HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-11, Page 6rr, AdyatiCe-TIMes AV SqPi.731414. 444 1957i a ,%,""I toyar maa,'"Avep," .ro,a.',Ao , " FOR SAM MEAT POR SALE -Good beef by ' the quarter. Killed tinder fleeing, forn Dept, of Health. Yearling heifera, Top quality. Lowest Priem RaYnard Ackert, Ripley , phone 2400. 17rrb MILK FILTERS for sale-".Rapici klo", 70e; 61/2 -inch, 85e. Alexander's Hardware. irria 11•10C *.1,4ARY,' „ESCORT range for sale. Ofied as new. Phone 743w2, lab •STROLLER, for sale. Good s new. Reasonable, Phone „260J, 11.b SINGER-drePhead sewing xnachine for, sale,.Phene 877J. 11* BEATTIE WASHING MAQHINE for sale, In, good mullion, Reas- onable. Phone 276. 1118b CHILD'S • "Little Nugget" whiter outfit for sale. Pale green with white Air trimming. Size 3. Good condition. Phone 714R. alb • • . CANADA'S FINEST VACUUM Cleaner, • Electrolux Sales and Service, Call Jed Reynolds,.Wing- Pitene 64031. ' rrb • USED X-RAY 3 -PIECE Chester- field suite for sale. Good, cover - trig, $49,50. R. A, Currie & Sons r,prriiture. lib 110W4S>THE TIME, and Pattison's to buy your new Duo - therm 'oil home heatee You get better heat with a Duo -Therm. . „cleaner, faster, more efficient oil heating. See the new rnodels Pattison Electric, Wingbam. 11b A ,dpMPLETE LINE of fall shirts f8;•, itli-..Poys. sizes 2-6x and 8-18, priced right from 98e to $2.95. All Ilis'!3;and ;tripes, . At 2. '7.••Nne. •4:Pitir ily Store. Car .ls.; GURN -sale Oen.. ,or o phon ALB Britr Orch pable 'dust,. lVfichie r Aseli tr• 14U:it EasdHES „inovit .ready. • ntairiers,a-; Govenlock mile 'Worth -•of Forest:" RUGH. PIKES insgoed condition ler s Used one se,escin.,Fteas- +onab PhOtte .831 lip ,Vt.A.11.-41tic ELAN 70xa0IBEX "subs. Your for bn1yfi$ Earmith- • a.el's HE FAMIL, Y STORE. ,ShoPtitt Carnirchaei's Wingharn. - lib yOU'r.$1,' CET' `BETTER HEAT with u -Therrn oli herne heat- er, I, , ater-ItYlectler-inodern- ,Iiiiing; See the new Duo -Therm COnteinpo with sensational 'Twin -Plow circulation at Patti- Sein Radio gad Electric, Wing - •""r • . lib , ",.*.o • oft- TANK' 'TRUCKS USED fdOILRUCTION MACHINERY • Contact- Gigen Truck Equipment Limitied 5461 Yo e Street, Willowdale; Ont. a7,28is11,25;o9,23b SUFEE firem .6(ands 're raYed belts-ive' can , Apply a wide range of belts and pulleys 'made to put •''d.rive into • • your business. We have a full stock of A and B width belts and • pulleys, also flat , rubber drive belting. Stainton's ' Hardware, ringhern, . J• r 28rrb . .• REAL ESTATE STUCCO HOUSE for sale. Three bedroging, three-piece bath. , Garden, •garage., best location. ' Phone .331W, „ 111813 . • SEMI-DETACHED Brick, 2 -storey, newly,Ogrieratcd and painteli, beautju'i ouic, Well located. , Close",4!:+0,fl2Il and High Schools, 2 Carage,. OI thd Coal Hat - in, IldrWatei system. Iramedi- ate poaSeSsion. Apply H. C. Mae Lean Realtor, Wingham, Ont., • Merle 115, • 11,I8b HOUSE POP,. SALE 1.% 'Storey treble hOttse On the Flag side of 3oRep1itie Street, three .betirOOMS, god lot, easy terms, $X,000' ett.sh apa balance of $2,000 . nettled by Vender On first, Mort- 1 Theinediate Pottesation, Must be geld td elose estate of the late ' 0 &alto Ilarktiess, roe full par. tictilars tmpty te, -CrtAWPORt5 $e- kiTilTrit BINO1O1',1 • Whighairt,, Ontario,. 