The Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-18, Page 1Big Thrill For Young Fisherman
, , „ i leX.Pfi,ipt-11,4,t t,:pt yp
Mr and Wingham, in Lake Temiskarning,
recently,' Larry, who is Seeirholding his big catch, landed the fish
_with the help of .his -.Eitheit . after• a.twenty.eninute struggle. •
• ::--Advance-Times photo,.
Workinen began on Friday Morning tearing Itp the C.P.R. tracks Witigham, Pieture Shows the large
crane in operation loading' the lengths en to a flatcar, In ratite CT' trailer will ISO at the rid* datioti
north of the river* 4-eAdValite,Tlitiek
which is consiganucteci the Cl& rrie. Vidette and Wrnaeter News
WUSTOKAM, CONTARIQ1 W.,01) Soo, sErnnons 1$, on
are Announces
Allowance Payment
1110111 TEL I
1,0' The tiede4triiill
PET'S .110T2AL FISH—Larry Mc,
Donald, on of Mee and Mrs, Lone
KOPOlitald, is; „just as happy •he
doesn't live in England, On a re-
cent fishing trip with his, dad at
itke Teilliskaneirkg YP}i'ng Larry .
set his,hoOk into the jaw of a Mon-
f4r sturgeon. Fortunately for
L'arri we, in Canada, can, take our
sturgeon home to the frying pan,
he Old country things, are ,dif-
- There the sturgeon is
'Iril'eiwn as the "royal" flan and' ev-
erY one caught is supposed to be
delivered. to Buckingham Palace'
far the use of the royal 411111Y. A
friend who lived in. the %British
'Isles until recently tells, us; that he
is of 'the (Minion the Queen
doerfo't get all . thee, sturgeon that
are,. lifted'Yfrom the !streams over
either "
o -7'0 -• 0 ' .
, ',thew:Whet Were 'Yvateliiiie 'the local
firernen'.'eXtinguiSh a blaseln
.ritzpittriCks car on Oriclay night tot the "blisinees') front' a.,fire host
:'as' the 'smoke-eaters° , inadvertent4r
(we • hope) turned the. nozzle to-
!,warkehe crowd and kept",it there'
for .several chilling seconds: • It
Wee a cool evening for a soaking,
tQo,• , ,
the fall, "rummage •sale has been set
by thp Hospital Aurelliari for Sat
October 19, That psi leaves
one' month to took over the Oda
and' ends in the attic'and basement
(not to mention your husband's
half of the clothes eloset)'oi, any-
thing that can still be worn, react
of otherwise made use .of.
0 - 0 - - . •
• that, the Toronto Star infornts all
And Sundry that Wingham will' ex-
t4nd daylight saving tithe ,until
October '26. Though the extension
is welcoMed•by, twerp' folk,' pairticu.
larly 'those Whce,:are ,,trying"tO
gardens a. letter in
e.a.p .ress,e0 the,: feAirtge" good
"hittrti. thellitrifiers • In this
'eel •
7TME.!BARRIER--Daylight SaV-
lig ,Timeis tO end in .Whigliern on
,October 27th it was stated official-
ly' this Week.' In Settforth; I•Cincare'
;dine,- Hanover ,aed Harriatori,..DST
Is; to end on Sunday, September. 29.
From where „we sit it: would seem'
that, if' you drive over anSe of
there. towns from..W*11am yoti'll
arrive there even betore Yew' step
nite,„yonr,,car, oti.,the Main drag--
drja it the Other WaY„1,rOdn,d1
and Sheirbondy,,iS at present Work-
ing'inf the late'at population figures
foie the, town appreciate
tied r&Weinners, •town looking in
dni him,' a his 'shop oh "Josephine,
Sereee to enable hire tci 'complete
• 5 fife census, The figirres, Wilt 'add up
to .more fiseful "vital, statistics"
than.,the more, familiar: 3628-36!
SIGN OF '''iWiNTER.---The town
youngsters' summer thirst offib-
hilly ended nn Moinitty when vintric-
,men *moved the drinking fOun-
tains 'from along. Iciaephine Street.
Xt's just another sign that winter
is plat around the corner'suld stem`-„
finer is over for• another year,
The Wingham • and: -District
Branbh of, the Canadian' 'Cancer
Society will hold the annual meet-
"g Wingham Council
amber on Friday, October 4th'at
ght.eeclock. Join the geod work
-,=be there • V1813`
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanley, of
`,Lneeknovv, Wish einhOtiece the
ingageilient bf their daughter,
;'Jean Viola to Nit. John. Gershom
Johriaton i son of Mi. and, Mrs.
oefsliem Johnston of Wingham,
Tile wedding will take tilade hi the
Oriebyteriatt Church, Lticktiow, on.
