HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-10-09, Page 4„ V*410 fl td*hII IN ii,151) ;.( ToOlt $AUK lini1AT FOR SALE—Geod beef by the cluarter, ,Killed Under license frOn't Dent. et Health. Yearling 1 , thelfera, Top quality. Lowest , prices. Raynatd Ackert, Ripley .phone 24r30. 1.7rrb. . . ., . MEL het water tank with con - tole for sale. 13hone 738W. 2* MILK: FILTERS fer Sale—"Rapid ‘107, 6 -inch, 790; 014 -inch, 85e. Alexander's Hardware. lrrb AFRICAN VIOLETS for sale. Sev- ei•el: varieties Phone 541,J. 9b "Mb 13141.1E NYLON snowsuits for wale,. size one and three. Both in At' good . condition, Reasonable, ” Phone 207. 9b TURKEYS7-1.,aidlaw's turkeys at Lockridge's, Deyell's and Red Frt. .9b GIRI4S COAT ,for sale. Dark green; size 10, excllent condition Reap- .onable,, Phone 596R. 9* BROWNIE DRESS size 12 for sale, :Used one season, • $3.00, Also . Guide dress size'12, worn twice, $4.00. Phone 473J. 9b ' MILK TRUCK and route for, sale .Aor to Robt. McMurray, phone 735J3, Wingham, 9* IsTIN'E-PIECE dining -room suite for sale. Three-piece chesterfield Mute in • excellent condition. Phone 329. 2:9b HELP the student in your family to better marks and more effi- cient 'notes. The new Smith- dorona portable typewriters pro- vide the very finest in compact, accurate .typing equipment, Priced from $75,00 up. Ask • for , a• free triel at The Advance - Times office. Phone 34. MEWS COMBINATION underwear by Penrnans 71, combs., $4.25'; • shirts and drawers $2.69. Also Per/Mans 95 and Preferred. Stock up now for the cold days ahead at Carmichael's. 9b 22 -FT,. CABIN TRAILER for sale. New. A real bargain. Apply to Jun Thompson, Bluevale, 9* BARN TIMBER for sale. Apply to James Falconer, R.R. 3, Wing - ham, phone 626W1. . QUE/3EC HEATER, large size, for sale. Also a number • of pipes and elbows, not used a year. Call 644J2. 1017b BEFORE YOU BUY a vactruni cleaner or fleet polisher --call ,Jed Reynplds for a FREE Home demonstration:" See Elettrolux, Canada's, finest Phone 640J1. rrb SAVE alnrost lialf of what you us- uaily spend for drug store items. Wait for the Rekall ORIGINAL ; One Cent Sale. "SEC" BIG DAYS. Over 275 bargains! And two for the price of one", plus only one cent. _MONDAY, • TUESDAY,* WEDNESDA.Y, T URSDA Y, FRIDAy and SATURDAY, Oct ' 21 to Oct 26 at McKibbons, The Rextill Drug Store. 9b LIES USED FURNITURE, PuY and Sell. Phone 185. Eltrb GIRL'S three-piece Winter outfit for ale. Beige,pink, size 4, 'With i fur trim. Excellent condition. Phorie 665, 91) GIRL'S NAVY full-length station wagon coat with, grey monton goner for sale, Qtrilted lining, size 12, Drycleaned. Complete Brownie uniferrn, size 10, Phoqg 445. el) • FOR the best prices on new and naiad instrunients, =es- ' series and repairs gee Ross Mann, Wingham, phone 73534, 9rrol8b Two Fpu, sIzE QUILTS for sale. Also crib quilt and heavy hanci knit man's cardigan, size 38. Apply to Mrs. B. Homutki, John Street, 9* SINGER SPECIAL—TUNE-UP,.. Regular $8.50, $2.96: Any model or . make; sW, leeselgiove, phone 732w. 2,9b CEMENT for sale by bag or truck load, Apply Chambers' Hardware, Wroxeter, phone 65. 9:16:23b •QUEBEC }MATER for sale. Good as new, used One year. Apply to T, Smith, phone 72r0 BrusSels. 9* OAK Dining room-Sinte with china cabinet, bedroom suite with shigle bed, springs and rilattress, Good Cheer cream, enamel. range with Warming eloset, coal Or wood. Good condition. Contact Mrs. J. Hynarnan, Gerrie, phone 41r7 Wroxeter, MEN'S and LADIES' winter coats tor sale. Cheap for qiiick sale 1) Phone 668. 