HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-10-09, Page 8SAVE MONET ON
Storm Windows
A DISCOUNT OF V. will 'be given on
all orders . of Storm Win lows dui r ng the
We will meaoure and ittstpll witiflow,s if desire
win oam •Phone xJ
measured in minutes
gasoline costs you less
If you work at a'job-and most •of us
do-how many Tribunes does it'
take to earn enough to buy n gallon
of gasoline?:
;sa minutes?
Well, that was true for the average
Canadian back in 1939. 29 minutes?
You're right if you're thinking
about prices in 1946,
16 minutes?
Correct. According,to 'governm.ent
figures, that's how long it takes an
average Canadian today to earn thg
price of a gallon of gasoline,.
On the score of performance, you're
getting an even bigger bargain. For
today's regular gasolini3s are far
superior to the premium vades sold
only ten years ago.
Feeding Your Grain
Get the Most. Out of It!
Grains supply ENERGY. Thee major part of
any livestock or poultry feed, apart from rough-
age for cattle, is made up of grains. You know
all that!
MINERALS! VITAMINS! ineeded to produce
fast, economical gains that you must have in
your business. And you know all that!
Tip bridge the gap, to balance the grains
you produced this past summer, to en-
sure fast gains or increased production,
al minimum cost to you, you need only
balance your grains with concentrates.
a. proven SHUR.GAIN FORMULA to suit
every need, yciu have for feed. Drop into the
mill and see. We'd he pleased to plan with you,
your entire winter feeding program using your
own grains.
Look for this sign
and get the most out of the grains you
are feeding this year,
(Please Turn to Page Ten)
We are operating only on
Fridays and Saturdays
FRT. - SAT. OCT. 1D. - 12
starring Glen voj,d, plus
The Biggest Laugh Show, of 1957
October 1411-
- Two Big 'Thrillers -
Treats For The Bids
Friday Hite. \-
Rumpie Strip Drivers Admitted nom Every Friday 'Cite.
A Complete Set, of Oven-Ring,
OVENWARE to be Oven away
,every Prlday nighty plu4 it host
.of other .Grand
Make :Every Friday Night Your
Family Night _et the Harr:sten
1St Show Starts at IA Nightly
1111,11111/11111111111,11111111 /111111.111111111•111111111
heel Marie rrasers
hew Cheese,
Casserole rleti4es,
Send why I eihilitelePOtetiiiiiiilo • 400 Horan litrotiot1140,4111 ';•
* 1
• ••••
• 01.117It'Itt.
our est.,
me, yowl"; .neyet ream to IyAk e good heirtot,;. They. turn And inonl-ido.nn. it
eti'ilettviat'','-Whon L'auty be limit Ifitineye.,
/Itteithe kidneys, filter poor ,sed •erreis.
aci(4 6(04 .14 Mood; if they fftil And..
litepetitigii *toy hi the eyttette--tlisterba4
teat ellen folletfe. If Yee...don't ro.o well
!!and ttae Idigdr"+i #fidney Pills., Podd's p ,04 itidneyr *u Oatyo.u. can regt
• motto,041$1"iegt 124
Dockb.Kidneir Pills
We Are . Now Operating On
Standard Time.
THEKS, PAL OCT, 10 - 11
Masterpiece of
Uspenee starring Doris Day.
Louis ,Tourtlan and Barry
Special Added Attraction
Robinson-Basillio TVA Pictures
SATURDAY ONLY . ocr, 1.2
Laurel and Hardy
In "Saps At Sea"
Thanksgiving Holiday Show
"The' Garment Jungle"
Lee X, Cobb, Richard Boone
All seats at 60c
October 1.1 - 15 -10
Tolstoys Great Novel on the
screen starring ,Audrey Hen-
burn and Henry Fonda
For this Engagement only ONE
SHOW NIGHTLY at 8 p.m,
Prices for this Engagement only
.Adults 75e, Stud, 50e, Child. 25c
et a Dot, 14.b.1
BET:GRAVZ---A capacity crowd
was in attendance at the annutl
Beigrave School Xottir Concert held
VridaY evening in the Foresters'
Hall, George :Riehle, president of
the school fair, was the chairman.
