HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1957-09-11, Page 5See O:ir Vit .of P[RSONA IZE, STATIONERY. Ili, .fro aIs01ge3ts far Smith•Corona. TTCewrilort. 1. Ii!lioi II Iitintslll lliillirlii)AIIIowitli m ll.I Ilisootooilllico ridgy!!,► • • i • ▪ • • • 1 ■ i•. ■ ■ M �. ■ �u er maltL GCAME`xo a l >:as • • : •larg'Pselection ors cs ��c° P. zJ 4. oaGE.:toutio fwIoo Y T. • B. nmiemummennomemememie l.ashm a r Drive�ir Theatre LXSTOWEL! "THE ,MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH" f,•plour YistllVistan Janes f teWert, Doris 2) y 'SAT.. MON. 'S1%14, 14 - 16 "RUN FOR COVER" 'Colour ' VistaVision.. James Caney, Jelin. Derek. TUES. - W D. SEPT, 7i7 _ 18 "THAT CERTAIN FEELING" Colour VistaVision. Bobe Hope, Eva Marie $Saint { F : Walker Home • h L one 10fi ' . • S. J.� WA KER il'1 �, a ifsPh W m I�glrlll�lll�If I�IIUIIl�Ili�liliillpltlrlii�lllrlll■Illrli l■IIIUU!IUIUIII■IIIUIII(•III■IIIR. WHAT IS NICER, ,, THAN. FLOWERS ON THE TABLE? MEAT AND POTATOES .< i..,• CONCENTRATEh 32% Dairy Supplement A $4.30 ,37°jo Calf Start MiX `5.25. •24°7p Beef: Ma15gr• The change oi< season meansthere IVA be. a '14'4 a uLngcS heeded fn the diet of yoiur livestock and poultry; :Put':them,' on` I. •rope lar p•' y diet 0 rr `i e � o. Of ul n 'u>, � w SNUB IAIN picisiarbe FEED MILL$ • reeiiiN0 IoYr. PAYDAY. a a oodday to ' visit THE BAN K The key'tq'successful saving is regularity. And because paydayrolls around regularly Ws ail ideal time to ,make a deposit in your savings account! it's s'urpr'ising hoW quickly e'Ver shi4 accolIrits can grow, and to help you keep your savings intact ;vot1 may wish to open individual accounts for special a• purposes of •your, own. At any Torontb=Dominion branch you'll find interested help and advice' about; the best Way to Wilda worthwhile' savings account. THE TORON`O "DI OMIN ON T.HiF• SANK r$A1' %OOK$ AKititti .7 4.0. R,UNSTl D LRB 'Mana • - e1~. Wingha1"tti. Branch • BAN K R' PRE ,DES' TROY' NA f'�'.W", AR Tbe' complete interior, of this 1007 Meteor'' car was destroyed by fire on Monday :afternoon near 'Wroxeter, The driver of the car, Clarence Arnold, of Greenock; was uninjured in• the blaze, 'ciihe Cause is ,belieVed to.. have been a fault in the wiring system,• .--AdVan,Ce-Dimes photo. WRDXETER Mr', and Mrs. Art . Wheeler 'and Stephen, visited •at the home. -, of relatives, Mr. and Mrs. ,Arnold Taylor, Ottawa. Mr, and Mrs,. Ted McLean, Sar- nia; spent part of last Week with Mr, and MTs, Wm. Wright and else called on Mr. and Mrs. Les Doug- las. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McMichael' and Shirley and Miss Ruth ;Toner attended the C.N.E. last Monday. Sunday visitors with Mr; and Mrs. Chas. McCutcheon 'were: Mr. and ,Mrs,, F. F. Wright,. W>ro eter, Mr, Russell'. Dailey,' Listowel, Mrs, Oliver Riley, Doreen and Sharon, Brussels, Mr. and Mrs, Les Baw- man, Marlene, Kathy and lay of Preston; Mr, and MrS. Andy Mair,', and. family hove sold their residence in Wroxeter and are moving to Strathroy this week -end. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hart spent Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Lyle Hart; Listowel. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Robertson and Jimmy, Goderich, spent the week- end .at the home of Mr, John Hup- fer''and Mrs. Alonzo Sperling. • • Mr, and: Mrs: ,, Cecil Gibb spent 'Sunday' with Mr, Norwood Gibb a,nd.called on Mrs, Alonzo Sperling. Mrs. Lloyd. Mapleeroft and fam- ily, Motnt Forest visited Mr, and Mrs.Sunda (Ross Co ato s on y, . and J s Webster J r• ck1' a xn are, Moving 'to their new home.$f, Listowel this week Mr. Ronald McMichael and Miss Ethel Reece, M. and Mrs, Glen McMichael spent a • day at ,the: C.N.E.' last week. Mr. ,and Mrs. Glen McMicha l ,and baby daughter were 'Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Vernon Hupfer. Friends oP Mrs. Verne Clark will be pleased to know she has return- ed hoine and all hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Patsy Bridgman and Mr, Brian Taylor, Torgnto, spent the week -end with Mr., and Mrs, Geo, Gibson, Mr. and . Mrs. Allister Green and daughters, Wingham,' spent Sunday at the same home, Mrs. Gordon Greig, Wroxeter. and Mt', and Mrs. Arnold Lillow, Bluevale spent Sunday in Pal grave. ' " The W.M,S, meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Sas. Doig on Thursday evening at 8.30, The W.A. meeting Will be at 1,30 on Tuesday, September 17th In the church par- lors. Anniversary services will be held at 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m, on Sunday, September 15th, at Wroxeter 'Un- ited CilurCh, when Rev. J. F. Bowel, of Harriston will be guest speaker, Mrs, Ellie Simpson left on Satur- day for her home in Vancouver after spending • some time here with her sister andbrother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser and. other relatives and friends. LADIES DECIDE Friends Honour Bride and Groom WRONETER--Friends and 'nei- ghbors gathered at Wroxeter, Com- munity hall on Friday night to honor Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Gibson on their recent marriage. Fordwich. orchestra supplied, music for clang- ing. Glen McMichael reda an address and Ian Howes presented a gift of money. Bobby, on behalf of he and his bride, thanked. all -who had planned 'the enjoyable evening,•• Mrs. Gibson ;is the former. Bar- bara Currie, daughter of Mrs, It, J, Currie and .the late Mr; Currie of Wingham, and Bobby is the son of Mr, and Mrs. R, G, Gibson, Wroxeter. FORDWICH Seven beginners started at. the Fordwich public school last week: Cheryl Baylor, Randy. King, Shir- ley Anne pttinger, Lorna Browne. Susan Heffer, ,Phyllis Caber, Char- les Gibson: Fordwich girls' ball team had two wins: last weeic 23-12 •against Wroxeter' and 12-8 against' Kurtz- ville. Keep it up girls! Mr. and;: Mrs... Fred :Demerling saent two daYs la t week rth` Mr and 1VIrs,, Ross Barrons at. Cprdo'a Mines. s. Mr,.:an . Bt p • Winston.s ent dMrs, Bert er ,:two days last week with friends:. at rSl ing tan. Mr. and Mrs,' George Baker visit- ed on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs Bus Giles in Arkona. Mr. and Mrs. Alex ICeith visited on Saturday with Mr, : and Mrs Scott Keith In ,Kitchener. TO CANCEL SUPPER FORDWICH-•-The regular meet- ing of the Woman's Association of Fordwich United Qhurch was held in the church on, Thursday after- noon with a good- attendance, The meeting opened`With a hymn after which the Lord's prayer was re- peated. The Scripture lesson taken from Matthew 25, verses 31-46, waS read by Mrs. Glen Johnston with .Mrs. George Richards 'giving the comments