HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-10-09, Page 7(MART:, Wit 441)44. 001'01094 'Ptil, 1051, S.$01:4TpH: „., Na.Wea Of:fkers' • • „ , • Qn Monday, •Cetobef lth, the: Wingham and DiStrjet Council of • Churches met at ,Wingliaih• United. Chureh, The. Rev, Doaaid Joyce, President ,Of the 1.4131140n Minleterial Association,. addressed'. the clergy on .the ,iiiecbailics 'and Poisibibtlee pt TV broadcasting. ON.11*--TV" making possible a program for 4he• church of the Tv area, On MOndilY, OctOber 14th'. the :clergy will screened for TV presentation. 'An election of officers 'aft the. meeting :resulted, as follows; President Rev. H, .14„-Jellnings, ime.knoW.; vice-president; Rev, 40,41„ae„ ,Wirigharn;. recording .Sec- retary and treasurer, fteV. R. Blitz, ' Auburn; radio ;and .TV gee, rotary; Rev,. garahali; White, church, • • • Field day is a big event at the Whighani Public School; 'This group go through their paces in the annual spor of lower grades aren't missing a single; ti4ailreie the older, students . " Rverit.5. —Advanoe-Times photo, PERSONALS Rtith no Rick Barbara.IViiite and Lynda Elliott ,look -plea6ed about their -success in the Skipping. 'race, The Grade I. girls had just received their prize ribbons from the 'judges', when the Pictuie'Was taken,' The -Wcngliara, Public 'Schoolt:s annual' field daY 'was held last Thnrsday.Advaned-Tirries photo. ig~ity,7iist :Lawrence :.4 eeds of Modern Age .—Tor, and. Mrs, Charles 1,ollard, and two sons, of Toronto, were, week-end visitors with. Mr. an4 Mrs, W. A. Galbraith, —Mr, and Mrs. John McLeod. and Donald, of 'Scarborough and' Mr. and Mrs., Carl Clark of Detroit er tUS ADDREss spent the week-end with their. 'du we'll cook our supper on our own stove," ' It was at that point 'I noted that the housewife had not even' re- moved a vase of flowers on' the living room win:do* sill. , Brick houses are moved as easily as fratne ones. We posed for the Hydro photo- grapher on •the main.Street of the old village' of Iroquois—on the' first day of its death, The'last inhabi- tants had been moved out, the day before, The place could easily have 'passed for Berlin after an RAF attack. Smoking ruins stood. on every side, as Hydro ereivs bull- dozed and burned the townsite which will lie under fifteen. feet ef water. next July. The citizens of Iroquois are riot jpmplainii~g, hydro has • moved most of the he/nee. :/il.`Son!ie-eases the owners took a cash,settlement and added some of their'own funds to erect modern dwellings in 'the new townsite a mile to the north: Business in the new cenurrunitY will not be done in the' straggling main street which has beizi.".=de- molished, but in a spanking ,hea,,, L-shaped shopping ;centre' •Which houses all the corrununity!s busi- nets enterprises under- 'one = big roof. A paved parking plaZa„malees shopping as. up-to-the-rninute ad it Is in Toronto or Montreal. y . , mother, Mrs, Janet Buchanan, who came home on Saturday .after ing in hospital for 'a. week, —Mr, Ross Smith and"Johp Wild; of Guelph, were Week-,edd visitors at the home of the- latter's par.; ents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Wild, LADIES AUXILIARY —Mrs. Albert Skinn, of Fort Wil- liam, Mrs. B. Lowe and Mr. C. Hurt, of Hamilton,. were Sunday visitors with 'yr. and Mrs. Ear-' old Wild. Majestic Lodge' ., Installs Officers Majestic Rebekah Lodge, No, 362 was hostess on Monday evening in the lodge rooms when Miss Mae Heaslop, district deputy president and her installing team of Walker- ton idstalled 'Mrs. Joseph Schneider as noble grand of the lodge. Other officers installed were: Vice grand, Mrs. Vance Sandersen;*:rec.-sec., Mrs, Harry Gerry; fin.