The winners were as follows:
Recitations for Beginners-..Ron-
aid TaYlov, S.S. 12, 16.W.; Gary
XeSween, SS. VT, E.W.; George
johnston, AS. 17, E.W.; "Norma
Jean Mair, 5.2, 6, Morris; Mary
Ellen Walsh, S.S, 17, E.W.; Joan
Rosman, S.S. 17, E.W. •
Recitations, Grades 1 and 2--
Judy McDowell, S.S, 13, E.W.; Mar-
garet Craig, S.S, 8, Morris; Mesita
Koopinans, 'SS, 13, 11.1.W.; Terry
Johnston, S.S. 8, Morris; Ruth Mo-
thers, 5,5, 8, Morris; Marian. Yung-
hint, S.S. 11, E.W.
•Reeitations, Grades 3 and • 4 -
Ross WIghtman, SS, 17, EN.; Mar-
iljin Taylor, S.S. 13, E.W.; Robert
Taylor, .S.S, 13, David Walsh,
S.S, 17, E,W.; Murray Vincent, SS.
17, E,W.; Jim Henry, S.S, 11, E.W.
Public speaking, Grades 5 and 6-
Sa.reira Henry, 5,S. 11, TAI.W,; Linda
Coultes, S.S, 13, E.W,; Ann Wight-
man, 5,2. 17, E.W.; Lila Black, 2.2.
13, E,W.; David Duncan, 2.S. 6,
Morris; George Schoeman, S.S. 1,
Morris. -
Public speaking, Grades 7 and 8-
Barbara Krug, S.S. 17, E.W.; Janie
Beecroft, 5.S. 7, E.W.
Spelling match-Ann Wightman,
S.S. 17, E.W:; Kay Naylor, S.S, 7,
E.W.; Barbara Krug„ S.S, 17, E.W.;
Martie Koopmans, S.S. 13, 11W.;
Ann Shortreed, .S.S. 11, Morris;
Jean Naylor, •S.S. 7, E.W.
Other numbers on the program
were a double duet from S,S. 11,
E.W., a double trio from S.S, 6,
ENV.; -chortle from S.S, 17, E.W, and
a chorus number by ;pupils of the
Morris schools.
The T. Eaton books for the mast
points in the school fair were pre-
sented to Lorna Bolt for girls and
Ted Lutz far 'boys. The Simpson
painting set for the most points in
School work was presented to Lor-
na Bolt.
Judges for the program were
Mrs. W. Cruiekshank, Mrs. J. Mc-
Kibbon and Mrs. R. Ritter; all of
Winghain. •
Early potatoes,. Mel Al/an ist,
Mrs. A. P, Douglas 2nd; late pet*
atoes, Robert Gibson, Mrs, A, P.
Douglas; Swede turnips for feeding,
Wrn, J, Weber, James RoblnSdn,
Fordwich; Swede turnips for table,
Weber, Sana Robinson; long
car rots, W, 15,1, Whitflekl, iVirs. A.
P. Douglas; short carrots, Mrs.
John Baylor, WM, J. Weber; fod-
der corn, S, J, Robinson, Mel Tay-
lor; ,eelerY, Win. J. Weber; potato
onions, Was. J. Weber, Mel, Taylor;
seed onions, Mrs. A, Douglas;
onions froni, Dutch sets, Mrs, A, P,
Douglas, Mrs, John Baylor; Par-
snipe, Mrs, A, P. Douglas,, W. E.
Whitfield; muskmelons, Mrs. Wee,
Helinpel, Mel Allan.
Pie, pumpkins, Mr% A, P. Doug,-
las, Ron McMichael; eitrens, Wm,
3. Weber, Ron McMlchael; long
beets, Mrs. Wee. Heirrinel, Wm, J,
Weber; turnip beets, Mel Allen,
W, E. Whitfield; tomatoes, Mrs. A.
P. Douglas, Mrs, C. Carewell; red
cabbage, Was, 3, Weber; white cab-
bage, Graham Work, Mrs, A, P.