Sattirdayi SeP6mbet 01 at
Ott fOlION:!
A meetleg- is to be iheld at .Gil'
inoutla School oil Monday, Sep-
tember 28 at 8,86 On, dia011Os
platia foe'' the proposid Township
plenie area, and swienning pool at
the side of the new' bridge On the
9th of Turnberry,
iitetrribitit IN 1111101XVI,CR
A reeeption for Mr.. and Mrs,
Stewart Conpland, nee JoYce Rob,
inSeri,- Will be held h WrOxoter
Orntintunity Hall, on Friday even-,
big, September 20th, Singstere/
Orthestra will play, 1.*AdieS pleaSei
bring, lunch. IgYelrYdfle Welcehic:
The Kinsmen end Kinettes held a
joint dinner meeting at the Queens
Hotel ozr Tuesday, September 10th;
It was the first meeting for the
1957.58 Kin year and the new
officers of both clubs were install.
ed by visiting District Deputy
Governoe Charlie Harris of Wel-
The following MI:lemon officer;
were installed; president, Jack
Walker;, past ,president, jael•k
Lloyd; vice-presidents, Murree,
Staintme and Jim Clarke:. s4re
tary, Fred Templeman; treasurer
Murray Taylor; registrar, genie;
Fisher.; directors, Brace MacDon-
ald, Roy. DeGroot and Si Robin.
son; bulletin editors, Connkell
anci Roger West.
Kinette officers installed at the
same time were: President, Peg
Bateson; Past president, Mary
Lloyd; secretary, Mary Williams.
treasurer; Jean Loughiean; regis
trar, Catherine MacDonald; bulW•
tin editors, Ruth Currie and Mari.
';Following' the installation;'
er'rior 'Herris presented 100% at
atteedniece pins-; to the .following
;kinsmen: 800%, Andy .Scott; 600 0/0"
Jaek Walker; 300%, Al Williams;
,200%; HerveY . Fisher, Jack Lloyc.'
and Lorne MeDonald; 100%, Jim
Currie, Roy DeGrOot, Bruce Mac-
Donald, Roger West.
Followiag a short buSinesO
sion the men-liters adjourned to the
Wingham Golf ChM' for a, wiener
roast an& dance.
Youth Injured
In Car Mishap
A 17-year-old Blueyale youth,
John K, Mciffat, was injured• on
Saturday night When the car he
„was driving Went, out bf control
and hit a hydro Pele at the junc-
tion of Carling Terrace and No.
86 . HighWay: on the eutskjits• of
Winktia* .; attended' the' "youth, and 'although
H al Morfat/s cemaition, is
Mid to be ;not Serious. The ac-
cident Was investigated by Const.
Gordon Deyell,' of Wingham.
83rd Birthday
A- family gathering was held at
the home Williani Arbuckle,
12th concession of East Wawenosh
on Sunday to mark' his 83rd, birth-
day, Present for the occasion4were
Mr. and MrS. Harold Kerr, and
family, Wingham; Mr.. and Mrs,
James R. Coultes and family, of,
Wingham; Mr: and. Mrs.
Rutherford. Reavie and family, of
R,R. 3, Wingham and. Me and Mrs,
Robert Arbueltle ee RR, 4, Wing-
...Photo by Harniterteri,
ham Also present were-`his brother,
Mt, Robert 'Arbuckle': and Mrs.
Arbtickle, and Mr, Ted Kimball, all
Of Toronto.
A son, Linter, 'reticles at home
With 'his father. Mr, Arbuckle
joys good health and it is 'CUStoln
to Walk to town several times a
, Last week Mr.. and Mrs, Dan Ar-
buckle and eon,'Gavin, of Ottawa,
vitited With 'the forinerre father,
'but Were not able to attend thd
farnilY gathering on Sunday,
On January., 9th, 1958, a teleYision,
"experiment', I:611 -haife'.1tehegier.e'
ning :in this '„Coneltree 'eVer::CKNX.
televiSion station Channel. 8, when
a' National„:;,raim,'•.Fortimil produc
lion -on falen 'reetiletion,!,icehitriele
Will be beamed to: vieivers'an'• tine.
