HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-10-02, Page 6Like aire operating only on
-Fridays and Saturdays
- SAT. OCT 4 5
"Ma 8z Pa Kettle
'On Vacation"
*tarring Eddie Braken
and Jimmy Durante
Treats' For The Kids Every
Friday Nite,
EiMMer Strip Drivers Admitted :FREE Every Friday Nite.
;Complete Set of Oven-King
.OVENWARE to be given away
every Friday night - plus a host
'Or other Grand Prizes.,
Make Every Friday Night Four
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• Drive-In
.1st Show Starts at 7.30 Nightly
Neater notes .. easier
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Make this your formula for success
With Mille help of a new • Smith-Corona
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mutt notes and'assignments' will be
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Try -st Sznith,Corona Portable in Mir
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'touch Makes. typing hat and accurate.
Its Super-speed keys won't- jam. zit .Ittiy
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tirom044vint rate Otige for foolproof,
even Margitra,
(Surveys show that. students using t ypewriters obtain 38% better marks
Yes, a Smith-Corona Portable can help
The Wingham Advance-Times
vitt do better all through your school
and college years! Choose your favour-
ite Smith-Corona from five great models:
Sinter (lit 6 colors),. Sterling, Clipper,
Skywriter and Electric, complete with
handy carrying cases. We PAW' be happy
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Newt Sensational!
The Smith-Corona Electric tort-
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It weighs only, 18 pounds, Comes
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• Help yourself to success ,.
trigth a Smith-Corona Portable!
Trousseau Tea
ST." '1.1KT.ANS-•-•IvIrs, Elmo
chard.entertained on Tuesday at a•
trousseau tea"for' her niece, MISS
Margaret Gollan, .wliOSe Marriage
to Mr, Carl McCienaghan of White-
Ogren. 'took -Place on Saturday .at
The many guests Were welcomed.
by, Mrs. Fritchardiand the
elect. The lovely gifts and trous-
seau were displayed by Alie bride's
aunt, Mrs, Donald Thomson, Mrs,
James Curran and Miss Beverley
Ashton, Mrs, Chas,- Thomson, the
grandmother of the brlde-4Oet, Pre,-
sided at the tea table,
Asian influenza is imminent,
While no cases have been confirrri*
ed by labOratery'Audy as yet ;Nal-
ly it is almost pertain that this
new virus, will invade Huron by
winter, Height of the ppidernie is
usually reached about one . month
after the disappearance of the ,earls;
eases, Authorities report that the
disease is relatively mild, and,dOes
not in any way approach the sev-
erity ef the Spanish flit of 1918.
Witnesses Protesi
Action of Dominica
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Goldring and-
Miss Joan , Chaplin of Toronto.and
Mr. Ed Hancox of London spent
the week-end with Mr. and' Mrs.
Art Gibson. '
Mrs, Lloyd Mapleton and family
of Mount Forest spent Friday, with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Coates,
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Coates spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Leslie
Beirnes of Morris Township and
accompanied them to Sarnia, where
they visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Clayton Coates.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart and Pat-
ti of Listowel visited 'over the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wzn.
Hart. /
s. A. Wearring and Miss Le- M
Ian Gibson, Concord, /spent the
week-end at the .former's' home
here. '•
Mr. and ,Mrs. Bradly dalbraith
and Karen Were guests of Mr.•and
Mrs': Gerald Galbraith on Sunday.
The children ` celebrated Ka\ren's
Mr. and Mrs. James Doig visited
With Mr, and Mrs. Roy Gowdy' last •
Mr. and Mrs. William Hart, at-
tended the Hannah-Dawson wed-
ding.in Teeswater on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Jackson IVIcCutch.
eon of Listowel visited • with Mr.
and Mrs. Ken" Edgar orts•'Priday
evening. ,
Miss Thelma Denny of Preston
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. George Gibson.
