The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-10-16, Page 7WROXETER — This cop-in-unity
Was Saddened on Friday; When
new was teceived of the sudden
Passing of a former resident, Mrs,
Win, Finlay,
M;s, Finlay, the fornier'MArgaret
Anne Wright, who was in her 74th
year, was the datighter of the late
Mr. and Mrs, Wrn, Wright of Turn-
berry Township, and was horn, at
Morrisbarik Corners on the farm,
now owned by Chas. MoCut.eheon,
Mra, Finlay had been a resident
'pf Listowel for 35 Years and was
predeceaSed by her husband and
one daughter, Ethel,
Surviving are one sister, Mrs.
Bennett of Conquest, SaSin,
d two brothers, Wm, of Fill-
loge, Sask,, and' Frank of Wroxa
eter. She was predeceased by two,
sisterFa Mrs. Simpson (Belle) Mrs.,
Frank Green (Pearl) and two t!ro-4
thers, Aleaander and Albert' of
near WrOxeter, The latter died in
Funeral ,services were ;held on
Tuesday from• thel-Harrison-Gibaob'
fimeran;liotrie, Listowel, with inter-
inentin Feirviewvdernetery. Pall- •
• bearers Were six nephiewSz
Wright,' Stewart Higgins and listr-
old Finlay, Wrexeter,„ Allister,
Green,•IVinghare, and•Andrew and
Wm. :Simpson, IvtOlesworth:
New Wool Skirt
For WinterWardrobe
Huron County 4-H. homemaking
club •girls will aoon be starting on
their fall project "Working with
Wool", Each girl will make a wool
Skirt or jumper during the club
season and exhibit it at Achieve.'
meet Day next spring.
The members will each have a
new garment to add to her winter
wardrobe which will always be
suitable for school, church or
sports. As well as learning how to
make the skirt, she will learn the
different types of woollen fabrics,
the care and pressing of woollen
garments and how to chooSe styles
to: suit the individual,
Women's Institutes throughout
the county are busy selecting local
leaders who will attend the two
day. training ,schools in Clinton on
October 22;'23 and in Wingham
October 24, 25. After thorough in-
struction 'on how to conduct meet-
ings and armed with a knowledge
of the' techniques of. construdtion
of the wool skirt, they will return
to their home community to teach
the homemaking club girls beti'veen
the ages of 12 and 26 years.
The 8 eltib meetings which are
required to complete the 'project,
will get underway immediately'
after the Leaders' Training School.
GORRIE—Anniversary services
were held last Sunday, October 13,
at Gorrie United Church. The guest
preacher was Rev, Dr. W. G. B6-rry,
of Toronto, director of the Mission
to the Nation, Dr. Berry captiVatea
the boys and girls of the Sunday
School with his story "Where Dees
Jesus lave?" Those who heard this
dynamic church leader will long
remember his interesting Manner
and glowing messages, at .themprri-
ing and evening services,- on "The
Church in'a Changing World" and
"The Love of God".
The church was beautifully cleat.)
• , .
GORRIE—A regular meeting of
the Howick Township Council 'was
held in the clerk's office ,On Octo-
ber 7th. All members, were orei6rit
and the .reeve, H, Gowdy 'in .the
chair. The minutes ' of the 'last
regular and special meetings W.era:
read and en motion of Allan and
Haskins were adopted 5 read. Oar-
Haskins Allan—That we refund
Graham. Telehus $2.00 for dog,lic-
Gibson Allan—That we instruct
the reeve to declare Remembrance
Day, November 11th, a holiday.
Carried. ' '
Haskins - Gibson—That By-Law
No. 18-57 of the Township' Of TIow•-••
ick for the year 1957 as read; the
first and second time be passed,
Carried. •
Allan - IVIeMichaele-That Bylaw'
law No. 18-57 of the Township of
Howick for the year 1957, a thrOugh
street by-law, as read the 'third
time be finally passed. Carried.
Gibeon. - Haskins—That we in-
struct the 'clerk to prepare * by-
law setting up polling places and
officers for seine. Carried.
McMichael - Gibson—That the
road accounts as approved be paid,
Scout Bob Angus'
0104410, WwmfisspAr,,,coorpiRER
FORMER. RESIDENT prsbyterian,Church
Holds Anniversary
GORRIE—X113, •Chas, Sehaefer#:
Reg. :N„ wig give. instructions In'
ItrAt- *id lm aid Monday
evening, October 2$0, in the 1.0.;9.1o.
hail,' There will ' be Tana two-hour
periods; three night* a, Nveels,, Mori, .!
day, Wednesday . and Friday, Any,
one wishing to take advantage of
this .course may phone Mrs, Chas.