-see„ MrS. Wm, McKenzie; treas., Mrs. Wil- fred Henry; chaplain, •Mrs. .7. A. MaeIntyre- warden „Mrs, Feed Mrs, conductor,: warden, ,yMargaret Guy;, inside guardian, Miss i Lieah Robertson outside guardian, -Miss Agnes Williamson; color hearer, Mrs. D, J. Hutchison; RSNG, Mrs. Win. Bain; LSNG, Miss Greta Harris; P.SVG, Mrs, Robt. Powell; LSVG, Miss. Mae Williamson; Pian- ist, Mrs. Wm, Kennedy. : Mrs; Alien Walker, after a very succee'sfur year as noble grand, re- , eeived her past noble grand jewel 'and was installed as junior past noble grand. After the installation Mrs. Schneider called on Miss Mae Heaslop for a few words as well as , Mrs. Flossie Grant, PDDP and Mrs. Nelsen, PDIR both of Walkerton, Mrs. Wilson of Campbellford and Mrs. Anne Jeffrey, of Kearns, Ont. Mrif M. Ternplernan and, her com- mittee served a delicious.Munch which brought 'to a. close another enjoyable evening. • ^ Accident ViCtims Are Treated Four-year-eid „Rosalind Ruby Powell, the ,daughter of; Sclward Powell, RiR:- 1,•••Wingtian7;afraatihe ed her left arm when she tumbled from a wagon on Tuesday last.' The child ' was taken . to the Wingham. Geheral Hospital, where a cast was applied. After receiv- ing treatment .she was' allowed to return to her home, Thomas 'Lennox, 7.6,, a Listowel, resident, is in a 'satisfactory con-, dition at the Wingham General, Hospital after suffering a fractur- ed hip on Tuesday of last week. The accident happened when Mr. Lennox fell. A runaway horse caused head lacerations and concussion to James Little; 58-year-old BR. 7, Lucknow man, • who was injured last Thursday as the horse bolted and knocked him down. His con- dition was stated by hospital officials yesterday to be satis- factory. J, H. Sloan and Mrs, John Langridge visited on Wednesday' with friends 'in London and Brant-t ford. The former's mother, Mrs,. Greenwood, 'left London by 'plane to spend the winter in Miami, Fla," with her daughter, Mies Lydia• preeriarood, . , • --Miss Mary Alice Armstrong. Spent the week-end 'with Mr. and: Mrs, John Spivey of Ingersoll. - • —Mr, W, A. Currie of H.R. 3,. Wingham, has disposed of his "farm to Mr. George Walker. H, Kennedy of Toronto: visited with her mother, Mrs Fred _Johnson, over the week-end. —Mrs. Roy MacDonald spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs., Brian. Groh and daughter at Oshawa, . —Mrs, Frank Sturdy' is visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs. Allen McManus, StratfOrd, —Mr. Dom Carrick of Washaga, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Henry, Leopold St: over the week-end. '—Mrs. 5, E, Jeffery 'of Kearns, Ontario, is a guest of Mrs, W. Ringrose, Leopold St. Miss Collar Speaks Patsy -ZUrbrigg 'and BOnnie Willie took time out between races at the Wingham' Public School sports to pose for•this Pleture.f The girls had just won three of the events at the school fieltday field on Thursday and' are seen'peoudly wearing their ribbons. This years field day was held in. perfect weather,e:A.T, photo. cON9RATULATIONS CHAMP! :4i 4r Mr, and Mrs. Bert Small, Lud- ington, Mich,, are guests of_their uncle, Mr. John Raby, and cousin, Mre. Mabel Hare, Frances St. —Mrs, John Hanna, returned home on Friday, after spending the pest three mbrithe with her family in England. —Mrs. Wilson of Carapbellford, is a guest of her sister, lVirS, John Walker and Mr. Walker, B. Line, Turnberty. ' ,By Barry Wenger :As .a guest of the Ontario Hydro lt,wap 'nit privilege to tour the St. Lawrence Power Project on Thurs- dayof last week" to see the develop- hients which have taken place since ink last visit to the site at this, time last year. Along with other members of the executive of the Ontario . Weekly Newspapers Association we coin.