on the lesson, Following the reading of the minutes 'by ,the secretary, Mrs, W. Campbell, the business was then eonduoted by the pits., Mrs, 'Glenn Johnston. It was • expected that all accounts for improvements in tire, church would be lit, but as • they Were net eorriplete the payment of the bills was held over until nerd menth, • ,p'oilowing a disetissioti regarding the holding of the annual turkey supper It was voted to dispense with the Supper and .a canvas 'made of the congregation Will be. made inl,tead. A committee, hers,. Cooper, • Mrs• Campbell And Mrs. Warreli was appointed' to look. after it. Announcement et the bay' zaar to b"e held in the 'near :future Wag shade and an invitation is ex– tended to alt ladies 'off' the coligro gstioit to help With donatientrc• The meetint closed with praye* andlir delicious lunch was served• Mrs. Wm. McCann, Misses Mar- garet and Isobel McCain spent Saturday in. Kitchener. Mr. David Aldrich of Galt spent the week -end in the community. Mr. Wm. T, Sothern and. Miss Betty Zimmerman arrived home on Sunday after spending the past couple of weeks in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. • Master Bobby and Donald Reid spent ,a .couple of days last week with Mr, and Mrs. W. Hargrave. Mr, Cecil Lynn of Orangeville, spent the week -end with MI's. Dora Ridley. Mrs, Lynn and Karen re- turned home with him after spend- ing the past week here. Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Galbraith of Guelph spenta couple of days last week with . Mr, and Mrs. • Linclsay Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs. Aitchesori Wallace, Mrs. Jean Massey ai cl chllcirer spent one day last Weep in•Hamil- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Petznick and family of Kitchener spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Ira Schaefer; Mr. and Mrs, Jim .McCaw of Ingham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Lindsay Galbraith. and Mr, and. Mrs. Jim Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown and family and Miss Elizabeth Cooper visited en Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Gelyk at Paisley. Mr, and Mrs. Robt, Canipbell and family spent one clay last week in Galt with Mr. and Mr's. George Moss and also attended a rodeo at Blair, Mr. and Mrs, Orville .Guy of Mitchell spent one day last week with M1•. and MrS. Henry Howe, Mrs. Clara McDermitt of Galt, spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDer mitt. Miss Ardythe Campbell returned, home to Cordova Mines after, spending two months at the home of Mrs, Pearl Patterson, Mrs. Alvaretta Wallace and. Mrs, Emma Williamson visited twd days last week with relatives in Hes- peter, Over the week -end Mrs, Al- %%retta Wallace and Mts.. Earl Moore visited in Wocdstoelt With Mr, and Mrs, Erle Corbett, Mrs, George Bolander and son, John moved her household belong- ings over the week -end to London, where her husband is employed. Mr. and Mrs; Wellington Har- grave and fancily spent Sunday Listowel. with Mr. and Mrs, Tion Beed' at Birth McCAN'NYo Mr, and' Mrs. Prod McCaiiu ire the 15'alnlerstoit •Ios- ,pitteX art 'Dhursday,. September 5,' 1957', a still; • SUNDAY SCHOOL RETURNS TO MR The Anglican 'Sunday' .School of the 'Mr, a Canada -wide "radio pro= gram which 'enters its fourteenth