HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-06, Page 35.7
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people compete
in the oil business
Did you know there are more than
10,0Q0 people engaged in the search'
for oil tin Canada,? We knOw it,
because we run into plenty of them.
each time. we try, to" lease promising
oil lands.
Did you know there axe, hundreds of
skilled chemists and, engineers in
Canada'p 42 refineries? We know it,
because our own technical people ,
have to work hard to stay ahead
of the others in producing better
products 'at lower cost.
r 4
‘PW.. • • . •
4.4§.1t1 4:4;1444,1,,,A1,4
Impolo Sport Coupe--such luxury.'never ,
come out of the low-price field before!.
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El El
ROL The biggest, boldest
move any car ever made!
eye.filling new Nomad ... 4.clOor, 6.passenger station Wagon.
Meet the beautifully moving.'58- Chevrolet!
It's so panther-gttick, so silk-smooth it goes
far beyond even the. great 'Chevrolet per-,
formers of the past. Here are radical hew
departures in power, ride and body-frame
design, a. V8 unlike any other, a Full Coil
suspension system and a real air ride! Evert
two new super models! See the 958 Chevrolet'
Look at Chevrolet's new styling, airy. new gull-
wing fenders. That's how new Chevrolet is all
over. It's, lower and wider -- and nine crisp
inches longer.
There's an'all-new Turbo-Thrust V£3* engine
with a new brand of velvety action. Pair it up
with Turboglide" and. you'll command the
'quickest, smoothest combination on the road!
There are two new rides — cradle-soft Full Coil
• suspension — ,and the first real air ride* in
Chevy's field,' The body-frame design is new,
the wheelbase is longer, for a sweet new
handling feel.
There's plenty more: — a new 4-headlight
system for safer seeing, new 6 and V8 power, a
new foot-operated parking brake. Improved
transmissions include a smoother-than-ever
Powergiide". And two new super models make
their debut — the Impala Sport Coupe and
Convertible. TheAre the lowest, most luxurious
Chevrolets of all.
See all that's new at your Chevrolet dealer's!
*Optional at extra cost.
111144.6. •• •
Bel Mr *Pew Sedan bold new
beality and nohow Body. coality.
Canada's hundreds of oil companies
wage vigorous competition, the
result is increased efficierioy, and
benefits to the coisunier*
.10410111,1AL. ()IL '..„16,11411*,C).
'l'he litib44int40 AdineAtee"-TIOsetig, WoOtekithkYx Now, *Ilk 1/#0 'TEC ST. HELENS
The room was. prettily decorated
! with skeletons, ptimPitins and 'blaelt
cats, The "judges were Mrs, Chap,
man, Mrs.. James Falconer and Iv-.
an. LaidlAW. The games and :con-
tests were in charge of Jack Coul-
tes and R.eymOnd Laidlaw, All
enjoyed the lunch of hot 400S, can-
dy and coffee. •
lowing Won prizes: Vest dressed
lady Marlene Martin; best -:dressed
Janice Farrier; best dressed
man,., Gary Chapman; combo, dress,
over 42 .yearst Arthur Laidlaw;
dor X12 years, John Willis:. fiercest
looking, Wayne Farrier; hest dress,.
ed couple, Mrs, Russell Purdon and
Karen Oroakorth,
United YPU Holds
Halloween Party
<,;WHIT4ONURCK The young
people of the United 'Church held
their annual Hallowe'en. social. eve-
ning in the Sunday Sohooi room, of
the church, last Tuesday, The. fol-
Aluminum ,
SASH ;,.
Will gliallt
4v.msgR ,BVILPfNg
• Telephon 260 • -
A Mernerial service will be held
In the community hall end at the
cenotaph net Sunday afternoon
ait 2,30. TiVeryorie is invited to at-
Sunday was .-Men and Missions
Sunday in the 'United Church
when Gilbert Beeeroft, of the
Africk United Church was guest
speaker, Using the theme, "My
Father's Susineas", Mr. Beeeroft
told of 'the Work• of the Church
and of the layman's share in it,
The ladies are reminded of the
Women's Institute meeting this
(Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock
when Mrs, Bradneck of Auburn,
the district president, Will be the
guest speaker.