Mrs. W. E. Weir spent the week-
end with,Mt. and Mrs. Lloyd Weir
in Toronto. •
Mr. and Mrs., Frank Earls and
family of London attended the
Horick fall fair on Saturday and
spent the week-end with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs, Merwyn Grainger'
of Exeter were supper guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Edgar and spent
the week-end with ,Mr. and Mrs.
George Galbraith and 'Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Grainger,
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Brown
and daughter of IVIarkdale visited
With friends over the, week-end, •
Mrs, Robert Montgomery of To-
ronto. entertained 25 school teach-
ers at her summer home here dur-
ing the Week-end.
Mrs. Alonzo Snarling and Miss
Hazel Sparling spent last 'week in-
Ct)dee W rlil..IV Th I.S. is entertaining the
Baby Band members and their mo-
thers, on Friday afternoon at 2,30
in the church. parlors. The W,M.S,
is sending a bale of baby, and
children's clothing, toiletries, etc.,
to It. Palmer's hospital in Hazel"
ton, 'B.C. All donations Will be
'gratefully appreciated and may be
left in the box at the ehurch Or
with-Mrs. Herb Patterson, hs soon
as pOssibla.
, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Demerling of
NettStadt spent Saturday at the
;home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dane,
Sunday visitors at the same horrid
Were Mr. and Mrs, Roy 13rarohill
and baby David of Palmerston.
Mrs arid Mrs. Ross Fiddis and
son Dilly Of Porti' Credit Were Visi-
tors with Mr,• and go'. Wilford
The lovely weather brought out
a good Crowd to the liowick fall
fair oh,Saturday and 20 sehOols
Were represented in the parade. ,
'Me; and Mri.. John Placher and
family have moved 'to their new
home, the .former gt‘Watt lifact
.Naughton farm, and we Welecorde
there to our community.
A AliSaStrOtis 'fire occurred at the
Meek trothers' farm on Highway
VT When the barn was destroYed,
along With a large number Of pigs,
threalling Machine and the Season's
Mr, and Mrs...Arnold Taylor have
returned to their home in Ottawa
after it 'week's visit at, the lattao
,home, Mr, 'arid Mrs, ArthtiO
gr; of WrOXeteff
Jehovah's.. Witnesses of Wing-
ham congregation met Friday
night to approve a petithiii asking
the Dominican Republic; to•lift its
ban of last July 25, restricting the
religious activity of the, movement
According to E. Falconer, pre-
siding `minister of the Wingham
congregation, the lengthy petition's
cited specific names and places of
police brutality that 'were person-
ally authenticated by eight of the
ten American missionaries deported
Augast 3 from the Dominican Re,
public. The missionaries related
their experiences at a regional as-
sembly in Baltimore, where the
petition was originally adopted on
August 24th by 33,091 of Jehovah's. Witnesses in attendance.
Couple Honored'
By Presentation
ST, HELENS—Mr. and Mrs.
George Errington' (formerly Jean
Aitchison) were honored at the
community hall on Friday evening
when a large gathering assembled,
Music for clanging was supplied by
Farrier's orchestra and Mr, and.
Mrs, Chester Taylor with Donald
Murray „ and Mr. Heffernan as
During the evening Mr. and Mrs.
Errington were called to the plat-
form, where Lorne Forster read an
address of congratulations and
good wishes and Donald Murray
made the presentation of a purse
of money. Mr. Errington express.
their appreciation ' and all sang
"For They Are Jolly, Good Fa-,
BLUEVALE — The community
hall here is undergoing fine treat-
ment by the Women's Institute
members and other women of the
The hall, built in 1945, was the
chief project of the then existing
Men's Club. The club built it, using
the foundation of the former Meth-
odist Church and some material
from the old Forester's Hall, Do-
nations from private individuals,
municipal councils and the Ontario
government finan7ed the work, The
Bluevale Women's Institute con-
tributed to the furnishings.. ,
• Only a 'few left tg AG
i 70 x 00 reg, $6.60 VI' .. 41 Pr,
Lovely, fall sharieu. in plains Ei and chocks, Highest quality
Loony:raft print, $2 98 S1404i3 (N. *
Pure linen, large
• O 8c PZer , poUrs for
Ladies' 100% prom in Whito„a
only. $4 • Reg, $6.98 •95 I
so hurry. Don't miss this one, E
Ideal for school; or vport; Ivy •
League,t a 6
Sites 8 - Is 41"fl "F"
$2 Double elbows 84
heavy Panne! 8-16 95 • •
98 Sizes ,•• 6 . .... ,„. .. , .. . C irl
m Shop at a4.)11
fOr Better Buy$
3,98 siz • es 7 to . .....