continuous year this fall on Sept- ember 15, is • looking . for a new name for the Reverend . Geoffrey Wilson .10744 - 111th Street, Ed- monton, Alberta, the narrator, He has offered a $10 prize to be awarded to, the listener who sug- gests the' mostsuitable title. Carried by• some twenty • radio, stations from coast to coast and. from the American border to Daw- son City 'in the' Yukon, 'the pro- gram Snneally''"attracts a 'large number of listeners. Children are enrolled • as Anglican Sunday elooi of the Air members in the various dioceses and, are enabled to participate•' in this, the ' only Sunday School Many of them can attend. Members include many children in rural areas and those confined. to homes , or hospitals through illness. Through hymn -sheets • for each program;, provided to members at the beginning .of 'the season, the members .can join in the singing. They have excellent leadership, for the choristers are the boys of the far-farnedi St, Simon's Anglican Church ' ioi Tor to and they ,, c1<r, x', on Y are, under ,the. direction : of tliei.t. own choir -leader, Eric "Lewis. Each .ern ber res m b also receives s anat- ,tractive membership card and; button as well as Sunday School papers which include the weekly. lessons. In the Diocese of •Toronto Miss Mabel' Jones,43 Davies Cres- cent, Toronto; secretary of the SundaYthewrites School of Air, s to each member 'and . marksthe answers they send in on these Sunday School papers. In this way the radio pupils 'can. follow the lessons . just as pupils in. regular Sunday Schools do. Some of the .youngster are'lively correspondents,. Miss Jones reports. Last spring she . wrote 'personal' letters to 13 of the pupils as well as marking their examination papers, She is anticipating an even larger correspondence this year after the program gets under way Sunday, September 15th at 12.20 a.m. on CKNX, for each year there is a growth in the total number of listeners whowrite to her .request- ing membership ' in the Anglican Sunday School of the Air,. ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs, Jim Durnin and Mr. George*McRoberts are London visitors this week. Mrs, Terrence Apland and child- ren left on Saturday by plane for their home at Crow's Landing, California after a six weeks' visit with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. B, F. Green. ' Miss Norma Murray is attending Stratford Teachers' College. Support Federation Urges WI Speaker ST, HELENS -In her opening retnarks oh the subject, "Agricui- ture and Canadian Industry;', at the W. 1, meeting on Thursday, Mrs. 0, G. Anderson, of Belgrave, the guest speaker, stated that' agriculture was the oldest indus- try known. She outlined the work Of the Federation' of Agriculture and urged the women of the In - albite to lend their support to that organization, Mrs• Anderson Was introduced by Mrs. WM, Pur- don and thanked for her fine ad -1 dress and presented With a gift by 'the president; Mrs. A, Gaunt, There were' twentytWo' ladies in attendance in ,the eommunity hall acid the roil call Was well re sponded to by naming a famous: person who was born On a farm, The treasurer repotted. $211.05 on hand, Plans were completed or the display at the Lucknow rail Pair. Mrs, Chas; INte onald ga'e a read The , Vanishing Woodpile and Mrs, Harvey Webb reada fine article on "Lite is measured by what we put into it and net by what we get out of it", A pleasant gaefalhour was Mewed with lunch served by :Mrs,.