HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-10-02, Page 5r R ' 104101 Folding FLQOR M.n in>u,m' Mnn% nuni WALL • SASH ,AWNINGS . TILES / ' DOORS LUMBER - BUILDING CUPJ3OARDS Telephone 2601W Wiinghaitir, . yy 110•I010solsoIsIIIA lionIrIitioIUmIIIminsiIIAIisinf otinIliofflo1lluvi IiA }mg. SCHOOL OPTO*TRI$I Thoroughness — Ability — Time tested • ..Phone 37.. fOr appointment - ern lots ask your' YORK' DgALEg for the October Special. YORK BUTTERSCOTCH- RIPPLE iICE CREAM • During the lest. periqd on TUOS- clay, Sententber 10, .the candidates for the Literary SoCiety gave -their ing Friday, brtilots• wore distribut- ed amOng the students, The execu- tive is as fellows: • Honerary? president, Dr, W. A. 1VteXibtion; president'', TM Brydgee fsiercbotndvieveiclenpecident, Judith -Lunn; Kibbonrsecretary, Marianne Mc - Ribbon; treasurer, Bruce Slferra- vish; journal 'editors, Mary LOu reporters, Barbara,Coultes and Da - Vic] Itennedyf marshal, Den jardin. On Friday, September '20th, the girls of W.D.H.S, held aleetions far the ...Girls' Athletic Society. Those holding office for the ,sehdel aie: President, Betty Anne. Stobo; 'vice president, , Merl Gowdy ; secretary; Prances HenrY; treasurer, Muriel Form 'rwresentatives are: XIII, Joan Devereaux; XIA, Daisy Gib- bon; 'XIB, Myrna Robinson;? XIC, Jean McFarlane; XA, Sharon Hem- ingway; XB, Marie Johnston; xc, Thelma DObson; XD, Gwen Ka'. Pherson; IXA, Lorna Bolt; Joyce Ford; IXC, Jane Hethering- ton;4DCD, Marilyn Pengelly; IXE, ‘Rochelle Wineberg. Glee Club With the beginning. of'the school year the varioui extra-chrrieular activities Were re -organized. One oe the major changes was in the Glee Club. -In preVious years any- one who wished could enter the group., This made the membership so large that it Was impossible -to achieve the desired resnits from the choir, To overcome this, tWo new rules were passed:: First, that students who Were interested mat ,pass a Voice test and secondly, thet hey must attend Glee Club rega.:\ Hey Interest It has been said that advertising' can make or break an idea, Any.: one who is aware of what is :going on in the world arouhd him will have to agree that this staternent,is true. Chrysler Corporation lays out theusandS of dollars each year "for advertising, Why'? Because they used 'to desI n. the latest ,xnQdel$, If this Pali Y creates fie,h09Pa Chrysler Corporation,, Why net USA' a Bir► ilar policy tq sg11 .interest In our .school activities?' • .0.tylor.,Nowfor. Christmas • Your' Term* Accepted • Free Delivery FURNIT PHONE 51 WINGil VISITOR RECALLS PIONEER TIMES Mg visitor te the home of Mr, and Mrs, Bert Winston of FordWieh In the past Week Was TOY9_ .(sf Lontieshoro, Mr. Millar was born in 1869 in a log tavern or halfwaY house, that stood on the north-west corner of the Orange Hill sideroad ,and Highway 87, His ,.first sehool 'days were Went in the etiginal log school house at ,Orange Hill. Ile recalls the bnilding of the 'reeswa- ter railwaY and saw the fir* train run over this line. Paid a visit to the land of his parents' birth •around 1890, the ocean fate on the:old Allan Line being $65,00 return Wirile Toronto is justly proud of her subway; Mr, Millar remembers the thrill of his first ride on the Glasgow subWay at that time. Six months spent around Ayr and the Binns country is still a bright spot in his memory. He reads the daily paper without glasses and still takes