1118b • NOTICE Ativitte Whig. iny We credit as ••IXMnt this date, August .24112, does PM, rat their OM fflebea& • 28:4:1,1* LIVESTOCK FOR, 20 PUREBRED OXFORD EWE lambs. Contact Bill Doig, Moles- worth, Phone 40. C11* 20 CHUNKS, 0 weeks old, for sale: Apply • to Grolier». Werk, kihone 12.118 13russela. al* 40 CHUNKS CE PIGS for Sale. Apply to Wilfred Walters; phone 64.0W12, 111) VOULTRY FOR SALE 85 RED -ROOK PULLETS for sale. Six months old, laying. Apply to Cedril Moffatt, phone 470J. 11* 50 SUSSEX RED PULLETS for sale'. Laying. Apply •to Gordon Mundell, Bluevale, phone Wrox- eter 15r8, 11* 350 HY-LINE PULLETS (634A), 51/.. months qd, laying 30% for sale, Apply to Graham Work, • ,phone 12318, Brtissels. 300iR4D-5USSEX4-rds1VIP- Pullets' for sale. 41A months Cad. Apply to Ben XeClenaglian, 402J1. C ' 3.1b • WANTED TO RENT--- lVIIDDIAE-AGED COUPLE with no children desire to rent a' house or apartment. Apply to Bixt` 63, Advance -Times. • 11* A HOUSE or apa-rtmeni-Wanted to • rent, witli three-piece bath, heat- ed, .4pply to Dick Weber, CKNX. 11* • MALE MR? WANTED ONE FIREMAN for W'ingliam Fire Department. Please apply to S. CoWan, before September . :30th. 41118:25* -''' ruistAt-E-I-LE-LI;-- ‘''".. ".,,,. •,,. „..:•ii-',A.,;i J..* :1'.'-,i'ig§i`49,C1O1',KOd ..fi;iiiiygg's . & soy.ilfftwAy IY n i dhipn:+:br,. 'W•lite, ',*at,:ittili4 ie du e - ••tion And iirciliVrei.0,4•qe*e•I' TWO youNww040..i.w;50t, !! -learn egg !t40)X1*7,451-1°0144 ..i1) „....Apply to jaltaitiati lit.:4.00.ipagittry, .- Wingham, Oritarid.`:.••'"' .4, :111TRA . INCOME; , . -'• '4.9"+:' Ladle; „Fall.; and, Xmas Season -proVicles.;hig, cash ',:airOfits daily. Show'..„fast 'Aellingli:Oilt rep's' ladies! 7 tVep,r to ^`:fiibil • neighbours. liesaitifut'stYlea; OP •quality. tdclay. . Brit* Knit Simcoe, Ontaile. . 11::18b FOR. RENT • • THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE for rent. Bathroom, furnace. Avail- able October lst. Phone 329. 113) • THREE-ROOM ,APARTMENT for rent. Heated, 2-piece‘bath, pri- vate entrance. Possession im- • mediately, Apply to Lottie Thorn- ton, Gorrie, •4:11b 'WANTED HIGHEST CASH prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses. Dead cows and horses • picked up or removed promptly; • Also wanted te buy -Boar Hogs. Call. collect Brno. Mariatt, At- , wood, phone 8 or 153. rrb — DEADSTOCIt WANTED DEADSTQCR removed promptly for sanitary disposal. FREE pick Up on larger animals, reasonable collection eliarge for small ani- • mals. Phone colleet 'Winghant 378; Palmerston 123w, or Dur- ham 398. Gordon Young Limited. arrb DEAD STOCK: Picked up prompt- ly in ,s [Lary trucks. SO; all eharge made for animals under 500 lbs. total. Phone collect, Whigharn 561J., S4rr1127 MISCELLANEOUS - IS YOUR TELEVISION properly insured for • all rislc overage? For information phone 293, Stew- art 'A. Scott, Wingbain, 2rrb STEWART A. SCOTT can now saVe you 15% On your ear or ,truck '1118mi:wee, Yearly or six months policies are available. Special' rates` for farmers. For further information Thoiie 293, Wingham. 