HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-10-02, Page 4nE 4111' i*`lAe WMahan* ;R dv, s. , ne %alveola,, 1sA' FOR; SALE.. MEAL --G MEAT FOR S _A,E . . opd .beef' by the quarter. Killedunder lectin e sc. from Dept. of Health Yearling .heifers,: Top quality. Loves prices. iiaynard Ackert, Ripley phone 24r30, 17rrb MILD, FILTERS for sale -"Rapid x'io", 6 -inch, 79c;0 6% -inch, 85e. Alexander's Hardware. lrth .ANNEX FOR SALE -Fully enam- tilled. Also. White Singer sewing rnachine. Phone 348W1 14 -INCH MAPLE and beech body 0 w od for sale, Also 2% -Year-old purebred Shorthorn bull, Apply to Bruce Keith, Teeswate>r phone 89r12 --i ', 25,2* SEE7iThe Newest Patterns in floor Coverings, Inlaid• --6' width, em- bossed-4aspe Moire patterns..- TheW gall a er 'Shop. p 2b 'WILSON'S and Hc/ward's Fly Bait fosale,. 24 oz, tin .79c at Dob- so 'sVStore Wroxeter. 25:2b la 2 GIRLS' and MISSES, fall coats, com• plete range of •sizes. Girls' 7- 12 and Misses 10-14x in smart. e ., `an ". tw d d. wool from 08.95 >~ s 4to s�?7,t;g1 At Carmichael s. 2b NINE=PIECE. dining-roomsuite foreyae, Three-piece chesterfield suite:-, ; in excellent condition. c Phone 329. 2:9b NORGE, SPACE HEATER for sale.: Good condition. Cheap. Phone 603J after 6 p.m. 2* GIRL'S .COAT SET for sale; beige 'th brow.A, size 5, Good .eondi- + .:tion;. phone 703J1. 2b i YOUR PENNIES work for "you, TWO of any item listed on ,our, Sale Bill for the price of one Ohs 1 penny. MONDAY, TUES-' DAY, .WEDNESDAY; THURS-. DAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, October 21st 26th. More than 275 tt argains to choose from. McKih- 'ons,••'The Rexall Drug Store, 2b „ is`giUSED FURNITURE` >NE THREE-PIECE Chesterfield ;§•lite; one two-piece Chester - #1 d> suite; buffet, table and six ,c hairs- in Walnut for sale, See ,• 4't11,sei tor items at Walker's Home 'urns e Win ham g 2b 1 HELP the student in your family to.better marks and more effi 4'i-efent4 notes: The new Smith- ci ir6ha"portable typewriters pro- vide the very finest in compact, lisa�4ate typing equipment, 5`' cibed 'Irons $75.00 up. Ask for a free • trial • at The Advance- , tines- office. Phone 34, • DL;.t hard maple body and limb 4•131, fcitsale. Apply Raymond ermath, phone Wroxeter :31=5, `•2* CbNGOLETJM-Rexoleum and felt base;'16^•'91 12. widths. A pattern aro olor for every room, The aper Shop, • 2b BEFORE., YOU BUY a vacuum cleaner, or • floor polisher --call fed Reyrioldsf'for a FREE Home demonstration, See Electrolux;. Ca,nada's;''inest, phone • 64011, r tt ;r - rrb TURQUOISE NYLON Snowsuit for sale, size; 2, Good condition; Reas- onable, Apply to Wilbert •H'odg- lriin,;phone 538w. 2b ausicrbD+,,l ., , SPECIAL -TUNE-UP, Regular $8.50, $2,95, Any model or uatte W, Haselgrove, phone, 732w, 2,9b HAVE YOU PROBLEMS WITH; -your packaging? Magic Marker iszlithe••-•„ari'SWer for all larger addresses and general. lettering. Available at The• Advance -Times in several colors. No pen to fill, It& ,dries instantly, Felt point erVariety pmits' o£ lettering etyles $1,10.• ' NORGE SPACE HEATER for sale, nearly new. Cheap. Apply to Mrs. George Dayy Gorrie, e* BLU NYLO • l� N bunting bag for sale Pink all -wool Goat leggings Oat, ggs g and botrnett set, site 2 years. Phone 684, 2* GIRLS' lhied dentin Jeans for the. h idol fall days, sizes. 