9 DON'T MISS this 'penny' opportun- ity, Only during the Rexa.11 Fall Qne Cent Sale can you get two regular.. size 'packages for the price of one. plus only le. Over 275 bargains to choose from, Be sure to get a copy of the big twe-colour Sale circular, "SIX" BIG DAYS — 1VIONDA.Y, TUES- DAY, WEDNESDAY, THURS- DAY, FRIDAY and SATURIDAY, Oct. 21 to Oct. 26 at McKibbons The,Rexall Drug Store, 9b EVERY BUSINESS needs a sec- ond typewriter. The Smith, Corona portable is the easy -to - move machine which fills a vital spot when you are rushed for . time or pressed for space. See the new Smith -Corona today at The Advance - Times office. Phone 34. • „BEAL ESTATE BUILDING LOT for sale, north end of Lebpold Street. Any size required. Ideal for residence or excellent garden. Apply Frank Edgar, Wingharn. 9b RER SIDENCE FOSALE THREE bedroom home situated in the Village of Belgrave. Hot-air heating with oil, hard and soft water with three-piece bathroom, • coal annex for hot water. Heavy- duty wiring. Large two -car gar- age. There is approXimate • acre of land in two lots. Property to be sold to close art estate.—W. R. Isbister, Real Estate Broker) iMone 698, Wingham. 9* POULTRY FOR SALE • 250 R,I.R. Columbia: nadir pullets for sale Five months old. Apply„ to Cameron Walsh, phone 15r23 Brussels. 100 RED x ROOK Pullets for sale. Five and a half months old. AP - ply to 'Bereard Thomas, R.R. Wingham, phOne Brussels 1141. EAVE YOU PItOBLEMS WITH yetir packaging? Magic Marker Is the aitSwer fOr all, larger addreSses and general lettering. Atrailable at The AdVance-Tlines 'in seVeral celdrg. N� pen to fill, ink dries instantly. Felt point ,perMitS Variety' Of lettering styles, $1,16. ..OR ()IL' TANIC TALICXS ' ' USED CONORtICTION • MACHINERY OontaCt... .011ert. Teuek LIMIted IWO Yerige Street, "Willowdale, .Orit, 428011,25;69,23h ititliittS 'PO* SALE ;$olle*TOSIt land Cortland,15. $1Up to $8:1X) per btiiihel for choice; bring 'Own Chritairient. Spies end Delieiothr, litrailtible after Ottober Blake. Brea', breharilk Oern- tirl Smith Of betiNitele, One ntite elet„ ,Sterge at reilishildir. PhOnio 3iii*Sidli.• • 021114* FOR RENT HEATED FURNIS/TED artm paent for rent, Possession immediately, Phone 262. • 9b TM APARENT for relit with three- piece bath. Apply to C. Bondi, phone 668. 91) • IDEADSTOCK WANTED COWING EVENTS YOU'VE 'TRIED THE REST, now try the best for Spareribs and sauerkraut on WednesdaY, PO - day and Saturday evenings, Com- Mercial Betel, Formosa. cd12/.57 REMEMEER the Kinsmen Paper Drive, Wednesday, October 16th. 9b ,PARENTSI The monthly Qbild Health Conference and Immuni., zation sponsored by the. Huron County Health Unit will commence again in Wingliam ToWn. Hall at 2 p,na., on TuesclaY, • October:15th, Par the balance .of the year thiS clinic will be held on the third Tuesday a each month.• CE9b THE WINGITAM WOMEN'S IN- stitute win. be held in the council • chamber, an Thursday, October 17th, at Z30 p.m. Visitors Will. be Brussels Branch, Progrm. acon- veners, Mrs. J, Ernest and Mrs, R, MacDonald. A Penny auction • will be held and every member. • is asked to please bring one item for the auction • table. -Hostess 'convener,. Mrs, F, 1VIeCormick. CE9b SALESMEN WANTED MAN WANTED —Are you dissat- isfied Nivitki your work? Would you like a business of your own? If so, Write Rawleigh's Dept. • J -453 -GO, 4005 Richelieu, 1VIont- real, Que. . • 9b WANTEI) _ ROOMERS WANTED. Phone 738w. , 9* DEADSTOOk removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick. up on larger animals, reasbnable collection thatge for small ani- mals. • Phone collect Wieghem 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398. Gorden Young LiMited 6rrb DEAD STOCK; Picked up prompt- ly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for animals' under 500 'lbs'. total; Phone ,eollect, Wingham 5613, S4rrN21 MISCELLANEOUS FOR EXPERIENCE and ability try j. A. Vickers Foot Correction'- ist, Hanover, formerly (Sanity & VickerS) for your' foot troubles. Open afternoons. Evenings, Tues- day, Thursday, Friday, no Wed- nesday or mornings. Office be- hind Hanover Ptinting •bffice, Phone 500. 