- , . . , , • • meneed a conducted tour at Corn- Wall, 'near which town the actual generating station is being con- etructed. e : The power project, which is being developed in co-operation with •the International Seaway authority, is simply a plan to utilize the poten- tial -power of the St. Lawrence Ely& as it drops over a serieg pf rapids stretching 37 uailes:,. trout, Iroquois at. • he west to Cornwa at the east. The ,plan, as We /lave said; is, simple, but its execution is cemplex, almost beyond the com- prehension of, the layman. ' To simplify once more, the main features of the program are the Construction of a dam and coupled generating station' near •the bity of doenviall,' 'stretching across the St. Lawrence. from ,the Canadian shore to' a-large island in the river, This clarri Will raise the water level over• an immense area of the river basin, backing up. ,to Iroquois, where another huge concrete dam is • being 'constructed. for the sole, purpose of controlling the amount of water which is released from the Great Lakes into the St. Law, rence.' The topographical features of the river basin and the islands in the stream are such that tremendous earth-moving and dyke-building programs have had to be carried out at the Same time. Channels have been gouged through some of the islands. At other places the points have been taken completely off headlands and the stream so widened to reduce the rapidity of flow. Miles of dyke have been thrown up at the- eastern end of the area to be flooded in order to protect the city of Cornwall and other commuaitie8 in that eee'ion. FEWER ENTRIES FOR PLOWING .The; first, meeting' of:`, the fall season. 'Wee held. on 'Wednesday evening the'Legion Home 'by the SCout and Cub ,AUxtliary,' with 20, ;member& present. Fuller; president. Opened the 'meeting with the slag. ing Of "dPeanada", followed by the, &outs' , Mothers' „Promise, The minutes of the• last meeting were read' and :the -roll' called. Mrs, Fuller• welcomed Leader Alan' Walker, Assistanf, Scout Leader„ Oen Adams 'and nine.beYe from the*Whigharn troop,' Mr. Walker ,demenstrated the Varioua;Whistles ,and; their Mean-, ing 'arid ,*the'- opening`•procedura used at Seotit 'Meetings;Jle e'en:1414i .'ea pat:004e ,frbrra his assistant •and mentioned that Wirioliatri`libw'lhaefour patrols 'each.cemeiking of eight bOYa. Byren.'Adame told the -,ladies' about his to' England where he 'etteadea ho' World- Jamboree, in which' 52 countries' were repro tented: 'There 'Were' approximately 35,000; :ROCAS* 'iii::'atteriance: One: of the highlights was the opening 'of the ,',Tarrihbrea "by ' the Duke” of Gloucester', Mr,' -then Called • on Ahe Scout's' to `,denionstritte 'the; a,pplialti-! timi• of An••arin"-,slirig and the tying 'of knot's, „';:."116 7also • eiPlairied the. varitais: badiees,"and the reasons 'for, 'Which they` aWartled. • Paul. Bennett spoke on the Fourth" Jarnbdree • in Valley Forge, Penn„• which he'. had the pleasure • of .at- tendhig, 'There were'50,000 ,Sconts at this event .' Mrs, G.:Seott thanked theleaders and Scouts for'atteriding the meet- ing and Mrs. Fuller' added her' ap- preciation' and .congratulated the Scouts and Cubs on taking second prize at' the Janileoiee In'Hanover. During the time in which lunch was being served, Byron and Paul displayed some very interesting trophies and pictures that they had gathered in their travels. Mrs. SteWart Beattie, treasurer, gave' a financial' report and read thank you hates from. Byron and Paul. A /notion was made by Mrs. F. Hopper, seconded 'by Mrs. N, Cam- eron, that the Auxiliary serve hot chocolate to the boys on Apple Day, October 19th. 'Mrs, .0. Davidson, Mrs. F. HopPer, D. Ewing; Mrs, M. Keating and Mrs, H. Gor- don volunteered to assist. A motion was made by Mrs. 