a keen in- terest in the sports of today. , GEOROE.S..BAKER ACCIDENT-..INTIL FORDWXCH-George 40 Barer, 78, passed away in the Listowel Memorial Hospital on Wednesday moaning ,a¢ the result of injuries sustained in a car accident;.' Mr, Baker was born in HoWick Township and married the former Martha ,Strong, who .survives, A sop, Earl, resides in London and n daughter, 1/04; Elmer -(Mildred) Giles, at Arkona. Mrs, Hannah .Fer- gie of Wingham is a twin sister, There are 'also ,six grandchildren. Mr. :Baker farmeduntil eleven years ago When they retired ,to Fordwlch, He was a member of the. United Church, the Orange Lodge ,and the Royal Blaek• Knights, He was keenly • interested in fishing'. and eurling.: The funeral 'was held on Friday with service at the Fordwieh United .Church, with Rev, A. F. Gardner officiating, Burial was in the F'ordwich' .Cemetery under the auspices of the Orange Lodge, Wo are Tojas at fixing Tops or any other parts of a car body. ItOnilog out ivrinides in fenders gooses OUR BODY REPAIR SERVICE IS "DESIGN,ED" TO WORK WONDERS!, Specialists in Collision Repairs and Re:paintin FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN "" iv Phone 746 Sid Adams Prop. wiqgoa FORDWICH Mr. Gilbert McDerrnitt of Col- lingwood is visiting fol. a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey MeDer- mitt and with other' relativei ' in the :community. k Mrs. Scott Keith and Randy turned to their home in Waterloo after wending the past ten' days Wingham's first touchdown but the with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith. 'Wingharn t'eam'failed.to convert it, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris visit - Rae Hetherington also added to a ,ed one night last vveek with Mr, and Mrs. James Vittie. touchdown. Pete Nesmith caught the convert making the final ,seore All of Wingham High School Would like to tongratultite our boys on playing a fine game and, we wish you better .luek next time. —By IvIarlene Mahood; XIIA. Mrs. Clare Harris and Mrt, Stan Bride attended the area convention of the Wonien's Institute last week which was held in Guelph. Mr. and IVIrs. Wray Cooper and Misses Marilyn and Elizabeth Anne Cooper spent one 0lay last. week in Hamilton. • Congratulations to Miss Marlene ANGLICAN 'RECTOR - Johnson,. teacher at Sk Relen's school, On winning first prize with INDUCTED' MONDAY her pupils at Lucknow School Fair on Wednesday of last week. /Iris ' is 'Marlene's first year of teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Bell of North Dakota are visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Marshall Arm- strong. • Mr, and Mrs, Fred 1VIellIachern of Conn, visited on Saturday with Mr. and .Mrs. Mel Allan. spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Sothern. FORDWICH—At Trinity Angli- can Chirreh, Fordwich, on Mon- day night, tire Rev. Edward C. At- twell was inducted into the perish- ed' of St Stephen's at Gorrie, St. want you to believe that there isn't James', Wroxeter and Trinity, Fordwich, by the Von. Archdeacon Fred G. Hardy of the Arehdetteonry of L'ambton. The Rev. Sydney R, Lupton of Kerwood, parish was the special preacher. The following clergymen assisted in the ceremony: 'Rev. Darwyn abnes of Sarnia; Rev. Sohn -James of Seaforth; Rev. Jeffery B, Har- rison of Bayfield; Rev. tun De Vries of Blyth; Dr, Kenneth E. Taylor of GOderich and Rev, Chas, F. Johnson of Wingham. serviee