34, Special 42:60 at Carrriicliael's. 2b 22 ft CABIN 'TRAILER orsa'le; , hew, Apply to ,firer Thompson, •Bltiewaie. . . lb STIFFER/NG >*ro n .•„ :X3, Stands for frayed belts -we dart' supply a wide range elf belts Ord pullets iztade tZ put drive: into n utrl', �' li rte tr, We have a full. .stock of A and twidth holt)* arid pulleys, feat rubber drive ,rit're . .r. .. re � ua Stas b aw i2A dura, , STEEL hot Water, tank with eon- trols for sale, Phone 738W. 2* VIKING Cream ;Separator for sale; four years old. Good condition,' Reasonable, .Apply tO. W. A. Hal - int, phone 5442 T.eeswater, 2* HALL TREE, small chest of draw'- ers, hand floor polisher, three White kitchen chairs, quilting flames, ;two Gard tables, two bed outfits, small rug 40x26; electric iron e iron, mirror 30x10 inches, small eleetric heater,, window drapes. W Phone 1' n 33 . 2b EVERY BUSINESS needs a sec- ond typewriter, The Smith- Coruna portable is the easy -to- move .machine which fills .a vital spot when you are rushed for time or pressed for space, See the new .Smith -Corona today at The Advance Times office. Phone 34. EXTRA! EXTRA!' ,There:are big bargains: for„everyone.:at your. 1061 Rexall Drug Store during. the REXALL FALL ONE CENT SALE. Two for the price of one; • plus only lc. Over 275 bargains to choose from. MONDAY, TUES- DAY, WEDNESDAYI THURS- DAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, October 21st. 26th. '1vIcKibbon's, The Rexall Drug Store. 2b PRIVATE SALE Furniture and Household. Effects. 1957 Automatic Philco Refriger- ator, 30” New Moffat. Electric#,. Stove, Walnut :Dining room suite, Studio Couch and matching chair,: 2 beds complete, washing machine,:' clock, iamps, pictures, . drapes, 2 carpets (6x9), mats, tubs, pails, garden, tools and chairs. NuYnerous' other articles. A11 In excellent condition. Please nophone calls. Mrs, Marjorie Beattie, Gorrie, Ont: REAL ESTATE 20 ACRE' FARM for sale, 1'4 miles from Wingham. Apply to A ZigorS,` RA< 2 Wingham, .' 25,2* COTTAGE for sale on Albert, Street, Wingham. Five room: cottage and garage. Situated on good lot. Must be sold to'. close the estate of the late Mary Jane Reid, For further particu- lars contact. Crawford & Hether- ington. . ' • 25,2b• BUILDING LOT for sale, north end of '• Leopold Street. Any Size required., Ideal for residence for excellent garden; Apply Frank Edgar, Wingham: 2 FIVE ROOM frame house .for sale. Imitation brick siding, cement. basement. Situated on fifth acre hof land in the village of White- church. Apply to Elroy Laidlaw, phone Wingham 628w1. 2b, FOR SALE OR RENT' HOUSE FOR, -SALE or rent on North Street,, Heavy duty wir- ing, furnace, 3' -piece bath, mod- ern cupboards. Possession im- mediately, Apply to Mrs.. Velma Vint,Goderich, phone' .1061. • 18,25* DEADSTOCK WANTED DEADSTOCK removed" promptly for sanitary disposal, FREE pick Up On larger animals, reasonable collection charge for small ani - trials. Rhone collect Wingham 378; Palmerston 1231v, or Dur - hurl 308. Gordon 'Young Lin•►ited, Grrb; DEAR STOCK: Picked up prompt- ly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made for animals under 500 lbs, ' total, Phone collect, Wingharn. '561J, ,S4rrN27 MISCELLANEOUS IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for all risk coverage? For information phone 293, Stew- • art A, Scott, Winghain. 