9 :16:23 :an IS YOUR TELEVISION' properly !named for all risk eoverage? For information phone 293, Stew- art A, Scott, Wingliam, 2rtb USED COOK STOVE wanted, in good condition, Phone 5.12W2. 9* ELDERLY person to live*in and share. expenses, wanted. , Lady preferred:•Apply to. Mrs. A, Sper- ling, Wroseter. KITTENS—To a good home, mous- ers. The best in town.—Cameron's Trading Pest.• 9b • • EMPLOYMENT WANTED DO1VIESTIC WORK or position as housekeeper wanted. Apply to Mrs. Lucinda Bushie, R.R. 2, Wirigham, phone 546R. 9h _ . WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent: a Provincial Police COnsta,ble urgently requir- es a two or three bedroom house to rent in Wingham by Novem- ber lst.- Phone 434. 9b LOST PAIR OF READING GLASSES With black rims 'lest in the neigh- borimed o Wingham United • Charch, Finder please contact • Rev. ,J. MacRae, phone 183, • 9b "I1DG FOUND A young Collie Dog found in the vicinity of Whitechurch. Phone 40131. • • 9b • STEWART A, SCOTT can !IOW sate you 15% your oar or truck instrrante. Yearly or six months policies are aVallable, Specittl rates for fartnersi For further iriforniation phdrie 203, Wingh20rrbam. 'SANITARY S1WAGFI DISPOSAL Septic tanks, desspools, cellars, etc., puirmed and cleaned, quick service. Alt Work guaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, En/sire/a, 15r,tb. AMBULANCE. SERVICE - TENDERS WANTED West Ifowick Scheel Board .will reeelve tendera-for the installation of septic tanks, basins ,ana complete. toilets for S.S. No. 16: . Tenders are to be In the hands of the seeretarY by October 1$. Plans and specifi,. cations may be seen at the seheel, Lowest: or any tender not neccase,r- ily accepted. ---James Sed.y a., R. 1, Clifford, Ont: 9:10 • CARD OF THANK'S Eleanor and. zob 'McMurray, Al- berta and jim Smith wish to thank their friends„ relatives and ne10. bors for: their„nclnesa and ex- pressions of sympathy shown to them during their recent bereave- ment of a dear mother. to CARD OF TITAS NIE We wish to express our gratItUde and sincere appreciation to the staff of Wingbaru Hospital and'Dr, B. N. Corrin for their kindness to our aunt, Mrs. Peter D. King, dur- ing her stay there, also to the many friends for their expressions of sympathy and. kiednesS in our bereavement—Adrienne Phalan Blanche Pace, 9b• • CARD OF THANKS The family of Mr, Dave jewett wish to thank the"fireaten, neigh- bers and all those who assisted hi locating their father Saturday night—Mrs: D. Jewett, .Mrs.*Ethel. Stewart, Mrs. Cora Yea. • 91) Sunday We's World Commniuon DayMrs, P D -King Dies and Rev, Brook gave, an insp‘• irin• • sermon, apealcing on "My Knig- dom is Mt tg Werld". Mr,* and Mra, Thos. Wade and children, Wingbara, visited en $tnir day vvith her, parents, Nil', .arni Mrs, Ewart McPhersqn, Mr, and Mrs, Gilbert .Beeeroft, and fanaily, and .be mother, Mrs. Afterldong Illness • 1V/rs. Peter D. Xing, the former 1VIina Jaznies'on, passed • away in Wingham Oeneral Hospital .cin Tuesday, October 1, following a year'sillneSS. Mrs. King was 91. Rom. in Fordwich, she Was a Robert Watson, of Brucefleld, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, viaisitWatson lteed 0ca .ea.tutr•d4bayrie Ywri, Rnbert larnieson, ,Innuary 3 1901 sne married Mrging at Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Sieignthoini FOrclWieb. He predeceased her in and fandly visited on Sunday at 1939, and Mrs.. King then moved the home of ,his brother, Mr. Alli- to Wingham from Bluevale, where son Sle,)ghtnolm bf Listowel. David they had bege 'residing, Sleightholm had his tonsils rernov- Since coming here Mrs, King ed in Winghern'Ilespital htst weekhad been a member ..of $t; And Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Armstrong rew's Presbyterian Clinreli and was of Brussels visited On Sunday with active in the work' of the W.M.S; Mr. and Mrs, Allan Pattison. She was also a member of the Mr. and Mrs, Barrie Walters, Gerald and Norma, and her father, Mr. Ilaacke, of. Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Clar- ence Chlunney.' 1VIrs. D, Willis and son; were at Gowanstovin on ...Sunday and went with relatives to visit Mr. .and Mrs, .Stewart McNeil, of Strathroy. • Six girls, Gail and Elaine Kitten of Bluevale, Betty Zinn, Betty Lapp, Ann Currie and Ruth Taylor, of the 'ten 4-1-1 Vegetable Queens, were at Teeswater Fair •on Wednesday ;I -nothing last *Week where they, ;judged different plates of vege- tables and, answered a quiz on their garden work, bqw to plant a gar- den, in what direction the rows, how far apart different seeds for vegetables and flowers. Eaeh girl had planted and taken care of a garden this summer and had tnem j Samuel Sutton, 86, passed away in' prizemoney front unged this fall, an$11.5e0az)h $ g3i.r010.wz London. last week.. The funeral , congratulate them. *as held here on Saturday with Miss Mary Taylor, daughter of interment in the Wingham cerne- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor, tery, . Mr. Suttonwas born, in Parisi,' a son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sutton. The family, Moved" to Turnberry and farmed on the 6th• cencession,for a time,.moving to Wingbem in 1902. Mr. Sutton re- ceived his education here, He became connected,with'Mas- CARD OF TIIANIIS The faniiiy of the late. Gee. Baker wish to thank their relati‘P'es, friends and neighbors for the" sYm- pathy and kindness extended them during their recent bereavement,' also the beautifpl floral tributes and cards of sympathy. Special thanks to Rev. A, F. Ga.rdner and •quartette of Fordwich United, Church, Rev. J. W.,Hird of Gorrie, Dr, Forde arid nurses and staff of Listowel Memorial Hospital, Mr. Moir, pallbearers and flower bear- ers.—Mrs., Geo. Baker and family. •. 9b .)URRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing: ham ' Safe, eourteous Service. Phone Day, 51; Night, 716 or 636. , . 13trb NOTICE TO CRIADITOR$ IN THE,ESTATE OF,/ . PRICE ALEXANDER, SCOTT ALL PERSON'S having claims against the estate of the , above nienticined late of the TyWn Of Wingham, County of Huron Car, Venter, who died on the 3ist day of August,. 1957, arc- required to file proof of same With the under- signed on or before the nineteenth day ef October, 1957. After that date the executrix will proceed to distribute the &tate having regard only to • the claims of which she shall then have had notiee. DATED at Wingham this 26th day' Cif September, E1667,, .CRAWFORD & nvangraNcrroN Wingham, Ontario • Solicitors for the Executrix • • (NOTICE TO caturrons WATERLOO CATTLVI Breeding Assaciatiort "Where Better Bulls Are Mee. 'lot artificial ih- Seneinatien lamination or, set- ' VICO fibril all breeds 'fif cattle, • Phene The Waterloo Cattle Breeding Atittodiatioti at: Clinton HU 2-3441 Or Mildrnay i0a‘12 We - Omen 7.80 and 9.86 it.rit, We have • 111 lattedi tivailatila--Top quality *4 10* OUP' Wit i IN TOE •ESTATE, nvA aANE )30,T.T ALL PERSONS having olefins agairrat the estate of the,.. above mentioned late of the Town of Whighatrt ii the County of Tinton • Spinstet, who died on the ttlif clay 62 Septernber, 195/, are retniited to file *obi' of tattle with the under- gned on or before the 12th day of Oetober, 1957. '•• • After that date the Efteentora proceed to distribute the eatato having regard OnlY to the elairria 'of *Well they shall then have had notice, . DATED at Whigiitott this 1,ilth clay of,September, 1967. CRAWFORD & itrellERINOTON Wingliana, Ontario, • Solicitors for the