HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-10-02, Page 1toi ewspaper, orrie I/if:1We and' Wroxetei, News ,With amalgamated .the „.. -9NTAIlltOp OCWRFK, jp,oi ALONG THE MAIN' DRAG 'me, 'Pedestrian NEED HELP--The trykres twe er- ; ganisations for girls, the Brownies .,, and the `Girl Guides, seem to 'he hireling along with a distinct need' for leaders. An appeal for helPers. went out, a week or so ago, but at the time of writing few folks hav,e come 'forward effering assistance, it would be a vIry great shame if theSe",excellent youth organizations town were to pass Porn the CORPORAL E. MITE HONORED BY FRIEN A sports plan, whereby every boy and girl intown will. have an op- portunity to play hockey, went a „stage further last Tuesday evening, when members of the Wirigham, branch Of the Canadian Legion voted to go along with the idea' ,of' establishing a four-month heek- tY season for the youngsters, The plan which was „outlined by Comrade William Conron, town council member and chairman 'of the town's' recreational council, al- though still in the blueprint stage, Is designed to give children from 8 tp 12 years of age and juniors from 12 •to 16, hockeY Practice' ses- sions and genies in the Wingham arena, COmrade conron said the recrea tion council wanted the Legion's• support in the organising of the new sports setup. The support, he explained; ,would mainly involve manpower, the supplying of man- agers and :coaches for the teams, "It Is our intention to have every boy in town—and girls if they are On Tinia,Sday eVerling 'igat :in. the Wingham Argiouriee,,Mayor E, McKinney ,of VVinghami proie44 • a elume-plated smoking stand to Corporal Charles Salter of the •On- tario ProVineial Police, as a token' of esteem fram the town. coveral Salter left ;this week to join the Provincial Pollee detachment in Kitchener. . ' The presentatiem was made be- fore a, Withering of Wingham police• effiCials, buSinessmen of the town 0,14 friends of Corporal Salter. The latter has been engaged in lice work for the Past 14 years. A native of Exeter, he spent four , years at Dlyth as a member of the county police force and then trans- forted to Wingham with the Pro- vincial Police. Constable G. C...„IVIank of the Guelph detachment, has been trans- forted. to Wingham to succeed' Cor- poral• Salter, SCOUTS:ANDr .GIBS ATTEND .-.1iMB-fiREE R. E., McKinney, mayor of Wingham, is seem here Making"a presentation to Corporal Charles Salter at :4 farewell function held last Thursday evening in the WinghaM armouries. • Police officials, businessmen' and town council members were present to see Mayor McKinney 'hand over a chrome-plated smoking stand.to Corporal Salter*, who left this week to take up police duties'in,Kitchener.—Advance-Times photo.; Fame of. eache's. -Saskitooll:, ft- ely in- ie est in* by ro- de, th- in oft ver 0. Family Gatherg for 95th Birthday Mrs, David Kennedy,' 'of White- church, celebrate& her 95th birth- day on Tuesday of this week At her home. Mrs; 'Kennedy was born near Seaforth, but has lived in White, church since she was ag years old. She married the late David Ken- nedy in 1882. He died in 1937. Of their eleven children seven are still living. , Mrs. Kennedy Was formerly Jane Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fisher. ; Although she has been confined to her 'bed for the past two years, Mrs, Kennedy is still keenly inter- ested in church.' and community affairs. She is a member of the Whitechurch Presbyterian Church 5 Marvin Howe' Sworn in' as M.P. 15 Marvin' Howe, of Arthur was re- cently Sworn in as Member of Par-' liament for • Wellington-Huron by Hon. Leon RayMenda clerk* of the. EAR #A111;Y:TOR.N. BY :C9IINIIC011.,:. 