HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-18, Page 6REGULAR ,.
. 4
Loans of $1,660 and tG lable •on Trans.
monthly pairdent' terms.
bori't let the 1005 of ready Atoney preveat yea
ftotir• buying seed,. stock, or arty other aim
telnireinent. Get the cash yod, heed at Tress
Canada. Credit.
Wfan4foltd. Vary* flu,4
Janet gallat Pe,T9tctato spent Ole
weeir,and at the :hamar their
":t80.•94441, Parker
and faintly of Clinton Spent SPA'
day with their parents, Mt, .anal'.
Mrs,• Ben l~t'cCienaahan.
Me‘ and. Ain, Johnston .Conn and
Jamieson PettaPlePe vlaiked Surf^
day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold'
Johnston of ?atom,
The w.m.s. of Abe uhlted C'furcif'
meet, this Wednesday at the home
of „Mrs, Charles Martin 'and the,
W.KS, of the Presbyterian Church
will meet Eft the tome of Mrs, Gov'
don Elliott oh •'Thursday.
A gopd crowd attended a. •bene-
fit puce on Friday evening' in the
memorial hall, to.help raise funds
for the., Etant0m b011 ,te#M., Tiffin
Bros. and Wm. Henry provided the
music for 110ticing, They are. hold-
ing another dance, goon. '
Mrs. Miry McTavish, Wingharn,
Mr, James Elliott, Pluevale, and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott visited
on Sunday at the borne of their
niece, Mrs. .Josephine
at St. Helens.
Quite a number from the Pres-
byterian Church here attended the
shower at St. Helens,Hall last Wed-
nesday evening- in honor of, Miss;
Jean Aitchison. Miss Mary Fish-
er played a piano sold and some of
the members presented-a tumorous
skit; "The 'Magic' Miriori":',' The
ladies fion,1 i.p:5eacnted. the
bride-to-he With an end table, a,
tai3lqiittrcip, as ohen4je .bedspreaci;•
and a wrought iron rriagaFine rack.'
Mr -arid MrA, plroy,Layllaw anti,
cahildrerl visitedtt,on 1,4 00 wit s.
his mitflter,.1,1lirs. Jam Laidlaki
and with Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Mc-
Berin of doderich: ; •
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft•
and, family visited on. Saturday ,at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvill'e
Beecroft at Otterville,
Mr, and Mrs. Howard McKelvie
and family, of Walkerton, visited
on Sunday at the home of her bro-
thers, Mr. Levi and-Mr; Albert Bie-
The Brick Church W.M.S. meets
this Wednesday evening at the
er, Mrs. Wmrilpenfitivand,,,,cy
and Mrs. Artliiir-4Kirik; of.
Sound. „
Mr. JOhn Mackay .of Wawota,
of his Cecil Falconer. . •
IY.11'• .8-4d W's SeCienaghan
and family, oncitChener, Visited,on
Grandmothers Quests
WHITEGIAIRGff-,--The tequler
monthly meeting Of the Women's
Institute was held, on Tuesday
evening last, with thirty-five ladies
present, TiliS was the' 'Xtant ,
Mothers' meeting and there were
twenty Of them. present, 'The Presi-
dent, Mrs, 'fitlasell, Ross presided.
At tho )Alsineas meeting,- tile
ladies appointed the prealtient' tet"
attend the area convention, at
Guelph. On September 24 slid. 25,
with Mrs. Johnston. con as. 'alter
nate. They decided to gather sec-,
mid hand clothing :at the next
Meeting for Unitarian, Relief, alag
decided they would not cater for
any banquet'this fall and approved
of giving ;1.1) towards the deficit
of the Bantam ball team. ,
• All . sung two cortannnity song
numbers 'and Mrs. J. P. Beecroft
led in a discussion on the motto,
"The hearth-stone is still the na-
tion's cornerstone". A violin num-
ber, with encore, was given by
Jimmie Ross, Mrs. Thos, Metcalf
gave an interesting report of the
Institute rally of Bruce County at
Mrs, Gordon AleBurney was in
charge of the topic, "Three Genera-
tions from'Shirt-Sleeves to Shirt-
Sleeves", telling of the cycles in
history among humanity, in' life,
in industry, in wealth, in religion,
admonishing all to reach out and
retain the goad 'and diseard , the
detrimental in all communities. She
said only those of the wealthy
classes, who used their money .,for
toeservice of God and mankind,
0-tier .11eld It from generation, to
Mrs. John Burchill gave a read-.
ing,."Grandxna's Knitting" showing
how . even • if pastimes differ in
generations,' people are still the
same, The meeting was closed with
the National Anthem.