Etteentorsi. iittk 0.240 WHITECII1JRCII • Mr, and Mrs,. Stanley Underhill of Barrie visited on Saturday with Mr, Herb Campbell who has . been a patient in Wingham Hospital dnring, the past two weeks. They also visited with Beecroft and Dora, families in East Wawanosh. Mrs, Russell Gaunt and vtiss Leah Currie, WinghaM, were in Toronto on Tu'esdaY, Where they attended the funeral of a family , friend, the late Mr. Hoak, of Tor- onto. Mr, Gordon MitChell and Mr. Warren Hall of Toronto spent the, week -end at the horn° .of Mr. and'. Mrs. Will Henry; Mr. Thos; Morrison returned' home from Westminster Ilqapital,. London, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitchell and children, Susie and Chrissie, motor- ed to Toronto on Saturday and Mrs. Mitchell and the claildAt left by train to spend a few weeks.with her parents at Edmonton. Mrs. Gibson Hamilton and ohild- ren, of Lucknow, spent Sunday. with Buthblrtanparents, .Mr. and MrS. A. E Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Coupland qf Toronto spent the week -end: with her' parents, Mr. an • Mrs. Chas. •Robifison. • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie and Mr„ and Mrs, Fred Tiffin spent Sunday et Owen Sound and'Col-. lingwooCeeci. , children of Glenannan visited on Wesley T pmurKSuenndnasywith Mr, and Mrs..Wm. trilf aleoneriFnand ,xMTom Pur- and r! dy. Mr. Auitin Cook, of Hamilton, don spent -Monday at Kitchener, Mr, and Mrs, W. 3. O'Brien and, spent the .'weektendwithhis.par- family spent. Saturday at theii- !ents, Mrand 1VIrs. Harry Cook, all visited on Sunday With Mr. farm home at Whalen, and, on ar-, and and Mrs. Harold Slesser of Glamis, where they were celebrating birth- daYs.. • Mr. and Mrs. Lester McCreight 02 Atwood visited on Sunday With 1\0.- and Mrs. Alfred McCreight and with Mt, Thos. McCreight in Wing/Min Hospital. • Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Scholtz of Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Barker anti children, of Goderich, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John 1\11Trilsr..111V1bYa. son Robinson atuf the family have been, laid up with the flu during.ura.wmt.hAe A. Irwin, ikveeii,with. was in Termite) last week -end With her sister, Mrs, Prank Alesek, returned 4orrie cin Wednesday, Mrs. Aide& underwent a .serious heart opera - don which turned out quite sue- aessfullY, , • • Ur; and Mrs. Kenneth Johnston and children, of 'Clinton, 'visited On Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Oershom Johnston. MisS' Mary Ross, of Toronto", spent the last Week ef her Ni aca- tion at the borne of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rms. MrS. Marshall Haines of Guelph, is vis- iting with her niece, Mr, Rees, this wetk, Mr, SteWart MeEdrriey, Mid SU, perintendeet, and Mr, WmAtwiri, had a big job last Friday,' to get the trent Wheel Of the read grader reised tp after it h•td sunk to the axle in a Soft spot ilia east of the 10th bridge, They finally got a caterpillar tractor to draw it out. Ur.. and Mem Bettrier, Orin* od* W. yitMaotndaY With .tteV,, Wingharn branch of the Women Institute. • . 'Surviving are two nieces, Mrs. Blanche Pace; of' Hamilton and'. Adrienne Finlay of Brantford. Funeral' serviep was held from the R. Ae. Currie*84 Sons funeral home on Thursday afternoon at 1,30, with Rev.,Alexander Nimmo, D.D., officiating. Interment was in Fordwich Cemetery,. • Pallbearers were Gorden Leggett, Alex Reid, Norman MeLanghlin Robert Spotten, *Austin Fladcl of Teeswater and E,veritt Allen df Fottlwich, Samuel Sutton Buried Saturday . . A former resident of Wingham, spent the past month at the home of her uncle, Mi. Wilmer Taylor, of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. George Egoff and children ef Galt visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Gus