The Signal, 1926-9-9, Page 2einviewerweresiwypilmilm.1.11 • 2-Thureday leptetutier 1026. . hrailliThStaiuti EsTABLISIKRD 1148 GOGH LRIC• • . . CANADA Minmber of Canadian Weekly News- papers Assemistion Published every Thursday monalni. Subeeriptloo price $2.00 per year. To Unhol Plates and Foreign Countriee,,, 22.10 per year. strictly In advance. THE SIGNAL PRINTING (1).. LTD. Telephone 32 : : Goderieto Oat. W. Robertson. Dlitor and Manager - ' Thursday, September 9. 1926. .46 THE SIGNA4, . -GODZILICK ONT. 'eeminerminae=iiramemmal get., ttie• eenduluts 1:lic!)" 10 liallailltaillillaalilliallan,1111111111111111111111111•110.11111111•11111111101 ilnaek toeitoir tho I•lieetela It b cau- al tot.. that tothialkies woid about Softens the Leather , • .,4! . •••• ••• • -mi.. • % • SILKSthe bye-e:ectleme held this ye .trevery T "Nugget" gives to shoes the pliable one of nicht resulting ?operably for 111 AEW DRESS • comfort of age-preservos their original the laterals. The•ttelicatione are all 1 , appearance -gives them the shining that Mr. Matikensie ICIng LIl Iligneft 1111 P • freshness of new shoes. Parliament will have it larger parry behInd hitt! ever before. • • • Mr. J. II. Ititri,11:1 of Peterborough. 'NUGGET" Shoe Polish Toney Rad -Durk Drown and White -SHOT TAFFETA SILKS French make, exquisite quality, 36 inches•vidt, in shades peach, 9 91 m a Const•ry Iti i• ; f I ' it i t eel Epire Loy. rose, coral, b6ck, etc. Yard.. Mist o represented Wet* a Peterborough at sktawn trona 1011 to al 16 • df h SILK WOOL BALBRIGGAN na° One of the most fashionable mater - war". wow. .• nd Mr. Mitchell's at Hata- j - tuwItiI ials or dresses. Medium ig t weight WHAT THE RING GOVERN- ininicallM1111 thou and sheve• HP 113- eclared 11 wool, soft and drapes beautifully, in col- MENT HAS DONE his latenthni of voting lag:Omit Mr. ors and effects of sand, blues, heathers. • Peek. the Mildgi, candidate In his X raspberry, greens etc. 54 in. 1.95 NI r. L. ottou :- .i • I he Win elsa tu mated by ....tit. r Mr. ltolee or Mr. ' The Reit 111"i11111 011 Tuell1.d7' wilt" kiii Ili- King. 'but. ley a Conservative tuenO)er. i.., f , rt.., peered in behalf of Mr. Mac ti tie- T. L. (Ilittreh. of Toronto. • -1ct Ill Mak clareel that the reeltroious of tio• Robb t It took a real nettle tee get e.. mm•It' bottle In limit:id eliould have been Insole oiereral allatoPreeentation in a few limo. We otters ago tool that if the money 111- Itlapey the istragrapil must leave been , Tho m b budge is jutt an instalment riding, and it; n letter which he has a djustment votoliiietta that -wide, at per yard e the le)y.s want to stay at Many Colleen &tire. In this riding a • made pablEtt he *Apo 1 wired t.. be lot through stmeggling,had been eolleetei greater reelnetiona b -; been made This is ingenious. but we 'doubt if It fordo': errehtely -1*411 the partisans who wlebeti to i.e fooled. Mr. Melobett when in power did tee- thing but :obi debt to debt and pile tax upon tax. When Mr. Itackensle King came to other to 1921 he found the cieuntrewaddled with the whole eott of the war. Mr. having made tee effort. to tax war profiteering So that a • ••. Large proportli tt 111*' •s of tn, er dlatlid be paid off witile the war pro - lits were still a•tee,em Farther then thie. Mr. Meighen'a party had heard or of million* a non-tax- able bought to awnies ,,t which Wealthy people. el...aped in,oloc rms. atioo In the fa -e of ;Moe eettelitione, the test task of the Mackenzie King (Ow- en:talent woe to Whoop The Midget (that is. torlug reeeipis up to expendi- tures. or redtteas espetolitunii to bal- ance receipt.). and How; put a atop to tht• proems of Ineremeng tht• tioto which wav going on under Mr. 3Ieighes at an appalling rare. It took a few 'ane to do title. btrt in optte of the hard time* following the - collator of t he ova r -boons -the look - wag aeromplished. and not only boa the bedget bet41 hollowed. but splemild surplume have been shown. and In three swear.. 