• Ideal for school or
street wear, U
For boys, sizes 3 - 6x, double
• knees,• well made in Grey,
Tan and Navy t9 ne
at Carmichaers ,,,. &lieu
" These are faetory eicarawee,
lie sure to 'visit "Carmichael's" when shopping in Whighlun, tl
store for the whole family Mother, Dad 'arid Ihe Children,
• 1, P.lane WVinghai+ .. ',
It. ..... -e4tortiltiolior ....... 10! .... ..... i ...... ..... ... p 1:11111 ;1111 ...... 61,1111;...11111111, Mir PIM ... 11 ..
Phone: Our Prices Are Lower Free
590 We Keep Down' the Upkeep Delivery
Maxwell house
," bound
, 4' TEA liAGS
Carinichael's 4.
You get the Best torldess at ;
Chateau 8 OZ,
SUGAR . 5 'lbs. 57c
No. 1 White; 30 lb. pail
HONEY $6.60
Nestle's 2 lbs.
Chocolate Quix $1.09
Stoltel* Fancy 15 oz..
CORN Z for .34
Sliced 24 OZ.' loaf
BREAD . 17c
Head Lettuce 2/33e,,,
3 'to Bunch
Celery Hearts ... 25c.
Treesweet Grapefruit 48 oz.. Large •Pepper
JUICE . . . '31c 9SQUASH - 2 for 27c
Tip Top Choice' 20 oz.
PEAS 2 for 33c •
Ice Cream 1/2 gal. 89c -
eARAaE vEo
$1.10 bag
I LUMBER , • 4. $110.00 M'
HOMASOT4 . • . $110:00 M •
I x10 BEvtt SIDING 045.50 M 11-1
SHINGLES . 1 „ •, $10.50 sq:•
PAINt, Martin Settour $7,75 gal.
TE'RMS No Down Payment
up to 36 months to,pay.
a: •
• 5 LOCAL ranosmAlacs; Inc- II
i GARAGES = delivered u $295.00 up ii = . , See ou'r Demonstrator rn „ • i
a Build yout own.. Save with !--
a I Wingham Sawmill Materials.
,....-:,_.• -"•,......:
,•-i,„4,47,, -,_ ...; ,.....
,••-- ‘,..-••Ass--r•-•,•-i, •...• .........,. 'L.-z,„,---•••-••r,i,,.---;•,:.7.),..•••••,•• : .•:••: ... • .....,,,...if--- --....4,,,„... . ,,,,,,s-.. ", .,„...„.....,,,...4,'-' ...'14,.' A.,%.-`7. •• , .' .., :::•...-,. :•:. • ••,,i*:.:.,. ''''''t,„,--C.:14,.:;--.>"4."-',"-'.'"',''i.,;•----
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,171 `'ed CINrch 'MT FOREST SPEAKER Regular Meeting
The re(::lt:r tmCrepitaisrt 1v7k1h •r„; FOR. ANNIVERSARY
Irked PhPreh was opened ,with song led ''by DLUTZTALE, — Anniversary Set',
Mitehari, f;liowed by the worship vices in the tfnited q iinTen on Sn n-
erVice which was opened with the 4" °Q11°1°d°4 fifty years °f war-e in the church building which 414illic ''''QUIde Me 0 Thou was erected.in 4907 as a Presby, *rest oleboVab",
The :Scripture taken iron), Mat- tartan, Church, at a cost of $8,000;
,thew 14:254*, was read by Eliza- The late Rev, W. J. West was
'bah Illarrell and a meditation was. the leading spirit, in the 'building
4)100 •,liven by 'Verne Vanstone. of the church. Members of session
%The Inentbers joined in the singing at that time were, Robert Maxwell,
ig "Christ for the World We Sing", James Elliott, John
n Burgess, Mil-
',followed. by 'the topic, "ExperienceS
at Came, taken by Margaret
The business was discussed fol-
lowed by recreation, in charge of James Moffatt, Alex MeEWan, John
Mtrle GowdY and Marjorie Mof- TYR:Naughton, John Spence, J. C.