29rrb SANITARY' szvimov DisposAL septio buttai cesspools, eellats, pumped and cleated, qulek aervice, Ali work •gilaranteed. Apply Louis Blake, phone 42r6, BruSselS. • 15rrb _ -- WATERLOO CATTL116 treedirtg AsSediatiozi "Where Better Bulls Are Med". "Pot artifiefel in- SeMinaticin filfOrMatien r set - Vide from al) breeds Of eattle, Plkirle The Waterloe Cattle • treeditig AaSociatiOn tit: Clinton HU 24441 Or Mildttay 130e12 b- twssi 1.3d and 0,10 tint We have all breeds available --Top • at, low oost,9 2ortp 44, • COMING EVENTS atrArs'A,..74 'YOU'VE TRIET:i 1171E REST, now try the bet for spareribs and sauerkraut ,op Wednesday, Fri- day and SaturdaY eVenings. C*»u. nra fl.ot 'ormosa, •etii.,2p$7 I,EG1ON BINGOS will ite held lit the Council Manlike% eyery Fri - •*day night, SponSered; "by •tlit Ladies' •;•skwillitlx!./ Can - Minh Legleil, • TurkeYs Op spec- ials. • '• CE,rrb THE NINTH, ANNIVERSARY turkey supper will be held at the Formosa Community Hall on Tuesday, October 8th. C.E. 4 •11.182521, STEER weighing a,baut 700 pounds strayed .from lot 16, concession A Howick abotit . September, 5th. Anyone knowing its. whereabouts -cantact John Larte; 'Plietie•14A2 Wroxeter. . • 11* BUSINESSOPPORTUNITY UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Positive results are pouring in on this years crops. We are expand- ing in-flurort +County: Have (excel- lent openings in Wawanosh; Mor- ris, Turnberry and Howick Town- ship; for men with good agricul- tural background or who are- a success at farming, Must have car on this job, you can be horrie every night. First years earnings sholf 1 run appoximately • $4,000, $5,000, second year better.' This is an ex- cellent, opportunity for a Irian who has ambition and would like to )e in business, no investment necess- ary. If you feel you are the man write to "Na,-Churs" Plant Food Company ,2 Langarth St, W., Lon- don, Canada. Canada's Largest Manufacturers of Liquid Fertilizer. InterView vvill be•arranged. • ' • .• 11:1825h - 1 - - !•1: BRAIN. TENDERS ,f Township ,of Ilowiek SeParate jedersnWill be receiv- ed by•the undersigned until 2 FriclaY,-SePternlier + 20, 1957...,der constreetini aad „stiPPlYing • met: - oriel far each of ;the-d3raaches of. the • Henry Bolton Muid,cipal Draia as fellows; +.••, ..as, • (a) Part ,of •Branch ,A consisting a 250 ct. Yds+, of, ofiener,d4alin, ; (b) Part of Branch B consisling of 8,00' pm 'yak of °pea drain,. and. wall at tile. outlet. • •. (c) Part ef Branch ,eenaiating, of 291 lineal feet of 10" tile includ- ing laying and backfilling, etc. Plans and specifications may be seen from the Clerk., A certified cheque for 10% of the contract price must adeompany each tender. . Lowest or any tender net neces- sarily accepted, , J. Harold PolloCk, Clerk, • ,Gorrie, Ontario. 11:18b , • TENDERS WANTEB-7-:'" NOTICE .TO CONTRACTORS ' Sealed Tenders will be received up to Wed., Sept, 18, 1957 by the undersigned to raise the Langhicle` Commianity Hall and build cement foundation, Wall to be 10 hieing wide and five feet high froni bottom of Vase. Base t� be 24 inches wide and 30 inches below ground, also three pillars 12 inches square under centre sill. Building. ,approximately, 28 Content and Gravel surnillecl. 'Con- tractor to deposit marked cheque for ten percent of tender. • Job to be completed by Oct, 15, 1957, Low. est or any tender not •neceSsarily aecepted. Lloyd Moffat, See,-treas., R.R: 3,, Holyrood; Ontario. , 3.1b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TI -IE ESTATE OF SARAH FIELD " ALL PERSONS Having againat the estate of the 111)0Ve Mettletied; late of the 'Town of Winghkni Ili the' County cif }throe, Widow, who died on The 8th do of AugliSt, 1657, are required to file proof of saine with the Under - Signed Int Or before the 14th day' of September, A.D. 1057, After that date. the Executer will Pre- eeed to diatribute e estate hay. ing regard Only t;ththoeiatnrn Of which he shall than halie. hatt neitice, , • DATED at Winghalri this 26th day of August,. A.D., 1681. daAW)'OItt &Itt'AllOtt/NOTON Wing/nun, Ontario. ,Sollcitors. tor .the EXeCtiter 28,4,1111 FINANCING A CAR? 