HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-10-16, Page 4• **It V,% •:ts4i•eagewsoissAissit, ii.craortireAseOgatra. ne!kaaa.:0 eel . Wee este gainvaleof , ..„. „. . . !WO ... .. . Mall,k1W011041,0,1 • ,. • • I • and Spioe . BIRTHS , Hospital, on gnal laiddMax y rGOctober . Ken ',Vieth Baker; Wingham, a son. FARRISh—In Winghain General Hospital, .on. Wednesday, •Octoher 9th, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, Jaall Parrish, Lueltnoiv, a son, WALL—In Winghant General Hog •pital, en Thursday, October 10th, • 1957, to Mr. and' Mrs. Morley Wall; R.R, 1, Holyipecl, a son.. NETHERY—In Wingham. Genera' Hospital, on Friday, October 11, 1957,14eth etro Mr. y, wiugainiacirnMrs, a.s, pTrrance rio McKENZIE--/n Winghato General Hospital, on Friday, .October' 11, 1957, to Mr. and Mrs, John Mc-, Kenzie: Teeeyvater, a daughter. Op in IN Or no in me a LEE'S USED FURNITURE, Buy and sell, Phone 185, 9rrb SAIJEItKRAUT for sale, 35c a quart, Order pow. George Baird; Lower Wingham, 16 i23b FOR. the best prices on xiew 'and used musical instruments, aeces- series and repairs see Ross Mann, Wingham, phone 735J4. 6rro18h Corry-Jackson ,At Knox Presbyterian Church, Listowel, the marriage of Miss Mary imnalda, Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J, Gorden Jackson, of Listowel and John Samuel Corry, on of Mr, and Mrs, James N. Carry, Atwood,' took place last week, The young couple will make their 'home near Atwood. The bride was a former member of the Wingham General Hospital staff. Credit Unions to, Mark Oirthday COMING EVENTS FOR SALE YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, now try the best for spareribs and .se,nerkraut on Wednesday, Fri, day and Saturday evenings, Cora, mercial Hotel, Formosa. cd12/07 'MEAT .1410R SALE.Good beef by t4e' %tarter, Killed under license tram Pot, of health. Yearling heifers. • TOp quality, Lowest Price% RaYnard Aekert, Ripley, phone 24r304. , • 17rrb This week the Credit Unions hi Huron 'County are celebrating the 109th anniversary of the Credit Union movement, Members arid of., fleets of the Belgrave Union" will Join with other similar, greliPs in the, county at an anniversary cele- bration the agiiicUltural rooms' in Clinton on WednescyeVening of this week, , The BelgraYe Credit , Union has been in operation for abont five Years ,and although, „it has not , groWn rapidly it has. Made steady progress. °Pe in every ten persens din Canada is a Credit Union,inenciher. In Canada and the United States 1'1 million members of 23,000 Credit Unions have accumulated 64- • billion in small savings. , Smiley' day u1oroing 'that Daddy has the 'flu, when all paddy has is a big fat hangover, will, put their hands over their hearts, say '"thW• hurts, me more than it does you”, and beat the daylights .out pf the urchin who has had the,supreme ntida.eit to. say he handed his collection, when'lle'Spetit*it en a popsiekie oil the way to&biddy Scheol. )iggeat: field of falsification for parents is, when they talk, of their own childhood. Apparently; to" hear them burbe on,'the earth vvas in- habited, in '.those days ::by a, apeez ies of - sinall virtuous, Punetual, diligent ere:I:tete, 'the like of which has never been seen since, What 'does my .wife tell the 'kids about her school day? • Oh, dull stuff, like ha* attentive she Was,. and "how.: she went straight;pionne after school, and 'how title' won a prize for having the neatest cony- book, 'at the school fair: She no, glects to :inentiOn things like' the day she smashed her slate, over a' little boy's .head, and sent him home with a concussion, .because he , had pinched tier. I'm the same, Caught hugh riding his; bike without brakes the other day and blasted him proper- ly. Told', him '1 I „ waSn't lucky enough to have a bike, at' his age, but had been, . I'd, never have, taken' such foolish, chanGes,. Later, I was remembering. By Bill Why is" it that, of. all the lies Penni() tell, the biggest and; most barefaced prevarications are to theft children? , Everybody lies.a little, most people lie', One a bit, and some people lie practically ,every time they open' their. triouthh, But all Parents lie' elf the time to their ehildren. They not only tell them lies, but teach them ,to be liars. , Children are .not'•born liars., In fact, until they' beelime hardened to it, like their parents they are Very uncomfortable aboit uttering' a, falsehood. 