HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-25, Page 8George Parrish and Linda
of bistowel .spent, the week-end
Liweitollpg,517 STrIeht7,and",W visited. with
her father, who was. R. patient in
Wingham :General
King's condition is somewhat.
fplin'oevdedt,o, atin while he•phe thwellinobxe.:ctoenw- cconownco,
home on Monday,
ivVerrir7)thfarthts: waswin •41.)belePtloefrecItUrtn9 Ken:Waite, of SaskateOn. r i Mrs,
•Paglk,; Pi visiting With her,. mint,
-44"; 1).War-Wi°k "S.b"414444 M : J,A H and Mr .Halli- over .
,Mrs..ay . .
finog_r";t1pi,larSet,laftel vv7W'O-I onitsP;*-'.1:), 'day,
..reffrayll-fi(Wkins sse er,,, ‘: M
McLaughlin, „for several days last
- John Wild'. of Onelph was
a week-end visitor at the home of
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harold
Wild, Diagonal, Road,
--.George. Porter has returned to
Queen's University, Kingston, to
zje of Nypawin, Sask,, visited with
his Sister, Mrs. J. 'A. Halliday and
Mr. Halliday. .
',7-.71304re leaVing for-.their new
home in Kitchener last week, Mr.
ague Ml's. `066.` Hakrini, Winghafri,
were presented With giftvby neigh-
'borsi and . friends,"
and Mrs. Geo. Tervit Sr.,
attended: the Ivteaford Fair on . Sat-
urday, where Mr, Tervit was, the
judge of the light and heavy horses,
.:-Mr. and Mrs. N, J. J W Grose
and Debbie, visited friends in Buf-
falo over the Week-end.
T, 'Y:.Smith has returned
home "after spending two months
with her sister and brother-ln,-law,
Mr. and Mrs. ,J. H, Jermyn, at
their stunner cottage at Upter
Grove on'Lake,,
- In' • apt, :Mr, a• nd airs. ;It Ea,mil..bn
ent s, week in , Virginia and -the
Ney. 1adiSt..0401 t4
i,tan,ctt. .4§P5 04'4; 4 4 • trilleae
and' familY of Pori Credit, visited
ef Wingiiam, -ever the week-end.
▪ . Mrs. Lloyd Elliott '
'resklesat Meeting
The Evening Guild of St. Paul's
Church. held its monthly meeting
last Tuesday evening in- the parlth
room. The meeting . opened with
prayers by.-: the president, Mrs.
Lloyd 'Elliott 'and the roll' call taken
and minutes of the previons",,ineet-
ing were ',given.
plant were made fot a bake sale
Lo'-tie held this Satuftiay, Septem-
ber 2g efthree O'dleck'in the boun-
cil"CtiamO4r. All YrteinherS --Were
EIS kgd"to':ddnate.-CUriStihas:, c&rd's
and' Eve rydaY cards *ere on' 'dis-
PraYl. It Was' detided' to 'order pray-
eiqllitesY and o5iPt for' children 'and
to- sell ;them' at the 'hake '
s"The' groups Werechoten4or the
coming , year with the follovying
merriberk.'el conveners;: -'Mrs'. i T.Sk.
Sladq-Miejnek, Salter,' ,Mra.. Lloyd
Elliott,' MI.'S:, I Mrs,
Glen Foxton; Mile: Norman Creak-
Wright.a.UT Miasi Tkirothk4- Comber.
A tIS4' Wit8 ° 'held" by Miss
COnaMi•••:.'and- the meeting' -brought
tei elOVe 'With praYef 14 Bev. C! F.
We •
RM .
Plumbing - Heating,
Air Conditioning
o • I
Wingham Phone 255
Sporty Togs
for Informal Wear
Kitten- ,
• ;Feel the exquisite soft-
ness of this lovely
sweater with' the ,,fans
ous Kitten label. It is
made¤ of the finest
ritual Bettal (R) Orlon*
specially finished by ,
exclusive Kitten pro:
eess. Easily washable,
will not fade and -moth-
proof - and available in
the most beautiful soft
colours you've , ever
seen in sizes 34 to 40,
1r a.
The SepteMber 'meeting of NVing-
hem VV, 1,-'was held on Thursday,
September 110th, in the Wingham
Council chambers. • The president,
Mrs. R, Powell, was in the Chair.