Boyle, of Wingham, Mr. John Boyle, and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cummirgs and othdr Boyle relatives in W. Wa- wanosh. Mr. Jim Cumraings, who has been at tkie C.N.R, Clinton, spent the week -end in Toronto. Mrs. Jben Craig spent ,the week- he moved to London where he • sey-Harris and wag that firrn's representative in Western Canada. He retired in 1937 and returned to Winghe.m. About ten years ago end at the home of her daughtet, made his.horne with his sister., Mrs. Mrs, Rebert Hall, Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nicholson and Coleen of Thamesford .spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchison and with bederich relatives. Albert Smyth, son of Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Sinyth, left on Thurs- day to take a position with the C.N.R. at Hornepayne in Northern Ontario, • Mr.', Calvin Robinson received a bad crack on his nose and lips on Monday when he was struck by a pole the .men were using at the truck while unloading corn a. his silo -filling. ' • Mr. arid Mrs. Rem Smith and baby Kathy of Toronto spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and 1VIrs.' Russell ;Chapman. Ur. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott vis- ited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. 'Campbell of Molesworth. Mrs. Young, of Wingham, spent the week -end at the home of her daughter, Mrs, John, McBurney.' Mrs, IVIeButhey receiveda tele- phone call last Thursday night, from her son, Allan who has been helping' at the harvest at:Leth- bridge, He said they. had finished *and he, And ,GardOn .PengellYt, Were leaving for Echrioritialii.,,sad.4eink to work in Northe,in Saskatche- wan. • Mr. and Mrs, John Woolcock and Henrietta Agnew, who survives. Mrs. ChaS, Sutton of Wingham is a sister-in-law. riving home that night, were coiled to the hospital at • Woodstock' where their °daughter, Angela, *a nurse -in -training . in Hertel Dieu Hospital, had been taken following a Motor accident, She had SeVere facial lacerations. ,Mr. and Vfrs, Selah Brecken- ridge of Samestown visited On Sun day at the home of her sister, Mrs. • Lorne Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth '1Dc$W11ng. were called to Listowe1 Hospital, on Sunday where his Mother, MI% John urig of Vordwich hed been taken, following a severe stroke iri het left side, / ft Miss aertrude Stewart and Mil,' Mae Chapman of • Cooksville, and her nephew, Prot 1V2tut Stewart of Waterloo College, Waterloo, vis- ited on Saturday at pm home of the forMer's,sister, Mrs, Harold 1/VA1k- et and Mr, Walker, Mr, end Mrs, Lloyd Jasper and children •ot Mildmay Visited on StinclaY •at the hone Of •Ilet, brother, Mt. Elmer Ireland, Mt, 'and Mrs. V. II. Greskorth spent a few days last Week with Toronto and Milligan friends, Paul and Xateti have been law, tip over the Week-erid With a SOVere attaek' of flu. • CentriUntiOn eertdee, Weas held on Sunday In the *Milted Churth here, • 'FINANCING A CAR? Beit" you buy folk about Our LOW Cent Pirlaneffig SerVied With complete ThAirreriee CoVerage, STEWART X, SCOTT Plitt* .803 Winghsm 21rth Mrs. A. McMurray Buried at Belgrave • Funeral serVices were held for Mary Ann McMurray of Brussels, beloved wife of the late William S. McMurray and dear mother of Robert J. and Mrs. James (Alberts.), Smith, of Morris Township, sister of Miss Bessie Walsh of Wingham, MrS. Minnie Ketchabaw, Lucknow, Charles, ,Kipling, Sask., and Vd- mund, of Wingharn, was held on Tuesday of last week at 2.30 froth the residence of her son R. J. and Mrg. McMurray, Con. 2, 1VIorria, with Rev. Fred Jewell, rector of Brussels Anglihan Church, Officiat- ing. ,Interment was in Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave. Pallbearers were