13Ut when they dis- Gover every day in their lives that something theit parents passed on as gospel is, just' so nmeh malatlrY, they don't have a chance to go stralga. •, • :Parents will tall you, with tears in their: ,eyes,, that they lie to; their children only to "proteer the little darlings, That, .of: course, is un- adulterated, 100-P1'99,f poppycock and selfdeception of •the •lowest type, What they do is tell the kids lies to protect themselves. .They lie beldly and badly to cover their own ignorance, ,to salvage ' their self- esteem and. to wheedle the kids into ,deing something they don't want to do.•„, Here's an example of how, adults "prOtect'• children froth the cruel xealtieS of life. It happened right here in town„ A little girl 'that r know quite well was taken to a funeral recently by. her , rnOther. The lady didn't want to upset the child;' so, before they advanced to view the remains, a barbarous cus- tlm by the way, she whispered to her that the corpse ,wasn't dead, just "asleep". The tot trudged to, the coffin, 'clutching •her guardian's hand, took a look, and said .with• disgust, loud' and clear;; "He's not asleep! He's,:dea.d.:" Another astonishing :aspect of this lying' business is the reaction ef 'Parents., when their kids turn the tables and lie to there. Mohers Who will tell their Ghildren,"vvithoet -bating an, eye, that the stork doesn't really bring: babies, the • doctor brings them 'ha his little black bag, will weep, broken-heartedly..: where their child tells thern•he!S finished his liver, and they. find'.', it on the floor, under the table, after,,he's left'•for school. The perfidy of it!" Fathers . who ,‘ will groaningly ihform their youngsters on a Sun- • CASH BINGO every Wednesday, 9.00 pan.„ Sacred Heart Church Hall, Mildmay, 15 ;regular games for $10.00; '3 special games for $25.00. Admission 50c. rrb WINTER COAT, size 12-14, forget°, 20 feet of grey plastic carpet, Call 691 after •6. 16* EVERY BUSINESS needs a sec- ond typewriter, The Smith- Corona portable is the easy-to- me-ire machine which fills a vital spot when you are rushed for time or presSed for spate. See the new Smith-Corona today at The Advance - Times office, Phone 34, MILK FILTERS for sale--"Rapid :rrlo"; 6-ineh, 79c; 6%-inch, 85c. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb WANTED 200 BALES of mixed hay for sale. Contact William Leabel; phone 52971 Wingliam. 16* MRS. C. TEMPLEMAN BURIED TVESDAY HOUSEWORK WANTED by day 'or week. Phone 553J. 16;23* ; ANNEX STOVE used a few months for sale, Good as new, Also DeLaval hot water tank. Apply to Chas. Rosman, Blue- Vale, phone 610W3. '16b WINGHAm FURNACE with or without pipes for sale. Also eke- trio janitor. Apply to Roy Mundy, 16* SEWING 'for school-age children wanted. Reasonable price, Apply' to Mrs, Harold Ross, phone. 517W, 16b Mrs, Christopher Templeman, beloved resident, of Witigham for, almost 50 years, passed away at.the Wingham Genetal Hospital on Sat- urday, following a ,long illness. She was, 84 years of age. , The former Elizabeth Kenley, she was born at Merthyr, Wales, the daughter of the late John Kenley, and Ellen Davis. She Was married- to Christopher Templeman at Mer- thyr and in 1908 they came tq Canada, settling first at Arthur and shortly after moving to 'Wing- ham. Mr. Templeman died on Octo- ber 16, 1941, Both were faithful members of St, Paul's Anglican Church, Mrs. Templeman is survived by three sons, harry of Gorrie, Mer- vyn and Jack, of Wingham. A son, Fred, predeceased her in 1952. One sister, Mrs. John. Flynn, resides in Wales. There are .16 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildien. 