The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-18, Page 3• 111 AREA • oill6 !haul C:061M4W operating an a ,nrdionai Peale: his 166hmitiilt RPdnin S for ambition men or w ni . t beat 1 i 8 9 . eIi t+ i)tiulp:9 bleat ., Stealing With Seine of . Canada's Iargeat .Ostia Stare*: ciia fb handled in sparse hours at Start if dindred honestY.:.etpil depe>pdr,=; e p p l Witty more linoirtartt Ul1ai><, past experience, Our iberal; ' , financial aseistance etieblc$ rapid ea Pansion, This is a :i business on a high, plane ;tor high ty e,•men or :}women of character o01Y+, APPLICANTS MUST HAVE API'RQX, $*000.00 (Which is .pecpred),, Rad; Qpd referen'cee, %hese° peening, will. pay you exeeptioryaiiy ,li4gh nienthly inoOme Immediately,, and, ray9 l cants aspiring ;pidly•lni;rease as busuie.s expands. Prefer apP # earnings from $19,000.00 tog$Q,U90.Q9 yearly, Ne high pressure Men wanted as NO SELLING required, If you call Iflialify and have necessary cash, write today giving phen9' mmdbex And., �raa, rticutare for local interview. i Write: Manager, f►;,O. „Rex No; 125, Station B. Montreal, Quebec:. Help The Blind to help themselves if WEEDED 7Oo'T IS 1 A R �. +. train; ►.hsitilitst+ and house tit. �IlnJ in this district. eeneeueity Chests see municipal prints will provide S51,100.' 'C. N. I. B., . TRI-COCAMPAIGN, TRI -COUNTY C IGN A , t HURON '• MIDDLESEX • PERTH (Exsludine leaden seal Strstfe e To; C.N.I.13y c/o'John-Brent, Qheirrilsn,':'-. VYitipham;' Ont, This advg> tiseinent sponsored by WINGHAM,AbVANCE-TIMES' 1. Semi -Annual waiipaper7 Sale SEPTEMBER 12th to SEPTEMBER Z1aE (ikEOUP 1 , • is Living,'Robin - Dining Blown and Hall Patterns Reg. '85e to 98c values SALE 590 per single. roll • GROUP 3 Bedroom and Nursery , Patterns Reg. 45c' per • dingle roll SALE. 29c, per single roll GROUP 5 SPN.iCIALS' Patterns suitable for; any room plains, stripes .etc; Reg. price range 55c to 65c •_:per single roll SALhy 190 ROOM LOTS - HALF PRICE or LESS.. GROUP 2 Patterns. suitable for :Living Rooms; Dining, Roomti'° • and Hall •orDen. Reg, price•;59c to•,,68c SALEt 39c per single-rolt GROUP 41 , Kitchen and, Betlraooin Patterns Reg. uta. to 59e per single' roll. SALE " 29e. per: Single roil - GROUP 6 Varanislied Tiles Wallpaper Patterns TO. CLEAR -. 19e per ,single 'roll, =• BETTER' quality .4'APERS • ' AT `REDUCED:- PRICES.' Few rolls of •each.=Pattern s 1 COME ' EARLY FOR"• THE BEST CHOICE l You SAVE when you.,lauy ;at Walipaper. •rho HOiCK COUNCIL PASSES LAWS A regular meeting of the HOW,' ick Township Counuli was held: ill the clerk's office on September Oth, All membei'a,.were Present and reeve, H. Gowdy' in the chair, The minutee of the last regular meet- ing were read and on iantioSl of McMichFel and'Qlheon were adopt- ed dopt ed' as read, 0a01e4 Allan - Haski'ns,-.-That wq .atitll.- orize the cicrit and ,reeve' to` •sign.. the petition for intela paiyrnent; of subsidy Under tl)4':. Highway xm- prevenient p 1 .Carriedc : , ¶ibcon ,,,McMichael- `hat ' we instruct The •jerk to apply, for the extension o„f• the return ,. of the assessment roll for, 15 days Car- . ried . 1VeMycliael - Gibson -`hat , we give the, Hewlett Agricultural Sop- iety, 4 •grant of 1¢O ,and up to, $100 to, the school fair; Carried. Haskins ' Allan -That we give the North, Huron Plowmen's Association a grant of $35,00 Car tied. • ' Gibson - IdeMicha 1That we give the Gorrie.:Cemgtery` Board a grant of $2QO,OQ, Carried. Allan 1-. Hailkins-That we 'give the, •McIntosh. Cemetery Board a grant of $100.00: Carried:• 'Allah-•MeMichael -That; 73y -Lar', No; 14-57 of the Township of WO - Mk for the year 1957, a' by-law ;to dnerease. the, intertest rate on bank loans, as read . the third tine be finally passed:. -Carried„. • Haskins . McMichael^That By- law -.No. '16-57.