Schaefar, 'Fordwich. It
sponsored by . the WWI branch of
the Red Cross. .P1O expense is at-
tached except the purchase -1;g two
bpolcs at a cost Of 26-cents each,
000,EU—Anolyersary services at .
tha Gorrie Presbyterian Church •Ph-
Sunday were well attended at both'.
morning and. .evening services,
when a former Minister, the Rev,.
Boggs, of 'Weston, .gaVe InOntre•
ing sermons, There , was special
musK with Miss Maragret. mane at .
'the Organ, A male quartette, Glenn
Underwood, Murray . Underwood,
Wm.- Wade and Edward. Stewart
sang. Mo.. W.. Willits, Helmpre. and,'
'Miss. Margaret .Perry, , Brussels
were -0/n14a •
way for the final touchdown,
bWyintagchkalmi pg sftrroomn gmtictecteRnietexpipend
Hodghinson and lack Ilotehhiss,
Wingham will play in Seaforth
next. Wednesday,
by Peter Naanelth 12A,
- -
John Van 'de Kemp, Con: 4, 1-10,,,
ick has purehased the property of
Elmer Downey and takes posses-
sten Elwin Summers is 111917,-,.
ing into Mrs. -Chap, Lawrence's'
house across the Street.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Helbein and
little -'40. of .London were holiday
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hel-,
GORE During this year each class hag
John and Bud Cruickshank of CKNX pictured With John Pattleon, president of the Wingharn breach, of
the Canadian Lee-toil, and Fred 013reeht," of Durham, Provincial President of the Ontario Coniniand;
Mr, Pattison presented the local radio, and televisio'n station with an award of 'merit from Branch 180 for
services, help and ee-operatinn, in the furtherance of the Canadian Legion. It' is the first time sucli,an
award has ever been, made to a radio or television a tation in the history of the Ontario Command. ,
Sunday guests at the harm of
Mr, and Mrs, Chain Summers were.
Mr, and MO, W. E, Surnniers and
son, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Wilken and sons of Listowel; Mr.
and Mrs...I-toward Eeirnes, Listowel.
Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Downey of Wi,HOLDS BAN
been assigned ta'prepare a number
Mr. and Mrs,J-Archie Irwin and f or our Monday roomi ng assembly,
Mr, and Mrs, Bower Farnsh 'spent On Wednesday, (*ober .9, XJIA.
Sunday and Mond,ay. in Sundridge. introduced the, series by presenting
Miss Irene Ifpinees of, Toronto their interpretatlen of the well-:
visited her brother, Mr. a V. knOWn singers' the •FOur•ACes, Ian
Holmes, ever the wek-end and Mnndell's witty introduction' pre-
Thanksgiving Day. • pared the audience for the school's
mr, and Mrs, Prank,. galls, fieWest Singing sensations, Claudia;
Lynne and Leone, of London Visits Haaelgroire:-.'Allseia-;Webb, Mari;•
{id with -relatives over the holiday, anne McIClbbo,i'i;Ina41-teather Os-
we.ek-end. . ' borne, The girls have ti,elr iraita-
Mrs. Fred 1-lynch-flan la. in Tor- lions of -the . Four ',MOW, ••actions on
onto this week,
Kitchener spent the week-end with
Mrs. Chas; Lawrence, AT ANNIVERSARY'
•• The Scarlet Pimpernel
From the very first word, our
imagination is gripped 'by this
matic, quickly oving, and thrill-
ing account of the exploits of the
amazing Scarlet Pimpernel. 'We
are fascinated by the elegant Mar-
ggerite Blakeney. disguated, with
the foppish, Inane Sir Percy,- and
wary of 'the sly,. foxyChauVelia.
Our interest is heightened and sus-
tained by the enigma simper-Wing
the audacious leader-of this and
of noble :youths, by his iprevionalY
successful humanitarian • exploits,
and by the disaster now •threatens
ing his ": attempt to rescue; the
Comte de Tourney. We feel sorry
for Mme.. 13Iakeney who, having
last her huahand's,, love, suffers
frank a lonely. heart.. We half cen-
sure half pity•her fcir the deciS ion
to sacrifice the life :of the Scatlet
PiMpernel fog that4of her jerother.