• 'Yibb i►nd Mrs"•, TW S. Toad. The '1 h1 le MitRte..-I owl( Ai ��:li�lt�lillrrl�ltl+►ilwldI i • O 'OME RI Tboroughnesa -.-' Al ihity - T;w'rna tI . U.wIIIMIil�illiirll NIlhII one 37 for. 'appointment ItililMllpliouigo;$IiJ 01011141110! 4010ouloo lowiluo it There is No Substitute for Ext erieoc . Experience: rakes us, you, best bet for speedy repairs with .top "';, quality' workzlrlai ship at lois prices made •to inakce Our work laa;t . ,c. aln&to save you "second, • guess' expenses. • See Fo:r• Sure Specialistsin Colliston<;Repairs' and Re -painting RIME,ESTIAtATES GIVEN• W`ingh Body Shop Pham 746 SId{" Adanssi`Prop.,: Wingham .o.. SER t,rE.'SOUP OFTEN ! TOMATO 'OR' VEGETABLE • C n11r SOUPS S'(1A�t'1!iOf1SI TASTY• 111tA ART.= S l►VlirG AT TIME' OF, IrtracHASE LIQUID DETERGENT GIANT :JOY' SPECIAL 1',.. 4 10 -OZ. TINS 29� 2- lbs. 55c. lac. Orr. PACK 1 7 24-0Z. TIN 7, ADDS. 'ZEST TO ,ANY MEAL 1 REAL', TOMATO .FLAVOUR SPECIAL! BOTTLE 1 I1-GZ. BO 9 •R CATStt� ONTAIiIU-No. li"1VfILD`' SE POUND45` . J( 1 GHEE >;o,Br dd or'oihtY Dia..le 4.. -PIaIf K.24:92.; ��rr JAR IC$LE , 3rJ' I. P Picnic Br*iid 13WEET M18Ep, -.1s-oda PICKLES •JAR a;25 0+ MARGARINE LB REGULAR_ Q /y� TULIP PKGr,,29 r,TUI aI.JE :th}pW40.1 .- ROLLS 2 , GOLDAdLAS r: "A X '' TIN 29c r PUSPOSE' FLOUR—FIVE- '; i' r 's'ri'' s E. x BA aO 39( JOLLY GOOD -PITTED. tiff: i :" 230' TENDER; AND SWEET!.,. AYLMER UNGRARECd e:r • its , . SPECIk t A�( '20 -OZ. TINS Y�` .SI $CVITSfATLJR E !, M ANj_ ING 'S'--• ME LL iEA LAO i CHOCOLATEMALLOMALLOWS K G. EASY. TO PREPARE;! SHIRRIFF—ASSORTED 4 -OZ. 2 P4 -KGB.. 2. INSTANT -PUDDINGS' 0 LIQUID. •C,ONCENTRATE. '1 BOTTLE.`. IO' BOTTLE 25OL J�I�iEX BLEACH •°, , • BREAKFAST•'CL1?tiWIT} ADDED PEbTIN SPECIAL 1 STRAWBERRY Ji 24:OZ. JAR 7 0 CHRISTIE'S • ^. •r• SPECIAL! ARROWROOT.' BISCUITS : •' • 12-0�• PKG• 390 290,S N ,A •ON1•.ARIO.,,No,� 1.WHI2 . ,..., ...e..._I"I;cC4 i>f_`'!<ICK;S GINffER B 'E A N'�S Vet,P' S PTC = 3RD ASSORTED =-, REGENCY .•. AYLMER—CIFOICE FRUIT CHOCOLATES g;X:.750, � 'COCKTAIL. • 4 a N ' 260 itiiN;:1�'t1A1WNc OLEANOR . 14 OZ. AJAX: •CLEANSER• . 2 for 31c rowyowR PET BETTER GET DM, H'ALLARD 5 irEEF,' GH14�KEN .or LIVER 15-0Z.0 T NS •. CHAMPION' DOG FOOD FRESHLY GROUND 1 " ' RICHMELLO COFFEE ISL$. B,� 89 RICHMELLO CREAMY ; SALAD :DPZSS1NIME 33 �l MEAT SPECIALS Smoked Cottage ROLLS . SpecialAttradtive cu -O -VAIs New Lew Price FROZEN FOOD HORSEY ORANGE 6.'6Z. TIN JUICE C for.89c,, BOOTH 2 to 3 SE1IYINGS 16 04 VIM HADDOCK = FISH & CHIPS Y 55'c' 15e refundable jug • White or Pura Cider—CANADA CHRISTIE'S CAFES--PATTTY VINEGAR GXY.LON 13 FRUIT sign 66 RICHMELLO -�. I FLAVOURS . DINT BRICK; . ICE CREAM DETERGENT -FREE SILVERWARE IN EVERY PACKAft5,'1 a. BLUE SURF GIANT P1cti/4 8'3e' i • ITS & VEGETABLES GOLIIRN YLILOW ItiPE BANANA �. 19e, ONTARIO No• 1 SMALL , • 10 I•]¢y BAii COOKING. ONIONS IONS ,Y �5c ONTARIO FANCY GRAD • • • i • • • VV W . 3• I,11• EAG V i• WEALTHY APPLES Y Y 1 i i i. Y Y. 39c MM GREEN HEADS EACH NEW CABBAGE Y•♦YY ti Y Y V' N • •, i Y • • ,. • ,��� Valuii Eilacl!tva 9ii WINGHA111C Buil! •Closing' 'li'inie Setatela1+• fiiptontinar' 14th. o•O-M1N101 $T•01 14141,11"ID