1924-21-26. there have been reduetIone of the national debt totalltmr-orer liftteee,one. Durtng these jean. Jim been carrying. heavy_ stighrion, and rather than add_further_to thls. fiords% the King Government entered upon a itystematie emote.. of euttinz down Gotertitnent expendituree. with the ro- ta Mat llie annfultre-KpenelftiltE been retires' tit, over $100.11010.0110. a redacting' ; ' teen:tone'. per eent.--a feat the 111.-- of whleh wno never le - fore nevompliehed iii the history of Canada. • With the teolret le:Canoed. and the t clipped from Ilit Toronto e tgr LINENS Hemstitch, bleached all -linen Dam- ask Cloths. Size 2 x 2 yards, with half ur dozen napkins to match. Splendid pat- terns. Each set neatly boxed. $6 95 1 Special value, each NI - DRESS FLANNELS . Neat checks in finest all -wool light • weight Flannel, 56 inches wide, new col- .; orings, some silk mixed. All $295 at, per yard • Canatia.• sz Air With Me 'let It be. ult.-r1' humus - • • • allele to suiereeot Nleighen under IN Govenlinent =to, %. firer 1 had hoped WACHESON & SON • . •th.at Mr ' capi . Metenes. woiu..1. when the ' n twists a day on Gover-mag, , ander tiA tte facedn t thoilier Mee not give liort:eiterels warrants. without wigrite neemrepudateany sun- 1111111111111111111111111111111111111211 '.reit- t* that paper.. i thin Of l'arliamtirt. But that dolou't motion of doe•••eing the Fmtsire or the The. Rebt. Midget. l'10' a maa1P1118-4-werry Mr. Meilitiell• i then of Words. i• calleil a tax-reeky:Ion • .• • budget"! What should one call a bud- it e, „Hoisted that ow, 1,,t,,,,,pie or get that allow, a letter to go through Huron county will save $110.000 a year the matte at two cents Instead of by reaeon of,tise Robb budget. and tbis three: Oust allowed people who had jvIthout laising into aectsuet the their cheques tor income tax matte out eating hy minced pelmet of auto - this year MI teat theta up or mike out mobile, ' • • • new ones for smaller frmulae: that leieral; I t r .f if at any tittle -lost he - .1!1 not. I fully impolite!' that Mr Peck would rejtor satet) n tolley. and I ow.' pr -port -4 to topper, I,IIII. But rot a viol far the Empire from ,Mr. Peek. He enehtnote , Mr Meighen's 'war' polley. As I Imre now to make' it eltotee betwe.et Mr. Meighen end file Dineire ant my King and my eountry. I do o. T vowel ro• elm -tient to eiotie my views on that 1.40 " riff th ROBB BUDGET - hinarion. tottr enter-t----311-W"hlw1-4116.8-6.44'14 loot ,cip/1441"1"1".4,0 r amr thew_ top_" to-bortagig. gam% to tit ti u 3 • • vs- PP, ; Mac.Ewan to he throwing ttones at ft. • • • • tweet indtpory from top to bottom and 1 started on the recur% journey. Industry IA now going foil meam o or or ri • more In the Klee of automedies-to RS nothing of other reductions? The Roth budget ell me into effect. at moat people kuow: immediately it wag brought down In the Mous. of Com- mons. hack 'In April. with the extep- tIon-rirthe reduction in postage. whish took effect July Pit. Mr. Ohtireh