2'rrb STEWARTS O A. SCOTT can now saVe you. 15%a on your,„car o'r truck i ura r ns nee.. Yearly 'Of SIX inonths policies are available. Special rates for farmers, .For further information .phone' '293, Wingham. 29rrb SAI.IITARV SEWAGE DISPOSAL septic tanks, cesspools, „.cellars, etc,,. pumped and cleaned, quick se !vice. All work guaranteed, Apply Louis. Blake,. phone 42r6,, Brussels: 15rrb I3 WATERLOO CATTLE ,AT. Breeding Agdociatioli "Wher .Better Built Are Used”. "For artificial In-. . u seitmination information or ser,'' Vice' front all . breeds of cattle, tisane TheWateIo0 Cattle Breeding Association at,, Clinton' 2.3441 Or Mildmay 130r12 be- tween 7.30 and 9,30 w.m. We have: all. breeds :avallablc-Top quality at low cdllirt° .gob CQMING E!'Fa1vT$ YOU'VE RIED THE REST, T nov tryth best o "s r e es . for Aare lbs and sauerkraut .on Wednesday, Fri- day and Saturday everting; Com- rneroial hotel, Formosa. od12f57 LEGION BINGOS will be held in the Council Chambers every Pre-. day night, Sponsored by the Ladies' ,Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion,, Turkeys for spec- ials. CErrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWOOUNG MILKING COW X M K IN S for sale. Apply to. Allan Barnard, Biuevale, phone Brussels 71r26. 2' YORK SOW for sale with second litter of 11 pig; Week old., Apply to Robt. Moffatt, phone 632.12. 2* SIX head of Durham Stockers for sale, around '700 pounds., Apply to Ernie Harris, .phone 30x3, Wroxeter. 2* FIVE HOLSTEIN Heifers for sale. '. Due to •freshen in, October, .vac- cinated. Apply to Harry, Bateman. < ' 2b. 16 .CHUNKS of PIC,3 for sale. Apply to Frank Stamper, phone Wroxeter 15r20. 2* POULTRY FOR SALE , ,200. RED -SUSSEX and Hamp pul- lets fox sale, 5',4 months old. Ap- ply to Ben McClenaghan, phone .402J1. •2b HELP WANTED CLERK WANTED for grocery store. Experienced preferred. Phone 5834. 2b' -FEMALE` HELP WANTED STENOGRAIHER:needed by Wes ,tern Foundry Company Limited. Write, or arrange appointment by phone, 2b WANTED SOME.ON'.E With tractor and trail- er or pickup truck to deliver coal by the ton. wanted, Part time; Apply, to A. ,C, Adams, phone 40. 2b' EMPLOYMENT WANTED RESPONSIBLE WOMAN desires invalid or baby-sitting afternoon. or evenings.• Phone 478: ,2b; LIGHT housework_ or babysitting wanted, day or night. Apply to Mrs, Gwen Adams, phone 535W. 2b•' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY • HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITt. Good Rawleigh business • noW available ,in Huron County, write for information, Rawleigh's Dept, J-453-922, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real, Que. • ' - 2b STRAYED STRAYED to the fariii of Sheldon Mann, lot 14, ,con; 4 • Howick about July. • 15th,. a black heifer weighing about 650 lbs, Owner to prove. ownership and pay expen soa, 2*. ALCOHOL EDUCATION During 1057, 13,000 , students (Roman Catholic d P a r otestant t n ree ivinformation e eci about the alcohollprOblent in 96 .school As-. sentbliea and classroom . periods, conducted by the Ontario Temper- ance i e p`ederation, During the ,first HALF 62 1.057, an equal numbor have had similar instriietlon. In beery case these lessons 'have been sponsored by local educational and: ministerial bridles. • w ' 1800 young people •throughout Ontario; last year attended sooiai nights proQmoted ;by the Federation, in co -Operation with local leaders, 1,70,000 leafleta, patnplilets; books,. posters and- other Material Were distributed from, the Federation Library, There were 150 entries in essay and scrapbook contests prtsllioted through,tha Advocate, Seltrre 90O Min programs wore put. an n • h circ t C h, school and corkrtriUn- ity .groups, T'wo of the mot .effect; lee 'films are ',Alcatel is, Dyria3l'tite" and "l~''ar Fro* Alone. ,ey1Vls,�t ait ��'y . of Otte ;ooilrttryy s alo6li'olicet treed, never have been addicted heti they known• the dater er algkiala early" in litew"t, Dr, Be1l,..Pireetor• of ;Shadowbroolt Health Fotu►dation �-• Adm A11lIii3imusT S RVIcE 1 , U TES T E•� ,r 1;TLA. J. i - �• C W g ham, , Safe, courteous Service, Phone Day, 51; Night, 71.6 'dr 636. o 140 CARD OF:THANK 1 wish • tothank all those who sent me cards, letters, flowers and gifts and to the neighbors for :tieing so kind. ThAnIrs to Dr. W. A. Mc- Kibbon and Dr. B, N, Corrin and the• nursing staff and to Branch No. 180 of the'Legion for the use of their wheel chair.- . ,fra. i3i11. Hogg: 2b CARD OF THANKS , MrS. George A, Beattie wishesto sincerely thank her friends and neighbors for their thoughtfulness and expressions of sympathy dur-• Ing' her 'recent bereavement. . 2* CARD OF THANKS' I wish to express my .thanks to Drs. W. A. Crawford: and A,wD, McMurchy and to Mrs. I. Morrey and • he staff of nurses for their kind and constant care while 1:,.was a patient in the hospital. To those who sent flowers, cards and treats and to the relatives and neighbors who, helped so much at home a very sincere "Thank You", -Mrs, Norman Coultes. 2 CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who sent cards, , treats, flowers and visited me while 1 'wast a patient in Wingliarn Hospital. Thanks also to Dr, W, A. McKibbon, -Mrs, I. Morrey and all the nursing staff. -1 - Mr; Orville Tiffin. 2b 'CARD OF THANKS Mrs, A; ..L, Stephens and famiI'y wish to sincerely thank' their'rela- tives, friends . and neighbors' fqr their thoughtfulness and many kind deeds, for the floral' tributes'" $td expressions of empathy during their bereavement, A special thanits to Rev.°W, J. V. Buchanan, the Businessmen's Association and the Moir funeral home, . 2b ' NOTICE. TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ' PRICE, ALEXANDER SCOTT ' ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate o£ the above mentioned late : of the 1'own of' Wingham, County of Huron, Car- penter, . who died on. the 31st day of ' August, i957, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or ,before the nineteenth day of October,. 