'Funeral service was held at the R. A. Currie ,& Sons funeral home at two o'clock on Tuesday after- noon, with the Rev. C, F. Johnson, rector of, St.' Paul's, conducting thil service. Interment was in the Wingham Cemetery, The pallb.eat-• ers were six grandsons, Fred, Bill, Toni, Bob, David and Gary Temple-. man. REAL ESTATE SIX ROOM COTTAGE in Bluevale for sale or rent.„Heavy duty wir- ing, hard and soft water. Apply to Mrs. ,Wm. Nicholson,. Wing- ham. 16* BOARDERS WANTED, Central location, close to factories. Phone 1071W after five p.m. 16b LEE'S TAXI Low Cost Plan For Retirement 24-HOUR SERVICE We never stop, including Sundays and USED FAUCET 14" BUR'NER wanted. Apply to Harold Wett- reefer, Clinton, phone Hunter 2-9792, .16b , SIX-ROOM INSUI, BRICK Cot- tage for sale, with two-piece bath, hard and soft water, garage; a good hen house, in a good loea-, tion in the Village of Brussels. Apply to Mrs, Wes Stephenson, Btussels, Ontario, phone 111x2. 16* The Sterling • Truats ,Corporation today announced an approved Ae- tirement Saving' Plan”. Which will ,be operated by the, COrporatiorCat no 'extra cost to , •the' participant. Under this Plan -and the recent amendment to the, Income Tax Act, all persons' earning an .income' int Canada may, now avail ,themselVes, of . Substantial income.-tax savings, and at the same time .provide.Re:- tirement Pensions for themselves. The Sterling Trusts Cotporation is Prepared to, receive payments• of as little as $100.00, ,or a. maximum of 10% of the ,participant"s earned income, in any one year. All mon- , . ies received by the' Cetporation will return currently a gnaranteed rate' of 5% for ,,a..period of fiVe years, The , rate .of' interest will of course fluctuate ,with ' the general interest rate, and'may lie' higher Or lower for :pa,y,MentS made dur- ing subsequent years: Any perSon entering the' Plan this year Will be taking advantage of."the present tight money::-..sitnatiOn,,and will be reaping the benefit therefrom, This' Plan" has,. the: great „advert, tage that it is entirely itegible that no deposit whatsoever need he be made any one year, and maximum deposits can be made in good years thereby ,increasing the income tax savings:: In addition, in the event of thG death of .;• participant 'before the maturity date, all deposits plus inter,,!at court:- pounded half-:Yetirly be avail- able to hiS estate. • . . When the maturity date .of. the Plan arrives' The Sterling Trusts Corporation Will-purchase an anntt-'' ity as directed by •the• partiCipant after he has shopped ,around to find out which annuity offers the most for his money. The- annuity can be an ordinary life anintlitY 4r• an annuity for himself and his Wife, and guarantGed ,for 'up to fifteen years if desired, ,' The Sterling 'Trusts Corporation feels. that this Plan hal ,certain substantial' advantages in that it is guaianteed• by', a,responsible financial institution and is .not !On? Women! and Children? There are big bargains for every- one during the REXALL FALL ONE' CENT • SALE. TwO for the price of one, plus only 1c. Over 275 bargains !to clmose from. ;MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED- NESDAY, THURSDAY', FRI- DAY, SATURDAY, October 21 to 26. MelCibbens, The Rexall Drugs Store. • PHONE 185 TENDERS WANTED ma No ase — alit ao West Howick School Board will receive tenders for the installation of septic tanks, basins and complete toilets for S.S. No. 16. Tenders are to be in the hands of the, secretary by October'18. Plans and specifi- cations may be seen at the school. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted.—James Inglis, Sec., R. R. 1, Clifford, Ont. 9:16b Western. Feeder and Stocker CATTLE. For Sale LIVESTOCK' FOR SALE 16b 11 CHUNKS, thirteen weeks , old for sale. Apply to Clifford heffer, phone Wroxeter 12R7. 