in the ehnrch parlors. a better, ear. ot truck, on the ,road, that you 'can't get along without them, that 'you are I/liming the chance of a lifetime if you don't buy, the one and. only dream car, a car bearing one of thefive Chry- sler names. Even though. you .may think •they are exaggerating the ad- ventages of their products, they catch your interest with clever can. toons and sayings in order to make you believe im the ideas they have "C011130RATION-TAX" is no't a tax on the corporation,' but is, rather, a tax on the custom- ers who buy the goo& or services it produces. Taxes are a cost br doing business. They must be included in the price structure along with wages, and the costs of Taw materials and , supplies. inerqase orporatioq taxes, or in any other taxes, is an increase.in costs1 whiiirmust ultimately be reflected , Price44. Hence, a decrease in corporation or other.'4004 would ease the upward pressure on costs '•nd Prices. Nov Mehiber8 At in the Sunday School rooms tif the *United Ohuroh- and opened the /netting With the National Anthem, Lord's prayer; the Purpose and .A.UsWer. Mrs. Harold Pollock told, the new Members of the duties of meniber and also te- Minded them that at the next Meet Mg they wOukl fold Christrnas Bonnie Inglis, of the Intetthed- lates, Wes named secretary in the piece of Mary johnson. MeMberS ',Signed a card tor Glenna Hibberd, who- hed been a Patient. .in hospi- tal. The reinairider"Of the evening wris spent playing games and also feW contesta Prete held. tkvilig to Weather conditions, the wiener feast that had been pletirted for the eVerring was 'held inside; but eVeryone reported a 'good time Mid the bleethig .elosed with 'tips. STEEL COMPANY 'OF CANADA LIMITED 1)efore Leaving' neighbors met at the home bf 'Mts. tb bid fatevireW to Miss Marilyn Cooper, who left torontri by plant positibn its food 'supervisor in" a Calgary heapitel, Vasa eoopot Was litetiented with, used itt the apartment in *bleb ,slit 141/141 . Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Har- grave and Mr. and Mrs. W. Har- grave and family visited one day last week with Ur. and Mrs, 011 - ver Pocock at Beruniller. Mt. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn and Karen of Orangeville visited over the week -end with Mrs. Dora Rid- ley. 1 . Mrs, Roy Simmons spent a few days last week with 41.)lr, and Mrs. Doug, Wildfang "in toronto. a. Beauty Counselor meeting in Hanover on Friday. Mrs. Arehle Campbell> returned to her home last week after Spend- ing the summer at Minden. Mr. and Mrs: Bob Gibson, Brus- sels, spent one day last Week at the home of mrs. Pearl Patterson. , Miss Mary Byrd of London spent last week with Miss 'Mary Catta- The aye/panty Of the corrirnutrity go'es Out to Mrs. George Baker end family in the Sudden passing of her lVfiss Laura Donaghy 'returned be her heme hist week ftern the; Where she' has been fof SeVeral Mt and Mrs, Prank ef St, literYS Went tho week -end with 'friends in the" coonnunity, Mr. arid Mts. Mak IlaMblY Of kitelieber spent the Week -end With lutr. and Mrs, Fred Iletribly. Goderieh visited en Satiltday With. teatikl the wedding on Saturday 'of hateliffe hi Long Branch, end Mit. Carl 'SteWart Of 'Usti/Wel ViSiteil StilidaY With tifiday Vititort With Mi. and. arid Mrs. janeeS JairtieSon 'Mid MO. Merle- ItietWitter end betuina, Mrs. timer Oiles of Arltotite thls Week With her MO. Mss MerriSSori