HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-25, Page 6Young People Met Sunday meirtucftwacl-i — The young people of the Presbyterian Chtirch held their meeting on Sunday ev- ening with the president, Murray Gaunt, presiding and giving the call to worship. Mrs, Johnston Conn led in the Scripture .reading, and the meditation was taken by Roll' aid Perrott, Mrs, A. Gaunt and Mrs. Frank Q4ulter, Borne Forster led in prayer, Doris Wall sang "PleSs This Rouse", and Marilyn Morrison gave a reading, "What, Then?" • Miss Irma. Forster had charge of the Missionary topic, and the Meeting was closed, by repeating the Mizpah •Benediction, Presbyterian W.M.S. Met on Thursday, WHITECHURCH ="The regular monthly meeting of 'the W,M,S, of the Presbyterian Church was held' lvfonii.floworiscidonny i iottattthe Elliott,, wi ha let ni.e of seven- teen ladies were present, The president, Mrs, Dawson Craig,'pr.q- sided, Mrs, John McGee And. Mrs. Walter Elliott led in the Scripture passages, „TEEN„. NTS Look 'Better in a LANMERE SWEATER SWEATERS Pure Wool or x00 %o High Bulk 9rlop, short$‘' Lr. a g sleeve pulloyers .„„. Lori; sleeve Cardigans $0.95 New fall skirts in tweeds and 'bengaline, Popular styles and colours sizes 10 - 1.8 $6.95 ,„ $10.95 The ever popular Ivy Leagne wipes 4 . .95 Bass' 8 18, .. $3 1.'43111111s' S. M. L. . .......... $4.•95 SKIRTS SHIRTS. Shop for all your:-Fall School Day Wearing Apparel at Carmichael's WE HAVE 'A FULL LINE OF BLOUSES, SKIRTS, DRESSES Sz JUMPERS for girls and misses.. FOR BOYS and YOUTHS WE FEATURE DENIM SLACKS IN ALL COLOURS, CORDUROYS IVY LEAGUE SHIRTS, SWEATERS and SOX , More Choice' More Quality - More Economy when you 'shop at •The Family Store Carmichael's Phone 1W (Surveys show that students using typewriters obtain 38% better marks) Neater notes ... easier studying ...better marks! Make this your formula for , succeset with the help of a new Smith,Corona Portable Typewriter. Yes, a Smith-Corona Portable can help you do better all through your sehool and college years! Choose your favour- ite Smith-Corona, from five great; 'node's: Super (in 6 colors), Sterling, Clipper, Skywriter and Electric, complete with handy carrying oasea. We shall be happy to demonstrate them for you. 61 1111"111"1" FEED MILLS NURSING SOW RATION MON. - TUES. - WED. Sept. SO and Oct 1 - 2 :ISATTLE HYMN" Colorscope Technicolor starring Rock Hudson, Martha Byer WIEVIEND *OW 111.11FILIM New! Sensational! The Smith-Corona Electric Port., able, the only electric portable anywhere. Gives you all the tYP" ing ease of en office electric, yet it weighs only 18 pounds, 'Comdr in 6 smart colors. HE LIKED TO SHOW OFF rtc,..c.nuosisnews, . . . even though every-, one knew she had-intro- duced Iriim to. Dow,nie's. You'll be pleased, too., urkey Supper starting at 5,15 p.m. Absolutely, No Standingin Line outside during the supper. AdmisSion — Adults $1.50 Children 75c Concert .& Dance. A Concert will be presented ,by DON ROBERTSON. ,atid the . RANCH BOYS featuring JACK .KINGSTOX quality recurciiug artiq tilt', Star of. the Mainstreet Jamboree from On to 10Alit Ott. Followed bybya Dance to 'the intiiid of DON ROBERTSON Ana the RANCH goys With .dannint to 1. O si4n, AdildiS$100, 50e: Children .25c Saturday with Mr. and Mrs., Will GAMES WHEELS BINGO 11100•00ammummommimm , 16.40 84. The WS AilYttliffe-Tintes,, Wed„ Ober g5; 9 Optometrist Patrick. St., Wingham ALAN WILLIAMS Phone 770 7 11irthday Tea - wmirr.c.aumm The regular 'Monthly 'Meeting and- :birthday tea; -Of the W.M.S, of the Vnitea Church 'WA held .on Wednesday last at the borne of Mrs. Chas. Martin,. with