The Signal, 1926-9-9, Page 34114.., Jt.. - t'
Save Your Money
Our clubbing rate for The Signal and
The London Advertiser 56.75
Yeu save 26 cents fed the cost of bending a
!nosey *tier. A similar saving Oil other
The Signal
A Chili's Pint *zoo
Fust gave $1.00
Then take it to the Bank
You will get a Bank Book
And have a Savings Account
And if you keep adding to It
Your money will grow toy
1.Nw.png :4.a plan.
Your Office Stationery
Now is a good time fix you to look through
your stock of Office Stationery and place
your order for new supplies. We eau meet
any eompetitiOn in quality and pries.
The Signal
Hon. J. C. Elliott and Mr. Jas.
Malcolm Ask North Huron Electors
to Support John W. King
The only public totaling held so far
in Goderich doting the prrseutiWe•-
tlnu camiaign took plate on Friday
night last at the Pavilion, under Lib-
eral supple•,. a.1 was fairly sell at-
tended. Tip speakers of the eyenitig
were Mr. Jaes Malcolm. es-M.P.. of
Kincardine, and now n candidate for
re -.I. t un in North Bruce. gild, Mon.
J. C. Elliott. //Matter of Leber la the
Macke lie Xing Administration and
taudkhte fur re-electli u • in Wt'1t
Mid dkees. Mr. Martell Am. Robert -
won, Meer* of Colborne towaabip, wbu
is the Liberal nowleee In Norte Mu -
ren for the Dell election to the Oa -
Your Ogrio Legislature, alae spoke briefly.
The chair was o(eup..d by Mr W.
H. Buberttoa, cillos of The Signal.
WWI with him nu the platfurs, m ad-
dittes to the epeakers, were Dr. A. 1'.
Hunter, •Deputy Reece Moser and
Warn -Warn- M. W. Howell, L. E. 1)auley.
Wesley Walker.
Mita Genevieve Spars presided at
the pinto and played while the audi-
care was assembling.
J. W King, the Progrrvrive
candidate. was not present, hating a
meeUiR at Dutglannou the sans even-
ing. bre( the aleakers all made it plain
that the Liberals were behind him in
this election. Mr. Malcolm and Mr.
I' I1iutt hntb ' of Mr. King's' per-
siatenry in advocating the claims of
tloderirh harbor for Improvement
The chairman e>tltlatmeal the circum-
et1®tea: under which --t .
wets supporting Mr. J. W. King. The
latter had been at heavy expense 1.
defending his seat atter the hod elec-
tion and bad had only one arstsb,n
pence that elee•tiun. He had•
softy sunptted the puii.•ic.. of the
King S.:mfui,trlitlou in the Islet sc•-
sina-n.•t. bo be ieru/l Nelms. they
!Ahern! a1w•uf. hitt i'(rausr
they were geed mea,.ures-and they
were warris
anted in •liet•ing that firr•adeett d he would again supisrrt the
Any boy or g.rl can sale h by
The Rpyal B.
of Canada
Goderich Branch - - F. Woollcombe, Manager
Peskiest, Guaranteed aorthy Link in ()anode's greatest
1 1 the time w r
beet minty youngrhsinuf
hirtt- a,
kmodern., ac
In 1
pe,p.le must make the derision as to ttnsnn(w:s 1en tsn1R
their life's work. if you are rare that 1 Grnduatc. of last'year are earning
you are gulag to he r dos tor, tawyee, t}n,pt ;LOW to $2.414tO per ■nnam. Ask
deatlat. clergyman, or teacher, we cal ne for a list of graduates of the past
beof very little service to you. If twenty -fire years and their addresses.
yon purpose entering the greater Imol- "r from your ktaalty,. so you may confer
gess world. where there are greater wlth them. 'Lady atcnegraphere alert
pnarlbllkles, we can train you quickly I at a letter silpry than puM1r sehoot
and pdaee yon In a gleet situation. It: t.aehers. Write today fur partieulara
feet. we guarantee every graduate n 10 the W:ngba n Ru•tness College.
position. The pupils may take their )t'Inehair.. Ont.. or For..nto's gresteeat
paths• course at home by w,a4- 1 (,-;ainerelrtt .elt.'ett. flee Canada ?loaf=
mare or they may take k tip party by nee. College. College and Kpr.glna.
home study and finish at college. Toronto. (int. Fall tern. ht-gii.s Te os -
thereby sav:ng their board. This I,a j gar, September 7th.
measures of the King A,lnlinistration
I -again, not because they would be
l Liberal measures. but because they
I would be good measures-at.d that
was all they had the right to exact
of an,' man. Mr. King had girth the
Liberals no pledge, none was asked of
Win: the best /deft.- be maid give was
hie coarsbTa the peat.