1957, After that date the executrix will 'proceed to. distribute the estate having regard only to..the claims of which she shall then have had notice, DATED :at' Wingham this 26th a'ay.02 ,:See enibe1., 1057: ' CRAWFORD & HETHERING`IrON Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for the Executrix. o2:9:16b NOTICE TO CREDITOIIS IN THE ESTATE OF EVA /IA/4E 'BOLT 'ALt, PERSONS having clam's: against the estate of the abo$`e mentioned late of the Town of. Wingham:, in the County of Huron, Spinster who died on the 6th day of September, 1957,: are required to file probf of sante With the under- signed on or before the'1.2th day Of O f etober, 1957 •, After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to g Y the claims of which they shall then have had notice., DATED at Wingham this 19th day of September, 1057: t.iRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. ' Solicitors for the Executors. •525, O2:9b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE -OF EDWARD' MARTIN' ALL- PERSONS having cieiriss against the estate of the above mentioned late of the Tbwri Of Winghanl in the, County 62 Huron, Labourer,,whr, died on the' twenty- seeond day of'Attgust, 1957, are re-,- (wired e-quired to file 'tweet 62 same with the undersigned en or before the fifth day of Oetoberl` 19577. After that date the AdmUi.' Istratrlx will pro4ed to :dlitrlbute'. the estate having regard only to' tile* eltdri s 6f which she shall then have had notfs':'e, DAT111i' at Wi'ngh'atn this 14th day 6f Setterllher, 1961. CR WFOR ,[i ti tirtititttsiVr OIC' irigh'am, ()hustles aoiloitors for the Ad trinlstratrilt: 14,211,'2i r't11M'fd1111YiY,' IP,, +,,.. . - 4.4 TOO LATE TO OLASS>T'X USED SUNSHINE babybuggy for g sale, Condition' excellent. 'Call 302w, Wingham, APPLES FOu SA1C.E Ma NTOSFI and Cortland, ,31.75 up to $3.Q0 per bushel for • choice; bring own .containers. Spies and Delicious, available after October 10, .Bice Bros. orchards, 2 corn- ers s south of Brusseira� one_ m(le. east, :Storage at roadside, Phone 42r8 Brussels. , o2rr23* Colmrnunity Plans Fo T r lr, � key Supper BELC,�RAVE-=.At a public Meet ing in the Belgrave : eemmunit arena, September. 21st., it was de aided 'to hold the forthcoming an nual turkey supper, The. foliowi. were named to the various tenta `tive committee, The first named t be chairman, with power•to add 't their com mittees - General chairman; Q. W.Hanna turkeys, Geo; Cook, Stewart r Y, ar Poe ter; table; Ken Barber, Don Camp bell, Gordon ,McGee, "'Jerson Irwin John Nixon, Norman Cook; tickets Alex McBurney, C. R. Coultes, Mar tin Grasby;' seating, J. R. Coultes Fred Cook; • Jesse Wheeler,.Jac McCalluml ticket collectors, We Cook,`;Iixn McCallum,'Jim Lamon Geo. Griggs: Decorating, Mr. and; Mrs. Ros Robinson, Cliftoh Walsh; Mrs. Clif Purdon, Geo, Johnston, Mr: an Mrs, Ralph McCrea, Mrs. Laura Tphnston;,potatoes and.-turnips,a R.tAnderson, Harold Walsh,'D Armstrong; Ross Robinson; stoves Mason -Robinson, Leslie Bolt, ,Roy Robinon, Gord Bosman,.Don .Petr gaily; program, Simon Haliahan, Rev; Krug; Mrs. Walt Scott, Mrs. Cleo. Michie, Mrs. G. R, Anderson, Miss Nora•`VanCamp, L. Vannan; carving, Albert Vincent R. H. Coulter`, ';Lyle -Hopper,, L. Stone- house ,gravy, Mrs. Lyle Hopper; Mrs; Cecil 'Chamney, • Mrs. Robert Higgins, Mis. ` Herb .Wheeler; Miss Stella Nethery; coffee, Mrs, Fred Cook, Mrs. Jesse Sheeler, Mrs: Jack Anderson, Mrs. Joe Dunbar;.tur- key room, Mrs. C. H, Wade, O. • E, Taylor, Dan