neplietvs: of the deceased, Frank; 13111 and 'Jim Ketahebeir, 'Edmund and ITer'sbn •IrWin. and Wilfred C,apeland.., The peWers Were carriedby, slit .gratna,-• serfs, PUOnht ID. Udgirrti,y of To rests', D,onald and Gordon 14eiVIur- ray, Wingham, Bill Snlith;„Wing- ham, Robbie and Murray Sm)th, of Brussels. * - • Relatives and friends from 'To- ronto, Galt,. Gbderich, Lucknow and Brussels attended the serviees, BIRTHS* TIFFIN—In Wingbam Oeneral On Wednesday,, Oetober go, 191$7, to Mr. and Mrs, 0, W, Tiffin, Winghem, a son, Mark ArthUr, HALL—In Port Colborne ,General Hospital, on Sunday, - October 6,' 1967, to Dr. and•Mrs, James Hell, 44°11. • i NIXON—InWnglia'rn General ;• Hospital, on Moriclay,'*-October 7th, 1957, to Mr. ad Mrs, joint thea Elaine 13olt, of Bel - grave) a son. Wingham General HoSPital, on Wednesday, October 2nd 0,957 to: Ur. and Mrs Del- bert Hedley, R,R, 3, liolyrood, a daughter, GOLLAN—In Wingham Zeperal Hospital,' on Thursday, Odtober 3rd., 1957,. to Mr, and Mrs, Grant Gollan, Luelcnow, a daughter. • WHYTOCK—In Wingham Oeneral Hospital, on Friday, betober 41h,. 1957, toN Nit, and Mrs, Lloyd, Wh5i-. itock; R.R,'2,•Wirighant, a son, Joseph O'Callahan Dies in Detroit • . .WHITtOT-ITIRCH--Toriends in, this community received word on Saturday Of the Midden passing of Joseph'O'Cidlahal:!, at his home in Detroit. A son cf the -late Mr. and Mrs, Daniel O'Callahan who forin- erly-lived .on the Division Line, he and his brother Frank, had visited 'in this community last week. Be' sides his Wife, he leaVeS to mourn two brOthers, William of Ottawa, and Frank of Detroit, Interment was in St. Augtistirie R. C. Cote- tery on. TueScitrY inerning. Cosh paid to (leak slek disabletl horses nr etralt. Maid • pieloitto w smaller animals,. Promiti pervle With Winch. equipped trucks. ' ' Phone • ILEROY ACHESON Atwood 158 143 collect'or , GEORGE HISLOP Wrbreter IAA Mt no JO IR al LEE'S TAXI ,24-FIGUR SERVICE We never step, inctuding SnoilaYS mid Rolillays. 111.1INE :185 Iwo al• Western Feeder Stocker :CATTLE For Sale ' In carload or.part .carroad lotS. T PAYS TO SEE WHAT YOU ARE BUYING Harold Finley PhOnet Wroy4oter 2011.8, 11"e1ninte•')1r2 insmen Paper Drive Bundles will be picked up In the morning in all villages, in town in the afternoon Farmers may leave their bundles of paper at the back of S. J. Walker Home Furnishing on Mon- day and Tueiday. ..opp.pwr4N.ITY. FOR IIPIIOLSTERINh FOREMAN • . Large' manufactUrer of household furniture re- quires foreman for upholstering department of .about fifteen persons. ,Present foreman retiring on pension. Management capabilities and quali- fications are as important as trade skill. Exeep- tiontlly good medical, hospital and pension bene- fits. WriteP.O. Box 69, Stratford. ' 411,1141010.110114/.11.41110tNIMINSOValM400•111111.,141111114.0110.141.01104110•041111.,11•01.0.0, NEW.and USED MASSEY-HARRIS ARM EQUIPMENT PLOUGHS, ONE=VAY: TRACTORS and :OTilER SEASONA13.11 FARM EQUIPMENT CHARLES HODGINS WINGHAM • BUS'INE'SS and PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY •- A. 11. McTAVISH, BARRISTER, SOILICITOlt • and NOTARY PUBLIC• , TEESWATER ONTARIO t Telephone 23. Teeswater • Wiceieter‘,-tvery. .tiVdnesday artcr000n, 24 pan., Or by appointment, ,Prederick P. Homnth, Phm.B., R.o. Carol E, itomuth, 11.0. Mrs. Viola IL Homath, orToitnitusts; PRONE 118 Harriston, Ontario , CRAWFORD & HETHERINGT Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. VViagetarn, • Phone 43 H. CRAWFORD,, R. .8. Q.C. J,,IL BURIFIELD Q.C. Barrister, 'Solicitor, NotarY Etc• ' ' Motley to Loin* • Otticelitcyer. Vaingbarn VVELLINfiTON FIRE Insriranritiete. I�4(lmnY An nit Canadian. COrnpatry,whieh has •foltirtuily iterVed; )cilicy •'folders for Otter 116941 01005 Torento IL 0. MaeLean Insurande Agency •Winiihrun