arid Wit, the week,eitd With the latter's ma: Rally Sunday at ,United Church ST, HhLENS—Rally Day was observed in the Tlnited Church on Sunday miming With Lorne Wood, Sunday School sUperintandent, in charge. - The theme of the service of leer - ship wet, "Sing Ye Islands of the Sea, Jesus -SaveS", Terry Wilson read the Seripture lesson and Judy Wardell read the story, `'Heruko's Dream Comes True", *. Next Sunday World -Wide Com- munion, will be observed, ST. HELENS Congratulatione to Miss Johns- ton and her. pupils, who won first prize in the school parade at the The sympathy of the community goes to Mrs. Lippert and family in the death a her little daughter,. Marylin, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sebben of Stratford and .11,Ir. and Mrs. Earl Stoskopf, and Bruce of Sebring - vine, were recent guests of lyfr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller and family. The ladies are reminded of the meeting of the Women's Institute in the corumbnity hall this (Thurs- day) afternoon at Z30, Standard Time. Roll tall, "Ways to Relax". 1--larvest Service at Trinity Chorch BhLGRAVE — Harvest festival service was held in Trinity Ana. can Church here on Sunday after- noon, Rev, Bren de Vries was in Charge,. vvitii Rev. It. Carson; teetor of Paislo Anglican Church as the guest speaker. The church was appropriately deeorated .with grain, Vegetables and baskets of flowers. The choir sang the anthem, "0, Praise My Soul, the King of , Heaven". BELORAVE and Mr, Martin Grasby spent a Mr, and Uri,. .Geeirge Sargent Of days with Mr. and Mts. Ltiwrence Ur. 411a. uts. 'George /ones and fernily Of London Went the Week., end with her parents, Mr, and MrS. t. McCallum. Visited on Sunday 'With itet arkrl servicea .61 the Wellesley 'United Mr. And 'Met, ,Lloyd Aiidelsofi of tondOli spent the Week -end 'With his patents,. Mr. Ana Ikre, JOhn Mrs. Annie Rae a WroXeter is wending a feW days and Mr, and 'Mtg. W, McEortald Pdtdwien lied Mr, Drinctiri Meijer/aid a tit, and 114/2, gclItet" WIghtfeita and Mr. Tony tangritige of twilit - ten spent the Week-ond with h$t parents, Mt, and Mrs, P, the Ladles, Oland:cif gliettit' avow& held Its meet - ht thb emutiiimity centre en' thuritday, Ctietebet, ted, When the the 'Guilds from Auburn, tilyth and DEL/O/OUS FRIJ/T! SERVE OFTEN HALVES PEACHES 15-0Z. TINS 3 sptcIAL, 490 CHILDREN LOVE ,IT ! BREAKFAST CLUB (WITH IncTIN ADDED) P. RASPBESURY JAM TENDER A2dD ' SWEET FANCY QUALITY — CREAM STYLE SPECIAL ! 24-0Z: JAR SPECIAL ! 16-0Z. TINS 450 296 CLAIM'S PRODUCTS . QUICK LUNCHEON—ITEMS! CLARK'S-- IN CHILI SAUCE . BEANS WITH' Perin SERVE CHILLED! SERVE OFTEN! CLARKS FANcY TOMATO 3111 Tomater or Vetielable, CLARK'S SPECIAL I 15-0Z. TINS SPECIAL ! uskAris 2 1;11- 210 I. HANDY FOR SANDWICHES I IMPROVED GUALITY 1 -If 9 .111i P Plain., or,. Pimento CHATEAU ' ' icriArT—OLAIN vELVEE'rk P. .. 8-024 , -FEATURED. THIS .WEEK ON 'DOMINION'S "FUN WITH rpoir,t.,. TV COOKING SCHOOL FACIAL TISSUES rotAxEs A Dpaciatis CAKE! NEW KING SIZE MARGARINE—REGULAR INSTANT COOKING481`.°,1:::3E WISIVE CAKE VD!. moNiuttn OIRANGE JERSEY CREAM CRACKERS E E A-E itcAT 170 "IC CEREAL Gila' FLORIDA SWEETENED CITRUS JUICE—.L. WM. HOIIS,EY Boxim litg: MO OATS ' 390 2 lig. 290 4:::335100 1290 TINS BLENDED 26,0z. 290 10 -6z 296 BAKING SUPPLIES I -La 330 DOMESTIC SHORTENING FIVE ,ROSES FLOUR at 53C: DRIES ag: 230, CHERRIES tit4: 370 WIEWRIO 69c LIt POLY BAG 1