•,of..'•the Township of ilowick for the year 1957, a by-law •to impose a tax penalty on unpaid taxes of; the year•`of• levy; as read the' third , time ;be finally passed.. Carried, Allan - Haskins=That' we do now. :adjourrr. the' regular' Meeting to go into special meeting ,re;'The Tile Drainage: Act: Carried' Haskins• -Gibson T1iat..By-iaw No. 15-57 •of the Township ef,How- ick for -the year x.1957,' The Tile •Drainage Act Bylaw; as read the, third 'time be finally, 'passed. Car . Allan - Gibson -That we adjourn the special' meeting and revert to open council. Carried. . McMichael - Allan -That By law No, 13.57. of the, Township' of Howick for the year . 1957, the Henry Bolton: Municipal. Drain re - Pair and improvement'. by-law as read the. third time., b'e ••. finally passed.. Carried. Allan '-McMichael-That we in if$' foe WHO NYS - lint NE'OOESN'T�MINO $HECII$G' OUT' fQR' THE MODERATELY PRICED •eRESCRIP:IG11 StAVICE AT :VANCE'S. DRUGSTORE • JNSTfl1J1t' PLANS. MacNaughton Faintly ftwEYALE••--Turnberry moo FOR 01ST1 RALLY Pt •Mrs, •D, :S, MeeNaughten, and Frio•:114s Honor son, John assen1bipd at heli •hpmie on Wednesday evening, Septemi?br 11th, .prior to .their iiepart(ire to. Winghai�r• • Gifts *ere presented by Prrib Harvey Tirrl.in and Mrs.Wiillaln. Mundell and;; lairs, Gordon Mundell read an :adduces at appreciation, written by herael,P.:in verse 'form: Mrs, MacNaughton and John' are ,roving to ,Wingbam, their farm having been: sold to Reeve John. Fischer. They will be ?much missed:. ht the con'iiriunity, Mrs, MagNaugh' ton has done .outstanding work in the Women's Institute, being, a former member of the 'I rovinpiel Board, and in the Wro cete.r United Church. JAPAN IS '.SUBJECT AT RALLY SERVICE LUEVALE-Rally Day was .eh- served, in the United Church on Sunday. Rey."R, A; Brook and W. J. Peacock, Sunday School superin- tendent, had charge of the service. • The junior phoir led in the ser- vice of song, Bob Mathers and Keith Johnston read Scripture pas- sages. Mrs. Elmer. Sellers told a story of Japanese school boys, Allan" Archibald, , infant son of Mr, and' 1%17s, Wolter Willitswas baptized at the service, " Rev, R, A, Brook, in his address, described conditions in Japan, where there are. only 160,P00 Chris- tians in a'. population of 19 million. The United Church is making a big effort to reach those whose religion is .*Buddhism or Shintoism and helping the people in agriculture, Industry and education. Couple Presented WROXETER-Friend and neigh- bors gathered in Wroxeter com- munity hall on Friday evening to honor Mr, and Mrs, Roy Hunt on their recent marriage.. I 'Bruce. Montgomery read thead- dress and Jack Browne presented them with a" gift of money. The remainder of the evening was spent in' dancing with music by : Sang- ,ster's Orchestra. structs the clerk to advertise for tenders on the Bolton Drain to• be in the hands of the clerk by 2 p.m. Friday, 'September 20, 1957. Carried. Haskins -,'McMichael-That, the road accounts as approved 'in t 4e. amount of $6,186.65 be passed, Car- ried. McMichael - Allan -That the fol- lowing accounts be paid. Carried. Provincial Treasurer, insulin, $1.88;_fox bounty, $6.00; office sup- plies, $52,41; Jack Bennett, Muni- cipal Drain, $891,21; Parrish Exten- sion Municipal Drain, ;$896.55; Kit- linger Municipal Drain, $1614.40; John Strong, mowing Pioneer. Park, $10.00; Henry Bolton, Muni- cipal Drain,` $30.00; Wm. Marriner, relief account, $29.39; Reg, Hobbs, relief, '$17.75; H. Harris, postage, $5,00. Gibson - Allan -That we do now adjourn to meet again for the next regular meeting on Monday, Octo- ber 7th, 1957; Carried, J, Harold Pollock, ,Clerk, H. Gowdy, Reeve. She is .saving so she can continue her ,music studies " • 4 Ile is saving so he and his wife can take on extended motor trip Both have a. bink, account and p�urp��� dor .