'R, Gordon, seconded by Mrs, D. Ew- ing to exchange 'gifts' not exceed- ing 75; and to hold a social even- ing at the Christmas meeting on December Atli, Fuller asked the nomina- ting corriniitteei.„etanprised of. Mrs. E. Hamilton and Mrs. T. Thompson, to bring in a hew slate of officers tor next year; The meeting closed with the Sepia benediction.' wiiighato poik,..$doot , n,for cljampibri, Jim 'Nasinitil •Setlend keit left IS Adair heap being' dOngratulated , NT ;.his 'school. friandS',, Tan alacbtt, Rodney allineron: and Glen Madill,. at the ciOSe bf, the. Outdid school sOrts ilay 1141 one,Tteuisda$ ' ... , -4dyanue.c-Tinies photo, . , e t- r The 31st animal Huron County Ploughing Match was. held on Sat- tirday, this year's tournament 'held at the farm of Levi Byer, of How- ick TownShip, about sinz Miles east Of Bel/tore, Eetries in this year's Match were lower than last year although the quality of the work, equalled that of previous years. Results were: Jointer plough with skimmer hi sod, horse drawn, Elmer • Dennis, Walton- ' Lloyd krauter, Elmwood, Tractorclass,' dravving any :number of ploughs, Neil McGaviii, Walton; Lorne Bate lantyae, Exeter; Don Berrie,. Wal.,. ton; Dennis Jewitt, Tractors big wide bottom „ploughs, Kenneth Ryan, Walt n, Jim Stefflea, Crane brook, Senior high sclepel 19 Ye r9 And under, Rb er t pu p k- Ingham and Alet Clem/bell, both pf Seaforth, Junior P"igh school IMP' ila, 16 and -Older, Matirlee Reining. way, nittegto, joaepti Monnted ploughs 'only, drawing two furrows or more,'Gordon Baxter, •Gerald Walter. AA , Winghatn, /Old Miss Ronnie: 'Willie, Of ,Wirithaht, MISS 'Agnes Made drawn. Ladies meriting at the function iiictuded)Vrai Lockridge, Mrs. W.Porgle, Milt. Le berlitiger and y . Similar transformations' • tak- ing , place in the town 'of MOrris- burg,„where the new waterline'Will extend about halfway up'the pres- eat store fronts—or would If tI4 stores remained. They will lee ecirri- pletely demolished and the :'rubble will be removed before flooding takes place. In all these new communities churches and public buildings. are being replaced at Hydro expense. The highways well as ghwayswthhe iehmaiu parallel river nntrail- tt the: way to Montreal have already been moved back to higher ground, Island Parkway The flooding of the rivet :basin will, of course completely ihundate many of the existing islands, brit at the Same time new islands will be created where high points on the present shoreline will be stir- rounded by water, Engineers have carefully staked out, the new Water- line with red. markers and lett winter cottages which stood_ on the old islands were skidded across the river ice to new sites on the Is. lands-to-be. The new island Will form it.ehain four arid a half miles long, linked to the Mainland and to each other by a system at ealleevesiats, and haerisdiggries. atoTdhettsisalanpdar'kehattlin6lihelso,rbethene We, of the public as picnic ata nottage,grounds, Great stretches 'of the vie* Mainland shore will 'he similarly protected and beautitiO. Last Wator Site So great has been •do.. voolonma In recent yea.i.s; thin the St. Lawrence power site it'th* lag remaining place within econ, oulicelly practice' distance' front industrial areas, whore woto pow or can be harnessed for the tlevol- %Iota of olectric power, 'Future power wilt In all probabilifI' generated from coal or atoiltic &low Moved. Whole Towns One of the major problems, of course, has arisen from the fact that when the level of tire river rises behind the Cornwall darn, vast areas along the Canadian shore will be inundated,' including two or three good-sized towns and eev.eral 'smaller villages. At the outset Ontario Hydro un- dertook the responsibility for mov- ing