Douglas; red cabbage, Wm. J.
Weber; Chinese cabbage, Wm, J.
Weber; red peppers, Wm.. J. Web-
er, Cauliflower, Win. J. Weber,
Mrs, A. P. Douglas,
Pepper squash, Mrs. C, Carswell,
Mel Allan; hubbard squagh,
S, Weber, Mrs. Ira Neill; ripe eu-
eumbers, Mrs. A. P, Douglas, Robt,
Hibberd; pickling eacurribera,
C. Carswell; hybrid'-corn, Ron Mc-
Michael; table corn, Wm, J. Weber,
Mrs. Wes, Heimpel; field corn, 2.
J. Robinson; butter beans; Mrs.
Wes, Heimpel; farmer's basket of
vegetables, Mel Allan, Wm, J, We-
Special-Best collection of vege-
tables, varieties named, Mel Allan.
Barred Plymouth Rock, cock,
John D, Douglas, Stratford, 1st,
Norman H. Body of Tara, 2nd;
Barred Plymouth Rock, hen, John
D, Douglas, Norman H. Body; Bar-
red Plymouth Rock, bred to lay,
cock, Donald Brown; Barred Ply-
mouth Rock, bred to lay, hen, Don-
ald Brown; Plymouth Rock, AOV
cock, John D, Douglas, Norman H.
Rody; Plymouth Rock, ACV hen,
John A Douglas, Norman H. Rody.
White Wyandottes, cock, John D.
Douglas, Norman H. Rody; White
Wyandotte; hen, John D. Douglas,
Norman IL Body; Leghorns, S.C.
White, cock, John D. 'Douglas; Leg-
horns, 2,0, White, hen, Geo. Doug-
las, Stratford; Leghorn; bred to
lay, cock, Donald Brown; L,eghorns
bred to lay, hen, Donald Brow&
Donald Brown.'
Minoreas, black, cock, Donald
Brown, John D. Douglas; hen, John
D. Douglas, Donald Brown; New
Hampshire cock, Norman H. Rody,
Donald Brown; hen, Norman H.
Body, Donald Brown; •any other
variety, cock, John D. Douglas,
Norman H. Rody; hen, John D.
Douglas, Norman H. 'Body,
Barred Plymouth Rock cockerel,
John D. Douglas, Norman H. Rob;
pullet, Norman Rody, D. Brown;
bred to lay cockerel, Donald Brown
bred to lay pullet, D. Brown; Ply-
mouth Rocks, AOV cockerel, John
D, Douglas, Norman H. Body; pul-
let, John D, Douglas, Norman H.
White Wyandotte cockerel, John
D. Douglas, Donald Brown.
John D. Douglas, Donald Brown;
Leghorn, S.C, White cockerel, Geo.
Douglas, Norman Rody; pullet, G.
Douglas, Norman Rody; Leghorn,
bred to lay cockerel, Donald Brown
Norman H. Body; pullet, Donald
Brown, Norman H, Rody,
Minorcas, black cockerel, Donald
Brown, Norman Body; pullet, John
D, Douglas, Donald Brown; New
Hampshire, cockerel,. orman Body
Donald Brown; pullet, A Brown,
D. Brown; any other variety, Cock-
erel, John Douglas, Norman Rody;
Pullet, John D. Douglas, Donald
Turkey, Giaham Work; Tou-
louse geese, Norman H. Rody, Ed-
gar Hewett of Beigrave; geese,
AOV, Norman H. Rody, Norman IL
Body; pair ducks, Donald Brown,
George Douglas; pair ducks, Nor-
man H. Rody, Donald Brown; two
cockerels ready for market, Don-
ald Brown, Norman H, Rody; one
cock arid three hens (heavy breeds)
Sohn D. Douglas, Donald Brown;
one cock and three hens (light
breeds) John D. Douglas, Donald
Special-Best pen of three pul-
lets, any kind, Donald Brown, Mrs.