The hostesses served homemade
tea biscuits With jam, cookies and
a cup of tea, The pries for the
grandmothers: The oldest present,
Mrs. W, -R. Farrier; the youngest,
Mrs. Russell Chapman; grandmo-
ther with birthday nearest to meet-
ing date, Mrs. Jas. Falconer; the
1:te with nearest wedding date.
Mrs. J, D. Beecroft; great-grand-
mother, .Mrs, Chapman Sr.; most
grandchildren, Mrs. Gershom John-
ston with 21.
In La Gaspesie beauty rises from
siP1Plq, ellarPT M-grg.F.1,4Nr, M14.1.P,
the land of people who add to pro-
verbial Quebee friendliness a
••-Wealth of hiatorical traditiOns.
you Can buy, the
Wor'ld's 'L-Fastest.
triable Typewriter
`Right Here in
(the world's largest manufacturer of portable
tYpewriters) to handle their farnoi.is products
—all the Way from their preciaion-built SKY-
OITER, weighing , only nine pounds in its
mOtletn leather carrying case — to their
11ENT.SUPER with its :wide range of dec-
Orator colours-- to that marvel of today, the
electric portable, first in its field.
Meniberi' of the newly-formed television resca.rch committee which is to :e*aniline''vieWer 'reaction ;td an
experiinental, Farm .Forum television prograM in January of next' year frOnt the Attidies'"of OKI9c,!4ritsMi,s0
their. piansWingham town hall. From left to right are seated 13 , Rev. ,, A Rrytione'lgra. Edith. Storr
and pr. sy \resin, Standing are, Jim Powers, Gordon Scott, Mrs., Vera. Gregg, 1Domild l..M4hre,;
HertinikWaY W.' P. Oswald. 1:, •—mvancetTinies:.:PhOto.
Sunday at 'the :home of Rev. arid mily visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs;‘, Watt,
of:Mr, and Mrs. John Jamieson for
the• past. two weeks.
IVir. fEp h r 'Parrish, of Wing-
has been visiting at the horrie ,
Mrs, ThoS.•McInnta of
in Wingham Hospital, 'W,A,s able .
return hoMe on. Monday. .
a patient for :the bast rout Weeks,'
Mrs. Orville. Tiffin! who has,heen
. Mrs. John Jainiesou, has been a' Miss MarjorieCurrie, of London,
Apent' the 'week-end with her MO-. patient in Wingham Hospital .for
the past week. thei,„ Mrs,' R: '3. Currie;
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Irwin attend-
Mr= and ,Mrs. Stewart Coupland ed London Fair and visited at the
of Toronto spent the week-end home of Mr. and Mrs. Oilmen Arm-with , ,her' parentS, M. and MrS, strong- .
Ch Robinson and with relatives M;
at Wroxeter,
Lon don z Fair for "s,
were titiviti",RokLo-
vui -.andCkitaren•;,•:10::-:itravadi:s..
Walter Elliott, Mr/ and"M14; Archie
Pn`rclOn„ Migerizie, ;
and 'Mrs: Raigeell':Gauntd,VOn-,.
`and Miss Leah 'Currie,itilt.:•and
Urs,:keiMetfOeurX Mil and Mrs.
croft anti
hanion; Mr, 'and
Mis."Alex,E,obettson; and-Mrs
n Edwin' S..rnyth;,*,--010.,,mi#:
McGee, tlitt:'•and Mrs.
Mr. and
m R George ▪ Webster,'I ga Mis:t3iSt
MO, Wm. Caslielt:,• 'MO*,▪ Walla*
Cenn and Elaine,,11fr. a,nd•Mri.fto-
bert Arbuckle, Mr.. and ,Mrs. jas.
E. Currie, .Mr...and 'Mrs, John: L.
Currie, Mr. Cur,
rie Mr, and-Mrs ,'.John ;Gaunt,, Mr.'
and Mrs. Donald, • RosS„ Clifford'
Laidlaw,- Elroy LaidlaW,, Mrs, B.
