HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-10-16, Page 12• Weit. Oct 16, Xliivr
vrocoi `fiilS of
'Two show _each dg/4
Eit*t ;at 7,0
'•Mira,, Ptd,,. Sty .Qcaty *14$-19
YAnthotay Steel, Odile Versois
• Spine tiXigling mystery set
,against ,the Italian background
of the world'sgreatest meter
Mon., ''fru" es„ Wed., Get. 21-22-23
Floor Sanders for rent
�•;' WiT,H,I.N RISING. Gi N-
t np oper diet. foe • your . livestock
! nd ppultry can. lead -to plenty of
'trouble, 'Make •Sure .they, are: fed
tli(r '!)rope), elements • to keep them
• strong, active and healthy.
! gee us foir your feed demands.
fig Booster..C:on. i. $7.55
Producer , , $3.95
t' 7t% 'Lae Mash $3.50
a C. Campbell, Dutton
Advance, '.Ba
rry Wen
ger; Win gat Advance-Timesand
G, C. Craven, idgetiwnDo inion, exec tave members of the Ontario WQeklY XeWspapers Association nose in front of i1908
Dodge at the advance showing of Chrysler products inWiridsor last Friday,
Bus 'for Handicapped
Shown in Win ham
Something new in buses was seen
in Wingham this week. Two of a
fleet of four,specially designed
and" built for handicapped folk, the
Callow buses, with home base at.
r i
Halifax are sank ng a tour of On-
tario centers, to show what the
Maritimers have been doing in
helping their handicapped persons
to see hockey games and other
sporting events; or just to -take
then, ter a drive in the country.
The bus was on display at the
town hall yesterday afternoon,
Each bus holds twelve wheel-
chairs: each loaded by :a. special
ramp into the wide ., rear doors,
with each 'wheel -chair securely
fastened to the floor for the ride.
1n addition, there are comfortable
seats for eleven other handicapped
er on
p s s,
Purchased by an organization
known' as "Callow'Veteran.'s' &' In-
valids Welfare League", Which also
pays all exlaenses'of operation, _the
buses in ogeq'year 'clone. took no
less than 11,887. Handicapped per-
sonson outings of `various kinds,
At most • sporting -.events in• the.
maritimes, the`wheel-chair ;patients.
are regular attenders, " with, other
service clubs co-operating by mak-
ing sure seats are. available at " all
events, It might' be: added that
these are usually 'the best in, the
house. • ,
Cost . of the four' buses was.
approximately $ii0,000;•: plus acct "of
operation, with mgney being raised.
by' private subscription. Curious-
ly enough,.'the founder,. Walter
Callow, cannot ride the buses:
he's been bound to a hospital bed
for the past twenty years: a vic-
tim of .an" airplane • crash while
with the RCAF in the first world
margin the past years be has never
left the 'hospital. ; Despite :physical
handicap,' and complete blindness,
hq's vea'y actively engaged in thli
i operation ef the hums, and keeps
in constant touch With the organ -
i ization throughhis special tele-
phone.:" Currently, his attentien is
focused ,on expanding his.' -organ-
ization so .that, the special lames
' will,neon be operating in .every
Canadian province, bringing joy 'to
home -bound crippled folk all across
Canada. So. far, Alberta is ;the
only other Province to join the
movement; • one bus being Station-
ed at Calgary and .another at'Pd�
The current tour through On-
tario, to show what can b.e.,ctorie in
the practical helping of hai di
capped pIople, is being' sponsored
by the 'March of Dimes. "While
this is not exactly our field, since
we are primarily a rehabilltntion
foundation, We -feel that recreation
and entertainment of Handicapped
people is closely related to our own
ideals, and we strongly, ree9 ninend
to any service club that they in-
Weds in TQEonto
I The .marriage ut grace ¶'herelia
Brundage to ,failnea MetvirtGai.1nett
Was eorrdtieted in Carlton United.
Church, Moturt Dennis recently, ,by
Rev, X. M. Finlay. The bride iee
daughter of Mr. and Mrs„ Claude
. Brundage,, Mount Dennis. and
the groom is the son of Mr, .and
Mrs, . James; , Gan*rett, Mount
Given in airarriage by herr father,
the bride were a white Silk gown
appliqued with lace and seed pearls
with a Grecian neckline, The bustle,
bow tern?inated in a slight train, A
cap of mother ot.tieari leaves held
her vein and she, carried white
gardenias, Fay Brundage•was maid
of honor 'with. Mrs, David •1 o;don
and Mrs, Charles Ogaki. !phey'*Vore
irrideseent 'midnight blue taffeta
gowns with matching 'headpieces
acid carried Small white 'mums
with gladioli, Fred 'Colhourne was
groomsman with the ushers, James
Moulton and Claude Brundage,•
The bllde's .mother received
wearing .a pale blue silk net' dress
The mother of the groom wore bine
silk crepe, The :bride: and groom
will reside in Tpronto, i
Mr. and :M'r's. Oliver Death and
sons, of Weston visited Mrs. Barri?