hall &twat ag Mitch to with orizinating the !pomp tax re - duet ions a. ilia the etlitior if Th.. Star. Mr. Church. In feet. alone with all the other (onservinte members of the /house. voxel against the budget 'whteh contained the Income tax redo -Gone and other reductions. Beat filer le lt Ter lovely girl. Lilies &erred a initiate is her room to reties her complexion and make Imre that her ; skirt ettett like the 'went's, n plum, destooded to the -parlor t.. Met the family pet massoneed upon the knee of the young IMO caller. her early h negro.' totafortabtAlgatnet Mtreh • . -Why. Mabel!" Use young lady es - ton prefer as Ilinieter of Pinanee-J. HENSALL BOY'S BODY a Uliet self? Get right down. - A. Rollb..the mon who refutted to -be BROUGHT FROM FAR NORTH -eiton't no It." retorted the child. blufbd by the Motor oar manufac• "I got here first. - torero. or R. B. Bennett. the million- lioneall %Opt. :: --A stor% of trr-Guotl- --- doll.' a/rill/SO* ill overcoming the Din- ah*. protectionist? ' • si etaelto of nature is conneeted wish the . • • • return to Ilia Firell'e. !wino here for ' tztone Of the Cesnwervativee of God- burial of the retneitis a nineteen'. eriels tewnehip have too much reelect that *The King Government already -mind' coot -toted of having to -operated with smugglers. bOOtleggere, demisters. and thieves:• This is hot argument - it Is merely insult. It th-wat not per- eiladt• 1.1berals--It angers. It Pi earpriaing that the ron•erratire tory Committee. as it rails itself, puts re imprimatur on stir!' utalietous nes. Pat Picture (Winnipeg Free l'reses Mr. Mehthen. who sotto. here last year.M.1 Alvin .lteouitter. native of nizht. Is ()noble finest edge. He is at- thit, district. who ens drowned when ; fable a. L1014011 Ivy. mellow as 'Beetle for their -party to vote for a man with his cantor ettpairssi in, Op- Kocherhing ; aelit ,kiemer and tlereer than he ever the record of "Andy- 111.ka no calla 1 River am) miles s..rot Fort William. ; istrorP. with a quick drill of itrita- himself a l'onserratire •.islay. but a , rear from now what will ito The youth had hoot In the service -of 1 thin awl n more alnrminr. grimmer th nucleon Bay ,ComPOPT- • : look. Telling half the story with a When meal, of Ihr NI'S dITOWIIIIIX lane -nirconeenirntral indicnatito • reached *heat hie lareiitat detorfolue.4 i • i Mr. Mien:wan Sere "stelvility can- to have Itis betty returned for tmrial I Stability Forsooth not be sper..4 with A hyphen." We- here. , l'et.sequeti'y 'Voter Trentb- ( le-L.1.m Advert I set i tilwayt thougla that name that the lay• of Feet warted north- i 11 t I tl object it The th• Parr goy. rntiWti ic • Idesighen perry takes to Itself. "Lihern1-• • ward iou the bog 'rip. S MR. MacEWAN • AND TEE Con ret l'insa were exhumed and placed in1(1 attaitied by tiberal-l'rogres- ''''"nriro.- mur a ratiwr ItillY coat a 1:rMetientlY dome which Trem- "Ve tit -tory. Mr. Sleight -it otos he :n - In Ills whine" at the nomination - • i two Indians. the tort William man meeting, as IVInaltatn. Mr. Mneilwan 1 The etifie of automobiles It jttict an I, The sealed Pilaf, weighing leo iltutetration of what nall be done hi re- ' founds. had to be ferried by whits ahead. molted at the Robb binieet and its re- ; &onion* +.f tszation. This I. hardly •. I men -the Indkane refit:tine to tonett The Weed Meow? the hurtlen-oser thirteen portagee. 1 Milvertoo Sun i °TIP/illy.