Reese 1'. A.' Itoteertsou r. nand,. 1111•
11udleace of the importance of this
election. The IAlwrnls had made
preasimea loot election. he rind. and
they had redeemed them all. The
Rohn Lodge! he deae•rib d as coin,
nar(tus 11.111 beyond the most sanguine
riprvtations. Further alteration of
the ('anadtan NaUoaat Railways halter
Liberal protection. Ye prelicte. wools
place the s)tteterp In a lwsiti.rn to make
a vonwidctahta enntrihntion in reset---
ing the burden of the national debt.
Returning to file budget al afu 1
clueing. Mr. Rohertarin di, 'at'.I 11111
it effiseevl and helped every man an
ocman is the audience and that for
alone she King Ooverpment de'•erve
to be returned 10 iwrwer.
Mr. Maleolm's Adtinws
Mr. )Malcolm at the oat t of his a
drys« ,aid opposition was being n
fercd not so much to ('onscrt•atis10 a
to ant.s.ratie Neighenianl. The ow
call. il c1.400s scandal a a.. he salt
.Imply a smoke screen tw4iu/l whit -
were hidden rite unpopular Might
pn!Ieles. Mr. ilfefgben la ilia tra
was building on a false dew•
!rise of glens.. vatting up_a
the legislation of the Klug tiuvern-
w ent. The ' t?ogr.asltt• polieleo were
praetleally the same as the Mat-kieiaie
King pulicies. and he Loped that the
'Anemia of North Horan would give
Mr. .1 W. Kite t1:,ir uii41'idcd sup
rt et tate to I, on the 1411i of 'ole
Hon. J. C. Elliott
• l?wlag t.►•tl*P lays - of the home.-
Mein. J. C. Elliott, who followed Mr.
\Ia. 111. cut los r.•nwrk'. short. but he
.:salt fere/ful:y pith the •ougtiluttonal
Issue. the'samg'glitlg investigation. and
other questions. He said. ,in part :
The customs issue les Men brought
in because th, blue rain" Isms would
00! go this 'etre. The statistlep lust
year dldL't-somite--rhos The -geed **m
lion of Its• (canary. 'today, limen are
.o pr.wt.eruus that the bluetits of Lib-
eral ponder, are Jingling lu the peo-
ple's pockets. .(Appianse.) 'Mr. El-
liott twitted ('ouae•rvahive eandldaleva
with trying to climb on the Robb boil -
get bandwagon. 1e,ao,e uf,11s general
hearty Ieccpt1011 throughout the Do -
TIM re bee. twill sutttgglfug Meer uivac
Comfederatio0 and there alwaya will be
while the tariff is hills enough to make
11 l,rufttabl,.' The , Deirlrttnenlal Mil-
oll, a hu hat •r f
keen mind guilty of
t-stuagdaia i -wee- 4 .rn,..•..n
'pahstewa. soot under the (91'11 lteetstee
111 nxniaslion MlMstere. hare not free
it cLOb.' 01, to alio the ()Minis moving
R nnl!tr them •hull 1e.
In canasta. asta. we heifer., we are a aelf-
gr.teruitlg people, and. i1 so. the will of
d- the demote is snpreme. 1 roAc you In
lite nems of all hattl,s fought in li
I:atf d1 resp oosible governmenit. hOw
e it is we have a (hiv, rnment. with Mr.
1• ]Ileiglc,tc at live head. •lending ;1.n(Nt.-
h 111111 daily by Governor-tit•nera]'a.wur
ra a. lielveJ•.tltae ul that woe hot
ride eI, 'ted by the pa °plc. bait rash. r ens
• ',Ir f. ate1I nti 11 rote of e n fill.•,.•. in the
tfYfls Cent CXf1-tf XX:CC ltsflXrr11XX
To theEI ectori
N TUESDAY next you -will go to the polls
. to decide who shall representyou in the
next Parliament of Canada. I ave been
your representative for five sessions, and have
trjed •to' serve you faithfully. It has been my
aim to advance in every way possible the in-
terests of theDominion of Canada as a whole
and �-1�uron in particular. My actions
duringthe lash important session evidentlywere
pe e
such as to meet with.generrl approval, for the
opposing party has not ventured any -public
criticism. -
- My record is before you. You know thy
rid on sues before the electors. _My op-
ponen not confide to tea public where he
pt that he is a , thic-and-thin sup-
porter -of Mr. Meigtien, whose policies have time
and again 'been demonstrated to be framed
without consideration for Elie • lwelfare of rural
communities such as North I4l.uron.'