The meeting opened with Mary
Stewart Collect, Mrs. W. Henry
gete the minutes of the hitt meet-,
ing, the treasurer's report and cor-
'the 4-H fall. project "Working
With Wool" -was announced and
announcement was also mode Of
the training school to be held on
Octeiber 24th and 25th in the coun-
cil chambers. 'The London
convention Will ,be held,,in, London
pn October 14, 15, ad Wheri,Mrt.
R. PoWell Will be the delegate With
Mrs, -Leslie- Fortune as alternate.-
Merribers Were asked -to debate
bleached Sugar *US With if :th kWh
hem basted tot -hard'table eitiVerS' to
btr left with"MO,
;decided toJudd euchre Pert3r. in
, Wingham copilot! ehantept On
-Monday; September 30th.4
Roger SehWass- of CKIIK gave a
very Interesting peeUtne of his trip
to Western; Canada, -and the
accompanied -by Slides Which were
very, interesting and informative.
Mrs, J. Raker with a few well
'etioaen words thanked Mr, Schwas's.
The roll tail Wag answered by
contrIbUtioriit to the birthday fund.
The Institute rally song, was sung..
Mrs: T. Bower gave a paper On the
Mate '"Growth"", lMeniberi4 of the
441 Giarden Club presented- their
skit "Lehi Tess a Salad", Which
Was' : Very well done. The meeting
elosid with, the. 4tteert and it, 66014!
• . r • - t
ott;.'"''' Fall .Season Nimences.,,Witen:
Goforth Meets at Corrin Home
and family of London spent the
week-end with Mrs. Havvkin's pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs, Stafford Bate-
--Mr, and Mrs, Harry F.' Amos.
of Port Credit were guests.of ,Mrs,
.1. W. Dodd last week.
-Mrs. Roy McDonald and Mr.
and. Mrs. Bruee McDonald` Spent
the past week-end 'in Toronto
where they visited with Mrs. Elsie
Cruiltshank, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
Patrick and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
-Mrs, Herb Rodgers of Fordwich
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Mr. and Mrs, Andy.lyieit, Stra.th-
roy, spent Saturday,in VVroxeter,.
Mrs, Alba Aqbeson„ .,LOndon,
spent a couple of days last week
with her father, Mr. Albert Galla-
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Evans and
family, Tbronto visited Mrs. E:
Walker over the week-end,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott and'
family have moved into their new
home recently vacated by Mr. Ater-
wyn Grainger.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted _Giese, St;
Thomas,, called on , Alenzo
Sperling one day,last week,.
Mr. Mac Wylie, Stayner was
home for the week-end
Mrs, Geo. Harris sp,ent Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. F, ,Wright.
Mr, and ,Mrs„ Webstef Jac,klin
have moveil.,t9,,,tneir;,neW, home in
llietowel tindArd. and Mrs. Wilburt
Pratt , have i,purchased t-b,e ,Jacklin
farm and ,have, i.aken up, resylerice
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Bernell Smith who were married
est Saturday and are now enjoying'
a trip to Ottawa, Quebec and other
Mrs'. Wm, Hart, Mrs. Alonzo
Sperling and Miss .Hazel Sperling
spent. Monday in Stayner,
Matsu. Harold Townsend and.
Herb Patterson returned last
Thursday from a' trip to the wes-
tern provinces:
Mr, and Mrs. Edmund Myert,
PormOsa, sper7t, Sunday
and Mrs. HarrY Dane.
Mi., and Mrs, N,.D, Worthington,
Torcinto,, are spending a couple of
days with Mr, and Mrs. Verne C
Miss Collar Will
Address Ladies
WROXETER-s-T, h e Wroxeter
W.A. held their regular meeting
in the church'parlors with 'Mrs,
Lloyd McGee jarid,Mrs. Alek.,Vyright,
conyer.W Mac, The was
taitispg :the word, "liar,
vest"', kerebers ,and, ,2 ),Visitdrg'
answered the roll call, Mrs., J,loyd
McGee opened the meeting with a
reading on Harvest, followed,; by
the hymn "Come. Ye, Thankful
People, Come"„
Mrs. Doris, Adams . ,read the
Scripture from the lst.4-ehapter ,9f,
Ruth, followed by praYer by Mrs.