fourteen ladies pre-• Sent, The president, Mrs. . Jas. Falconer, presided. Mrs, john Purdon read the Scripture rnes, sage, Mrs, Ezra. Scholts played a piano solo, Mrs. Ernest Beecroft gave a reading, "My Ship. of Dreams". Mrs, E. H. G,roskorth had charge of the chapter from the study book, and Mrs, G. H. Farrier sang, "I Knew a Name That Can Drive AWay All Sorrow"; The ladles Made plans for the neat bale and Mrs. Farrier closed the meeting with. prayer, At the W.A. meeting that followed the ladles decided to have a fowl Simper this fall, and appointed committee, Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Mrs. Albert Coultes and Mrs, Ern- est Beecroft, to draw up plans for it, Mrs. `J,. D, Beecroft closed the Meeting with prayer, The hostess served lunch, and. all joined in "Happy Birthday to you" when they learned Mrs, 'Martin was cele- brating a birthday, bury. lie registers for another year at Queen's this week. Miss Marjorie Coultes of 'Guelph, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott spent the week-end at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Elliott at. Ailsa Craig. Their grandson. Bruce who had visited here during the past three weeks returned home. Mrs. Allan Turner spent a few days last week with Lucknow friends. Miss Olive Terriff, who bad been visiting in Michigan, with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Henderson, from Luck- now, returned home on. Friday. Mr. Johnston Conn, driving his truck, and Mr. John Gatint, with his car, were in collision at the school corner on Con. 2, Kinloss,,, one day last week. Mr. John ,'Hayes, Mr. And Mrs. Donald Hayes and son Dewey, and Mrs. Russel Proctor of Lavonia,,, Mich., spent ' the week-end at the home of Tiffin relatives in Kin- loss. Mr. and Mrs, Calvert Eel-, coner, of Blyth, who visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. John 114cIrmis of Kinloss, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Tiffin, and Mr. and Mrs, Walter Brown, of Amberly, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, Lueknow, and Mr, and Mrs. Clark Johnston and daiigh- tors of Belgrave, visited at the Tiffin home on Sunday. Mr, Thos, Morrison will spend a few days this •'week at Westminster Hospital, London, Mr, and 'Mrs, Harold Cook and sons, Ivan arid Warren of Blyth. visited on Sunday 4 the home of her sister. Mrs. John Purdon. Mr. and Mtn. Jack Kerr and children of Tillsonburg 'visited on Sunday With her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Laidla.W. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Eitickton are visitine' for a few' dayS 'this week with Mr..and Mrs. GA00 Roberts: of Guelph, s Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Oitneren Of Elora, and her siAer, Mrs. Bosom Worth. of Alma, Mrs. :TO, Leaver, Wingharn, and Mr. and Mrs. George COUltes, and Mr. Robert Coultes, Visited 'on Sunday at the home Of Mr. old Mrs. Albert COUltes. Mr, and Mrs, ,'David tiaVidSdri of Rairalton, and mt. and Mrs, Any drew baVIciseti of Burlington ed on Sunday with Mr. aria Mrs. Edwin Smyth. Mt,. and Mn.s George Weber Of Mtolienor visited on SaturditY with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and Mr, and Mrs. Weber' and thdt &high.; tern, visited on Sunday with Mr, Sind Mn. Jad. Xoteintrn of Pliant. eratoti. Minn;. 1. 