'Vetere You btty ciek about OW 4 LOW Cciat rintinting Service with complete insurartee Coverage, STEWART A, SCOTT Aoki 203 Whighein • CARD OE THANKS' • X 'MAIM like to express nly sin," eSre tlianke to all any friends, relatives and neigithers for the visits in lionital, bealitiful floweras efts and card; Special thanks to Mrs. 1, Morrey and .the nursing' staff for their kindness and to )3, N.. Corrin. • • • 11* • AUCTION SALE* AUCTION SALE of - 71 hod of mate at Lot 21 N1:1 Qin. 5, Morris Twp.,.1.1,4 miles north and 1 mile Wrest; or Brussels on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th • at 1,30 The sale consists of: / 11 cows with calves !rein 5 to 8 months old. 2 heifers bred 6 months, 26 yr. old steers' and heiferg, 20-2 year old steers and telfere, 1 Registered. Pole Hereford Bull. All white friees except la head, • TERMS - CASH Harold Jackson', John' Lotve Auetioneer. Proprietor • .11 A • AMBULANCE SERVICE s'n.HIRIE'S AMBULANCE, Wing - /nun, Safe, emirtous Service, Phune Day, 01; Night, 716.0r 036 UNDER ,AND 1 ef Writ of Execution issued out 0 the Supremo Court of Ontario, in which Andrew Frieburger, Ther- esa Eby, William AL. Eby and William Eby junior, itn infant under the ,age of twenty-pne years, by William Eby his next Vlend, -are Plaintiffs and ALlie McGlynn and Patrick 11cGlyun are Defend- ants and to Inc directed against the gouda and chattels, lands and tenements • Of the said •ANNIE 114cGLYNN, I have seized and taken in execution all, the right, Rtle, intereat and equity of redemption of ANNIE McQLYNN, in and to; AN INTEREST in the east half of Lot 16, Concession 12 of the . Township of Tureberry in the County of Huron. On the farm' there is located a frame 'Muse and la frame barn. ' ALL of Which said tight, title, ,intercst and equity , of redemption of the said Annie McGlynn in the said lands and tenements I shall offer for sale by Public,Auction at the saki Premises on konday, September 9th,, 1957, at .3:00 p.m. ,I\TELSON HILL, Sheriff, County of Huron, • •,AIJOTION SALE ctl Property and sillouselioia...Effeete - , JJL he Villago.of Brussels . : Main Street on , SATURDAY, SErr. 21, 1957 • lit 1: ' bee 'of' Loyalist 'IVfaple in- • chiding, setee, 3 chairs, tables ror .and, 2. lamps, estudio copell, thestarfield chair and foot steel, Small writing desk, Moffat electric stove,' Hostess refrigerator, electric washing machine, table lamps, floor lamps, wall lamps, Coleman Apace heater, kitchen eupb6a,rds. sealers, lawn ehairs, 2 step laciders, clothes liner laundrytubs, new oil barrel, Axminster 64rpot 7 x 8 (neW), sectional boOk ease, Small tables, 2 beds with springs and spring mattresses, modern chest of drawers with mirror, number of mirrors, modern Walnut vanity and :bench (like new), dishes, kitchen utensils, eardeu tools, ' Other ar- tqi to nuniarouS to itentiOn. : , P11.01$tRai'1r-:•ht the. 'hilme p1406, the laropertY Will be offered for sald subjeet to reserve hid, 8-rooraii Lastorey lbrielt house. • on Main streeRruascis; hob !air oil •fnacc, balproorn, hard. weed :gaffs., `,I-Anase is, In expo.; tion*gopd couditfon Terms. Cliattel0 Getkli:prepertY 10% lown; billaiMe! 