P:Douglas; best two hybrid pul-
lets, school fair members only, Iris
Hundred dollar stake for best
heavy draft agricultural, Percher-
on, Belgian, wagon or express horse
1st, Andy Catto, Turner; 2nd, Glenn
Johnston, Fordwieh; 3rd, Norman
Schmidt, Miltimey; 4th, Eldon nen-
wiek, Clifford R,R, 1; 5th, Francis
Reinhart, Mild:may; 6th, Ross. Mc-
Itague, • Viriegliarn, • R.R. 2; 7th,
Stewart Boyd, Clifford B, R. 1; 8th
John Oehm, Clifford R.A. 3.
Clydesdale, Class I-brood mare,
Newman S'ehrnidt, John. Oehm, A. J. Bacon and sons of BelgraVe;
teal, Norman Schmidt, john Oehm,
A. 3, 3-7Iactin; two-year-old, Nor-.
man Schmidt; threeyear-old, SteW-.
art Boyd; heavy draft team, Nor"
Man 'Schmidt; light draft team,
Stewart Royd, Pritheis Reinhart;
Percheren team, Andy Catto, Andy
Wagon or Empress, Class It
Ervin &haus, Mildmay,
Johnsten of Gerrie, Francis Rein"
hart and Norman Schmidt tied for,
third; single, Glenn Johhston, El-
don Renwick, tog UCKtigue; tan-
dem heavy, four horse, Ervin Seri-
aim, Andy Catto
Lady Drivel* Choi H1--ftost
MeKague, Norman Larnbodis of
Walkerton, IloWard MeHeiverie of
Carriage Clati Nor
Man Lambertus; engirt, Netraiit
Lainbertus,RosS ItiteXtigties Nettriiii
Hackney Pony Team, Class. V.--
Norman Lettrtherttis, Howard Up-
Irelverle Ross MnKagPe; single,
Nernaan1 1,,embertus, Norman Lane-
bertus, Howard 11(icKelverie;' team,
pony other 0/an hackney, Howard
lVfeXelverie; single, Howard.
Heiverie, Howard. MeKelVerie;
saddle pony ridden by boy or girl,
Howard MeIcelverie, Howard Mc.
Kelverle, Russel Ratan,
5pecials- Best brood mare with
foal, Norman Schmidt; best light
horse on grounds, Norman Larober-
tus, Ross lYfeKague; best decorated
bicycle (school fair) Wanda. Spare
ling, Douglas Gibson; saddle horse,
Clifford Pyke.
Belgian or perohpron-mod
mare,- Francis Reinhart; yearling,
Francis Reinhart; two-year-old,
Reinhart; three-year-old, A, Catto,
Yorkshire White-Boar, 1 yearn,`
A, 3, Bacon, Turnbull and Sons,
Turnbull and Sons; •boar, 4 nips.
and under one year, Turnbull and.
Sons, Bacon and Sons, Turnbull
and. Sens; sow over 4 mos, and un-
der one year, Turnbull and Sons
Winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd; brood
sow, Turnbull and Sons winning
1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Tarnworth- Boar over one Year,
Bert W. French, Palmerston, la
and 2nd; boar over 4 mos. and un-
der one year, Bert W. French, 1st,
2nd and 3rd; brood sow, Bert W.
French, 1st and 2nd; sow over 4
mos, and under one year, Bert W.
French, 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Grade and Pedigreed Bacon Type
Sows, Howick and Turnberry ,resi-
dents only - Sow over, one year,
Cecil Wilson; sow six months and,
under one year, Cecil Wilson,' 1st,
2nd and 3rd; sow under six mos;,
Earl Toner, let, 2nd and 3rdi hoar
over six mos., W. Turnbull & Sons
Bert W. French, A, J. Babon; pen
(any bacon type) W, Turnbull and
Sons, -Bert W. Frerich, A, J. Ba-
con; pen of four bacon hogs, Cecil
Wilson, W. F. Campbell; best pair
pedigreed sows, W. Turnbull and
Sons; best pair sows under six
In08, W, Turnbull and Sons,
Shorthorns, registered - herd
hull, W. Turnbull and $ons; bull
under 12 mos, W. Turnbull & Sons,
1st and 2nd; breeding cow, Turn-
bul & Sons, 1st arid 2nd; heifer,
2 years old, Turnbull and Sons, let
2nd and 3rd.; heifer, 1 year old, -W.
