HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-10-02, Page 2WA4vnoe,Times, Wedue{d yx 6040, 19
The:. news last geek that the
91* 4-
�► o of One area in Tt1r>R�beri .
l�ave made definite moves
soo �,1an for a swimming pool
park at the new bridge on, the ninth
concession is: one of the finest things.
we have heard hi a long time.
It is. not too sill' )'sin
p �', ' to
fii>di that towns and even villages
throughout estern Ontario are
launching °
into civic imp rovell,el�t
irogranis, for urban populations
have been strongly affected by" city
influences during the past ten years.
Community centres, 1
new parks and swimmingpools have
become reasonably commonplace
an hi rg;tovinls. in this region, Btit to •
learn that a group of citizens in a
coMpletely rural locality are
similar plans is a heartening sign...
In, this broad valley of the M;it-
lar dl•jwe have some of the most en-
trancing sceneryto be found any
placonirt' ntario. • Few rivers that
.'e';1t`" o �T ofin
w vt the whole `province
pi:ovide thevariety of landscape o t:
be found along the Maitland A.s.
Yet 'Very - little has been • done by
x .y b v
either .organizations or municipali-
� p
ties t.o: take advantage of the beauty
that, /as been lavished upon us by
T •
The lovely i'
e o }. l tele park at
'Go le anda very few other spots
a r otable exceptions.
e� •`
. a
ton I
y are the 'i'Lrrnberry
1 ,Settin out to create a most
�_, g st
oiiive park in .their own area,
bel; are pioneering what we
'they �. a
, what
w111be 1
ase es ot` -
sl1 h
c l
K o
jec.. all along the Maitland valley.
Dons of other bends and 'wooded
'sit4.1 along the numerous 'branches
of the river
offer equal opportunity
for eaut•ification. It -would ;not, be
at ll hard to locate fifteen other
poi f s whichwould lend themselves
ad ''rabl to a well-planned pro -
Y P .
til of improvement.
ornething we fail • to realize is
the interest which city people take
In In�ast any peacefttl section of
the countryside which is offered for
them" enjoyment ,and relaxation.
•Dwellers in both town and country
are teenly . aware of the benefits
whimcan accrue.when any one area
acgii res a reputation for•attractive
Da Jght saving 'tune," -to be or
not to'he, has always been a sticky*
probl ajj ii feelcomed by the urban
dweller it 1s abhorent.to many coun-
try rl"`) " . Unfortunately it creates
jus . on'e"'niore point on`wliich town,
and.farni folk may differ.
Months during which day-
ay1lgliline':prevails were badly chos-
en zx the first ,place. Fast time is .
chl#y beraeflcial to the office or
fact yvd zlker who wants all the
da I ;can get at the end of the
da or": cl ,'ores ° around' his • home.
If that is the object in mind daylight •
tim ould always have beenfrom
thele nd of May to the end of Oc_ •
tober, the period of the year during -
Which. the •w*tither petilaits outdoor.
This fall has seen the titter pay-
off, with''t11'e''decisionrfri Some places.
to go the extra; month and in others
to stick to the context of their by-
laws and change back', to standard
time at✓tt."h'e end of September..
fusion':reigi1s supreme, especially
where district high scho6l`s are conn-
Nett : eaf each urban, council
will `1 face the need to pass a _res'ty
lotion setting the months : dowing
Which fast time ,will prevail. Let 'us
hope that the public will, know at the
outset what to expect,
Tho inghat iAdv'alnce-Tim.1es
Prib�trtiie�e. st W1hgti n , ` fitiolo
Wort 'troths* Piibrldheroi
It►rry 'Weseer,. !'irttor
*•sfln'br!+ Mt1t *diem st Ctra;tirittisiii'
Atidiortaed <u *tone Oat 'm tvtr
�.y {1� 'tate De ' jam. �yyj1.y yi.y�urJ.� jy j�
Million'tatee w., *tit *too,.:01x iR ;ttift.
81410, ;len >i ni oe .
tear, A., 'r 4*
••$1 .0
dedvsrtisiiia itatrtt + i _atm
iters to those from the larger centres
who are seeking the blessings, ,of ;a
few hours in the open air,
We realize that the Tl t r.
committee s not plannino• to enter-
tain the poaulation of Toronto and,
that the park and swimming pool
will be chiefly for the use of the
•n -e residents,
ar by bel t .certainly such
a program of improvement carried•
to"its proper conclusion would be of
tremendous value to the entire area.