DoW,' Nelson, Donald and Ivan,, Mr,
and Mrs. Gilbert 4Aecroft and sons,:
Mr. ` and Mrs. Geo. McGee,' Prank'
Cooper; .Grant Mcturney; .Ronald'
Jones, Mr. 3ris, H. Currie, Mr and
Mrs, Rutherford Reavie and,Xen,
rieth Zinn, Mr *and Mrs; .gas: COW-
tes,. and „ Mr. , and Ws;R,O riald
Counts, ,
Miss .Kathleen:' Fisher, who, vias
in a motor"`,accident near. ,Tees-
water one evening ktit weali,"-and
,Was, taken to VVitighani
with conenishin,„ was able- to :re-
turn horne on ThurSday. evening,
Mr,. and.'MrS .RObert, Arbudkle
and• Mr. and, Mrs' Ikennoth COrrie
leaye, on thnisday, for. South Rhyr,
where they will attend 'the annual
fail stock •sale and '}will also
at Sank Ate', elitctrie. ,
,tored tO .TOtont-'0,.'week ago. ri" y'
Mr. and Mrs. Ireland
d*y, and took, a:bna trip to NOW
York-,Oity, .travelling` the. Ibui Jane
thruway ‘ from WheM
there,, they toOk.:, the conducted
tours, around. the .city the
three-host ' boat . ride' around Man-
hattan, also attended ball'-
game And shopped. in the,eity'sliop.
ping Alatti0,;,ThOY enjoyed, the. trip
immensely' and arrived 'hotrik on
dean.he8da. Miss 111,:soh,. a bride of
lahaVirig a trinteseatrtek
an WedneadaY attetriobri, aria, evert- ing: "'‘''
1.1 to Mr. and Mta,,Iteriteth
• *Mit' John
° • "
. m in ows
q AIL, /4: .• „'d;:
A .D,ISCOUNTOF 5%' will Abe given on
all orders of Storm Windows :during the
We will Meitsoi4 .and install windows if desired.
Need esrtri Bash for your Wm? Then solve' yhur
financial problem.with Sloan from Trans Canada
Credit. Right no' Trans Canada Credit is offering
- special terms on all faren loins above $1;500.
Payments'eatt be spread over as long .as two-and.
a-hitif years, and can pp made tri anY-one of these
three ways
cogpoRATI014:.LIMITED 'w44
li4k10111g A4tioint,
44111114/107410 014Vitealci0
161.0r1, hie been eeganleed
Ore faelphit apeeislizad service
trN Imo; itretectien 0 PART,
111.._111.44111%. REV NEN, SALE
Canada Life
1NINc. 1A ONT.
Week -end Feature
Banana Cream
Roll •- 35c
IHURS. - FRI. SEPT. 19 - 20
Colour Viste;Vision
Bing Crosby, Donald O'Connor
Mitzi Gaynor
Viet - MON. SEPT. 21 - 23
lltfcliard Egan, Dorothy Malone
irt.T0 1-.".3vED.: SEPT. -• 25
"The Leather Saint"
3-6hr Derek
' Jody LaWrence
Loss 1' an $5.00 a it oath
Pricki a It's so easy to on Smith.Corona. r among •
the lowest in the field and carrying costs, ,ire low.
No money down — less than $5. a month pays torn,
your SmithrCoroni. Why not start ,to use one now?
A SMITH CORONA' portable typewriter. brings
new ease to the business of putting thoughts on
paper. Faster, neater, more legible writing can be
yOUrs for yeah!.
.WONDERFUL for social correspondence, papers,
manuscripts, club work and dozens of- other per=.
sonal uses.
quicker, better, -. and with a •batch of carbon
copies • if Ahoy sri needed. • • • • • ,
BETTER MARKS ,for .studinti, and more time
left for' other actVitei3. Surieys aliiawr. amt. stU.'
dentsusing typewriteri ,average 38 per cent better
REPORTS, buoinese records' litters, are all done
Mr. And Mrs. George Caldwell of
BlYth.".•,Mr. And' Mrs. .Mack Car-
diff.:And 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Gordon home of -Mrs. Sidney Thorripson. Stiles-of Brussels visited on Sunday,
Mr, and MrS. Roger Inglis and at the home ef'Mi. and Mrs. Win,
George; of ,Walkerton visited on .Rin'tnp.}:
Sunday withs Mr. and Viethii.Emerson.is spending
Bieman, and, the „Bienuiti fani.illi!ii,;:ter:fil,a3ts;.this week with Rock-
visited on Monday with, his moth- ••••:45011'relatives '
• Mr. and. Mrs. Webster Jacklin,
who reCently moved to LiStoWel,
visited on.• Friday at the home of
Mr and Mrs. Arcbie Purdon.,
Stein, of Winghani,
spent last'
we d. at the home
of his nephew,. Mr. John Purdon,
•Mr.4.and IVIrs.'Dan Tiffin and fa-
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Shiell visited
on Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Hall of Ethel.
Mrs. Mina McRitchie ,returned;
home on Wednesday with" Mr. T.
K. Bibb of Harrow, after visiting
at the Bibb home for some weeks.
Mr, and Mrs. Edward 'Robinson
and fan:lily. Of „St. AuguAtIne visit-
ed on Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Gershon' Johnston..