Wright, Mrs. McGee gave a coin:-
mentary on the Scripture, The
meeting was closed by repeating
the Lord's prayer in unison,
Due to the absence of the presi,
dent, Mrs. Wm.' Hart, 'Mrs: • Win.
McLean presided for 'the business,
period. An invitation was received
from the W.M.S. for the ,W,A, to
attend a• special meeting in the
church parlors on the evening ,,of
October 17th, ,with . Miss, , Laura
Collar, Wingham, showing slides.
It -was decided toi ,quilt an 'all-white
quilt for thre,'.:1p-faart s well as
have a table' Of 'll'ildien's ,wear.
Mrs. Rae Louttit 'and Mrs, Chas.
MeCutcheon will have- charge of the
October' meeting .3
The reminder Of the afternoon
The reception was held at the, Was 'spent gating, followed by
home of the bride's grandparents, a pot luck snppeE' "
Two shows each night
First at 7.16
ihrbirti., Fri., Sat, Sept, 26-27-28
Jayne Mansfield, Dan Duryea
(adult entertainment)
A 'crime melodrama filled with
suspense and, excitement with
Jayne Mansfield as one of the
gang members who falls in love
with a renegade policeman.
Moho Tues., Wed., Sept. 30,
Oct, 1 - 2
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 3 - A - 5
' Charlton, Heston, Anne Baxter
s • "Three Violent People"
An outdoor melodrama center-
:big around the marriage of a
proud rancher and a former
saloon girl.
Mon., Tues*1 Wed,, Oct. 7 - 8 - 9
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 10-1142
Dirk Bo'garde, Muriel PavIow
u iii
,Doctor.At Large"
The Merry Gang ,from "Dr. in
the Hopse" are at large this
Mon, Tues., Wed., Oct. 11-15-10
t'i 't' ..filil'ATRE CLOSED
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct 17-18-19
Anthony Steel, Odile Versois
:Spine tingling mystery set
against the Italian background
'„Of the world's greatest motor
0/1., Tues„ Wed, Oct. 21-22-23
Thurit., Fri., Sat., Oct. 21-25-26
Katharine Hepburn and
Burt -Lancaster
Set in. a ,rural community and
deals With a family of men who
are anxious to, marry .off their
bitister sitter.
IVIon.l'Tnes.; Wed., Oct 28-29-30
Thurs., 'Fri., Sat., Oct. 31,
rr Nov: l 2 ,
'Kenneth, More, Diane Cilento
4...r011ieking comedy 'which will
lyialre,an, enjoyable evening,
NO 070111
On Tuesday evening of last week
the Goforth Evening Auxiliary met
at the home of Mrs, B. N, Corrin,
The call to worship was given by
the president, Mrs. Arbuckle, who
then called on Mrs, Corrin and
Mrs. Chandler for the Scripture
Studies, They began the fall term
Very fittingly with messages from
St, Paul to the Romans and to the
,Elphesians. Ephesians, chapter 6,
verse 10: "Finally, my brethren, be
strong in the Lord and in the
power of His might." Paul's letter
to the Ephesians was directed to
the whole. Christian Church, Mrs.
J, Donaldson prayed especially that
the members Might use their tal-
ents in the service of the church.
Several matters were discussed
during the business portion of the
meeting. Members, were reminded
that subScriptions to The Glad
Tidings are due on October 15th.
The Auxiliary also asks that used
Christmas cards be taken to the
church kitdhert, with the . bundles
marked "Goforth". The members
will be privileged to hear an ad-
dress by Miss Laura Collar, when
she is guest speaker at the special
meeting in October.
An invitation has been extended
to the Auxiliary to attend the
W.M.S. meeting, when Mrs, Mc-
Kibbon Sr. will be the speaker and
show pictures of the Orient, Mem-
Mrs. E. Webster
COnducts Devotion&
The: Evening Auxiliary of the
Wingham United Church met at
the 'home of Mrs. G. Howson on
fuesday evening, September 17th.