the dwellings in this flood area to higher ground, As we watched op , Tinti.sda.y morning a. giant house lifter raised the 492nd house frorn its ft:midair:1ms, and, placed it cii a, monstrous float. Prom -that point it was carried to a point about two: milei away and care• frilly deposited by another lifter no th; new foundation which had been prepared. for it. Talking to the miner of the home and hie' wife, said, "When will you be able to MOve hi?" thinking, $t1 terMS of two or three clOs "Well", said the httAhand, "it's eleven &block now; 80 we "Won't be able to have WW1 at home, but Over Objective in CaTfipaign annual oPerating fund. campaign passed• the half-way mark eves before the campaign elided. dolinnittee chairitieb frit the Canadian Institute for the Blind in Riirt:n; Perth and Middle..., Sex, euticifikfc 'a continuing ,flow of confeibution4 even thoUgh the canipalgii* ended' September' 28th, TWO have passeii thole ob j ective) Thortidale •:f6',66 over its siolcinlicl ) target and Park. hill 4/8.00'dver 05000 target. By" totnitlea 'fhb preliminary re- ports showed Perth Oilan.22 tut of $8800.004' Middle's x 0172.44 but -Of $4006,66 Anna kturou 'W61..6a out of $6000.00;,, The tottrimMent 'wit8 under the' direction of the North Raton Ploughmen's Association, President `ef tile Assoelatieh le lad( Eekett, Seaforth and the -vice-presidetit is VVilliutn Peale, of truSSel*,, To Mission Circle The Young .W linen's Mission Circle of the Baptist. Church, Wingham, held their regular meet- ing On September 26, at the home of Mrs, R. Kilpatrick, Dungannon, The meeting opened with the sing- ing of 'the hymn "He Will Hide Me" and prayer by Mrs. Collar. An article written by Dr. Oswald J, Smith entitled, "When God Taught Me To Live", was read by Mrs, Bruce MacLean, • The devotional porthin of the meeting was taken by Miss Laura Collar, who based her remarks around 'the' 15th chapter of St, John, "The Vine and the Branele- ee," Using a sreall plant to illus- trate her)rernarks, she spoke of Christians, bearing fruit' if they abide in the Vine, The prayer Period was led by Mrs. Kilpatrick and Mrs. M. CanteIon, and all join- ed in the singing af the hymn Wonderful, Saidotir 48 Jesus". During the business sessiort tit was decided to hold the annual thankoffering Meeting on 'October 'kith and MISS Laura Collar hati consented to be the Speaker. She will show some pidttles of the work hi Nigeria, Miss Mary Stapleton sang a solo "Turn Your Byes upon Jesus". Mrs. Collar introduced tile mission study for the motith, by tending a report of the Slavio Cotpel Mimslon "(Mr Prayer arid Rurden - during WV, Which told of Work among Spail- ish sp'eaking polite In Ettrope arid South Amerlea..Mte. Caritelne read a paper' MP "The Situation of Protestants lit SPain" and Mitt 11, HotChkisa read "Peter IDyneltit'8 Visit to Sao Paid°, Brasil", The hymn "I Would VolloW jeans" WAS Sling Mid Mies Sprytaa.pleer,tori 'closed the meeting with The lutieh colitinittee assisted the hosteSs Serving' a. dainty lunch and a time Of felieWship Waa- ane ijoyed, an Mrs. fiteit ibutiog. the etiterutioh teal Wee served. Mrs. ROSS Merkie/i...,„Mrii;* FeXtort, Mrs, L. SlirSsea. ;Nita. O'Brien Mrs; K, McilitgenierY Locktidge' and itkit, e'w'ers,5 • Preettleilt° of the; George Warm and Mrs. rictee, viee.presitteift; Wert on hand to see that all thOSe' allow :nog the sale enjoyed thelliSeiVes. "Tiiosd - eharge 'of the baltetY. tabiti'Wera; td, Ste. atra'rie, Mt'a, 0.• Walnele, Wt. )1 Ruhatedtlet r'04:an,41 a1 old' at 014 44Y, successful tOE: lied, bake st(l'a was held 'hYv'tiletliitheille, 4 111,tirea League, In ti e.,,,tegiOn Ifonio olf.:Siturday last, g fie Winners of PrlieS " at till; Were gita, Hr 1ZbStitaWit., of •