The deciSion" and Permission to:
make this TV "fir0071Was:reached.
at a meeting. held in the VVinghant
town hall on Thuriday,`afterlioOn,
when 'members of 7.thE ' Ontario
Farm Forum executive And a:cotri-
mittee under" Donald. Munro;,, of
Ottawa, chairman" of the Ontario
Birthday' —
,Mrs. Harry Mundy a: resident of
VVinehain fine Malty years, cele-
brated her '94th 'birthday on 'pies-
lay of last week .,at'.the ,home of
her daughter, Mes, Tvie Hanmore,.
in-Sarnia, Her Mt., telly Mun-
dy and Mrs. -Mundy, • and Mrs.
Frank Sedcidir,.' of Winghatp,
spent the' day 'With her, 'along with
members of the 'faMilY and friends
from othee"pointe, 'Mia J, A. Wil-
son and Mrs,' Ed,' Harrison called
On Mrs, Mundy On Snndayt,
. Tenders Called:10r
Highway Gtavel::
John Hanna, -1yr,P,170,(, annonnced,
this week that he had , received
word that tendets haVe:•.bedil dirtied
for the placittg of ertlelted, gravel
on Highway "86; front elVfdleaWOrtit
to the BlUeVale sidereed.
Tenders have able' lieelt . palled
for the same Work to' .be' done frOM
Clinton to ,dederieli . and front
Coderieh to kineatilinti a total -of'
47 Miles.
Hmt-o Soid'. • .
Mrs. D, •lifit .Naiighten, *hp,
recently sold her tarn", me Highway
81, west of /Wrpeetere to. Reeve,
J, V Tel eht. of TUrilbettY ToWn.
Ship, has mireitased irjutilare,ort Vie-
Iola Street in Aviiighaht` from
and Mrs, GeorgelOrroii, The.latter
MOVed to MOMOY.'
Mrs. MaeNtaightort anti ,. HO' son;
;l'ohn MacNatight6 4, move to
Forum Council, discussed
ways-end 'means of' td,lecasting the
r prgearriover a six-Weeks'trial
will be the pioneer
station and the only' station carry-
ing the program in Canada.
A reseach committee was set
up' at Thursday's meeting and it
will he this; grouP's task to mea-
sure public reaction' to the new
television farm feature to be pre-
sented, over the , local 'station for
'the first time. on Janilary 9th, That
program,' 'following similar lines to
.the CBC trans-Canada network
redid presentation hroadcast on
Jenuitry 6th, will deal with present
day production, prieing and selling
probleihe as they affect the farm-
Throitgh the facilities of the C130
and peivately"OWned radio stations
Canadian ,farmers for the past 18
years have led the World in the use
of redid for the dlecusSion of their
probleins. The • purpose of the
teri:rm 'Poruin broadcaSti has been
to encourage the formation of dis-
cussion grOups; to provide ,unbias-
ed inferniatien On Foran topics; to
help it the deVelopthent -of dis-
mission techinquee' 'and to assist
Patin Foriuns-111 making their cell-
elusions efhotiVe.
Among those Who .littendecl the
meeting on Thursday were Floyd
F: Grleabach, the National Farm
Foram secretary; Mrs. Edith Stem
the °Marie amnietary of. ine For-
tint; Donald Munro, Ottawa, Chair-
melt of the Ontario Farm Forum
'COttneil; Dr, 'Sy 'reale. of 'the CSC,
Toronto; Jack Day, 'Past president
of r'erm RatliO„Vortim,, Carl Hem-
oburty, held/Tient fey, D.
Bry„clpii ' of Ripley; Mrs. 'Vera
Gregg and 'Lloyd tinsper, President
of the Ontario ki'•ecle„retitni of Agri-
culture. ,
The special centrilittee Set tip to
de the research on the TV experi-
mental Farm Forum. progrhert In-
aludeS Mrs. Gregg; Jilt Powers,
Lindsay Metnee fey. Douglas Bry.
don mid three county' fieldtnen se
itiVieote to the committee, Dr. Nor-
man glee of the 'Ontario Agricul-
tural College will also be on this
committee. Local Patin Forum
groups will 'also stody the results
:in 'their are'its. "of the 'experiment
Slid subinit their findings to the
leatitteli etlinfitittet„
Dr. McKibben mentioned with
eg,ret the passing of board mem-
lber Ernest Casemore and intro-
duced the new member, Jamleson
.pettapieee, 'of R.R. 5, Lucknow, to
pose „present.
The minutes of •the last board
meeting were read by the scene-
.ta.ry and approved.'