Hallahan, Mrs. Cliff Purdon. ;;Lines committees, 3rd Morris, 2 tables, Mrs. =J, M. Coultes, Mrs, Stanley Hopper; 4th Morris, 2 tab- les,,Mrs, Js R. Coultes, Mrs. Leslie Bolt; 5th Morris, 2 tables, Mrs. Earl Anderson, Mrs. Clair VanCamp; 10th . Wawanosh, 2 tables, Mrs. Lloyd Montgomery, Mrs. Norman Coultes; 9th Wawanosh West, 1 1 table, Mrs, Calvin Robinson, Mrs. C, P. Chamney; 9th Wawanosh West, 1 table;.Mrs; O. G. Anderson, Mrs. Athol, Bruce; 6th Wawanosli, 3 :tables, Mrs, Ivan Wightni.an ,Mrs: 0; Rath, .I4Irs Lewis. Cook, Mrs:: Maurice. Hallahan; BelgraVe, 4 tables; Mrs, Rarp'h McCrea, ' Mrs. Cliff Purdon, Mrs. Mack Scott, 1tlrs, . Harold Walsh, ' Mrs. Don Campbell, Mrs, L, Valuta; Mrs, Cliff Logan. • ng 0 0 k: 5 t,: s f d Y GOLF BRIDGE There was three tables in play at, the golf briage held last Thurs-. day, afternoon. Winners -were: Firsts" Mrs. R. A, Coutts,' socond,, Mrs, 4. V, Pym and consolation, MriS. J. A, Wilson. FINANCING CAR? Before you buy • ask about bur LOW Cost Financing Service with comlete P Insurance Coverage. STEWART'A. SCOTT Phone '293 Wingham 25rrb AliTET) Cashoaid iter Sick oi' pdead' tlia,ieil horsee or etiWi • Fete .pick-*sp ola mealier aflli al i Prompt aervtee with tVlrrci cgUlitped tritek1Y', Phone *LERO Y A• MESON �' C Atwood 153 collect 0* GEORGE114ISLOP LO Wroxeter :. r15 BIRTHS McKAGUE-In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday; Septem- 'ber 26th, 1,957, to Mr. and Mr:i Andrew ¥V,l'cKague, R.R. 2, Wing,, haft, a daughter.. CAMPBELL --In •Wingliann General. l*Iospital; oe Friday, ,September 27,. 1957, to 'Mr. and Mrs, Peter Campbell, R.R. 4, Wingham, >2 son, GETTY In Wingham' 'General i Friday, tat; on September 27, 1957, to Mx and Mrs. Murdy Getty, Wingham, a son.. JACEWIC2-In Wingham General Hospital, on :Saturday, ':Septem ber, 2$th, 1957, tp Mit. and Mrs., Anten Jacewibz, R,R. 2, Wing- ham; .a son. Mrs. P. D. King Dies atHo� pes , tal The' death of a ^Weil-lcnown. Wingham resident, Mrs, Peter D. King,- occurred at the ,,hospital here on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. King had been in failing health for_about ;a; ,year; Deceased was the former Mina Jamieson and was .born in 1,lowick Township 79 years, ago, She spent her earlier life at Fordwieh, marry ing Peter. D. King in 1901. They resided in Bluevale until moving to Wingham 20 years 'ago. Mr. King -passed.. away some years 'ago, She is survived 'by two nieces, Mrs, Pace; •, of Hamilton and Miss .A. Finlay of Brantford, ' Mother Dies At `Brussels Mrs, Wm; McMurray, •76, of Brussels, the forther Mary Ann, (Walsh, died. in Wingham General t Hospital, on' Saturday. She is sur- vived by . one son, Robert, , and one daughter, .Mrs, James , (AIberta) Smith; both of Morris Township; two sisters, Miss Bessie Walsh, of Wingham and Mrs. Minnie Apaw, of Lucknow; two brothers, Ed- mund, of Wingham, and Charles, of Saskatchewan. "Th‘ funeral was held 'on TueSday afternoon at • the home of her, son, Robert 'McMurray, Lot 2, Conces- sion 2, Morris Township. Interment • was made in' Brandon Cemetery, .'Belgrave, SNAKE'S TONGUE SERVES AS GUIDE As a snake moves along the ground its forkedtongue. will con tinually flick out and lightly touch the