16'r HELP the student in your family to better marks and more effi- cient notes, The new Smith- Corona portable typewriters pro- vide the very finest in 'compact, accurate typing equipment. Priced from $75,00 up. Ask for a free trial at The Advance- Tones office. Phone 34. "It's true I didn't have a bike ,at that age, but my ,big brother did'. On every possible occasion, I'd pur- a kW kindred souls was careening loin it, Favontite sport •of self and down the 'steepest " 11111,in town,' Without hands, and at the 'bottom switching from the road tb a foot- bridge that,crossed' the river,. If you :grabbed the handlebars you were •:known as ,"chicken.': • Alter- natives were to hit the main bridge stanchion's, hit the rail of ,the foot- bridge and, go over into ''foiir feet of .water, Or, watched over - by 'a higher Powei, Isiah aeroas the nar- row ftiotbridge; Four tithes I ade it. Then 'one day, I hit the i M ridge; That's why I didn't have a • bike when I was a.kld, It took me four years to pay for, the damage to, my brother's. Why do We keep,boring oueltidS with 'lies .about being :late for School, always 'hanging up our clothes,: never fighting with out brothers and sisters, and alwayS doing what we were told; • when We Were children? They'd probably. be a' lot More interested, if we painted ourselves as the scruffy, 'spotty- nosed, insolent, lazy, • rude • and' violent little beasts we undoubtedly were, Judging from the kids they adopt as their bosom chunis at school, that'S the 'sort' they respect most. ' NINE PIGS, ten weeks old for sale. Apply to Raymond Elliott, R.R. 1, Bluevale, phone 709J2. , lab In carload ,or part carload lots: T PAYS TO 'SEE WHAT YOU ARE BUYING 'H•arold Finley Phone: WrOxeter 20r18, Belnaore 151.2 *Notice • Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the court of revision for 'the revision of. the assessment roll for the Town of Wingham for the'year 1958 will be• held at the town hall, Wingham on Monday evening, October 28th, 1957, at '8 o'clock, Interested persons should govern themselves accordingly. . Dated 'at the Town of Wingham, Ontario; this 1.6th• clay of -October, 1957. W. A, Galbraith, clerk, Town of Wingham. 16:23b 24 YORK PIGS, eight weeks old for sale, Apply to Lloyd Robert- son, R.R. 1, Bluevale, phone Wroxeter 16r8. 16" BEFORE YOU BUY a vacuum cleaner or floor polisher—call Jed Reynolds for a FREE Home demonstration. See Electrolux, Canada's finest. Phone 640J1. rrb POILILTRY FOR SALE 100 R.I.R, Pullets for sale, Laying. Apply to Earl Toner, R.R. 2, Gorrie, phone Fordwich 571.31., 16b CAR for sale. 1953 two-tone Ford, fordamatie drive, low mileage, excellent condition. Mrs. George Beattie, at »Wally Armstrong's, Shuter Street, Wingham. 16b Former Resident Passes, in New York The death of a native of 'the Wingham district, Mrs. ,James, H. Holloway, took place at the Com- munity Hospital at. Glen Cove, N.Y., on Wednesday of, laseweek, follow- ing a short illness. She had been residing at Syosset, Long Island, The forther Mary Elizabeth Fin- ley, she was a daughter of the late Mary Jane and William Finley, and was born at Wroxeter on July 14, 1873. She was educated' there and later was a member of the Bluevale Presbyterian church, Following her marriage to James Fowler they resided for some, time on Diagonal Road, Wingliani. Fol- lowing the death of her first hus- band she married' James H, Ilbllo- way; who passed away a few years ago. 'Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. James (Leah) Robertson, Wingham and Mrs, Richard (Emmal Ten- nant, of Feversham. Funeral hervice was held on Monday at 1.30 p.m., at the R. A, urr e ons funeral home, with 175 RED-SUSSEX PULLETS for, sale; laying. Also 500 Red-Rock pullets, 5 months old. Apply. to Lyle Hopper, phone Brussels 72r12. 16b CEMENT for sale by bag or truck load. Apply Chambers' Hardware, Wroxeter, phone 65. 9:16:234 Cash paid for • dead, sick or `disabled horses or. cows. Free pick-up on smaller animals. Prompt service with winch- equipped trucks., Phone LEROY ACHESON At*ood '153 collect or GEORGE HISLOP ' Wroxeter 2r15 • 27 CARD OP THANKS I would like to thank all my relatives, friends and. neighbors for their visits,. Cards and gifts to me Gener al I was a patient WinghamWingha General Hospital and while recup- erating at home. „A special thanks to the nurses at the hospital and to Dr, W. A. McKibbon.—Mrs Stew- art Cowan. 