Principal 'of the eebool, W. S„
Hall, then read his. report, It. was
stated.„ that the, prptent enrolment
figure at the schO:P1 is 529 pupils,
:end, there is, a possibility more pu-
pils may register. Re said that
'High Schein.; exhibits. will be pre7
(Continued from Page Ten)
-.Fifteen Girls, in
';Fifteen girls lidgan 'a nursing as,
are.: Audrey Beaver, Exeter; • Bar-
bara. Bradley, R.R. Goderich;
Margaret Dalrymple, R,R. 3, Blyth;
Shirley Dodgson, Owen Sound;
Alice Hess, Drumbo; Ina Madill,
Markdale; Phyllis Moore, Luck-
now; yerna O'Hare, R.R. 1, Corurp,
aa; Gladys Reid, Kincardine; Mrs:
Grace Saunders, R.R. 1, Shelburne;
Tsebel Scott, R.R. 4, Wingham;
Joan , Sutter, R,R. 1, Walkerton;
Edythe Walker, Gorrie, Marilyn
Webster, Tiverton, and Marilyn
York, of Parkhill.
MiSs Collar Speaks
At'D.E.S.- Meeting
-Members of the Order ' of ,,the
Eastern. Star enjoyed a talk and
films given by Miss Laura Collar:,
returned missionary from Nigeria,
at their last meeting.
Leaves Monday'
For Sudbury
Vic toughlean, of town, will leave
on Monday, September 23rd., to,
attend the Toronto • Maple Leaf
hockey club's training camp at
Sudbury as ly guest of the 'club. In
last week's paper it may have ap-
peared to readers that Vic was
leaving" a week before the camp.
opened since we .did not give any
date, We ,apologize for this omis-
Vie has been a talent scout ,for
the famous club for the past five
years and it is in this capacity
that he, is visiting the training
*Scouting in the town of Wing-
ham seems .to have reached an all-
tiMe high, At a meeting of the
group, committee which sponsors
the Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs it
Was learned that the Scent troop
is filled to capacity and Cubs who
ate Iteady to graduate to Scouting
Will shortly be delayed through
lacks of Personnel to handle• them.
Leadership fOr the Scouts is
Provided Scoutmaster, Allen Walk,.
assisted by. Alton Adatne, It
appears that a eecond troop
Shotild be formed as soon as lead-
ere can be found to look after the
hew group,
The group committee also dis-
cussed the possibility of holding
n, hobby fair. Perhaps in the winter
Menthe/ With exhibits' from all
perSons in the town and district
Wit4) might care to enter products
of their own workmanship, The
event Would, be sponsored by the
Boy Scouts as a Means of adding
to their fttritip.
Force in the Second WOrld War,
has sereecl with the Department of
Welfare at Barrie, Tortinte • and
Hamilten before hia appointment
to the Wingham' office.,
An 'additional. field worker;, Miss
Kathleen Irwin, Reg,K, whose
home Is In 'Kincardine, has been en-
gaged, and will work •out of the
Wingham office.
Walter Chalmers, a former di-
rector of the local office and resi-
dent of town, will supervise Mo-
thers' Allowance administration in
the larger area, of the provinee of
' Officials of the Wingham Rdere-
anon Council repprt „that the four-'
week summer program, carried out
during the summer vacation per-
iod, was one of the most suc-
cessful: to be undertaken here
since I the formation, of the
council. The daily Program for the
smaller. children' included games
and group singing, and one feature'
of the program • was the election of
"civic" officials.
Mayor R.:E. McKinney and Con-
Stable Charles Salter addressed the
children ande rire Chief Jini Carr
gave the yoongsters a demonstra-
tion on .fire-fig-hting, Other activi7
ties included the making. of ,papier-
mache puppets by the older group,
leedielWetneetet,ein4-4iliteilen„ were„1
emPloyed'at a variety Of crafts.,
The children, also enjoyed a tour
of CKNX, as well as a hike and a
The ,boys from 8 to 12 years of
age played bell .each' Wednesday
af•ternOoki at the park under the
Supervision of Herb, Fryfogle, The
wading pool 'was open every day
except Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m.,
weather permitting. Swimming in-
struction, was given twice e week
at the Teesweter pool,
The program came 'to the end
with a wiener • and marshmallow ,
roast. Irene 'Saint and Shirley
Foxton were in charge .of the pro-
which the Huron•Bruce-Perth area
forms a pare. Mr, Chalmers has
been in etown foe the past week,
setting up the new office preee,-
duree required by a complete
change iii the department policy.
'Until the present time all moth-"
ere' allowances applications have
gone to the Department of Welfare
in Toronto for processing, where
government offielule reviewed , the
facts and recommended the action
to be taken , under the new
eystem, applications from the three
can be found for the local group
of Brownies and Guides, the-intake
of new members for the coming
winter season Will be impossIble,
an official of the two Wingithen
groups stated this week.