Tn the 'mealtime we would like to ,
assure the Turnberry people that
'The eAdvance-Times is wholeheart-
in favor of the new project and
will •do anything possible to assist
the committee)
On Priday the o ficial o p f peni
ng of
the new wing of•theWingghaln Pub-
lic School takes place another rile
s. totie.1l the history of education in
this. co Xinal•3ity.
A co 111
gd • to our articular
lights the science of education is still •'
oRen for vast -inproy,e)ent' which
in a systeni siich as, pairs, ,angst. of •
necessity come from a higher level.
• The physical aspects `of edtratio
n —
the`buildin buildings, teachers and•raterial
be supplied '.locally.' The
ing n-
rn this latest additionto the
provides des anle avid n e that the
people of Wingham and the ,hoard
they have elected are prepared to
provide whatever is necessary 'for
properlcon training, of the'children who
e destinies control
h d stlnles of ' our n �
tion -in the years to come. -
Yes, the cost is terrific but the
purchase .is a sound one. We know
of no other place in this community
where the Money shtiuld •be less be-
grudged. After all, the children 'are
not charity cases..They are: our own.
At eight o'clock on Friday even-
ing of this week the Wingham
branch , of. the. Canadian Cancer
Society will open in the local coun-
cil chamber. The people who have
for several years past carried the
responsibility of this organization
are hopeful that the attendance will
be better than in previous years.
Thouugh cancer threatens every
living human, anddespite the fact
that it is likely toclaimone out of
every eight: ' lives in the town '• of
Wingham;and its surrounding rural
area, the 'society which is dedicated
;to doing something practieal'a.bout.
the thi eat has received only token
support since its•,uiceptiorl/ We feel
:> that itiS, not ant actual lack of
:terest•whicii. creates .he'apparent in-
difference, but rather a trental
'block in the average human. Nero,
youwill recall, fiddled while Rome
The Canadian. Cancer' Society is
not an aggregation: of hypochon-
driacs gathered . to gloom over a
pessiliiistic future -=- but rather an
intelligent and thoughtful cross-
, section of the 'public. They are peo-
ple who are sensible enough to do •
something practical about a great
evil: The Cancer Society's first aim
is to acquaint -everyone with the sig-
pals •of impending disease and so
permit them to take •ren ediai action
in the early stages, when the disease
is readilytontrhlled. = •
The Second function of the soei-
ety is to'i; assist iii the work . of re -
',Starch and study which will softie
day ro tide a specific ans'w'er arid it
is hoped, sure-fire cure for Cite of
the most dreaded : of inarikitid':s erre:
Whether Of ilOt You have •vet
previously had anything to do with
the work d the Cancer : Society,
carpe Cert ter the town hall bit Priday
evening tend get into the fighting
fine, Providente is prone to help
those who help themselves,
The fol} n young l e .
Til. ow# � y # g' ani. s gra-
duated in stenography iaSt week
front the Spotton Business College;;
Brownie Swarts, 1VIar:i4ri
Fishe# Lucltnow; i✓velytr Bayes,
Dai yton, ,Ethel ''l elViue, Palmer,
stop, ,.
Several PeePle front,. to n lis tc
the itirm ,of W, ' ,'',E endel•son on
the 'Biuevale Road this week to
watch with interest the farm trac-
tor et work, The machine and the
men operating it are doing won>$ee4
fuI w,ork,..,it leeksli"itc tractor
farming i here to stay,
We are pleased '0' 100 that Pte;''
Ross M '
axWell Who Was'crep::reed, to:
have. been 'seriously "gassed has,
written to his rrioither and 'states
that leis condition is by no means
,•�:s .usual Wingham horses were:
much in evidence at the Luoknow'
Bair, R. A. Currie'.s hearse team
wen 'first and second for the best
carriage horses and they carried
off th'e special for .the best team
on the grounds. W. G. Gray, Levi
Lott and. John Fry's *horses ` were
also-. awarded prizes.
,;Were is a Call for all boys be-
tween '10. and 18 to .join the •Life
Saving, Scouts which, are about to
be 'organized by Capt. Martin, of
the,Wingham Salvation Army' Cita-
del r, '
0 --0 -•A.
The P lmexston Bow1ing .