tat, The meeting closed with the Anderson,,Ftank Anderson, Archi-
„singing of "Taps”. Bieo(ion for new bald Messer, R. N..Duff and Peter
`officers will he held. next week, Fowler, John Burgess was secre-
The only one of these groups •
• .... . . ..
... . .
. . . .1111181111111101.101•11 ,
BLUEVALE—George Donaldson,
of London, who formerly spent his
summers in Bluevale with• the San-
derson family, has made a gift of
modern books to the Bluevale pub-
lic library. ;
Through the kindness of I. C.
Higgins, a large collection 'of books
numbering 500, from the library.
of •the late Dr. Spence of Brussels,
The hall board had the assembly
room decorated in June of this
year, Now the women have unite.d
to decorate the basement and have
Veen worklifg'
has donated to the library.. Make the renovation complete.
ton lVfeVetty, Joseph Smith, George
MacDonald, Archibald Messer. The
board,ef managers included Robert
Black. Wxn, Maxwell, F. B, Scott,
• •;
Dr. 'AIM PrescTibevCoffillion
Sense; Rest, to ,-..Combat Flu 1
Communion services will be held
in both Presbyterian and thittoci
Churches on Sunday, Octeber 6th
ldev aqr, McClure of IVIolearOrtil
moderator of the PreshYtorY, wil
conduct the service •in the Preaby-
terlan Chureb. Time will be day.
light saving in both churebes,
Mount Forest United Churett on
Sun day: B,
7, 13r0Ph preached in
Mrs, James Ballantyne and. Mrs,
3. 0, Scott of Brussels were re-
cent, visitors with Mrs. Andrew
' On Monday, October 7th, the
East I-furon District Women's In-
stitute rally will be held in. Blue-
vale Community hall, beginning at
2 Pah, All ladies are Welcome,
Dr. I. V, Yale and Mrs. Yk.11e of
Sault Ste, Marie, Mrs., Harry Scott
and Miss Florence Beattie of Sea-
forth visited Mrs, R. r, Garniss
last week.
Don MacLean of Toronto was
home for 'the week-end.
1Vfr, ,and Mrs, Gordon Hogg and
family of Tharnesford visited al
the !ome, of Mrs, M. L, Aitken on.
Norman kdIVLinn is visiting his
sister at Mono Road.
Mr, and), Mrs, Harvey Johnston
and Miss Helen of Clinton, spent
Sunday with Miss EmmaJohn-
ht°1. Mr. and Mrs, A. p. Smith and
Miss Eleanor we're guests at the
Hannah-Dawson wedding in Tees-
water on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs. Ftussel Bent and
children of Morris *spent Sunday
with Mrs, W. J. Johnston.
Rev. J. A. Burden and Mrs, Bur-
den of 'Wingham attended anniver-
sary services at the United Church
and visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Stanley Darling on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, ArnolL1 Lil]ow and
Miss Mary "attended the wedding
of Mrs.. Lillow's cousin ,at Caledon
East on , Saturday.
Mr. Cross of ListOwel was a Sun-
day o y visitorurtis. at the, home of Mrs,
Missionary Society
Meets at Manse
BELMORE—The Woman's Mis-
sionary Society of the United
ChurCh was Yield on Wednesday
afternoon, September 25th at 'the
manse with 15 ladies present.