Mrs. N. Keating, president, was 'in
charge of the meeting.. , *
The devotional period "The Joy
of Christian Friendship", was con-
ducted by Mrs. E, Webster, assisted
by Mrs. A, Adams, -Mrs, 0, David-
son and Mrs. E. Edighoffer. A
poem on "Being, a Friend" was
read by Mrs. Webster,
Mrs. C, Hodgins gave a very in-
teresting paper on Japan, which Is
the study book for this year. Re-
ports ,were received from the con-
veners of the various committees
Mrs. H: Burrell and. Mrs, C.
Hodgins were appointed delegates
to the sectional meeting to be held
in Bluevale, October 11th.
The meeting closed with- prayer
after which a social hour was
IF ;You are using the„ntortkage
plan of buying your home,
YOU should know about our
special „, MORTGAGE „I;sTST.A,
ANCE. Consult-L- .
FRANK C. xcippER,
Canada Life
bets were also reminded of the pro-
et,;ts for the bazaar.
Deep regret was expressed at the
tragic death of one of the mem-.
hers, Mrs. Ross' Hamilton and si-
lent prayer was offered in, memory
of her person and in a tribute of
her service to the church,
Following the offertory prayer
by Mrs, MgKagne, Mrs. Day and,
Mrs, Corrin favored 'With it dnet,
accompanied by Mrs.. B. MeDonald,:
Denominations Conhitting
The study book chapter was pre-:
sented as a discussion' betWeen a
person of Eastern . Aiia and ' and
overseas representatiVet This' Was,
carried out by 'Mrs, 'Day and Mrs
Batenian. Most of the' S.E..Asian'
countries are' 'now self-governed'
and require changes+ in approach
from workers abroad, Thor are;
aware. of the inter-dependence of,
the Christian churches. Christian,'
conferences are now being erring.
ed by the Asians themselves, but
the different kinds of Christian re-
ligions are very confusing to them.
However, they have 11, great source
of encouragement in the World
Council of Churches.
There are 180 millions living in
S.E, Asia, yet there are fewer than
four million Protestants. Islam and
Buddhism have flourished. We
must change our approach to meet
their needs in an intelligent Way.
An educated Christian community
can'influence a, whore! noriChtiri-
tian country. ;
In' one Minute^ ' thouanciS 'die
withopt, becoming Christians. It is
mach;inoi idiffieghAtd I Met help
/DO ri the atiVe Chrii. in cliurehes
whicli,dey 11,frem.,the service o
mistionari i heLi4Yernitients of
theses sine
I ;countries iWartE.special-
ized workers. It has-been suggested
that ministers should have leave of
absence for "mission"- work-prob
ably organizational work. in ian :ad-
visory qapeeity, doe to the lang,uage
barriers. which,' -eonld . not - .be over-
come in:such 'short intervals, The
Christian Church ,in,.S.E, Asia, is
like a tiny David confronting a
mighty Goliath,
Mrs. Remington closed the meet
ing with prayet.. All members -are
asked to be present to hear Miss
Collar et the OctOber meeting.
Elect CGIT Officers
For Coming . Season
Twenty-eight ,girls, were present_
for the first .fall, meeting.'of the
Wingham „ on, Tuesday,
September 17th Mrs. Jr Reavie;.as-
sisted,,by, Shirley ,Armstrong and
Sharon,tewislled .a,..sing song.
Mrs. ,A...:Q.',1VfelSiiirehyo-who,mis
in dharge. etf-Ithe.iwOrahiAaservice,
used the-. tli Pile; .".'LovarirhY,Neigh-'
bout as Thyitelf/i.; She. also AwelcOrri-
ed new, girls; and; eXplained; why
the three groupts..hed been 'awarded
chevrons for last; year.,:;
In their 'Separate- ,groups;•' the
girls -elected ,,offieers aid. planned
several rictivities„. for''',the ..,conking
months, They, will again include,a
collection',for, ab
lowe'en. „ glected .officeis are: Diligent
Doers, president; Marilyn Cham-
ney; vice-president, Joan. Colvin;
secretary, ,Jane • - Hetherington;
treasurer, Greer Dunlop. ,
Super, jets: Jean
Gurney; Sandra
MacLennan; seretaiY„ Susan Me-
Arthur ; treasprer,''Betty Ann Lapp.