° tytheweinereererr. Ftimort intRiefilliiinsitte -11411-willa ' priett31":tr ti"intntdt4airocjaditilory tioniettuhrieg darettifthia 4.644/"I' li" 141.--b°84-11111198481-4- Tall mown. Noe bee. wer.Lit are growing In great luxuriftsce nail one trembles to think .4 th.- great abundanore of steals that will tee mattered over, our doe ikons to germinate oest year. The tounitipal councils should adopt .1.n;:ettent to dee:troy the noxious weeds. that deo-mate et. many of ..otir I P the attitude expected ;;f a candidate ; -at--tbe--same tittle asseieting :Whin ledustry Canadians are now 1-- ter antomott1647.- etieper. to HeattalLowhere interment was lniide. forlrat rita men f Mr. Macflw a n -1Mi-Ple-hgtI -htwirmilmotam_Teducttnits of The- Robb' PlIblie debt beaded towards a loolthy reduction. the Government found it- self aide to give the po-ople some re- lief from taxation. and the outoome wee tow losideet of tide year. Sabine eff tomtit to tins ameront nt n5.- 010.000 1.10.4100010 a year. No wonder partite/ins like Mr. Le- an -lir oteff at 1 sneer That is all they 01111 (10 In the face of melt a magnekl!1-4 rent necompliahmeott for tbe bea the Conatian people. VIM melte] to tee. a entlielent com- mentary town the oat ravnTant @dale - meta.. of Tory eampaim re n• to the gem Midget' *re not -worth haring. he would more cart aro toeing made In Chhatia, t not exert' •-btosstetlf_tn mettre further and more workmen are employed. There, are other .articleft of; common .S1. -H(101. ,I/ATISS. 1*511 sIntl:ar roltatione. There le Ile el%iiht the rifentlo Atmore - 13 use whieh inn be treated In like Wreaker " Oia!e tho r prior!, of fIllt‘21nolilloa 14,Affni to the adogrmitign nf peorks_ • DIrtacille " _LI anti the roinethm -the protege rate rana.la--and J. A. Robb b tbe -16 - - St. Meleas 17 141 alp 1:11thill&E 4or ineonie tat- • mart to do it, ()taboret. - ation. -*hien 1- tot •s -o otto-rally felt. • • • " 20 or _Iletufetietis iu the benefit rote -y -11,0y but rootgol.sel bootee« and Poilliot wilto tax. whirls arm.zot eto mei the tax it paid 1 not only nppree lions. bnt they niiireetly. The people Into t11,••' tax roint•- want twerp of them. Mr. Robb. the Idheral FInanee Minig- tor, has prontise4 another inetaltnew of hie epleedidtoteiget next yetteif the Kri4-Get7eronsent power. Ifr. John I :meetly.. extelithite. Robh In lerinetng ie returned in W. King, the Pr willimplant Mr In mutt lewleet Mr. M1 -Et judging from his oani- 'parfgnii;io. would help re pf•A II.• i.h them statements a•111 be liable leerformanee 44 the Meighen lorry in •., Herten for libel and ehtniler. The tIt bijou:10E4r 5-4'f4tger"Weewki):;;niltidieli3.1 4t.ltir ttic'inIP":61seterdinin. --Notire of complaint of libel has teen terve,' 'on The Terenio Telegram on hetint7-7-if-Rtzlel Mackenzie King and other members of hi. AdmIniettra- tier- The statement of whieh root - plaint 1. Made similar to that which wag contained In the Conservative rertitement which The !Slime dottneo to publith tart week. At Lontion an Tueolay night Mr. King 4a141; "We hare had 04.4101On to enter an mono Against newspaper of Torontn for pidelithing foivertiesemente and we la at t to give Otte warning that any ; toper or individual wkien-voutissumo0 Intuit 1. the eduntry'e o•retoie from ; emnegling. There le no olden,', that the 'Avow ere any grew..r now than thee W --re In th -einte-44-Moolfe1e1ien Governaient. At any rate: In spite of them. the Mackenzie Hinz Government be, teen able to pony off Millions of 1 ---"Jii/EMMWrstertirw''"'illtsi..yeeriVAt