I ask for your, vote on September 1 4th,
and if I am elected I will during the next Parlia-
ment use my influence, as I have in the last two
Parliaments,'for, the securing of further measures
in the interests of the common people.
Yours sincerely,
"tu'n�s -}I^.,-ea,"amv-tttntkat lemlit: -los.(
as iu England. where the Ktog ac-
I- c, pts the 'Write of his Mil.isters, and
t'"• the. (lorernnr-/ielerai, whether he
1ik..l 11 Hr not, sl:onld ),nee neeept,d
4: Mackenzie King's ii•leiee for n di,w,ln
re tion:
By "Divine" Right.
roof of protection wltboat provlataa
fora .Hund fuundatinn.- 'elf we cat
not stake prosperity far t h, 'home
the lumbermen, apd other Mate is
w174re1R the sunt:. r .-,anis
fr..m to make pr, •tern t •r rl
tcnuufa(•t' rl rs T' Canada's weals
,'rune :rem 1:•r export.. in I1 '(Ca
add _raid raZdataf - sof
rn't import.: *T47.0not1fn. Lok yea
we sold 11 !121.000.11u0 anti hung!oily 4922.11110.000. n:: king a halata
r,r S401.000.1)01) In our favor.
lu l.t21 the Canadian,inIJar WA* 11
n diwiinrt,- tally the Canadian do
lair was the highest m.edlnm of 'ex
At ;r „at Mins smma 4d
te1(s 4w -for -Mr
•-,g -n am tine Conservabkee• whtem
ft salmis to getting, Into power. W
thought We sore throntt: ante not
w•Izing punier 111rowgtl Uviol• rii1 t I ; t
51r. 51cin1.4 to h to ‘1811111 ns that e.; r;
nut. 111.,0111t1011 W110 granted 1.)lir
I• ]I.ighe,t atterthe adoption of t! .
t•Lae_ „^.e in i-acu
was shipping its gold here to ketal
M . Stab i11 free.41 It an Interest
licit saner rho -Valley of the 'Ahern
Adminlstratiuu In hnlldina 1110 sour
Empire trade. i'n'ter the lirltis
',referent,. which Mr. Melgbell rel
impel. l'tllia.1a sae, 0 ming
tau. t. ,ave 11:1 tug cute of .i'munclatinn aid
1/1"4:11-nts�iTi ace ever l a,..4l • in 1'nrlla-
trel,itt (ills- 'p' -»-l1'
Share dollar r1 1/arse.+nstttrrttvr:ri t'siw war t-afinera
lot• a sy1r
lf-.'rrrntng .tans
rits 11.• tlpiib-
talrtel. and the 1wnpte of Carlotta are
h "'ug 10 t-indt.mte tttat status u11 Sep-
" tier 14. ' (Applun«o.l•
.11r: 1•allnt1 !,.•lend ,
int t , 'uns.•rrntiv„r will he for-
*Won 'n wide!: she woahl t tt
"' 1e -1411:114. t..hel'i-th.-t, f,nl. -err-ttrtytn:-
1wYr. e Maritime.. Mrs -going -tn' tw
at-k'nw - fair'}' vt,ri, alt iTi, r'• utc go-
., g to be big Liberal
.1r:duly, Me. ]leig]tH, - V0151 w1r,
jlnw•.1 ..
me. Jelin King. h:..itso h.- tuts r.:.
,tontly somiert.-4 1, gi.latinn that tt a,
II e 18•1 n.t.-i -.T 't his rbting and
.';. ta.ttdo.,f-.t-s+.a,in4+81,-wA.i
.-, Mr.
Is rag nen• pirsis•,•nt to owing alien 111Y -
awl 4,1e,it r n:, others that the $130.-
1141 graft for flod,ri,-h 1,3116.1'fit.•u:d ' {
tfirnryg'h. •'TT""5 .1 ' have been .Ins-
is -slide for the (Metals [Net Ito the I:
-t Ratiii'actttrin. ..,litre for the Itritlslt
Empire. The Ars, raKai _are•aty was
ordain r ..-r. in - iding the Empire
toner her r.; prufl state 014 4. .