Turnbull and Sons, let, 2nd and
3rd; heifer under 12 mos., Turn-,
bull and Sons, 1st, 2nd and 3rd;
herd, W. Turnbull and Sons, let
and 2nd.
Joe Weber & Sons; bull under 12
mos., J.' Weber, 1st and 2nd; breed-
ing cow, J. Weber, 'let and 2nd;
heifer, 2 years old, J. Weber, 1st
and 2nd; heifer, one year, J, Weber
1st and 2nd; heifer under 12'mos.,'
,T. Weber, let and 2nd, Gordon
Wright of Clifford 3rd; herd 3.
Weber. •
Herefordillerd Jas. Cold-
tes, Edgar. Howatt, Jis. Coultes;
bull under 12 mos., Edgar Howatt,
Ivan Howatt, Edgar Howatt;
breeding cow, Tas. Cbuttes, Jas,
Coultes, Peter Doig of Wroxeter;
heifer, 2 years, Ivan. Howatt, Ed-
gar Howatt; heifer under 12 mos,,
Jas. Coultes, Edgar Howatt, Peter
Doig; herd, Jas. Coultes, Edgar
Howatt, Ivan Howatt.
Best Herd of Purebred Cattle,
Beef Type- Jos. Weber, W, Turn-
bull, Jas. Coultes, Ivan Howatt;
best beef calf "(Howlek-Turnberry
residents and' calf club' members
only) Sandra Wright, John Mun-
dell; hest calf, (beef or dairy, calf
club members only) Barry John-
eton, Sandra Wright, Glenna Hib-
berVJohn Mundell; best calf in
School fair, Julia Thornton, Blue-
Dozen hens' eggs, white, Mrs.
Willard Peel, Mrs. A. P. Douglas;
dozen hens' eggs, brown, Mrs. W.
Peel, Mrs, A, P. Douglas; home-
made soap, Mrs. Wes. Heimpel, W.
J. Weber; school lunch for child,
Mel Taylor, Wm. VVilgon; best five-
piece cold lunch, Alex Taylor, Win.
Home Baking
Loaf of white bread,. Mel Tay-
lor, Mrs. A. P. Douglas; brown
bread, Mel Taylor; Mrs. A. P. Doug-
las; (whole wheat bread, Mel Tay-
lor, Mrs. A. P. Douglas; Parker
house rolls, Alex Taylor; Chelsea
buns, Mrs. Willard Peel; plain tea
biscuits, Mrs. Willard Peel, Miss'
Audrey McIntosh, Clifford; date
loaf, Miss Audrey McIntosh, Mrs.
Clarence Carswell; Johnny cake,
Miss Audrey McIntosh, Mel Taylor;
light layer cake, Miss Audrey Mc-
Intosh; chocolate layer cake, Alex
Taylor; banana cake, Miss Audrey
McIntosh; angel take, Mrs. Olar-
ence Carswell; light fruit cake,
Mies Audrey,MeIntosh, Mr's, A, P.
Douglas; dark fruit cake, Miss Au-
drey McIntosh, Win, Wilson; light
rolled cookie's, Miss Audrey Mc-
Intosh, Mrs. Wee. Heimpel, oat,
Meal eookies, Miss Audrey McIn-
tosh, Mrs. A, P, Douglas; ginger
cookies, Miss Audrey McIntosh,
Mrs, Wes, hleimep; drop deolrica, 3
Varieties, Miss Audrey McIntosh,
WM, Wilson; tarts, three varieties,
Mrs. Clarence Carswell, Mrs, Wil-
lard Peel; pumpkin pie, Miss Aud-
rey McIntosh, Wm, Wilson; cherry
pie, Wm, W.Iisnrl, Miss Audrey Me-
/titoSh; raisin pie,. Mrs, Willard .