0 —0 - () ' RAIN CI-3(ECK--We' noticed a • Water-finder at work lust off ,;the Alain drag this Week. He was Harry Lewis, of town and using* two welding, rods, he was locating underground' water ,mains, 'Water ,:divining' • 'is one of these strange things which just • doesn't; Seem' to, work for everyone,.:A friend," of,' ;ours who trieththeirods found, they Worked fine;although he had tried , • unSuccessfullye tbefore .•with• the 'more •usual - twirl:Binning rod:. 0 0 '0F5' FOR THE NORTHI-Nor-; man Keating, whoehaS ,been. ern-. ployed by McGill 1Radio., and. TV ,SerVice ifor the past four or five Years, has resigned his position and leaves shortly for Ellie& Lake, Norm' is familiar. 'and Popular figure around the main drag,,hav- ink been employed for several years with the PUC before joining Joe McGill. '• .0 0-0 INNOCENT TYPE—The snake which aroused some curiosity after It 'was discovered by Mrs, Harold Wild . ein her garden last„,week tureed .'out to be a milk make, a. non-poisonehs *type. It was thoughi • at first that the reptile. Might have been a rattler on its Way to adult status., M.T.P. ON. THE: ,,RUN—John FIR E :DEPORTMENT ELECTS :OFFICERS At the regular meeting ,,of the Wingham Fire Departnient held in the fire ball • on Monday evening, an' election of officers and. corn-' mittees for the coming' year was held. The following appointments were made: Fire chief, Jim Carr; deputy chief, Dave Crothers; Cap; tainS, 'Harvey Taylor and Bill. Bain; secretary-treasurer, Stewart Cowan, police, Morris Swanson;re- porter, , Dave Ctothers; 'meeting chairman, Bill Bain., The following members were elected committee, chairnien: S. Cowan, welfare; J. Carr, finance; Harvey Aitchison, property; Ken Foxton, hall; Robert Sinnamon, entertainment; Dave' Crothers, drivers and maintenance. Three fires were reported during the month of September, 'two hap- pening in Hdyvick Township and one in. Wingham. It Was,- announc- ed at the meeting that Michael Willie has 'been appointed, to the fire brigade, his 'duties beginning on October 1st. bur rem ; in. 44. busy Man these days, 'House of Commons. beiAlg•inuen,,in dermaid:',Wfall lairs hia/ifia loCalitY:416• Week he at- tended the . fairs , 0—Brussels and Gorriaand Officially opened a sini- ilat function at:Rlpley: On ' Sunday he Out the' ribbon to open the new 'stone gates at the Teeswitter fair gtounds.- F.. A. Lashley, of the De- ., partment of , Agrieulture, Toronto, was the speaker at Teeswater. George Lane, elderly. resident of pingham, is in the Generai•Hosci,- tal 'here •,f011oWirig,,,an:-',,iiCeiclent which 'took'' place'':at `.;the 'farm, of °ter district Tuesday; of last • "` Mr. Lane was aasiating •hat- vest Operatiens he was , caught by a col:wicking ,rna,chine and one ear WEIS %alio*. torn' off. Rushed to the Viringharn hospital,. he i linderiverit surgery' for, alniost three hours. At last report' hiS condition was said to be only fair. , Mrs. Peter Gowans was pleased last week' to receive a newspaper: clipping from a resident of Saska- toon concerning W, T. Creickshazik of Wingham. The article, appeared in the Saskatoon. Star-Phoenix ;on September 14 and pays tribute th„. Mn Cruickshank and his", accerriC4 lishnients in radie and TV over the past 'years. The ;)folloV,Ing ,is the, content news, it,ern, ham ItacTro7',Stafi6i1 Opc atom Pa layed Small Stake into ,Fortune", written by Sam Solomon of- the Canadian. Press. One happy "accident" after an- other has helped W.