�av n THE N,A.R T 1 * I The difference between reaching a goal and leiiistii g it tin be the'savings you put by, now, hi a blink account. 'Stift savings don't just happen,They Involve Sonne sacrifice, definite planning, But as " your dollars mount up yotc f'eel;a, sense of, [ccnip1isbinent, or getting somewhere, that •• a ethe "efto rt moreth worth white, Your battik account provides ready cash that Can help take care 'ot any emergency that may arise; or open the Wirth bargains or other" ve you ins haute Whatever ob eCtl O b tixnitleS. il1�h X �' pp t � Y Blind, and whatever use your savings may ' nit iinetely serve, you'll alWayS be js;lad you save& Save at a bank ►ntlttorrs dol ks i*vIr a YOB co Mu1Ni.!, Of#61.:401$ BOYS IN 441 EVENT ^ TheWli.�. Miro i3LUEVAIrE-The Bluiv* a Wo- men's Institute met dict .the home of lV[rs. "ilea Corrigan onThorp- day. evening, the viRe.president, Mrs, .Snarlinif Johnston, presiding, The roll call was :answered by ^'iv ing the name of a city pr _product of South Africa. Plans were made for the • East 1luron. District rally,' to be held In Bluevale .cominiunity hall on October 7th, Appointed on the re- freshment committee were; #Mrs,. Harry Elliott, Mrs. Eldred. Nichol, Mrs. John Fischer and Mrs, Walter, Sxriillie, • Mr$, Harry Elliott reported about the plan for decorating the base - Ment of the community hall,' The. ,members will hold a bee on Wed- nesday, September 18th, to do some: of the work rettulred. The names of Mrs, Stanley Darling and Mrs: Jos, Horton were added to the committee. The vicepresident read a long list of .important resolutions to ht brought before the district ;rally. and these were discussed, Mrs. M. I,., Aitken gave a paper on South Africa, describing its his- tory,, geogprahpical features and conditions among the races there, leading to the present tension. Mrs, Jack Wickstead described the. care of African violets, stress- ing good soil, proper light and at- mosphere and avoidance of cold drafts, Mrs. Wickstead brought one of her fine plants which was pre- sented to Mrs, Raymond Elliott to mark the dated her 40th wedding' anniversary, Mrs. C. B. Hoffman led in corn- munity singing. Refreshments were served by the hostess and, Mrs. Frank Stamper, Miss Dorothy Greenaway and Mrs, Raymond El- lIott. BLUEVALE' Miss Emma Johnston spent a week's vacation at High Lowe near Peterborough. Rev. Campbell Tavener and Mrs Tavener of Grand . Bend, were visitors in' the village on Friday. Mrs. Arthur Shaw returned with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Elliott spent the week -end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Donaldson and the Misses Brown, of London, visited friends in the village'' -on Saturday, Mrs. Howard Black and •Mrs. Harry Johnston of Toronto visited ,at the :lipme of Mr, and.ivtrs. Eimer Sellers last week. Attending London Fair during the week were: Miss Etoile Mof- fatt, Miss Bessie Campbell, Miss Eleanor Smith, A. D. Smith, Har- old Johnston and 'Kenny Johnston. Anniversary services will be held in, the United Church, on .Septem- ber 29th, when Rev. . George Hazelwood, B.A., B.D., of Mount Forest will preach. W.M. S. -Honors Mrs. MacNaughton WRbXETER-Mrs, 'Jas. Doig opened her home for the Septem- ber meeting of the WM:S. ,on Thursday evening,. with sixteen members present. • Mrs.. Jas. Sander- son arranged -and .presided over the devotional period. . Mrs. Doig waspianist, and the hymns chosen were' "In Christ There Is No East or West".;; "God of Mercy" and "The . Day Thou oavest, Lord Is Ended." Miss Jar- dine leading in prayer. The topic,. "Anna and the Indians," was given by Mrs. Munro. The