Peel, Mra, Win. 'Mann; lemon pie,
Miss Audrey MeXritosh; spoke pie,
Met Taylor,
Bottled Goods
Black currant preset-Vet Mrs, C,
CAtervell, Mel Taylor; maple syrup,
Mrs, Willard Peel, Mel Taylor;
Strawberry jam, Mrs, Wes, Heititw
Pal; Mel Taylor; raspberry jam,
Witte, Wes, Heirripet, Miss Audrey
McIntosh; apple ienfi Mrs, John
Bitylor, Ira orange Mare
In lade, Mrs, A, P, Dent Is, Mies
Audrey Maintothi toinito
Attft Totior, Mrs John Baylor; hot
'Aldreryell4hM* elu:rtse'sPhi C,P4lritsiWnell*AtIgIS:
Mrs. 0, Carswell, Mel Taylor;
borneinede •chocolates, Mrs, Wes.
geirepel; best collection of canned
trait, Mrs, Jolla Baylor, Mrs, Ira
Neill; best collection of vegetable,
Mo. A, P. Douglas; best selection
of pickles, Wm, Wilson, Miss A.
3*Int"ti*Speelal Prises.
Cookies, made With Borderis con-
densed milk, AWN Taylor; 2 hinds
of candy made with Borders eone
5:lensed Milk; Mrs. 0, Carswell;
best chocolate cake with Jersey
chocolate cocoa, Mel Taylor; beet
chili sauce, AleX Taylor; best wtri,,
ety of baking ftorn one batch of
dough, Mrs. Willard Peel, Mrs, A,
McIntosh; use of 'whole milk, nat.
tage cheese, milk shgke, sandwich
spread, Robert Gibson; Magic bak-
ing Powder single 'aye}, cake, Wm,
Wilson; NeW Domestic pie compe-
tition, Alex Taylor, Was, Taylor,
Mel Allan; New Domestib Cake
noMpetltion, Mel Al/an, Wm, Wil-
Summer night dress, Mrs. Wes,
Heimpel, .Glenn McMichael; lady's
flannelette pyjamas, Mrs. Bertha
Plant, Miss Jean Fraser; houseceat,
Mrs, Bertha Plant, Mrs, W, Heim-
pal; housedress, Miss Jean Fraser,
Mrs. Wes. -Heimpel tailored blouse,
Mrs. C. Carswell, Mrs. Wes, Heim-
pel; bed jacket, Miss Audrey Mc-
Intosh; kitchen apron, serviceable,
Miss Audrey McIntosh, Mrs, Ber-
tha Plant; fancy apron, Mies And, •
ray McIntosh, Mrs. Bertha Plant;
lady's slip, Mrs. Wes, Heimpel, Mrs,
Ira Neill.
' Men's Wear .
Work shirt with collar attached,
Glenn MeMichael,'Mrs. Wes, Heim-
pel; socks, Mrs. Willard Peel, Mrs.
Wes, Heimpel; work gloves, Mrs.
W, Heimpel, wool gloves, 1VIrs. W.
Beimilel, Children's Wear.
Dress, Glenn McMichael, Mrs,
Bertha Plant; overalls, Miss. A Mc-
Intosh, Mrs, willaid Peel; cardi-
gan, Mrs. Willard . Peel; infant's
jacket, bonnet and bootees, Mrs.
Geo. Richardson, Harriston, Mrs.
W. Peel; best boy'S clothing from
used clothing, Mrs. Wes. Heimpel;
best girl's - clothing from. used
clothing, Mrs. Willard Peel, Mrs,
Wes, Heimpel.
Household Linens -
Bridge set, Mrs. Wes, Heimpel:
buffet set, new idea, Mrs, Heimpe],
Miss Jean Fraser4 Ethel; pair of ,
guest towels, Mrs. W. Heimpel,
Miss Jean Fraser; pillow cases, em-
broidered, Glenn McMichael, Mrs.
Bertha Plant; pillow cases, any
other kind, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs.
Bertha Plant; sheet and pillow
cases to match, Mrs, Geoniichards,
Mrs. W. Heimpel; dresser scarf
Mrs, W. Ileimper; fancy cushion,
Mrs, Bertha Plant, Mrs. W. Heim-
pe]; cushion; any other kind, Miss
Jean Fraser, Glenn. McMichael;
bedspread, Mrs. Bertha: Plant, Mrs:
W, Heimpet
Quint; and Rugs .
