HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-11-06, Page 1:ate With which is amalgamated the Vidette, and Wroxeter N ews A WaNtailiAM• 014'rARal), VVEDNIllSDAyr NOVEMfeEllt 'eth, )957 RECEPTION AT ROYAL T A reception 'for Mr. ana Mrs, Kenneth White, (nee Dawn Mof- fat) which was postponed' from October 25th, will be held this a.FrIday, November 8 at the Royal likT. Ladies bring lunch. Everyone • — elcome. F6b ; ANOTIIER GIANT aa .Wilbert. Pxocter, pf R.R. 4, •Brussels, is no elbuch , when. it comes to cabbages. 0. He garnered one last week that tipped the scales at 15 pounds. 0— 0 ,•0 a! • A pAia LATE—•Due. toathe' holla day on. Monday next ' the—AR'a not.. be ,published until jhursday morning, This is, the last of the `Monday holidays until next spring,• lev,e „ holidays but could Wish they.wgre all on. Saturday, • To Scout Board Wingham .reeiaents "were, named to linporaant posts,in the Saugeen „Diatrick. Scout Associa- doh at the annual meeting of that organization . held last Tuesday evening in the ,,,,xibgion Hall at Walkerton. aas Prank E. Madill, Of. Wingham, Was named as, chairman and Mrs; Herbert /idler was elected ,seete.a tary4reastirer. Walter. Gaoler, Chealeyale vice-chairman. 1- Field Commissioner: Relied Tay-' lor, of ,Hanover, presiding over the' meeting; at 'which it was decided tO.purehtise distriet badges for the Seceits in this area.. The annual • :canireh• parade Willabe•hela in May alaSkathevat'aeliarabe•afiinever ENGAGEMENT The engagement is arihotaieed ea? Helen Martha, daughter of Mrs. E. Green and the ' late Richard C. Green (o. Flight Cadet Ro'bert Ian 'Hetherington; elder son of Mr, trld 'NfrO4 Robert S. Hetherington, of ayinahatn, Oat,. The wedding will take place 'ea the Protestant Chapel, It.C.A.F.a4etion, Winnipeg.; On 'Friday, - November 8th, at 7,30 p.m, , la6e iali/LISTMAS TEA' a • Wednesday; Neramieber-lath is the date to remember fOr the Christ- mas Tea, and Sale at the Wingham United Church., There will be an -apron display at 3 o'clock. Christ- mas cakes anda a bake table also featured.: Nuraery ferasmall child, ran. • fa,.. F6:13b RECEPTION ‘-'" A reception will be held in hon- our of Mr. and Mre, Stewart Coup- land (nee Joyce Robinson), in „the Whitechurch Community Meth- Modal Hall, Saturday, November 9th, Tiffin's Orchestra, Ladies bring sandwiches, Everyone wel- come, Fab TERNBERRY TOWNSHIP FED. Of AGRICULTURE •t The meeting of the 'township of Turnberry Federation bf AgricUl- ture will be held . in Gilmour s. School, on Wednesday, 14evember 12th, at 8.30 p.m, 'Harold' president. F6;13)3 MEMORIAL' PROGRAM IN MORRIS TWIT, HAM A Memorial Vrograni will be, held 111 Morris Township Monday,. November lltla at thtee o'clock, There will be presenta- tion of pee:idea flags and pietutes, kveryone is weiteine, Morris COI- tenlrial Ninfirattee.. voUlb "COMING?—Dark .eleuds ailing up on. Tuesday afterneon ape peara to hold, sonic threat, of snow. -af' it makes you feel better just taiak, back tp the loyelya long fall ,we'ae enjoyed this year. • - 0 0 a 0 • ' FINE ROAD----Wprk is, nearly CoMpleted on the re-paving of Highway 4 north to No. 9. With the curves. all :rebuilt and• shoul- ders aa-earfaceaa the ,highway will 'be 'one of theaffilaSt frOthis area, e ' Two Areamed7, • BAZAAR AND TEA The' Ladies' Guild bf St. Paul's Anglican Church le holding a bazaar, tea and bake sale on Wed- heeday, November 27th, at 3 o'clock. F6:20b ntermediate Main ALONG THE MAIN DRAG' BY -The rOestrYin iliku I T changed, this week from "Beep BIG ,IHT—The terse on top of, the" Russian hit parade iias been rand. Chainpionship Beep" to '"Bow Wow"; since Sput- nik ',has been sup,erceded by Matt- ,nik I. stiFiEn AT GORRIE Come to. Gorrie United Church Turkey Supper, Friday,. November 8, served, from 5.30'to 8 p.m, Pro- gram by Star Performers of Tor- onto. ,Adults $1.25; children, 75c. F6b ECCIIRE • A euchre party will be held in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall on Tuesday, November 12th, at /3.30 p.m. Good prizes, Lunch Serv- ed. 