Malcolm re fuss fin (•urseri'at're
eriti'•tsm. of :1'e .htstra:i:,,i t•:,rt.
:tint- rare, 1,71711,N --Tir-giow tliat while
the Canadian market was not Injured
A ten valnuble marker ass Oita./..d
In .Instralta for Conn.11nn gr*n!..
lir. Maieo!rn pointed ; lot that. c,i,
trary to g,•ner:,1 belief •1 e Rnite•a
S1 ru.' or if • whole.. sea; n••; a higl•.
tariff eettiitrr in mint i:ne, 1' '4
stone: acre 4..t"r tun 1'0o:talon
anti... 1',F t.,•'n.ta. ;b.. co44.-.t
Status ha.1• slaoff
t ter-,rl•'tr:,l
?mplemei ,. .r on icor, :;l ; .:.,.•-
', r• riff Toilet e1,•for
Ill .1 ( u . 1 .1%yonc who entet'd 11
...elfish 11fgI 'aril' foe 4]ttlarta _an:
helpttin t f r i tltaiin.Tli.-F
rreFi.-,tui of
1'onfe'Irrntn r
1'titter 1.11., sal Mo.-rettm't:4 •here
fool Mees a cr.,.11 inerea'r•-ftrAvarrior_
stent in t'ner.ea. t)?Tk•f,f shttistl:'s
0sboael forte -tyre per rent. nicire sten
employed :it Catattle today :how In
Gnverameu1 expenditure had been
eta /loan from t4tritlientkkl..lto LM r t.,
I t tfit tt t* h. 19.211 mr from t 41 pw•r
'spite ih 111_t1 to 1411 per ,,,; 'h, Ir;
Tnrn!t•e •F,-•,-, 'ilii- :lrt, . ,
a4Man Natter? ltaitwnys. IMI yigl-
enter ns year .f6, 10i1 Mr.irt 1. l -t sa w
dei.•!t of ;1d.(M10.0I(0. Thy Liberals
tank hold, pot Sir Henn T! .arnton fn
(barge. and Mi. veer there will_lle.a
wurpinir`7tr84011110.006. to E4•i.flfk1.M0
Oeer npwratlht e1T1i•fMa-1mong1. to
par all Interest charge's. •
Mr. Malcolm, whet as a 'tnnntlfte
fnrar takes a specie) Interest In volt
wry Wetter.. pr'w.edel to show how
'(his great asset of the people. the Nn-
tionnl ilnilway.. is In.danger at the
Present time. Hoe- R. R. litktnl'tt.
Mr. Meichen'a Mnttater of Pirrtnre.
bits all hie life been a(ww•j5tel with
the ('.i'.R.. lion. W. A. Black. whom
Mr. Meighen hR• ekn.e,i as Nlnhfer
of Railway openly 8/lv.w•Rfea the Ai.-
memlwrment of the Notional gallway
system an,) running the Interr'nhtntal
as it was In fernier lnys. Mon. R. T..
t�P�at.asand.. of YJnele.•. It r. McIght 'e
r71n 1•tcr of Justice. b'+Ides tieing ht'-
terty Roel-Rrttish it openly opposer] to
Piddle (,tl•merahlp of railways. With
these men In the three moat Imrs;rtant
poets in the Melatem (Stthlnet. Mends
of the t'Rn*ether -yminna•l Railways
rimy well fear for Its flame.
Referring fn the doings of the last
iseaton, the 'rnker fold how the ('on-
mervattvei had for w.ek• nn sect:'
Meld lop the work of the Tro•R* and
dNnved the King (i•vernmMt'a Rptwn-
prtatlsns for ()Mellish halloos fad
other woeful.
Mr. .1. W. King throng/tont file las'
seiMlan •foail stannehty in oippipero of
A number of good
Houses for Sale
or Rent
Fully rrslwierit hones. on
I'ieton $test for wile. (larder,
and garage.
Al farm, new barn and a;kl,
water bowls iu agile, orae -half
utile from store, church and
'ehool, three from shipping
point._ _ . .
Also 5 acres land, one mile
from town, good barn and
hallow, fruit trees and terries.
Also 20 tmuaes far sale or
Beautiful farm, 114 acres,
brick hours', One wile teflon.,
whool, church, station. Price
651(10 (WJ.
Elevator sad A. W. Chas stock.
Auto, Life, Siek and
Accident Insurance.