palate debt atilt reduce tar.atiorty fur tot Mr. MeIghen'e Government was un- able to balanee It. expenditures. but added huge sums to tLe tftiblIc_ every year It was in onto.. I • Mr. J.. 11. King in the mon North Huron should send to Ottawa. He will co-opertrte with any patty to bring Moose measures for the benefit of the people. • • • Henteill Zurich Varna Blyth Ethel Mantises Neritsetre 2L.. .. • llemtlon Advertiser) --• •6 66 22 'The thewervat ice tergeolsation-Ti , = running it eeriest of advertisements la -- -29 Tlii. 'daily tarpers of thitiehy. eonvier•- 1Iiirrie 25 Wive, Liberal Call neutral. with a be - IV a iton g 27 lief in printer's ink which would • be Gmlerich township " 10+ - justified If it were moil jwilelously Belgrare ," ? 29 , foul fairly. Bait :11, advertisement like Duielin " 30 1th:ft beaded "The Pugtotusi Seandal" • Clinton 41.1. 4 t detente lin nor' purpoie f by 111- ! tempered ealitizerathm and misrepre- - smitation. If the object Is 10 emitted Lileerals and other opetentintiesi eleet- or. it will mot he achletted by asserting The lanzitage gulf o1744 f`001(.• in very lian4ly for changing tires. _ - AVORITE ITERS We hare been wendering why the eAg. peeple That aultifili 11). "weir much better In 1925 than oe,_ did, w_wilon, glad, the ituuttedrEugThinend peraelnzawiteen,maidtb_nr eentdertetu jouilfruotuty n:441,0asti_n4ad Meighenites twill good tuettey In pub- 31--T11"2"1"11---6""--r. MeigLeti ..Prtainly 4(4 to erteaPe PP andllr21. manybut al.iti!:1;111al:4:07til.nhethiqClaean leenwtioratti" 11114 illettimdfrfe ti°11w°"r5bnik:Drtae. Went Aloloservative st year in the "Parr.' tw"1". fare of the hart rows" cry are not three. IfterlP __eitau people Luther had taught 'thepok7 ms in their to sing Mamas and own language, and John Oalvin. then A SPECIMEN TWINKLII it would he imponsible. without 1191- leos WASte of time and imam to deal with MI the irrempronsible chatter. the half-truthe the mitorepresentation and the Moo:n[8 that fln.I their way Into the columns of The tRolerieb neer in connection with the election enmpaign. P IN difficult to believe thnt infellIgent, •peinSturiti Pildit by Oteb Motile -anti we preeutne that some Intelligent people do read The Star. Just as a sample -there are eottortne of it -from late week* Moue take the following gem: It la true that lent session the King government did prothwe whet. hy A manipulation of word*, 1vt called a tal- rnetnetIon budge.; but (0 the erfel• of the end of June, Menus. King And Robb were write willing to en of their seettwares ovemboard ratitef than est rMe ine with) the new Peen. Mfrileter, lghen. to man them throngh the Rail ata.. It was beat 10 the 101- t00 to oniv* p inwtt prortloo• of that *deer as ha/ been popularly ap- proved. 14a17 be added tbat b- abas lar rodeatisaa ',rev not set. EDITORIAL NOTES fe for J. W. King and secure further roinetions of taxation. . 1 • • Vote Comselcetive if you want In- creased taxes atid.higher met of living. • • • Liberate ha Vo n reenrd of all hatnnI'Inl arhIerenient to plsee before the elec.