earth, According to the Book of Knowledge the snake's' tongue serves as an organ. of touch and aids in smelling, • WALKS BADLY, svviirrs WELL One of the oddest things about that odd creature; the sloth, is revealed in the current 'Book of, Knowledge -Annual, This animal,. so completely suited to life in trees, takes to water without hesitation, On the ground it teeters and floun- ders, but in the Water it swriis- with 2 a queer,' 'Overhead crawl stroke. -long distances at ai good pace. '# ■I - al. LEE'S TAXI 24-HOUR ' *SR VICE ' Wo never stop, including Sundays and :ilolidaye, , PHONE 1.851 �., • ft ill aiii- Western Feeder and Stocker CATTLE. s For S.ael-. In carload or part carload -bits,. T.JA"i''S 1 Ste `WItAT 1'O Anti latJ3zYN(#. HaroldFinley Ph ne* Wroxeter 261018; Helitnore IAA $4.95 Sturdily constructed 0' tubular steel.. Easily attached to. any spring. Walker al r Home Furnishings PHONE 100 ' WlNGEAM Vegetables! FCJs SAE ; 'T,A]f3IE BEETS, GIS atorS,1' 0,1W3AGP, TO11T.A'TOUS ONIONS SPANISH :ONIONS, PUMPIIINS JOUWS IA MARKET K . filiRDENS B Line • W:nliann . Phone 583 WARREN L. STEVENSON Real Estate Phone 325 1!/l®ucit : Forest, est, Ont. BRICK HOUSE �on'11trtha Street in Wingham, -,001cash APARTMENT HOUSE; Wingiranr,.' Ontario, Goptl Revenue,'' $10,000.00, $6,000.00 clown; . FARM,5 miles from Win;hinn, Ont., 65'acre; j0 workable, 9 room . Briolc House, Large learn, Illydro,, Maitlnnd ,Reber,, $8,500:00 Total asking Price: GARAGE AND. SERVICE STATION,Win ,iraur Ont Ter •` b ,: 1 , .,. rsfia Locatidn, ojien to `your inspection anti, to )'our: Offers. F,stablislhCd for years, HOUSE in Belgrave, 3 acre of land, 2 -storey, .drilled well, hardh. and soft water on t'ip, close to 'highway, school and churches, ,'We need your Homo, I1 arm " Business and Smnill Holdings. , Contact us'for Results. Agcrita cohering Western Ontario, Local Representative, Mr. John Finnigan, Diagonal Road, Phone 550 Wingham, Ont. �o�,in�n�o�n�.,.�A�..q�onio�a�so�o�..�y',t♦rI- NEW and USED MASSEY-HARRIS FARM EQUI.PMENT PLOUGHS, ONE -''AY DISCS, f, TRACTORS and OTHER , SEA S IV O AB L FARM EQUIP.IVIE114,; CHARLE ` H I WINGNAM. u�„nn01n.MIHneni1•l,an.t•niW41/bh4•;1.n.,1n,•Mnega„ag * :SVP /N 0U,P tor. LOOXATOUR CARS • L/STEN To OU! l/.4LUESa 'VDU WW/ONTF/NDBETTE, PERFORM/NG, LOWP.R/CFA. OSP CA C'SANYWNNEIPI '!NGHAM'Mo'roR$' Phone 139 'Win Ilam U and •�Pi'�• oPE . ssloNAI., DI ... �ET: � Y A,. H. SH !O TAV 'flM ISTE,k, SOtU:j'iCO1t . and NOTARY ,1f'1]Xf,LYil(7. TEESWATER, a ONTARIO .,Telephone 28' Tees Water Wroxetbr Lver1Y. Wednesday afternoon, 2-'•4 pan., Or ley+ appointment'. Frederick,F. oi'uthi, Ph; • RO Carol E. lioinuthj f6 q Mrs.iol ati.11bu to tai Otftssisttstos` lZw�r• 'Ro - � Np% 118. . 1l&rrli*ton, Ontario RA C WFORD & H EOERI N GT. N N � Barristers, Solicitors; Ete. Wingiiiain, Phone 48 f. IL CRAutFoffl ,. IL. S. Oka 111 BWVIIF'LYD�. t.C. li arrester Solicito"r Notar Etc, 141toney to Loan l7tfiLe Meyolr ISloek Wiiigha'm' WELLINGTON H llistttanee Company Est, 1840 . Atail tsatadian Cbintany *filch, ltii� aitlif polity 9 f ally litsrvecl tts• Ito t Y . 'iioitlers far rivet' .a cerrtirry‘ head Office a. Ter•tintir'. 1Et t , n •J ,. G lvi'a oI .aea rriaiyrat►eaA(fei(r+bp Whlthritri