0, Gine*iite, ittid The theme of the meeting was, attendance, and Afterwards all re- ' "New Patterns for An Unfinished turned to the Sitinner house, I Task",and Mrs, Wm. Purdon and where friends and neighbours Mrs. m„Rintonl were leaders in gathered, and spent the evening in the discussion from /the study cards and social chat, book, South East Asia", Miss Mr, and Mrs, Stewart. Coupland Annie Laidlaw led in prayer. Mrs. " of Toronto spent the week-end at Johnston Conn and Mrs. R. T. A. the home of her parents Mr. and • Marshall assisted in the discussion Mrs. Chas, Robinson and attended as overseas sec., and represent- the reception held in their honour ative of S. E, Asia. Mrs. Caslick on Friday evening at Wroxeter, led in the Glad Tiding prayer, Others from hdirdqvire''zittended,it, Mrs, John Craig, Glad Tiding con- were, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Robinson, vener, asked' that 'the subscriptions Mr. and Mrs. Rosai;Bohinsori, Mr. come in this month. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor. The roll-Call was answered Mr, and Mrs. Alex Robertson and thought from the • Presbyterian children visited on Sunday at the Record. Mrs. McInnis led in the home of her brother, Mr, Walter offertory prayer. and Mrs. Robert Forster, of Ripley. Pardon closed the meeting with Mr, and Mrs. W. r. Peacock and prayer. Thenext meeting, the family of l3luevale visited on Sun- Fall Thank-offering ,meeting, will day at the home of her, sister, 'Mrs.. he held at the home of Mrs. Wm Gordon McBurney„. Mrs.. Edward Rintoul. The 'hostess served lunch, McBurney and sons, Wingham, and all enjoyed the social half also visited at the McBurney home hour, The Ladies Aid meets this on Sunday, Wednesday at the home of Mrs, Mr. George Walker attended the Legion meeting at Lions Head on Dawson Craig, to make a quilt. . Sunday, going with the bus-load of veterans who attended. • itchison 1 rrington-A There will he no service this E Sunday in the United Church hare, on account of anniversary services WILITECHURCH—The marriage in Bluevale.United Church. Coin- of Jean Gertrude Aitchison, munion services will he held on daughter of Mr. Archie AitchiscM Sunday, October 6, in the United, of W. Wawanosh, and the late Church here. Mrs. Aitchison and George Er- Mr. and Mrs. Walter James and rington, son of Mr, and Mrs J sons of Woodstock ,visited on ' • ' ' rrington of, W. Wawanosh, was Henry, and Mr. and Mrs. Orest solemnized on Saturday, September Mr. and Mrs, Albert Oftraeren of ,f,,41010101,V„ 0114 his sister, Mrs. Mel- vin McDougal and Mr. McDougal of Perth, visited. with Mr, and Mrs, Mason ,Robinson. on Thursday lag, Mrs. Win, S. DaVidsfill of Pert Colborne has been vlsning for the past two weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs, Ales: Leaver, Me, and Mrs., Lorne Soctt and Mr. and Mrs., Elmer Ireland visited on Sunday with Mr. Spd Mrs, Arthur Scott` and Mr. and Mrs, 'Clifton. Scott of Midlah.cl. Mrs, McP.hail„ and Mrs,- AndreW Wilson and James returned hinne frorri their trip'tq Western .Canada op Wedne.sday'last, Mrs.. Walter Lott returned home one day last week, after spending a few months at the home of her son, Mr, Robert Lott, of Calgary, and with "Edmonton and TOronte friends. Wm, Reavie left on. Wednesday for Capreol, where be bas.taken. position with the C.N.R.' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kasen and family attended a family dinner, held on Friday at Fenderj son's restaurant, Exeter, when her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Skin- ner, celebrated the fourtieth. anni- versary of their marriage, The. fifteen grandchildren were in • TOMORROW WE WORRIED OK'S. NOT THE FOGEY; THAT TODAY IS THE T, SEEMS 1- REMEMSER., ASOUT,YESTERDAY./ THURS. - SAT. SEPT,. 