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Bryan and
their daughter, of Tottenharnt
were visitors on Thursday, with Mr.
and Mrs. E. W, Rice and Mr„ A,
Q. Webb.
Mitchell visited on Saturday with
his Parents, Rev, and Mrs, J; W,
Quite a number from here took
in the bazaar and afternoon tea it
the community hall at Bluevale on
Wednesday of last week, The event
was sponsored by the W,A, of the
United Church there,
Mr. and Mrs. J. G,• Gillespie and
Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Farrier ane
Wayne and Janice spent the week-
end at the home of Mr. arid Mrs
Jack Gillepie of Sarnia.
Mr, and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw and
children visited on Sunday with
his Mother, Mrs, James Laidlaw
in Goderich.
Miss Annie Kennedy has beer
home over the week-end sufferinp
from flu, Mrs. Conn and the child-
ren have been laid up with a bac*
attack of flu during the past week.
Plans are being made to hold' p
reception on Saturday for Mr. and
Mrs, Stewart Coupland of Toronto.
Mrs, Victor Emerson, who teach-
es at Mount Forest, spent the past
week-end here, They visited with
her mother, Mrs, Reuben Tiffin at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Tiffin* of Langside on Sunday,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purdon and
baby Kathy, visited on Sunday at,
the home of her sister, Mrs. Doug-
las Kauffman of Kitchener.
Mrs. .:William Taylor left last
week with her daughter, Mrs. Irene
Paterson, to spend a.few weeks hi
Lorne Johnston, Ezra Scholtz,
Russell Farrier and Mr. 'Brown
spent a few days' last Week in
Southern. Ontario, pheasant shoot-
Tiffin relatives and John Aitche-
son and• Alfred Rintoul of Lucknow
met on Sunday at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Charles Tiffin for a fami-
ly dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Cardiff of
Brussels visited on Sunday at the
home of her sister, Mrs. William
• Mr. Thomas Kerry and Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson- Kerry of Paisley visit,
ed on Saturday at the home of •Mr.
and Mrs. Albert. Coultes.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Harold Johnston
and family of Parkhill visited on
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace Corin,
The Ladies' Aid of the Presby-
terian Church held* their meeting
on Tuesday last at the home of
Mrs. Frank Coulter, who read the
Scripture lesson, and Mrs. Daw-
son. Craig led in prayer. The la-
dies made plans for holding a con-
gregational supper this Friday ev-
ening in the Sunday School room
of the church.
Mr. Gordon Mitchell of Toronto
spent :the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Will Henry.
Mr. Chas. Moore is a patient in
Wingham Hospital, suffering from
flu and pneumcinia.
MARKS—At the Wingham Gener-
o al Hospital, •on Saturday, Nev-
ember 1st, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Marks, of East Wawa-
nosh, a' 'daughter:
Mr< and Mrs,. John J-PIIP$air-
minghtim, Mich, Mr, and Mrs,
Harry Jones, of Utica, Mieh., Mr,
and, Mrs, Harold 'Slesser And
daughters of glarnis, Mr. Atistin
?:1Qaktiveosi vTiQsft°endt° .dS UolitrYr ctahl
Mr, and Mrs, Harry Cook of. Mar-
Mrs. Robert Bolton, of Tees-
water, is visiting this week at the
home of her daughter, Mrs,
men Sleightheins,
Mr, and Mrs, Norman Coulter
and. Douglas were in Toronto on
Tuesday last,
Mr', and Mrs, James Falconer and
Lois iiisited on StIndaY with Mr, and Mrs. Calvert Falconer of
Blyth. Mr. .Sam Coulter, who has
been staying with Mr. and Mra.
Falconer, has been under the doc-
tor's care recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent
a few days last week, at Caledon
with Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Welwood
and with his mother, Mrs, John
Falconer, Mr. Arthur Cronin, who
was a patient in Orangeville Hos-
pital for two months, Is still on the
sick list there.