80 +:days, • • avIgs,,Ws,A; SPENCEv . FIN301•4137,1AcKSON,,Auptioneer • ES P. OAESNET:odierk. 1(3,b • .i• ' • :••• ' '1''''RreLAAV 'NO 15:4'. ,,,,:rim3for.ini.xpisTep,iii:e.fi.;),11.3.170)vioi: • • :„.11. By -Law to raise . $200;000.00 to aill•In 'the anStructibil ot tile, stone or timber drains., The Council of the Townshlip of Hoick, • pursuant to The Tile Pralnage 'Aet, enacts as follows: 1. That the.Reeve MaY from time to time, subject to the provisions of this by-law, ;borrow on the cre- dit of the corporation ,or the Muni- cipality such sum not exceeding in the whole $200,000,00, as may be determined by the Council, and May inYinanrier hereinafter Provid- ed, "IsSue debentures 'of •the • `Cor- poraticar in uch' snins ,as the CoUX1- RA niay clecnh pirOper:- for the amoinit so' borrCeved, with 'coupons 'attached ag previded ik section.' 4 bf the'said Act: •-• 2.' That ''subje..et to , sde-tion 10 0 Thp Tile Drikinage ,Act, when: the' Council la of the-opinkin .that the 'applieationof any person 'Le bor- row money for the purpose of con- sructing a tile, stone, or timber drain should be granted ih..whole• or in part, the Council may, by resolution, direct the Reeve to issue debentures as 'aforesaid mad to borrow a sum not exceeding the, amount applied for, and may lend the same to the applicant On the completion of the drainage works. 3. A spetial annual rate shall be' imposed, levied and collected over and above all other rates upon the land in respect of which'thamoney is borrowed, sufficient for the payment Of ,Lhe principal and In- terest as Provided by the Act. Pa,Ssed' the '5111 day of September 1057, H. Gowdy, Reeve, 3. It Pollock, .Clerk, NOTICE Corporation.of tho Township ef ilowielt Take rtotiee that the above is a trite copy .of a By -Lw' passed by the "Cpuncil ,of the Township Of HOwielt on the 5th daY of Septem- ber 1957; aud all persons are re- quired to take`rioiiee that 'anyone • Who desires to apply to haVe the by-Itlw or:any., part therehf quash- ed serve notice of his appll- e dim; upon out genii or Clerk of Ibis Municipallity within '20 days after the date of the last pubilea," lion of this notice, and Must make his application to the Supreme Court of Ontario within one month lifter the said date, This notice Was firet published on the Ilth Ray of September, 1957, tied the hist pub- lication will Ile on the 2511i day of Septerriber, 1957. 4.1'. IL Pollock,01311:1,8:254- 26rrh• • "la 111.1. .4 oil ;pi look .1111111 low IIIIR ,; LEE'S TAXI. • 24-HOUR SERVICE We never stop, 'Including Sundays and kol1deYs4 PHONE 18S ,•• Eli RIO Home •BeautifiCatioxi is seid to be th0. individual expression of civic" pride. A nursery traibod gar(Ipner with m certificate in Landseape De- sign (1‘1.11,,I,) offeftl hie services as garden consultant free te town. end..distriet home' owners, At your home instructions may be given on planting, printing er general. ear() , of •everqreens, ernameatais ind , fruits, Aliso .assistance'',in 'designing new plantings or rejtiVenitting :older • As !itirpir reprpsolio,tiYe'foX Ciiradec Nurseries 'Ltd. of Stratthroy vo .can Supply onto(' high," .quality • nursery stock at moderate price. Consult us immediately, valour" gardening and JandScaping,prob- .waim. t.e Aa'." 