26 - - 2$ - "BUNDLE OF JOY" A. nice sound to a farmer is the Technicolor contented lowing, squealing and Debby .Reynolds and grunting of itealtby vigorous live- Eddie Fisher stock. You can he one of these farmers if you feed SHUR-GAIN The Most Pleasant Entertain- ment for Everyone! Beefmaker with Stil. $4.25 Dairy Ration $3.30. Hog Grower $3.15 17% Lay Mash .. $3.50 ?, t.! Canyou gee 015,000 in your future? You don't need a crystal ball to 'see your financial future. An. Investors Syndicate plan will make your financial dreams come true. Talk it over soon, with an Investors representative — "your best friend financially." Call or write: A DISCOUNT OF 5% will be given on Thos. A. Jardin all orders of Storm Windows during the Phone 147 MONTH OF SEPTEMBER WINGHAM, ONT. We will measure and install windows if desired. John W. Waines R.R. 3, LISTOWEL Phone 1942 Investors Ingham. S!udents Help yourself to success with a Smith-Corona Portable! Your notes and assignments will be clean, far easier to read, And higher grades just naturally Try a Smith-Coretio Portable in our 4 office now and See how .its light, peppy touch ,hakes typing fast and accurate. its.Super-speed keys Won't jam at any speed, And its key-board is full-size. Many exclusive featured, too, like the Hine-Wing Page Gage for footprobf, even Matting, AVAILABLE ON 'EASY CREDIT TERMS The Wingham Advance-Times TELEPHONE WINGHAM '34 McFarlane of Scotland, where Mrs GilleSpie's sister, Mrs. Will Neigh- bour of Crooked River, Sask., was visiting with her' daughter. The W. Wawanosh School Board had the Fordyce school re-shingled last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McIntosh and family. from Kincardine visit- ed 6n Sunday with Mr. P. McK, Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott of Ripley visited on Sunday at the home , of Mr, and Mrs. -Wallace Conn. \ Mrs. Milian Moore is a patient Wingham Hospital, Mr, Albert Paterson visited on Sunday at the home of his brother; Mr., Jas. Paterson of Kitchener. MA. Irene Paterson and her daughter, Helen, of Toronto, spent, the Week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs..Win. Taylor, iVIrs. George McClenaghan, 7vliss Margaret Cohan and Mr. ' Carl McClenaghan visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Matheson Of Vhesley, 'Mr. and Mr0,11Ohnston Conn- and Mr. Jag. RichOdSitin • motored to Thronto oil Tuesday laSt arid Mrs Richardson, who had been motor ing 'With her sisters, Misses 'Flor- ence and Margaret Moir, through the Maritimes, returned home. Mr. Kenneth Laidlaw and daugh- ter Joyce of London, visited or Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Elroy LaidjaW, Mr, Jas. St. Marie, of Kitchener with his sons, Joseph of Vancouver and Raphael. and his son, Michael. of Lansing, Mich„ visited recently at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mylis St, lVfarie,' St, Marie families attended a family dinner at the Grand Urilon t4otel. Kitchener. on Tuesday; September 10th, when Mr. and Mrs, J6,6, St. Marie ee)ebrated their golden wedding, The following* Metribers of the family were pre- sent:. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson and family of Toronto, Mr. and MrS. Dean 13tennan arid family of Gaeta', .and Miss Lucille of Toron- to, Mr. arid Mrs. James St. Marie and faPily of St. Catharines, Mr. and; 11114. Raphael St, Marie and AM'S' Of .Lansing, Mich„ Joseph, of VitriCortVer, -.Tobin of Winnipeg, MOS 'Wbitechltrch and Ray- ttrond Of Kitchener, One daughter, Cecelia, now Sister. Mary of the Rosary of St. John, N.8„ and John of Winnipeg,' were unable to he present. Many from this district will extend best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. St. Marie, , Rally tidy was observed in the Presbyterian Church here