- tore. The Meighenites have only a lot of hazy ',nnfat-so • • • If the people want reduetions of taxation, they will have to elect to Pnrliontent member.' who will work and vote foe finch inoa•nroe • • • Any igfetot,who wants to have Can- . adieu trolleydietelet1 by the hiff pate of Toronto. linntreel and Ham ,Ilton should vote for the Meighen ora - 1 (Mbyte. r. laud viith congregationt worshipping tinile ',hear eiremnstaneee. They intel with thern a few pentms -*VA Nr.Alted In Ra�tind- I,itt theo• they felt were altogether in- adequate. and they began at one.' to pretere nn Ettelinh Psalm hook with notiodioug totem, tieing Calvin's as a illedel• There weVe seholars it mons• ern Praiterefroin the oritrInal Hebrew and nereral who could turn the translations Into re- speetithie English venue. Many of tio• At all likely to do oe 'Ids year. Eton without the IMPUIse of the Robb bud- ; ! Good • • • Mr. J. W. King will support tio Motronzie King Governineat in moo sure, for the henetit of the people North Huron should pipet him for *n- ether term. • • • The boy, Aro going to the United States. In the trail of the Melgheniteis Not mneh wonder, ta there. when they oes motor ears selling there at penis eseqsarter below Clitadlan Wee.? tbr the It makett them smile- .. . it's sure ow le 44. worth while. 0111 •••••••••••••••••••••• After every Meal • .40 1.11 Gan'a, was quick to sim how spoutnverno wan the reale/um and how deeply sowed the people were at ) thit innovation in public wqrshlp. (7411vIn wait stinptetotin of bYinti* HP *aid that It Itotad be cony easy. to slip In false tioetrinco, beneAth itbtoptrettee- ()logy ofr hymns, and to lodge! h • In elinlarel hearts, $ tie would have none of them. Bat he was esp. timed by some of the Germs tnes. He took a ntosher of them end Mt them to a few aimple BIbIe p1111 wItielo he had trgasiated into the French Thee te printed In a thin Psalm -book fog bin Geneva con- gregitgos and prided hilliitelt 011 the Piet that him eongregetion tang the Word of Giel. and not any "inatiii nsadt." hymns. The /triennia exiles moon moved from Frankfort to Geneva There thee formed an Radish eongrecatIon, with the Sentehroan. John Knox. tie ono of Ita power.. These exiles were pro- foundly irrelifted at the Right of (sal. tothedral. with the little ,PitAlm hooke In their halide. praising God In their own •Freoeh toogne. The eplontid vollIM0 a sound. together with the deep fervor til the tangent. wet all se new to the bottom that It metned to them ea if die jetfoil' wot- 'Ohio. whleh tio them had been en Meet. were tnikkInn. rovlivell- They Pic - toted to thetatelvea bundryde of par- -lap chanties and entlieeirals in air tone, ankh the Genevan. sang were avacwitorta the they were Muth artractoft to the tune rompoted by boots Bourgeol* and tett to. tile Ono Hundred and- Thirty-fourth This itt the tune 8common1y kronen im the "long meter." One of the toilets, Williarn Kethe, risotto the lloseiretith Psalm to translate Info that meter. with the result that for over Gine, an, a -half fenturiest the Psalm end inn" have t,,,n mine tfo- "ether by ehristiena with ineretillialli spirltual power. r - (1f William Kettle. the author. not a peat deal it knowe. re in mild to Rave beee a Ficotellysam hut whether nr not he was a (lettermen in Fog - lend previons to his exile 1' uncertain. He evidently bad eqpirlderable poetic for be clinPrihnted teventy-fnur version. to the eriloi Psalm hook Bo rettonert to ItUoland rind wa. made) rotor of the parish of Chit& Okeford. Horne. In 1501. Two tenni later ho wail meting as ehapinin of Quoon tooth's tomb at Sewhovyn. and swain he lot mentIonen AR having noted la the tame mpaeity In the North In 150P. There is n retool of A pennon hp preached at Citiltie Okeford In 1571 and his ronnectlen with that poriett eeneed by death nr retirement. oboist 1614. Ten of hie Pea lin version% were inelotied