Phone 292
Nelson Street, East
Life insurance Company
A Sirong,Canadlan lbnstnul�
Ine'nrporat.d 1)4149
\j•'•nt Lhrcii;
Res Bruce St. Goderieh
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
You carry Are insurance on your
home bet aw Insurance un your
life. Tour home can easily he
duplicated but your life Cannot
be restored to your family.
Be consistent and carry adelun'e
110 Ineuraticc_
District Agent
Goderich Phone 115
statute books the Icgi,l:i ;• SL which. they
cit,]without Progressive. )tplinr-f. Alii
fist's the rens, tt I Lure :,. k,•n rime :e
come to Godori h to •isak on Mr.
Kung's !what! and pry Llhr_rft•t -,
-Jet-,- l ,
Tia ehaIrmn,i ,•ala... d 141 11.
slw'nki•rs the thank* of 114' Aad/ el,.•,
for cmtuhlg M give 1hem_.•_„arc•tru
au: tress.., whb•h th.'y ha_]I
d fir t 1!' turd
and the fleeting chi./ d with
of the National Anthem.
sittlnMtl en -T :i pi
j. vim. -
• Stocks
Bonds Grain
Huron Investments
floral lb filers St..; k llr,.l,crs
(:,'i,, rn l 1-a r:a.'
Royal Bask Bldg.. Goderich, Ont.
Phones: 431 awl 445
)'ivat• wire eenneetinn, with all
leading Meek ass Grain Irehan,••ea
Geo. Williams
Dealer in
Fire, Life, Accident. Automo-
bile, and Geoerul Insurance
(UACs, North Street. Phone U4.
The Mutual Life
Assurance Company of
Canada /
f .tablr►.d 1669
Iliad ()filet ,
1% at.rloo, Ontario
D. D. MOONEY, Agent.
f�•t Street. P\... s60
Goderich. Ontario.
Try a Want 4,L in The Signal
The Armstrong Real Estate
and insurance Agency
lite (Sun Life), Atri.
rt►t and Auto-
mobile Insurance
Farsaa and house« caul Tess in (;ed-
rricY :owl '1 i•ittitl for Sale.
MO acres, mostly clay loam. a ire fenced.
well w'atentl, go,rl buildings. some tim-
ber. Building, and timtx•r on this farm
/Will to rte word. more than is being asked
for entim prperty. Fwtate businem. lot-
to -c. to-dos', Price for quiet sale,2.!10.110. -
120 sena. choice property, $70110.01:
1111 sere.. 11.5t(I.O0; 48 scop. S.1000.00;
4S sena, $11141.(11; etc.. etc.
Large.nttmtxer-ol farms« listed to select
from, also ninny houses und beta in (lode -
A tea small pl:tciy, claw to tuwa with
ill u�x teres y�1tt„k � ipe»-
Mlackuwtth alwµ_wrtT►= it iarm-at. -
lxcixa. _ - -
.1 loss! place to quickly Ibc•ale any
ppr"perty required.
1 paler days • tlidn.'edayt' and Satur-
day« or any day by special ri queen Every
eacutng after ata o'clock.
-F orallewrticu4cre.sews or-arite•
little; 1 ......• . nett (I, or 1- The S.
stow. S.rinn'
1'. It. lb,‘ I tt • Goderich. Ont
6'2 Per Cent.
First Mortgage Fee 62 Per Cent. Sinking
Fund Gold Bonds
PROPERTY.-12•.tory O11ie, and 'theatre Building.
LOCATION. - • It' or,lrrtow 2444• -'et n1s -fhrt4+re le- 4 w. rt,tr : f - ',--
on Nevins Street: nod 1St feet on Livinttston
`street -a total street frontage of theft fret on three
- y,�t,�uLprii.+xµ�-.�pa':,-�a.-torr,-*wt..- 1 ♦-- � }�
. - r -- • • Y F=1111rtit:431 err-r�- stir t�i. iFitiViii- 1;;,; .'t : - ..
Mortgage on the it hove prop, rt y.
'Che ,n1iil prOprif liittwTeeti Tensed to tltc Fox
people for n berm or :lo yearn, who guarantee to
pay to Straus and Co. an amount which will pay
all interest charges and more than reduce the
Mnrtgtfge to less than 541., f'y 1941.
NOTE:--- ' In addition to this Ming a Straus i•,wne we might
say that the nssats of the lessee nrnr tint to over
which are llgtlill. '
BONDS for investment ANi) Ai)VIS_E YOiT
PRICE: 100 and Accrued Interest
Masonic Temple Building
' 1
....,;eta:• - --="..�-'t