Third GrOnp:-4-President,- Julie
Cruikshank; viee;:jiresideht; • ;San-
dra Riley; seetetarY,-,Jane.Salteri'
treasurer, Sharon Kiley.:
Mrs. G. W. Tiffin, Mrs,,
,Mrs. J. Rea,vie and Mrs; A. D. Me,
Murchy are the, leaders
Girls to.
Get Chevrons „,
The regular September meeting
of the Young Women's AllxiliarY
of the• NIringhant United Church
was held at the home of Mrs, A,
Gibson, with 30 members present,
Mrs, G, Robinson was in charge
of the devotional period. The theme
for the evening was "The .Joy of
Christian .Friendship", The Scrip-
lure was read by Mrs. Wen Mc-
F3Urney, followed by the hymn
(Thou Gracious•God'!. 'Mrs, 0, Un-
derwood led in pi-aie'r, "
Chapter one of, the „new study
book, "This Is Japan", was read
by Mrs., W. Caslick,, after which
a dialogue was narrated by Mrs.
B. li-farrisen and Miss E. Willis,
The," devotional period was closer.
with the hymn "In Christ There Is
No East or West",
. The- president, Mrs. A. Greene,
presided over the husiness with
the secretary, MrS, A, McTaggart
reading the roll call and minutes
Treasurer Mrs, B, Carbert read
the report for the month. Mrs. G
Robinson, convener of the sick and
visiting committee, read her re-
port. A motion was made to buy
chevronS for the and tt
purchase flannelette for nightie:
and diapers, The members art
asked to bring used clothing to the
October meeting. The meeting
elesed, with tile Myrrin, 'Standing 01
fhb PrOmises", follOwed by the Miz•
tali the tied h rtp' eateld in.:unison
The group in charge served lunch
Vow's at Manse ,
A loVely autmn wedding was col-
emnizea.at the Presbyterian Manse
by Rev. A. ,Nimmo, D.D., on Satur-
day; Sept. 14, when Dorothy Eliza-
beth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Thompson, was , united, in
marriage to Murray Grant Kuehl,
soil of Mr. Alex Kuehl of Pembroke
and the late Mrs. Kuehl,
The bride wore a street-length
dress of cloud mist noblisse, fea-
turing a sleeveless bodice with em-
pire waistline and duster to match,
worn with blue accessories and' a
'Corsage ''of blue carnations. •
The bridetmaid, Miss . R'u.t h
Thornp`ton, sister of the bride, wore
sea green erribossed crystal charm
With' 'white aCCessorieS'anda cor-
sage cit'White carnations.
The groomsmen was Mr. Wayne
Kuehl, of Pembroke, brother, of the
and' Mrs.' Martin Garniss,
when the bride's mother, dreSsed
111. navy crystal charm, with pink
carnation corsage, received the
gueitS: 'duestt were present froin
Halibiirtont " Pembroke, Renfrew
TorontO, London, Goderich, Inger-
soll and Wingham.
The young couple left on a trip'to
Northern• Ontario and will reside
in Wingham,
There were four tables in play
at the' golf bridge on Thursday
afternoon, September 12, with Mrs.'
D. B; Pdrter winner of the first
prize; .Mrs. R. 'A. Coutts, second
and Mrs, Howson took the mystery
p,r4c.,On .Thursday last Mrs, Geo,
Howson won first priZe, Mrs, J. II.
MacKay, second and Mrs. H. V,
Pym the mystery prize,
• 1; 1,1111
Kitchener Couple
Marks AnnAversary
Mr, and Mrs, , James St. marle,
Melrose Avenue, Kitchener, cele-
brated their golden wedding anni.
Versary by attending a High Mast
of Thanksgiving at St, Anne's
Roman Catholic Church. Later they
were entertained at a ,,dinner at
the Grand Union Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. St, Marie exchang.
ed vows at St, Peter's Roman Cath-
olic Church, Ayton, with the late
Rev. Fir. Joseph E. Wey officiating,
Mrs. St.,Marle is a daughter of the
late Mr. and' Mrs. J. Gillen, form-
erly of the Ayton district,
Following their marriage the ,
couple lived on farms in HoWick
and, 'Etist,;--Wawariosti. Townships.