•greenswere a.busy spot last
:night • when, a tournament • of
doubles took place, 'A • 1'o'cal •pair,=
Art 'Wilson and W. A. Miller, were
Successful in placing first,
A•meeting of, the, United Chnrch
badminton club was :held„ in the:
school room last Wednesday even-
ing. Last season was a very suc-
cessful one and after paying cur-
rent expenses gave the„church
profit of $60.00,
The knowing were elected offic-
President, ;J, M. MeKay;
Vice.president, Jean. Chrii
te; sec.-
treasurer, W. H.' k'.reneh;'tourna-
ment committee, Jack, Mason, Mrs.
G. W, HoWson'and Rae Thompson,.
A shooting ;Match is to be held
next-. week on Findlay McCallum's
faith, two wo � ile
m s east. of •Win ha
gravel on: the third line. of'm
ttr� r�fl r e airiiile Qt: tyle )litter" is recorded
U U'LL hy, the.; inerican Journalist, }Trow
Middleton tri a special 'article• in
ay t.;clvis Milligan thc; Liverpool l?aily 'Past; my old.
Sir Winston .CiiuroiiU bas eye} home -town patier'to which I:at one
been a anssteir phrase nahort but entire contributed, '1,
his choice,t, boa mots :have not, 41,„ The article' is entitled "Report on
ways been inane oil the spur of the the British,"
partizuarly on Briti
moment, He usua)* burntthe id, politics, whiehtiie Writer 'compar '
night oil in preparinghis s eeches.and often Contracts with American
An one occasion, While staying at 'politics, He Is,: repos tingeSp.ecia'lly
a friend's hofie during a .political his impressions . of .proceedings in
the House of Coninions, and the in-
e'ident in which Sir Winstpn ap-
pea'a occurred Burin` QUestion
1R+t.i8:i �d4.kie.l. Iw � .i
Th in& •aril of eSilori' are `.'t•
The J y �u s ,pu
by the -Opposition. Yn., the, hope..s#f•,
foewing public attention • on the
g . vernme is wealzne . es }` uGS�
tin Time.• is an excrtati�° peraod,ii4,
$aY.s Mr, Middleton, It was never..
before more so than tri the last:
d i !
a m n stnatio a x u n tori
ii, f Win s .
i h "i xi
Chu ill .. p
e lie yF
l.a, ,r>;ie riis e ,
arrned fwk) :lhe'politre 1i ,experience
of fifty dars, 'was a ` ' - action.
y �y in
One of kis last' memorable sallies
Was at the expense of Woodrow
Wyatt, ah earnest young Labor
M,P. What plans had the govern-
overnment, Wyatt asked, for 'exeayating
itself from London in the event of
atomic attack? Sir Winston regard.,
ed him owlishly, `Surely; the Hon-
orable Member does not wish rime to.
take the bread out cit the mouths•
Of the Soviet secret service," `;be.
That Or mLL of
a may ay n )lave been
an impromptu `retort, for advance
not'iee ,.Must be given of, a1J 'im-
portant; a• White .
question s. o visit
,�. n..,
to England after the cl,sel.of the.
last r,iwhen'.the'L-abor"'Goverrr+.
merit was. is .,power, T ;was si tint•
M the 'i Strh.n ors' `:.iGidller bf�,th
g' � e
House,of .Cor�imons during Ques
on rrie.� One 'of tiro questions
earnpaign, be was 'beard walking
the floor of itis rooi#i rehearsing, a
speech he was to deliver the next
da'y, : it iludin p
t'se' ole lire#b +
t, les:
and sudden flashes Of. wit that
brou ht flowxi the )301 0, A preOious
e shooting ti
o ng wi11 comi'rionee at
2 p,m.
Arthur Henderson, who won the
talealrn Scholarship at Queen's
University, also ranked • for six
,other scholarships which reverted
'tp students of other schools.