'Eyeryone welcome, Fab Remembrance Parades Services at Week-end Linda Reavie and Gloria Reid make a charming colt ale as they emile for the judges at the Hallowea party held on Thursday evening. The two girls were winriera in the section for the best national costume, Suti Chain, a Farmosan, visited with /viz. and, IVIrs. Horace ,Aitchison, of Wingham, over the week-erid, He is seen here, talking with Mr, and Mrs, _Aitchison and their grandson, Larry, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Aitchison. Mr. ,Chaen is at 'present 'studying music in Toronto. —Advance;Timas photo: Legion Discusses Plan To Beautify Grounds Dedication Ceremony Planned for Monday At Morris 'Hall The Morris Township hall will be the scene of the dedication and unveiling of two plaques on November 11 at 3 :p.m. One plaque will bear the names of all the,soldiers from Morrie Township who died overseas during World Wars I and II, The second plaque will bear the names of all the reeves, deputy reeves, elerks and treasurers who served from 1856 to 1956. Tae*people of Morris are cordi- ally invited to attend this cere- mony and a special invitation is extended tca the families and de- scendants of those people whose names are inscribed on the pla- ques. Two pictures, one of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and' one of Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, will be dedi- dated. TWo flags, the Union Jack and the Canadian Ensign, Will also be dedicated at the ceremony. A committee, composed of Rich-, and Procter, Ralph Shaw. and Walter Shortreed is arranging• the service. Lawrie Slade Will Manage Neva Store Lawrie Slade, a, partner' in the firal of ReallegtOri brothers, who operate MA food stored in Kincar- dine, Chesley and. Willgharn, will Move to Clinton at the end of the year to assume the niartagenient Of a fourth store now being erected ia that town, 'The new store, is being eon- strueted oh the supermarket style, and will eatery, a eomplete line of foecisttiffa and a modern meat de- partment, Mr, and Mrs, Slade and their children have resided here since the tteinitigtori firm purchased the fotther Siiiith Grocery about teed years ago, Their departure front Wingham will be sincerely regretted by the Many frienda ,they hays Made here, Wingham Branch No, 180,. of the Canadian Legion, has - completed ,arrangemente„ for two services of remembrance at the week-end. The annual chureh parade will take place on Sunday morning, November 10th, when members of the Legion will fall 'in at theaLeg- ion home and march to the Wing- ham United Church, where Rev. D. J. MacRae, minister of the church will conduct the` service. The Galt .Citadel Salvation Army Band, under the leadership of Bandmaster H, A. French, Will head the parade. Cenotaph Service Service at the Cenotaph on Monday morning is scheduled for 10,15 a.m. War veterans, members Of the Legion, members of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion, BOY Scouts, Wolf Cubs, Girl Guides and Brewniesa, as Well as the Members of the town council, will fall in at the armouries at 9.45 to march to the cenotaph, where Legion President John Pattison will act as chairman, The Lions Club Boys' and Girls' Band will. provide music, Guest speaker for the cenotaph service will be Cepa John Irvine, fat A.P.C., and , Rev. A. Nirnmo, D.D, and Rev. D. j MacRae will assist, The, annual Legion banquet for veterans and their wives will take place at 6.30 Monday evening in the basement