Mrs. West, as leader, followed
the theme, "The Joy of Christian
Friendship". A hymn, was sung
and Bible reading was taken from
the first chapter of Philippians,
Mrs. J. Simmons gave a reading
on temperance.
Followizig another hymn, 'Mrs.
Harper read the first ,;);halter ihapter of
the new study book, "Cross, and
Crisis in Japan", which' relates
many of the trials and hardships
the JapaneSe have had to endure
in trying to'rebuild their churches
since the war,
• The , roll call was a verse on
prayer, "Happy the Horne when
God Is There" was sung and Mrs.
West closed the meeting with
The advent of cooler weather in
creases optimism for another polio
free ;year in Huron according to
Dr. R. M. Aldis in his report to the
board of the Huron County Health
Unit recently. While there were.
some suspected eases of polio dur-
ing the summer,, with a few pat-
ients requiring admission to hos-
pital, clinical and laboratory tests.
did not confirin the. presence of
the disease• and uneventful recoV-
erY was the general rule.
It is interesting, however, that
in some of these 'patients, special
investigation revealed a virus
which was neither the poliomyelitis
organism, nor a member of anothek
group usually associated With polio-
like ilineSs. In younger patients a
rash of Short. duration Was often
present. Evidently similar cases of
a minor illness have been reported
throughout Ontario during the past
two years.
In the first six months of 1057,
,o'ver 22,000 doses of pplio vaccine,
were provided' to county children,
These doses represented 'initial
protection to. 4759 ptesehool Child-
ren, and 1,320 .secondary school
students, and third doses to about,
/006 elementary school pupils. Vac-
eine was also Supplied to
Stations Clinton and Centralia for
administration under their medical
officers to approximately IMO
resident preschool arid school child-
ren, With Pdlio vaccine now in
Were plentiful supply it is planned
include this protection at the
child health conferences= which are
teceihnieneing this fall 'at fitte
county centres, AldiS reports
that to governinant statement hat'
been received' yet, however, to
authorize free supplies for adults,
18614M ,ItittittOLE
Rieketa Is a, disease which affects
the bones of growing children,
Weakening them and Often ettilSing
diStortien. tee Offaet, this distitoe;.
children need adecinath quantities
of Vitamin b, the aliniihine
This sbOuld be given from birth
throughout the growing Yeats.
,Respiratory certiPlicatIont; can re-
sult from the Asian variety, how-
ever, and may he serious, especially
in the extremes of youth and age,
and the debilitated.
According to Dr, R, M, AWLS of
the Huron ,County Health Unit, the
incubation Peried is ehort,
one to three days, Illness develop,
rapidly and is characterized by
fever, chills, headache, aches, and
pains in the •back and limbs, weak-
ness, congeStiO4 of the nose, sore
threat and cough. The average
duration l's four to five days.
Treatment at home with bed rest,
aspirin, simple diet and 'general
Common, sense will suffice in most
eases, Because of the possibility of
complications patleatt shmild not
return to work until all symptoms
have completely subsided or their
physician has.approved,
Preventative measures which ap-
ply to any respIratorY type illness
are applicable, he, avoiding use' of
common towels, cups, etc,, avoid-
ance, of fatigue, dressing for the
weather, and consulting the phy-
sichin for predistent cough, cold,
or related complaint.
Special vaccine, when available,
Offers good protection 'Mit must be
given in advance of an epidemic.
To date no vaccine has 'been al-
located to either service or civilian
'personnel in Huron.
More than $4,000
To Be Awarded/
At Trutk goadeo
Some of Canticla's most skilled
and, safest, drivers will compete for
national honors and Maio than
$4900 in prizes in 'the 11th annual
National ,Truck,Roadeo 'to be 'held
in the Automotive Blanding, Cana-
dian National Exhibition grounds,
Toronto, on November .23 and 25,
More than 100„ drivers who have
been accident-free for at least a
year 'will' compete in the two days
of Roadeo events; The Ontario
Truck Roadeo finals will be held
on Saturday, Nov. 23, while the
national charripionshiPs will take
place on Nov. 25.