16* Imagine the luxury of having 2 boxes of ADRIENNE Face Pow- der for $1.11, regular price of $2.20. This is one of the more than 275 tremendous bargains during the• Rexall Fall One Cent Sale, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDA.Y, 111 URSDA Y, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, Octo- ber '21st to October 26th, McKih- bons. The Rexall Drug Store. 16b SALESMEN WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN in Huron Co. Trade well established. Excellent oppottun- ity. Full time, Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. J-453-189, 4405 Richelieu, Montreal, Quebec. 16b dependent on the inture break up' value, of Anvestmenta made -on. „ • , be- half 'of the Participants: There Will be AO' adnainistratIon charges to .'be dedheted from the early in.- crime credited to the deposits, and as the yearly inCome'.will also be income tax free the effective:rate 'O,return will be high. The Sterling Trusts Corporation' teeis, that, a definite benefit has been offered by the Government „to, large group , of the 4 eitizen's Of , :Canada and no. Person- should refuse this. benefit t•without• inVestigating . very Pareplly The Sterling Trusts no cost Retitemeht Ravings Flan, CARD, OF THANKS I Would like to express my ap- preciation to Dr. B. N. Corrin, Mrs. I. Morrey and the nurses at the Wingham General' Hospital; also to the many friends whet sent cards and treats —George Lane, HELP WANTED BEACH COOK STOVE for sale; medium size with reservoir and shelf;., in, good condition.. Phone 4r7 Wroxeter, 1.6b BOY OR GIRL WANTED for Globe.4 Mail Paper route, Apply Dick •Wright, Box 951 Owen Sound. 16:23b 16* ORPORTUNIT UPHOLSTERINfj Large manufacturer of household furniture re- quires foreman for upholstering department of about fifteen persons,. Present foreman retiring 4 on pension. Management,capabilities and quali. fications are as important as trade skill. Excep. tionally good medical, hospital and pension bene- fits. VVrite P.O. Box 69,,StratfOrd. QUANTITY of - hard maple body Wood fot sale; 14 inches. long, Apply to: Norman -Coultqs, Phone 16b • DEADSTOCK WAN'T'ED DEADSTOCK removed promptly for sanitary disposal„ FREE pick up on larger animals, reasonable. Collection charge for small „ani- mals. Phone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited, 6rrb IN MEMORIAM ROBERTS In loving memory' of a dear husband and father, Charles Anthony Roberts, Who passed away October 18th, 1951.— , Remembered by his wife Lloy and sons, Jack and Richard. , 16b OIL DRUM with tap for sale; 45 gallon, $5.00. Apply to Miss M. Walsh, McKenzie Hill, phone 232R: 16b HAVE' YOU PROBLEMS WITH your paCkaging? Magic Marker 14 the answer for 'all larger addresses and general lettering. Available at The Advance-Times in several colors. No pen to fill, Ink dries instantly, Felt point ;permits variety of lettering styles, 1.1.0. Rev.. Alexander Nimmo, ID.D., of- ficiating. Interment was in the Wingham Cemetery with the fel- lowing pallbearers; Robert and George Finley, Alex Coulter, George Fowler, Wilbert and /Vfansel Ten- nant, The floral tributes Were car- ried by Wornald and Edward Fin- ley, Neil Addley and Douglas Ten- nant, SHE. 'OWES IT ,_ALL. TO. HAY : FEVER DEAD STC)CIC: Picked' up pronapt- ly • in sanitary trucks. Small charge made fov animals under 500 lbs. total. Phone collect; Wingham 561J. S4rrN27 IN MEMORIAM TEMPLEMAN—In loving memory, of a dear husband and father; Frederick A, Templema.n, who passed away, October 16, 1952. We who love you, sadly miss you, As it dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near, —Always remethbered by wife and family.' 16b -----.MIWEELLSAkjus BUS I:NE SS 'CRAWFORD IV HETHERINGTON Batristers;. Solicitors, Etc, • Witigihana Phone 48 J. a GRAWMFM, R. S.CMITIOURINGTON, (t,C, Don't lie misled. Only during the Rexall ORIGINAL One Cent Sale tan you get TWO regular site packages for the price of one plus only le. Over 275 bar- gains to choose frOm. Mark your etilendat for these days, MON- DAY, TUESDAY', WEDNESDAY, • THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SAT- URDAY,. Optober 21st to October 26th, MeRibbons. The Rexall Drug store, " 16b E. Wawanosh Native Passes in Detroit „ The death occurred suddenly On Saturday evening of Joseph A, 0;Callaghan of Detroit in his 57th year, Born at' Kingsbriclge, Mr. O'Cal- laghan spent his early years On the farm In East Wawanosh, before going to Detroit, Re was one of a family of nine children born to the late Mt, and Mrs, Daniel O'Cal••• laghart, pioneer residents of East Wawanosh, In 1943 the deceased was Married to the former Anne Pagan of De- troit, who survives. Also surviving are wo sister's; Nell (Mrs, E, V. Monaghan) and Madeleine (Mrs. Prank O'Shea), both of Detroit and tWei brother's, , Wi111sirri of Ot- tawa and Frandia of Detroit, :Possessed of a very kindly and charitable disposition, 'the late Joseph O'Callaghan Will be re. Membered and sadly missed by 'his family and many friends in this area as welt as in Detroit. .Funeral Mass Was chanted on Tuesday morning, October 8th at Augtistine* Roman Catholie Oltoteh, Rey. Father ErlittriSlit interment Was In alt„ Attaittitil~ teMet4lit- FOR •EXPERIENCE arid ability try J, A. Vickers Foot Correction- ist, Hanover, formerly •(Sanky & Vickers) for your foot troUbles. 'Open afternoonS. Evenings, Tees- " day, Thursday, Friday, no Wed- nesday of mornings, Office be- hind hanover Printing office, Phone 500. • 0:16:2380b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIRE ESTATE OF PRICE ALEXANDER SCOTT ALL PERSONS haVing claims against the estate of the above mentioned ,late of the Town of Wingharn County of Huron, Car- penter, whO died On the 31st day of August, 1957, are teqUired to file ,proof of same with the under- signed on or before the nineteenth day of October, 1957. After that date the executrix will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then h9ve had rietiee, DATED at Wingham this .26th day of September, 1957, ClilAWPORD & HtTRERIXOT6N Whigh ern, -Ontario ' Solicitors for the' EXecutriX 62:11:161) IIRECTO.RY: IS YOUR TELEVISION properly Insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- „ art A, Scott,, Wingham, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can noW save yOU 15% On, yourear of truck insurance, l'early or Six Months policies' are available. SPeefal ratea for fatMets, For further information p phone 293, Wingham„29rtb A.r H. MINH J. W. MINIM 1964 ORM Car for sale, Light-blue, With automatic transmission, radio, turn signals, In A,•1 Contact Wm; Farris; phone 669. 37:23* IIARRISTRRiScilf..1C1103.0; and 'NOTARY PIJOLIK) 1410E$WittRit 401TA410 Telephone .2$. TeetWittet : Wroxeleillier* .Wed ieeday afternoon, 2-4 hilititiehritMerit. , . Q.C. Iiittrriseti) Solicitor, Notary, ,Rte;' Money 'Zeal, ''Ontee,,,A144\er. APPLES Ii OR SALE MCINTOSH; and Cortland, $1.15 to t3:00 'Tier bushel. for elioldel bring own 'tiontainers, Spies and available after October Blake Drat, Orellards, tern., errs •;goUth' or Brussels, one Mild easl,•Storage at theidsttle, Priette ;ors` ttrtiagaig. • arr220' WAGE ExsPO8AL cesspools, and cleaned, tjtilck Work guaranteed. Elate,• phone 43r0, 15rrb SANITARY SE septic tanks, ete., puinped serViee,. All Apply Louis WELLINGTON FIRE Frederick F,Hotniith . Carol t.,14011iiiih, Wirt, Viotti If, Itemutit, oitowtriontoos ouorrn,,114 tiittiitint$ Ontario • WATERLOCi CATTLE Breeding Asaociat021, "Where. 'Better Bella ,Are Used "For artificial in- Insurance Conipany Eat, 1846 An 1111 Ciitiadian COntpany Vithiah has faithfully Served Its policy holders tee &Vet* It tentitry, Head Offtea threat° Maki:4591i ItiOatratiet. Agent* Watg1000 FINANCING A CAR? Berme you bilk ask about our Low Nat Financing.. Service With complete, instireitee oVerage, sr WAR A. SCOTT Phone '1011 Winghsm WO. gemination Information Or, ger. vice' -from all breeds of cattle, phone The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Ass at: Clinton. .111/ 24441 01' MI141116:7 1S0142 tamer 1,30 and 0.30 a.m. We have breeds avallabit,—Trip it IOW etolt:” 25trb AMOiL/LA ,stifv.xte , , Ito fever. dr ove Sonya }Brooks from Toronte to a holidaY teiookt tidridc' Free et the sniffle§ and -ariettet,. she woo t . beeuty be. hint )41$$•Laraboot. Oi AA/MIRA/id% Wing, Sitte; coutteuute Service, e bey, IR; Night, 110 or 63e, ' •