At present there -are more than
100 Wingham girls, In the two or-
ganizations and only about ten
leaders and helpers to take chaige
of the administration and the acti-
vities of the group.
The Girl. Guides were .started in
Wingham and year ago and the
BrownieS two years ago. Since
their inception here the girls' or-
ganizatiolis, have proved tremen-
dously Popular, but'there has been
Only a slight response to 'a cam-,
paign to-interest responsible ladies
to act as leaciers.and helpers in the,
operating of the two groups.
Membership in the Guides, and
Brownies •is ,now so greatthat the
officials feel they 'can ho longer
acceple;inether erieenberel4,17.4th7
out more assistance in looking af-
ter the girl's an planning activities.
The winter season begins early,
in October and unless sufficient of-
ficials can be 'recruited by then
District Commissioner Mrs. George.
Cameron,. ,,of Wingham, will 130.
forced -to "close the, door" on et!,
large number of local' children who
have now reached the age when
they can become Brownies.
Anyone interested in Brownie or
Girl Guide work should get in
touch with Mrs. Cameron as soon
as possible to enable this import-
ant work with the young girls of
the 'town to be continued. and en-
counties Will come •directly to the
Wingharn pffice. and processing%
will be done entirely from this
XL. Hanna expressed the •opinion
that the change Will be welcomed..
berieficiariee •under the act, for
the' processing can noW be hi,fmdled
much more xapilly than was the
case when all information wee
dealt with in Toronto.
Another Weleonee „announeeheent
froM the 10041 member was to the
effect that a, change has been made
fir the rates of PaYnnent to ntotheri
and any others who.benefit. undet
the Mothers' Allowances Act, In
the Past a 'nether received $50.00
monthly for herself and, one de - •
pendeiit child, • With an' additional
$10.00 for each additional child af-
ter the first. The new method wilL
be tO review the requirements 'hi
each family, to determine exectier
what local costs are and how much.
the mother re'quires to adequately
care for herself and her children.
Among the 'factors considered in
this review will be .costs of food,
milk,-special diets when necessary,
clothing, rent, utilities, insurance,
fuel, household maintenance,' etc.
Medical service will continue to he
made available by the doctor Of
the beneficiary's choke.
The maximum amount of aisiet-
anee available to -a family Will de-
pend on other 'income will& is
available. In most cases 'the' new
method of payment will mean
worthwhile increase, but there may
be instances 'where other Income
will reduce the government allow-
busy OffiCe
The Wingham, office of the:
tin Perent ,of Welfare is an ettren.0-
ly 'busy pIaee. Iii the .courie'•Cit
year about 260 Mothers' Alidentrice
r i n dition 'to 'Which there are blind
pensioners, those in receipt
abled pereons' allowances .and
age • assistaime, tp bring pit ,total
case load for the 'Whighitmodeeh
to aboht '4500. The staff also;
handles the auditing of. municipal .
ace:bunts for 'direct relief
Mr. Hanna told
Mit 'e Al;etnee;
Timei that the local offiee-is• very ;
highly thought of by Departnient
of Welfare , officials' in Toronto;
who are not only pleased.' with the
results whidh have been obtained
by the staff; but ,by'the eprettetifened;
which is afforded on account of the
central location of the office in Elie
three-coUnty district.
11)ANCINGI,,, 801100L
NOW Ofktbi
• The denting ,daces Teas ' cdirie
FI8* Merited 'in t140 Legion Hall, rox8h theft% neW herrn! latet, this Week.
001. TV: Stgioa e Pilot
for a r • Fol*m.
rP.P-n •
m0uneed this 4: that severs
ethangee in bptb government policy
lendpet'szniielhave 'been made vliviiyiitffecttheoeratioot
the local of the 'Department
,1 Welifare, which is located in the
ublie Utilities building
filljeteedfrtoomtalswhe ciohhoawwrge'lellfaosrf btile:nri°acPal
'tam: * : in Wing-
Albert W, Morr
pith is administered
Pie counties of Huroll a Bre.riviwucooerrkra,9nwid:
hi veteran of both A.
and Air
Sao. Boar,d, held its fir. regular or Guides, rownies The Wingharn District High F
eeting of 'the new term in the •
thool last Tuesday with Chair-t r 'Unless, at least six extra helpers
71 Dr. W. A. McKibben pre,side
More Leaders Needed
gram. . larged.