The Belgrave ,Junior ball team`-
wo their game against Appin in,
Wingham on Saturday evening and.
will play-the- final of the best of.
three this Sethi:clay night at App n.
Those from here wl.t6, attendeT
the Air Defence. Official Confer,L,
ence held on Sunday at the arm
in Owen Sound were. Mr.'
Thos. Morrison, leader in, this. dis-
trict, Mr. and Mrs. Russell pur-:
don, Gary Chapma;n, Gros-.
korth and Ernest Beecroft. Any of
these send in reports of pltines
passing over, giving time, direction
and make of aircraft. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henderson,
of-Downsview, and his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Jack Henderson, Luck
now, and Miss Olive ,Terriff 'are
spending this week with relatives
at Alpena, Mich.
Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Albert Mc-
Quill n of Kincardine visited one
day last week with Whitechurch•
Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Buckton
visited on Sunday at the home of
Mr, and. Mrs, Jack Barr, KinlOugh,
And Were present -at the baptismal
'service in the Presbyterian Church
when their great-granddaughter,:
Janet Barr, was baptized. •
Mr. Wm, McIntyre, road ittper-
ifitendent of Kinloss, took a serious
heart 'attack, on Thursday last and
has been very ill at his'.,home on
the 'fourth concession during the
Week-end. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr and
family Of Tillsonburg visited over
the 'week-end with her parente,
and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker
visited on, Sunday With Mr. ;and
ats, Roy
Elliottlliott of Teeiwater,
Mrs Andrew Wilson arid Joules
arid Mrs. McPhail have been away
ott a trip to the West during' the.
past few weeks, After spending
sorne",time with relatives in ,Win:
nipeg they went as far as Calgary,'
and. are expected hOroe this_ week-
'Mrs. Sam McIlurney, Mrs, mi-
vVird McBurney and soifs of Wing-,
ham, anti Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Meiutney and sorts visited oir Sung
day with Ur, Elgin porter and •hia,
family of 13a,yfielcl, „
110, and Mrs. Gordon Rees .Of
Tpronkt) spent the week-end'
;his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Prank
Ross, aria attended the receptiohi
held in their honor 'on Friday even,
by. Tarnberiy .rieighbora and
relatives at the ItoYal T,
Me, and Mrs, Elgin jehristen of
TtirtiberrY Visited over the -We*-
end' With Streetsville; Toronto and
Milton relatiVes. •
Mr, and Um harry Scott
*Ira spent the Week-end Witli.Mr.
'and. Mrs, IlOrrnan Coultes,
OeV, Mr, Medtkre Of MoleaVrorth
had Charge- of the scrvide
day in the Preabyteriati clhureh
here 'While gel/.
preaehed anniversary SerVICer
Itele$WOrth,' ^
'Ottarioi;i 'Martin and. Mr, and
Mill, Seholtt vialted 'in to,
(loll of ,Priday With Istr, and Mrs,
Clayton, atholtY,' and: With Mn', arid
Mra, Cameron Sikatnontii
Mr, ,Arnoe
wleh 'nursing * .,yery„,tsciitt*ight
liand:% While. workingity.the:iiinsh,
Saturday;' splitting trp100i' of
wood, :in, Some.,,,manner,
fieW. up- and brake one lihger,":and
smashed the 'back', of .his.;baild,
fracturing genie, hones: 13r,.,',r45rde
took him to LidtfiVrel *Sf)tal,
where he had a east put On. •
Mr, and Mrs„ Stan ,Brid.3,‘:and
Bobby and Mrs: Inez'Gibson visit
ed en Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs,'
Dick Aldrich in Galt. ,j
Mr. and Mrs, Brace JiOltoriel_of
Harristori - Weie iliiinerguestg),vith
Mr: and Mrs`.
Sunday. Mrs, Holtom was sploist'At
the -MolesW,Orth.
vice iii the PreshYtetialichitreli`
Mr.-'and `Mrs Ralph AhriorfCt of
S.. • ID, S: MacNaugh-
ton'and 3olin , of *rcoetei!;',
recently ;the heMes.tif,,*irs.,V
'Hainitock find Mrs. I. Gamble and
also ;called )14.11114- mitt
COnaell anA'Mrg: Ruby
$.Tracle'Marlta 11,e01. cHOOSE YOURS. TODAY AT
'*/t' 4.4 aa jf e The family
ul Slot%
• , fee SestieR freshness,
Doisy fresh bohdeau'givoi perfect
fit and firm young curves at a price diet
11, lest right t „In broadcloth, embroidered •
de;sie*. sizes 3 7-40i
R.' IiiAMILTON'-21
thoidaihneaa, Ability Time tested
i v .
PhOne,:,31 for appointment