In the ICC* Psalter pnb- ttehal 1a 1162and all Its versions-- twenlyd'onr in number -Isere adopted by the ScOttleb. Platter et 1561. vl t eon rogation la the old anada--Nlarehes Forward During Past Five Years By OBSERVER ARTICLE I. over EIM.000.000 la21011 Over Mil 111114 ear.ada is inert -tuns forward under the export value a wisest deems es. ten month.. ending lfay. 191119 delisifed tsE en e neervauve hoidens and an Morons* of 5142010196111 deer lad same ported in 191111; that the p prew 'eminently admit tt_ •:anads nits awn steadily marching of Canada'• fu prottues MR torw.aro luring tia past five yeare-a wad equal in value to the yield Ot perein o: time that einehronisas the coal whim to Great Britain; that Wt!ll the Ilackent_w_ adminlatra- cathepitratinernan 0....sa.fernier Worthineri.trielnesata mayor • me-etereess a•-a-getivernrcient Is other country; that the average he tt et. measured toy the degree of na- °omit of die Canadian tanner ef JSp ,..ttortat prosperity -al* the two go TO- 500 (according to the federal Owns. gi.tner toe . considerable dlstance- minister of agriculture) represeide 1 then the iticicenne King government distribution or 1,300 mIltioa deism ano scramieration may -point with of valuation among the minion two. pride to tn. satisfactory existing con- ere Of th• country; that the Camadie ditions evita_ thong° party advocate* Ian auto Industry a forging steatilla ma, etsuwelven credit for tm- ahead. despite Pone recent prophet:WO prtweta et -01101111C or industrial condi- of calamity 'when • beneficial tariff !ions tio!Urt. Led providence have & cadhlustrt.mftdent • bow:Lake madarei; hthaarettlItnearuidag owe'. inure prospenty. There are innumerable proofs 0. Ulla checks than at slay Um* since MO; tomeara marcs Of the dominion In that the scale el living In HMI la tar 'Limos' every department of nations.' In advance of that which people folltod clevempinesit &ad amsonsi expension. more OT lees matlefectory Practically *very Checking -up moon that the dairy Industry noo- 91011•11 - mattes a recent or an advance over mineral pmduction, with a valelei•01- noir:71:1a years. .thiptiasising the claim 8300 000.000 In 1925; that canal trans ,-ern This fact a recognised oy all more in 1925 than In 1924; th 10 pre.emlnenUy a going con- Is steadily increasing -1.979.= ,no nave their eye oo present-day ad& stands high In per capita export& condit.one --canatuata. Affiencise. Brit- and that tl• rentene. of the tab anti foreign -al/ 1 saw hope to ripronv.eislincts poam 1120-sio•mouteesee000000byehoutwo ;trove tn this sense ee latiCies I trust toe that they will strengthen ed an *01010.SOf nearly 200 millions the taith and inspire the ootrfldenoe of over iiittie.r.pr.-sousitod.....yee.rt. alt Canadians. regardless of their poli- ties. impact oe effect upon eat election That the Wet (Miamian fiscal year i.ampaign. 1 nope they will prove that ahoweci • surplus of nearly S34 000.000. ecoamna.clsauLon., tthh*. up-ewgraodte proain allp.nthatyl apreu,11,224....iie.:0•04.1::.:Eivemaractlecetumednilowmerimmitmeat.ese; *nu toss the best days am yet to 1 err specially armsful that some Lii•I C••••••• Sum production roe* law ...teem,* editors of great piurneis om 821 Win 000 in 1144 to 135 MU- tne Conservative faith may 000 ar. ISM!' that the C.,nadiar. wort t•r ower. -a ny reading them farts had In 111231 frorn (ti' point in view •ipecialt the Ottawa Journal Won.. retinae the moat eveceeirtui (man- 48%.....