• T. (Doc) Cruickshank parlay, a ,shoestring into a $poo,000 radio and television venture. in this town of 2,800. Fatherless at 15, and forchd to, leave school for work, Mr. Cruick- shank has built an operation that commands' respect 'for out of pro- portion - to the size .of CKNX and CKNX=TV. The stations have re- ceived numerous awards for corn- niunity service and for the pro (Please Turn to Page Eight) iritereatecl— register with the mi- nor sports association. 1 "We will group :the'players into two age sections, 1,2 years and I under, and 12 'to 16, We will then Match age group teams and play our games 'that way 'forPtlie sake safety. ;f0tc.Wiccey h so :Res 1);;1:1 hwiti°chli; '4V1r:Q•114111.'irl 1:11?tlhe' every interested bey and girl to get on, th eice competitively," he • .said. The branch decided to .gok.along recreationwthiethlotrbmeati o th e aemecommittee in , The meeting, whAch waa held in , the Legion Home, was ,presided over by Lloyd, Carter, the 'first *Ice- president Of the'braneh. A donation of $10.00 was. made' 'to the annual C.N.I.13, appeal for funds, The pipe' band of the Wingham branch, which 'was formed at .the beginning-of :the year, is in danger of breaking up ,because of lack -Of interest ' in the -band ' :members, stated Cemrade darter. An average of only five meMbers has •been showing up fOr practice cseasicins. Fifteen joined the band-atlts ation in January, but since 'early spring the turnout has been so small that it is -doubtful if -the ;Yew interested can hold the, bandlo- gether. The 'branch has invested .:about $500 in instrunients and equipment, it was explained, and if the ,,band • can be 'put together the investment could be. protected. =, • ' A motion was, made by 'Comrade Bob Scott to endeavour to interest other than Legion members to :join bct the band. carried. Com rade ' The Them ooo bt ne :sae snisoerceonaane dd Envoy , Newman of The salva- tion Army, who, attended 'the matt- ing, was •intrOduced by the •i.z: , ,preii ql 49St4:ttnelp9AOtt EnvoyNew:atoid,thc,member; thata :r: S alvationAmyid- • • will ,be on 'hand on Sunday, ,Nov, ember 10th, to lead the branch 'to the special Remembrance Day ser- vices, which are to be conducted, in • the Wingharn United phurch. was alS'o possibletat !SalVatien Army musicians will''be a:imitable to play during the Remembrance Day service at the Wingham ceno- taph 'on Monday, NoveMbir , The chairman of the ways !and means , committee 'said that bingo gimes weilld be held oil October 11th 'and December 11th'. - Comrade John Beteson -conduct- ed an initiation ceremony in which Comrade Bruce St, George wai•ed- mitted 'to the Wingham, 'branch. The annual jamboree of 'the Sala. geen District Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs was held at Hanovei on Sat- urday with 250 boys taking part. The boys were competing for the Archie Go•Wanlock Trophy, a high- point award for field and track sporting activities: as well as pro- ficiency contests. The trophy was won this year by the Chesley troop with a total of 46 points. They were followed by last year's award winners from Wingham With 41 poin,ts., Kincar- dine troop was plaeed third With 32points. Six of the eight districts in the . Saugeen group were represented Scouts and Cubs from Chesley, Wingham,, Hanover; Priceville,li _,Ki- cardine ,and Walkerton erowned itround:;theSpeiaililatfaririlit'thg' Hanover, Agricultural Park to see District Commissioner Archie Gow- arrlock, donor of the trophy, pre- sent the awards to the winning teams. - Scouts participating gave de- 'Menstrations in first-aid, field craft, tent-pitching and the sport7 ing events. The Cubs cempeted in the relay races and the grand howl cOmpetition. Officiating at •the op- ening ceremonies were Robert Tay- lor; field