1Z R^PC,1311.re e •^4, F.R.H'S; • ficefe 422; 4:0;iO4,te • ' •• -1' Talks with Or'," without* color" • slides available to, organizatietis at community' centres, ylease book' dates new, • "Beautify Your Home" - • *Is .• • , WARREN L. STEVENSON, Real.. state Phone.'325 ' . •, .Mount Forest, -Ont., HOUSE, Modern, all one floor, WinghaM,,Ont. $3,300.4',..44.0„.0.0. "down. ' • • • : Itii.l'ii•i ,' kiiiti-Vc.t1'... 4 APARTMENT HOUVV SE, inghatn, Otitiutio, 96 11. q eiluert. $10,600.00, 86,000,00 down. , . le:- a • q 1, I . .' FARM, 5 Miles fromWingliarn, Ont,,....6W ii3Ores,,'50 . wor able,- „ . . 9 room Brick House„ Large , Barn,/ Alyilip,, ,Nfaktfand Iffiter, $8,500:00 Total asking rripe„; •, GARAGE AND SERVICE STA,TION,":Winghhiii, '0164 TkelrHin'i • ''' ' Location, poen • to ypur, Anspeetienr aad „tty(ts, f.:t . , „,,. 4_, , „ . , 'Establialicd for years. Roust, Lueknow,,ont, 34 acre, a'rbodi Cettien‘ t Stneee llomeeZ11 •,4,4.0„yn igWater1ydroi .)Vendeffid,Location, Beautiful 1:,M,yv oaa wn giii ,;iiily !420,00(i. Olt rpice., . ,cWoreitilaleetet'lusyfPourrilleisrtsci:, ;AiraeAq'4.4B.:Vill:Iina,"gii:V;eldr.I%Snit1:149•Al II:dings. Representative; Mr. llehii Finnigan, .Biago ' ,,.9rifaglop,, 0 ., a4•‘, ...‘‘;, '....;•....,.. ".Ca 44,ako 1%•', —, . 4 Whighara, Ont. . ..'' .''' :.'...',i,,11.1. - t.14'14,41 •. ... •,..".• ," 4,44. 4.4..i. • .41,1 tia ... . . . .., •:.-s ... 4 :1•,::::..• .. ..'; A —7 7 '54 1. '• ' It'r; ;.'`! 'el :273''4 'IRE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 'hereby uppointe Friday, the thirteenth day of September, 1957, at the hour of half past one o'cldek in the afternoon (local tinle) at the Court Blouse, Goderich, OntariO, for the hearing of all parties interested in Support of or opposing the following by-law. , , . . BY-LAW NO 28,1.957 , A ' A. BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF TIIE;COUNTY OX.„‘ __,, HURON TO REGULATE: THE LOCATION OF' BUILDINGS ' AND STRUCTURES ON LAND ADJACENT . TO COIJNTY ;WHEREAS, it is deemed to be necessary.-and,deSkrabletsio,r4gulate thelocation of buildings and structures on land ndjateht,.to certailei roads; 41' ' AND WHEREAS, authority la granted iindet-geeti:On 3()(.te).--ef Highway, Improvement Act as amended by '8i.ati•Sp 'laottThe V.; • linpreveme,nt Act loot to exercise'Stich, power,:„S'abjedt44?-.7.g*01"TrovE.W, ._„. . . the Municipal Board. ' , „ the Council of the Corporation of the County of Htirbn enacts. eS. ' (1) No peMon shall erect an Y building or structure, any part 'of Which' is located closer -to the nearest. limit of any of the Comity reads qr • parts Of t'he County roads, hereinafter defined "than- F 25 feet where the road s 100 feet wide, .42 feet w.here the road is 66 feet wide, ' and in no case closer to- the entre line cif the original • road allowariee than 75 feet. • ; '• • (2) No persOn shall meet or Install gasoline Pumps: -.(a) closer than 60,feet fram the centre line of,the ,orighial roid allowance th) on a curve at the crest of a hill "(0) on the tangent to at horizontal Or vertical ourve Where the sight distance is less than 800 feet .'in each direction.. •' (3) The qounty roads or parts' of county roads defined- by' this by-laW areas• Ther°elitic)twix%!7cOunty 'read System as defined in Seliedule '"A" af By'lLaW No. 28, 1954, same and except such parts Of the County toad SYstem Whieh Ife within the limits of any Town, Village, or „ Polito Village within thes•County of