(111..rbany: '•For five year* min uninterrupt instability ID the Orient is steadily lncresaing; :vet thr. same eclitoriar the colored tha• I.11 total trade WI tram of the writer were earnanged SI 301131.341 la liel.f.to sa_ he redeemed I.EZ-2t. i year in ea tostory--per the ea- thasite of Hon. '1 A. Crete, woo nue* to know; auk out trade with mourn oy writing: -et the ',remit m.n,bt 01 eallatint Mt three Ir.:tees that retreat. the tr.-1.a of a nair,nt TU3S1enS- VII*. railway craft', it, The 2%.alligneay el Ike 4.4h01t.ce. Sill more evidence& 03 -the star genng Joel of depticsolon": do... inion customs report tar Mont MIL 1 1 ,‘OlUrrIt oi.,csecits ,tafteca at nom,' 11*tea that c.naihif tree* etsgseuee • *110 ouinnais operatifine. are ixontink; to Increase ape tislefice of 'sport, . r", upward • 'Ana *U11 agitai in the vinyl over inipora e talterato. -.• kerne doubitudeadect lender. the editor That the number of Citne4109 elea. remieee 4141•1014,44e may and as •11 Canadians do. tall -Cenana has turn- ed the cornet and is now forging • Thede whet I'm trying to write end prior*. moved by Caaadisa rallvrarli bat inereernag since VW Ne.sasaut 1925: that tle,,opees ,profitsoi 19• cinrtdlan N*81131/41 de, reti Market' inereaae Twt• Nast. •4 V1eW !VIII"), Is ti" (Wit ot 111 411' 11,101-002 operating aural Plutititit task. and • moot ogre.' both ratlways are able It la, only hoping ttlat tne on elnipmeni; Montreal Orizette will conpllmetit MT British Colombia's • Afolth a peribtal of these &mamas' i„„„.., "nn., Stan when they appear in print so that negitmo 000 pa, ,a 1925. a may oe cured of hill depmaigne at tie year, in 19211, enticipswd , writes that it voce of -efliftleterleas Canadien steel Industry. an• utioertaintyof reatiereneaa and That neweptilit exports cor.tinuur ti. stornreand shipwreck" ea ad - at Increase totalled 91020000titi. td I/22c thatAlward In the land. and in trntIY along wfth moray sooma,uou worm • edttogld'i sanctum of the to*sett* ni- kr wood pulp And 118.0114.0uo co pulp- though It Is TOO miles from the stormy ; •reatielw *1*.Perba” 0 will That Canada's Inveittnefit forest ihrora.to RS neighbor and contempor. widow:too woo renened ipo31011,,,,u0; aro. Ute Montreal witness wt tOst there she steed) increseee itt sew,: "As all proepcnty ce Canada TOM of other dirt:cilone Mich as snip - dependent on the condition og nur of grain from Canadian ports. great mate induetries of the the linemen') meat ettration. et - forest and min*. It is eneourectlp ne Mit Mal. Mr T ter tt,r.0 env note that all of these are tenet -nth since i 920; than for yeare while tbero t live stock value, rt,r rral Improvement In menufactutillp. N41.144.000 in 1924 to 8704 :el din Agree With the WItnese man that OW together with correspondMe are far removed front the "dreg, s of cattle exports to Gran depreitalon"-arriplte the esietenee of Liberal government of recent rear& New for the evidences. A Let a sten be med. with a trey samples by gray of appetizers, hag their antplIflestion foe revel and treatm•rd They ar. at st random from aa *Term plilipm-hele of army gag Thai\ Canada has stagged the • 11.4 Mater la db. the *be id/OOP mat ply rv.I. ID - ter for th, ManNh the 0. cis for a few wimples of fo1. robing. with more to follow fuller detail. in Inter 101191- 10. Royal Rank of Canada "there Is a more •neouragins for Canadian bleier''. in int rsay U. within the 'mit five And are "dregs of do pr•outino.• rbOIO U. 'Mr* et lawn I Watt* • Ide 1 • 1.