commissioner; Cub Mas- ter, Harold Garlick; District Com- missioner Archie Gowanlock, Rev. B; F. Andrew, Mayor J. G. Binkley and Eric Winkler, M.P. for' Grey- Bruce. Fund for Blind Is Still Open „The Tag Day held on Saturday in aid, of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind brought in a total of 010,73, Individual dona- tions received during the current campaign have so far amounted to $220. to make a total of $330.73. Since ,the objective of the' local committee was set at $500. dona- tions are still awaited to fill the allocation. Please: address your con- tribution to John. Brent, c/o CKNX Wingham, the chairman of the local committee. The committee would also like to extend sincere thanks to the Brownies, who handled the tagging on Saturday, Their efforts are deeply appreciated: OR, LONE OFFICERS VISIT PRECEPTORY While,in..0ttawaa5e attended ,t e Progresinve 'Conservative caucus, wnen• Prime Minister Rt. Hon. John Diefenbaker' and assembled M.P.'s discussed legiSlation for the forth- coming 'parliamentary Session WINGHAM DISTRICT•CANCER SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING ' The '; Wingham and DistriCt Branch of the Canadian. Cancer Society will hold the annual, meet- ing in the Wingham Council Chem- her, on Friday, October 4th at eight' ieclobk. •Join the ,good work—be there. • , F2b BELOORE TURKEY' SUPPER Belmore Community Centre an- nual Turkey Supper will be held on Wednesday, October 16 j, at 7 p.m. Admission,,,adults $1.50, children, .50c. Shed; Program to, follow. F2 :9b BABIES :EHRISTENED„;: AT. UNITED SENN At a baptismal 'service in Wing- ham United Church on Sunday, ReV. D, J. MacRae 'christened, the following .children: ;Lois yvnne, daughter of lvit, and Mrs., Rath McLaughlin; Trudy Gayle, daUgh., ter of Mr. and ,Mia. Frederick Templernan; Stream Isabelle, •datigh- tee of Mr, and Mrs. Calvin Burke; Lori Anne, daughter of .and Mrs. George 'Guest; 'Stephen .1.01th,. son of Mr. and Mrs, Clarenee Ritchie; 'George NelsOtt,,son of Mr., and Mrs. Getirge'N,Vrider *Oat Roe. W; Olathe lufslated the service and ehtiateneil his granddaughter, Clare Louise; the daughter of Mr, Mid /Kra. ROSS Vo- gan. Mr, MacRae introduced IteV, C. Thernpson, of 'London, forMerly of Trinidad,' WhO 'spoke Ircini the Aherne, "Important Tasks •of, the, Missionaries Of the Warld", asked the question, ,should 'we ,itli- pose Christianity on those Other ' beliefs. Where Missionaries ate' 'not Welceted arid Whete some •cdtrie., tries think that -technical auisiStariee such as medicine, agriculture, etc:, is sufficient, " ' ' Answering this, question, the. affirmative, he said ,that technieel Ocilla are MA enough to rid Men Of fear and fruittration. IS OillY done by the Gospel of C'hri'st,, Which is 'the only inaviter to MAWS 'bade needS,. 1tr, ThOillpSell 8.180 Spoke' at 'th4 Rally Day service In the.• Sunday School and ,showed inter' °sting pletures of Trinidad. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY MEETS ON FRIDAY The Ladies' Auxiliary to Wing- ham General, Hospital will hold its' regular meeting in the Coun- cil Chamber on Friday afternoon, October 4th, 'at three o'clock, F2b and of the Women's Institute. ' The following members of Mrs. Kennedy's family were expected to be home for a -birthday dinner yes- terday: Alex Kennedy, Winnipeg; David Kennedy, Victoria, B.C.; Geo. Kennedy, Whitechurch; Mrs. Harry (Agnes) Tichborne, Goder- ich; Mrs. Lorne (Jean) Durnin, Lucknow; Peter Kennedy and Miss Annie Kennedy, the•latter two re- siding with their mother. Mrs. Kennedy has 11 living grandchild- ren, 22 great-grandchildren and three great-great-grandchildren, Hearty congratulations are ex- tended to celebrAnt on this out-, standing occasion; INSTITUTE EUCHRE A SUCCESS Eighteen tables were in play at the Institute euchre which was held in the council chambers on Monday evening. The winners 'were,, ladies' first, Mrs. J. •A. Halliday, lady playing as' a man, Miss Verna Harris; gentlemen's first, Mr. Bert Armstrong, Teeswater; mystery prize was won by Mr, George Day. ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY AT BELGRAVE PRESBYTERIAN ' Anniversary services' will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church, . Bel- grave on Sunday, October sixth at 2.45, D.s.T, Dr, A:leXa,nder Nimmo Will be guest speaker. Special. music by the choir °of Melville Church, BrusSels, A cordial invitation is ex- tended, 'to 'all. 7 F2* ENGAGEMENT ' Mr. and Mrs. William A, Darling of Mildmay anrionnee ,the engage- ment of their dettghter, Lillian to Rey, Maurice "D, McNabb of Port Elgin, son, of the late Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNabtia The marriage to take place quietly on October 14th. F2* HARVEST TEA and. BARE SALE Tea and Bake -Sale will be held in the Legion Hall on Saturday, October 5th, Tea served from 3 to 5, Annual draw to take place, Sponsored by the Catholic Wo- men's League. Ever:arm' Welcome, • F2b • am. DON'T FORGET ,THE•l'i •,* RUMMAGE SALE: Have you gathered up all your cast-off articles for the rummage sale? Clothing, hats, shoes, furni- ture, anything you do not need, can be sold, Bring them along ,to the Wingham Armouries' where the Ladies' Auxiliary to Wingham General Hospital will hold their fall' rummage• sale on Saturday, October 19, 'at tWo, BRIDGE 'oi.,03.0PENS 'The Bridge club• will have" its' opening game at 8 p.m, Thursday; 9ctober 3rd, at the .Fire Hall. A Special welcorne is," extended to thoS0 interested in becoming mem- bers, Feb TEA AND BAKE SALE • . Kinette Tea and Hake Sale- will be held in the Council Chamber on Saturday, October 26 at :3 p.m. The draw will be Made en 'the bridge set of 'table and chairs, F2:16:23b ' DID THEY WIN?—Sorry, but we had to put the 'paper "to bee be, fore the ball, game started'' lait night Anyway we, had, our fingers crossed for the Intertirediate ball team; Which was to meet the Taylatock boys. in the fofirth game ,Of the WOAA. finals. • 4 .0 0 ANNUAL MEETING--Don't for- get about the annual meeting of 'the, WingharnBranch of the Ca- :nadiart Cancer , SocietY in the Coun- cil 'chainber FriclaY evening* at eight o'clock., FLOWERS • ARE SCARCE-L. He,avy frosts at, the ' end of last, ,Week nipped off practically. ,all the Delivers in thia seetion. Seems a shame, when they are at their '16Veliest. This, of course is not news” to local readers.• it's, chan- neled to subscribers in ,Western Canada' whir reside 'in a more tem- perate , 0 - 0 - OIL THAT GUN—Dnek season , ens on Saturday; 'Oetolier 5th, I this Year it won't do you Much. od to.stay up alrnight, waiting ' for the, first streak of daylight to out loose, The season doesn't open. Until 10 o'clock in. the morning. better holOciut fire. 0 - - 6 'SUPER SLTOK--It. iii Understood that Joe McGill ifs Well 'on 'the way to completion of - a POWer boat Which should be toniething of a Stand-out. The raft is being finished with mahogany .atborite 'and will preSeat a pretty flashy appearance: A special meeting of the Royal Black Preceptory No. 797 was held in Wingham Armouries on Tues- day evening, Sept., 24th. About 100 'members were present from Wingharn arid surrounding area, The highlight of the evening was the exaltation of 17 Wingham can- didates to the Red Cross. Degree, This ceremony was conducted by a degree "team from London, assisted by H. A, Watson Deputy Grand Master of Grand Black Chapter of 'Ontario West. Other Grand Lodge officers present were James War-, tall, Past Grand Master of British, America, Janies I-ludgon, Honorary Past Grand lVfaster of Ontario West; T. fe, Elliott, Deputy Grand Lecturer of Ontario' West, and Leine Epps, Past Grand Lecturer ,of Ontario West. Visitors were present from Pal- Metaton, , Forthitich, Elyth, Amber- Clinton; Varna, Woodham and London. Grand Ledge, officers compli- Merited "Ingham'Preceptory on the fine work done by this Precep- tory since re-organization 'last March, at the mexiaberehip 'has in- Creased threefold, with prospects fdi Many 'more Mothers, in the fit' Inediate future, This Preceptory ,which had been'dormant for over 20 years, May now have a larger membership than any other Such group in 'Western Ontario. past County Master Colwill pre- seated a tri4gle of lights used in 'degree Work to• the tirecepterY. After several, inspiring addresses by Grand Lodge 'Officers and visi- tors lunch Vas served by Mein- berS frtini Whigham and the Meet.- '14 eloSed at 12,80 ana, by singing the National' Anthem, F25:2 ST. PAM'S, GUILD To Tuitituir SVPIP.Eit The Ladies' Guild 'of St, Paul's Milton Is holding a, turkey supper" on Wednesday,' October-39 from to rt,S0 .pan, r2;24I80b Algt,GitAMO TEA 'AND BAKE SALE The ladies Of the Presbyterian Ohureli In DelgraVe ate having a Tea and Bake Sale in the Porester's SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match will be held on NOnday. October 14th at o'clock tharp at Jenkins' farm, two miles east of Wingham on HighWaY 86. Prizes will be turkeys, chickens and dicks; 12 gauge shotkeris and ..22 rifles only, Scope. eights not allowed. Sponsored by Wingham Spottinen's Ass'oc'iation. Slim 140n0her, president. 0215,2,9b ONO-IttAttlitiAtiONS • - Cerigratillations to' and 11tra.' leek Ernelit •Witigh/im on • Como •On 'October '9th at 7.80 tO register and begin , the firat ••CIASS, S26•1021i' Satigeett :diStriet Scents and Cubs, frohi SIX 'Of:the eight dldrldta :attended `the atioattl Jamboree. hi Han,. over Saturday with 250, "Scouts Mid tubs ht atterniallee, Chealey on the Archie Gowanloek Trophy this ,year with .0 points: Voui- titte•nillna, ftwil the Winhani, trOOP' are left to right, Cub Leader Eliot% Wood, theft tItt.othivotstot 1n stotem,„ .Cub, riager Strong; Bobbie "Lunn, *out Leader till 010t011i, '44-,<PhOtO coiqety tatitelort her. V2ti Estening Classes At Wingham 1),11.S: The Wingliatri District High School Beard iS again offering a variety of subjects in evening elass- es at the school. If enrolment is sufficient, HASIC ENGLISH for New Canadians, IIIDT.ISTRIAb ARTS (Woocivvorking t5lastles);, HONitCECONOMICS• (SeWing ' op Cooking), TYPING and pboKL k405IIVC4, and Will begin .on Wednesday evening, October 9th at 7.30, The fee, for all classes'eXeopt Basic English, for Which there is no charge, Will be i$3.00.. • Any inquiries Tiefore claeSes gin May be Made by telePhoning gall on Saturday; October 6th, be, the'Winglikin District High School, ginning at 3.a6 D.811', Fg* Mingharii 120 during schOcil hottra, Yoti Will find spending eachNozytig,,,,,iitjjg 1tO 'HERS Wednesday,evening during th9, dub• Ivrothato ate• itetitiaaed to 'winter. rinirrOls 'at, the nigh Schoos 6 holt pleo.,stot interesting.. Meet this WeduesaaY; Ootober , in the Legion Hall at,fl p.In. The Scoot trnop guests, FPI etailltAVE toOvtli AtiikEit Don't forget the. fowl supper to be held ,in the telgrave Contmrinity Centro on NV'ednead&Y, 'tobet O. Supper SerVed at / P.M.. All the "turkey you earl eat, r rOftitilt to tollOWS. PANI,Otb