Huron. (,1) The Corporation of the County of Huron, by their Clerk, may give, 'notice to the Owner or Occupant of any land reduiring ,hlin to rO- Wove or alter any building or structure erected after .thp passing • of this •31y4,aw that, does 'not comply with sections 1 and 2 and each notice under Allis Section shall be in writing and Sent flY registered iiUnii, addreSsed t� the OWil.0 or Ocettparit of the land, (ti) 1! the porson to whom the float° is given, uficier. section 4 above fails 10 coniply with it within 30 daye from mailing of .scelf notice,. the Corporation o the County of Huron may direct any offieet, 'erriployee' or agent' of the said Corporation to enter Upon the land and do or eetise in be clone, Whatever nitiy be neeesSaty, to remove or alter such buliding or structute mentioned in sap netted.' (5) 'Every person wile violates, arty of the provisions At Sections 2 and 3 or rails to coMply with the totted given under Station 4, Shall be guilty ei aft offence and en summary convietiort shall be liable to a pertalty of not inoro than fifty dollars ($50,00). for each otfence and the e<Illtirlilariee of the condition eonstitutingan offence for each Week after conviction, therefore, sliall eonStitute a new Offente.' (7) This By -Law shall Onto into effeet Open the day It is passed by Ceitheil subjeet to the approval of the Ontario IVfunielpal Boer& Read a (irst, lieeend and third tithe, mid finally protool thia a4th day of june, 1057. (Mood) A. It tftSIONi '(Sigttetl) RAW" 001,iirsY - Alton courtly Jerk •Wattle/1, County of autori, ;, • AVE MONEY ON ° 'Storm Windows ADiSCQtJN OF 5% will begiyej,pw, Windows during the • MONTH OF $EPTEMBER We will nieasure Ill41.1110.011 *indo 114.. if. died., , r Phone 1.1. Foiding' FLOOR• A..istitAntsi,roltin! • LUMBER ,--,-,111tJ,ILDING CUPBOARDS • AWNINGS TILES DOORS • 'Wirighor . • • . • • NEW and: USED MASSEY.HARRIS FARM EQUIPMENT :,QNE-WAY DISCS, „ OTTIJ EA, ; Fl.i, EQUIPMENT ‘.!.„ ) • , ISI ."`-. ' -4 .4.1.a fit 401 .141 ,I)F i•katiaa. A.: tfit 04”04111016.0 2 1°14 741 • •;)1)!4 i.47 ". fii' ;. , SLJIVI,E The • tours • tor ',watering lawns and gardens are fr.dm,...6 a.rn. to -9 a.m., and • from. 6 *p.m. to 9 p.M, This will be strictly enforced. An ANNUAL charge..of $4.44 gross,less pronitft payment discount of'10 Peir cent,is inade,',f(ir, ho t id mt,e..9 a se ,or.,..nu p,. or thc abr noted purptises. nYinie found watering lawns or'girdebs, hu has 'not Paid for this seiyice.mill he; • .billed accordingly: Commission lilUbam,, .. 1,•:•• ••••:,' • • , "C.-.E.sholett„.SupCtititeodlit. BUSINESS.,: • • incl •• PROFESS IONAL WiltcTORY:, A. 11,1N9AIIISH mnd NOTARY Ptistaci TEESVI/AtE4 ONTARIO tilephOtio 3Tees,4440e1i, Wroxeter-Evoty Wed,neaday nftetnoon, itimit.j: Or by nOtiOiOtatoith • FrederklF Homutli Ctit61. E.Homuth, R.� $iS.Niola H. Iloinutil, RO.; . orToiitttitiSica . . PRONt' 11$ ‘• ••' Hitt -64(0d, ao•oar*, CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers, Solh3ltrs, Etc. ,Wingham, Phone 48, J. 11, CRA"WirOltO, Q.C. R. S. HETHERINGTON, 9.0. J. W. BUM -WIELD' • Ilatriitef, &Welter, Notary1 iktc, • Money tn,Loan. 'Off1eo-4$1eyet:thica, wiitgasto • • r" • WELLINGTON FIRE Inantanee Company 1L, 1X40 :An all &malls* coinottinY Mitch. lats. titithfittly Nettedloady hollit014 for OVUt h tentoty, Howl Ottice Terienta H ti MacLean losionsioi Ageiale W1601011 • • 41 • At• ' A • it 41.