When, too• late, she realizes the
grave sin she has committed; and
her, entire world seems' to be
crashing down on her, we anxiously
follow her every move,•luiping and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank King spent.
the week-end in Toronto with their
daughter'. Mrs. Wendell Gott and
Dr: „Got
Mt; and, Mrs. -Manfred Irwin and
Mr. and Mrs, Pon- Irwin apent
Sunday; in• Toronto;;
Mr. _and Mrs. Jack Blyth and
children, of • Weston, were holiday
-gueSts of Mr. and. Mrs, Ken Hastie,
: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stinson, De-
r'trolt and 'Mr. Sam, Stinson,' Clin-
ton spent t Week:en:at etNitheir lest horiVe here,/
',, Mn ana Mrs, Russell Adams and
Mra, J, Doig visited, Mr...and Mrs• " • " praying that she will arrive in time
Rey McFarlane, Brussels, on Sun-. one loss. '" • ,
Dr. W. Berry, 'Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Lindsay„ of Toronto were enter,
tabled over the .week-end at the
parsonage. ,
Mr. and"fxs. Gordon Edgar spent
Thanksgiving Day with Mr- and
Mrs, Harold Edgar of Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gray, Sud-
bury are spending a few days with
Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Chapman.
Mrs. ttihas, Lawrence has return-
ed after visiting her ;daughter, Mrs.
Harry Jennings, in Lucknow. Mrs.
Jennings is sperraing this week
with her mother.
Miss Myrtle Short spent several
days last week in Toronto.
Mr, and. Mrs. Arthur Miles of
Toronto and Mr. Ron Miles of
to avert her ,husbandslaband'a death, .And,
tdfie' cn' en when s e is surroun ed
by, supreme earthly. happiness, .we
rejoice in her new-ound love, . Clarkson were visitors on Sunday
stage tpa the:a aCorainpaniment of
two reeords,4 3aliiiiiea Marna" and
siOu're: MIA* the. Four .
Setting the, tembo
we •are .h3O-Iiirtg,;foreWart1 to other
class nunaberS `"blue,
Monday :from- Opt:, time-tables, ,
By Berliara.COUltee NUB
„•, • , • .
, On TtigsdaY? :8, the
Winghant, IVInatane Played hoSt to
Clinton arid '1440, the top.iatett,
Leann, .244;:*in:041-ircig ItO,;rti.ed: for
lrst place with ,two` victories and
In an ;there
was no geoniniz.vbiliatia;the second.
half Wingliarrianfiatiecluplfre, gain
4 touchdowns
•-• -15" Jarihin scored
the first tone,,, own,* when. Rae
IletheringtanylffekeiOrdin the 35
Yard line ,and .CIWOUrnbled in
the end "zone` .'Kett IiodSkinson
Made it ..plunged
over froni":th'e itiiitV line On the-
previous, Playt:116L.liad'i:parried the
ball. 12 yards AO:,aet:',4,':;:the score.
Then ,after •Biil."::Rinthhi;-% ran 18
yards to the,: Clinton 'line,
Pete HernipgWay,, 'dived ^ through,
, - • -
entirely captivates, our fancy by
her realistic portrayal of these
characters 'set In a tense and in-
;Night" was held ,in the community
liall on Thursday evening Of :last
WeekWeek in the form of a, 60th, anni-
versary banquet,With members, of
the Starlight Gronp.eatering. •
The tables were tastefully, .1:lee-
°rated in the Institute colors 'and
the head table was centred with'an
e to all
Howes, reSI:de'inntd;
extended a
Mrs. Howard Wylie, convener 'for
Public relationa, took the chair ,for
the program. "
The program opened -with:.
toast to the Institute by Mrs. `Les
Douglas, replied to by Mrs.
MacNaughton, followed bY„..ahe
singing ofthe Institiitea yauid
repeating Of' the Mary ...*St
Miss Atine,DoUgla's favotirith
two piano solos and Mrs. 'derrton
Greig -With two readings.
,Mrs. Allan Munro Introdqbed
the guest speaker, Mrs: Andrbar
Simpson of Molesworth who. gave
a very interesting talk on.60 Siea!rs!
achievement of the Institute: ;Its
Everyone joined hi coranniniii
i singingifellowed by Mis. W, S;;V:
Buucdhaannaan csohthorriwinngtinpaict oUnretsho4nif: e-l4.