Mr, George Patterson, who seine
years ago was Agricultural Repre,
sentative for this district, had been
appointed to the l3ee Growers' As-
sociation ,on the• Marketing Board
in England,
Fii+rule N 'YiC+.rAns ,AGO
Mr • a''
s, Ilenr ,y Ross s ha's'. , r eceived
word that lier„son Baroid has ar-
rived overseas. He is, the third of
this family to be serving in Engem
land as his father and brother
Henry are there also,
• There was a;spgndid' attendance
at the Rally Day service held by
St, Andrew's Sunday School, , on
Sunday afternnn'n last, The super-,'
intendant, Mr. R. H. Lloyd, ' twas,.
in charge- The Scripture ,Jessen
was read by•e llOn and,
�essn. Ciel a d a d,
Iona Henderson sang a sole.was about A court, judgment en passed
nt pa
The falling of snow carly,Monaaauri; �u giny. on a roan who hadpoured boiling
morning is a,gentre reminder' that water on raltfii ih tin
e a @ d ddrgli�� rn
ti1d roan winter isn't far :away. An trap: Churchill. titin, j k7dpn sat in
o]d timer made, the remark that• the 1 -Opposition ben h
r. c , lout neither
snow in :Septembers heralds a fine of them'• took any' part ii1 the die-
October. Here's,. hoping he is right, cussion, Judging' by the ei preesiod
The snow was not the, variety that on their faces tiieywere not worry, n -
nakes a white bla tet as it
ing about rats 'Iminedia,tely after
appeared' as it fell. the question period Prime Minister
It has .,been announced by the Attlee rose t announce the goy,
Teeswater Fall Fair ' Board :that ernment' i? n
s decision to .'withdraw•
Col, George A. Drew, Conservative from Egypt and he read a long
leader for Ontario will officially”" document setting forth theb terms
open the Teeswater Fair this year. of the evacuation.
The Fair dates 'are October 6th and Mr.. Churchill rose and protested;
7th, • thathehad"not been given enough
Thei a i
Wngh rn Vire Brigade have time to'study the document, He de-
-for some' timet now been looping mended an; open -debate on the
after the salvage, Collection :.here. matter in' the presence of
,Theit latest doriationto-,the theRed MinisteriLev h , Mi Ehvili ii '
Cross Society was for'` $300.00.' Paris "'''saidy'llq;i.Attlee. '7s there`
(Tltaaalts to Ruth 15erinott,
daughter Of Mr. 'acrd Mrs, Roy
.Bennett, ' seen in Oda Week's
Safety tip feature)
le .i in e, cabinets are
but sometimes they can'be too handy. • Pills, medicines and p0isoriw
otos items should never he 'keptp in a -cabinet that 'a child'.can reach.
Many bathrooms to -clay are equipped with various types of step
stools or platforms to allow children to use the basin more 'easily.
Sometimes- With the Mid of these it is ,a,sim'1le matter.to•reach•and'
s r P
eitplore a medicine. chest,'
Inform yours child that pills and medicine• must not be taken artless
administered by, an adult. ,It's wise tb have all harmful substances
clearly marked so that even a grownup will not 'make -a mistake.
Best of all ...'keep the dangerous items where the children 'cannot
possibly ;find them.
441. e r A rei".lnren i .. U nr PU pPl , , i e 1( Pule►y,NlitrP,el49NniliA[IeitrfiixelPe!tit,1lerret11x1�.Grilrii,rri41l1.itl
r.,.ri to
8X Roy. ,", Pawl #r, 15•14••
The Bible eUpaada piil
, SY *
A le aiF:m• seund" filar xi# :eolour
entitled .For Every Man' has been
released by the British :and For,
etgn Bible Society in Canada, and
will be shown by the district see
retaries of the, 14 l}uxiiiarios in this
country.t 4
The film, which shows the Bible
Society at work in . Canada, w e,s
produced by the Rev, 1. 1, Heuer:
isp`*4¢4the fourth film
that Mr, Htota euer had .spade for the
Bible,,,;Secigt,b n<,295Q.his,,fir&t•forn
"Frontiersmen') received honorable
in` the "REM ilei •$elm
r ; i
e�I �
7sX$ y
, a
Since 19 , x, Heuer has been
district' seereLary' fax North Al.
berta for the Bible eeeiety, Zyit.
November he will move: to the mat..
tonal office ;in Toronto to 'devote
hi uii . - o the work of • ,.
s f_... tune t h f 1'rp
during audiovisual materials for
'the British and Foreign Bible $.pth,.
iety ire Canada,
Suggested Bible HeMlinl
Wednesday, I Sa:rriuei 15:12-31•
Thurs.'tlay, I'Samuel'1.6:1,- 3; Friday,,
2, Samuel 12;1,5.23;' Saturday, Mat.,
thew. W1.,-,251 Sunday, Matthew
2:2646;, 7trohday; Matthew 20:47-
'Z0.'141000, '>; Thessalonians 4:148,,
The .33rd annual, London Confer;.
ence Young People's Convention
was held 'at St.: Paul's tJnitdd
Church in Aylmer' during the tweak-
'end, , :'About 400' young people were.
present from the, nine•• presbyter
les of• Algoma Elgin, Essex; Huron,
Rent, Lambton Middlesex, Oxford
and Perth: The home presbytery
of .Eigin led• the way, with 78 re-
Friday evening was •get,acquaint-
e ti 'r:,,�i ",'•t`rh is tiati n in ifi
d r?}erx,:,i;' �i�iil. bei 5 p r sP:' . �?
rxeereat .p«apa weicone by,' Rev.