Mr, arid Mrs,• Joseph 'ThOmP,Son,
of Goderich,' Marcel philIon of
Haaillton and Maurice Philion of
Brantford visited on Friday, with
Mr, and Mrs. Mason Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs, Jahn McBurney
received word last week that their
son, Allan, and Gordon Pengelly;
who had been working at Leth-
bridge during the harvest, had
Spent three weeks at Penticton,
13,C, where they picked apples in
the Okanagan Valley until Allan
accidentally brok,e his ankle, after
which they travelled to Vancou-
ire 9.1c, we MAN* is
leilophontir , olAr 140droom
Ver, 14,0,
Mrs, Victor Young of Wingham,
is a, patient in Wingham ,Hospital,
suffering front flu, -.and infection
in a brUi4e• above her ankle,
Mr. and Mrs, neg. .Sturdy And
Clifford and Mn, john 'Yttill of
Goderieli visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Mogurney,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson and:
Larry and her parents, Mr. and.
Mrs, W. A, guM13.0)1rey of St, gel-,
ens, made a trip to „L(3.110Q4, on
Mr. and Mrs, Percy Vinceiit of:
Auburn visited on Wednesday last .
with Mr, and Mrs. -James Falconer,'
Mr, arid -Mrs, 'John •McBurney
and Grant visited on Sunday with,
and Mrs, Noble Young of God-.
Mrs, Struthers of Lucknow spent
a few days, last week at the home
of her daughter, Mrs, )-Zugh
Mr, and Mrs, James Currie
ed home on Saturday after spend-
ing a week at the home of his
sister, Mrs, Erie Elliott of Osha,
wa, and 'Mr, and Mrs. Bj, E. Walk.
er, who accompanied' them, visit-
ed at the home of their son; They
had a most interesting trip Along
the new St. Lawrence 'Seaway.
• The regular meeting of the Wen
men's Institute , will be held .on
Wednesday of next week, when
members, their hnsbands and fain-
flieswill gather at 'a pot luck sup
per, after which Roger Sehwass
of OI<NN will show his pictures o!
his recent trip.
Mr. and Mrs. kenneth Dowling
and Beth, and Mr. Robert 'Aitche: •
Son, visited on Sunday at the horm
of Mr, Jelin Eurig of Fordwich. All
visited with Mrs. Eurig in Listowel
Memorial Hospital.
Rev, and Mrs, Robert . Watt of
, Miss Emma Johnston, Mrs. Ed-
ward Johnston and Mrs. W, J.
Johnston visited at Walton on
rs, M Howard Black, of Toronto,
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Sellers and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hoffman' of
Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
C, B. Hoffman, on their way from
Florida, where they spent their
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Elliott
visited at the home of Cameron
Inglis, at Atwood, on 'Sunday, and
attended anniversary services .in
Atwood Presbyterian Church. Rev,
J. Greig, of Toronto, formerly
of Bluevale, was the anniversary
George T, Thomson, who has
been the efficient township clerk
for Turnberrt for the last seven
years, has resigned, His resigna-
tion was received with regret by
Turnberry Council at their meeting
on Saturday.
Keith Johnston, son of ,Mr, ant-)
Mrs. Carl Johnston had the mis-
fortune to break his arm in a
tractor mishap.
Mr. and. Mrs, Jos. Walker and
Miss Margaret Curtis spent Sunday
at Ingersoll,
• The Woman's ASsociation of the
Bluevale United Church , held a
successful baZaar on October 20th.
The newly decorated community
hall was the setting and there was
tv large gathering of local residents
and visitors from Winghain and
White 1111e6ThBluevale Women's Insti-
tute will observe "Family Night"
hi the community hall,. on Friday
o'clock a pot 'luck 'supper will be.
evening, November 8th, At seven
served through the co-operation of
all who attend, A program, featur,
big a debate and musical numbers,
will follow; Dveryarie Will 'be web
come to attend, "'
Mt, and Mrs, Allan White and
(Mt =11.! - do,
r ti
Did you know Canada's oil companies
employ thousands of salesmen to
market their products? We know it,
because every day our own sales
people are competing with salesmen
from other companies.
Now on
Display a-
Phone 1.:39