Mrs.' Wm. IVIcLein thankerl'Alt
who helped and the meeting cl-O.Sed
with the singing of "God SaVet.the
Queeti'Vr , '
John Runstedtler XiiI
Higgins: McNeill
WROXETER—A quiet wedding
was solemnized in Brussels on
Friday evening, when Rev. -Wil-
liams, retired Presbyterian bli
ster, united in marriage Shirley
Mae McNeill,, (laughter „of Mr. and
Mrs,' Jas Mcrietil 51,4,,, 49P:13. kt,
-Stewa rt Higgins•aeldest soil of Mr Scavenger Hunt
centre rriakinglt In the dying
'minutes of play Clinton was Serirn-
maging on their, 39. 'yard line when
elefenSive quarterback 'Ken Coultes
picked Up, a 'loose 131l in. the Clin-
Ob;1)1kft71• ktktt-,:;r9i9ROe 4Pa-.:the • : . • •
WROXETER • Mr. and Mrs. Ross,Coates spent'
the Week-end with Mr. and Mra,
Lloycl,,Manletoft a Milllareok, near
Mrs.' Reg. Newton, Miss Nancy,
Newton and Mr. AnSon Galbraith
spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and
MrS. • WM. Newton and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hicks, Harris-,
ton, and Mr, and dra. Archie
Smith,.. Ethel, visited Mr. and.,Mrs.
Lloyd Elliott on Saturday evenin :
Mr. ,and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and
family spent Sunday with Mr. aid'.
Mrs. Henry Weber -and Mr. and.
Mrs. Cameron Elliott, HartiA90;
Mr.- and Mrs, Harry Reffell and
Shsan, Byton, and Miss Bennie
London, visited Mr: and,
'Mrs. G. A. Gibson 'over" the' week-
Mr. and- Mrs Jas,Deig, attended
the aniiiversarY SerViceS in Gorrie.
on Sunday and were guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Fired Hynciman. , • ,
Visitors at the home Of Mr., Al-
, Bert ,ovar Thankagiving
' week-end were: Mr. and Mrs.. WM.
Barnes; Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Oth-'
mer, Mr, and Mrs. John Acteson,
Mr. ElMer ..aallaher and sons Torn:
my and Rickie, all of Toronto; else
Mrs. ,Alba Acteson, London, and
M. and • Mrs. Donald Acteson 'of
Congratulations 'to Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Higgins who were married
in-Brussels Friday evening
• and Mrs. Stewart Higgins, Wrox-,
Lodge. Entertains ' eter.
Visiting Ladies The bride was. gowned in blue
velvet and following a wedding
Mr; and affra, G, W. Thurston,'
Calgary, Alta„ are visiting the lat-
ter's brother, Mr. Wilbert Galloway'
'and dvIrs, Galloway. Mr. and Mrs.
glifford BrOWn and family, Mrs.
'Gordon Ritoine, Molesworth, , and .Mrs, George, Gailoway, Ana
T6rnbeiry Township, visit-
ed at the same home on Sunday.
Mrs.; Eccles DoVa and ,family. of
WaWanesh Township, spent Sunday
'with:. Mr.. and Mrs. Hectiar Harnilr
tcni; Mr. and ,Mrs. Murray. Hamil-
ton and Ross, • Toronto visited on
Monday at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Gowdy and
Mr. and•Iffra,- Raymond Gowdy; Of
Toreeto visited Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Feagala of -*Ingham on Sunday:
, Mr: •Fieriki-,-Aliereiii•af'Dettoqe,
turned 'on Sunday, after spending
; tvio weeks With. M. and Mrs Ern-
! eat Harris and •other relatives.. •
i • Mr, Jack Morrissey. and Mn. Win.
McKenzie of Exeter and Mr. Harry
Gowdy are attending ,the plowing
match near Simcoe.• '
and Mrs.' Jack Berlett and
family, Mrs. H. Berlett, Listowei,
Au. and Mrs, Russell -Petch,` Kit-
chener were: guests on Thanksgiv-
ing day. of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel
Johnston. •
Mr. arid Mrs.. Stekvart Minter and
Lois of Armow spent Sunday with
Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex 'Petrie. .
The -toung. People's' Union will
he held next Sunday in Wroxeter
United Church.
'dinner served to the immediate
families at the ;bride's home, the
happy couple left on a motor trip
to Northern Ontario, returning to
.,Stratford on Monday evening,
where Ronald is attending Strat-
ford Teachers' College:
Throughout this book the author and Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Nerman Wade.
Vihitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ern-
est King last week were: Mr. acid
Mrs. McCormick, Denver, Colorado;
Mrs. Elsie Haney, Wingharn; Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Cudmore, Vancouver,
B.C.; Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hut-
chison, St. Thomas and Mr, and
Mrs. Wilt. Mellis, Kipper'. Mr. and
Mrs. Ern, King Jr., Windsor, were
week-end visitors at the same
Jim Walker was home from Tor-
e/Ito for the Thanksgiving holiday,
The Woman's Auxiliary of St,
..1.)4,10.0841,..Chntehaa' ilk'
meet at th home of Mrs. Barry
King on Friday, October .18th, at
'2.30 p.m., Roll Call theme, "Bless-
ings". , •
Miss Betty Doten, Windsor, was
a holiday visitor, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Vittie, '
Mrs. Richard Bennett is going
With her husband on his return to
Muskoka this week to spend a few•
weeks at Bala,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Graham and
Alex, Toronto, spent the week-end
and holiday with relatives here.