business was presided over by .Mrs. Edgar and plans were made to send a bale of baby clothes to Hazelton, B.C., and also the fall bale to be sent this ,Year to Korea. The Autumn Thankoffering is to be held on October 20th with Miss Laura Collar of Wingham, as guest speaker, and on October 17th plans, were made to entertain the ladies of the congregation, the Fordwich' W.M.S. ladies and FordWich Wo- khan's Auxiliary of' the Anglican Church with Miss Collar showing slides, .At the close of the meeting a presentation was held in honour of Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton, past president' for five years, leaving and taking up residence in Wing -- ham, Mrs. MtioNaughton thanked them and 'expressed her regrets at leaving. The best wishes of all the members go with her to 'her new home, A social hour was enjoyed With Mrs, G. Gibson and Mrs. H. Timm assisted by the hostess serv- ing lunch, ST HELENS 'Vire, itobinyqn Woods, Mrs, AleX Murdie and Bob have returned to Iritchener after 'spending the suin- merat their home here, Miss Anna St at Of Toronto andD e f hi - r, W C Ma C,re � or o C g5 Sago Were Week -end visitors with' Mr, and Mrs, George Stuart, Lt, 1 rian Staples of Calgary, who fa training at Camp 1#orden, was a week -end guest of Mr. and Mrs. 11ohh Canieron 'and boli. MISs, Donna Woods, student nurse ,at the X itehtener Water ie 1iio�piy AViLLE.r .ciNTOS• CHARTERED .ED ACCO.LINTA BELL TELEPHONE BUILDIN4, Wa.11trto;n Onto 1.0.H. 1,t11t11ntn;11$41.0,1•lIHAl1,g1,V1,AI,+A/fAn17MI J,, 11411.AAAn4M11 4' When it comes to judging live- stock, nearly 100 :boys 'at. Lon-: e don's Western fair found it never pays to, "underestimate :the power of a woman.'' Broil! of :the maxim is Laurel Dale, 16,. who outclassed all the boys to become the first girl to win the 4=H junior championship for livestock judging. The pert teen• ,ager comes from Clinton; Ont. • Miss Jean Aitchison, Honored by Friends' S,T, "HELENS -Miss Jean Aitchi- Son,. Whose marriage to Mr. George Erringten, of Dungannon. , takes place • on Saturday, was honoured, at ;a large gathering hr the •cqm- muiiity hall on Wednesdayeven- ing: .Arrangements were made • by Mrs. A. Gaunt, Mrs. G. MacPher- son; Mrs, D. Gibb, Mrs,.,L. Durnin, Mrs.. C. McDonald and Misses Erma and Joan Forster, ' Mrs, .Gibb presided for the fol- lowing program: Piano solos by Norma Forster, Mary Fisher •.: of W.hitechur'eh, Mary B, Purdon and Mrs: ' W. Rutherford; readings .•by Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Durnin, Mrs. Gaunt, Mrs. MacPherson; Mrs, R. Gammie, Gwen Cooper and Erina Forster;:a skit "The Magic. Mir- ror", ir- ror' . by Whitechurch ladies; ae vocal, duet by Erma and Joan' For sten -and solos by Anne Todd and Mrs. A. Gaunt, A mock wedding was . enjoyed with the following taking part; Organist, Mrs. Gaunt; • soloist; Gladys McDonald; bride, Mrs,'. Gibb;• groom, Erma Forster; brideSmaid, . Mrs. Wm,. MacPher- son; best man; Mrs. G. Macpherson bide's father, Mrs. L: Durnin;' fictive/. girl, .Karen Gaunt; ring bearer, Allan McDonald and mini- ster,- Mrs. C. McDonald. At the conclusion of the pro- gram, Jean,accompanied by her sisters,: Mrs. C. Purdon and Mrs. E„•Button and Donna and ;Mrs. Jack Errington was given the seat oil -honor on the platform' under piiilc• and white streamers and wedding bells; Mrs. Keith Black read an.address of good wishes and Jean was presented • with many lovely gifts.- She expressed" her gratitude• and invited the ladies; to her" trousseau tea on Wednesday,: A` contest and lunch concluded a •very pleasant evening. WROXETER Mrs. Reg Newton is in Ottawa this week attending the joint postal Conference of Ontario and Quebec Postmasters, She is accompanied by Mrs. Carl. Newton of Harriston. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Doig attended the presentation in the Belmore Community hall on Friday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gowdy on their recent marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart and Patti, Listowel, are vacationing With their parents here. Mr. and . Mrs. Gordon Rickard, Leaside, visited the latter's father, Mr, 'W. G. Clark, en Thursday'of last week, the occasion being Mr. Clark's birthday, Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Brothers and family, Wexford, .spent the week- end with Mrs: V. Brothers, A full congregation attended the anniversary services at Wroxeter United Church on Sunday. Rev. Bewell of Ilarriston was guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs, Verne Clark and f antliy spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Sud Stewart, ,•Harristpn. Friends of Mr, Jack Griffith will be pleased to hear he returned Koine from Winghain Hospital on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Dane, 'Wrox- eter were visiting in London and 'Kitchener last week, , Mr. W i O Gihso 1 vl ted' last Mrs, t s week with • her' daughter Mrs, J. D, McGillVary and,Mr, Mcctiilvary, Paisley, ,; Mrs, Alonzo Sperling and hazel Spent the weep+enol with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Eaton, Seaterth, • Ur, and 1Vtrs, Ross Coates spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd 1Vttlidetoft, Mount 1 orett. ] d ne for -e '. til 'tufts t nt r thewoe nal k Miss Annie Meitenzlb of thielph and Mrs, Allister'iltighes were i'e- tent guests of Mrs. F. J1 Todd, ,Alinivei'sary, services will he ooiiy thieted irk the whited C'httfeh ori Sunday, Oe ober '2t, with Pit, Mr, ` elinedy Of Dtfngttniton in Gliarge. Keep this date in, hhld Protect Vont" Home 710111.111111110p4410141.1e1111.4iimuki.904 k Again �l hey {lid not attars 4 livatake In then printing High QualityPaint .. Sarre High Quality , KE:M .17.0NE `Fest name in paint' t' Get in on'tlaese sensational YAI;NT VALUES NOQal. .1 _ a t nt d'iscontin. tied lines • 25c qt. 1001/2pt. Slit"11111,11111 n 1l l 1, i' 11/1111 /Air,/11111 .1101111411;1111,1111 4,7) Hardware ,A1i111.$011,1u,", It,l„1„1111111,111tu111111n111111n1:10;,;111 FREE! 3 ManACCORDIONS , m 'l hey %%oat Last Term .. . Nothing to Buy - MUSIC' AND IN.`$TRU 1IINT'SUPPLIED FOR, rRACTICIg AN' Ips, -141 I'IUSSTb`A mum AREl THE' RULES; '1. open tie any student who sins not had any previous inetruer-' Uion inpiano accordion. 2. Enroll for ten aeeordion lessons at the Royal Academy of 11lusie.: 3, Contest'rune for ten weeks, one lesson Per we44hi eollrireiie- irrg OCTOBER ' Ist. Talent 4 After whichyou rli'e iii. attic 1",ileiit L"onteat Con! clition to e �v l play p decide the Winners, ENROLL NOW To insure yourself of the opportunity to enter, this contest ail only a Lirnited•Ntnnber of instruments are available; .• Sponsored . The I utled a Music Staires 11. p 1�y � in Gait and Guelph ROYAL ACADEMY OF MUSIC TEAC1II.Ii, and 1U PIiESEN'PATIVE Miss Lloye Stott) R.R, 2, Teeswater, Orlt, Phone 5 r21 Co1Pet y Only 10% Down'-' 18 _Months to Pay Write Today foir Oe aids Yes, you too can enjoy all the conveniences of running water now, wilds* you pay for. it during the next :tbrc tr yt,ni'a. The Eine Budget Plan will cover Ouzo battalia, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom iixttiee.,, taps. in all farm buildivgs plus installation. We will lin dead to r;ivn yntt a 1'rro estimate of t R cost of laloyur and liiatei'iaifi. Plrelite or win(' into our shop and we. hew,, rr:illy inexpensive twining water theDUIU) Wdy (:alit Le. PERCY CLAR YY il],'17►6tk91 Phone: 255 - ?lambing hang; 11t aa:tallj Ail' Co nditioinisig 6 co'Merl -Chine x"b) ,erly fmplr 6roi11itru. Co. Urspni