Representing all sections of Ca-
nada as well as the armed forges,
drivers will manoeuvre their ,ve-
hicks over the intricate' Reader)
course in three' classes of compe-
titiont straight truck, tractor and
single axle trailer, tractor and tan,
dem axle trailer.
In addition to the 'practical driv-
ing tests, competitors; will. be judg
ed for knowledge of -first aid, fire
fighting and rules of the road as
well as ability to locate mechanical'.
defects. ,‘
• Winner of the straight truck
class in the national competition
will receive a $300 cash award arid
a trophy from the Ontario Safety
League. A trophy from The. Auto-
motive Transport Association Of
Ontario and $400 will ,go to the
winner of, the tractor and single
axle trailer class. Award for winner
of the tractor and tandem axle
trailer event includes $400 and a
trophy from Canadian Trucking
Associations. The armed forces
champion will also receive $400 and
a trophy from The' Automotive
Transport Association of Ontario.
Mrs. Win. S. Davidson, Who Visit-'
'.ed for the' past fill Weeks' with her
Sister, Mrs, AleX ,Leaver, visited
with Turnberry 'arid Whightina rel-
atives before, returning to , her
home at ColhOriie. fen Thurs-
Mr. and Mrs: 13asil epayld8on of
Toronto spent a feW days last week
at 'the holne of her brother, 'Mr.
George McGee.
Mr. and. Mrs. Russell Itos4,
Mit and Doris spent ,Saturday in • I.ondon;
The ladies 'bf the local Institute
haVp been invited to attend an
evening meeting at Belitere next
Wednesday; When Roger Sehwass
will 'be present .and Strew pietures
of, his recent trip through the, West,
Rev. McClean, of Lucknow Plus-
bYthriall Church had 'charge Of the,
service in the, Presbyterian Church
here on Sunday and Rev, R, A:
Marshall preached anniversary
services in .the Dungannon Pres-
byterian Church,,. ,
Harvey Craig,. hen of Mr,, and
Mrs, Dawson' Craigf darted out In.
front Of 'George Henclerson's• can
at the village- earner on Monday::
Morning, when he ran around the
pthetil bits, Ile Wa itnoelted over,
but :luckily may received a tura&
M. do* itoss, who spent last
Week With his' blether, Mrs. Robert
Ross, returned to his WOW OWeri
Selina On StindaY, Mrs. ItoSS it
3 isiting with Mrs, Coulter in,
Winghairi this Week.
The toguitti. monthly Meeting of
the Woinetfis Institute 'liar been
**Nod vie one Week, when Mrs,
A., T. A, Marshall Will , be the
special. speaker;
Mr. and, Mrs, ;Ida, 5mitli, Porno
berry' visited, on f§tifiday with r.
sfl'd Mrs. $Ohnitrat doth,
The'Win 10000 Advfilic0414Aels, Wet 4 Oct, 2nd, gt,O,
now living is Milton MeVetty, now
of Flint, Mich. In 1025 the church
became the United Church.
Rev. R. G. Hazelwood, B.A,, B,D.,
of Mount Forest, was the anniver-
sary preacher, In the morning he
used .the ' story of Mary and the
precious ointment to illustrate how
Men may be remembered for great
and good acts or for ignoble ones.
At the evening service his dis-
course was on how people should
value the spiritual far above the
The choir, under the ..direction, of
Mrs. Carl Johnston, organigt, sang
appropriate•anthems, ,At thethiorn-
ing service Mr, 'and 'Mrs. C. B.
Hoffman . and Miss Joyce Sang' the
trio, "The Ninety and Nine", In the
evening Garnet Farrier of White-
church played a clarinet solo and
a trio, composed of Joyce Hoffman,
Mrs, Glenn Sellers and Miss Marie
Johnston sang "Back of the
The attendance was larger with
many visitors from. other points.
. •