The Woman's Association Of the
Gorrie United Church- will meet at
the home of Mrs, Cloyne Michel on
Thursday, October 17th at 8.15 p.m.
The Eastern Willing Workers will
be in, charge of programme.
At Cal .T.. Meeting
Thirty-three girls were present
for.. the regular meeting, of the
C.G.I.T., when Mrs. V: Reid, assist-
ed bY'Sandra MacLennan and Jean
Gurney led the sing-song.
Mrs. McMurchy, who led the de-
vOtional period, stressed how im-
portant each individual girl is ' to
God. Joyce Crothers read one
Scripture -lesson, John 17: 20-23
and Sharon Lewis read Galatians
Susan McArthur and Sue Nasmith
demonstrated how to tie the friend-
ship knot. Each group had its own
business meeting and then all the
girls 'enjoyed a scavenger hunt,
Great Slave Lake in' the North-
west Territories today supports
the largest 'combined whitefis
and lake trout fishery in the
001TRIE-aIVIerribers of *the Pal-
merston, •"lodges and Ftii!dwich
were:githais,..Of the
Gorrie on Thursday even-
ing, After a ..sliorta•alngiong pro-
'greasive euChre;;anct,erOkinole were
played. These,-..havingliigkest score
I were Mrs,' :„iler „ aburgiy Fordwich
',and Mrs. Seljet,.!,Faireerston. A
Dutch aueiiOii•.%'4.4.4-,'•••,hOld,. Mrs,
Spence Brectralhaiiiii:g.,...the' lucky
number, and Mrs, 'Ad -'136inerling
received the' llnelry: 'chair . prize.
[DairitY refrealimenta were served.
orated :oil this Thanksgiving Sun-
day, and the choir, under the dir-
ection of Mrs. NormanCarson, ren-
dered special anthems with Miss
Marion Robinson taking the solo
Part in the morning and Miss Marie
Hastie in the evening.
Lovely solos were .rendered by
Mrs. Wrn, Helbein of London, at
both services.
Arrangements were made for'the
congregation to gather in ' the
church hall after the evening ser-
vice to listen to the Queen's broad-
cast on television.
Rev. D. I,. MacRae, Wingham,
chairman of Huron Presbytery, ai-
isisted at the evening service.
. 0 ub Annual Apple y Scout an
Saturday, Oct. 19th
Saturday this week is APPLE DAY! That's big news,
not only to the members of the Wingham Wolf Cub
Packs and the Wingham Boy Scout Troop, but to every
, thinking citizen of the *community. Apple Day is one
of the few times in the entire year wheti the Scouts and
Cubs ask for public assistance. They are, for the 'most
part, a selfzreliant group of youngsters — taking part in
the type of constructive team work which means bettei
citizens And more able leaders for our community and
our nation in the shadowed paths of the future.
Allan - McMichael—That the fol-
lowing accounts be paid, Carried,'
County of Huron, hospitalization
re indigent patients, $116.50;, lElcly-
ick Municipal Telephone, service
and tolls, $28,35; Eakles & Mae-
Donald, audit account 1956, 018.39;
Wingham Advance-Times, OcIVer-
Using, $26.60; Listowel Ratner, ad-
vertising, $32.40; Harriaton Review,
advertising, $23,00; Wit. Campa
bell, vefnad 'Of deposit re drain
contracts, $5,10.70; Branch 0, Drain
No, 10, rePaIrS, 810,00; Ross Hatna,
bat contract re lvterkley Drain,
$280.00; Ross Hanna, for bounty,
$10.00; Reg, Hobbs, supplementary ,
aSsistance, 40,76; WM, Marriner,
relief account, 02.35;'Bolton bkin,
allowances and fees, $800.00;
Carson ,P,t Moil, stove oil, $21.01.;
road account, transfer, $2139.40,
OlbSon MeMithael-4hat we do
• now adjourn to meet again on the
4tli Of November or at the call 'of
the reeve, Carried.
J, Harold Pollock, lark.
Gowdy, Reeve.
Give them 'your support on Saturday buy an apple.
Cub Don Rintoul
• This itlessage donated 'in the public interest by zEbe inixbAtit Rkibance7 Vp.tile.0