, is 3d ilia'? a.
On; Satu� a y ivirri lig the young
eo le'• ]y'ie
p p '�re •• ivided into , distils-
si�ln g>;oups,, where they, discussed
"Worship: How, When, Why?" In
no _long . distance telephone to
Paris?'' questioned Mr. Churchill
One wonders .whether }Churchill
and• Edein at that moment .foresaw'
what' has since happened in the
Suez and the Middle East asar
suit of what they then believed was.
an abortive birth- of Egyptian in
dependence.' •.
he afternoon they wc
ii$ on tours
Canadian CanilerS, Pineeroft pot-
te>iesCarnation ¥ilitcompany,
Jan Verdun Dairy, '1`.. J. .Hume
Farm or Radio ,Station CHL) in
,St. Thomas.
On :,Sunday morning a commun-
ion service was field, following
which 'the yoang people attend
the regular ,service, In the afte
noon Rev. G; x?ickeil, of Darciies,.-
ter conducted the installation ser.,
vice. The offleers for 01958 are;
President,* Hugh' Baird, Bright;
vice -pees,' Bruae Dowliirst, Sault
Ste, Marie; 'sec,, Gloria Clayton,
Stratford; :treas., icon Wilspn, Wa-
terloo; and. ,tib fo1l4 .ln , , convent-
ers: Faith and eiangelism. Glen •
Duff, Corinth; stewardship - and'
training, i AIL arie1'i. Davis,, , trdtfgrd;
citizenship thio community service;
., . , •.,
Olive Jefferson, `Fullaiton; misslans
andworld 'outreach', Bill 'outreach'," ft s
lit ,, ., i ,w uer
Brussels,; , recreation.: ;and cti.Iture,
Ken "VVilsori; Bright;'lehderslifp ei-
ucation. Bruce, Tuck, .Sault: Ste,
o h"
Handicapped e
a a d at
Ciippled . Children's : Fund, the
Canadian Junior Red Cross pro-
vided* treatment for 2,058 children
in 19516.'
LD.A. Weekly Specials
Hydrogen '•PEROXIbE �:•
8 andl.6'oz;'- ,Peg. 19c, ;2e,'!16or s..,.... 39C
, , i '. i.
Fast relief for headache -• 300's, reg. 89e . },,,•,�
Lady Esther' Four Purpose Cream Y 4 1 i
Reg $1,75 `size Jar u . . , #„r,i...: J
.:.,,.pep • .a., xi .
4 and 10 oz. ,reg., 40e, 75e €
WHITE RAIN 710c OFF” Special<!; 65c.
Reg 75c bottle for .only
Note size ,.; for .:
c 59
Letter 'size
13C,,Z forC
it. a...,t— • C ' c . 18
J,ili.o,.islitotmecromouamottr "0.1,.0,
Akl: 'li
arbett ire tibet'
erbitefi', :M .
ttobex 6t1f 1657
Guest Speaker Sr. Maj. L. 'Collins of Galt
II a.m.'-- Holiness Meeting
7 p.m. Salvation Meeting
s`titttttinNtitihili,,,,,„ee,,,,,ivi,, N,, ,,, wtinmii,i,,,Ib'4itPtllrll',iirte,„
aut'g Orwfl.,Urtl
+' i 1t.ev. C' r jobnson, 1. 't'h1 •- Rector
•W; M'
.. :...:... - • Organist
I'S& 'Sunday .. after Trinity,
11,(0} alit fb:. .'
h�ol Coninittn
y loll.
2130 p in. S tn.day School
• 7100 p.nr. 1. vening Prayer
Theirs,, Oct, 3 --at 3,00 p.in.>`-,••.Sento- W.A. at the
y •ectyo�ry', t
'Oct, 5th at 3,(W ,rri. -Little Helpers' Ser-
vice and party.