Cotton pieced quilt, W. J. Weber,
Mrs. W. Heimpel; applique quilt,
Mrs, Bertha Plant, W. J, Weber;
nursery design quilt, dlenn Mc-
Michael; Mrs, W, Heimpel; braid-
ed rug, Mrs. W. Heimpel; hooked
wdol rag rug, Mrs, W. •Heimpel,
Mrs. Ira Neill.
Hobby and Handicraft
Lady's slippers, Mrs. Geo. Rich;
ards; shopping bag, Mrs. Wes,
Heimpel; oven mitts, Mrs. Wes,
Heimpel; handmade cotton toy,
Mrs. Geo. Richards, Mrs. W, Heim-
pel; artificial flowers, Mrs. Clar • -
ence Carswell, Mrs. Wes. Heimpel;
specimen of feltcraft, Mrs. Wes,
Hohnpel, Mrs. Geo. Richards;
brooch• and earring set, Mrs. Wes,
Heimpel; specimen pf shelleraft,
Mrs. Wes.• Heimpel. ,
Howiek and Turberry
Residents Only
Quilt blocks, four patterns, Mrs.
Ira Neill, Mrs. Wes. Heimpel; cot-
ton quilt, pieced, Mrs, W, Heimpel;
infant's. 'bonnet, jacket and boot-
tees, ,GlennNfcMichael; Mrs, Wil-
lard Peel; child's puTlover, Mrs. W.
Peel; kitchen apron, Mrs. Bertha
Plant, Mrs, W, Heimpel; 'tea ap-
ron, 'M'rs. W. Heimpel, Mrs, Ber-
tha Plant; lady's housedresS, 'Mrs.
Bertha 'Plant, Mrs. Wed. Heimpel;
men's •Mrs.:, Wes,
Heimpel, Mrs. Ira Neill; •men's
fine socks, Mrs. Willard Peel, Mrs.
W. J. Y. Buchanan; men's long-
sleeved sweater, Mrs. W. Peel, Mrs.
W, Heimpel; men's laundered shirt,
Mrs, W. Peel, Mrs, C. Carswell;
pot folders, Mrs. W. Heimpel, Mrs.
Ira Neill; .pillowcases, any trim,
Mrs. Bertha Plant, Mrs. W. Helai-
ne]; two tea towels, new idea, Mrs:
Wee. Heimepel, Alex Taylor; best
table 'centre for Christmas, Mrs,
George Richards; best wrapped
gift box for child's birthday,. Robt,
Gibson; Institute project, "The
Man in My Life", Ford-with W,L,
Lakelet ,W.X., Howick Junior In-
stitnte, Gorrie WI.
.1;•H Homemaking club-button
holes, pyjamas, made in "Sleeping
Garments" club unit, Yvonne Sper-
ling, Goerie, Mary Elliott Of Wing-
barn, Mae Doubledee of Wroxeter;
Girls' Garden Club, sponsored by
W.I. branches, Georgina Kieffer,
Marjorie Kieffer, Yvonne•SPaloling,
Winter Apples-Ontario, Mts. Ira
Neill, J. Weber; Northern Spy,
Wm, .I, Weber, W. F, Campbell;
Rhode Island Greening, Norman
'Schmidt; Russet, Norman Schmidt,
w, J, WeS)er; Delicious, Win. 3,
Weber; Peewatikee, Mrs. George
Richards; Tallman Sweet, Wm. 1
Weber, W. V, Campbell; collection
Of winter apples, W. J, Weber, Nor'.
man. Schinidt.
Pall Apples- Colverts, Mrs. C4,
Richards; Ale/tender, W, 1r,' CWarsip-
bell, W. d, Weber; Snow' Apples, W.
1, Weber; McIntosh Bed, Wm, .1,
Weber;celleetion of fall apple;
W. J. Weber, 0
Other Fruits---Crabapples, W .
Campbell, Weber; W.