of, St„ Paul's Angli- can Church, Local Lodges Hold Banquet The firat banquet of the Wing- beta L.O.L. Not 704 to be held in eenjUaction with the Royal Black Preceptora, 197 took place in the ,Legion Home oil Tuesday etmning. The Main Speaker at the banquet was Bro. Ilarriniond, of Alvinstori. °tildes present at the Main table. Included County Master Walter Scott; Past County Miter, Ohne, Stewart, of dliateil; Earl Hamil- tea and Bert Plata both of Wing-, lira% BAZAAR AND IPEA, The WA, ot WrMeeteti Church will 'helda bazaar arid tea, hi dm church 'halt' 'Oh Saturday, NoVeniker 9th, at DEPT. INDICATES INTEREST IN NEW HIGHWAY SECTION 'A report of river pollution, made last summer by the Ontario Water Resources Corniniesleon, was read at the regular meeting of the Wingham town council held on Monday evening. En, the report it was stated that considerable pol- lution is entering the Maitland River from the town •of Wingham.' Reference was made in the report to the industrial wastes being dis- charged to the town seater system, and, the report -continued, it is essential that this be corrected and that appropriate measures be taken by the municipality to offset this pollution, The council agreed that two in- (Please 'Turn to Page Two) WITCHES, GOBLINS GATHERAT HE The Lions HalloWe'en party held on 'Thursday 'evening in the town hall attracted a large number of children again this year, The children met at the park and made their ,way along the main street to the Town. Hall for the judging, The prize winners were: Under 10 years, best national costume, 1st,, Jane, Jacqueline and Kendra. Bakery; and., Linda, Reavie arid Gloria Reid; 3rd., Norman Corrin; best comic costume, ist, Bob Fur-, mess; and., Lonhie Boucher; &`d., David tangridge; best fancy dress, 1st,, Darcy Methets; 2nd., Mary Sean Corrin; 3rd., Janet, and Mar- jorie MacRae, OVer 10 years, best national 'costume, lst„ :Tackle Saint; and., Nancy:. Clark; 3rd., David Wenger; best Stank testartie, 1st„ Robert Campbell; 2nd„ David Keats; 3rd., Sandra Cameron; best fancy dress, 1st,,. Brenda Mac Lertnali s • 2titt., Lynda Hayden; 2rd,, lalbesie Adalte, The first prize for the aatelt• original couple went to Hay. and -Lois Corrin, Second wore Sandra Cameron and Eddie Ross, Donald tintoul and Patsy 2Ait' brigs. As tlik youngsters left the hall each was, n'eserited With a 1-1a1109ea reeri treat by Inerribers of the Liens Club, dale For the second time in `Wing- ham's history the Intermediate Seftball team won the W.O.A.A. grand championship with a 7-4 vic, tory -over the Markdale Intermea- lates„ in Markdale last Tuesday night,;; From the fifth inning on, the genie ,was played in a drizzle, The last, time Wingham won the grand championship Was in .1947, when„ the late Morris Bader was manager' of the -club, ' Malitelale opened the 'scoring in die:first Piping, when Milne sing- led and scored on an overthrow, led and ascored on an overthrow. Winghara fought back in the sec- Mica inning to score three runs, 'Ken Hodgkinson got on base on an error, Bruce Lott singled, Bob Os- 'weld got on base on an error to seore' aloagkinson, Barry Fryfogle doubled to score Lott arid Oswald, Markdale cut the lead to 3-2 in the third inning when Ryan doub- led, stole third and scored on IVfaower's sacrifice fly. In the top of the fifth frame Jim -Bain smashed a home run for Wing- ham. Lorne Gardner singled, and scored on Bob. Oswald's fielder's choice. In the bottom half of the fifth stanza Markdale scored one run, Hill singled -and scored on Keith Freeman's.. single, In the sixth inning Markdale scolad, one more run to cut the score to 5-4, McGee. singled andscored on Mil- ne'e single. In the ninth inning Wingham wrapped up the ball game, scoring two insurance runs. Larne