Theyo later moved to, Aiiingham anal
then to I{itchener%
Among' those pypseot: at, the 6(4.c-:
bration Was Mrs., St, ,IViarte's
Mrs, '1k6;iViir'i, of AytOrt,
who 'was bridesmaid at the Wed-
ding. $5 years ago, •
Mr. and Mrs. St. Marie's family
.tamed St.' Catharines;:
Myles and Joseph, "Vancouver, B,C.I
John, Winnipeg, Man.; 'Raymond,
Kitchener; Ralph, Lansing, IVIieli.i
Mrs., Prod (Mary) Robinson; 4140r,,-
Onto; Meg, Dean (Veronica)
Guelph; Lucille, Toronto,; and
8ister'llary of the Rosary (Cecilia)
of the Sisters'- of the Geed shep-
herd„ St. lohn
11.8,. There are 1.1.
I grandchildren.
tog! l lll 41111111111!1;111f114$1kOnWilklit41.1144 ,11#1041! 4.11VI4II1.11011 M#I1W1‘10,11 M.10.54‘410.11 M14 100AUW4-10"
, „ , , „ , , ‘. - „, „
Josephine Street Phone 860
Prop., Rena Moore
Hours ' 9 6
Open Tuesday and Thursday
evenings by appointment.
..venteoimitonioso lll
Shod Sleeve Pullovers • $6.95
Long Sleeve Pullovers 417 It' .5
Bo' mire: to 'see our selection of REVERSIBLE skirt's. iii attrac-
tive i';aat. in, epPeeranCe and.werm too:
P .
• Prices, $14.95 .$18.95' .and $25.00
iann e
ver so
entity' ofet4S, fnlainuils 'and tweeds fur ofher
to $9.9 slyde„ Price
You'll be-,,thrilled with the . terrific, ,Styles available from
new stocWof smart jackets. We describe them as CAR COATS
but the itivecial attention pn collar and pocket trim makes' Wein
especially smart. Shades of Beige, Red, Black or Brown in .
tweeds and gabardines. Sizes 10 to 20.
Price $18.95 to. $24.50
Dupont's Acrylic Fibre
Wingham) Limited
egargless of your car's present appearance, we.
will put it into Good Shape ... FAST ! •
See Us For Sure
SpeCitilists in Collision Repairs and Re-painting
Wingham Body Shop
Phone.746 Sid Adams Prop. Wingham
INCAUDING VITAMIN I3 it . 1.'-1.11S river, PLUS 12
important Minerals including calcium, phosphorusf iron and iodine.
ONE TAIMET gives you more than 2 capsules provided
before, the result of Rexall's exclusive new process that Maintains
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01.10PIr NING14AN
Mrti of 71 pal it /a
OM menthe' *apptYY-P--re 15
367'6140 1.444 Tablets.
' Regular Sunday Services •
RomenabOring the Lord -10 a.m.
SinadaY School 11.13 a.m.
,,,,Goepel Meeting: at 7.30 p.m,
,Each ThursdaY*evening.' at p.m.
Prayer Meeting and Bible StulY
• 1,
= CUSTOM 30 ModtlIK • ,•"''
.Ariniversary, services will. beheld
neitir Sunday,. September --29th • ' • You ll be - delighted! tionflybrOOk Chnrch, tun, and P.
/.86 p.m. Rev, R. a Rifts will
'Preach -and -there Will be sfiecial
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Chatriney, i.
Witighain, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 11;
ChaitheY, Auburn, Mr. and Mrs.'
Stuart Chatheey and Mr, and ivin: a
R, ,Chttintiey Were guests at the
OX CheinneY wedding in Wind. =7
sot on Saturday. '
A ittituber of Donnybrook- people I
attendedabnivepsary,. $etio.et 11
Wottield Ott; Sunda'.'
,oint pHomsNosiask
piimiiiiinsifisiontion****100010000061011000.0•000•0000tocit4oicimmiil • 0, , t-• ▪ re **OS
"ONLY ,sZ219,00 with trade-in
▪ The thrift-wise SO" range value that offers many
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i models. . . Built-In Clock and Automatic Timer
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. 24" Miracle Sealed then assures perfect
bidding results in any rack „position . . . Full
Circle Controls are simple to read - to oper-
ate -- to clean . . . Full-width storage "
1 Drawer keeps all your pots and pans in
= handy teeth . Fluarescent Platform
CIAght Control panA so that all the
• numbers ire easily read.