J. Weber; Pears, W, 3. Weber, Miss
Jean rraser,
Aster* Mrs, JOhn Baylor; dab"
liars,, MOS. 0, BiehardS, Mrs Ira
Neill; dahlia bloom, Mrs, 0, Cars*
well, Mrs, Gen(„Iticharcia; gladioli,
Mn.ii John Bayer, Wilson;
PaillieS, Mrs. John Baylor; Zinnias,
1.e1 Alien, Mel Taylor; calendula,
Mrs, C. Carswell, Mel Taylor; snap-
dragon, 'Mel ,Allan, Mrs. Jelin Bay-
er; larkspur, Mel Allan, Alex. Tay-
Jor; homemade corsage, Mrs. Geo.,
Richards, Wm. Wilson; collection
of house plants, Miss Jean Fraser, •
Mrs, Ira Neill;• begonia rex, Mrs,
Willard Feel; best collection tot
geraniums, Mrs. Ira Neill; African .
Violet, single, Mrs, A. P. Douglas,
Mrs, Geo. Brown; African
.d.OUble, Mrs, C,. Carswell, Mel Tay-
lor4 house fern, Mrs, C, •Cars.Well,
Robert Hihbert; foliage Plants, 2,
Miss .jean Fraser, Mrs. A. P. Doug-
las hanging pot far veranda, Mrs.
0 Carswell, Mrs, Ira Neill; evin
doW box,. Mrs, C, Carswell; cacti
window garden, Mrs.-Ira Neill, Mrs,
C. Carswell; chrysanthemums, Mrs,
GeO, Richards, Win, Wilson; bon-
e-let for living room table, Mrs.
Gee, Richards, Mrs, C, ICarswelll
bouqUet for dining room table, grs.
Geo. .Richards, Mrs. Ira Neill; bou-i
duet of annuals, Mrs, C.'• Carswell,.
Mel Taylor; winter bouquet of
dried •floVvers, Mrs.; Ira Neill, , Mel
Taylor; best -gladioli, single spike,
special, Mrs, - John Baylor, Mel Tay-
Winter Whea°11A t, Norman Schmidt,.
Graham Work; barley, • Norman
Schmidt; malting barley, Norman
Schmidt, W. J. Strong & Sons,
Graham. Work; early oats, Norman
Schmidt, Graham Work, Robert
Hibberd; late oats, Sam 'Robinson,
Norman Schmidt, Russell Mein-
tosh; timothy seed, Cecil. Wilson,
Wne.Wilsok S."3, Robinson; white
oats, Norman Schmidt, Mrs, Wm..
Heimpel; cut forage hay, W. F.
Special-Barley, W, J. Strong , &
Sons; Garry oats, S. ,T, Robinson;
late or medium late oats, • Junior
FarMers, Ron McMichael, Glenn
ls,lpioeMlaichraoepl;000,artrpreytiotaioths, nn el ym, b. we r .s Fofl
Camphell,' Robert .Hibberd,
Wingham. - •
School Proleets
1st, -No, 7, Gorrie School; 2nd,
No, 5; Turnberry; 3rd, No, 2, Turn-
berry; 4th.; No, 6, Turnberry;
No. 4, Turnberry; 6th, No. 12 HoW-
lek, (placed 6th, no prize giVen).
. , Rest Animal Pot -
Nadine Cook, S,$.7 Howick; Bon-
nie Harkness, S.S. 13 Howicit; No
man Dulse, 5.2, 0 Ilowick; Rodney
Furness, RS,. 6- Turnberry; Doris .
Paulin,. S.S. 2 Turnberry; Stanley
BR, oidgl:ry, S.S.,ss.1.1s02in.-1.1410s livliipoowco.lic:ki;,et. Charles
Bob 'Furness, S,S. 6 .Turnberry;
Donna 'Armstrong, No. 9 Howielt;
Rodney Furness, No. 6 Turnherry;
Janie Woods, U.S.S. _13 Howick;
how infic iiptT YINS.,PRIZE
ur"." "1"- .FOR 111.101EST :POINTS
,.List of Prize Whiners at the
Annual Howick Fall Fair