Ferguson on Sunday. t'. •
Mr. Harry ,King is on ,a. trip•th
Brandon, ,Manitoba.'
Stmday, "StreSts ,. at "the 'Borne; of
mt•, and Mrs: Fred Hyndhtiiti vitere
Mr, and Mrs, Roy Gowdy,. Mr' and'
Mrs. Harry Gowdy: and Mr. nand
Mrs. Jas, Doig, Wroxeter...'
vestigate• the possibility of re`;pre;"
senting the. Walter Callow •organ-
ization of Ontario," • W. D, nis
Whitaker of Hamilton, president; of
the Ontario March of Dinies•.stated,:
"Every Penny', of our Own ..funds'
are being, used to •pay •:4 eciteit'
costs of physical correction "and'
other aspects of reliabilitation,'1but,
we feel strongly that the. other
aspects of. the problems ;efn- Andi--
capped people'— recreation ;_and
entertainment - should :be looked
after as well:"'
• The tour .Jigs "visited the , Main,
centers throughout' •Southern On=e:
tar'io during • September and. -.0c-",
Much far a
Time to stock up
And save on
• Remedies
• Vitamins
• First Aid
• Toiletries
• Dental Care
• Stationery
• Rubber
• Household
• Greeting
and ether
everyday needs
'Sea our Atli in
blotting magazines
tor spectai
li tures`
et. 21st to' 6th
Football occupies an important spot in high school activities at this :High Sohobl team pictured before
season of the year. Here are the members of the Wingham District Ciinton,school team last week.
hey took the field against the
—Advance -Times photo.
Wirnghatn Sigh School "football to tri t�
Tuesday. when the Weal lads" beat
piayed Cliiitorr tt< VVittgltei
the t:iitttoiaf, ,High School by
incident near
artddtotl motion,
the 40-yar
and Mrs. 4ioyd Lathe
,Dolene, Eddan and Murray of Vo
Erie, sent the holiday week -e
with -;the.. tgrmer'•s mother, M
fiaaYid Lathers,
rs, guests of the Matter's breth."eR; .find
rt sister-in-law i'il "'Hamilton,. ,
and Mrs, Jack King spent
the weekend in TpriAnto, iiisit.inp
with Mr:„ and Mrs, Fred 'Tevaush,
Mr, and Mrs. Gibson. Pintoid and
sons, and My, and Mrs, Norman.
•intoi spent :Sunday with theirs
sister and brgther-in-law, Mr, and
Mrs.. "Wm, Harris, of ' Sarniil,; '$t
their cottage at i aYfieid,
r, -Mr, and Mrs. Robert ]Martin
and daughter, Stephanie and Mr,'
and Mrs. John .Allen and son;T)avid,
of Toronto spent the Week end With
Mrs, G, u. Ross,
Mr, and Mrs, George Cameron,
Barbara and Douglas were Visitors.,
hi Detroit for several ,days,
•--M;. . T., k�s? mid M
Y7ohf CruieWkThankCruiespenhant, last Fri-
day and Saturday ' in Winndsor,
—Mr and Mrs. Stewart A, Scott
'and Keith' . visited with Mr,. and
Mrs.,r, Forster of Palmerston +fpr
and .re, qeorge Town and
sons, of ',Dwell .Sound, spent the
week -end with the former's par-
,eats, Mr, at Mre, Harry ,ToWn.
—Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mathers and
Darcy visited over the week -end
W1th, MVlr,�an.,d Mrs, Frank Johnston
of 8iantfw d,
Dr and Mrs W. ;Davis a
visiting with -Dr and •Mrs, J: ROd
dic;Ktantiord this week.
Mr Byrnes p'leuty of Cooks•
vllle :tsred *1. ,1Vfonday with 113r
Mies,' Jo1u Hail
92 Years Old
The . congratulations of thewhole
community were extended to Mrs,
John-kai1, of Bluevale, on'Wednea-
day, whdn she celebrated her 82nd
ie birthday at the hone of her son,
: ' k;of ;
Gordon. '
Mrs. Hali.eujoys amid health."and
Dodds:, •
s Mr itobgrt Carr, youngest son
of ti)e. late Robert Carr of the 8'rd.
line;,of rev, Township, has been"
vlsitin`'g i►is §inter. sari: brother -ire-'
law, 7Vr a.nd ,Mrs. `Tyndall Ritchie
for ;the fast' week? Mr, Carr has
lived'- in V`aiidci ver for the past 20
years ,bur he -still •has many mem-'
cries of the early, {days in and
$r45ii•rid Wiri'gss1ratti` s.