on Soli- day, When the Sunday School Mardis sat as a groun'in the church, 11„ V. A. Marshall spoke on, "Jesus Said, Follow' Me", and the ehofit rendered a special anthem. Mr, arid Mrs, ReliSen Falconer and tone of Sarnia, Mr, alia Mrs, Min Stacey, Whighain and Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Riltdon /..nektioW, Wilted on'Sonde y With, Mr. old M'rl, WIt Paltonet Ladies at Brick To Hold' Supper WHITECHURCH ,— The regular monthlyt meeting of Brick United Church, was /held on Wednesday evening, last at the home of Mrs. Sidney Thompson, with eighteen ladies present, Mrs, B. Dow pre- sided, The theme waS "The joy of. Christian .SteWardship". Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft intro- duced the new study book, and she and Mrs. Clarence Chamney presented a skit "Conversations on Japan", The ladies deekled to hold one more 'evening meeting, and appointed Mrs. Alex Robert- son and Mrs. Chas. Shiell to attend the sectional meeting *at liluevale in October. Mrs. Herson Irwin gave a report of the Special Fund, and asked Floor Sanders for. rent at ALEXANDER'S HARDWARE mime Doctors performed w5,027 opera- tions at Canadian Red Cross Out- post Hospitals in. 1956. Husbands! Wives! Get .Pep, Vim; Feel Younger Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, exhatisted because body lacks iron, For new younger feeling after 40, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets: Contain iron for new pep, vim; plus supplement dose Vitamin Ill, Ina single clay, Ostrex supplies' as much iron as. JO doz. raw oysters, 4 Hi, of liver, 16 lbs, of beef. "Cet- acquainted" size costs little—only 600. Or get Economy size and save 750. All druggists; TRY WESTON'S Week-end Feature New Iced F. Cherry, Filled Coffee cake 39c REMINGTON'S I.G.A. NINTH ANNUAL Tr - WHITECHURCH THURS. - FRI. - SAT. October 8 - 4 - 5 "SMILLEY" Colorscope Technicolor starring Ralph Richardson Chips. Rafferty syndicate Of CANADA.' 11 Y 1 r so NUM 0171GEsvillimirIG. Gfricss NI PRINCIPAL CITIRII Mr, and. Mrs. Harold Gaunt and L. children of Kingston, who had /Mr. • and Mrs, Garnet Farrier and been visiting with. Mr, and Mrs. Wayne and Janice, visited on , Sun- Thos.. Gaunt, Wingha,m, and Mr. Alex McKenzie, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Gaunt. Mr. Harold Gaunt has been attend- ing Queens University, Kingston for the past three years, and spent the past six merths at his prac- tical engineering work near Sud- 'day at the home- of Mr. and Mrs 21 in the Presbyterian Church Hawrerchuk, and her, brother, , . here, with. Rev. R T A Ma rchall that an assistant be*. appointed.' Gordon .Mitchell and Warren Hall ' ' " R. T. A. Marc hall brother, Robert Aitchison, .. The ladies decided to hold a &M.; of Toronto spent the week-end at , p , officiating. Miss Joan yerster, the gregational' supper;:in.' N'overriber, the Henry home. Mrs. Brown and .' and asked '-' that the . -VV.IWi !ladies S . Mc. Thos. Currie of Galt, and Mr. were, attendants. 1 The viteclding give "the . usuali donationa 4 Mrs, and Mrs. Calvin Cameron of Elms- dinner for thirty-live guests, war pow closed the 'meeting with sels visited there on Sunday. held'at the home oft the bride. The ,,.. Miss Marjorie Currie of London, 'h'appy couple will make -theirhorrie "' ,,,'3er"-r- ' ' Lnnch was servedand all * spent the yroeir..erd with her ';'`Ein the groom's farm near, Dniigan-- enjoyed, :they soda!tin • . „ , together. mother, Mrs. R. J. Currie, mon.' Tues., RVICE 1,:''WKswe rogia \, • LOLLAR cos.r -.CURTNER" 57 '111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111r MEMORIAL COMMUNITY' HALL