Gardner, got on base on an error, Ken Hodgkinson singled, Buce Lott sacrificed Gardner home and Jerry Fryfogle singled to score, Hadgkinson, Bill Hotchkiss went the dis- tance for Wingharn, scattering. eleven hits, while striking oat three. Keith Freeman was on the mound for Markdalc and gave up dnuileiei; hits, while striking out eight. aval Markdale aradale made -.five raia,. Wingham committed three' errors Will HIM AB R Co B. rson, ss 5 1 2 o, 2b 5 -0 Fryfogle, lb 5 0 1 Gardner, 813 5 21 - 5 2 1 Lott, If 1 1 3 Hodgkinson, c J. Fryfogle, cf 4 0 1 Oswald, rf 5 1 0 Hotchkiss, p 4 0 0 42 7 9 MARKDALE Hill, 3b A4B 5 1 1 R1 H3 Milne, cf Maower, e 5 0 0 Freeman, p 4 0 2 Fitzsimmons, ss ° 4 0 0 Rougley, rf 5 0 2 MeGee, 2b 5 11 E'endelon, If 4 0 0 Ryan, lb 4 1 2 40 4 11 HOCKEY PROGRAM NOT DIRECTED BY LOCAL NON Wingham Student Receives Bursary Tiie Huron County Scholarship committee, appointed to award bursaries at the 'University of Wes tern,, Ontario, announces that the following have been chosen for 195758: Robert 'Clarke, basharoOd, H.R. 3; Doratid Dearing, Staffa, 1; john D. Hoover, Brussels; RR. 3; Peter Lierman, Goderich, R.R, 3; GeOrge Wright, Auburn' :Ta e scholarships awarded to the `boy and the girl from Huron 0oupty with the highest Average at the Ueiversity were awarded to 1•Catheriae Ondrejicaa,,, Creditors, R.13,1 1; and William G, Laailleara eharri, R.R. 2. Lawrie Slade, a partner in the firm of- Remington Brothers, who will assume management of a new Remington-IGA store. in Clinton before the end of the year, The new store is at present under con- struction on Mary 'Street in ,Clin- toh. This will be the fourth busi- ness under the control of the part- nership, —Advance-Times photo. Brownies' Cookie Sale Nets $50.00 About $50 'was raised - by the Wingham Brownies on Saturday when they tonducted sale of cookies in the town. The Kinettes served hot chocolate to the girls after they had completed the fund- raising drive,. The money is to -be used for Brownie work in town. The Canadian Legion Crest in flowers may in the future adorn the front lawn of the' Legion Home in Wingham, if plans for the beautification, of the garden area surrounding the building material- ize: , ORMER ED1TOR' WIFE :IS NINET 0 RRIE=24 r s Thomas Nash celebrated her ninetieth birthday on Sunday at her home on the 6th concession. With her, for the oc- casion were her three daughters, Mrs. Rose Patterson,, Mount For- est; Miss Alma Nash, Toronto and Mrs, Clara Ritchie, who resides with her. Her daughter-in-law, Mrs. R. T. Nash, Toronto, was also here and a granddaughter, Mrs. Frank Duggan, Trenton. Her hus- band, Thos., Nash,. predeceased her as well as three sons. Mrs. Nash was the former Ida Hunt and her long life has been spent on- the 6th concession of Howick Township, Her husband was an editor of the Gorrie Vidette and of a Wroxeter paper. She sub- scribes to. The Wingham Advance and is interested in the local news. She is in fairly good health at present. Many friends will join with us in congratulations and best wishes. Hydro Employees Are Presented The Ontario Hydro employees, their wives and husbands had an enjoyable evening in the Legion Home on Friday of last week. Dur- ing the evening several presenta- tions were made, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Nichols-cm and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wylie, 'newlyweds were presented with gifts. Mr. Harry McArthur, Wingham manager, was presented with a golf cart from the members of the hydro in recognition of his 25 years with the Ontario •Hydro, The evening was spent iii dance ing, followed by a delicious lunch served by the ladies. The idea of the crest in flowers was was put forward by a member of Branch 180 at the regular monthly