Mrd. *B rtrFasher of
ra tf
,, ,•. 1 ;B R aril
visited ' oh Si ndsiy •With• Mr, and
Mre„W. A; .Elliott. 4
dtIr J ck:..;Hilljnert .and • Mr.. Roy
52uannr,of �5$SinR.°. visited , over the
holidl3 week ejrd "with the'former's
parent f lkr, andM s: Wm 11
. �,, , ., r ,,
M -r slid Mrs; .Ehrie'r Shiell and
c'hiidren iof r: tendon: visited over
theek end sgith leis parents, Mr.
and is 'R IYi: Sliiell. .
' Mr'•r and ,Mrs Wolfe Schubert
and two'sons, of ` Tojronto, were
week'etd,'guests'with Mr, and Mrs•
Barry- ;Wenger: •
1Viir and Mrs Kenneth Rintoul
and 3#eathee o>; parry Sound spent
the week -end ;with; ; kris parents,
Mr end irs `Alex Rintoul,
Iai1r. ? aind Mrs, 'Herb Harris . and
Jim airil Mt..,afid Mis, Jim Beaton
of 81k oe spent •the weekend with
Mrs ;Roy •MacDonald.
1V�iss tears Riiitoul of London,
pen}extlie syeek-grid with "her par -
;chis, �Vir aria Mrs. Albert Rintoul,
aLi rYarid, Vivi, Ken Winegarden
acid ;`"wittily. ,and Mr, .1', 'Ste, Marie,'
Of Ixitidon spent the "week -e d.with.
Mr alifil Ors 'Geo, T. Currie. Mr.
fanci MIs Gedrge Tiff nand Colleen
of Langscde and, Gordon, Ronald
and `Wes ' Mcr herson of Holyreod
batted there oft, Sunday. Mrs. Chas,
Sltojv�ecs. and .Mrs • Wilmer Taylor,
bf l arnilton ;called at the same
Home; en Sunday evening,''
•—krs: Maitland.' Porter;' of
Springfield, spent the week -end
with relatives and friends ini Wing-
Mr; and Mrs. John Hopper, or
' 'orgrito, 1Vtr. and Ml's. A, E. Elliott
and sans' Brad an Randy, of
Sarnia,'Nspetit 'the , week end with
their parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J.
grown .and Att. and Mrs. Chas.
Hopper, Mr. _ and Mrs. Wm. Row-
fehd aild daughters, Cheryl and
Kendra, of BUrlingtoh, spent Mon-
day with her parents,
--Mr, and . Mrs ..C, E, Richey
•spent" the past Sunday with NIr
arid. Y►kts. Reginald. Winchester of
s Marys.
• Mr,
and "Mrs, Earl Hamilton,
Rath Anne and Douglas • visited'
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold ren-
nington `and Mr, and Mrs, i1ugh
Jones of ;Sarnia over the Week
1VrY "aiifi • Mrs, A. M. Elliott
spent a te'W days ]est week With
their daUghter, aVfrs. Ed, Ryan, Me,
yah Kathie and Gregory, of
Toronto, ”
--Mr, and Mrs. A. MaCorriiiek of
DehVet, Colorado, Mr, and Mrs. Ed:
Cudnlore,+ of Vancouver, EA, Mr.
and 'Mrs. •Clarende ilutehison of
St. Thomas, Mrs;W. 1Vl'ellis, bf lip -
pen apeht tpast eek ); i
couaiir, 11rshe, w
;Haneywit. hOthethetr
friends vlaited at the sante home,
111, nell'arrived innate Iasi
,'huradity' after, atteitdidg the fun-
eral of hethrethe'r, Barry Chani -
hers, of Dayton, 'Ofiiti, She also
visited • tar >t few days with lien
Aster in > allywdod.
r; and lvtrs, Robert Mai wet'e
!Elan ttkiving'visitortt'In Teroiiti,'
lleitrude Cameron splint'
the past tew day* with 'her bt'6titer,
and 'slslter-lri=taW, iii Ciiathain,
!Inc wakes an interesting "study ,Iri ir, • xtidl" 1v#t ff, W. E, l ie)diitg
—A.dvawtce'-Titnea pbotb, were .Tliatikltgiviatig:. week•ertd
is able • to read and knit without
the aid of glasses. ,,She
interest hi the affairs, oi the .vii-
lege; in ,Which siie,liies; ' 's ":
Regular Sunday. Services'
Remembering the Y,ord 1,0; a:m.
Sunday. School 11:15 'a,►n.
Gospel Meeting at -130
Each Thursday evening at 8 pan:
Brayer Meeting end Bible Study
a Canada, Life special contract
providing Life Iftrsuranee . and
rens'ion Option aR in one bailey
available` from age '0 to•;813 '
nhog • t" 0415
l' .
Radio & Electric
Our Phone No. ie 271J
OCT. 1: