The Signal, 1926-9-2, Page 8A' 4 ti t TMers.la.% Sept, tuber ^ I9CG. lt e 9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx* PUBLIC MEETING AT THE PAVILION GODERICH Friday Evening, Sept 3rd AT 8 O'CLOCK TO BE ADDRESSED BY HON. J. C. ELLIOTT Former Minister of Labor in the King Administration, and JAMES MALCOLM Fonner M. P. for North Brute and prospective Minister of Trade and Commerce Came and Nur the Inns if tis bay OgewNl by In Oststanding Men GOD SAVE THE KING ! __J I P10SONAL MENTION hiss Margaret Itubertaoo4is visiting Irieo.is at Toronto. Mies }Asir Elder is holidaying with friends at O»vemhtust. Mr .1. 11. I.auek•r is taking lu the t'. N. R. at 1urento title week. Mr. and Mrs. P. 1. (limey motored to t'landeboyt• fur 1he week -end. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Holman left on Tuesday to a visit to Toronto. i.t.-('ol. and Mrs. ,H. C. Dunlop are toting in the Toronto FihIbltlom. 14i.* /Misr 1MNet• is home from Toronto for several weeks' holiday ,. "Billy" Webster 1e holidaying with ids stater. Mist Leona Webster of Lou - • TSE SIGNAL • GODERICII, ONT. T dun. and Ls a guest with Na aunt, firs6 rh,+•rn from am - u hundred or mune H. V..Nkhulla upeli(•adts. • , Mr. N. (Miler left ye,dtrnlay on a Miss Margaret ct.'Kiuuou *pent the visit to Tur(Atu. week -t1141 at 011.!p' • Hrs. Geo. Bender rc•tunietl Loin* on Mrs, (Part R•.' ,'uy Aad dan;;ht, c Square Il -l'. 11. A. 6 1'ut•siey after visiting friends, at Owen see vhdteree-(et•-sF,•,rw1w 1)11 'rhursday eret.iuy last the Square Maud. I Mies Pearl It ' Itis Is spending u and ('ultsorne Mlle .tsse.elatluu played Mr. Ilarvey Klug, of 1VIudaor. spent (s,ttplt. or weeks theme. lite Heat of u series of there game. to We week -end at the homy ut Mra. i Mr. and Mn. W. J. Curter t,re Felker.! 'Tending .t few ,: 111 Tomato. Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Young. Glaggerat i Mr. 'leg. Pinel• of 1)etruit. l* holl•,i e'hawplarueebip. The game war ars in- ter Termed, spent the •woek-end at . 41st Ilia: nr the it. 'dal home herr. tereetdng ow. mud the tensa* were Pven- )(lratford. I Mrs. J. Newts.. !!t• and 1w4, trunk left ly *uste•hed throughout iheteutfregame. Miss Ileurletta Ilatnlltuu, of Tor- , yt.raer.ay to vi.! the Canadlai: Na. ,At the dud of the third luulug* the onto, is visiting her brother, Mr. H. 1', CondiF:xln{bltlua :' Toronto, Mluare had scored there rumor holdingHamilton. Mr. Fred Bei ••:s. of lh•troit, le the C.It.A. to zero, but at the end of M•r• Lurue AM-hl.4uu and baby Joan, st) Iutiug• two w•r, in town awl is the the .hili the as ore was a tie, bfi of Elmwess. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. ' guer1 rt'Mr. *11 firs. W .T. Minter. ('.H.A.'s soriagl five runs dartos tied J. K Mulch. '1 Mr. Jenner i!. her line- i fourth, fifth and snob innings. Now s w miner. o vein i t the hakecharR f 1 )I at McLean , yt. n• r I i • ,w 1 w visit friends in the seventh Inningte, to axes which would. SOFT' -BALL siewitemeemmewwesemmeamille decide who is to play off with the (.4 .I., the lending team, for the Mite Jean sltel.eud has 1111 week baad. Itaualmetate J t Tt Heinle i4)U1 teams' last dosser taken l• 11 21 school ,� e Fenno -one (ertmty, t.!tt a win the firm sante•. The Square made lir. and Mrs. Gilbert Plante were In I Mr. ant Mr. harry TnRord and good use of the (•hangs and tallied lVhuh•or- last week and brought' home 11111e daughter,Xew York ("My. arc tore runs, a11e1 C.R.A. lulled to store 1a flux Pelee sedan.I !speeding a her ..y'4 with relatives In •'sough stn+ to Win. getting telly mow Hiss LIIJ Cox. of Toronto. i. spend• tout• across the plate. Thi+ left the Square hitt bondayri at the home of her mo- _Mr_Douglatesieleenzle and lough- ahead at the end of the genie bj an thee. Mrs. W. J. Cox. ter Jean have retained from a visit at B -d score. lir. and Mr*. W. J. Wright and faun ' Detroit, Port, Venom.and Niagara The lineup: Ily, of Wfae4aer. are the guests of their b'xll., C.R.A.-W. Big' c, R. Bisect P E. t WANTED. -MAID FOR OR\"FJHAL emit,, Mrs. 0. F. ('.troy. I Moi Ethel \!,Ihly left iota week Eiliutt ]b. R. HetLerlugtun L. it. housework. 111114. J. L KIb- Mrr. 11. Davis. ikafurth. wbo wan for Dyer* Bay, *!,Ere she has lodes re- Me'Man.i x, 1). Naha 3b, C. Bowman I LORAN. visiting Mrs. W. Clark. Walnut street. engaged us te.,• her in the public If. G. ,Hadden cf. L. We*tbrooke rf. has returned to her home. school.I Square -Micas e, J. Woods p, G. Yrs. Wm. Aitehfrvn, of 1Vini;han. a Mrs. It. J. Ib I,hart 1114.4 returned to ! Beat -4m In C. Sbrarduwn 2b, C. Ander- bag been visiting at the home of her Sioux l.00kuat, 'Int.. after a vacation l NOD ata. H. itathlesun 3b, MeKay If..1i- daughter, Mrs J. E. Hutch. at Dung-nmton ti d other i.dnts In tier I Imo ef. 1'. Johnston rf. Mrr. V. 1.. Horton and {lis: Wiuni- county. Score: fid (tall pact• reinrnel bumf atter Mr. and Y». XIeb ,:s. of l.. ndou, spending ten slays in Tomntn. a were stent rl.:ura with the latter's Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Marlow &dere parents. Mr. ar . Nr. le. J. Bimetal!, called to Toronto last week owine to Fast street. the death of the former's father. I• Professe.r and Nen. Jaekson had the ! - %Itse e'ureMiller and Mise e ..f a ,e 1 f.noe nr &ad MSS- man. ommac. Of Toronto, were the guesit4 of Copeland and 111". (11r.) •Yelpersb, of itis, 'tett Graham the pant week. ' Simcoe. this w, --k. Maedel and Miss Eva Parry baa retuwl to her Mr. std Yrs Arthur their series, the Square again ais- home at London after a vide with non Howard bats' returned to Detroit plug by a 3-1 sur,'. The quem tv lir. and Mis Robert R1'eset. town. ' atter a pleasant ,401 k'w v1.11 at the old stented the game J)y u•uring one Miss Mad•Vicar he. returned from a home at Renal 'er. nut 1n the first mot one in the eee.tMl visit to Toronto, where she inet t tett , Res. Canon teenier'', M.A., ret•tur of Linins,,,. Neither taunt sr•arel again the fall and winter millinery styles. ' St. Georges thnreb. Sandia, tad Mrs. until the sixth Innhng., a!tbougn it Miss Leolia Hern left on Monday for Collin* were week -end guests of Mr. hooked many times as if the C. Toronto. having leen appointed as anti Mra. O. F. ('secy. R. A. were to break away ■ud kindergarten teacher there. She was , Mrs. W. T. I'eIow and Mist Irene wore. but the breaks were eczema again are away on a+ visit to Buffalo and Herm and they were he'd down to sen.. Niagara and wi ' also takeh. the Plx• In the sixth !m ilugs tin- Square hihitlen al_ Tor'_'_ter• scored two rtes and one lu - The Rev. C. F. Cherhe le dt Toro. et tole seventh. patting their total up to flee week attending .1"meeting 01' Presby- for the game. 1n the (',R.A.'s Inst tory lenders to the 1'uitwd Chureb innings tbs.s &hack off the 'Ilex" and from eretario at l (Juel'er. tallied three runs. but not enougb to Mr. and Mr. John AnpenleIJer, of overcome the Square's lead. 'The Preston. awl Mr. mall Mrs. John Ker Square having won two out of the Iy. of ih rroit. s;•ent the week -end with 'three gamed from the C.R.X. now Mr. /11141 Urs. M. J. howler. meet the G.C.I. in a wrier of three - lir. and Mra..J. W. Tta..xltil grand, gawrn.fw the town leasue-ebetapion- daughter. Miss .Uetta Forrester, left ship. . yesterday to vied relatives at Tt,r.uto Tb.' line-up: and take In the F.x)4IAltinn• •Square-Ifi'•&s e. Alen p. 11. Bea)Dr. A. It. Rol- neon. of Ayr, 4111,. 111 evil) lb. 4'. Slteardown 2b, 1'. Ander- tow -0 yesteftby :tail looked tip old sou Rs, R. Matblearon 3b. McKay ,cfe fri.•nei* of the - •lay« when he wee * R.:ttoeldart If. P. Johnston rf WANTED LOST OK FOUND D1s"1'it1CT AGENT RANTED FUR 1 Q$Tlu.-•tieONEre TC148U.tt, ArtG(11114Tthei'at:4t'/ a ,pular line of 1/runleteeeel Radi-ator F'urteltare. A high -grads pruAt- ! 1011, a gold double etinspeet. un chatE able busine&s for ener etlr, -tumble cud ring. Finder please leave .ate twle•ama4. Territory protected. 1)F\• SIGNAL (IFF1('E. NISTl EL LIMITED, 'Loudon. Ont. at WANT11D.-1)N1. GOOD MAN WITH car to take' eharge of protected territory tar large &tier urgat1T,atluu. Write B(LX ;M SIGNAI. OFFICE. W1N'PEI4.-T IN't ) (1OOI) MEN W 11(4 like• outsold work to cheek up bushiest., fur reliable cowpony. Must be neatly dressed 81141 pitasaut. .%I. ply 1t*X 40. SIGNAL, 4FF'I('E. C1Hf, ROAIMMRS WANTED. -Apply BOX a.'e, SIGNAL OFF9t1E. It DOAHI)ER WANTEI). MAN PRE- FERRED. Private boon!. livery eenvcnielw.'. Near lake. Apply at THE fttIINAL OFFICE. at !Square -0 1 2 0 2 0*=S C.R.A- 0 0 0 1 1 3 1 .s8 1 ..X.Care Instructed W 1{ NRA. SIINCLAIR •} to Bell by auction as her rtsidem.r. Britannia road. Goderich. m MATT 1(1,AT, itEt-rc Mt, On Tue.tday ermine the Square anti C. R. A. timet In the second Rome AUCTION SALE rLEA e1NG AUCTION SALE OF 1101'SP:1M)I D FURNISOINGS. Resin at {date; J. •.bew- art. rr., en bases. GODERICH 1 Industrial Exhibition Wednesday TSI SePte 9--a THE' POPULAR HOLIDAY EVENT OF THE DISTRICT ---BIGGER-AND BETTER THAN EVER Extensive Exhibits of the Products of Farm, Field, Garden and Home Revised and Enlarged Prize List Many Special Features Free Performances before the Grandstand The Two Tennent Sisters --Clever novelty and character dancers. Beau- tiful costumes. Two acts. H•rtorintuu•es Wednesday evening, 'I'Intriela}' Carr Bros. ---European clown acroba- tic and head and hand balancers. Also comedy pantomime trick house. efternowt :and evening, Friday afternoon Music by the Goderich Band student and baseball prayer here. ('.B.A.-W. Biloxi r, R. Biewet pc- U. -4_ Mr. awl 'lire: -D. C. Meese -Wan red K1liote---Nh,---11: •Hetttertngtau '2N.-- L tinned to 'Peron'', on Weeee•scay after Weetbro..k „e, 1). Nairn :4b, C. Bow - it visit of aerevel_weekt tp veep-'J7ree t-4sas #f: F:. -Hadden-cf. McFie rf. were aevomleafh•I fly iiia Dieli e. emcee: I Principal Stole -Weise has received square --1 1 0 0 0 2 1=5 from the Invert mem of Education hie C.K.A.-u 0 0 0 0 0 3=3 etneitkgte as elte"tlali.t In auxiliary work, or tire teach -hoz of haekward children. 4f.*trEd01. 4iden left on gise Toronto. and her mother. Mr. James , { kin �t face. will follow to n f.•w• days. TheyMr. 'John Montgumel;y, return - 1112..1111 to make heir home in the city. 1 ing officer for North 1111.4)11, %4il1 eomn.ercing at 1 o'clock sharp-. All (br contests of the house: Living -num. dicing room. iMdroon (4 bedrooms) and kiteheu furoisbinge. In- cludlug a - splewdid square pians: a apeeial waists dinner mtg.!, ; 4-burnor oil stove; owing machine. In good { (•nnditiva : 'several pieces --n4 walnut; (Mtertttour mattress: lawn Mower; garden tools; china: cutlery; frit*s- ware; (kitchen range. and aumerou* other articleee. Everything will be disported of wuh- nut..any reherve, as the propt';ty_bas been sold. TERMS -Cash. T. (IUNDRY A SON. Auctionr.-rs. FOK SALE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Oa CRANK P. (11BBS, CHARTJRA Accountant 102 Ontario streets Stratford. Phone 1680. Rea. 1381U. AUCTIONKEKING THOMAS OUNDRT. OODERICEL LIVE WTOCH AND G MARAS AUCTIONEi1LR Telephone No. 119. Sala atteodtd to auywbere and ever* effort made to give eatlafartlaala Tannery' sale notes discounted. ROBERT ROBERTSON, Qualified Auctioneer, Eden Street, /lsies will conduct any sale In th• Manta of Huron. true tnformatlun apply fr P. J. Ryan, Hamilton St.. or order* left with btm will receive prompt at- tentloa. IY. STALKER, A('C.lONEER. • for household effects, farm stooke etc., for tee County of Huron. Address all comrnunicatlose to J. M. STALKER, Auburn P. O. OPTOMETRY -1. COLI. R. O. 81. OPTOMETRIST. OPTICIAN, West Street. Ooderfeh. Honor Graduate of ttbe Canadittta. Opbtbalmlc College of Toronto. Zees examined by tke latest metal* oda, and the proper fitting of glassed. at moderate prices. Ontario Board) of Ilxamlacre Certificate No. 375. MUSIC ye - • .1, pit4)F. W. H. JACKSON. Instruction 1 given to Voic.Caltnre,Organ. Pianos Vivan, Guitar. Tbeory, etc. Studio *n4 residence, 37 North street Phone 384 {j C. HAMILTON, Organist Sort]) Si. au United (Lurch. Coccert 'UM and Tracber. }e011 SA Lt.-600111(csidente at Mrs. Colbarte's, SL _*41 row. Apply at THS 9IGNAl.# Patrlclt's arrest row FOR RALE.-DtS TO FRESH. DRUGLESS PKACTITIONIIK Vv !N September 15. ROBERT- RON'S. Elden street. it ilt, A. N. ATKINSON t'illOR SALE. -RIPE TOMATOES .\X1) , LESS THEEAPIBT CHIROPRACTOR AND DECO - sewn mliere. ACti•sewnmis•rs. H )1tE1Cr- • GODERICH SON'S. 'Eldon street. Equipped . with electro-dsagneW Bt:b1.DIN. Jl.\TF:Itt.11• }'OR F.\LE • baths. lebctroalc electric treatments at the T.•rulwrnm'e Pine. North and cbiropeartJc. Chronic organic and •t•• L• '. 1 I'm Ing-Lh. Dean at plate, L. street. Door.. glared sash. err. Apply Office attendees*. 1 Yining on basks. B. 1'. MI'NNiN(at st Temperance HalOfficetunes 2 to 5. and 7 to Y Am.. exceptibg Monday and Thursday aL • site. 1t tersooue and evenings, and by apt_ - 1I polntment. Mise Murearef 1Vileets has been op- tae at hex office in the (iritTetf pointed tender of a- !rhnol-near Bei- Block,_:ate :,mol nssumerl lir •Lutl.=• at the N'inghaln. all day, Septem- • an.] aolighter. Hope.. have ra-torned to get in 'touch with him h..oe. after a !eolith's vacation vrith Ild ettniniode. (hair. hooks. It. .Nlv- ir:ndta01.1v•-• ot Whitby, oehawa hod Tor. should phone 34, Wingtiani. • Gerald al,' 4rtliur C.\lt }(►It SALE.-BT1I(RC ]2(l,t r) i Residence and oleo-Oorose 01 -----TT NTE)R. ltre4 mldei. four entieder. South street and Britannia road. with visas! Opel finish In grelir . I low 41..1 1Mek. I'rice *Vs 0. .appy t,• PultTFB'L It00K Vr ilIE: MEDICAL tyui11g 41( 12241 rthuul.crlu this ,week.:1)er 14ihr.trutu S a.ut-.titl_1U c.lt', i + 1 . -i+ 1tr14-FtF131t4 e`)+1t Nttt i *t. Mr.. Robs. Mitch, Mrs..l. E. Hutch ; election day. Ann• person wish. a :a r.."r ..ret.. .,,,.m...,...e ..,.,.• returned to their home at�Pert-Huron I BORN• atter ,'p•u,.;; te week with their ¢rrtulu:•dher. Ura. *ten H•sr•nrth. 13ARK}:It.--4) rob•t'ich, °u. W(dne•s- E•A141* *1)14• SATE. --97 ACRES; a Ar.t.•Iaw land; all reelse,ry bonding.. F.c,• mule• north of 4;...I. ;,,mon. day. .tugiist 2.1, to lir. and Urs. ' ,•rh•h on tem- Wane Illghwsy : c10•e Mr'. lila . M. Ross anti sun Peed Charlet. Barker. a went. Roy Melvin" to s„hos.l and i-tinrutl. Easy tern:* to have retunesi bome front Calumet, _ Ist)1S•1,orn r. !responsible person. ALEX, 1i(1RT4)N, 114).. when- tl+er spe•ut six-wt•ekw BII1FT.-in tlalcrt'h. ou Tuereley, t it. it. a, I:paelleh; Colborne wun1:•11.al 4111 lir., Hogs' father, Mr. David Aligner 17, Or Mr. illy!: Urs. N'il;!:uu I"14.1410114. M3. ,•t hit•. who, Is gotta file i reset. n tanght.r, ('!sire Elisabeth.i---'------ ----- - *lire- --nr.*-MTs. Vannrman rindMr._ _{vt*14 MALE. ---('t t)1}r)It'111:I.t. 1 i- i.e , Ion. Ye•mtrp, .rf }iewk'rt Park. DIED feasts Immo in road repair Florida. mid Mee Mu1ho11.tu,Fan,{Hiss Three-pier'o bath -end electric itch'•. \\'siker. of 5 ''.2r°11. T1 4"11 friends nn(1 4'),) ,- 1N. --At \iel.n."4. hospital. Peter- ismI Good aab:e• and henhouse and nworfer relatives here Mils' week. nnrta, Mnadtiv. .ingrut :doth, t„Qa1K Sitliatei in very dwirabir Mr. need Mrs. C. .1. Ittlnlha1 and 1I 13, .\tui, .\melts (71 Mill r. wife of lur•atllru, corner of 1tr,s`k .ireet arid $oils. \ern,,ur and Caswell: returned the hue 'Harry Chums.mother of 1 ('ntnhrfa rend. An)dv to JI/11X %fe- fo Toronto, the part week after a visit Wm L. unit H ,,..,. b of int Louis ; 7,"1)1) al. Alfred Tebbutt's, Tnlralgar street. Mrs. E. ittini1411 Flint street. YSerrtte aT"Ttfe �nneruT 1Tini {�`� 'Trento° ;rns1"411': , e Hoa. el. Y. :r2•i Sherlsorae 42n•.•t, 'forootn, 11'e•d-.DESIRABLE: PROPERTY FOR Lear. 4.'ie'riae Park.avenue. atiii nee te,lnr. $e•pt.•mb,•r le1_S:l, p.m.-_ _ PALE. Cerner North and Net'sin the ehgm•remerit of ifo.1r ,yule(tttr•xt _ - streets. Apply to W. H. JACKSON. slaughter. Kathleen, to hr. R..\. Brad- IN MEMORIAM \1. lir ') ..nkaru.• .i -- with the meaner'& parents, Mr. and �,a and harry. of \res lurk City. Track Events ---Purses $900 THURSDAY 2.5G 1W -6e Pace - urtle t 2.20 Trot or Pace Purse $250 FRIDAY • '1 �Troe or -Face Puree $200 2.15 Trot or Pace Purse $300 Meyerhoff's Midway A grand assemblage of amusement features. Something doing all the time. ADMISSION. Adults 25c, children IOc. Grandstand ---adults 25c, chil- •dren IOc. Horse vehicles and automobiles, 25c. oofi Children in Procession Free Procession will form at the Square at 1.30 p. m. Thursday and march the Agricultural Park. School children in procession from town or schools- will be admitted without charge. to country For Prize Lists, Entry Forms, and all information apply to Secretary T. GIJNDRY, DR. W. F. CLARK, • President Secretary -Treasurer • 41 DR. Y. J.11. FORSTER EYE. EAR. NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Oph- thalmic anti Aural Hospital. awistaa$ a1 Moore>re,d Eye Hospital and ' Golden Square Tbroat Borstal, Law don, Eng. :e3 R'a:rrloo S., Stratford. Tat- epb'.ne 21;7, . At Hotel Hsdford, Godericb, from 7 p.m.. Monday, 14eptembet 20, (till 11 p.ta Tuesday. September 21. ford. 1'orontn .ants .. lir. and Mrs. G. R SALE.-1IOUAE 1 T1 'e p ase ,•mr r 1i SPINwnis•r (.'__- ). la aa, ue ,,v • f our dear - 6s. Mr. id Mr.. P. J. Ryon end family mother. Mr. ..tr.1,1 )lel: malt, who Reid's Survey, in the town of'Oode- ! g loft this w,•(•k for 1/0701t. wlore they mid enterer' into era urs year ago- fish., Apply to 11. C. YT'NNTNOS, F It• LARROR. BARRISTER, arow 111 re- ,, future. 1 Gotteriela i. Attgusr :ted. urn.(1oderfch, nr JOH'N TORRANCE, ' Sn(t o *sof to J. L Killoran. -urry 10 -llf,. R +++o.iClinton.Parc t. tip e ' ' (IRIr(� 1'hP Rusted, The -sweetest fires to fade LEGAL ERNERT M. LEE. - Barrister and Solicitor 10 King street east. Toronto 2. Tette phones Mato 7798-7794. DUDLEY E. HOi.31ES Barrister. Ete, Omer` -Hamilton street, Goderlt . Phone r SEAGER, K. (7, BARRISTER. • SOLICITOR, votary Public and Conveyancer. otite-Const Hoottu1, 4*21 21( H"'t'TFie n rP t Aowera are fire( toARM t}odrrfett. -;:irlfei eltlz,-ii, and n+ 1 the f,arelept. drah,•wt, ts`•,t of all l,airwat ::f hind e.mlnafitee 112.t1 i within 1,1o• grace w • lnid. n many oth,a capacities be ha- a ic'•r, I tallier* net in .,.mmnnrty enterl.r!'e.. I not deep la stir herons is the picture . Mr. Whiter" 1. Sxnnd.•re, who has i 4)f )IM- bred one !ni 1 to rent: been for four year. with the (Mario ; '•, Mem„re. frame we shall keep 1t, m�ls1)w'ay... I). partme-111. i:,'t,•rly ',.t , lire.,,,.(• she WEIR moa of the ire'..* Stratford. do ••t'ttbrirawtou froth that : -Sedty mlKarl by her elwigkter, 'cork ,set is r•tnrning to G,rderteh to : 1IAIIR.41(A M(•IK)NAI,D. enter the life emirate, !t,•',). Ji,• q•Itl i �- )s' district Lou( tor the ('*silt Life . .t$pur, tie Co IRs Find Mrs. snnttder' I CARD OF THANKS will Ix• we h cued hark to 1*esG ri.•h by. at f i I j'.1111) OF TH.\NKS.--Thank you home atter a a.•ry .4401 -awe monde erip4 ki144i* w ill taving ears lar me in the through 111, gall top to !fault $(e Pony ('cutest. and helping Me h. win ri lit fit 11.K ,SALE.-(•(1lIFimlf- 1larle, stoly,ia : on the way. at lh,te4it, I:P seemed prtz4 of eighteen do:lnrs,, Ali1.I: eight room vennie, with „rand filly,/ tin ripor Springer Fir,d i think It mons Ane Tem ('note w'in ihoTotsof'p1.x,11:1 tamer. nntl conic, \im•kiruIe I'.l, nl. .\tier 'p•n,ni a ' Use pony. and I rongentulete hits on testis. 4'ondnelehle hen -1,114•. WT11 - fPw .Mys w•i-I frh•nrts- fir 2 b ran. 4,1* *meerrrP. hp w.kl eheeie. Apply--nto)m'r; THiS adlnn "•,s., the retnrr, trip w•a. M.\1*E:I.F:I\K w.vr,tox (1FFI('i:. 1.x1)0 tlsr. ngl, tlShc,ury. the Le444.. el 13x3s. anti tie Muskok,, Lakes. IIre. C rs')H SAI.E.--A'5-PASSENGER HUT- llaedonald wN+,ateempxnied by ier • Mt1R1LE touring ear to pad dallglrfere Milk Leckie of London. 1 shape. with ll n'P. Cheap torr ask (int.. Mian F'l,•re1Me, of Ife•troit. Mich.. h if wild et nne. d at TRIS OF- and Miss Hare!. of IVIse lleg. (V. Va. *1(111. „Apply T amity r,et,d . Rn. M M d4,t),1,T Tia+ 1at+inue) . very ism•h, dear foil;.: for y,4tr FOR SALE. -TWO COMFORTABLE, dwellings in good locations In I Goderich. Also forty terra of good! pasture land with an ahnndanee d water, elope to town. Tertian to snit purchasers. T. Gi'NDRY. LEAVING TOWN, KtiMT RE SOLD --IRrlek residence oo hrge lot, water beatiag, two toilets and both, I Ilaundry wbo fireplace, electric light, I hardwtui} Aeons tine tort tun nn Bet -1 taanla road. Zrgnlre at JENNER'S t(NE-11TORE. • ♦ ARD OP' TII.\Nhi4. -- T()IIMY ('(14)KF, wishes to say "Thank yin' to the ninny who Lel ssi him wit, the pony in the co►,te.1 Jia slowed And to :ell evervme filet he is 'very proud of hit prize. The homiest fhh,g in the world to .teal i' the other (•!44'12, Ere•ryfwody 10 watchha¢ 2)411 --111h he'ner It. or J. Wortley Rent, the ',Miele Rin of lir. George Ryan, was nl lnelt«el fay a large dog t,n't 'fllur•day afternoon Mrd was eever.ly bitter, to the leg. The little r.. dew is )4'5'(.5 (142414 14) right from the pnintal fuJnri,o M resolved. Marine acrd (:(neral Wiring Eleririe Raregee--F.lee$rir Rashers FlIdngs of .11 kinds. 11 MaeDO\ \1,1) 1?1e• trlr'nr 11140s 174w Cr4wierirh FOR SALE.-.frrESL Bt'li•DINn, 10x12. auitaMe r• • garage or fool - home. Apply C. R. rtf'REH(1LDtAt *Upnlimited Quantityof OOon MIXFD WOOD R U1 at 1114 per tingle mrd. delivered, j ?RR OOD1MtiCR MANT1}'ACTIIRINO CO.. Mil 1TED (Foot of Aaglesse $t. Phone 131. ) daps & Nape BARR1MrlR., ET('. R.C.IIAYe.-R C. HAYS ra., B. A. •Hamilton tit.. (ioderien INSURANCE. WAN RTC. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. McK!LLOP MUTUAL FIRE 1111- RI'RANCE CO -Farm and iso- lated town property Insured. (Wei -erre -Jas. Connolly, Pres., (Goal erich P. 0.; Jap. Evans, Vf('e-Pres. Beechwood P. 0.; D. F. McGregor. SeP.•Treaac, Seafortb P. O. Directors --A. Rroadfoot, R. R. No. R, Leaferth ; John A. Grieve, No. 4. Welton: Witham Rinn, R. R. No. 2. Reeforth ; John Bennewles. Brod- hagen ; (len. Me(lartney, R. A. No. 3. Ada forth ; Robert Ferris, Mario*: Murray ('khans, Rrncedeld; Jamas Evans, Ree•hwosd: Jamas Connelly, Goder4Pb. Agen t► --J. W. Teo, (loderleh; Alex. Leiteb, R. R. No. 1, masa: Jn*a Mnrra flafnrth ; E. Rleehlay, Seaford'. Toney -holders can crake as payments and get their cards riwtpt- ed at R..1. Nnrrlab's Clothing Moak Clintnn ; R. A. entre Ottorery, King` efon 01'0el. (loderieh, nr J. H. Retd'a Gea(I,al More. Ballet&