meeting held on. Tuesday evening last. • Comrade. "Scotty"' Forbe's, 'Who made the floWer -crest suggestion, also, brought fOrward for the branch's. consideration, the idea of .y instituting an, •an.npal decoratiOn • day. On. this day war graves in'the local cemetery would- receive. spec.. ielaataiala on a ana... ther.e. I yglAid retiiiMide•held iii`""rriemory,.Yo those who were killed during war- time .and hdd, beer! buried in -the • local cemetery, Regarding the atighteaMg up of the approach to the Legion Home,. Comrade E. Lewis said: that he would like to see -the area; culti- vated and that he would be -willing to donate the flowers for the pro-. ject. He offere'd to also help with the planting. •• No decision was reached at the meeting regarding the holding of a decoration day. Comrade Clarence Ohm, who ua til recently has been serving with the United Nation troops iii the Middle East, attended the meet- ink, and in a 'brief address = said how glad he was to be back among the members of the branch again. An application for membership to the branch was received from: Elmer D, Ross, of Teeswater. The application was accepted. President of the branch, John Pattison,. reported that Plans far the Remembrance Day serviees on Sunday and Monday, November 10th and 11th, have been -completed and that a Salvation Army band will lead veterans to the United Church at 10.30 on Sunday morning for the special serVice in tile church. On Monday, the parade will form up at the Wingham armouries at 9.45 a.m. and march • to the cenotaph The- Winglaire Lions Girls' and Boys' Band will be in attendance that 'morning, Comrade Scott, chairman of the branch's poppy committee, said that the total revenue received last year from the sale of poppies amounted to $399,08 and the total expenses incurred from the poppy - fund for relief, purchase of pop- pies, etc„ was $565.70, leaving a, deficit of $166.62. 44. It was stated at the meeting of the Wingham branch of the Can- adian Legion last week that a newspaper report had appeared in which it was said that tile Legion was to be responsible for all the hockey played in town this coin- ing season, , The member who raised the question said that he and several other peoPic who read the report were quite certain that it Meant I the Legion would be in complete charge of the minor hockey set- up for the town. Here is a reprint of the stray as It appeared in The Advance-Times of October 2nd: "A Sports plan, Whereby every boy and girl in town will have an Opportunity to ,play hockey, went a stage further on Tuesday eve- ning last Whorl members of the Wingham branch of the Canadian Legion voted to go along with the idea of establishing a four-month hockey season for the youngsters. "Comrade Conron, said the Red- reader' Council wanted the Le- gion's support in the organizing of the new sports set-tip. The sup- port lie explained, would mainly involve manpower, the supplying Of Managers arid coaches for the teams." As the aboVe etoty Inditatee, the Legion did agree' to assist with the hockey plan and to provide what- ever manpower possible for the pelting season. , To further clarify, the local Re,- creation,. Council is in charge ' of the hockey program, its organiza- tion and irianagerneet. Other or. lettilizatiene, ettob as tile Lions Club, firer/mil etc,, expect to lend Support to th young hockey PlaY', era *IS MUM ' la, case anyone is st.Q. (1.Cmbk the Legion is not solely responsible for Minor hockey in town this win- tea v : • "aa ;a•-• " PROCLAMATION AT THE REQUEST OF A NUMBER OF CITIZENS - I HEREBY PROCLAIM Mooday, November 11„ 1957. a Public Civic Holiday for the Town of Wingham: I hereby tali •upon all good citizens to observe the tame. R. E. McKinney, Mayer 'GOD SAVE' E (NEON'