Harrison of •Mitchell, visited on Sunday with her' Miele, Mr. Main Robert -tort 1 •Mrs, W. P. Hallahan Dies in Brussels •Mrs, 'William P. Hanel's.'" passed • away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clement Steffler, Brussels, oa October 18. Mrs. leallahan was in • her SSth year. The former Elizabeth Ann Hay - don, she was born in Melton in 1870 and was the only surviving, member of a family of thirteen children. After finishing public seheol there she worked in the city of Toronto until her marriage to Mr, Manahan of East Wawanosh 69 years ago, Her husband prede- ceased- her 25 years ago, and a daughter, Mary Ellen, deednn 1922. Surviving are five sons, Simon, John. William J. and Don of East Wroxeter, County of Huron. eVateanosh and Dennis of 'Mallon; Gentleman, who died on the 23rd and One daughter, Mrs. C. Steffler • day of October, 1957, are required of Brussels' . to file proof of same with the un -1 The funeral was held from the dersigned on or before the twenty home of her son, Williare, J.. 4th third day of November. 1957, concession of East Wawanosh, to After that date the •executor will St. nehael's R. C. Chufeh at- Blyth, where Solemn High Mass was sung proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims by Rev- Father 3. W. 11% Graham* of which he shall then have had notice. , DATED at Wingham this 1st ' • J. f day of NoVember. 1957, • Augustine. • CRAWFORD & FIETHERRIGTON Burka was in St., eliachens Cerner Whighana Ontario. 'tem Morris Township, The pall- Solieitors ,fot the Executor bearers were six grandsons, Wil- 6.:mrob, liam E. Hallaban, Maurice liana - NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1:11allia aliat.lictRa:"n1 ertatilitahairall;Jranankd thtlelsptaetres.00rifs jh&vimgclasliertirrffs against Ciperiltieruifeaftftleentdcd thee funeral of the Village of WrOxeter, in the . train "At3"iten. rElliaPtoll. 14railinA. County of Huron, Widow. •,vho t,istowel, Seaforth, Brussels and died on or about the 26th day of 1Wirighatta October, A.I). 1957, are notified to drke many beautiful floral and seed to the undereigned, e rie *--- eV:ritual tributes that were receit - b1;5fio,re ftiheln 2.3prdatidicatiLor: Noofvetuthbeir; ;ed". stowea the stem In wbieh' 'ealhitelrb.sr theinsair 23itrindgd. ayltnerNE'dio"8.•ettralY. 'lertS. II:81131a° was bcid. her. 1957, the assets of the said "etEMOULteil NVEr.T.S., It' loving mernOrY 01 Harry Wells, who passed away He suffered patiently and twig, one year ago, :November la, 1%16. hof* was bright, his faith wasi stating, The peace of Jesus filled his; breast, And,,in Ma arms he sank to rest Lovingly remembered by wire, children and granchhildten. FINANCING A CAR? Drlort you buy ask about our Low Cost kirimteing Service with eilrraolote 'Amirante Coverage. STEWART A. SCOTT thOdo 144 Ilringhatn. grottit of Clinton, assisted by Rev. Father .1. -srecowa 81 Columbian and Rev Father J Urhoreskie of St Testator will dikrib.at.t3 tiniongle the Patties entitled there"- Box Holders' Names to, having regard only to ela'ana fir = which the Exectitor shall then have ';,•3 Not Given out II Wee.° t It strictly againat Mgr roles DATtlfa this 2nd day of Nowirei 4tivolgo the name or address ber. 1051. for taw advettiset, losing an CRAWPORD &HETHERINGTON I,. Advanee-Thnes Res Number. 1, Winglista„ Ontario.. Please ato not ask IN far' this Solicittir for the Exectifor information. • 6:13,40h Lirilrfitortrrirtreiormeiroeffirirorortirtsifilltorilogriariii and with Mr, and %fro. Alex :Rob- extson.• Mrand ltit. Jack Kerr • and //unify of Tillsonborg spent the week -end ,et, 014re heme- at Blue- vitle' and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw, Mr. Jack Mitchell is a patient in Winghan1, Hospital, following an operation for 41.ppendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher of Timmins spent the eveekrend with her parents at lefitehell and with elr'.-,and Mrs. George Fisher here. Kathleen Fisher and Sandra are very ill with flu. BIRTHS Winghara General Hospital, on Saturday, Novemben • 2nd, 1957, 'to Mr. andaMrs. Har- eld Elliott, lt.R. 4 Ripley, a daughter. - MARKS—In • 'Whigham General Hospital, on Saturday, November 2nd, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs. Stan- • ley, Marks, R.R. 5, Wingham, daughter. •e JACKLIN—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, November 4th, 1957, to M. and Mrs. Leslie Jacklin, R.R. 2, nilyth, 0, son. eINDERWOOD—In -Winghem Gen- eral Hospital, on Mondae, Nov- ember 4th, 1957, to Mr, an Mrs. Kenneth Underwood, R.R. 1, Wingham, a daugbter. RAWN—In Wingham General Hospital, on Toesday, November 5th, 1957, to Mr, and Mrs. Seth Rawn, RH, 3, Tceswater, a son, LOCM. Ilint)iihaitio. nc F Ufl15 t you plan to buy furs = a coat, jacket, stole or . fur accessory of any • type of fur 'See netcf,fa4hions , •now 14 stock • SAVE Ri;ONSULTZTO DU VAL FURS • - (MRS. DU VAL) at the ranck, North St. Phone?..W&harn 660 - WANTED- . A,. limited number of farmeks to grow a mini- mum of one half acre or more of raspberries or • strawberries , 1'ItOFITS tiP TO $700.00 rErt ACRE • Wholesale outlets for berries guaranteed. ake Write i r'ediately for full partial' ax•- to P.O. Box 785,'. 'andon, Ont. WANTED Cash paid for' dead, sick or disabled horses or cows. Free Pick-up on, smaller animals. Prompt service with -winch,- • equipped trucks. Phone LEROY 'ACHESON Atwood 153 collect or GEORGE H1SLOP Wroxeter 2r15 27 • BUSINESS and PROFESS ION A L DIRECTORY .=••••••••mmirimaid••••1 A.IL M9MIU ItAIVOISTtit, S01;1E0104 and NOTAInt TEtWATS1R. ONTARIO Telephone ts 'Teo:Water Wrrit:nnEI__ry at p.n os by; appolatinent • Frederick P. Hoinoth Carol E. Homuth kG Mrs, Yipla H, &Antall, R.O. tYll*T011101'itlAra PAC)Mil 118 Harristou, Ontario CRAWFORD & • HETHERINfiTON Banisters, Solicitors, Eto. Wingloun, • Phono 48 .11. CRAWFORD, 4C. R. this,THERIANGTON, 40 1 Jo Wo BUSHFIELO tottimor, solititor, NOWT, to. Money to DAM Ottlet. Meyer Iflok Winginnit WEWICON FIRE tkaoralleki (*billowy Est. IMO Au nit Nuadiatt eampany *kb has bathfolly served its Pelle luildetal'or over a ceutury. Head Office 'Vermin 11 C, Ainettionlingirtatite Agette$ Winginkat